8 '' TITfc SUNDAY OREGOSIAINY PORTLAND, JANUARY 31, 1915 I ' j ,t)R RENT FARMS. j TO EXCH Arfr.K -BrAL MTATK. KfcAI. ESTATE. Jr or Saalo Aercmge. WONDERFUL rare bargain; BO acres, all beaverdam. all in cultivation, al! fenced, all drained, irrigation ditch through cen ter. iil level. acrea timothy. 14 acres . - . i . i .- ..L..' far tl.V reaa; ior - .ru- i-t.uj - and everything produced on place, orow . . . ....i. :.!.- pverv- Milan, grams. o..o". ' o - - for thing; worm liov per iuc, iJ: $133 and 100 around It $2SO0 c cash. naiance yeara, I per -- -- - -. MimiKT r-xenangc 13 12 ACKB3, all cultivated, good soil, m sell r rum eieciric line. ret." . - .1... , n r trail for CitV Property. H. field, lti.'. 4th at. ffomcatcada. 3 DANDY homeilcad i ellnquiahmenta clc j ...... - u.hnn W : t to loan aito ii 1 " 1 - road, buildings, running u tter, send atamp lor iDiwuaimii. " ONE of me best relinquishments In the country; it you . - ' , homestead, write to J. a. wenra, ui v le w. Oregon, via i.uiigi. KELINUUISHMENT, 160 acrea. bouse, barn chicken-house, all good land, not far front Portland; X.KJO cash. Phone Marshall 2 room 2a. Mercedes, portianq. v-ir. -vi-.v-rt-rv T ..I inr.nirimrrf : SoutherD Ore gon preferred. Give full particulars. P. .Vasn. p. o. ivox say, civ. For Sale l-Twit Laods. FOR KALE 20 acres of apple land at Mos ie Or 6 miles east ot Hood River; acres In 7-year-old cherry trees. 2 acres hilly but remainder can be cleared ana will make very liberal terms to U-dustri-,ui man with a little money. E. A. L tan. air' you in.-an business and want a bearing pr unt orenara acre me w ' the orc.iarJ right and the term rUfht. add res A. E.sop,. Aioany, in-. 1 hale Farn ON PUDDING RIVER, NEAR WOODBUHN. tm m ith 70 in cultivation, six bemverdam. 1 0 fir timber, balance good Mature, all tillable; rich black and choco late louia; 'A 'ft miles xrom good railroad ton. Mariun County; good bouse and barn, Kraiiiry and other buildings; stream, two iKriugs ana arineu wen. m. bihcuuiu . close in, lor aiv.ow, itnn.. .i.v- Title ac Trust Diug- fin acres, all cleared and level; only snort waiK xw pwwuwu, iwito, churches and union station ot two rail- roius, in prcuji uwt. .7 poultry district In Northwest; fine lor uairyius, ecu " - bite nrlces; constant demand; faces south A . K.....kv - Kao .ir (fill h-allh- ful convenient and fast-growing locality house, barn and other buildings given free An at tractive prupusmuu , ij x., no tradea Call or write today. I. F . DAIRT. On of the flnfst dairy farms. S25 acres. 1u mil i fmm - P. cleoot : at least 15000 cash necessary, balance on time. I. U. iiartog. -! Stark, at HARTMAN A THOMPSON A GOING FARM. SO acres first-class land, 13 of which is UUIIUIU ttUU "- at 73 ' " " ration, less than 35 miles from Portland; 2t acres cleared. 8 more nearly cleared, balance open seeded pasture, all lies well; school at-Tttss roaa ; imaii new nvuw. good barns, trout stream, ft first-class C . It-lillJ. IIVKO lllal l.'llt.AVo, farm machinery; $750; terms. D. McCUes- JIOOll 10 ACRE. ClEAItt-L ww. Will s;ll my level and cleared 10-acre place on fine hard auto road; splendid. fast-growing locality, oeauium j healthful no wild and -woolly wilderness with mud and stumps, but level, cleared and close to stores, schools, railroads and plenty of pood neighbors; telephone, mall and grocery delivery, cheap lumber and fuel, great section for fruit, poultry and nr.r-O to Sell OUlCklV. S1WO. W. A. tvrklns. Rochester. Wash. FARM AND STOCK flOO. 4:t acres. 5 miles north of New berg. 30 miles from Portland: 17 acres cleared. 673 acres cultiv.; comfortable little -4-room house, good barn. silo. 2 springs, running water; nice place for small dairy and poultry; included with farm, 1 horse. 1 cow. a heifers, chickens, some tools, etc.; .turn cah. bal. time. D. M. Kohr bough, Stark St.. at HA KT MAN THOMPSON 1 A 1 R KS ti; PER ACRE. ;u miles from Ry., In Lane County, 7 miles from Junction City; excellent soil, 0 acres under cultivation. BO more very rauiiy cleared, balance piling timoer; gooa soring and creek; S-room house, barn and outbuildings: price 3 per acre; S3000 cah: a splendid stock ranch. KAUFFMANN A MOORE 22t-Z2 Lumber Exchange. r-ul'IF'PKD RANCH BARGAIN. fUt.l'.'Mi is the value set on this 170-ocre prooowltlon, nut real money wu ge a "'g reduction. This is one of the best farms In Dallas district and has 1H acres of the richest kind of creek bottoms all under plow; big hopyard; fine improvements; Hleal location. I". S. MORTGAGE V INVESTMENT CO., tkHt-OJ7 Yeon hlilg. 40 ACRKrf $o04M. miles from Forest Grove; good 8 -room house, barn, outl.IUtfS-, on good gravel road; IS acres cultiv.. bal. timber, tillable when cleared; fine fishing, beautiful loca tion : cannot b duplicated for the money; Sr.'OO cash. bal. time. D. M. Kt.hr bo ugh, rr Stark St.. at HAHTMAV THOMPSON WILL sell on crop payment or trade for Oregon or Washington land, my 3-'0 acre Central Alberta wheat land. Marge new house and barn. 140 acres under plow, land fenced, 300 rods of hog fence on place, two wells: no crop failure; an extra good paving Investment. Good rea sons for selling. Write C H. Darnell, owner. Newberg. Or. WANT RESIDENCE. 02 acres, located S. E. of Oregon City; good road, neat 4 -room house, new barn, S acres orchard. acres Winter grain. This is a fine little farm; will exchange for clear Portland property, value of $:iiiH, nnd some cash. Price tf-.0. D. M. Ronr bougli, 2tW Stark St.. at HARTMAN THOMPSON WHEAT. $$0 acres, near Condon. 4S0 In cultiva tion, good Improvements, worth 5 per acre: mortgagee's sale at $17 per acre; on easy terms. GOLlSCHM!DTS AGENCY, 2US Stock- Exchange. "Trade With Us. A I.BKKTA wheat farm at a snap; lu-acra Improved farm In sunny Alberta, one mile from good school, good roads and good water; house, bam and granary; 25 acres broken ready for crop; will sell for $1ti0O, Imlf down, bslance on easy terms. R. P. Mi-Hrnrv. Beaverton, Or. R. D. 4, box T. COLOZATION. Desirable tract of various sises In West ern or Southern Oregon and the best por tiuus of Has tern Oregon $15 per acre. GOLDSCHMIDT S AGENCY. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. "Trade With Vs. 1.-..HN ACRES LOGGED-OFF LAND 7.Vk per ncre. suitable for colonization: well located, near Olympia. Wash. Cash 1 :o,0K, bal. to suit. S. Hewey, 69 Stark &t -HARTMAN THOMPSON LAND. If you want SO or IfiO acres good unim proved land, partly cleared, no stumps, at a low price, writ a or call me at Nona Portland. Or. Phono Wood lawn 2400. C. F. Tracy. KOGl'E RIVER VALLEY 4T acres, small house, jsoo: 40 acres. $750. Each -'oo cash, balance easy. Both have runnins stream, creek bottom land. G. Wynn Wil son & Co., Chamber of Commerce. PortlafuL . SUMMER HOME OR RESORT. acres picturesque valley 011 Hood River, 6 mile -Mount Hooa. trout stream; finest place Northwest for resort or hffina. S1.Y.O0O; J.'.ooo cadh. balance trade city property. 401 Failing bldg. li ACRES rich bottom land: about 6 acres sowed to Fall grain; creek through; good house and barn: city water piped to yard. TVnns or exchange. $ii30: cash price. J.luo. E. M. Hill. Dufur. Or. - FARM SXAP Have for sae a small farm at a bargain: close to town and school. lr vou are looking for a farm at the right price, call or write for particulars. E. I. Kurstll. rtuisoorp, r. 1 TO JO acres cleared bottom land, walking dmtance from largest Summer resorts, con venient to Por:lan1. local market, top prices cattle furnished settlers. Price $60 4i a'RKS hasel brush near Oregon City, on auto read; $UK tand adjoining: wi!l e;t for Sljoo cah If taken immediately; r.o inrumurane??. Oregpnlan building. 