THE STJSDAY OREGOIA PORTLAND, JANUARY 31, 1915. 18 REED STARTS ANEW REFORMATORY FOR NOTED RUSSIAN VIOLINIST ELECTION CLERKS REFUSE TO TESTIFY "OREGON'S MOST LIBERAL MAN" IS METHODIST AIDE IN HEILIG RECITAL SOON BAD YOUTHS AS Elf rem Zimbalist Will Appear With Alma Gluck on February 11 With Honors Won in American Musical World Escorting Him In. Examinations Past and Term . Begins Tomorrow. W. W. Brown, Known as Bill Brown, of Crook County, Has 13,000 Acres of Land, 1000 Head of Cattle, but Sheep Are His Farorites. Grand Jury Deplores Present Woman Member of Board at Precinct 37 Says Police .:. Necessary in Her Case. System of Sending Boy - Offenders to Prison. - 42 IN CLASS TO GRADUATE Busy Semester Both In Mud) room and Socials Is Ahead for HM Seniors tn College Flans for Plays Are Laid. LAXITY IS CONDEMNED JUDGE DELAYS DECISION KED Bench Warrants May Be Issued, but - It Is Said Election Officials Are Not Violating Any I-av in Refusal to Appear. Four clerks of the election board of Precinct 37 refused to appear In Judge Kavanaugh's court next Tuesday when Served with citations by Coroner Dam masch and Deputy Coroner Smith yes terday. They were cited to appear to fCfve evidence with regard to the al leged irregularities discovered on 123 ballots during the shrievalty recount. "It will take the whole police force to bring me into court." Miss May Hoffman, one of the clerks. Is said to have told Deputy Coroner Smith. ' Bert St. Helens would not take the paper from the officer's hand, so he was not legally served. P. J. Sawyer and Fred Hoffman were the other two clerks who declared they would not appear in court. Others Willing to Appear. Four others, who were served and expressed their willingness to appear In court, were W. L. E. Knowles. It. Copeland and Mr. and Mrs. A. U Clark. Subpenas or bench warrants may be issued to bring the four clerks into court, but Judge Kavanaugh would not say last night what action, if any. he would take. The election officials, it is said, were not violating tin law in refusing to appear, for no money is provided at present for their fees as witnesses on ritation. Should attorneys for Sheriff Hurlburt or cx-Sherlff Word desire to put up the money for witness fees, the four can be subpenaed and on Weir lefusal then to appear they can be brought by force. Mlu Hoffman May Know Details. The evidence of Miss Hoffman, who made emphatic refusal to appear, was regarded as highly important in ac counting for the care of the ballots on November 4. the day following the election. ' ' ' Examination of the 12S disputed bal lots bearing erasures in the shrievalty column continued oil day yesterday by Attornevs Dan Malarkey. for Sheriff Hurlburt. and Paul C. Farrens. for Mr. Word. On nearly all of these votes rust for Mr. Hurlburt had been erased and a vote for Mr. Word substituted. On the remaining few votes for New man or Lull, the other two candidates, had been erased and Word votes marked in. Probe Results Kept Secret. Special Investigator Walter Geren. of the District Attorney's office, is examining the ballots with the attor neys, with a view to presenting the rase to the i;ranl Jury if the evidence is deemed sufficient. The results of this Investigation, however, are being Kept secret. The recount of ballots in other pre cincts continued in room StiO of the Courthouse all day yesterday, and at i o'clock 156 precincts had been minted, practically all of them com plete. The results showed that Sheriff Hurlburt has gained 101 votes so far since the recount started. So far not one of the allegations of error or miscounting set forth in ex Sheriff Word's complaint to institute the recount proceedings has been sub stantiated. Hurlburt gains, over the official count, have been steady, and. although Word has Jumped ahead in a few precincts, the majority against him continue to grow. GERMAN AID CLUB ELECTS Reports at Meeting Show Assistance Rendered During Year. The annual meeting of the General German Aid Society was held last night. Reports will be made on the work done of the past year. The society was taxed last year to a greater extent by far than at any time prior. Many applicants for assistane have been found to be impostors while on the other hand many worthy cases were found and substantial assistance rendered and will be rendered. The following officers were elected: President. F. Eilers; vice-president, fharles