s ' THE SUNDAY OKEGONTAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 7. 1015. ..- - . ' , j hki KST4TE RKAI. ESTATE. I 1IF.ITTK 'ii.i-room house ithiu the two-mile vir . aim 12 u.i..ut uul. I l.uilt tin. houM ir.yseir and sold it ili January last 5ar. I a o' cuK.e.1 .-.s l home. Tne bume la Sp the voiiu-acl is turned tock ;. m. The house in modern, has full mir- rail ill front Ml. : pliiU- mil h! -I-.-.; I dining-room. Dutch '.be deu 1. a concealed ...luili lieu, two lidrom, on second door; nlumuiulf. llalit fixtures, window hde3. Sm .n kit-hen and buthroom f loor u.. uhone in. . reeiis on do- rs , nd in '"'j. Kln&S -V; 'Vte'te imted tbe Uo th. besl o cnn ditlun. This is Cue best buy I know of. Sellwood or to Mall at go to blojk. west t corner of will. .ou . buy it but look at it Small payment down. l or iTp month, interest per t no mort-I-ageTstraight contract. W ood.ann ...4.. HAWTHORNE AVE. BL.UALU. i-room modern, up-to-date bungalow, f.n Sunt 4Mb t.. 2 blocks south of Hay i.o-iie failng ast on hard-surface sU haii with coaf c.uset and full-length nur: Jr -dour ? hwi..a-ruin with llrep.acei.nu ou;It-ni bookcast.. uinlng-room will. Urge .u.lt-in buft-t, X large broomF. J" luon. lar.te attic Dutch kltthni w fb juiii-in cwulci. full cement basemem. J-aih tractor only $2S5-.; sma du'n od.im.e Mm- a.-, rent. Call u up. C H. KLElNSORGE CO.. jo Jioaid d Tra.de. Main i7" . Hivn a r.-nc in liiii!al" n 4d t.. Lair Mock sou.h of R" City ??Ja Cat the former purchaser ha. paid J."0 .. Im is leaving the i-Hy and is forced i. irUe it u You can have the benefit ..( i is r,iMTi-ntf on a $--:oi down payment. V ; Ai'.'ie:Mi. :"- Chamber of com- er l. liia. positively no trades. looo $ 1ihi -ah HI lake modern ,- ..om h.mi..-. Italati.e mUgae. Jla-Iio-.ie liirtrt HardwuoJ floors, fl.e- iae built-in iiook-.tJi and bufet. larprt ;., ad haih. bas.-n.enr. All sireei ii'.r .v.-:ii.-iii m and paid. If yoti are ...,'w-n- o'' ;i h.me a: a harpain -ee tins 5...J.O. .tcn-s. a:i :.Ts K. 3!tn ft.. ri':ir li.if li. li.ht ruoi'i.-. South i ,Mir"i(n .t Nor' h f Mitili wti t . i:.ct of i:.th ft. Lot i'.Vt ft. VAKKKlKLl. KItlKd & CO., s. Kourth 5t. KA.-T .-IiB liAKOAlN n -u'itina loom i-smen.-e. ISiXIU". llHi;.irn- dirrict. b'ir.g sacrificed at naif pii-e; stririiy nionriii -r 1eiH w m n ill i-aaii payment. Hee i r. I i 1 inneii ' h Hi A ttTM A & THfOI PPON- . Fourth and Mai K. i Ti AVOID Ft I.Kv'l.OSrU K. ; K KAT pkout to V"IT- . TUl-i Itr XI'TIFI I. I.aI :KLMt K r t.ij.hIm h.h-k Hi'nr koh h;.sik. SKK i WN K K F.l'KK ITT. .nKI-L1.No t;f. iii i ."v Now, .Vroout modern bmigaiow. on vti .ihiU' lot iiieallv urvauged. all eonven-:,-nl-s. hafdwo.Ml fl.mra. lir.-plare. "''t iii hui.'ei. aleetih- :lxtur-a. nhaoo. Wt-a klr. It. i cement S.asen:.'Ht id walks. I P y'aitH !:ir;e emnith f-r two rooms. U. n . i 1 1 . t; '. Iltnrv bh''. Tb,. mut inou-rn and up-tu-Jaie Iitt.p h.m you ..-ver krw for priee; 4 rooms ..id uriiijr-ro-iin. Dutt-h kitchen, larse nulft liiappearUirt b"l. ttas.ein.-nt: on .ih ai.. one tolovk to tar. iour r'i:t money will huy It. Air. Comic. Noilh Hini ern H.mk btdx. KciaiUKXi'K, in t pail oi Ii -Vinson abMiuri'lv modern In t-wry respeet : ou m i" inufl f II at om -e; prlC let m--. HACKEll-VHKI:Ki:i.SKN CO.. :'i'.'i sp.iUiinv L;id. Tlotie Main A A OKNC1NK HA IHJAIN. ti-room hwiie, has.Mut-iit, Vath. yas: fruit ro-es. poultry hoiiFe: lot ydxlMtt, on . orner wiih i"un c:r.--i paved and "aid f.r- two hh.rks from J i vin ." car. Pru-c -jt0; terms, (iuu.la.-i A- Wiejrit k. J4J Stark M. . ;KAL BAIMAIN" m a'-eoiint my health will feii my entire propetty ; '2 modern houses on hiipiness pavd tsis. in Portland; - lu-iiu-s loi- t Uo -kiiw.iy I'.e;u-h and 1 lot at H..v o. t-au. well worth 1O.iu0; will ' tor $i..C.oo; cood investment ftr ttome body. Ow ner. It '(.'. t treyoni.-ni. Al.VtO SACHIFU'K O.N MuOKItX T-UOOSI HOME- ST. 1MPTS. IN. PAll; lo-0 i ASH WILL HA.MH.K. Ul' "'"I. ORL: COMAX, HOME WITHOl'T '"ASH. If mtrrifK drawintc salary and ran uiv r f'T'Miee will i e you new o-room 'o,ife extia lame lot. by you assuming Vvimi mot ) unije. Sunday and evenings. S-il .v....fl ihi-j. -KOOM himaahin. llvi U Pari: : fu'.I l.Hs. iti'-nl. 1 th. Oiiteh !:itnhen: corner lot, fun. flim.Ts; aeriftf-e m -T."0; will dis-.-.ntnt $'-'." for every s'MJ etish on first pay ment. Ov. net . W .".r.o, Oregon ian. X K W home M rooms, re. eptttm hn 11, sleep inc p..reh. full ottie. hardwood floor, bi'autiiul fixtures, fireplaee. l'urna-e. built in ronvPnk'iir . near ear ; J.two. Jlain Itift't. Tabur SOo KOP. equity in residence of $20rtO value, in Corva'lis; 6 rooms, beautiful r.iso; or will exchance for Jimiill Improved farm or aoartnient-house. Owner. Jiox l.V. Oayton. Or. LET I'S iil II.D YOU A HOME, on vour lot or our; by your own plans or ours: pay ns Hke rent. THE onCOOX HOME BUILDERS. Northwestern Hank Pldg. St d'TH PORTLAND. Snap Si ait cash buys a ti-room house ..ii iLwnlltoa avc. ; lot 42x110; fruit trees; price $ir.t0. K. J. OKISKtl. v.nanioer oi oniniei-t-tr. -KOOM house, bath and lare fleepins porch furnished complete with expensive s -t-.i.n (n tl.m.l .-nh h:ilani-e niortaapo at per cent. 10S3 J. 19th N.; A : be rt;i car to lgtji. t ("INK Wfsi Side income property at eacri .. Lot ."oitH, with two Rood t-room Places, always rented; JrtuOi. haf cash, ba ! anw a l per cent. Owner. AD OTo. JUKI s.O'KlKlCt: new 5-room bunpalow. llosa 'itv Park distrut. modern throutth ..tit, hardwood rJeor. lireplace, btmkcases, buiit-in buflet. window settt. paneled walh?. erma . Xieisen. owner. iaor -". KtKM bunalo : hath, jras and electric liir its- '! rouin In attic, full cement tnse meiit.":.Oxli lot; terms. Owner. GM East sjiih t. North. R'if city Paark car. j' WO corner hits. SOxlOO each and 2-room bouse $iOii. one block from station, at II. :. on O. W. P Hi. W. J, Larson. R. F. P. 2. Hex Io0. Milwaukle, Or. :.-Kiom new bua:a'ow. all modern built-in f-.mven'enoes: must ho seen to be appre t'Tat'd. U you are looking for a home ee -wner. 41t; Chamber of Commerce. HAWTH" iRXE districr bunffalnw. modern, iChtlv loration. K. 24th st.; owner leaving . uv; lol f..iHi; will wll for 4r.u0. Payne ,ti Co.. Monday. Atain QI2. M'uiern bunsalow. furnace. lireplace. hardwood floors, full basement, blj? at ti. full corner lot. ImprovementJ paid. C MlS. OreRonian. A KKAb barsaln. first floor. 4 rooms; nec or.d floor kitehen off for .! room. bath, pantry. l? basement. In Richmond district. Price $2.to. Phone evening--. Tabor TWO lots and ."..room house, i block from station, at Oak urove. $1SU0. H. U. Stark weather. A"ilwauki. Or. S.VMH HI." X i A LO W". a rooms, buffet, hardwood floors, flre K'ace. furnace, linoleum; terms. 