3 ACRtCS cleared bottom land. 4-room house and barn. - good cows, schools, transpor tation, con.cnient local market; easy terms, a 7 Corbe t tbl d g. Near Walla Walla: only $10 per acre. OOLDSCHM1DTS AGENCY, Stock Exch. "Trade With Us. ONF of the best 45-a. farms In the WC IsnetTe Vallev. by owner. F. G. Belknap, 4.0 -Vh st.. poniard. WHKAT ranch. ni!t sacrifice to raise some rHs!i Tox PP. Odegga. Wash. coD wheat ranch for sale. Will consider part trade. AD 4. CreffonUn. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARM. Consisting of 80 acres, of which 40 acres are under plow, balance cov ered more or less with timber, part hard wood; has running water, fenced, good farmhouse, barn and other necessary buildings; family orchard. The following personal property goes with the place: 7 Jer sev cows, 1 Jersey bull, 1 span of houses, harness, wagon and all nec-eksaj-y implements. several hogs. . W inter feed for stock. Place lo cated in Clarke County, Washington, 1 mile from station. one of the choicest 10-acre tracts in Clackamas County, situated along the Tualatin River; all under culti vation; has good 5 -room farmhouse, barn chicken-house, in fact, all nec essary buildings, including fruit house. There are about 3o0 bear ing apple trees, about o0 peach, plum and cnerry trees. 2000 red raspber ries. HHK gooseberries. 130 mammoth blackberries and other varieties. Personal property: One 8-year-old horse. 1 wagon, buggy, 3 sets of harness, spray pump, elder press, 8 pigs. IS doxen chickens, 1 plow, harrow, cultivator, a good well of water. Price for all, 420O; on macadam road leading to Portland. Can bfc handled with ysmO. OTTO & HARKE0N REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRlis, IS acres under cultivation, good 7-roora . log house, good barn, chicken hous, machine shed. 12 j assorted fruit trees (beaririR), 4 acres Irrigated onion land; hot and cold water, bath and toilet, fireplace; price ?-il00, -oOO cash, balance at 0 per cent. 2f) acres, Sacres under cultivation, good 4 -room bungalow, fireplace, barn, chicken-house, good water.- 14 miles from R. R. station and store; price F12sX, 9600 cash. 40 -acres. 3S acres under cultivation, 2 acres in green timber, good 4-room plas tered house, large barn, chicken-house, good family orchard, 10 miles from Van couver. A-No. 1 land and ih a good loca tion. zr miles from R. R. station; price 5iuu, sirfvu cas.i. HARRY T. HAYES. 112 West Uth st,. Phone 618. Vancouver. Wash CHOICE FARM BUYS. w a- (.a.. ai) Vilvriltf tni-lroH and. equipped, on Pacific highway. There la. A.hlnsr hnttar Prir- t.'ilUIII tftT all: terms and per cent interest. 20 mil out of Portland. 131 rm nil rich bottom land, all buildings and fences, 50 acres of tine hops and in very best of condition, 50 acres more in cultivation, good road, 1H miles to Oregon Electric station. Price $100 per acre, which is not more than 00 per cent 01 the value. 2000-a ere stock' ranch in the famous bunch grass section of the foothills. Blue Mountains, at surprisingly low price. FISHER & HARRINGTON, 412-413 Stock Exchange. FOR S A LE SS acres fine river bottom land, 34 of mile from railroad town on S. P.. close to Portland, well fenced. line buildings. splendid road; price s-uo per acre; casn no trades; all In high state of Cultiv a Hon. o2 acres best land. In Willamette vat Iev ritrht at railroad town, close to Port land, splendid buildings, well fenced, fine road, all la cultivation acd worth the money; S''t)0 per acre, cash, balance ai 7 per cent; no trades. 4 acres right at Barlow, on the S. P. Pail road, fine river bottom land, new 6 -room bungalow, fine large barn, other outbuildings, no waste lauu, an unaer cul tivation; jrice 1200 per acre, cash, baiance at 7 r.er cent: no trades. SEJS W. DENVER KILL at 3o4 OAK ST. Marshall FARM SNAP. This excellent 40-acre ranch is located 14 miles from Portland, on a good auto mobile road and one-quurter mile irom Damascus. It is I mile to one electric road and 4 miles to another electric road. The ranch has 20 acres planted to lellow .New tons, balance In high state of cultivation. The ranch is worth $12,000. but as the owner has baen suddenly culled to Chi cago he will sacrifice it for $8000; there is a mortgage of S&.OO. This is a genuine sacrifice of one of the highest class ranch properties In the state; the owner will be glud to snow it at any nine; WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO, 80 4th St. 40-ACRE FARM. STOCK CROP MACHINERY. J4000. Improved farm 90 milea from Portland, 4H miles from good Ry. town: 20 acres in cultivation. 15 acres fine slashed pasture, i ncrf fir timber, all Is tillable when cleared; first-class soil throughout; there Is a fine spring and a lamuy orcnaru, (-room house, barn and other outbuild ings : team, 7 good cows, 2 heifers, a cuif, 5U chickens, hay and feedr mower, rake, cream separator, plows, cultivators, wagon, harness: ail for $4lMW; terms. D. McChea ney. Title & Trust bid. fiOOD DAIRY FARM. By owner, on account old age. 40 acre rich SOll, -O in cultivation, umauce m ni.iir! aon-iA timber, xood spring piped to barn; 1!0 miles east Portland, 2 miles from station, on K. v. u. anu cream route; large 8-room house, barn 6ox40, starts for li cows and 4 horses, granary, cellar. slaughter-house. chicken-house, small buildings, all good shape; plow, hsrrow. disc, mower, rake, wagon, -binder, numerous other Implements; three cows, two horses weighing 2ou0. all for W00; terms balf-cash. bulance to suit; 25 head cattle can be bought reasonable: enough hay to Winter cattle. A. J. Harz Shoe Factory. Boring, Or., on Estacada line. 80 ACRES. IN I YAMHILL COUNTY. 80 acrfs first-class land in a fine sec tion of Yamhill County, 50 acres'ln culti vation, rest in pasture with a little tim ber land: rolling, but not rough; 5-room house with spring water piped, barn, chicken-houses, etc.; 5 horses, 7 cows, 4 heifers. 20 hogs and pigs, 150 chickens and Incubator, mower, binder, rake, cream sep arator, wagons, harness; J6jO0. terms. D. Mei nesney. 1 me ac oa- BETWEEN TIGARD AND SHERWOOD, 1 J. uuu. Completely equipped and stocked ranch of 74 acres, on the beautiful Tualatin River; 8-room house, small bouse for help, milk house, large barn, concrete founda tion, cost S.'iOOO; second barn, cost $1000, ..n4 nil nvcMiwrv huiidines: tools and Im plements; 15 head thoroughbred llolstein cattle, some of them registered; 000 casb, oaiance as you 11 ... . at office 01 Fred W. German Co., U14 Chsmber of Commerce. MONEY-MAKING FARM. 19 1-S acres, all of which is in cultiva tion; nearly new bungalow, good barn and sheds; on fine rock roaa 4 miles to town; close to Portland; 6 fine-bred cows, t heifers, team, chicken, all needed feed and machinery for JMSiO. This little farm Is earning over $10(K a year. Call and let us show you how. D. McChesney, Title & IK-ACRE farm. 25 miles to Portland. mile to electric station, running water, modern buildings. 13 milk cows, b young stock 30 hogs ready to turn off. chickens, new implements. Here's a farm that is paying its way. fn.