J. Schnabel; secretary. H. C. liohlmann; treasurer, Peter Wagner: trustees for three years, Fritz Niklas und A. Saling: delegates to the Con federation German-Speaking Societies, I. ouis Kuehn. Florian Fuchs anu Charles Gritzmacher: auditing com mittee. Herman Knke. Charles Hegele snd H. llirschberger: physicians. Dr. F. II. Dammasch. Dr. E. A. Sommers. H. l.oeding and Dr. Otto Btnswanger. - The reports show a heavier drain on the treasury than at any given point in Its history of more than 10 years on account of the war. Many Germans have had to leave British Columbia nd Canada. Of course most if not all vt those coming to Portland needed as sistance. DRUGMEN MAY BAN LIQUOR t'ooe Association to Consider Reso lution Against Sale. To escape the stigma of suspicion of law violation attached to drug stores conducted In dry territory, the coos County Pharmaceutical Association has under" consideration a resolution that would stop the members from selling any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, v hether on prescription of a physician or otherwise. The association includes most of the druggists in Coos County, excepting those of Bandon. The resolution suggests that the druggists may escape payment of an Internal revenue license and the reflec tion that dealing in liquor may have tin their integrity. MAN SEEKS 0WN .ARREST Police Station Attache Asked If That Is Proper riace. "Is this the place where they arrest people?- asked J. Shirley, aged 31 years, as he entered the Police Station last night. "Do you want to be arrested?" de manded Desk Officer Nilea. "Well. I dunno. but I hear you"ve a -arrant for me." responded the man. He was wanted on a charge of carry ing concealed weapons. Mrs. Shirley was the complainant. SSsS552. ni ? Xf SK , Aw ; jj ' ' h" ?,gMya mm,, v.m .) W mm, ,mmmMM.i.vfm!l . BI ADDISON. BENNETT. WW. BROWN, of Eastern Ore gon, as told in The Oregonian yesterday has made a will leaving $500,000 to ; certain religious and educational institutions, but few people know who "W. W. Brown," is. So I will tell the -readers of The Oregonian something about this In dividual, as I have done several times before. I will call him Bill Brown, the name be is known by all over .the eastern part of the state. Nor do I call him Bill, and leave on the quotation marks, through any disrespect. On the con trary, I call Kim Bill because that is the only name by which he is general ly known, save on the books of various banks with which he has dealings. Come with me and i will take you to Bill's ranch over in Crook County. We will, to make the Journey shorter, start out from Mrs. McDowell's hotel in Prineville. We will take the Paulina road and travel past Paulina and up to the head of Buck Creek, with Buck Mountain just to the East, and travel down the trail on the west side of that creek for seven or eight miles until we come to the little stage station and postofTice at Fife. We are now 80 miles from Prineville: by continuing on the same trail we might pass over Buck Mountain, past the celebrated ranch- of Carroll Cecil, then down Spring Creek and on to Burns, 60 miles beyond Fife. Nan We Arrive at Bill's Place. Here we continue down Buck Creek a little more than a mile and here we are at the ranch house or head quarters of Bill Brown. There are various buildings, storehouses, wool sheds, stables, a mercantile house and finally the splendid mansion occupied by Bill and some of his employes. 1 so often have visited this house and described it that surely many of my readers must remember Its splendid furniture, its great ballroom, its baths, its water system, its great living-room and Bill's bedroom and office com bined. It used to be thought some of the houses on the French-Glenn ranches, were the finest ranch houses in the West Possibly they were ir their day, and some of them, notably the P ranch, is larger than Bill s. But In the way of furnishings and finish none of them ever approached Bill's ranch- bouse on Fife Crssk. Before it was built, when the lum ber was arriving, as the splendid trap pings came In, it was rumored that when the new mansion was ready for occupancy - there also would appear a Mrs. Bill. I remember I assisted In unpacking and placing some of the furniture and I twitted Bill on the subject. He gave but scant response, kept his own counsel but up to date there is no Mrs. Brown. It