4 " THE SUNDAY OKEGOXTAX. PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 21, 1915. I ' , - - . , - - . -Ill Cont!nud From Page 3.) to Kansas City, Kan, and were mar ried. The 25th anniversary of this mar riage was happily celebrated at the home of Rev. and Mrs. R. II. Sawyer last night in the presence of 130 mein bers of the Christian Church . and friends from Vancouver and Portland. The Sawyer home was artistically dec orated with lilacs, representing laven der and old lace, and cut flowers. As Miss Verda Smith played the wed dintr march from "LohenBnn" the bridal party descended the old-fashioned staircase. First came Rev. A. D. SkasBs, past 70 years old, on whose - arm leaned little Park Sawyer, bearing the wedding ring. Mrs. Edwin Beck with, of Portland, a sister of Mrs. Saw: yer, was matron of honor, carrying a large bouquet of carnations and roses. The bridesmaids. Misses Lillian Good night. Ethel Smith, Beverly Sharp. Ona KniRht, Ura Reynolds and Grata Smith, carried bouquets of tulips. Miss Jessie Lynne Sawyer attended her mother and Harold Sawyer attend ed his father, and the bridal couple slowly passed through the lines formed by the bridesmaids on either side. The bride wore her weding dress of 25 yeurs ago. with a bridal veil, ana carried larse bouquet of pure white carnation Under soft lavender light, which cas a soft plow over the principals. Rev. Mr. SkagRs had the couple place upo each other's fingers rings symbolic of their vows of 25 years ago. Miss Beverly Sharp sang "May Morn Ing" and George Uannals "Because. Mrs. K. I. Crawford, of Portland, san "Happy Kay" and "Annie Laurie." Following the shower of congratula tions, refreshments were served in the dining-room, which was decorated in hearts. Many silver gifts were pre rented. Including a silver electric cof fee percolator, with sugar and creamer, from the congregation of the Christian Church. The ring given to Mr. Sawye by his wife is a family heirloom. The breastpin she wore in her wedding gown was worn by Mr. Sawyer's mother at her marriage. The 47th wedding anniversary of Jlr. and Mrs. A, D. Barker was cele brated at their home. 250 East Fifty third street. Tueday. Thev were married February 18, 1868 In Van Buren County, Iowa, locating In Aloany. Or., the following year. The house was decorated with Uprlng flowers and ferns. The couple were the recepients of many flowers A large bowl of red tulips centered the long dining table, where an elaborate dinner was served to 4a friends and members of the regree of Honor of the city lodges. Mr. and Mrs. Barker are charter members of Greenleaf Lodge, of Albany, Or. After dinner the guests joined In singing old-time songs. Mrs. Carrie Holman. of Salem, was an honor guest. Mr. and MrsT Gilchrist, the host and hostess, were assisted by Mrs. B. J. Barker and Mrs. Sarah Moore. The following were present: Mesdames Cora Boulanger, Elizabeth running, Ella L. Lovejoy, Anna Man ning. Dora Twigger. Millie Pugh. Car rie Holman, Margaret Hooker, Rekka Trites, Mary E. Taylor, Caroline Koer- ber. Caroline Beck. Fidelia 1. Mann, Cynthia Crider, Ray Holman, Margaret Becker, Sarah K. Moore, Anna Lucey, Olive Roper, Frances M. Campe, Wil htlmina Hoffman, Ida Bosier, Iona Shryock, Sara J. Wagner, Rose Merri- mnn. Mary L. Coleman, Claudia E. Lawrence, L. A. Flowers. Laura L. Clarke. Helen Z. Evans. J. U. Gray. Mary Cooke; Emma Wingert. Margaret Lewis. B. J. Barker. Carrie Bryson Mattte Griffith. Pearl E. Young, Pearl Hughes and Ollle F. Stephens. At the home of Mrs. E. P. Preble, 875 Kast Twenty-ninth street North, the women of the Alameda Park Club gave tiifir most elaborate party of the pre lenten season on Tuesday evening. Dinner was served at 8 o'clock, cov ers being laid for 40. In the enter tainment, which followed, each guest contributed his quota and the result was amusing and most original. The color scheme of the decorations, carried out in pink hearts of graduated sizes, tulle, blossoms and greenery, was charming. This effect was enhanced by the costumes of the women, all repre senting pink Valentines, the beauti fully decorated tables and the soft light from pink-shaded candles. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M'illiam Beihtold. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fuller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Oakleaf. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Por ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Preble. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1). Roberts. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rcid. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Sharpe, Mrs. Charles See- berger. Dr. and Mrs. Eneidas K. Scott. Rev. and Mrs. Oswald W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Varney, Mrs. Cath arine Westaway and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Wilson. . Of interest in society circles was the large auction bridge party given Of'CHI'OMKGA FRATERNITY WHO WILL ENTERTAIN WITH SILVER TEA H. E. Hobbs in East Irvington by Hie Merry Owls' Club Saturday night. The decorations, consisting of pussy wil lows, hearts and cupids, were inter mingled with an abundance of red car nations, tulips and daffodils. There were many pretty baskets filled with good things to eat by the women and were auctioned off to the highest bid der among the gentlemen. The money obtained from the sales will be used by the club to defray expenses of an outing this. Spring. Mrs. Hobbs, assist ed by Mesdames Huson and Nordstrom, served coffee at a prettily decorated table. Dancing and a musical pro gramme made the occasion a most en joyable one. KillinQryJpku Styles to Suit the Most Original and Critical Tastes Exclusiveness and distinctiveness are both pictured in our Spring Creations and best of all, our hats tell a tale, of fair merchandising and low prices We think you could find no prettier hats in America It will be a pleasure to show you about, par ticularly so tomorrow a4 We Wonder Millinery . M w Mrs. V. M. C. Silva entertained at her home in Rose City Park at a Val entine party Saturday afternoon In honor nf Hffe xr r -tx7h;l,r nf Fairbanks. Alaska who is spending' the Mrs' Theodore Senn. winter in Catherine Senn, Francis Jacobberger, Vincent Jacobberger, Clement Alstock. Malcolm McLean. George Mayo, Willie Brooks and Carl Senn. Games were played and Master Carl Senn rendered a number of violin se lections. He is a student at the Co lumbia University and is well known to the musical people of Portland as a violinist. Refreshments were served Saturday from 2 to 5 at the pretty home of Mrs. E. Kenneth Stanton at Gladstone, on the banks of the pic turesque Clackamas River. Mrs. Stanton was assisted by her aunt. Miss Maud Anderson, and Mrs. J. H. Stanton, mother of Mr. Stanton, The rooms were decked with red carnations and ferns In huge brass bowls. Oregon grape and pussy wil lows formed a part of the decorations. Card honors fell to Miss Helen Dalton, Mrs. Stanton's guests were: Mes dames L. E; Jones, H. E. Hendry, Livy supp. c. H. Meisner. B. T. McBain. 1. S. Mount, W. R. Logus. E. P. Rands W. H. Tipton. W. E. Pratt. L. L. Porter, L. L. Pickens. Theodore Osmond, E. Dalton. W. R. Money. F. J. Nielson, George A. Harding, IT" H. Stanton and Misses Nieta Harding. Fannie G. Por ter, Kate L Porter. Bessie Dalton, Ci Barclay Pratt. Maude Anderson. Merle Keck, Helen Dalton. Eleanor Brodie, Hester Dannemann and Margaret Niel son. Mrs. F. E. Disbrow entertained the members of the "U-re-ka" 500 Club and friends at her home Saturday evening with a valentine party. After the game Mrs. J. C. Johnson gave recitations, after which a buffet supper was served. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. C. Thorpe, Mrs. W. A. Gill. Ovide Boon. J. H. Boon, and the consolation prize was won by Octave Boon. Singing was also a part of the programme. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Iliff, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kroll, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Povey,' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boon. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Thomas, Mrs. W. A. Gill. Mrs. B. F. Pad rick, Mrs. Louise Williams, Miss Edith Woodman, Miss Ada Taylor. Miss Myrtle Thorpe, of Calgary, Canada the Misses Hazel and Ethel O'Brien, Misses Pearl and Alice Williams. Miss Hazel McKlroy. Miss Vivian Boon. Miss Francis Johnson, Messrs. Ovide and Octave Boon. Miss Lillian and Master Harry Thorpe and host and hostess. The "Poluchla Kuhla Kuhla Klub' entertained with the most delightful party of its series on Saturday night at tne nome or Miss Gertrude Kelly. 501 Wygant street. The rooms were decorated artistically with red ribbons. hearts and Cupids. The games also were, in keeping with the spirit of St. Valentine. Prizes for highest scores were awarded to Beth Connor and Frank Urabler. while the consolation prize was given to Ralph Grabler. A dainty luncheon was served, after wnicn dancing and music were enjoyed by the guests until a late hour. Those present were the Mesdames S. P. Stew art, s. A. McAllister and F. J. Kelly, the Misses Clarris Churchill. Thelma Gibson. Susie, Nail, Gertrude Kelly, Fay x-rice, uoiaa vvuson, ray Landingham na uem uonnor, the Messrs. Dr. Mor rison, Frank Grabler, Thomas Cos grove. Everett Knox. Howard Cook. Wendell Holmes. Early Axlev. Ralnh Grabler. S. P. Stewart. S. A. McAllister and F. J. Kelly. One of the dances of the given Friday at Cotillion Hall. most enjoyable social season was the "hOD" It was an elaborate Valentine's party, with hundreds of hearts and streamers forming the decoration. A large crowd enjoyed the new feature, the throwing of serpentine and confetti. The committee on interschool "hops" announces its next party as an elabor ate Easter party on April. Many plans of novelty, similar to other parties, al ready are being planned.' The com mittee that planned the dance includes the Misses Corrine Kellogg, Virginia Brown, Bertha van Dermeer. Marion Hoban, Alice Campbell, Helen Bracht, Marie Beach, Edna Holcomb, Luclle Dudley, and Eugene Belland, Layman Bonney, Lee Waldron, Carl Caesar, Roland Manary, James Cameron, Ray Stub, Robert Malarkey, and Cameron Belland. The Blake McFall Society of Applied Psycology gave a dinner at The Hill, Twenty-third and Washington streets. Monday night. The following officers and members were present: President, O. W. Mielke; vice-president. General Manager Blake, McFall and Company; vice-president. F. C. Wasserman, secretary and trea surer, Blake, McFall company: secre tary, A. C. Wright; treasurer, D. M. Fawcett; Clinton L. Shorno, Arthur D. Hosfeldt. T. J. Canavan. J. C. Cormack, W. L. Walsh. Bruce Holingsworth, C. C. Johnson, T. S. Nisbet, Earl R, Fiske, R. S. Searle, F. A. Gotthardt, W. E. Barber, J. F. Bell, H. P. McCullough, H. J. Johns. F. Crowther, R. L. Carson, R. R. Vinson, W. F. Gotthardt. Willis Hembree, F. Dunham, D. Yateman -and Kenneth O'Loane. An elaborate valentine party was given last Friday night by the Triads, their clubrdoms presenting a gala ap pearance for the occasion, being most attractively adorned with hundreds of red hearts festooned across the room, Cupids and great bunches of .pussy wil lows. The evening was passed dancing the latest dances, after which a supper was served, the tables being prettily and appropriately decorated for the occasion. The committee in charge was: Ruth Brady, Catherine Fralney, Anita Geisness, Fay Kandle, May Thayer and Isabelle Murphy. Mrs. B. Davis and Mrs. E. McOmber acted as patronesses. About 75 young people participated in the club's hospitality. Portland. The house was profusely decorated with jonquils and tulips. Hearts and' jonquils predom inated in the living and dining-room. Old-fashioned games were played. The prizes were won by Mrs. Aronson and Mrs. Thomas. Among those present were: Mrs. A. D. Walker, Mrs. M. B. Dunn. Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Marion Meacham, Mrs. J. C. Reed, Mrs. R. Aronson, Mrs. James Meacham, Mrs. H. H. Duff, Mrs. Miss Edna Schanen entertained a merrv party of young folk at her home on Lincoln street Tuesday night. Her guests were: Miss Thelma Blair. Miss Mary Stanton, Mrs. J. Banzer, Mrs. v. Wilson. Miss Agnes Senn. uiu enea. Ray Leonard. Henry Bauer. John Hig gins,. Jack Stanton, John Dwyer and Hugh Jacobberger. Singing, dancing ana games were mo diversions. Tha Alnr scheme was worKea oui A. C. Poole, Mrs. Frank Schlegel and attractively in daffodils and pussywil Miss Florence Raine. The Maud C. Gilman Club of the Hope Presbyterian Church of Monta- villa gave an Initiation party Tuesday night at the home of Miss Mary Mc Laren, 1820 East Flanders street. Sev eral of the mothers were entertained also at this delightful little party. Luncheon was served and singing and dancing followed. The club members present were: Mrs. Maud C. Gilman, Mrs. Hallett, the Misses Gretchen, Dickinson, president; Sylvia L,ee, vice-presiaent; opal Hallett. sec retary; Louise Dumas, treasurer; Laura Dumas, Mary MacLaren, Rose Garrett, Arema Morrison, Eva Johnston, Ethel Coleman, Laura Gard, Ruth Dunagan, Florence Funk and Gertrude Weigil. The Ladd's -Addition kindergarten party held last Friday afternoon in the Evangelical Church was one of the most enjoyable parties for children this entine entertainment. Miss Edith Pot- Party by Lloyd Baker at his home, 83a ter. directress, was assisted hv Mis Tillamook street. Tuesday night- Cards HflTrl Plavolnn nianlat 1 X , : I Tl rl stflBT (lilTI Ci 13 ET tj i xr j .. ... Ltii..inn A buffet luncheon was ing games and listening to fairy tales. The guests were: George Anderson. Little Miss Margaret Johnson, escorted Walter Shepherd. Pery Brown' J?a bv Master Robert Thornton rri.d ward Crosby, Edward Theicnel. Max prettily decorated basket filled with Schultz, Milton Pandfield, Louie Smith. .i,.h.,. , ji...ih..j I iinnnM Hansen. Charles Parcell. link guests. ows. At tne conclusion ui mo B"" luncheon was served. Miss Schanen Is popular among me younger set, and Is an enthusiastic au- tomobilist. having motored over a iarBe portion of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van Overn enter tained at dinner Monday evening in honor of their tenth wedding anniver sary. Later in tne eveiim dancing were enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. ana Mrs. a. r -. Mr and Mrs. F. D. Hepner, air. mu Mrs R. S. Flack. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sims Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Klingen- mith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bewiey. air. and Mrs. R. L. Schad, J. c. Maioney. Mrs. B. Austin. Card honors fell to Mrs M. E. Sims, Mrs. R. S. Flack, Mrs. Harry Bewlev and R. L. Schad, Mra C. E. Klingensmith and ri. eewiey. The Phi Delta Kappa Boys and their friends were entertained at a jib Day, Billy Postles, Lewis Lack. Fred Boynton, Bob Yettick, Wayne Pickler A group of young friends of Master land the host. Lloyd Baker. fofl fionn aiimriaoH him laat T,,a.Jb night on his 17th birthday with a A pleasant evening was enjoyed last nartv. Th following marls ' nn h. Thursday at tne nome 01 nun party: Lucille McFarland. Elizabeth McLean, Alice Lahaie, Dorothy Moun tain, Julia O'Donnell, Helen Hendricks, OPl'l.AR SUXNVSIDK GIRL TO WKI) ORKIiON RAivrHton. Miss Freda E. H. Leitner entertained with a Valentine party at her studio. on Saturday. Musical numbers pre ceded the affair and a vocal solo by little Miss Dorothy HilJ was enjoyed. Following the programme the after noon was passed in games. Refresh ments were served. The following were present: Mayte Lawrence, . Dorothea Kester, Madolyn Walker, Dorothy Fisher, Dorothy Hill, Annetta Lawrence, Maxine Walker, Dorothy Halney, Helen Gableson, Clara Lane, Helen Ogilvie, Theodore Kester, Collis Sutherland, Leland Duel, Charles Walker, Lewis Fisher, LuTrelle Fenn. An event of last week was the de lightful valentine basket party given at the attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. - - H 4 - I 1 j- f " v- J A 411mm Llna Jane 1'arinb. . Miss Lina Jane Parish, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Parish, will become the bride of Alfred Mulloy, a well-known rancher of Laurel, Or., on March 9. It will be a simple home wedding, with only the families of both parties present. The bride is popular and prom inent in Sunnyside Church work. She has been entertained con siderably in the last few weeks. Mr. Mulloy is associated with his father and brothers in extensive hop ranching in Laurel. Walker, on Terrace road, when the trio. 