3iS East 47 1 h s'v. Phone Tahor 429g. Fi l"K-KOOAl house, modern, on ciioi.o io:. tine vU w. Price, loOO. Will 11 on -rm like rent. I am owner and w iil nive ou a bAricam. See me. ,M2 Pl.it t bUig. W.LL accept a rur about as first payment on inv beautiful home. Lombard st., balance like r-r.t: price t!50. Call Columbia ;io3. Y OR SALS Tha finest home In Irvtngton, East 4th st. North, call and sea it. F. 8. Bowman Co. TuVlNCTON PXAP HunsIovv si ie house, not water heat, 1000. AP oSl. Orego ntan. OR SALK or trade; W-room residence, mod ern. 10l-tl2." lot. for improved farm value VkKHt ; terms. Ow ner. A il o4. Ore iron inn. I-ROOM laiXicrri home. '2 carllnea; fine fur niture, including piano. H ALF PRICiu. Tillamook. Phone C ?SS7. J.Al'RKLHlRST-r.lOO equity In fine house .iie or trade for city improved. At Oa. Or uonian. I'XK i-room bungalow complete by owner. Hose Ctty Park car. Phone Tabor 1121. .14 Kaat 50th N. flY OWNER DeslrabU ti-room house un ::rth ?t- within a block of Mawthorae ave. Hoom Hotel Perkins. .M CPT SKLL handsome bungalow ; easy trnas. liast Side. On nar, N ibS, Ore- NOTHINijr DOWN, NO INTEREST. t?-rooin house, .".x'.Mt lot. 2 '). mnnt'i.y; cwnt-r. Marshall 124 o NEW o-room house and iot. -"'00. f;iOrt cash, balance months; 1 block cat. S 07. O. eonlan. CUFAP IV PRICE ONLV. EXCELLENT IN QUALITY. $Jlmo ?U oo $oOW -fT. per month, including Interest. This brand new i-room J-jstory house, with attic, has reception hall, oaa floors, fireplace, all built-in effects; entittncing wail ccorations. swell lightlnc lixturea and window shades, dandy Outch kitchen, has lroning-b..a;-d. woodlift. etc.; .mi ce ment haseme.it, laundry trays, furnace; select neighborhood. 4) E. 24th St., near Can-thers. Open 1:0 to 4:M today. 1 am sa. rlncin pm. You will realize this when you eee the house. OWNER'S PHONE B a. auction: Eastern owner says, "Sell at once for what it will brim?": M'xHK). with modern li-fm. bumralou. ti!4 :JTth ave., s. e. cor. iih ; larae livina-room. complete elec. fixtures modern bath, wash trays, large gas ramie ami m n v ""ie, nac-e. full deep concrete basement, cement sidewalks in. ail ciear. If you are looking for a home do yourself the Justice of see in this, then make an offer. Take Haw norne ave. car. o Spalding bidg. iel. Slurshall 24S.V LAl'RELHCRST LOT FREE. Buv my attractive California bungalow, consist ina of five lame rooms, servant t. room in atuc. latest built-in eifects. con crete porch, garage, artistic grounds, etc., at -J2jo which Is less than actual cost oi construction, and I will give you one oi the best located corner lots in the traCj; open lor inspection today. 174 East Oli san. Must be seen to be flppr'-eiated. S1050. 7.1x 100-foot lot. 4-iouitt Ouiiiiaiow, niceiy fuii;:aued: bat "a kiichen. huiu-ln ironing lioard ami eooiing closet ; hous- piped for 8: easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to C2d uiiti Sanuy road. Sue Austin. OREOORV T XV EST ,1 E N'T CO AI P A X V. Al L'KRAYAIEAO. 24th near Division. Aludern 0 rooms and sleeping-porch. 2-story house. COIiP.HMIDT'S A ii E NO Y . Stoek Exchange Hidg.. yd and Yamhill. APAKTAIEXT-Hol'FE BUYERS'. Here is the bes: bargain in Portland, siio win hi? returns on your Investment; will take to handle; no trade under anv circumstances. if you want some thing different see me and show me that you have the casii to handle It antj 1 will snow ou a money-maker. WM. J- SBCKBXDORF. JWo Siock Exchange Hldg. MOUNT TAUOR DISTRICT. r.-:oom bungalow, mmlerti. buiit-in con v. ninco. iuk floors, fireplace, lots oi window s. restricted fllstriot, tw o blocks from the car; this house Is a bargain at Sll-j-r.o; no not close on another liouto until v..u it See me for terms. AL PKIU:. I loo X. W. Bank bldg. JUST HALF PRICE. 7-room house on Alt. Tabor rarline; lot loovlUO wth ill kinds of fruit trees, small fruiw. roses, garden spot, etc., 5 1 Too. all cash, if sold thin week. ioa nhould be able to borrow ?l."ii0 on this. It's a snap. C- D. ST ROW. StOi-k Ex.-hanae Bui id ins. WHY pay rent when ou can b jy a tieau tilul home Stke bis for small payment now n ba.aiice like r. i.t: " ooms, b:ith. pantry ia.gr attic, lull basemen more llian the ;ivera(ie built -hi work, tiaray, trees and jhruh'e-ry. full lot. close to Rose -ity lariu.e. I'rlee . ut to 2oo. Phoiii Tabor liUl. or A tregoiilan. A SACKIK1CE. Modern tl-room hunalow. E. -!0tb. i. ...i. .-,.,,-th ..f H-iu-thorne ave. ' Co owner 542.-.0. Hndwood floors. fil'Iplace .-tn.l full r.-meilt basement. Puved BttvetK. I rice :n;uii. terms sttntti ci.sh. ha land)' 2. No rented loi per n: onth. .rliiiser tldg. l!ElTIKlL hunualow, S rooms an. I Oil Hard luiil attsoiut'lj modern, lot 4ixloo, in:ncuml)ered: ease terms; street paved. :t.".; E. list near Hawthorne. Tabor 42ob. l or Sale Business I roperty. WoRTH lookintr into. Store. 5 mod. ; u rooms. Kood b.calio.i. r.b:tj.,.. price $1miO, , your own time. Worth s.Pmmi. Maui ..if Suburban Hume Property. j $7oO BUYS a one-liair acre tract on the West Side. minutes car ride. tc fare. If you are looking for a location where you can raise all vour vegetables, berrteu, ruit. etc which is the greater part of . your Hin:. thi will suit you. M. E. Lee. 500 Corbttt bid.a. GIOSON HALF ACRES. Good Foil, citv water; close to canine; easv terms, will build to suit purcnaser. phone Marshall 15s5 or Sellwood -'-70. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. TWO acres ou Orei: on City iiue. new liounf. i rooms and huih. concrete loundation. hot-witter heating plant. Karaite. Gregail. 2d house er.st Hoardmn statbm. For ale Acreage. YOUNG MAN. Here is your chance: 2000 cords wood on 40 acre fertile Iruit land, all norV s'ope 1 34 miles from town ; can ham 2. eoi-ds' to 1-utd. 10 cords daily, only 2t mites from Portland, on s"Od county road; Mvinn creek. S acre small willows, easily cleared "'2 acres good saw timber, in cludinK loo.ooo feet cedar: surround Inn farms sell Irs SI Mo acre ; enough wood to more than cover cost of hind; price $25O0, - eah hi, I. to suit. A ";:;. Orcironian. 20 ACHES FOR SPoli. On - ountv ro.id. :'.0 miles from Portland, rear u R.." 1 mile to town. 15 acres level land bnl. rolling, wltli creek and tine spring 1 1 acre ide red. n building ex .ept small barn; ?25 cash. hal. on term? to suii J H Ruley Co.. 02S Cham, of Commerce. ttlltnc-v, rru.li, a jiiiu u.-. ..vUM Near Portland ; Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS i n,;in -lontrir ftta'inn S75 to $150 Der acre; easy term; beat soil; free wood. j rarms r or .-iie FRANK MTARLAND REALTY CO., SO0 Yeon Rids., Portland. Or. U ACRKr at (ire-sham, nil in hih stute of cultivation: 7-room modern house with all conveniences: only 2 blocks from center of town; price ooo. Lueddemanu Co.. !R. Chamber of Commerce. WILL ACCEPT good piRno as Tim or part payment on i l? acr-s at Oregon City; land level, cleared, good soil. $1400. No ateents. e. W. M.. 970 Chehalis ave., Che h h 1 i s, Wa sh . 5 K close to Crresham. ;l A. cleared, large house, wood well, bnrn. chicken house and otlor buildiUBs; family orchard: price Sltioi); $!2fM cash. mortaBfn 400 at i per cent. 210 Stock Echange hldg. 7 ACRES. ."00. All till.-" hie land, easy clearing, best soil no rock, spring, small shark, stoie and station handy. Terms. S-'t down, I 2.."0 mon ! h 1 y. A.I .-"H. Oregonintl. (GENTLEMAN'S HOME SITE. 10 acres, t'.oee to Rose City Park, on (i2d street. I.o.v price. Cioddard & Wied rfek. 24ii Stark st. 1 TO 10 acres highly improved, Oregon Electric between Metzger nnd Oreenburg, Vl' minuter to station. 10c far; easy terms, (hvn-r. P. C Howies. Heaverton. Or. PARKROSE SACRIFICE. 1 acre with trees, suitable for pigeon or chicken farm. SU.'O cash. Tabor u5, or C ."si Ore 5 on Ian. ;,i,u ACRES. 