1915. SUNDAY SCHOOL GONYENTIONJ1OgMSUOiSffiSWOR " . , tx f Afnm Than Passinsr Interest. TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLANP, FEBRUARY N event that will gain the atten- event u.i . - uonoi uricimn,. v.v.. In this county 1. the MuUnomah County Sunday School Association con wention. In Centenary Methodist enure February 25 and 26. Many special re February z ana -ft. juany Buwmi ic.-t .. - .. i tares win mane me meetings; m mc r . .. . I than passing Interest. Ot importance w,u oe tie e'- the modern Sunday school to be give by a distinguished visitor. Kev. Jon II I p. tiev. iuiiii i . i r , ..h. Th. iMsion !evoted to the Graded Union of Sunday . . - - - . . 1 A School Workers will De a neipiui iwiitivni iu - of the nd- rf the convention. In this aratrierini i. ; 1 1 ka nttnA Invnlrfltifln fi.ni nd practical suggestions that will be in valuable to teachers and those plan ning to teacn. n v, iu teacn. The younsr people of today must be . - . -j .i--;-. i . ,ir-I day school must be made attractive. To hold them and keep them interested is the aim of the Graded L'nlon. Ted W. Bacon, of the First Christian Church, will have his orchestra to as sist In the convention programme. Mrs. H. H. Wrlsrht will preside at the organ and the singing will be led by Dr. J. IV. McMichael and Rev. Frank W. Gor man. Ir. McMichael is an enthusiastic leader, who met with splendid response at the recent Christian Endeavor rally at Westminster Church. Rev. .r. Gorman is a singer well known in Ore Con. The programme In full follows: Thursday afternoon session. Dr. J. Earle Else, president of Multnomah County Sun day School Association, presiding mis sion Sunday programme. Mrs. Belle Koge: ':50. appointment of committees: 3. "Our Class." Charles Wheele: J:3". einglns; 3:40. address. Dr. J. D. Sprlngslon; 4:1S, question answering period; 4:30 "Methods That Have Brought Results." Kev. Charles A. Pnlpp.: fi, announcements. Thursday night session. Dr. J. Earle Else, presiding 7:30. opening service for special clay. Kev. A. M. Williams: 8. special music by the Bacon Orchestra of First Chrlstinn Sunday school: 6:li, "Koresleams." Dr. J. Karl Else; special music by the Bacon Orchestra: :4d, nigh school credits for Bible stnndy in Sunday school, "North Da kota Plan," Mrs. M. A. Danenhower: "Our Plan." Rev. Charles A. Phlpps; "Working the Plan," (Superintendent I. R. Alderman. Friday afternoon, graded union session, Mrs. F. R. Cook, president, presiding 2:30, devotions: 2:4. missionary lesson, Mrs. E. S. Bollinger: 3, beginners' needs, Mrs. J. V. Outhrle and Mrs. F. O. Parsons: S:20. primary needs. Mrs. C. A. Morden: 3:10. junior needs. Miss O'.lve Clark; 4. demon stration, "Junior Service." Junior depart ment of First Presbyterian Suwday school. Mrs. A. B. Slauson, superintendent: 4:30. a surprise; 4:3.".. "The Book Hour," Miss Clark. Mm. W. E. Whitman. Mrs. M. B. Meachara and Mrs. A. af. Danenhower; &:35, report of secretary, departmental superlntendens and nominating committee; award of pre mlnums; conferring Robert Raikes di plomas: 1:1 . annual barujuet. Friday night session. Dr. J. Earle Else, presiding 7:30. opening service for general session. L". K. Hall: 7:K, special music; 8:00, presidents address. Dr. J. Earle Else; 8:20. "A Great Need," U. K. Hall; 8:35, special music: 8:4.1. stereoptlcon lecture on the "Modern Sunday School." Rev. John H. Matthews, Seattle, Wash.: report of com mittee on resolution: adjournment. Chairmen of committees Programme. Mrs. M. A. Dsnenhower; premiums, Mrs. C. A. Morden; prises. A. A. Morse; ushers, E. H Bulllvant: exhibits, Mrs. Will Tate: ban quet, ladles' Aid Society of Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. On Monday evening at the Atkinson Memocrial Congregational Church there will be a Sunday school "at home." The pupils of the school under the direction of W. B. Bethune. the superintendent, will exhibit the work being done in the various departments. Mrs. E. Palmer, the superintendent of the primary de partment, also will show maps and hand work which the scholars do every week. The parents and friends are in vited to attend In order that they may pet In touch with the activities of the work and see for themselves what is being done for their children. Preceding the exhibit and "at home." Herman T. Bohlman will give an illus trated lecture on "Common Birds Around Portland." Miss Margaret Jones, soprano, will be the soloist. The church is located at East Twenty-ninth and Everett streets. The public is invited. Churches to Celebrate Birth of Washington. Wemen's Society of White Temple Olve lllnnrr and Programme Tomorrow IVIght. r'EORGE