'Bill" Barth, Sid Wellman ana uwen Durkin, furnished music, aiiss snan non also rendered vocal and piano se lections. Those enjoying the hospitali ties were the Misses Marian Shannon. B. Mayers, S. Fry, Alice Walker, Ann Walker, and Sid Wellman, Owen Dur kin. "Bill" Barth, Edwin Runqulst, lvon Hutton and Mr. Still. A much entertained bride ot tne I past week was Mrs. Don Howe (Ber tha Koontz). formerly OI ine jjaiies. Several affairs were ' given in her nnnor. among wnicn was uicui party at the Orpheum and a dinner at the Hotel Benson. Around the table which was' especially decorated for tne occasion were seaiea -irs. uun nowe, Mrs. Raymond M. Carse. Airs, oeorge W. Stitt, Mrs. Charles Duncan and Mrs. Rose Block. Mr. and Mrs. Howe left for Seattle, where they will make 1 their future home. The Fleur-de-lis "500" Club was lhortev entertained by Mrs. J. M. CaoeK Thursday afternoon. ' Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. C. H. Johnston. The Dri.es were won by Mrs. V. H. Bewley and Mrs. Dackins. Those pres ent were: Mrs. R. L. Bewley, Mrs. W. H. Bewley. Mrs. F. F. Berry. Mrs. E. S. Bair, Mrs. F. J. Currigan, Mrs. J. M. Capek, Mrs. Dackins, Mrs. C. II. Johnston, Mrs. W. S. Mac&wain, Mrs. J. F. Merrill, Mrs. E. R. Thomas, Mrs. J. P. Van Overn. Mrs. T. F. Harrington entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Club with a lunch, eon at the Seward Hotel grill. Covers were laid for Mrs. N. U. Carpenter, Mrs. W. M. Seward. Mrs. Lewis Tiaoaii, Mrs. Hugh Piatt, Mrs. Justin W. McEachren, Mrs. William A. Mullen. Mrs. James Mor'rell. Mrs. Clinton Mooney, Mrs. Catching. Mrs. Frank Hodson, Mrs. Rainey and the hostess. WWW Miss Esther Peterson entertained a Valentine card party at her home, 21 East Fifteenth street, on Friday. The house was artistically decoratea with hearts and ferns. The giTests were Miss R'lby Procem, Miss Helen Miller, Miss Elevera Swanson, Miss Mable Metcalf. Miss A. Nelson. Miss Lily llartmann. Miss Muriel Rosenthal, Alfred Bor quist, Harold Rosenthal. Raymond Peterson, Clarence Broddie, Carl Ap plegrin, Stanton Lapham. Vera Las sinby and Locke Webster. The Bachelor Buttons Club's fourth annual ball and Valentine party, g-iven at Cotillion Hall Monday evening, was a success in every sense of the word. There were many contestants in the prize waltz, and prizes were awarded to the satibfaction of all present. L. L. Albright and Mrs. Houser took the first prize and the second prize was given to Hugo Hinkle and Miss. May Magison. The members of the "U-re-ka" 500 Club were entertained delightfully at the home of Miss Ada Taylor on Wednesday. The prizes were won by Mrs. Millie Dunham and Mrs. Burr C, Wagner. Previous to Miss Taylor, Miss Millie Dunham entertained, at which the prizes were won by Mrs, B. F. Padrick and Mrs. D. K. 11 Iff. Miss Ethel Rosecrantz, of Ashland. Or., entertained Monday night with a card party at the home of her aunt. Mrs. E. J. Sheahy, of 568 East Broad way. Those present were Miss Edith Love, Miss Edna Sheahy. Miss Frances Sheahy and Miss Ethel Rosecrantz. A Cole, John Cromwell, Earl Cohlman and Carroll Buelon. The Ben Butler Woman's Relief Corps, No. 61. gave a programme Thurs day in honor of the birthdays of Wash ington and Lincoln, also the birthdays of 24 members of the post and corps After theprogramme refreshments were served. Flags and little hatchets on the place cards formed most of the