20 minutes Oreaon Elec tric 3."ti feet from station; ;;-room house, house for liMrt chickens, fenced, creek. R. 'Ircen. r..t." Alorgnn bldfr ACRE TRACT a ml 4-room bungalow on i-ceni fare. jnt place to reduce expenses: pric only L20i'; easy terms. V ."70, Ore Cfnian. 6 ACRES $12oO. on 4tii st. electric: am very anxious to sell and offer at this low Pfjce; practical'. v all cleared, level, rich land, 3 blocks of station. AL 5t.'. Oregonian. :;.-0 FEU ACRE. :S..m1 PER ACRE. 240 a. res of land in Klickitat County. wash : '2 miles from Ooldendale. Fred W. C.erman Co.. i'H Chamber of Commerce. u-ACKK tracts at Gresham. 2 Mocks from center of town; highly improved; price S..tM. Lueddemann Co.. 13 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICEST acre at Garden home, easy terms. li per cent and 10 per cent per month. C 1 1 m an. Main S4S0. 2 ACRES M20O; 20 minutes 4th and Wash ington, on 4th st. electric, 7c fare: $250 c.i"h. AK 3ti9. Oregonian. C ACRES Willamette Valley, sacrifice; trade: part cultivated; balance timber. AD ri:;. Oregonian. A 10-ACRE tract of land at Al osier. Or., Tor the rrmrtgage: description and particulars address A!artin Krugnn. Alos-er. Or. FOR SALE 5 acress, with house and bams; more aereace If wanted with same. Own-e- .7 Olson. East th N. Il"ot Bt'YS o acres on the Oregon Electric iiear Tigard: all under cultivation; good soil; b.- owner. Rhone East -t.'Mo. ACRES cleared onion land, $.1".0 an acre; close to city and car; owner. J :t6. Ore gonian. ON-A.CRE. lies nieeiv near junction Pow ell street and Buckley ave.: sell cheap or trade equity for auto. A3 S.'t. Oregonian. 63 CRES. 2 acres cultivation, house, etc., mile Cornelius: price $1SH'0. terms. Ep ton 4r.- Chamber of Commerce. A REAL bargain.. Must sell my 8 acres at Reaver:on. Own-r. Main 777. ' ACRE or more at station, eight miles out; will sell cheap. AH ."7Q. Oregonian.; S ACRES, cheapest. ciioic"st soil, mile east Milwaukee. ( wnier. i crriniaii. l3c ACRES south nf Oreon City : (some cleared, balance timber. Phone Main iyS31. One of the nicest 10-ncre tracts in Clackamas County, situated alouB the Tualatin River; ail under culri vation; has good 5-room farm house, barn, chicken-house, in fact all nccessarv buildings, including fruit-, house; there are about 3'0 bearing apple trees, about SO peach, plum and cherry trees. 2000 red raspber ries. 100 goopeberriea. 130 mam moth blackberries and other varle--ties. Personal property : 1 8-year-old horse, 1 wagon, buggy, 3 sets of harness, spray pump, cider press, piga, 1 do, chickens, 1 plow, har row, cultivator, a good well of water. Price for all. $4o0; on macadam road leading to Portland. Can be handled with $2200. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LAND on a good, level, hard-surfaced road, close to Portland, with good facilities for get ting back and forth; a place where ou can have a cow. ehickens and small fruits; a place that you can buy at a reasonable price and that is sure to increase in value rapidly. We can locate you on o. 0 or ! acres of such land at a price of o- per acre. We want to sell: you want to buv. Count, your cash and ligure out just what you can pay monthly or yearly ana make ua a proposition, whether you think we will accept L or not. LU EDO EM ANN CO.MPAN. :13 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE AO E. 1, 2. 3 and 10-acre tracts. 30 min utes out. . mT NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' tare, very best d oil. water and community conveni ences. 125 to oO per acre, oa in stallments. THJB SHAW-FEAR CO.. Alain 35. 102 4th st. A oOO. ARTISTIC SUBURBAN HOAiE On Oregon City tarline. two blocks from station; will sell you the house and throw in two acrea of the best land on this popular line; uil cultivated, the house has all city conveniences, hot wuter heat, fireplace, electric lights, gas. rooms, tile floor In bath, full concrete basement, water under pressure; a beautirul home: price is 4.-VuO. just what the house cost; owner going to California, hence this sac rifice; terms on part. Jacob Haas, Oer linper bldg. 10-ACRE tract choice land for biush gardening, not far out from the city, ou good road; 7 acres under plow, with good orchard, building of not much valu; can be bought (or sOO; good terms. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES FOR $2j0. Xiu down and $.1 per month buvs r, acres good loaged-vtf land on mile from main lme of railroad and town of loco population, with cannery, cream rv between Portland and Astoria; land f.oni $:.." to 0p per acre on thene e.ms, many o-acre tracts to choose from. BELI. Hh.AL r..UAac v-y.. , ::is Railway Exchange bldg., j Ret. ami 4t;i METZGKR ACRE TRACTS. VU s-ll Metsger aero tracts from ;IW pe, ere. and up until f urther not ce. Situated on toe Oregon Electric Hy. t-ilem linet. about 25 minutes from Jer ern st depot: commutation nc. C a 1 Herman Metzger. owner, at mom 40 v "tn st.. Portland, or., or at Mvtager Sta'ton. FTOCK AND DAIRY KA.NCH 500. aoif. in Y.u,ui.ia V.Uley: one-lmt lum l.uul; -ro(.Hi h.U3e. barn tnols; --. t..r.s h:iy. MM bushel!, oaw. Kuii ninir tr.Mlt streiim, Rteri.wer. orchard, r ke .V.,'linlf aHli. sump tm.ie city prop- v.iBS NEAlt CLACKAMAS. Onlv Kl rnl'les out. on gravel road and Onl 1 mmiiori lu, ,n m,ltivaL1, a , l.-vel land nw ll-room house, ra-.K. -""" ,n run bV inn- as dtalrod: will ihr.iw in enultv; land worth 510 pnr acre. J. -f:nb-v 'o.. Cham, of C o"i- LOOK THIS UP. SO acres. 7 m!i north of Nwber H mile from good road; lies well. Price UIOO. SesECrRiTY DKVELOPMBXT CO.. t;round floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. 4th and Pine Sts. Good soil, on 'county" road, and "tthin H r,.n. of macadam road and school. 3 mill, to Columbia River and R. K. - tiOD- HOLBP.OCK CO. 214 J. umper r.At""B' ....o l-ii-p BCf'i 5-room house, i nicKen n.- lalge Sited; inside city. Vancouver; also l w '-room house, across street; owner Ivi? leas-e to responsible person bo h places ,. uni year. Address o-i) cen tral bid'.-.. Seattle RFLH-C1-; vour expenses: get. a subul ban hornesite on W Red Electric line, raise aaTden and chickens while worK.na In ,n'n- bike S4-.".. very easy terms. The Ac heaonARen Co.. iW Concord bldg.. 2A and starK . . T, V Df.ACr SI .llltl 1ft minutes out on West Side; city water, licht ami phone: tine garden land; some timber C. A. HInes, Ryan Place Man s"y. or JB S. Cook & Co., tir. Coroett bldg WILL sell acie tra:t and -i-room piasiered house wired for electric lights and piped or water, easy v.llk to electric sU.K.n lo-c'.-nt fare; only t" tor everything lermi Call at eOO Concord bldg.. 2x1 and StarK: ' '.,..-,0 5 ACRES! in cultivation. 30 frutt I1...U o aik B(,rnc( ect. sma,i house. barn chicken-house; near Tigard ville, Oregon Electric: $.0 cash, balance to suit. W. J. Davie, Mi Corbett bids. Tr taken this week I will sacrtfice 40 acre-, of good land in Lake County Or., i ?or SL-ml; clear title. Address V obi. Ore- gon in. ss P IF sold at once 7 acres or a part in b'NcuUlvTtion .6 blocks from the center of a good :own. near Portland. 1 h l is. a . ers .hoice ; piece of iand: r.!l ntake a dandj home, rani'-uia'g . -- - - II .