U IS years ago since Bill and two of his brothers drove their little band of 1500 sheep across the Cascade Moun tains into Harney Valley. They made their first stand near the present post office of Egli. not far from Wagon Tire Mountain, adjacent to Lost Creek. Money Made at Teaching. Bill had made his money to start with as a school teacher ... the Wil lamette Valley, being a graduate- of Willamette University. I am -not sure which of his brothers was with him. as there are five of the Brown boys. Two of them. Drs. K. C. and S. A. Brown, are leading practitioners and capital ists of Portland: one is a wealthy farmer in Clackamas County, and the fourth Is, I think, a farmer of larse means In Yamhill County. The sheep business along in the late 'SOs was not prosperous and the little band of 1500 soon became a band of 700. Then Bill bought out his brothers and went It alone. He filled ore pocket with raisins and. another with strych nine and followed those sheep out over the range. When they stopped. Bill stonped: when they traveled, Bill trav eled. In rain, in snow, in sleet and in sunshine. Bill followed those sheep. When the band increased to 2500 he hired an assistant, as but why delay the finale? Why. in a short time there were 30.000 of them and Bill was the largest sheepowner in Central Oregon. Then, when the sheep business was at high-tide and range horses worth about 5 or ? a head." Bill let It -be known that he would pay top price for a few thousand brood mares. People thought Bill was mentally unbalanced, so thev unloaded a few thousand on him and laughed in their sleeves at him as ther pocketed the money. Big Maasloa Constructed. For the last five or six years Bill has been selling his 5-year-old colts from those marea at $70 a head at the cor ral. When he made his first big sale he removed his headquarters to Buck Creek and erected the mansion men tioned, and lives there still. But his range Is anywhere within 100 or so miles to the south and west, and les ser distances to the north and east. Ho owns about 13.000 acres of land, or did three years ago. He most likely has a few thousand acres more now. He probably sells over 1000 head of horsta every year and he still lias many thousand head of sheep. In fact, he will never go out of the sheep busi ness. He told me that the horse busi ness was all right as a money-maker, "but give me sheep," he continued. He also had, when I last asked him, about 1000 head-of cattle. If yon were to meet up with Bill, on the range, in Prineville or on the streets of Portland, you. would take him for a clergyman, Vell. you would not be far amits. for he. is one of the most deeply religious men I ever knew. He abhors; .worse than abhors, liquor of all kinds, will not tolerate profanity in his presence., dislikes tobacco in its every form. He practically keeps the accounts of fcis great business in his hat. He 1s the most liberal man in Ore gon. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of widows and orphans and broken men In Central Oregon, will tell you that the poor never had such a friend in need as Bill Brown. I might cite at least one instance of a wealthy man of that part of our state who owes his first stake to the confidence of Bill Biuwn. He has helped build, or maintain, practi cally every church between the Cas cades and the Snake, between the Blues and the Nevada, line and is still giv ing. Credit at All Banks Good. He is an eccentric man. For Instance, It is said he once wrote a check for a thousand dollars on a label torn from a tomato can. Indeed, the bank ers say many of his checks are written on wrapping paper. Any bank in Cen tral Oregon will cash A check Blgned W. W. Brown, no matter how his ac count stands with them. A Prineville merchant told me that he received an order from Bill for. goods amounting to more than $8000 which was written with a lead pencil on butcher's papen with it a check for $5000 on the same sheet of paper. Bill has made several large gifts, notably one of $30,000 to a Willamette Valley educational institution and an other of $16,000 to a religious school at Pendleton. His smaller gifts . in magnitude far overreach these: but Bill is non-commital when it comes to telling about his good deeds you have to go to those whom he has as sisted for such facts. That Bill now has given a half mil lion. Dresumably to be paid after his death, is