decorations. Many of the members were in costume to suit the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes enter tained the Laurelhurst Auction Bridge Club at their home lust Thursday night. Card honors fell to Mrs. Will C. Davis and L. S. Lawson. All the women present received a bouquet. Mr. aid Mrs. L. S. Lawson entertain on March 4. A most enjoyable affair of the past week was Miss Eva Jameson's annual party, held at her home at 861 Van couver avenue. Guests were asked for seven tables of 600. Honors fell to Mrs. Herman Trostdorf and Dr. Wheat. COMING KVEXTS. The Women's Association of the First Presbyterian church will give a Co lonial tea on Tuesday In Room A of the Church house. Powdered wigs, patches and magnificent and picturesque cos tumes will be the order, some of the gowns belonging to great-grandmothers and some being of the customs of 75 years ago. Both the president and vioe-prestdents of the Missionary so ciety and association will receive the guests. They are Mrs. Wallace Mc Camant, Mrs. Frank Riggs, Mrs. II. H. Jellison, Miss Anna MacNary, Mrs. Mitchener, and Mrs. W. A. Evans. Presiding at the table will be Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. Kate VVendling, Mrs. J. R. Swinton. and Mrs. J. S. Bradley. Misses Julia Palmer and Greta Butter field will be stationed at the punch bowl. The parishioners of the Church of The Madelene will hodd a patriotic cel ebration in their hall tomorrow night, in honor of Washington' s birthday. William D. Wheelwright will speak on the "War and its lessons for America." The following programme will be ren dered under the direction of Frederick W. Goodrich: "America," by Marirltlne choir nd udl- enrc: Fla Urlll. hy hoys or .noenne irhonl; ".lent Horor thi- Hmtlr, Mnlbt." Iy Arthur l!uriAUKli; Mr-llMil.tn, 1-y Artl .fnneii; ".Mm vlHnii, My Mmylnnil," ly Mi. Milrhclt; mlmi't In i,ifllnm. tv right hots Hnd g-irla of Madeleine ai-luxi!; 'Volunibla, h ttf-m of t'le i, iill, tp ,Sonrt l.wlr( . uriitrrnp, "The Vnr aiul It l.pon for America," by W illiam U. Whai'lwrlahl ; "Tha Star-.KpanKj'! Ituniw-r" oi,t by Mia Nona Lau'lerj. t-liulr and auOlentu. www The Kansas Jayhawkrr Smlcty of Oregon will mei-t February in Ma sonic Temple. Went Park and Yiinihlll streets. The principal feature of ttm entertainment will be an illtiatrated lecture by C. C. Chapman, of thu Port land Conimercliil Club. Yiewa of the scenic places of Oreunn nd the Hgrl cutural resources of the state will hi shown. The views were taken m preaaly to be exhibited at I'snanis Pacific International Exposition at Han Francisco and are the flnert obtain able. Members of other state socie ties are Invited to join with the for mer residents of the Sunflower Stale In the entertalnjnetit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. I'ettlt. of 702 Thirtieth street, entertained the Avon ilalo Five Hundred cltih. Tuewlav. Prizes were awarded to Harry C. I'rt tit. Mrs. F. M. Plefer and Cenrse Oard ner. Those present were Mr. and Mra. Your Freckles ed AHentloii la Fenmairy Mrr or Far May May avereal. Now is the time to take special car of the complexion If you wish It to look well the rest of the year. The Feb ruary and March winds have a atronit tendency to bring out freckles that may stay all Summer unleaa removed. Now Is the time to use othlna double strength. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and Is usually ad aucreaaf uf that it Is sold by druggists under guar antee to refund tha money If It fall. Get an ounce of othlne doubla trentli and even a few applications ahouM show a wonderful Improvement, soma of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. Adv. Ladies' Suits $4Q DE BLANCHE LADIES' TAILOR Globe Bldg. 408 Washington St. DRESS FORMS Moulded over your own figure. You can finish your garment from collar to hem without a personal fitting. Ask about them. Yourform Mfg. Co. 629 E. 59th St- No. Tabor 5816 Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregoni an Main 7070, A 6095