-.IV ACRE TRACT for 100 $i,0 cash, new house, fine well and soil -plowed up. ?5i ft south of East Ascot Sta ion: go sol i , tc Rase Jjne road. Death is cause A C. Sebum, Gresham. P.outo 1. Box ISO. IT. CKEP about 8 miles from Vancouver: good nearly new 7-room house, also well fvHh pump on place Three acres c.eared. i 'non half cash, balance to suit, ruggart. 410 ('hamrer ot oim,..-.. CRANBERRY land in Pacific County Wash Ington. in tracts: easy terms. L u... Ore- go ninn. Homestead. Home .stead relinquishment 1 (-V acres, all level, no brush, very little timber, easily cleared: 40 rods from good county road. Western Oregon. call 4 o Couch bldg.. 4th between Stark and W a.h- ington. 2 DANDY homestead relinquishments close to "town and neighbors: school, wngon road, buildings, running water. Send stamp for information. Una Oregonian blag. W NTED Good homestead relinquishment. Give location and improvements. AF oa. Oregonian HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale, Ti.- lamook Co A E .'.7.'.. Oregonian. Tor Sale Fruit Lands. MR. PRUNE MAN. READ! If vou are considering buying a prune orchard it wl'I pay you to investigate this before vou buv; 54 acres with U. acres under cultivation. 12 acres in bearing prunes: this year's crop averaged 2t to the pound, the best average in the state: this is located in the famous Prune Hill district the best of soil, ideal location, no crop failures, good buildings, spring and running water: all stock and imple ments go. Price only 1 7.1 per acre: good terms can be had. and wou.d con sider a residence in Portland up to IM00. E. F. GILBERT. 101 W'ashington St., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 20 acres of apple land at Moa ier Or 6 miles east of Hood River; acrea In 7-vear-old cherry trees. 2 acres hilly but remainder can be cleared and planted with little trouble; price 3SVO. will make very liberal terms to industri ous man with a little money. E. A. Rogers. 1228 Eighth. East. Salt Lake. L'tan. For Sale Farnw. 110 CREP. all in cultivation. 3." miles south of" Portland, on Oregon Electric and close to river: this is fine, level land and the price is only $100 per acre: all clear ot incumbrance: small house and new hop house. HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 21U Chamber of Commerce. HO ACRF.S. aioo an acre, sacrifice for $75. Joins cltv limits; all cultivated, level, on countv road, finnt, 22 N. W. Rank bldg. SMALL ranch near Winlock. Wash., al' "stocked: will take some trade. John P. Weston Co.. 1302 Northwestern Bank bldg. HO ACRES. Ko an acre, sacrifice for $7,1. Joins cilv limits: al! cultivated, level, on coua.y road. Hunt, S22 N. w. Sank bldg ALL READY FOR BT'STNESS. Extra guod dairy and stock ranc''., i40 acres, on Lewis Rjver. in Clarke County. 3 miles frcm La Center, mile from good graded school, on good 'road, thick ly settled part of the county. Two good iiouse. 1 10-roont plastered house, bat a and toilet; 1 7-room house, bath and toilet. 2 fair barns. 1 horse barn, frame. 4uoO, separate house, hoghouse, chicken house, fenced with 3 boards and two wires; fine spring water. Tunnlng water in pasture, all personal property, con sisting of 40 cows, io milking, balance will be fresh soon, 25 heiferg will be fresh in Spring. 4 reehuered Holstein heifers will be fresh soon, 1 registered Holstein bull. 6 yearling heifers. 0 horses. 6 registered sows 1 registered boar, 20 shoals. 10 chickens, 1 binder, 2 mowers. 2 hay rakes, 1 harrow, 3 piows, 1 hay press. 2 wagons. i hack 1 buggv. 1 steam turbine sepa rator, 1 boiler, engine and feed grinder, all small farm tools, 50 acres fine bot tom land in cultivation, does not over flow 50 acres good piling t i mber, 200 acres very easv to clear. 200 acres stumps, all good pasture, seeded to clover and timothy: onlv 50 acres on this farm not fit for cultivation when cleared; everything goes for $35,500; will take SS0D0 in cash. S:'.1 000 In trade city income property or two small farms -and mortgage $16,00 running three years at 8 per cent. ATKINSON NICHOLS. 011 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. LITTLE FARM CLOSE TO STATE CAPITOL. 42 acres, no incumbrance, nice laud. 20 acres peaches, balance clover and timber; house, barn, creek nnd a fine road, 2 miles to cuv. Will take good, modern home in Portland as first payment. WALLACE INVfeSTMENT CO., Oregonian Bldg. RICH, DEEP SOU. Rich land can be bought direct from owners at $13 to S40 per acre and easy i i b i n r t n 12 m i les from Aber- deen and Hquiam. two prosperous cities with the largest lumoer muusi ry in me world. The land if level, free from gravel, well watered and produces enormous crops for which the market is unlimited right here on Orays Harbor. It is fre from underbrush and accessible by good roads. No wilderness, as there are schools, post offices, stores and many set tlers on the land now. With returning prosperity secure a good tract of land without delay. For further-information write at once: WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION CO., ABERDEEN. WASH FARM BARGAIN. 2irt acres; three miles Jrom Salem on nuintv road: 20 acres in timber. 30 acres in loganberries. 75 acres In clover, balance in oats, wheat ana vetcn; me rorumiu Corvallis Railroad runs alongside of this place; 5-room house, good barn, windmill, with water piped, and spring on place; farm has been platted into 5-acre tracts and schoolhouse on the property; if you know land values and have some cash, here Is your opportunity ; price $110 an acre; $5000 cash, some trade and balance to suit. See Air. Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 1(00 Washington st. GOOD FARM AND STOCK CLOSE TO rtr. TOWN VERY LOW PRICE r.r, v . ucrofi .rood blaok soil, nn main n.ud ":; miles from Rood Willamette Val ley l:v. town; school close.- So acres in hav, oats, vetch and tame prass. bearing famllv orchard and berries, o-room house, barn and other bulldlnRS. S fine sprinB.. -ood com. 'J mares. 10 hogs. 100 hens, farm nr.tchinei v: all goes in this sale for .".."..-( a good livlns can be made from the atari. D. McC'hesney. Title & Trust bid:;. 40 ACRES-. :iS acree under cultivation. 2 acres in timber, good, new 4-room house. ' largo barn, chicken-house ; price $oo00; slono cash, balance at 6 per cent. 70 acres. :J0 acres under cultivation, " room house, barn, balance of the land has been slashed and seeded to good pasture: .1 cows. It head young stock, team horsa. harness wagon, ploiv. harrow and all farm machinery; 24 chickens. 2 P'S: 7 miles from Vancouver; price S000; SoOOO cosh, balance at 0 per cent. HARRY T. HA YES. 1J2 West 8th St. Phone 81S. Vancouver. Wash. UAin i .ii j . . Here is your chance to got close.-dn property. IB milea from the city of Port land 2S0 acres. 200 acres cultivation, i acres more easily cleared. No rock or gravel. Good automobile road. 1M. miles from railroad station and boat landuig. Good buildings, extra-good stock of al! kinds as well as machinery. All crops, feed etc. 13" per acre. Easy payment, balance a per cent, 8 years. Without any question this Is the best ranch for the money in Oregon. Will subdivide very 'CelG. S. SMITH & COMPANY, - 432 Chamber of Commerce. YOU WILL BUY THIS 41, -acre farm with S cows. 1 heifer. 