no news to those who know him best: for a number of years It nas been expected that the educational and religious institutions of Oregon would get the bulk of his large fortune when he passes away, which will, in all like lihood, be many years from now. He is about 62 years old, as strong as an ox. as rugged as a sturdy oak, takes the best of care of himself, has no bad habits he ought to live for 40 years yet. If he only lives to be 70 he will die the richest man in Oregon unless he gives away hi3 money in great chunks, which he may do. MARKET IS TO RE-OPEN MARCH 1 IS DATE FOR ALBERTA PUBLIC INSTITUTION. Contest For Children Will Begin 3Iny 1 And Close September 1, Prliea To Be Awarded October 3. The Alberta Tublic Market will re open March 1, and registration will close for the children's contest in the market on May 1. The contest for the children .will run from May 1 to Sep tember 1 and the prize awards will be made October 2. There are two prize cups offered, one for the boys and one for the girls. They are .offered by the market com mittee of the Alberta Women's Im provement Club for the best kept ac counts for the marKet season. The rules for the competition are as follows: Competitors must live in the radius of the Vernon.. Highland. Woodlawn and Kennedy School districts. Must be. boys and girls under 16 years of age. Must bring produce to the Al berta Market, at least 12 Saturdays. File.statement of kinds of produce to be offered in the market. Register at the Vernon Branch Library. Registra tion closes. May 1,. 1915. Contest closes, September 1. Prizes awarded, October 2. Gardens Give location, size of grounds, rent paid and cost, of tools, seed and water. - " Baking Amount of flour, eggs, but ter, extracts, fruits, etc. Needle .work Amount of material. Poultry or Rabbits Cost of houses, yards, pens, stock and feed. Manual Training Materials. gales A) Itemized, in the market, CBt Itemized to a neighbor, giving name and address. Accounts Give expenditures, hours of labor, each day, detailed sales and balance or deficit. . . The Silver Lining. ( Judge.) - The li me Duck I'm glad the Presi dent didn't fill all the offices I asked him to," said the defeated Congress man. "Why so?" "Maybe I can. get one of them my self now." .. - ' Investigators Call Attention of Pub lic and Legislature to Xeed of Better Method City and. County Places Landed. A state reformatory -for young pris oners Is rectmimended in the final Te port 'of the January grand Jury, which appeared before Circuit" Judge Kava naugh and was discharged yesterday. "The Indifference of organized society tho rflfnrmatlnn of youthful criminals is, In our opinion, a disgrace," says the report. jurors set forth, 25. criminals under 21 years have appeared oeiore circuit Courts. Coincident with making this report the grand Jury Indicted Ralph -N. Jones, 18, for stealing Dr. Sandford Whiting's automobile. Jones was in dicted and pleaded guilty to a similar offense last August and was paroled. Later he was arrested on this charge, spent a night in Jail and was released on $250 bonds. The same night he was again picked up by the police with an other man's automobile. The establishment of public rest sta tions in various parts of the business district is recommended by the grand jury as a needed ehange after the pro hibition amendment goes into effect in 1816. ' ' Institutions Are Inspected. " The grand jurors, who have been in charge of Deputy District ' Attorney Charles Hindman, " are 13. Fh Kellogg, W D. Hoskins, J. V. LanRin,. Charles Olson, C. Chrisenson.- W. J. Soveoms and August Zahn. During the month they inspected all "the county instltu- .. , -it... T,ll Tli n ..nnrt Irf lions anu me -ilj mc-'i"" . we have arawn i true um not. LI ue viuo, auu witnesses and completed all business that nas oeen oruugut uciun. tention. , countv jau r rom our iiiijciiwit v. the County Jail we are of the opinion mat. it is in an cii-ciiE"" , . - - ' : cells and corridors are well ventilated anu. evei; iiiiiifi ...... appears to be clean and sanitary. !5aDy jionie e cio ' ' ' pleased with our visit to the I.aby . . . n r ,l Vi -. all the children nuili " i iuu'iu .... were getting careful attention. Espe cial consiaeration is pmu iu LicaiinnM sanitation and food. We wish to com mend the matron In charge for the ef ficient manner in which the affairs or this institution are conducted. r razier ueienuon numo suit of our inspection of the Frazler De tention riome wts ..rtii u.,m.'"