WASHINGTON'S birthday I ... . . i . . , i .. .... i XJ win De ceieoraitru churches today, tomorrow and Tuesday. On Monday night the Women's Society .. .. m in i. i .1 .i .. or tne w nite jcmpic nom " 1 " 1 . . . . . , i .1 ; I and programme, .virs. iatw r is nresident of the society and Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison is chairman of the enter- I tainment committee. Immanuel Lutheran Church will cele- brate the birthday of "The Father of His Countrv" with an entertainment and exercises on Tuesday night. Charles J Schnabel will give the main address, .. . ....... ..in .1.. I Puets will be given by Henry Dahl and Rev. J. Richard Olson. The entertain- ment is unaer tne auspices wi mo auuhk People's League of the church. The members will serve reiresnments. At the "Svskon-rlngens meeting last Tuftday night in Immanuel Church, Judge O. W. Anderson and E. Halseth. treasurer and president of the church boara, were nosts to tne wiifiicsauuii. i At the last meeting of the Ladies Aid w Society of tne cnurcn tne society aeciu- u ed to purchase a piano ior me ciiuicn. Rev J. M. Snvder. ior me last six - i.j r. i . i years pastor OI rieummu riou,iu Church, preacnea nis iareweu sennon last Sunday morning. The church was filled to Its utmost capacity tne bun- lay school occupying ironi seats, wnnaiinc uuou.. - the different organizations of the will be the subject of a special lecture church were In the pews directly be-S hind tnem. in tne penou in wmcn no u l. P1liiinnt rhiirrh In a, substantial congregation and Sunday P. school have been gatnerea, a nanasome xiew church erected and a manse pur chased. Ko higher testimonial could be awarded Rev. Mr. Snyder than a com parison of the feeble little mission charge which he took In hand only a few years since and the crowd which n.nti.oii nn cgtinriav last to bid him pood-bye. The Presbyterian Church of Pendleton has called Mr. Snyder, for which city he left this week. The social service commission of the federal council of the Churches of Christ In America is co-operating with the Postal Clerk's Union in an en deavor to secure provision for old age pensions for postal employes. The movement was Indorsed by the exec utive committee of the federal council, which also Instructed the commission on the church and social service, to make a thorough Investigation regard ing the adequacy of wages paid to Government employes. The commission has sent letters to the President and to Congress urging- the moral aspects of these Interests. . The commission on temperance of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America recently held a meeting at Washington, at which plans were made for a Nation-wide temper ance campaign in which all the 30 denominations of the federal council, through their temperance committees, will unite. The commission on temp erance hope thus to widen the activi ties of the lnterchurch federation to whose work it has practically suc ceeded. At a monthly meeting of the North Pacific board of the Presbyterian Church In the church house. Eleventh and Alder streets, on Wednesday, Mrs. Jessie M. Honeyman, of La Grande ,.,,,. "Honolulu. the fpltin- Pot" Mrs. Honeyman had M ' and R interest ingly. At the current events class, which j t me t-urrcm - ,, . - i .. v, irirfit PrpRhvterlan Church mcdo - .M..kiiuF at ih close of the morning preaching " discussion ,7, ,Vrl hv V. R. Man- IJI AL oujiuaj .. , . . . ... A . i a AcanriAlM Lndr- niriK, bci.icumj v. . .. itieK. His subject will be "Social &erv- Ice Work." An opportunity is always : A UnaA n.hn DtlAllH lO T1 T T 1 II IO dress. tl wiv.riv Helchts Congregational Church. Woodward ana r,ai aumj tnurcn, vumiiv. third street, will hold a special song . T.in c.mjiv nlcht in mem- service mi. ' " " "j ory of America's most noted woman song writer, Fanny J. Crosby. "Safe In CHURCH WORKERS PROMI NENT IS THE WEEK'S ACTIVITIES. Dr. J. Earl Else, president of the Multnomah County Sunday School Association, will take an active part In the coming Sun day school convention. Rev. Benjamin Young, former pastor of the First Methodist Church, will occupy the pulpit of that church this morning and will return to Topeka, Kan., to night. Rev. Charles A. Phipps, general secretary of the Oregon State Sunday School Association, is one of the leaders in religious work in the state. Mrs. A. W. DeLong, assistant to Rev. W. B. Hinson at the White Temple, plans some of the many features that make that church attractive to young peo- PlRev E. S. Bollinger is pastor of the Highland Congregational Church and is active in all lines of missionary and Sunday school work. , Miss