-v you have some cash we can make the terms easy so the farm will pay itself out. See Ackley, 204 Failing bldg.. .Id and Washington streets. He has pictures of the ranch. CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA For sale In the famous Sacramento Valley 2S miles from Sacramento, I have 87 acres of fine level land that I have concluded to sell. This land would make an excellent alfalfa ranch. It can easily be Irrigated and every bit of it Is planted to grain this year. My price for the en tire piece is 100 per acre, nnd at this price Vit is a snap. Address and deal with owner direct: P. O. box 2Jd, Myrtle Creek. Or. A ruu i aiA o ii'i.'v a-.. 40 acres with 5 acres under cultivation; soi.10 fino timber, all tillable, nearly level, 'small house and barn, 1 M: miles from store, ft milts from a good town, fine t re-k best of soil; price 170i, $700 cash, balance 5 years. IF YOU WANT A CHEAP RANCH. SEE THIS E. F, GILBERT, U Washington st.. Vancouver, Wash. CHEAP STOCK FARM SlJ per, Acre. 223 acres. 3 miles from station on S. P 7 fine deep loam, buildings poor, 2o acres has been under plow: good timber; assessed st $10 por acre. GODDARD A WIEDRICX, 243 Stark St. 40 ACRES 35 miles out, 1 Vi to electric line. No 1 soil: all fenced: good family orchard- 2 springs; fair 5-room house; good barn: team. 2 row. calves, all farm mach.nerv. f42So; $1250 cash, balance ID years at fi per cent. 142 H 2d at., room 2S. ' 34 A- all in cultivation, ' from town In Washington County; good orchard, fair buildings. Price sriTOO; might take some trade. 210 Stock Lxchange mag. , X OWN 40 acres of cultivated land, 3 V h 011 rs d rive from Fron t a d M orr ison, ith load. Phone East 1431. lim ACUKS in Willamette Valley, not tar from Eugene. J-5 per acre, Sunday phone Wood lawn 2040. REAL ESTATE. Far dale Fanna. DAIRYING FOR PROFIT IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. We have for sale a 200 -a ere bottom land farm located 2 miles from Tillamook City: every aero a producer, green grass the entire year, besides quantities of grain and taav; two silos, capacity 250 tons, gas engine, feed cutters, loo dairy cows, draft horses and drivers, modern dairy tools and farming implements all go with this pla.ee, and the milk checks from the farm show a handsome profit. We offer this farm at a low figure for cash or will con sider a reasonable amount of income bear ing Portland property. The balance can remain a term of years at the current rate of Interest. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.,' Oregouian Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER A FINE HOG AND DAIRY RANCH. 81.91 acres in Yamhill County, 36 miles south of Portland; farm is milea from Wapato station on the 4th-sL electric line; close to two good towns, on good county road, R. F. D. and telephone n house and milk route; 42 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber with creek running all year around; fine 8-room house, all fur nished, water piped Into kitchen, good roomy barn "With granary, large toolshed, workshed. woodshed and two chicken house; bearing family orchard and SOU prune trees just set out; 12 acres seeded to oats, 7 acres 1-v clover, 3 acrea In oats and vetch and small patch of rye; 1 heavy team of mares, 1 light team of horses, 2 colts, 1 Holsteln cow, 1 Jersey bull, registered; 3 brood sows, 1 boar, 34 pigs and some chickens; gasoline engine with wood saw and feed chopper, mower, binder, rake, harrow, potato planter and digger, 2 cultivators, disc, 3 plows, ma nure spreader, cream separator, fanning mill, drill and many small tools too numerous to mention; farm wagon, spring wagon and buggy; my price is $11,000; $4000 cash, balance for S yeara at 7 per cent or will consider income property up to J7000 in Portland. Write to owner, E. Becker, Gaston, Qr. R. P. No. 2, box 72. DAIRY MEN, LOOK HERE! We have for sale a good 100-acre dairy farm located 2 miles from Tillamook city ; all level clear bottom land, no better in Oregon ; a good house, a modern dairy barn and all equipment; 30 good dairy cows, teams and wagons. This is fine pasture and hay land, and will carry oO cows all the year; 30 tons hay now tn the barn; we will take $10,000 In good im proved Portland property and the balance on terms of 10 years at B per cent; no payments for 3 yeara excejt interest. WTALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregouian Bldg. FREE BOOK OF FLORIDA FACTS If in terested in Florida, before visiting or set tling In this wonderful state of fragrant Mowers and sunshine, write Lake County Land Owners Association, No. 1 Lloyd st., Fruitland Park, Florida, for free book of actual photographs and real conservative facts concerning this state. There Is poor, - good, better and best land in Florida. This book will teach you what IS BEST and WHY. The members of the association are not land agents; they simply wish to tell actual facts to those really interested in the state. They have no time to waste on curiosity seekers, children or people who expect to grow rich without effort, but to thode of character, energy, some capital, with a desire to learn more of the oppor tunities in this most prosperous state we would be glad to give fullest information. VERY LOW PRICED. BIG DAIRY FARM AND STOCK RANCH. 341 acres well improved dairy and stock farm only 3 , miles from Ry. town, Wil lamette Valley ; fine gravel road, rural mail, phone, school i mile; has 200 acres now ready for plow; family orchard; sev eral springs, 1 piped to house and barn; a splendid farm, good soil, all but 50 acres tillable; nearly new bungaHbw, rooms and bath; fine barn 60x60; other build ings, price $35 per acre; terms. D. Mc Chesney. Title ST Trust bldg. SAVE YOUR RAILROAD FARE. TO SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION. We are California's largest land dealers; imnrnv farms, any slxe: all kinds of i..i An lormE- ton list satisfied buyers. iiur r.ooo-acre home rauch, California's a . -.1.., o rit it farm, lust subdi vided Transact business with us and WE WILL REFUND YOUR FARE. Free In formation bureau. Correspondence solicit ed. . Buena Vista Farms Co., attalooa Diog., San Francisco, California. fc ROGUE RIVER VALLEY HOG RANCH, in., grnt in Sama Valley. Jackson to,; 130 tillable, 45 acres cultivated, 15 acres slashed, nearly an ienceu oK usm, ium room house, barn 4ix50; good well and pump; little lake at highest point tillable land; fine sandy loam soil, clay subsoi:, rolling land; 8 acres alfalfa; raises good corn: fine home orchard: 4 horsea, cow, machinery, all go for $5000; worth $0000; mice, ol $1250 cau run; at least $2000 cash required. Write W. D. Hodgson, Ash land, Ot. BEST CATTLE RANCH IN NEW ME.KiCO. 1S00 acres, with 1000 acres under irriga tion, with perpetual water right; water Is from large spring on the ranch and has never varied in flow since country has been settled; fine alfalfa land; free range adjoining for 20O0 cattle; altitude 3loo eet. which makes fine, healthy climate. Price $100,000; terms. Shaw Realty Co Beserve. bldg., ivansaa ity. mo. ACRES irrigated land, splendid for wheat. alfalfa, potatoes, etc.; piemy ot 'lenced all around, shack, cheap. 