-w commend those In charge of this Insti tution for their efficiency. The build ing, however, is in a deplorable condi tion. It rhould be properly heated -and lighted; the toilets for the boys should ka rontr-ort nii ti pw ones installed where necessary. ; ' Need Are Set Forth. . . . i , .-1 . . 1 .J Ha indlviauat sanitary lotRcio " provlded for the children under deten tion. DRins arm iwncw .1 .... .... mediately installed in the attic, and we suggest tharin this part df the build ing a door should lead out on the fire escape Instead of a window, which is so hiKh from the floor that children . . jlM:n.iUu in iuorninoT TnA wouia nave uuutuuj " , ' I fire escape in case of fire. New springs drainage and sanitation in the Base- merit, -is a aissrate tu wiw v .... main door In the school room, which is completely tiroKen in mu. on " paired at once. Apparatus should be . 3 , . v. , Ti-mnasinm nnn tne purcna-seu tm .... - - floores of the school room and the gym nasium should De propeny oncu. ..... . - . . V. . . I. .. . u I - n naTTA nfk tne exception "i ;,-.-,"-further criticism to make of this in stitution. ' Jlt. County foor farm me ' "'""' the County Poor Farm is excellent. The inmates are -v- --- tled witn tne tuuu ..n, ments made for their comforC We have no special recommenoaLion w cept to suggest that a washable unl- rorm oe aaopieu iui ......- . uniform system of clothing would en able the caretakers to distinguish and recognize the inmates at a distance and would, we think, tend to reduce the chances of railroad accidents to those persons who are .cared for at this in stitution. It would also save the coun ty consiaeraoie ... department of the Poor Farm and in the purcnase oi ciot-mus ' r of said home. . , Xew Hospital Recommended. County Hospital From our inspec tion of the County Hospital we are of the opinion that this institution Is properly and efficiently managed. The conditions existing, however, at said institution demand that a new modern sanitary building be erected within the necrtyUJai1 From our inspection of the City Jail we are unanimously of the opinion that Portland should be proud of this building and Its equipment We desire to commend those in charge for their justifiable pride in the manner in which they attend to the afairs of this institution and for their efficiency in discharging their duties. General Conditions The .closing of the saloons in 1916 undoubtedly will bring the question of public comfort stations before the city and county au thorities. -We suggest that steps be taken within the next few months toward the erection and maintenance of a sufficient number of comfort stations in the business district ot Portland to accommodate the public. The grana jury iso uwnw the attention of the public and of the present Legislature tu NEW THF.ATKR ORG AX WILL BK UEDICATKI) TODAY. i i Clifford Carney, Organist. When the big pipe organ in the National Theater is dedicated to day, Clifford Carney will pre side as master organist. The recital is between 2 and 4 o'clock. Portland's foremost organists will participate! I liMlllHililiHB I 1 lipillliPSpj i i, - - n ' " ' V " I V ' I - . t i . - -4 . . It . J i ' -' - J xS I v ' it- -1-jtf ; X A -; y t I I , - 2 I v IY J - J " 'lfJ t-, J f " ' r j i i 40 x - x t t 1 - X - , N i tsL ' 'A -1 ! ! ,. -M 1,1,. '-II , .- ft ,,,!!.,. i ZIMBALIST. VIOLINIST. A HARE treat is in store for Port land music-lovers when Kfrem Zimbalist. the famous young Rus sian violinist, whose genius has taken Mnrrma hv storm, wil'. be heard in Joint recital ; wita Alma Gluck. the lovely young soprano, at the llellig, neoru ary 1L Zimbalist, after capturing the mu sical prize of 1200 rubles from the Rus sian Government,, and also the gold medal from the St. Petersburg Con servatory, made his debut with th .i . .L in... i (i.i-h fictrn In 190i. tseriin rnuiiiuiviii" .- - He immediately was hailed as a newly arisen star or tirsi masnnuu. . . - i i .. , u l.mih n 1. 1 1 beautv men me ' " ' - . of tone that he evokes from his violin. showing a thousand tender, aeiicaic . . . ; hv.hls wonderful snaaes i emu.""' .7 bowing and . handling of the strings. has made him tne iqoi 01 f'"i'" audiences. . ' In America, applause nas oeen .