Jean Wolverton, proml- . in sunriav school and Chris tian Endeavor work. Is a leader in church activities ior yuunj, people. the Arms of Jesus." "Saved by Grace." ..,- Mo" ami other weli- known songs will be eung by W . F. Downing, the choir leader; Miss Nina ww i j a-MnwAB ann sIT n Hlh. iiig choir will sing some of Fanny O.y hymns. Instrumental mu.c -""" rendered by the Frazer Family Trio. Rev. A. C. Moses win spea subject. "Fanny Crosby, iiersen, Her Songs." w t . .,i,ini, rr J. H. Boyd has announced for discussion fr om ; the PUipit OI LUC i- ii . - tomorrow morning is expected to ap peal strongly to minKins u... women especially In these days of con structive religious thought. He pro poses to discuss "The Test of or no- doxy," and at nignt nis ouojv... -- The Rights of Jesus ynnsi i - Life." "Bible Healing" Is Topic at Kenilworth Church. Rev. L. K. Richardson to Give Sec ond Sermou In fieites on "Healtnt and KellKlon. . . in .U- lnnli (i ry IBLE HEALiftu win oo U discussed by Rev. u. jv. ni"---: 1 V. i,o ohvl rt h n son at mo - - . Church tonight. The church is c&ted at East Thlrty-fourtn streei anu . .,..,, This is the second In the series on "HcRlth and Religion." A large and enthusiastic ""' " the Women's Missionary Society of the Kenilworth Tresbyterian Church was . . n- i 1 ii - lie i"l n n i n IT at 1U neiu on Hcuncw.j, -c- o'clock in the morning, and continuing ... . . i .-i. : .. .Via afternoon. Mrs. until o ciuciv . D. A. Downing gave a reading and ad dresses were made by Mrs. S. o. Hedges, Mrs. E. T. Falting. Mrs. tticnaruoi. Mrs. Cleveland Holt. The dinner was serveu uy 1MB UlIlllCl , young women ei mo ....... v 1 ' Miss Gertrude Post, Miss Lydia Arnoia Miss Lily Seachrest. Miss Claire Knecht ... c. i i ri i snrhrest and Miss J? raser young women of tne cnurcn. . . 1 . Ullaa I A-niH ATUU1U. . miw i. , . ,r ..... . ;-!.. &ll M'nrn rhHrmln? I fl-flC V COS 1 1 s"-" - - - - ,,,,. j t tumes. the majority being attired In Oriental garb urgea tne orsii.."" - - slonary society, and a committee was appointed to plan the work. Mrs. l.. Jones sang a solo. The rooms were decorated beautifully. The society is one of the many live organizations or w Mrs. Edna Churchill Is president: Mrs. S. L. Hedges, se ilrs. R. D. Merchant, treasurer. - ----- mrninir n. tne vrmie - - Hinson characterizes as requisites of the perfect man the possession of ba - ance and po se. He tnto M. weakness, tne expression, ui urai'"w ir fear of circumstances. -m..i. .L-in h. n n imnartant feature. n the morning the quartet will sing special sciwuiim. "- im t 7-15 T.ncien Becker will necial selections. in tne evening, cmm...". . "itr "rr Rnlsrin's kivo a .. '. Teaching Regarding Hell will be the -uojecj lV 1 1 1 oe llltJ BUUjrxfc vi. Sunday school Is rn session at 9:50 'clock and the young people a raeeunss ire held in the lower temple at 6:16 M Dr. Luther R. Dyott to Give Series Sermon Tonight. "The Emotions and the Will" to Iff Theme of "Practical Psychology" Talk. PRACTICAL Psychology" is the reneral theme of a series of sermons which UVr. Luther. K. Dyott, pastor of the First Congregational Church, is frivlng on Sunday nights. Tonight his special theme will be "The Emotions and the Will." At the morn ing service in this church. Dr. Dyott's theme will be "The Relation of Patri otism to the Kingdom of God." Special music, both morning and evening. Tho Women's Missionary Society of the First Congregational Church held its regular monthly meeting In the par lors of the church Wednesday. After devotional exercises by Mrs. W. D. Palmer, an unusually attractive pro gramme was presented. Mrs. Flora E. Wolfenden spoke on "The Religions of the Hawaiian Islands," followed by a talk on "The Work of the Chicago Commons" by Miss Alta Blood. Miss Rae Zimmerman was the soloist. The hostesses were: Mesdames M. C. George, W. L. Johnston. W. B. Knapp. M. F. Henderson. M. Walton. G. B. Tobey. R. C. Taylor. E. A. Sessions, H. H. Northup, W. D. Palmer and J. D. Ripley. A social under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of the First Congregational Church was held In the parlors of the church Friday night En tertainment appropriate to a .Wash- A Ington birthday occasion was enjoyed k.. ii Thcce sncinls are given each .v. , ih r"hrisiian Endeavorers. but all young people, especially stran gers In tne city, sro ismou. e Rev. Sidnev L. Gulick has been elected associate secretary of the fed eral council's commision on peace ana ..hltr.tlnn TTrt will Also COntinUO tO serve as the special representative of the councils commision un i uauuiio with Japan. Sunday Church Services ASSOCIATED 1WBL.K STUDENTS. Oddfellows