70 acres, good buildings, plenty of water well-developed mine of splendid coal, plenty of all kinds of fruit, fine outrange lor ifju iieuu wi a... v. talfe, 9 West Prescott St. J4S3 CASH, $483 CASH, $4S3 CASH. Puts you in possession of a dandy little 20-aare tract, 10 in cultivation, good 4 room house, nicely painted and plenty of shack outbuildings. Balance of $nti7 pay able $20 per month. This is a sacrihee. No trade. Fred W. German Co., 14 Cham ber of Commerce. CALIFORNIA, in the famous Sacramento Valley -to acres in aiiana; levei, uwy, rich soil; buildings; on main road; fine for prunes, almonds, oranges, etc.; $2o00 cash buvs -i."VOt equity; sacrifice; or would exchange equity in 23 acres land for good dair cows. Write Henry Lee, los Molinos, Cal. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 40 acres unimproved on the bank of the Willamette, opposite Junction City, $40 per acre. $400 cash, balance when you p'ease. This Is one of the richest pieces of land In the state. Fred W. German, 14 Chamber of Commerce. u v a T 4Kr STOCK FARM. Nearlv 50O acres on the Columbia, above Celiio Canal, 300 acres corn or wheat land, level, abundance of range, adjoining build ings good spring, take some unincumbered property; cash price $33 per acre. Jesse Hobson, P03 Ccrbett bldg. 40 A.. 25 in cultivation, near gooa town in Lane t'ouniy. . r gravel road: small orchard; good build ings, tools and some stock. Price $4700. For terms Inquire at 210 Stock Exchange Mdg. . FARM BARGAIN A mile from Lebanon. 110 acres all in cultivation., no buildings; owner paid $100 tier acre: price $7."i. V GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. . ORANGE GROVES in boutnern aiixornia tor sate or eitniunc owner has four of the best paying in the district Full particulars will be given by addressing S. S. Hough, Portersville, Cal. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying i.land. Are you Interested t If ao, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. S03 Phe lan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOOSTER. Pres. 800 A. of .grain land in eastern uregon, over ZOO a. m ran gruiu, .uu nca and is close to town; all necessary build ings, tools go with the place at the very low price of -0 PGr a. AD 036. Ore- gonian. 10 ACRES, $;'-00 an acre, 1 month only; Gresnam uisinci . coin, wunoie, from station; all cleared. A Hau smarm, rare Columbia Brick Works. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE cheap by owner, luvvi acres, THlamoOK l.OUntj., ui .. JaJ oiaiuc, suu- sider part trade. P. O. Box 123, Lents. Or. N BY OWNER 50-scre improved farm, with StOcg ana duiiuhim. l" "-'" road, only $3b00; terms. Box 24, rout 4. Oregon City. - M0 ACRES wheat land; $2000 will handle; partly improved; near Gateway, Owner, box P, Gaston. Or. FORCED sacrifice, Willamette 80, some im provements. oi'o. yaw, tnnuuttt or ney. Oregon City. HERE IS A SNAP. S0-acr farm at $00 per acre: widow foreed to sell. A. H- Booth, VadervWaah. WANT $3O0 cash and city equity for $;Uu0 equity 30-acre improvea urm near cu genc. R 547, Oregonian, for Sale Farms. WHEAT AND STOCK. 1600 acres in Morrow County. 1400 acres tn cultivation, - twiui ... . . . . H .-aall lall-sTM 7 -TOO IT in CUIIOJ111UH, uuut, s . - " mostly wheat; good well, large 7- house, running water in puiurv, ow . a. . i uasrfll And hmiMl head VI HOCK. t .nun-. " i " mares and young stock, 4 cows, lots ot hogs ana cnicaens, i"-"" , Zl" been com Dine narvwmi , - r usea larouga vi" - ons, racks, buggy, good harness and war all otner macninei - well-equipped ranch, on good road. up a tele pnone line ana uum w m school. Everything included at $20 good oer acre. nie.w Wmrw .m..b-o- - - per cent can remain. Will take a modern home up to $5000, some cash and good terms. f HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 213 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. Buy from owner: fine hog and dairy ranch: must sell on account of sickness my 90-acre I arm in L-oiuraui v-v., f. . . . -r-. . l .1 in mil,.. vrtat w arren, on couniy i-u, - cream route, good rich soil, no swamp . d v Tm nhnnA. acres open spuw - Ine timber, good fieh stream, well, good a . , . . 1.-. J ai4 karrlaa 1 nlrf nam. lamuy oruntuu a.a.. - - , I new oarn, guu - new chlckenhouse. new woodhouse and separator nouse, j. nevy -r,7,7 lO calves, X one-jt-uiu 3 1 hogs. 85 chickens; all necessary farm implements: -price 10,O0O; $5000 first payment, oaiut - write J. Johnson. -box 16. Warren, Or A GOOD DAIRY BUSINESS, a al ..Ilk I .. a. AH TO S r1( ftt IflTKa mostly in cultivation and Joining the city limits i a town oi ww jiot.uioiiv, a a w i .V. n UnHl.nrl CaiCO "' BUUtl va v. " aaa... o rtna. TSPHV li 1 1 Jl-imft VOUnff stock, 2 tine Percheron mares Imported from Iowa, 1 good driving corse, riHvinD- tonm 1 2-vear-oid colt, a comple hmtiinv nut fit 2 milk wasons. 1 auto truck and about 130 chickens. This is the oniy aairy in me iwu o ti'"v- $f,60O. Will consider a 5 or 8-room house ' as part payment. HARRY B. HUMPHRY, 213 Chamber of Commerce. 50 ACRES. - PUDDING RIVER BOTTOM. Tile Drained Very Productive. Modern improvements, cost over $3000; 3 miles on gravel road to town, 40 miles to Portland; fenced ready for hogs, cows and profits; $7oOO, terms. For details and photos see D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. " , an Apnir; atnfkari- Miuinnd and in culti vation, "for less than rent. This place ts less than 25 miles from Portland, 1 miles from railroad station, 30 acres of fine bottom land, wnicn is seeoeu, o a.i:iv ready to plow, balance burnt-over and partly cleared. Weil fenced, small house, i..rira horn q hoaH fif iniv stock, team. hogs, chickens, separator, all kinds of iarm implements, enouan n-y to lastintil Spring. Running water on place. Price, $7oOO. $r00 cash, long time on balance, or will take small Portland borne, clear, as nrsi payment. WEST tOAKT INVESTMENT, s 216 Ablngton Bldg. SMALL FARM, GOOD IMPROVEMENTS. ! o ,r.m 1 mllM from rrftoA VallCV R. R. town, all cleared bottom land; on main graveled road, cream route, - telephone, wire fenced, fine improvements Including bungalow with fireplace and bath; good barn with concrete foundation; buildings painted, and concrete warns; an extra gouu home and money-making farm, at the low price of $CO0O, easy terms. D. McChesney Title & Trust bldg. SS ACRES, 21 miles from Portland: 40 in cultivation. 20 acres bottom land, balance good timbpr and pasture; good creek and 2 tine springs; good 7-room house, large barn, granary and DlacKsnntn snop, nog hniiKc. orchard, cood team horses, wagon, buggy, mower, seeder, cultivator,' elder press, good cow. brood sow. This place is located within a, few rods of a rail road, school mile, telephone In house and store joining the place, africe, saouu, some cash and balance 6 per cent. HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 213 Chamber of Commerce. m ACRES near Chehalis, Wash., 30 acres in culHvntlnn- balance seeded In good PttS ture; 5-room house, granary, dairy barn, equipped, and other buildings. "Well fenced; thickly aettled neighborhood. R. F. D., telephone, cream routes, close to school and church; 2 horses, 1 1 head of cattle. hoe chickens, w a icon, buggy, harrow. farm machinery of all kinds. Price, $4r,no, half cash. Epton, 432 Chamber of Com merce. 11 ACRES, 12 miles from Portland Post office, on the Sandy road, all in cultivation- mmlprn O-rnnm bunualow. large barn, 3 horses. 7 milch cows. 1 bull. 3 calves. 82 hogs and about 00 chickens, wagon, buggy. 