2 dozen cMckens. team of horses, plows, cultivator. mower. rake, disc, garden seeder, wagon, buggy, new cream sep arator S harnesses and all small tools, "0 acres in cultivation, good family or chard, ll-room house, barn 4x(!2. all usual outbuildings, fine water, 4. ln'l'! f rcml good Rv. town, 80 miles from Portland, m-ic- I-"00: no trade; J2.-.00 cash. bal. yearj 0 ner cent. Call evenings, T. Toivonen, 77:1 Missouri ave. SMALL RICH VALLEY FARM ON ROCK ROAD TWO MILES FROM STATION i acres, all best soil, well drained, has rural mail und milk routes, telephone, I nile to school, all tillable, 10 acres In cul tivation, bearing family orchard and ber ries new tl-room house, good barn ana chicken-house, spring water piped, trout s'ream on place, fine auto road to Port land: price 4i:00: easy terms. D. Mo-,-hesnev. Title & Trust bldg. run dauu. 120 acre3. S0 per acre; 30 acres clear ;tn light clearing, balance timber; good lard on road. 4 miles to town, 14 , miles to sawmill and chese factory: will pas ture 30 cows. w , Also 160 acres. 70 acres open, balance timber: V, mile o county road. H mile to cheese factory, school and church miles to Tillamook. Or. All good land. $20 . PAddMMi C.R. WORREL. Sec. Tillamook commercial uiuo. i ni.'"". . . -'..v: t,tj rr c-r t vmr x $000 buys 20 acres of land: fine soil, no rocks, all tillable: school within one half mile, near the Columbia Highway, close to town of 1000, with co-operative cannery and creamery; railroad station and boat landing: this land Is easily cleared: has been burned over and seeded to grass; $5 per acre down and ?1 per acre per month without interest; don't miss this, if, tho best ever. F. L. Uorcton. latsKanic. 5 acres cultivated, balance pasture; dandy orchard, T0x70 barn. 5-room house, good outbuildings, lights and spring water in buildings, 11 cattle. 2 hogs. team, chickens, bees, new machinery, plenty of feed rich soil: terms, $2000 cash, balance long time. Do you want a good farm for the price of a house? W. V. HYDE, Castle Rock. Wash. PIONEER RANCH. 14O0 acres, big barns, fine house, 100 cuttle, louo choice sheep and goats. Big money-maker. Sale or exchange. Very cheap at $o."i.OOO. ST CHA1U.ES UXD CO.. St Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison St. vor had' better leave the eternal drip of Western Oregon and Washington, with It never-ending stumps, and come to a place where alfalfa will produce $2o to the acre first crop and corn 100 bu to , thi acre on alfalfa sod. You will need $1J0 to start right. Address E. G. BAILEY. Ontario. Or, 0 w-KBa ot rich soil, for orchard, farm or ' garden all fenced. 3 miles from Wendel,, Idaho. ' in famous North Side Jwin Falls district $2."i0 down, balance of $lo00 on very easv terms; buyer to assume 4-year or longer 0 per cent mortgage of .o0j small house and half Interest in good well and windmill, water rights for irrigation; a good investment. -P -. DO vou want a home near the University of Oregon? Tracts for sale mile from city limits of Eugene: po cash payment re quired: out 100 cords of wood on other land as first payment: other work guar anteed; trade a to 20 acres. AE 5S4, Ore gonian . FOR ttl.E or lease, 8 acres on Salem Elc ,rict '2n miles from Portland: house, barn, 7 chicken-houses, good well, windmill, water tank, hot and cold water in the house. Write or see owner. 885 Haight ave. . IMPROVED 23-acre farm for sale ut a aac rifice price of $2300. terms; 5 14 mlies from Oregon Citv 2 miles from R. R. station, u mile from good -school and store. 19 mileTfrom Portland. J. A. Cobb. 228 Henry t; ACRES 2S miles from Portland; good buildings: exchange for a'falfa land jn Fast Oregon or Idaho or house and lot in part payment or sell cheap. Address J. M Peaking. Newberg, Or. BY owner 122 acre,. 30 acres In cultivation, T miles from Oregon City. Equipped with stock and implements. $i500. term. Lewis, lot Gland ave: X. vn-H -S4T.E FARils. Near Forest Grove, a nice little farm 4 miles from Forest' Grove., good roau, house and all necessary buildings; lurn: ture: horses, cows and too.s; almost acres, ril in cultivation; price cut to for quick sale; sjmiO cash will iiaudie. bal. iong time, 6 per cent; sickness only reason lor selling. This is a snap. Farm near McMinnvllIe; 2:14 acres, nearly all in cultivation and pasture, house, barns, SO tons bay, a h-irses, oC cows, heifers, hogs, goats, chickens, arm implements: on milk and mail routes, 'inn is some money-maker and only $2O.u0o; about JK'rtiOO cash. bal. long time, ti pel cent; might take some trade. Have several other cracker-jack uuys, smaller and larger. 7-room modern house, only $41100: $,oo0 cash. mtg. $3M10, 3 years, S per cent. Piedmont district. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY" CO.. 003 Dekum Bldg. TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM. 50 acrea. on Tillamook River and main auto road to Portland: over half level, balance upland: new house and barn, some gooa timber, family orchard; wll! make easy terms or tuke some Portland proierly. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. O.egouiuii Hldg. FOR SALE. 35 acres fine river bottom land, of mile from railroad town on H. P., close to Portland, well fenced, fine buildings, splendid road; price $200 per acre; casa; no trades; al.' lr high state ot cultiva tion. 52 acres best land in Willamette vai !ev, right at railroad town, close to Port land splendid buildings, well fenced, tlzis road'; ail in cultivation anu worth lb money; $200 per acre, cash, balance at 7 per cent; no trade. 64 acrea right at Barlow, on the S. P, Railroad, fine river ' bottom land, new 5-room bungalow, fine large barn, other outbuildings, no waste lend, all under cul tivation; price $200 per acre, canii, balance at 7 per cent; no trades, dKE W. DENVER HILL at 304 OAK ST. Marshall 3100. FARM HOME CLOPE IN STOCKED AND gi;iE'PEU ;tu acres on main rocked road 22 miles from Portland, 3 miles from electric R. inn 1. milo frnm atebo.il mrnl HlHil. merchants' delivery and nitlk routes, i telephone, soil dark loam, all tillable. I natural drainage, L acres in cultivation, family orchard, grapes and berries, good j house, o rooms; good barn and other t bulldingJ, well, spring and running stream, .'i .Tersey cows, 1 horses, chickens, hay and ; gram, surrey, wagon, harness, plows, cul tivator, tools; price $."i04K; very reason able terms, D. McChesney, Title ft True: hldg. Sl.,0O0 VALUE FOR $7S00. 94000 cash takes the equity in this 2r4. acre well-located iarm near Corvallis, stock Included; $3350 mortgage at 6 and 7 per cent is in good shape; So acrea cul tivated, more easy, balance good timber. Completo and comfortable buildings, creek, springs, orchard, R. F. D., milk route, telephone; on level rock toad 4 miles from R. R. The biggest bargain in the North west. Nothing but cash goes. OWNER at iE02 Railway Exchange Bldg, FOR SALE BY OWNER. One of the iinest farms in the Valley; :1S0 acres; 200 in grain; fine pasture ana timber, ;a acres of level hazelbrushland, easily cleared, suitable for garden or al falfa; on Pacific Highway, mail and miik doute; j mile from railroad, near good school and stores; will sell entire place of 100 acres of choice land if taken at once at $75 per acre; cash, balance, terms to suit. BF r72, Oregonian. i CARL1NE THROUGH THIS. V) acres just beyond Gresham, streetcar and small stream crosses one end, lies nearly level, finest kind of soil, not a rock or pebble on It; covered with small tha to or 20 ft. high; 4 blocks from station; price for quick sale $1200; $2M0 cash, i yra. to pav balance at i per cent. HOSTETLER & ANOERSUN, 723 Chum., of Com. 220-ACRE wheat farm, liaif in Winter wheat. Hmall substantial house; SO-foot well. Can easily irnnate 100 acrea by pumping. Eastern Washington. miles from Northern Pacific; V miie from pro posed O. ft W. Price S10,(K0. $5o0 cash, balance easy terms, or will take in come property. OWNER, Phone Aluin JUL ftO Leary bldg., Seattle. Wash. WHEAT RANCHES. 