Hall. East Sixth and Alder .treats 1:45. Berean Bible lesson, "The Time Is at Hand"; 3, public discourse by Norman M. Lewton; topic, -salvation: rum What and to What?" Free exhibition of photo drama, "Creation"; 3. grand finale; lecture by A. A. Tcrcx; 8. pictures, drama, Part 1. . BAUAI. Bahai meeting will be conducted Sunday evening at 8 o'clock by Charles Mason Remey, of Washington. D. C, in room 08 tilers building. BAPTIST. First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor ,treets Rev. W. B. Hinson, B. U., pastor. -45 Bible school: classes tor all ases; 11. Breaching by Dr. Hinson: theme, "The Per fect Man"; B:S0. B. Y. P. 17.: 7:30. preach Ing by Dr. Hinson; theme, "Dr. Bulgln and His Teaching. About Hell." ... East Side, East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11, preaching by the pastor; theme, "What Will Your Tomorrow Be?' ; 6:.K. B. Y. P. V.: 7:.t0, preaching by the pastor: theme. "Baptism." Calvary. Fast Eighth and Grant streets Rev Walter Puff, pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11, preaching by the pastor; theme. coaverts sianainE in uhbi , K. Y. f. V.. imKi "i " " - - comin? shown: 7:-i. preacmuR d i" tor; theme, "Converts ana tne warning Proposition." Third. Knott street and Vancouver avenue I K T'' lw -i. . -a w - . III I I CHURCH AND HOME TAX TIME OF BUSY WOMAN Mrs. H. D. Chambers Finds Added Responsibility in Frequent Absence of Archdeacon, Calls of Churches and Needs of Her Children. 'I - iSsi iiiii! 1 "'S : xv rniTB KVIf.HT HOLMES. O BE the wife of the archdeacon T of. the Episcopal Church in. a lio f.in where there are great dis tances and far-away missions that keep o-nnd man away from home; to.be able to manage the affairs of the house hold and keep in touch with all the parishes; to offend none; to be friendly with all: to see good lr everything and everybody, and to be a worthy. Weal wife and mother, seems almost beyond human possibility. And yet Mrs. H. D. Rev "Webley J. Beaven. pastor. Services, 11- theme, "Joseph and Nlcodemus": 7:30, sermon by Rev. E. A. Woods, D D : theme "The Closet and the Battle Field"; other services as usual. . ' Grace, Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. preach- lnArtt'iaRev7W T. S. Sprtggs. pastor. 0:45, Sunday schol; 11 and 7:30, preaching; 6'Eas?Forty-flfth Street Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. 0:43, Sunday school; services, 11 and 7:30: B. Y. P. U-, 6:30. Lnts Rev. J. M. Kelson, pastor. IO. Sunday school: 11, preaching by the pastor, 6:30, B. Y. P. U.; 7:80, preaching by the PaHlgnIand, Alberta and East Sixth streets Xortli 0:45. Sunday school; 11 and 7:80. preaching-by Rev. Charles F. Mleir; 6.30, B'E7moPHelghts,' Lents Sunday school, 2:30 Tabs'niacle, East Forty-second street and Forty-fifth avenue Rev. J. Clark Tibbits pastor. . 10, Sunday school; it, preaching Dy tbItaUanMission. East Eighteenth and Tib betts ctreets Rev. Francesco Sannells, pas tor 10, Sunday school; 11. preaching services- 7 pastor's circle (prayer service); 8, preaching service; 10:30. short sermon for English-speaking people; 7:30. Prfacn'nv0. St. Johns Rev. E. P- Borden, pastor. Services. 11 and 8. Swedish, Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev F Linden, pastor. Preaching. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12 noon; B. Y. P. University Park Rev. A. C. Saxton, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; 11. preaching by the pastor: 6:.W, B. Y. P. U.; 7:30. preach ing by the pastor. Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:30. B Moun' Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 and 8: Sunday school. 12:30. RuBsellvllle schoolhouse, under ausplcos or Grace Church. Montavilla Sunday school. ''Chinese Mission, 33$ Burnside street Sun day school. 7; J. G. Malone, superintendent. First Gorman. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt. pastor. Services, 11 and 7:80; Sunday school, 0:43. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave. 1 nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. Chambers, wife of the archdeacon of this diocese, nas sccgiinuou.'w bit of this. . Perhaps it is that she has naturally a sunny disposition, or. perhaps it is that she is a philosopher; but at any rate. Mrs. Chambers has succeeded in getting great joy out of living by do ing the regular tasks that some women regard as humdrum. Like the travel ing salesman or the sailor, an arch deacon must be away from home much of the time and the responsibility for managing9 the household, for looking 1 b rri--'kftiti iBiT-v"rVfii.. tl and 7:80: Sunday school, 10; B. T. P. V; 8:30. CATHOLIC. . n. ... i .. i nharti mi refit b0 tween Glenn avenue and East Thirty-third street Catecnism classes oi'".i" low mass Sunday morning at 8 and ain mass at lo:su; rowry uu.. Holy Cross. University Park Rev. C. K. Flnner. Low mass. 8:30; high mass an'i sermon. 