3 sets of new harness and all farming tools. Price. $11,000. and will consider good 7-room house up to $4000 as part payment, some cash and good terms. HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 213. Chamber of Commerce. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH $9500. 1R0 acresin Yaquina Valley:-one-half bottom land: 8-room house, barn 42x108; 48 head cattle, big team mares, farming tools; 50 tons hay. 100 bushels oats. Run ning trout stream, waterpower, orchard. Take one-half cash, some trade city prop ertv. balance easy terms. E. 454, Oregonian. A GOOD FARM STOCKED. 48 Acres. 22 miles to Portland, 3 miles to good town on electric line; 22 acres in cultivation, some good timber, balance pasture: 0-room nouse, nig oarn, oui hiiildfntrs. Good team. 4 cows, o heifers. enough feed to "Winter; wagon. hack, plow, harrow, disk, drill, mower, all small tools, etc Price, $4500; $3000 cash. Hos teller &z atnderson, i:m unam. 01 iom. 1400-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. 1000 acres in cultivation, 400 pasture; 2 miles hog-tight fence, 12 miles 2 and 3 wire fencing; 3."0 acr& Summer fallow; 5 room house, barn; ranch located in good port of Eastern Oregon wheat belt; price only $22.00 per acre, terms. S. Hewey, 200 Stark St.. at HART3IAN & THOMPSON '5 ACRES, situate on the Clackamas River; 25 acres river bottom land under cultiva tion; 25 more can be cultivated, balance suitable for pasture: large spring; all fenced; this is genuine bargain at $4 2 CO. See Beamer tomorrow. HUTCHINS & THERKELSEN CO. M. 7592, A 3383- 306 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE. IRRIGATED FARMS. Improved and unimproved irrigated farm tracts, excellent for alfalfa and fruit rais ing finest climate; in the Umatilla Gov ernment irrigation project at Hermiston, Or., reasonable price or will trade for good income Portland property. R 501, Oregonian. . PRICE CUT ONE-HALF on 39 and 40-acre tracts near Red Electric and the town of Yamhill; soil fine, dark loam; fenced with woven and barb wire. Price $00 for the 39 acres, $73 for the 40 acres, most of it in cultivation. S. Hewey, 209 Stark St., at HARTMAN THOMPSON- CHEAP UNIMPROVED LANDS. SO acres Nehalem Valley. $9.50 per acre. 200 acres Nehalem Valley $8.00 per acre. o0 acres Gales Creek Valley for $1200. 141 acres, near Clatsop Beach, $1700. fl4 acres, near Carlton. $30n0. FRED C. KING. 314 Spalding Bldg. GENUINE SNAP. ' 75 -acre farm, close to Portland, only 1 miles to electric, 30 acres cultivated. 25 slashed, 20 good timber; on large stream. Ideal for stock and hogs; price $4200, $i!2-0(r cash, bal. time; no trade. CALL AN & KASER, 72? Yeon Bldg. FARM BARGAIN. Fine farm of 100 acroa on fine road near Portland, 96 acres In cultivation, good buildings, well watered, rich soil; U clos9 an estate will be sold far below adjoiniug farms. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. W'E HAVE a large ranch good for dairy, that we can sell for $1000 cas,h and a small house and lot or vacant lots as first payment. JOHN P. WESTON CO., 1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I HAVE for sale very fine farming valley in Kogue ruver district, suuuiviuea urni tracts 20 to 100 acres, partly improved; Torrens title; exceptionally good selling proposition. Particulars from W., P. 0. box 373, Portland. , RANCH, 1060 acres. 500 under ditch; good house, 2 barns, water piped to house, 4hk miles to R. R. station; only $;t5 per acre; 1-3 cash, balance long time. Call at Na tional Cigar Store, cor W, park and Stark, or addrees Box 385, Yreka. Cal. FARM SS Acres. 40 -acres in cultivation, 21 miles om Portland; 7-room house, large barn, horses, cows, and implements. Price. $100 " per acre. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5256. SOUTHERN OREGO.f Really good logged- oft lands. o, so ana oou acre, at n.ou u acre Quarter cash, balance easy. K. Wynn Wilson A Co., 903 Chamber of Com merce. Portland. FOR SALE IS acras reasonable, all im proved, on elect, line and station; good buildings. Tualatin Valley, close in. 403 Lumbermen's bldg. A. McDonell. DAIRY, joins good farm In Valley; fully equipped, 25 head stock, established route. $j0o0. some terms. Alberta Land Company, 403 PIttock block. D VIRY or truck farm, SO acres 00 In cul 'tlvatfon. 4 miles east of city limits; good buildings. Phone Seilwood 188, l or Salr Farms. FINE DAIRY FARM. 80-acre farm, located close to rail and water transportation, fine- soil, no rock, some creek bottom, fine creek, 40 acres In hi.rh state cultivation, mostly in clover, small house, cement milk-house, cream sepa re t or. gocd barn, silo filled: other buildings. AH equipment and farm ma chinery, 5 grade cows, 4 grade heifers coming fresh, 7 yearling heifers, small team and .large fine young team of Clydes dales worth $.V0. Good orchard; school and store hi mile. A snap at $8000. Will take a clear house to $:t000, with at least $2000 cash, balance long time at per cent. 250 morefine farms to select from. Tell me what you want. Call at once or write Jos. C. Gibson. &06 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Aldor. FINE SMALL FARM. 33 acres, well .mproved, with, stock and machinery. U for $440; this is a real farm home, all under cultivation; good coil, drains well, has bearing family or chard of apples, cherries and pears; has housetwo barns. 2 wells, running stream fnrm Ir located S miles from large W il lamette Valley town, on main road; has cream route, rural man and teiepnoue. remember that 3 Jersey cows, 2 horses and all farm machinery go at above low price; on terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust b l dg , ONLY. $50 PER ACRE. 100 acres, about 6 blocks from small nnr n vtorHitn cnnntv 1 mile from rail and depot. 50 acres plowed ready for seed. 0 acres more imame, eaar iu tic-.. 8 acres in clover, balance timber, two county roads; - stream and spring, 5-room house, some furniture, gooa win, jitiiiriintr Chickens, cow ho, wagon, anm unr) tiarnusi- tplotlhnne and milk route. Very cheap at $0000, Terms $2000 casn. balance per cent. jo. o 300 Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. FARM FOR CASH OR GROCERY. S4i acres, with stock and crop, machin ery, and a $160 monthly milk route, only mile from good valley town; a good home and sure revenue for anyone wish ing a small dairy ranch ; well fenced, plenty of clover, a good family orchard, 6-room house, barn, chicken-house, 11 . good cows, young bull, chickens, horse, wagon, hack, machinery and feed on hand, win Mil fi ftAnOd and taka a erocery business for part. D. McChesney, Title ft. Trust bldg. M iscellaneous. RIVERFRONT, orchard, four-room cabin and chicken-house, one acre; $2000. H. G. Starkweather, near Risley station. Phone Oak Grove i-x WANTEu REAL ESTATE. IV'OMK PROPERTY WANTED up to $100,000. A corporation wishes to dispose of a part of its holdings and can uso unincumbered income Portland prop erty, if gilt-edged, up to $100,000 to apply on a $100,000 proposition. Balance cash and bankable paper. We offer 500 acres highly improved Willamette Valley land near Portland, no incumbrance; 200 a, of above ki young fruit. Electric station on property. strictly nign-graae propoamuu. Confidential. Principals only. Give loca tinn of nronertv offered and we will ar range for personal interview. . Address AV 400. Oregonian. ' WANT good residence, must have plenty of ground, win go to ii,uw, nan vm... a.u. must have tne vame ana grounu. j-. Blumenihnl. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark.) HOME WANTED FOR ACRE, imnrnvnil with zand house, near Beau mont car, valued at $4000. Must be in Irvington. Laurelhurst, Beaumont, Ross mere or Alameda Park. Will assume small amount only. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO 000-007 Yeon Bid. WAST a lots, restricted district, up to $3000 as payment on highly improved 20 acres near iNewDerg; an in uuihii, " j build intra. land mostly In loganberries and prunes; price $0000. Will take mortgage Da CK. ior a i n renew. GODDARD As WIEDRICK, Z4.2 btarg t. IN the maraet ror i.rsi-ciass invwuiwin-. price must be right; submit propositions v... r.4- .li,ln Inwuet i.rlra IDrt loca tion and terms. Oregon Investment & Aiortgage lo.. xuu., diui;. uiu., and Yamhill stfc. WANT best home that $200 down and $20 per month, including Interest, will handle; nut over $3000 ; must be a bargain and in restricted district; give iuh description, price and location; no telephone calls. H 000, Oregonian. wanted flood home In Laurelhurst. Ir tngton or other good district in exchange for 4 acres in nign state ot cultivation, near Sheridan. Clear. WEST COAST INVESTMENT, ' 210 Ablngton Bldg, WANTED 4-room bungalow, full basement and attic. Rose City afarK district, -:owu. Oniy owners need reply. Laurelhurat lot as first payment. Tel. evenings. Tabor 3347. WANT to bsiy from 00 to 100 acres, within lo mile circle; must oe ciose to cai , i or more cleared : no buildings required. Will make good first payment. Luedde- mann Company, Hi-i cnamoer or com. WANT improved acreage within 20 miles of Portland, up to $tuuu, ior ciose-in un proved property at aovti. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. WANT modern 5-room bungalow, Sunnyfide, or Hawthorne district, not over $2000. Two lots valued at $S00 as first payment, ' balance easy terms. State location. AJ &4s. oregonian. WANTED For cash, a lot in Rose City Park or Rossmerc; must be cheap; give location and best price in answer to re ceive consideration. Y 061. Oregonian. WANT eaulty In 6 or 7-room house at a sacrifice; answer not considered unless amount and location Is stated ; agents considered. N 0d, Oregonian. WILL PAY spot cash for full-sized lot or more on west slope of Mt. Tabor, east of 54th st. J. B. Ruley Co.. 928 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy from owner at bargain lamette Heights preferred; w'ill pay cash. Address E 5- Oregonian. WANTED 2 to 5 acres near Portland, near electric line; describe as pear as possioie; give price, terms, fare; also phone number. AR 560, Oregonian. "TRADE WITH US." Want Improved property for clear lots and cash up to $15,000. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, Stock Exch. CASH VERNON DISTRICT. Bungalow or cottage; must be bargain. Give full particulars and lowest cash price. Owners only, in oo-i, oregonmn. "WILL pay party who must lose small nome somemiug ivi enuuj , '"i " real bargain for hardworking man. P o4, Oregonian. . WANTED To buy 5-room bungalow, large lot, or acreage; price must do aemocratii:, snap; terms. AL 505, Oregonian. WANT clear lot or acreage for my 2000 equity W est Side leased norne. -ou to assume. Rent $20. AP 461, Oregonian. WANTED To buy (10) ten acres on river front from owner, a. Anderson, wi. acasi Davis st., Portland, Or. WANTED Home, West Side, .south of Mor rison, for close-In acreage or clear wheat farm. No agents. F 048, Oregonian. WANTED By builder, a lot In Rose City Park district lor an casn. .rnone xaoor 6i0. fi OR 8-ROOM bungalow. In good district; have clear property to traae; win assume. Y 072, Oregonian! WANT clear lots to $1000, for improved 30 acres, lu miles out. .trice ftddou. .binders, 301 McKay bldg. TEN acres or more, unimproved, not over $7 acre, clear; city lots, traae as pare payment. E 547, Oregonian. WANT for cash an Improved acre not too far out; must do unaer vaiuc. vanauya m Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce LOT WANTED West or E. 28th, bet. Sandy and Hawtnorne; no restrictions, cneap; state location In ans. C 045. Oregonian. WANT lots bn Milwaukie or Williams ave. State price. G 04tf, oregonian. WANT house and lot. State price. F 571, Oregonian. WANTED 2 lots close to carllne; phone. C 552 , JO reg o n i an. WANTED 50-150 acres, improved, unim proved; give pnone. a opp, uregonian. WANTED 5-6-room house from owner; give phone. C bo6, uregonian. WANTED 5 or 10 acres, near carllne-; give phone, c o5l. oregonian WANT to buy 7 or S-room house, part trade. BO S54, Oregonian. WIIA. pay cash for lot in Rossmere or Rose City IrarK oeiow niu. DO oo, ureguiiiaii. WANT 4 or o-room house: state incum brances, It any. tv o... iiregowan. WANTED Two good beach lots; give phone. BH J. uregonian. V.'ILI contract toelear land; large tract prelerrea. a'j ii.. vjresoiiian. W'!! exchange carpenter work and paint ing for acres, or icaag. pv. u vtb"'". WANTED Rosa City Asldence lot for cash; must De snap. lvzv A. xamuitt si. FARM KOR Rt.T. STOCK FOR SALE. 12o acres. SO under cultivation, balance open pasture, place tenced and cross -fenced, five-room houst. large burn, with silo, dairy and all necessary outbuildings; 5 acres of as-torted orchard In full bear ing; has all rural advantages, K S miles from good R. R, town and l:t miles from Vancouver; includes 11 milch cows, all -fresh or coming fresh soon ; team ot matched 0-year-old mares, weigh 2S0O, harness, mower, hay rake, potato dimmer, plows, harrow, etc. ; 12 acres seeded to vetch and oata and 7 acres In cheat; land all good rich soil; price. Including first year's r"nt and personal property, only 1MH; $1000 cash, balance one year at 0 per cent interest; no exchanges consid ered. (t 40 acres with 2S under cultivation, bal ance open pasture, fenced and cross fenced;" a good 2-story H-room house, a fino now barn and necessary outbuildings, well and living stream, fine orchard and small fruits, all rural advantages. O miles out on good auto road and 1 mile from country town; work team, harness, wagon, hack, plows, cultivator, about 10 tons ot hay, and small tools; price $000 cash: in cludes rent In advance and personal prop, erty. No trades considered. ( THOMPSON A SWAN. Cth and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. WE HAVE two good ranches for rent. We prefer a man with 50 or 100 cows. Ws can give you a first class deal. JOHN P. WESTON CO.. 1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10 ACRES. 7-room house, big barn, chicken coops, 4rult, good water, creek crossing place, all under cultivation; rent cheap. E. Holcomb, 470 43d ave, S. E. Seilwood 540. 8 ACRES, near Durham station; new room furnished house, poultry houses and barn; 2 acres cleared, all slashed; will lease for one year, call mornings or eveu- inRS, Main 73!2. Apartment a-s. VERY reasonable cash rent will aecure splendid 10 or 20-acra ranch, one mile from W'oodburn: half In crop, good build ings. This is for quick action. H. D. hm Duc, Route 3, Woodburn. Or. 00 ACRES fine garden land, beavcrdam. will lease. S acres, improved, to rent; both close to city and carllne. 23o Worcester building. TO LEAS fc lfc acres. . improved, good house bai n. chicken-house, orchard, berries- within 3-mile circle. West Side, 0c fare. Tabor 54211. 