-ished- upon him with the same sponta- . &D in VnrrvnR. When neoua mo... ua ... ' . . . j i. ; .. toair this sea- ne oyeiieu mo " " " ' , - son at Carnegie Hall. New York. Mu- 2j? wh0oUnhSavmebneen?ouBnrguRtWo? louniy . f .h, criminal oirenses. courts show that within the last few months more man u UJ. - age of 21 years have been charged with ?.fSc,n5oS-e?y0 pervmsivi ' , . . KeiOrmuiwrj mm m.j. t ., DhnM h nrnrected f roiii inai au.iet cu r such youthful ottenaers muL -..1 nnnJarB must hA ft(l- sucn youmtui uu.BUU. " mltted. ??I?!.JE tnere is no wy V1,"" . V, r iiri tection without doing .injury to such boys must also oe uimmm. i-V; who are familiar with the conditions under which men live In the peniten tiary there is no doubt that such an institution is not a proper place to send a boy whose character Is still capable of being moulded. To send a boy to the penitentiary is Justifiable, we think, only where such punishment is neces- eary as a n ''- ,hV j vt-t mav oe saveu, ui n"'6 of the boy offender shows that he is a real menace to souicy. In view of the present conditions, we recommend and suggest that some pro vision be made for an institution which we mav call a Reform. School. Such a school should have a cottage system or some other System that would Insure the segregation of the inmates. Ihe age limit of boys who should be sent to such a place, we think should be as nVh as 25 or 30 years. We also believe that the. Prison Board should have the Power to transfer inmates to the State Penitentiary from the Tleform School and to the Reform School from tne nenitentiary. This would insure, in manvases a more complete segrega tion "of youthful criminals. Condition Called IMsnraee. We make these recommendations with the hope that some effort along the line above suggested willbe made in the near future. The indifference of or ganized society towards the reform- reformation oi tou - ---- .- v.- be had through the efforts of he indi viduals themselves. ." ...... ganited society should not refuse to a. t until it is provea ow - efforts would be in vain- . ,trt,-v VVe desire to iimnv. . "Evans and his deputies for their ass bt- PAIIrlPRV IU IJ n ud'i0 the services ot niti ' -T L2e.S. V..fnt District Attorney. Wo also desire to thank-the court for its kindness and courtesy to us during our term. ' OFFICERS MOURN COMRADE Platoon to March to Funeral of Ser geant Stalil This Afternoon. : A platoon of police officers, headed by Captain Inskeep, of the second night relief squad, will march in ody to the undertaking parlors of J. P- Flnley & Son this afternoon, to attend the fu neral of their comrade. Sergeant R. H. Stahl who was shot accidentally and ' T...-imo c K. Kl ngen- smith last week. The services will be hRe A?C. Moses, pastor of the Waverly Heights Congregational Church, will officiate. There will be several songs rendered by the police quartet com posed of Sergeant Jenkins and Patrol men Cullins, Crane and. Bailey. The in t.& c.pi.ann(i Jenkins. paiiDearers - Wells, Bunn.-Wanless. Lyons and Burke. Services at rtiverview be conducted by Multnomah Camp No. 77, Woodmen of the World. Another Jitney Company Here. The fourth Jitney bus. company to be incorporated within two weeks filed its .ii in Conntv Clerk ConVy's office vosterdav. This latest concern bears the imposing name of the Metropolitan Rapid Transit Company. It - is capi - slcal America said of htm: "Efrem Zimbalist had an audience which roust have mad him feel that ha has won for himself a place among the elect ot visiting artists. Mr. Zimbalist well may refolce. for he has shown that it is possible to succeed without sensational tricks, to conquer by holding high the ideal of the artist unmarred by the temptations of the virtuoso. His su perb technical equipment always Is made the servant of "in esthetic In tention. . "Of the Handel 'Sonata' enough can not bo said of the eloquence of his do livery of the 'Largo1 of this old master piece. It seemed that he drew every iota of emotional beauty from It. One marvelled at his magnificent proclama tion of It. Here Is a movement that requires a complete separation from the earthly, that demands a spiritual conception. Mr. Zimbalist Is equal to It, and with this work he shows that he Is really an artist of the highest rank. "The audience was enthuslaatlo throughout, calling the violinist out no less than six times after his second group, and constantly showing Its de sire for extras." . arank Gates, Albert A. Demke and i -..i. 