10:30; vespers and benediction, 8. St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill . i. ch... T.rnv muss. 8:30; streets lesuii , high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespera and benediction, i . , .. u.-t XTorv Williams ave . c,niAn .rrMl Rav. w a. Daly. uui uu m"'!."- --. Low mass. 6, 8 ana u; nign mass aim Ultiii, iv.w, " ' - St. Francis', East Twelfth street between .... i ... l. R-v P'olh..r Illack. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon. 10:30; ves pers, uwirugnuu . -, - Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackamas flirecis ci j - j - mass. 6 7, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon. 1; vespers ana uBiieuiguvu, . v.. first Sunday of the month rosary proces sion, sermon and benediction, 7:30; third a.mov ermon. procession or the most ery Thursday evening, holy hour from 7:80 Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Williams avenue ui:uciiiliii...o. . ... . i'Koni.tDii nttntor. T.ow mass (ICV. (JBCipil A, ' 1" , 1 . 6 and 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; bene- Q.1 CllU lis t . 4vr, f Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta ,ii Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon 10; veapers, in struction aiiu id". ' St. Lawrence's, Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. tl. nusiiw. v. hIgh mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers, in struction and benediction. 7:30. " ... Trifrv-thlrri and Alameda Rev -'.n,,. V Maher. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers. Instruction i . . i ... ..... i. rtn Kt mare's (Franciscan Fathers). Capitol Tim t?ov Canlstran. o. F. M. Low mass, ...fi. v. i mass ftnrl ltenedlction. 0:13. St' Mary's Pro-Cathedrai, Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and ii; nign mass ana ser. mon, 11; vespers, instruction and benedic tion, 7:45. . CHRISTLVN. First, Park and Columbia streets Rev after the education and training of the children . fall almost entirely on the wife and mother. . . . Arcnaeacon unrn ja.v. I've often had to be mother and fattier hnth." said Mrs. Chambers, "and sometimes it has been a problem. My husband does love his home and for a man of his disposition it is a sacri fice to be away. When he gets in from a long trip we are all so happy. He's just like a big boy. Our daugh ters always iooh iuiwai-u w 'father's home-coming as a gala event." Mrs. Chambers lias oeciueu taiem mueiMan nnd her two daughters. Myla and Inez, have inherited her abil i... Th. uM(.r nlnvfi thA Tiia.no beau tifully and the younger Is a clever vio, linist. They are both students at St. H.un'9 HalL in the senior and academic departments, respectively. The arcnaeacon s wne says sno ion i like the ordinary clergyman's better- half, because sne reaiiy uoesn t uu half the fine things that the others do." No. she, doesn't feel that she belongs l .. . narlnh- cahe however, be longs to them all. Fancy belonging to scores or cnurcnes. w nen mero m bazaar In any part or the state tne n.lf. rtf r Vi a archdAaenn is liable to be called upon to contribute a hand-made kerchief or embroidered, guest towei. She has friends in every part of Ore gon, the western part, in particular, and she can't refuse to do her little part. Missions Interest Most. Then there are the auxiliaries. These are the missionary societies of the church, and they are of especial inter est to Mrs. Chambers. Missions are her bobby. To help make the lives or uie men and women in the remote dis h.nniai. o .1 t n ctIva thflm some thing interesting in their everyday ex istence IS an inspiration ior iuh worn. Mrs. Chambers does along misisonary lines. For IS years the Rev. H. D. Cham bers and his , family have resided in Portland. For the first two years theirs was the parish work In the Church of the Good Shepherd, and then came the appointment from Bishop Morris that made the Rev. Mr. Chambers an arch deacon. Prior to ther coming to Oregon the family resided In Albert Lea, Minn., and before that they lived Ir. Grand Rap ids, Mich., where Mrs. Chamber's girl hood was spent and where, as Florence Kiefer, she was one of the most popu lar girls of her set. She had just started out to bo a successful school teacher when the clergyman came along and interrupted the career she had mapped out. When Archdeacon Chambers went to Chicago recently to attend the conse cration of Bishop Sumner, he stopped on his way home to visit relatives in Michigan, and his wife says It made her homesick for her girlhood friends, but she doesn't sigh and pine for Mich igan, not a bit of It. Mrs. Chambers is an enthusiastic booster for Oregon. . - a- nihin acnooi preaching, it amj :. "j :.;ji.rV in of McMlnavlIle; tonaa. ""'i nl.,,;,h Central. East rairoun . - -- .tSSIi-Blbl. school. 