2 i00 acres of well-improved. fuUy stocked and equipped, on railroad, IVuif acres in wheat, best of oil; can be had at a bargain on eusy terms. ItiOO acres, 7oil acres in cut., well im proved, fine water, best of soil, easy terms, wort it investigating. B. H. COOK & CO., et'o Corbett Blug. $200 40 acres 0 mi. from Forest (irove. -S acres cultivated, good S-rm. house, barn, chicken-house, hoghouse. orchard, tine trout stream, gravel road, good soil; JllMO casii. balance time. See ilr. Rohrbough, 200 Stark st.. at HARTMAN THOMPSON loG A ". miles from Sublimity. Or.; loo A. in cultivation, large room house, burn 4 1 x44; nil necessary out-buildings, family orchard; cash price $100 per acre: mott ' gage $7500, per cent; might trade for feed or hardwarde store. 210 Stock Ex change bldg. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 40 acres unimproved on the bank of the Willamette, opposite Junction City, $40 por acre. $400 cash, balance when you please. This Is one of the richest pieces of land in the state. Fred W. Gerniia. 114 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY and stock ranch, finest in Oregon. 411 acres on river and boat landing, ue.ir town; 2."i0 acres in high state of culti vation, bal- open pasture; i" acres bea verdam ; all can be cultivated ; will con sider exchange for city property. Main 1100. "20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRICE CUT ONE HALF 00 acres near Red Elect ric, fenced woven and barb wire; good soli, lie- well and mostly cleared, fine view and nice place for a home; price only $05 an acre. P. Hcwey, i,0y Stark St.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR SALE 67 acres, on North Hollow Prairie, northeast of Salem, 3 milea south west of Mount Angel. 60 acres in cultiva tion, balance Umber, small hopyard, new 10-rGom house, hophouse, $175 an acre if sold at once. Inquire A. J. Farmer, 40s Stock Exchange bldg. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land Are you interested? If so, write to MODERN "HOMESTEAD ASSN., 303 Phe lan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOOSTER, Pres. 15,000 ACRES LOGGED-OFF LAND $7.M per acre, suitable tor colonization, well located, near Olympla. Wash. cam. 4:10,000, bal. to suit. S. Hewey, 20!) Stark bl" HARTMAN & THOMPSON GOOD LITTLE DAIRY RANCH 41 acres, 18 miles south of Portland, 1 mile electric, with stock and Implements ready to make money; prico oouo, on ETood terms. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES NEAR BASELINE East of Sandy River, near Chanticleer; buildings, orchard, half cultivated, hard surface road, well watered by springs and creek; price $3000, $1000 cash. J. Haas, ueninger phis- 9". acres near Carlton, fine soil, well watered, fenced 2 sides, Bood timber: this prica for quick sale; only $2500. Fred C. Hi- i.v '(ti er.fi Minir hlflir FOR SALE A 75-barroI steam flour and feed mm, locateu in anwi miub ton. the best grain belt In the West; a snap for someone. For particulars ad dress TV. D. Saugster, Anatone, Wash. BENTON COUNTY. 223 acres at $12 per acre. 3 miles from Southern Pacilic station; fin loam soil, plenty water. Coddard & Wied rick. 24'J Stark st. FARMERS AND HOMESEEK.EES No matter what kind or size of a farm vou want to buy. if you want good value for vour money nna a square aeai see F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. (W5 A. in Crook Co.. 100 A. in cultivation. 40U more can "e. - 1 r .... plenty of water; 7-R. house, barn oOxoo, and other buildings; price $0500. 210 StocK texenange uma- FOR SALE Fully equipped farm of Cr. acres, all I" cultivation , mnatu e in in to right party. Call at room 715, Hote. Benson C. A. Barnett, until Monday even ing, WELL improved 80 acres, near Eugene, trravel road, good buildings, near stops ?r railroads, running water; terms. Box 23S, Eugene, Or. j FORCED SALE 140 acres, ;J0 acres bottom land 15 acres cultivated, fair buildings, bearlna orchard, near school; $20 per acre. j. -'"" IS ACRES, all improved, good bldgs.. on red car eieton. .............. snap. Owner, A. McDonell. 403 Lumber- m-n s oing. TO avoid foreclosure !?f acres this weeK $2000 cash; no commission. AP 549, Ore soman. im ACRES $10O an acre, sacrifice for $7.". t..i- ic limits .-ill cultivated, level, on co ti nty road. Hunt, $22 N. W. Rank bldg. BY owner. 50 acres, dairy ranch, buildings. some siociv. .... - -- $3800. terms. Eox 24. route 4, Oregon C iiy. WHET ranch, must sacrifice to raise some cash. Box 95, Odessa, Wash. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LANDS Eighty miles south of Portland, in Lion Cottntv," a.cng the banks of the S: ntiHtn River," we lmve for st.'e two sections of U.tld; both contain rood D:-O!orliou lilli. cblo laud; both have running stream. Lriid has been burnt over. Rest ot all. the prices ure cli as you cut urTord to rmy tor farm l.uide 10 illd uu acre, re spectively, l'e.ms. one xt.ll c.h. bal ance over flva yews. This Is '.vu.lb in vestigation. G. WYNN WILSON CO. 003 Cha:nbcr of Commerce, Portland. WELL LOCATED MONEY -MAK1NU FARM WITH STOCK "'mi litres on good gravel ro.i.1 o:-.l' 1 ' miles from Rv. i.xvn In WiilMtiiclte Val ley, mail and milk routes, electric power lice passes house; li-.riu ail in cu!tla ilon and woven !.' fenced; no acre, now in grul l. 40 acres cloi er. baluncc rea.lv lor seeding; go.-d Improve. items induce big hip-roofed imrn. 7-rooni house. -burses ;l cows. r.rool sow?.. cUuKotls. farm machinery: : go for imi an aoie with easv terms. D. .VcCbesricy. iitle i Trust bldtf. Kvjl'lPi'FD FARM " 02i- ycies 12 mi. iio'ii Ot,'H"i: l H'. ; !n c-roy. 22 a fine timber laud. i t,l. u.,ri 4--.-. hoiifc. nice nam i . , ...i..., ,i o,,.i Am mi- anil v,. il, counlv load on :I sides: included vv-nb farm lev binder, inoivar. ". rti-lll. narrows. blows, horn , bantos.. cn.9. li .us. cblciteiis. liiLigy. carrier, separator- equipment vahtation !2oo; will sell ali for x.",7.",0. $:l.u cash, boi. terms. 1 M. p,olirbotit;ii. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON M'-tnirtii and Slai k. ) LOW-PRICED FARM TO DEVELOP IMO A GOOD HOME FOR 3lMlu Ml acres o mile? from Rv. stfitior.. T.7 iiiles from Portland; has 2 cream route convenient. :elephone. school 'j "'He. there are 12 acres cleared and 1oO acres tillable: good family orchard anil berries a mill! n feet good fir, house, barn ana oilier builoiiigs. :t cow s, 4 vcarlliigs. -calces wagon, harness and machinery . a. 1 Included at 3la: easy terms. 