'Peterson. - - talized at 250, and the incorporators are Frank uau Louis Peterson NO LIFE FOUND AT WRECK VM Believed to Be Idler Reached. but VCBSei XjOW 1U wmw, Vn .Ian- 30. Ilf csavera I - who today reached the yacht Deuevea wreck off Diamond to be the Idler, a wreck off Diamond Shoals, found no signs or lite, tne vessel had settled until only the masts were visible. It was Impossible to Iden tify the yacht. Heavy seas heretofore nave uoi all attempts to get to venc- mm? ao7 Tme Quality' Stor.e or Portland TiftN. SiKtlN. "MorvHsory Aldr See Pages 8 and 9 for Our Ad Our news is so important that even our big double page can only tell it in part. jJjl! jm jOManllililllBiaSI Rose Festival Scenario Wanted!! $25 for Best Short Story Submitted Ninth Annual Rose Festival will be staged in motion pictures by Northwest Weekly in co-operation with 19 lo Rose Festival Association. . . . Short Story must include scenes and incidents oi festival season. Call or Write Northwest Weekly Portland, Oregon t.r1 wk Hm flrnt semester exaralna tlons were held at Reed College. T new semester begins tomorrow with the registration of all students In their classes. For the nrst class which entered Reed at the opening of the college In September, 1911, the coming semester in 1. Ik. I... Th am 'ir, fi (1 n ! U - dents in the original freshman class. Of this numoor, tnree compieieu mm work lor tne aegree laat una will come back at the end of this semester to graduate m-lth the class. Two others finished their work lat i.. h.i thv wr admitted to tho college after the nrst year. Thirty-one ot tne original v pm--n. .Va In th nresent senior clani. Thus with the three who finished last year. Si of tne meinDers wno enirreu Reed the first year have stuck throiiEta the long grind. Ktght other students have been, admitted since the nrst year making 4 in all who expect to take their degroe at the end ot the semester. Students ta Write Thesis Next semester will be not only the last for the members of the srnl.T class, but It also promises to be tlis busiest. Kach student will be ex pected to write an origins! thesis em bodvlng the results of some orlglm.1 work done In his major study. Theses, or the results of work thst Is really worth while, will be published In magaxlnes devoted to the Interests of the fields In which the work Is done. The tliosos are prepared In connection with the seminary course In each de partment In which the Instructor works with each student Individually. After the tbesls Is disposed of. Hie llniil ex amination must be met successfully. The examiners will bs chosen In prt from persons not otherwiso connected with the college. There are many events mamica i" the semester beside Ihe work In the regular courses. A hesvy h:skllinll and baseball schedule lias been out lined for the rlnss lra "' Ha-'k meets have been planned for b'.tli the . .l a.r.nw.n l.t.T III lilt Slil'lllX comes Campus day w'icn the whole col lege lurii out witn in. sb un.i s. ...nLr inr ii iluv to ininnive the OIIU . .... .- . appearance of tl.o col'euo Kiouuds. River ! to e l'.menrln. River day Is set for lute In M "" Is the occasion of the aiuiUHl excursion up the Columbia. The drama club Is pIsnnliiR one nr two plays nd the women of the col lege are now worklna on ' i.very Woman's Road." a play wrllten by I'io Joseohlno llammoiid. I" lii'-n all roles are portrayed by women, one of the advanced r-iiansn .i..-.-... planning to present one of MiaUcs- pcare's plays tnoiign me thlshave not yet Dcen mv. ..... m. colleas chorus Is working on th annual Spring concert and plns to give In a Persian uwutn, ...... .. ists of selected portions of the Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam set to music by Madame Una Ixslimann. Other events of minor Interest crowd ths calendar and there Is every Indication that everyone connected with the col lege has more than a busy time ahead for the next flvs months. SINGLE-TERM VOW WANTED Nebraska House Bill Would Pledge Presidential Electors. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. JO. A move tor a single Presidential term has been made in the Nebraska Legislature. A bill Introduced In the House today provides that candidates for Presiden tial electors must sign oaths pledging they will not vote for any candidate for President who tins served one M M MM I iMiiimniiii I 11