10: Chr !.- Ln deavor. 8:30; morning worship 11. services, 7:30, conauciea Dy r.o. . ... son. . . MontaWIIa, East Seventy-slxtn m '; .treets Rev. J. Carlos Preaching. 11 and 7:30; Sunday ol. 0. Junior Christian Endeavor, 8; senior Chris tian Endeavor, :SO: midweek prayer meet ing Thursday at :- ,,,, Rodne-y-Avenue. Rodney avenue and Knott 7 ; .rn.rr-.tP. Results of cnrisiiannj , , , - deavor 6:30; evening. i:". Z'.: sermon subject, "Why Become a Christian?" .w - ...h,-., Woodlawn, inst oe"' .treets Rev. W. L Mining", Bmie school. 9:43; morning h'P. . Christian Endeavor, 6:30: evening service 7::X ... .1 nrtwantMrfft Vernon. East FUteentn " , -Rev. A. J. Melton, minister. II H.l ' "cn""1; ill; mornuiK , T.ft deavor. 0:S0; evening Ices, J .MJ. Kern ParK. mu-'" '- Tihhs ing w..rshlp. U : Christian Endeavor, 0.30. evunKPlis'lc services, 7:30. CHRISTLtN S( IE11 . i. . . Trtvhtennth and AiMi 11 end .ab- "nd Tweedar evening meeting at 8. u..iv Second. East Sixth "treei . "' avenue Services ii -nd son sermon. '.Mind. - i-unouy - Services 11 and 8: subject of lesson sermon . Mind." Sunday scnooi Wednesday evenlns meeting at H. Fourth. Vancouver avenue and K"""" .,reetServlces 11 ana ; ui.jr i sermon. "Mind." Sunday school. IMS and 11; Wednesday evening ,, Fifth, Myrtle I'ark station services II A M subject of lesson sermon. M.n 1. Sunday school. :30; Wednesday evenly meeting at 8. CHRIST AIEI.rilIAN9. West Portland Ecclesls, S54 Montgomery etreet 10:".0 Sunday. 7:15 Thursday. -I East Washington. CHT7BCH OF NAZAKLNE. First, Kast Seventh and Coucti ' ""''J" Rev. C. Howard Davis fas or c fjr .klU.i. nt II Sfrill"" - consecration service, 7:30. CHRISTIAN YOG A. Yora Center, Ablngton buildlng-nev. F. O. Harrison, pastor ":" . '. for 11, "A Godly auui. . o. Life-" CHRISTIAN bl'lKITV'ALlSTS. First. Kst Seventh and Il.ssalo 'f"' Rev Frederick M. Stoller. P"'- J; i 11 and 7;t; communion service. morning "tie "I. the Messiah om.t . Sve"!. topic. "Th Unknown Ood. COXCUEGATIONAL. First Park and Madison l1r'j;u rractlral Psychology. Thrly. Uunnyslde, Last 1 ayior a na second -Rev,' :aST.y school, tor 6ervlces. 11 and . ; lT; Junior Christian V.pVr.rfh.C f'on .n . U V.oryPo, l.ove." and T . PM c' a Withered Hand." mLprof. Wm . Proctor, f' MInd nKei"';..." lu.Tr.".ed with fflfi "corVd'inae.. Mr. Stevenson w... WaVeelg.1 avenue worship. 11; Young reop . --j, ; evening worsnip, ''"'-'-,. -i. tli oay school; 11. JlaR. .;'. 7:30. "A Manhood of lw; Thorn- A M. anil Christian Kndeavor at 6: JO P. M Ardenwald-The rl!; onU:.Kor: Thomas, will preach at . .0 I . J I. on saklns God." Sunday school at 10 A. M. ano rK'h' a'nd'presctt. Rev. E S Bo" Infer, pastor 10. Sunday school; Rr.x Pp7.'rer-lvhatA-,sMKar' "The Meaning of God." KPISt'OPAL. st-t5j. rfroi'-rect! it; :4o. 6un. "" - ,:30 .vensong oly eucnarlst and sermon. . . 8U land "WV holy eucnarlst dre'13- . ..... ,.i. r M. Baum. "'" ' 11 7-Si): Sunday vicar. Regular ser.. school. 10: third Sunday at ..30. holy com union. . , e-.im a tension Chapel. Nineteenth and Sprin g strefcts Hev. Harr G. Lee, priest In cnargn. H-o"omntu.ou. 7:; Sunday Pro-Catheiirai oi 1. """""-", V. H Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Hev. H. lnlr'e .. j- univ communion. 7:46; SundaTschoo. 10 'morning service, 11: .erv fee for colored people, 3; evening service. 7:43. . . St. Matthew's, Bancroft ana VQr" "t, ' ;,. Rev. W. A. 11. nreca, school. 10: service ana senium. sen. , .uir smlMh avenne and .-.r."rC" . ,r ( southeast ( Wood.tock)- Rev. K. II. Clark, vicar. Services 8 and 11 and 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett atreete Rev ir A. A. Morrison, rector. Service". Kev. ir. . . .... nood Fel- f'..:.Ki HnAletv narlsh-house. Nineteenth -ttDL.v..rrL'a.,t Tw.Ttth and Belmont OV" wr T TalhAl raftflr. 7 HO. f.ro" "if holy euchanst; :, Sunday school; 11. morning in-" 4:30. evening prayer. ..,, . , c ui.ri.al and All Angels Broadway and East Forty-third street North ReV T. JT . rowrn, ----- - - and Bible claw. 10; raoniln "rvlej and ...... ... ... 11. ho v communiuii. mo . 11 ; tnira eww.i.. . . Grace Memorial, vtenuer uu . teenth streets North Rev. George B. an waters, rector: Rev. Oswald W Taylor, vl rar Holy communion, 8. excepting on first Sunday In the month; morning prayer mnS sermon. 