1. lie ,'!,f.nev. Title A- Tills, bldg. CALIFORNIA. ; '.i acres in the heart of Sacr.i mento Valley near aood towns and transporta tion OViU accept one-huif in clear, soon wheat land in Eastern Oregon ajid smsli .-.mount of cash as hrst pay men: l long time.. Fine, deep soil. i 1 mow allalfa and in fact everything thai grows in California. Price, $..2.0OO. O ) DORR E. KEASEV & CO.. 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. GOOD YAMHILL CO. FARM $4000 7s arret 5 u miles from town, on main level road; i mile to school; Re re eleared. 4-t acres open oak land thai is good pasture. Oo acres can be idled when ail clear, and the clearing is 1ijiu; a. fenced with woven wire: this farm onlv $51.25 an acre and you can build to suit- lP'O cords fine oak wood will pa for 'buildings and you have a fmi Im proved farm at low cost; l..u will han ule D VcChesnev. Title fnut bldg- HERE IS A TILL vMOOK TRADE. '7 acres mile from the city, nil level and in cultivation; on main county rond nnd well fenced: good 4-room house and burn. Price $200 an acre, and ill t ke good Portland property. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Oregonian Bldg. - ROTTOM LAN L FARM !!.-. ACRES, 70 CLEARED PRICE ONLY $0500. T his barsritin i only 1 mhe f 1 0111 Ry. town in Willamette Valley ; hits rural mail cream and milk routes; grade nnd high j-ehools I mile; good 0-room house, 2 bains, spring and running si ream: place is fenced and has family orchard in bearing; cows and slock will make this iarm par from day of purchase. D. Mc Chesev." Title Ac Trust bldg. 400 ACRES in Wasco County. 1 mile lo tow u of good schools, enure nee, fice, etc. 20n acres under cultivation, splendid improvements and well stocked. House has eight rooms. lireplace. 40 acres under water, anod trout stream throuilj the pli.ee, good family orchard. An idea) place Only per aire. Will take $:ttoo cash and balance to run long time at ti i.er cent Will not trade. Call and see photo at offce. Jordan, :i01-2 Luniber- mens bhlK. r . . 1 Ti V- .11' fi at u" i. a tt l 057 acres of land on Sam les Island, iio miles from Portland; good boat landing, burn and house on place; 40 head cows, fine soil If you are looking for a dairy or slock farm this is the phirr. lice is rinht at, an investment. $I2.1HH will handle, balance as loiiu as on want M. 1 L S -hmetrr. 10th and Tburman sts.. Fort land Or. Phone Main :JM0. SACRIFICE SUBURBAN HOME. HALF PRICE on Red Electric road, 5 acres all under cultivation S-rm. modern house, water system, nice barn. Ideal location. Improve ments cost $2!5o, owner must have some rash, will sacrifice for $.150, terms. V. M. Rohrbout;h, 2110 Stark st.. at HARTMAN THt)M I'SON 10-20-ACRE tmets. cleared: rich bottom land, some with buildings and barns, fine dairving district, walking distance from hio 'fSiinwiipr resorts: OU.ihmi people last year ; loca I mn rket n 1 1 year, top prices rMd: irood cows furnished aettlers; ptlcp Slid acre and up. easy terms. .2T Corbett bldg. .v. i-u as.-'. CASH. $(S:l CASH. Puts you In possession or a dandy little 20-acre tract. 10 In cultivation, good 4 room house, nicely painted and plenty oi shack outbiiildtnca. Baiance of $1107 pay able $20 per mouth. This Is a su-criMce. No trad--. Fred W. German Co., 114 Cham ber of Commerce. ,. . . l- 1 1-1? i.-i ITI.-I1 V" A ii is Improved and unimproved irrigated farm tracts excellent for alfalfa and fruit rais ing finest climate; in the rmatilla Gov ernment lrrintiun project at llermiston. Or reasonable price or will trade for Bood Income Portland properly. R oOL f irenonian. . 20 ACRES on Red Elect ric. Ideal location, 15 acres in crop, bal, ready lor potatoes. 1- acre grove: price $2J5 per acre. Sco Mr Rohrhough, at " HARTMAN & THOMPSON Kourin sun .-ihtr TWO Linn Cnuntv farms. 20 miles south of Albany 2' miles Oregon Electric; one contains i: acres and one of 127 acres: best of soil : some river bottom, water and wood and good pasture. Address Lee Anderson. 43!t E. 10th st. N. Phone Last oilt 20 ACRES on the county road, overlooking the Columbia and only one-half mile from the Columbia boulevard; all Improved, with pood bouse, barn, fine orchard, fine springs piped to the house; 70W; some ...nrid At ill Lumbermens bidir. BIGGEST FA KM s..r uiu-.n-'.. :i51-acre beautiful farm, worth .-i0,ono; will be sacrificed by widow for !S..oO; $2."i00 cash, balance dead easy. Get par ticulars of F. FUCHS. 42Q Jlinmner 01 bommeree. 24 ACRES, $00 an acre, Eugene district. 200 a. bottom, very fine soil, drained, ir,o a. In cultivation, 40 a. low hills; god blig.. orchard, spring and creek: on county road, near county seat. lM'VT 22' N. W. Rank bids. ROGUE RIVER DISTRICT llfc a. res 7.0; i0 acres $050; both have running stream: p-4rt creek-bottom land; right by railroad; each $200 cash, balance easy. O. Y ynn WiNoy dumber of Commerce, Port land. ' FOR S VLE 27 -acre farm, half in cult iva-tinn-' 1 acres swale Innrt: little house and barn' miles from A'ncouvr. Wash.. -mHes' from cood car service: ma? itike part in trade; price S;;S50. BC 5S2. Ore- pniua 1: ORXNGF GROVES in Southern t alifornia f'.r -alc or exchange. The undersigned owner l as four of the best paying in the district. Full particulars will be glen bv addressing S. S. Hough, Portersvl.lo. 1 at o ACRES 20 miles out, Multnomah Co. : " 1 a.-res improved; barn, no house, county rnad'runa through it; overlooking Colum bia River: $4500 ; some traue. 40.1 Lumber- nens Bidg 40 ACRE'S 40 miles frcm Portland, 1 mile to railroad; " cows, 4 horses, good hou.se and barn, nil farming implements. Call Monday. Price $-750. part cash. 1010 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE cheap by owner. 10''-. acres Xiramook County. Or., nenr Blaine; con sider P-it trade. P. O. Box 12t, Lents. Or. Tu. ac RES r.ear The Dalies, small liouhe, chicken house, family orchard and berr:es in bearing; snap . owner, V. Enauf. 45i Bristol st.. St. Johns. Or. B RGA IN In f.mall farm eioe 1 o ton n. II you have a little cash see me. E. I. Kurat H, Hlllsboro. Or. FOR SALE 1 GO acres Yamhill County land. No agents. C. D. Bockes, Carlton, Or. . , FOR SLE 1CS0 acres choi.e g-aiu .ind h1 faifa land, Harney Valb . Will aell all or part. AH .. Oregonian. ACRE for -oo: lamniii Luiiity; cedar 'will more than pay tor tt. Owner, C. Obo rue, 510 -1st st. North. -TR VPK WITH US." Foil SAI.i:. lot; hc Ceil.n Mi:i. j'-'-l "l,T 1 ' ' as.ilnst'Mi C.Miaty. i ' a. , t , .i Moi. good rnor.M emeus, stoi i ttc,' ci Itipill ; Hlo ; , r lie, ,-. :,7o at... it. cut .v mi t -t'. i AH . toy. K. K. .i,n. "' station on pis, e, ., Hilton iMu.l. v ' of soil, too sue. -p. -jo l,ot.j- " i-r 72i uc. t'asi aoe. N.i-h .il.lv.- toli fronilog on toiuiniia nivi-. "i. ; in-line fi.i It. It : " f'"'i v .-. ". s.-veial tiK'U'Ui''l il.ill.i.. " v11' i''1" on.! it- lb. llllv-l K 1J " ' " !,v,..-, ao.o.-.i. f. it., nctr ItiO I. !' Marion t'liunl .. on I'" .:"" b i it. ' 'I' bcaverdani. p.-isora; iimm'.? vvmli l-. owi: pneu $.l."i.ooo. j-io-'. stock ami Ji" the in O'anvl U i' Vajli". I-Ici'. oiitr.lnae I, great bu Ml -' I"'1 " I'.rt li.ole. ... . ,. i U tek ",'I'i J ,A "l Fi , - pel -e. ,iU H .! on beaOUi.ll MMIUIM I Lke n Ltl-e i'uiu,t. '., in cUIm""H PT-o.V'ac . ne.M- Westo.i. 1 n.aiHIa Cmi ; . ineitnhfiu sawmill. P"v a-te lo.u-K. -ce. iiliu c.niiii. L. " s-:, P'r ' i.ttio a -if, wlieut Irttid a. !' per n.ie lo.t.