100-ACRE ranch to rent, 00 under cultiva tion, 50 in crop; fully equipped with stock, machinery and feed. Alberta Land Company, 402 Pittock bldg. DESIRABLE 300-acre ranch in Clackamas County; 100 seres cleared; nice- dairy ranch. BO 652. Oregonian. RENT FREE for personal services, ranch under Irrigation, suitable for slock. Ta bor AL 664, Oregonian FIRST year free rent to straighten it up. Will go in on shares or wood. Phone Sunday, Woodlawn 2040. FOR RENT Fifteen acres near Rose City Park for terra of years; few minutes trol ley, a 0. Oregonian. SEVERAL small farms near Portland for rent. 0c stamps brings list. McCoy, MX Chamber of Commerce. FOR UKASE :W acres. Improved, new buildings, near Eugene. 007 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES on Gresham line, close in; house, bams Phone B 3488. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. CO.VIPLETE bandsaw and planing mill w 1' h good .block ptne timber for sale on ea terms. This is snap; can be handled with small payment down. For full particu lars address 403 Lumbermen's hi ig. HAVE 00 acres fine young orchard, best district, to exchange for timber; stale amount or limner, price, lOKgmn couui tions. Will assume. D 000. Orcgoninn. 10.000.000 FIR. tributary Columbia iiiver. Good logging chance. 008 Lumbermen's bldg. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGH T AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKEN, 3u4 M'KA Y BLDG, TIMBER claim, close to Astoria, for sale or exchange. J. H. McMaUon, 124 Divis ion st. lanor j.t... 400 ACRES of timber land, 15.000,000 feet timber, $10.000 cash, -'tis Hall. 7,0110.000 FEET timber to exchange for in side property, good. AD 004. Oregonlnn. FARMS WANTED, H a v h". frniKiHiil .-ail for Imoroved WilluHi tt. v.!ltv farms, especially those with stock and equipment, at reasonable prices and terms; several buyers waiting for 4U to 100-acre pjaces, with stock. Owners should write witn tun pnw-.umi., McChesney, Title & Trust hklg. DO you want to sell your farm? Atp vmi willlne- to Ht'll at a cash price w hnv RiiKiern buven with cash. Call on us or mail us full description and we will ao the rest. HARRY B. HUMPHRY, 2.13 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 40 to 100 a. of sandy or light bottom land, small ouuoings, oetween Portland and Albany, wlil'-h can be bought with small payment down and same amount yearly. 210 Sto:k Exchange bldg. wavt furm in vallev: have city property consisting of lots and houses. $10,ooo to $20.oi0; will assume up to oovu. jiarae, 503 Corbett bldg. FA RM WANTED 40 to 160 acres, partly improved: price and terms must be reason able. Give tun particulars. v oov, kjik gonlan. WANT Central and Eastern Oregon ranches, at the rieht price, to exchange for Port land and Willamette Valley property. 210 Stock Kxchange oiag. WANTED 00 to SO-acre farm. 40 acres in cultivation; not over four miles from rail road; itate location, price and terms. C 006, Oregonian. 1 AM look in e for a large ranch in the Wil lamette Valley, something around 0io ncres suitable lor stock raiding. BO 006. Oregonian IF YOU have a farm that you wish to ex change ror porriana property see u. rs. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. TO hear from owner of good farm or nnim. proved land ior saie. i.-. u. aOucKingnani, Houston, Texas. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT farm from 100 to 800 acres, stocked on shares, or will pay cash rent If rea sonable; can glva good references. Y 57L Oregonian. WE make a specialty of renting farm hinds. If vou have a farm to rent list it with us. H1TTCHTNS-THERKELSEN CO., Main 7592, A 3388. 303 Spalding Bldg. WANT a ilalrv ranch from 100 to 2O0 acres. 20 or 30 miles to Portland, close to rail road, will pay good rent, after few years may buy it. Wr fi0. Oregonian. W 4NTED To rent small improved dairy farm, within 10 miles of Portland; will pay cash rent. A l. ..i. utt umiim, W XT to leae. equipped dairy ranHi and irive modem 4-room bunsalow on KHPxloO fur stock. Smith & Houek. 301 Henry bldg. RANCH 25 to 35 acres, in cultivation and some pasture; near railroad. O S4, Ors ironian. TO KXCHAyr.K HK.tt, F.HTATK. STOCK RANCH. ItiO acres Rt Vale. Mnlliaur Co.. n.i In alfalfa. 20.MIO. for Southern Oregon farm, prefaroblv .Josephine County. fiOr.DSCHMIDT'8 AGBVCT. Stock Exchange, d nnd 1 amnlll. TRAUK WITH U8." TWO lots. 77lh" and Knott. ,": 3 lots, ri.lrview. sfioo. and 1 U acres wttn 4-room bungalow at Oresron rity. JJ00D. will turn property, free and clear of encumbrance, for a well-located homo in city up to IHSOU. t;ptOn. 4:1 I nflniDT OI l uuuuri.r. CITY vacant from $20,000 to $40,000. fre. and clear, ior ioiiu .Mn-awt . - ra"Ch'GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCT. JOS Stock Exchange. TRADE WITH US." IRVINGTON' HOME. S-room residence, near 12th and Thomp son riodern throughout. SUOOO; tnka lots to $:l.00 in AlemedB Park or other noJ district. GoldBchmidt's Agency. Stock E.X rhange bMg.. ".d and Yamhill. FINK TRACT FOR SUBDIVISION. A beautifully located tract of young prunes, every fourth tree English walnut. Immediately adjoining station on Vest Bide line: will exchange for unincumbered Portland property. See owner, 405 North western Bank bldg HAVE 1O40 acres logged-off laud, 27 acres . : . i L' -t ,! . ii nrniurlv' near ii.Hgie -umi. ..a... want dairy ranch within ."J miles Port land : give full particulars. K 654, Oro- gonian. Tntni: with vs." "!3 acres, all in cultivation, at Creswall. $iiiO per acre: for Improved city prop erty. Goldschmidts Agency. Stock Kx cliunge, Sd and Yamhill. $1500 EQUITY in 7-room bungaiow. VN'aver- IV Helgnis. rnim. BY owner. $800 equity in bungalow- for clear lot. AF 5.'.7. Oregonian. EXCHANGE Rastern property for Portland "property : give phone. KB 2. Oregonian, AUTOS for free and clear lolf or acreage. Elliott Elliott. 1"! Northwest bldg. ACREAGE, clear of incumbrance, for house and lot: will assume. ::H ritark, 4-KOOf bungalow, modern. Auburn, Waeh lor anyiinii. v a - Kinoo CSH and screasc for modern home. IT1I..V Main 1"9J KXCHANGE T.-roollI bungalow i-Ioho ill for Juuburban acreage. 101 Failing bldg. T.a V.Xi'HAMiK Apartnient-hoiis-, all furnished, ln om $10t per mouth; went Valley ranch; must be equipped and stocked, price $-'0.uoo. clear ot iik umui'Mncc. East Side apartment building: tmm $240 per month; want qui'ln'! Ylit ranch. Price $0,u00; inortgMfu UMH; will assume. Modern bungalow, good Por timid lots and JOO acrws in Lincoln Count , to trulw lor Valley larm. Will assume-. 20 acres, highly Improved, triu't. clv to Oregon city, to tiuuu for 4.li income. Price $1,000, clear. o-O ac;ea Stevens County, Washington, yellow plno 1 1 miter, two-thuds cn b cul tivated; good sou. Pru c $;ooo i Ur; will h.xuuio $1300 to $2o0 on Portland properly. loao acres, good stock and dairy ranclv well equipped, some stock; will anu Portland property. Price $.;0.00; mort gage (i'.ono, loOxluo. corner Et 12th street, im proved with il good houm: want morked Valley ranch. anU will ujiie. Price $1X ftvo; mortgage $00o. 338 acres on Oregon Electric, In clover, grain, etc.; ood improvement; will consider good wheat ranch, price Iji,- VOO. 100 acres near SUvsrton. improvements, some stock, etc.; will accept hou as part payment. Price $0000. ItH acres, highly Improved, near Hyca more s:ation; will accept city income. Price $:.0.ooo clear. 