11: Sunday school, 10. No av.nlng sermon. AH Paints', Twenty-fifth and Savler streets Sunday school. 10: morning prayer and sermon. 11; celebration of the holy com munion the lirst sunoay in in. ino...ii ... and tne tnira .-uuuj Cood Shepherd. Oraliam street and Van couver avenue Rev. John Dawson rector. Sunday achooU :': mornm i-an evening a- ' n St Paul's. Woodmere Rev. Oswald w. Taylor vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday of month. 8; evening prayer and sermon, 4. except the first Hunuay or mourn. . " .ii. .. .ui. k.. .lnhn r Rice Est. jonn s, " 1 ' - " " - . " vicar. Prayer. 8; holy communion, fc:o. first Sunday ot mnnui. ... . . - . ciiutnrul Ttev John O. Klee, vicar. 8, holy communion, except on first Sunday of montn; 10, ounu.j ... morning prayer; 7:30. evening prayer; holy communion nri . Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, flood . . .... i. .. .. r.,....i..;. v Unw. Samaritan Hospital .v. i . ard, chaplain.- Holy communion, 7; vesper. ITtEE METHODIST. R.Tst Flfty-flfth and Flanders streets Rev. John G. Hessler, pastor. Sun day school, 10; preaching, 11: young pec,, pie's meeting, 6:30; preaching. 7::'.0; mid week praver meeting at the church Thurs day at 7:30; class meeting Tuesday night. LCTHERAX. St. James' English, West Park and Jef 1..... T .I:cn l.ni H 11. lerson streeiB. ... . . - --- nastor Services. 11 and 8; morning suhjec : K-rh w.i to Jerusalem' ; evenlnn suliject: "Is the World Growing Better?" Sunday school. 10: l.uther League. 7. Portland Norwegian. 43 Fourteenth str-et North Rev. Pitman Larsen. paJitoi Service- 11 and 7:4.1: Sunday school. 10. Bethany Punish, I'nion avenue North am. Morris street. Lev. .M. C. Jcnscn-Hnsjinln,. pastor Services, 11 and (t; Sundny school and Bible class, 10; Voung People's mcoi- S. M. Conner, p.w.. ;-. . Ing, Tuesday at i: Lentan sermon, Thurs day at s. German Evangelical 7An ftlorl IrjrTi od), Salmon and Chapman atreula. Rev. II. H. Koppeimann, pastor Ientn stervlees, 10:10 and 7:46, Sunday school. :!. St. Paul's German. Fast Twelfth and Cltn fnf, afrwuli Rv A tltrauss. nastor German and English Sunday school. W.X0: confes sion, iq; aemce ana ttoiy wiinmgiim. 10:30: Rngllsh services. 7:30; LehUn serv ice. Wednesday at B. Trinity German Mission fvnod. Wllllsme and Graham avenues. Rev. J. A. Illmharh. pastor Services. 10:10; Sunday school. Ii. MET1IODIST KPISCXPAI First. Twelfth and Taylor rimns-Prsok L. Lovcland. 1). D., mlnl.ler. 1U:30, sermon by Dr. Benjamin Toung; IS IS. eunrtay School; :i:. Kpworlh League; T JO. Sermon subject. "The value and l"ertl of Consclen tlousness," by Dr. l.oveiand. Centenary, East Ninth and Pine streets Rev. T. W. Lane, minister. Sunday school. B:4.V morning womhlp. 11. Mr. Jowp'i Colin, son of an es-Kubbl. will speak .if "How a Jew Found Chrtst. anil What Fnt -lowed." Class meeting 12:11. William Tru-. lea.ler; Kpworth League, .sn: evening wo. ship. 7:30; sermon, thtme, "Clinging to 1 1 Cross." Mount Tabor, East Stark and Sltv-fir"t streets K. Olln Liurldae. pastor. I'rea.li Inf, 11 and 7:30, subjects: "Hlvlna Light. "A Convert's T-stlmony": Hiinilsy ttiiot. Including adu'.t inula classes. :.'.; F.pwori.i League. 6:1.1; mid-week prayer and praise meeting a-rvtce. Thursday at 7:40. Roso City Park. Sandy Houlevard and East Fifty-ninth street North, on tha Ala meda lie v. William Wallace VminiMn, minister. :41, Sunday srhoot; 11. "Tha Spirit cf I'nlversal L.ov"; SO, Toung People's meeting: 7 .JO. an evening of aior and song la memory of Fanny J. Croshy. Woodlawn, Kast Tnth and Hlshianil streets, Kev. Lewis Thomaa. pastor mm -day school, 10; Kpworth League. 7; jv Ices. 11 and 7:4; themes. "The Marks of the Christian," and "Kallnr of I he Tree ot Lite": prayer service, Thursday evening. Central, Vancouver avenue and Karsa street Itev. C. C. Rarlrk. paator. Fundav school. :4.1; morning sermon. "Ye Are Not VA.ir Own." 11; class mealing. 12:1; a.a worth League. :1.1: evening sermon. "Jtir Countrj." 1:0; mid-week imks, Tliurs day at 7:41. Trinity. Kast Tenth and Sherman streaia- -Rev. A. It. Calder. paalnr. Sundar choo'. 10; Kpworth League. 30; II. "Spiritual Power and Its Advocate;" 1:30. "saved to Serve." Sunnyside. Kast Yamhill and Thlrtvffth atresia. It. Klmer smith, pastor Kund.v school, :i0 A. M : preaching hr lh pastor. 11 A. M.; Kpworth League. Hit M.. re vival aarvlce. 7:S H. M. Oregon Ctiy t.'hurch Swedish servh-a will be held at 3 P. M. by the liev. John t'vall. lltle. "True llapplnesa." All hi anrtlnavlans are Invited to attend. MKTIiODI-aT :I'IH Or.1. MOt TM. First Rev. Irfivlok Tlerca Law, rt"r. Sunday s ho.il. IO; praachlng. II, n.lct, "t'liarjred to I'm": evening. 