-t iu re. s-. ir et.l 'II ,4b... :'"" jn cnit.i ntion ,c. busneis i b'-r or hir'-y. w..d waie-fd. e i p t h m. m- C.utJn.ii petfonul piopeiT. .".oott iicien ;.t ll per cr and 'O b"a-l .f estfe. Imi horses, eli waietett. iomT I'ov-orjb- and stoie. We i'.ivc if-e tiKtlt;c tt-.t-o v H ' u- a... m openhm In our t.ffice f""1 a "'d nun -xpenetu cl In ban. Hn. g Im ms -tS t ;ii.p!i 'Mill D'l" S A : E N ' Y. - stoek I'.xoiiaiia- i i ( . , ;i- and Vtimliitl. ilstlnus tiii. er ' i:eh.ini t H EAT. UX" i-rn 1 4im in cult n uUoti. In crop, mostlv Wheat, balmue uoo.l pasture with running water; ;;o lna.1 "f wik s;o. k. m.wll) mules. P.tte hi w.d res and vouiid sto. k. 1 siallb-n. 1 J-' k. cows. 'abotit 12 .hens. 2 bi .....1 .w a I :ill cnickeitS. ...!! well wtlh Kf-oMi..- . t. - gine all neeesar n.s. blnei v 1.. ih.kc m a w;o!l-eouipped ian h. mrhohnu a ,111 tort -t in a combine linn.-t ,. h k. bngg. wagon, racks, h. .l r b -i-. ue.- etc.; K I 7-r hou-c. I.jtiti .u.. l- buibldtlKS. t.depht.lle In b..U--. I lie Sl-i"i !C crop-- unil cervtblHK K ',rl ' at $20 p.-r acre; 111 h id 1 about $5000. some ennli and brtlai.-f 1 n leiins, ls on a i;ood toad. ale. in 1 nnb irom a uooil town eii ot lb- moon 1 tn. I pon inv.MlK(itin you will (ni umi is cheaper than neighboring pla-e- a snap. HARRY R. lUMPllRY, 2'! chamber of Commci COLUMBIA RIVER DA'RY RANCH - 1:12 acres. lt0 acre bottom land, acres upland. Finely Improved. ' bulldintts, fine chance for dalrvtmin. nihi. small payment. Will cinsidei s exchange. ST. CHARLES l.ANP CV. St. Charles Hotel, 2oi .Mot rlm.n S1 . DAI R Y, cows, f me st tick, bolt 0111 land, l.-irge farm. r27 Corbett l.ldir. 15 A-CRES; 12 clear; $-H"i, .ash; balanc to s'lit. T'bone A .".IT-', 5j N. 2:bl. MltH-ellanwua. UKf BL'SV For sale. H h i cultivation: want $I2"0 cash, t'ltl unf terms, stock Included; am nbk and aln must selj. I'bone Aiai'Miaii t...i. i" 1 1 M. RIVERFRONT, orchard, four-room .bm and chicken-bouse, one acta; 9-00. IL ii Starkweather, near Rialey titatioa. l hon Oak Grv 1-X. WANT M REAL EHTATB. LARGER HOI SE W AN 1 Ki. Bungalow. Haw thoi ne-Mt. 'J':tbor dis trict. U rooms, strictly modern, tine n.-mli horhood and location, now renlft at 22 .mi month, permanent tenant. 01 ! h lo.-u. No encumbrance. Want larger luoise und will pav up 10 $15oo cash uddn iuiial. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. 2"4 Morrison St WANTED Apartmenl-housa show-lhir -i income. In Kod location ; h p V es Sms Income property, also close-In acrt'ime, to trade for same; will assume; le fu.i par ticulars In first letter, showing UicuiHv aud exi.eiiseg, AK 5tS. Oregonian. IN the market for first-class invr-uniciu. price must bo right; submit proposition bv .uuii, giving lowet prn-e. ejt;iet (ova tion and tcrnu. Oregon invesinu n: -Mortgaae Co., Inc.. Stock E-U. ixug.. -1 and Yamhill WANTED I wa.il to buy a joo I'.ift iu" t -agu on either turin 01 city propi iiy, a' l uil details In in st let 11 and Un ie ns count; would consider iuorlK4es oi miiihJ er ueiiomijiutiout.; otnei own iuod. iloa 02, city. WANTED To buy 5-ioom binisi.tlow " cant lot. oust mini : lot b vel wiih s, walk: near Saiuly boulevard, betw.-. -i .i and 1'ld st. ; must b- tloap, It.n.ii. E. Hursli 1'M'H Keilj st. U. TltADE W ITU US." $:ttHH lot. Noi l h I'ort iaiol. and I $1500 cash for IrvtnaUut bono- G0LDSCH.MIL" I S A'.l- N' V. Stoek Exchtinge Ui-i WOl'LLt buv bunsaiow In Ruse C10 I . k I could s-ll m v tin 1 r 1 u oi I Jihmi. , would exchange the mm 1 mu;.' lo- m but aalow up to $ I..OO or $1000 if It w.i lirs ebtss and suited. U I 1 5s:;. Otepot-iHu. If IVANTEIi Lo ouy from 45 to ( . r. , w Itti- In Ill-mile circle; must be cio.- lo imi. ' or more cleared, no buildlinis niu'Mi. Will make good fitt pa iin-nt . l."-''il-111.1 tin ti-. P1J Chamber of Coin m- r . . TRADE A ITH I S." t.MMm to $mmhi. uoo.l Ji'lf, all 1 I. 111, and ar-h for In eminent i.p to l '. it' GOLDS 'H M I DT H A''. EN' . Stock Kxcha ne. :bi ntnl Vaeiblll WAN T LD Strictly inuiirm hom, lo t rooms, m improved disinct, cie in; will pav pai t cash and 2 ac , all Imptov. -u. with f-rooin house, on . I'd st. K. J. Vsik- 4 1; j I 6 I'd t. S. I'ori itiiii, jr. WANT aood nitHlern bunirn low net i.i t ,r out; pined Unlit. hae two, or ihrj bi and cash. What llttVu jou J. Jl.tos, die liiiK'-r bldg. WANTED r. mum house, full ba- rii ut and at I Ie, Kose City P.trk iisi t b . '. Only o net's need r pl . Li i 1 l tt 11 r 1 '..1 as lirst payment. Tel. ev. titni T. 1'. . WANTED-" 'd i-i t pi op', I e f-o U la in -etle Vallev lwim or fl'ie c'imn-ii inl or rhard: $7500 t. $.'H.oh. owner, "i 1 ticgonlan WANT well-MtoeUed Eautiru Hoii llu'li. about loon acres ; must hav e pb-nl v stoek and hi leant loo a e 1 . alfalta. au duvn A- Walton. .-.15 Chamhr ot Com. A LOT for cash In Ros-tm. 1 e ..r I ;.,. i n y Park: must be cheap. Addros" AN -""i. r Piontan. WANTED Lot In lrvingt-.n or RoMiueie. will build and Rive moriKaite fur ant'; no agent i. AE Oiegonian. LOTS or house und lot for 2 r.i'-s (..lin ing land, clear. l. A. DoTi.-is.oti. 4.l .liri loik hid a. Phone East 2M't. Iji i( S E li v ington. Mel lad. 1 . no j.:;.mhi ens'n. phone bet. h ami lo Mar-hall 4'."a. ii. 1 11 ; A. Al. W NT ciear lot or Ionise 1 ..1 1 euuitv. W. st Side horn . ''2."i't t. L-'HSed $-"'. A 1. ."Mis, (in ni.nlnii tv L"'i a no TO TRADE $:. 10 5-room in inlet tt luiia low and - acre city; mortK.ie $7-at, km bun ira lnw-"c.ar. V 57., Oreg-mian. 1 pay spot caslt for hds In Alberta di-'tiet, must be bargain. el"e to carline; tis lull pa r 1 1 u 1 a rs. li "n n on in n. WANT to buy .T or 5 a. res on 5.: ariine O 572, ' rtron tan. WANT to buy henp lot wtlh h shmh on V 52. tMegonlan. HOl'SE n-ai Rose it v i a 1 lim ntortcare. Address ltf 4f.:i, Y . NTKU Two bu s. close lo aflliie . phone. C r n"r n n. ' . NT ED 1 "-o M' res. i rttpi n , . 01 nrovtd: cle phone. A :'. n u.oiln ' WANTED 5 0 loom boo fiom umit, phone. C "...rt, H-etzOOi.lM WANTED 5 or 10 acn phul-e. O-es .lH ill'. I Iio , WANTED Two nd phone, BR 1. fi .-Ionian. WANT trade for e.uuv hoU e Last Side home, leased. Ala in o7s, FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 20-a. it- r.n. ti in r.cli siaiit of cuaiVH 1 Inn. 2 miles fmrn L. n s , itood house, new barn. Tabor 507, (.'. I" W mm, R. Oresnnni, Ot-. TH R E E fa rnis 'or rent, ne ei a I for sa bv also chicken ram-hen. cit y proiwrt t s ; . nianips brings long list. .McCoy, X:2 Cham ber of fommeree, Portland. FORTY-ACRE farm for rent, nine miles from ctty, I'i ltd lea from sl.Mion; a""d well nnd out mii Idtng". J '"'. pp'tc-tMiiii. FOR ItKN f- .'. a den. fruit tree. Itiereiaj Idoek res eltise lit: rub nod, K-u- l.iii liuihlluKv. .'.an 'oiu- l:t ACRES. half in. RaMwa v. .o-l t bulldiiico v ita' siut'oii. 70 ACRES, -o in ctili i alion. :l 11 orchard, good bulbllim I'j lie St'itnnion. Route l Rtdaerp id. II. TTd FOR RENT- Vi acres Tine nidee hind, for onions, s u tr. imnto ed. near Ti 11-t. 2-;:i Worc""T Mi'k FOR RENT 20-s r- rami, citv. call at :.2 is G . R. F. D. 2. b"x 4. lie M li'in. eU FARM for rent ch ap. Rat low, i'i 20." roe st., rott'.r.l Or. tH ACRES, !) in crop. Add..- tii vrson, R i, bo iv J5. Gieshata, Of.