470 acres, near Springfield, Part under cultivation, good Impiowmeiit. tck, sic, for Portland income. Price $-!0.om. Fruit ranch wanted for 1M aire Im proved ranch adjoining KIlKore, .t. $10,000 In good houne equities for sn improved ranch, will assum. Good loted-off land. i0 per acre, for city Incoui pro per u. 1 16 -a ere dairy ranch. near Cot i ska Grove, for two small ho.n-s. Price $ruio IsOO acres, highly Improved to k or grain ranch, for city income or Eugcno property. Price $i.i0o. Call or write, no phone Information. AK FOR KING. SECURITY liUVEliOPMKNT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Cor of 4th and Pun ti. WANTED CITV PROPKHTY. ACUl-Aul-OR HTOCK OF MtailU'llAM'lM. 4hO-re ft" ranch, r" acre walnut, peach and cherry fillers, all ." ears "M. -houses, 3 barnn. shed. 4 springs, .hi ,rri clover, some fine tlinhar. 34 high -r.i cuttle nd cows. 4 line Imrwi, eM ken", pigs, wagon. Implement of ail ktinU, I '" ton hay, pasture for 100 cows, mur Twin . Ity. In Polk County. Thl Is a swsil ranch; must be -n to appreciate l rh on.ooo. Will rschaiigo for Portland prop erty, acreage close to Portland, or to. a of merchandise. Ak Mr. Plckart. with GKISSI HOLDS, 82 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74Q2. $12 75 NEW I-ROOX llOl'bE. Lot 0xl7.. frnced and ciiHlvated. chicken-house 12so; only 80 minutes' out, IS blocks to car; will take lot pail a -merit, bal. terms. $1250 house, fr room. lot tOxino, on M. Johns car; take lot na payment, bal. terms. We have bargains In a, 4 and 6 rooi houses from $7;." to $1000 and terms to suit. Come In and aes us. AKERSU.N, C.oOCH V O., til stock Exchange Ulug. KI.ATS OK APAKTMKNTS WNTKl 1A acres, highly tmpioted, near i mas. on Oregon City road. wide from Portland ; aleo Some Portland hoiii" ; a' free If Incumbrance, to trade far fls' r apartment up to $20,000. Ak Mr. 1 b k arts, wUh. m ,w .)" Bosrd of Trade Mldg. Main It... HAVE ftrst mortgage of $2:.ti anil good Kv p.ssenger aulumoblle ill tlrNl--,n.s nte ihanlral condition, wlih n;e.iit. llgln. starter, etc.; would tra.le tiiorlKagc. an. I car for nrat-rlaa high-grade six i ) I Holer car If It was new or ;iiacllslly so; nniM b. worth at lea. I ;SVOU. All tf4l. OHM" nlan. 70 ACRES. 2', miles west of H.-a. r Cn rk. on New Bra road; 2o acrws to coll l al l"i . I.", parllv clarei. balance big 'ir lliol"'r, lies level, good soil; o-room -t lion,.-, other small bnlldl4,'S. ITIve OouO. 111 trade for house. I.I EUDEM ANN COMPANY. lll.l I'hamber of Loniliierce. WILL. TRADB On. of th. best built anu moat attractive 7-room bouses In liur.lliuiat, alue gbjo. lucuuiliraiiccs $3M)u. for a cheaper home la good district of a value of not over M10. will tare good lot or mortgage; no agents or Infln'ed valuta J .&7.oiegoaisn. fVSALK or tra.le.a nice quarlcl -Id... :i southwest coiner of Hroadwaj and Itof. two blov..s earl fiolii llio.dway l.rld.c. two double houses, eucli eon i aintna i s rooms; one- s:Ui,l..ii; will lake dair ranch up to $i.U00 or ;io,iiim.. In.iiilro ot owner. Casper llolli. II lil."alc. Or. ' TOOL Yil SINESS IO TI'.AliK. a pool tables, cixar. rlxiuivs, eto. k. cl ; 2Htl0; good East Mil I. .cation. . heap ren I ; will trado fur bouse, K.l. oi sniull hulls and a few a. -res. GUl'SSI A HULL. n2 Hoard ol Trade HltfU. Main 7I..2 I.'. tit Ti:AOi4 or sale. lea ell im- proved, li-rooin luinac, i.m... cleared an. I level, one mile elee. ear: will take small buln.ali.tt ill'. I 4 or ..-pas.. Koid. late mod. 1, as first poMueiil. 1 none owner. Th bur I.VI7. WANTED To seil or exclian.e lor Uoil land property jo-acre farm ..n Hie I'. l.matlla Irrigslluii proje.t. well Improveil close to rlenuislon, clear; value $lo.ni; wi.l assume to gioi'0. Address AV 4ti-, Ore- gonlan. IF you have anv gooo cili pi..pirl lo trade for wheat, si. a k or uali y lurnis we have the farms and rn rans.y you as to value. IMn'l ov.rl....k mis; w mean business. Ayre. & fiiilili, J01 North, west blilg. Main 72. ai. WHEAT RANCH WANTED. I .TOO to 2000 aires In EsMcrn Oregon or Washington; will trade Portland and lota up to $45.hhi. Ask Mr. pl.liari.. GRCSSI Hul.DS. 32 Board of Trade Bldii. Main 74. .2. 160 ACRES sanuy loam allaira land in Deschulea Valley; 100 seres under water: will e-Telian.e Cur unincumbered improved Willamette Valley ucr-BKe or farm lan.l . no agenia. Write l' Foster, box Vs. Prlnevllle. Or. ' FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH 26'i acres, uiilnclilnben d. 1 iiilbv. from Seattle. 11 miles from Ta.onia: bay view property and well Improved. Price $ 13.0O0. Willamette Valley .arm pieterred. Ad- d ress F olfl. oregonlay. FIVE SOxlOO lola In .Marshlleid, vului $4;.".. to exchange for piano. Vlcliola. aiiio. mo torcycle or fui nitiii e. Tin so bus will sell for $1IOO when railroad Is completed lo Harshllcld. See Comic, II MO N oi Hi w enern Bank bldg. 1 HOLD good ilrst mortgage of f.-.onn. wlibh would consider turning Into oo.l re.luenee up to same value; do not rvply If "U b.iva equities and inllated valucj. AM C4a. Ore gonian. TRADE :i lots, i-rooin bungalow, l.ric :;.MK), aid l.'.00 cah for partly improve. Iarm. owner. J. Van Mvoll. "20 l.ovel si., near Fortsinoulli, Portland. oti"i only. 1 OWN a IN-aere olvba.il: c-l in.' cash; will lliak" you a snap price ,.r l..oo. clear of Incumbrance, and trade lor ..or equity In cllv or country property, oaiici, Hoard or l ran. . WEST SIDE property, close in, .prefer In come, to iraue Side $o000 home. Sua Anderson or Wats. 414 Yeon bldr WANT stock of merchandise f.r Ml-aer. well-Improved farm niiUs fr Molu'iM Or., or will divide; $12.". per a.-io. AD ..in Oregonian. W1I.I, trade 0 acres of land foe a sma'l used automobile. 4 or 6-pspsenger ir preferreU. Call 14. Union In. N. I'houe C gaia. . WOULD trade $2OO0 mortgage aa Hint pe nient on lurnislied Gearl.art collage; mu'i b cloaa so the besch. Willi view vf lli ocean. AM .'.4 oregonlaiv LONG list farnia. slo. k ramlie. cllv pi op -ertles for sale, exchange, oe .lamps Li loss It. McCoy, U.2 Chamber Commerce, Pol ' -land. $4W KUCITY In 4-room house and o. e ... . .. f.im .-..,.u ..mii .... l-'oril tai iwmTO . 1 ii.wc - - , . ,; , auto, balance $10 caster st. miinui. t .. lai. VVIDL tra.1. clear, vacant !.:. value I;'-'-''"'-for aqulty In bungalow In Alameda l at K. Olmsted Park, Irvington or ijniivinui districts. Atl f...7. oregonian. TRADE 120 acres wheat lan.l In wheat lo. house, lots or equny 4S1 East ..2d st . near uni FOR EXCHANGE by owner of prop.ll. :.- room rooiutna-i.""" or lot. (i 001. oregonian. 115 AC RES of wheat and stock ran. U. ier acre; isiina ca.o it 23 Chamber or I omoieree. joain , IlQUITY In lota to trad, for good up-to- dat trucK. r.. i i...n:.. ... . -. Troutdalc, Or. Aoni nu i va. " A .hV... . At RKH." 'ir -Portland, val'is $i;i.l, fnr nouss anu iui "i p." Own.- rs. J t K ."..i0. (Ji'l . ti la n . HOL'SB and v. ant lot. Alblns. fr n'lnui or btwr city property. Al un- gontan. LOTS In good rrsldrnrn d tsirlri H-sl i i. Tor stricuy ih,,", AJ Hi, Or-g'-nian. TO UTT. B'll or Mchmm" lly r far in lp,M- se'u?.1" 1l'om :i fi-oheiim TheaJrblrtg. TO fxrhaTi-. f.r "v.io. k or 1 1 v M. Johns. FOll TK A 11 iinlrrn linos-' for WMO.tlS wn .'Hi. a'Tfagu or a H MILLION Hi ofTo-ial t. will ', Wll.l. tl"de Uliineulllbeeril f..r aiitonio- bile. .-S Q.-. re........ il-ITV of l.MM.ll In Id il t rest lots lo exchange. Y iiii, Oregonian.