7 :o, aMe-. "Klnjtium of tiod" ; Kpworih League, 4A. SEW Til Ol OUT. New Tlonght Tempi of Truth, Kile'" bull ling. 1IJ llroadway Rev. Vtrv .loaeph llreen, minister. I.crturci at 11 and; auh Jtit. "Opening the Uaies of Reall.atl"n. or Heaven"; Truth -hnol. 10; young people a meeting. ' T; ut'Je..t, 'The tinier of M'l clileedek." new hi Hi ii sk itrr. Knlrhta of Vvtlilai Hall. Eleventh an. I AMer atreela Sermon. II: uhj'-l. "Rich In Spring"." conducted by Mr. Ilarber, reader, PKEMIITEMMN. First. Twelfth and Alder street Rev. John 11. tioyl. pi.tor. Preaching aervlcea, o:lo mid 7::io; Suminy sthool, 1 noon. Christian Kndeavor, l:ao. Spokane-Avenue, Eat Sitenth and Fp kan avenue Rev. J. K. Youel, paamr. ser mon, at 11. "A Herltase of Health and De velopment for the American Child"; Men's assembly, r-':1.1. "Child Lahor anil th l alm-rr-Owen Tltll" : sermon at 7. 30; "Jeua Wrestling With th Terrible Burden of Main. Westminster Kev. Henry Marrott. P tor Preaching, in:.",0; subject. "What Think Ye of Christ?" Kvenlng at ::I0. "htandaros of Value." Third. MIS Fsst Pine street, llev. A. I- Hutchison. I. !., pastor 10. .in. th pastor a ill rospoini m ina,ij ... -- In a recent srition on "Knowing the Scriptures": 7:4.1. Mr Jnaeph Cuhn. "n of a converted Jewisu Ituoin. win ornrr in. unique mowaage relating lo the Jaws, end Christian lulaalons among thcni. Fourth, First and tilblia sirssls. Rev. Hen ry !. Hanson, pastor l::w. Heart nei- gion"- 12, Sunday avliool; .1. .iiinmrs; Christian Kmleavor; 7:110, "Th Power of All Ideal." Anabel, Rev. A. L. Tails, pastor Morn ing sermon, 11. subject: "Tuherculoals of the soul": evening sermon. 7 :;to, aulijrt: "Panorama Through a Hole." lcone Cltv Park Kev. .1. M . Skinner. p tor. Morning worship. 11: Siin'lsv arliool. 0:1.1: Junior christian Kndeavor n::;0; Senior Christian Endeavor, ::i(l; evening service, morning suhjec!, "The tilft of h Holy Ghost"; evening subject, "I npnpular Men": prayer and conference Thursday even ing at - ..'.0. Kenilworth. Knst Thirty-fourth sn-1 Olad atona strei-ts. Rev. Lealle Kirk Richardson, pastor Bible hoot. M:4.1 A. l ; morning worship. It A. M.. "the Prayer That Never Comes Back"; T. P. S. C. A.. 0:4.1, leader A. ,1. Conger; evening worship. 7:4.1, "Christian Science and Bllilo Healing" Koae City Park, Rev. J. M. Skinner. p tr Sunday school. :4J A. M : morning worship. 11 o'clock, topic. "Th Olft of the Holv Spirit"; Junior c. K., SO; Senior . K ':ao; evening worship. J:30, topic, "Un popular Men." REPORMEI. First cerman. Twelfth and clay streeta Rev. O. Hafner. pastor. Services. HI ii and ; Sunday slIiooI, 1::10; Y. P. I. I. RAI.VATIOX AMV. Adjutant Nora Hudspeth, matron of th Salvation Army Rescue. Home, will conduct tho Sunday evening service at th Armv hall. 243 Ash slreet. Corps No. I songsters brigade will render a special selection. SriRITl'AlJaT. First. Allskv building. Third and son street Lectur and maga at by M. A. congdon: lectur and maie by Althea Vlesendangr. Spiritual Church f lh Mnul. Auditorium Hall. 2t' Third atre.1 R.v. J. H. Luo.s. acting paator. Morning a-rvlc, 11; me diums' tost mooting. 3; lectur. on leote Washington, i. lnEn.,ALIT. Church of th i"od Tldlni t" nmaw'r and K.st Twenty-fourth .tr-M-llev D James D. Corby, paator. n,orhlp. with mon. 10:411; Ihemi. "I. Thl a Oood World T unahln. hour Sunday chooL 17 nn. No "I'l'i'nJed.u'n'd.y school. Pr-.t and r... Twenty-hfth stre.t. Service. t . n'hl class taught by Dr. Corby. ITvlTARIAX. Church of Our rather, "roy' T.mhlll .treet-Rav. Th.ira. U Kltot D. D., minlst-r .merltus: Rev. Wl llarn a. Knot, jr' minister. Services. It and 7:4... mora Ing topic. "Men and Wom.n"; "" " inrprVt.t.on of O,. P'.Jr " ,.:;.: rTsund'.y' "".."v.aoT Yoan, reop.e Fraternity. 0:S0. :NITKI BRETHREN. First Fast Morrison and Fifteenth afreet--n " John D. NIe.on.ler. pa.tor. Ci.i.rch i-V to to HOC: Christian Lndes.ot. 6-:;0; 7:5. -A-h Changing Order .nd the Conatanls of History." INITEH rREDVTERIAN. l-'irat ftUth snd Montgomery streeiA, -Rev Frank I.-Wut Plndley. mlnl.ie. Voting worship. 10::.; ..rmon topic He iner. To lh Truth;" Rlbl. .chol 1-' ChHstUn Kndeavor. :H0. topic. "F.ew1.. LrlPture." leader. Mis. Lillian Hlev.n-.n; etening service,. 7:0. .ermon topic: "Me.: 'fhurchfPr.rsV;r,.'ngern.v. K.ri 1... l nuri n i ,.3 "Wrier Heaven and Er' h Touched"1; 7 :U0. "Do You Know J.su. Aa a Friend?" MIM-ELLAN EOl S. Th-n.oohleal ocletv. 72'1 VorgMl bulld- foe . "Th Human Aura. Visit OUR CHUECH AKD STTNDAT SCHOOL DEPARTMEITT BOOKS, BIBLES. TESTAMENTS MAPS. BUTTONS, CARDS CERTIFICATES. ETC. TUir-D AND ALDER STREETS j f