THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JAJiUAKi .! xvio. The To See the You Can Always See a Good Show at the Palace Theater Vancouver, Washington In . conjunction with our regular pro gramme and at no' advance in the price of admission we will show THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE Each Monday and Tuesday First Story: "THE CLUTCHING HAND" Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 1 and 2 FOLLOW THE CROWD Will Be Shown at Jewell Theater ASTORIA, OR. First Episode, Feb. 3 and 4 As an Added Attraction to Our Regular Programme and Each Wednesday and Thursday Thereafter. The Home Theater Grand Ave., Near E. Washington, Portland, Or. Will Show an Episode Each Sunday, Com- mencing March 7. WE APPRECIATE TOUR PATRONAGE Union Ave. Theater UNION AND RUSSELL, PORTLAND, OR. Will show first episode February 16. Always a good, clean show. Rainbow Theater OREGON CITY. Will show first episode February 8, 9. A clean house, always clean shows. Victoria Theater (House, of Quality Home of Features.) 18TH AND ALBERTA STS, PORTLAND, OR. Will show first episode Friday, March 5. . Dream Theater CHEHALIS, WASH. First episode February 25 and 26 The popular The ater, with popular plays at popular prices. BEGINNING TODAY AND RUNNING SUNDAYS IN THE OREGONIAN Of ELAINE'S troubles, her victories, the budding of her love you are to be told be ginning today. Of the Clutching Hand's awful persecu tion of the beautiful millionaire girl, you will be told beginning today. Of the Scientific Detective, Craig Ken nedy, and how he hunts the criminal, you will be told beginning today. ARTHUR B. REEVE is the author of the "Exploits of Elaine," and this fact alone is sufficient to make 1,000,000 readers of the "Cosmopolitan" Magazine eager with expectation more more more of his great detective stories. Thus will 250,000 readers of "Hearst's" Magazine, who have enjoyed his gripping style, rejoice at this further treat. And, no doubt, so will the 2,000,000 readers of tho, Sntnrdav Evening Post to whom Mr. ! Reeve is so familiar. In the "Exploits of i Elaine," Mr, Reeve has woven a powerful set of adventures about his greatest crea ! tion, the renowned detective, PROF. CRAIG KENNEDY CHARLES W. GODDARD ! is one of our greatest of the younger dramatists. His "Misleading Lady," and the "Ghost-Breaker" were among the cleverest productions of years. Story will run in The Oregonian on Sundays. hkf ",t. Every Sunday on X Ss ,kSia I the same page you'll V?i" f - i IWW find it. And when 'C ' - -XjSfcSf the.torycome.tolifc! Vs f ?' If fj 111 Torrioinrow YtJ i ' T'$ jL j Vbbss" m- 1 yanrw mmmaum wwm itxym ' Pearl te " Icirf I Stunninfr,lovatle,Pearl - .; . fWI ' V V l I'- I White, who played 3Sl "Pauline," will be I! ImK WEIaine" 'it mmnlitfmt ' Zr- '" 1"" "' ' mmiM mt mm mmm i i r r tm-MjiMjat- MliMn i r '"Tri"nimr iisirrtritrairm-frirsai I i ! : " 1 NATIONAL THEATE Marshal 5533 Park, West Park, Near Washington Street A 5533 See Exploits of Elaine Here Every Wednesday and Thursday Afternoon Beginning Feb. 3d We have been fortunate in securing these magnificently staged Craig Kennedy Detective Stories for exclusive first run in Portland. They will be shown m addition to our regular programme, and at no increased charge. This Series of Wonderful "Craig Kennedy" Detective Stories Is Booked Through PATHE EXCHANGE, Inc., Bookings Are Close Open Time Limited Get Busy Exploits I Is at- The Circle Theater1 4th and Washington, Portland, Or. Why not follow the crowd and go to a well ventilated, roomy and comfort-inviting ' theater? The theater where the best features are shown always (not once in a moon) and where you are I made to feel at home. Here a welcome awaits you, not only in words but in service. 1 I "The Exploits of Elaine" will be shown in con- junction with our regualr programme each Wednesday, commencing March 3. ; The Burnside Theater Fifth and Burnside Streets Will Show an Episode of the Exploits of Elaine Each Thursday, Com mencing March 4. The Biggest and Best Show in Portland The Alhambra Theater 49th and Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon Will show an episode each Monday and Tuesday, com mencing February 14-15. We always.have a good Bhow. Watch for the first episode of the EXPLOITS OF ELAINE at the Grand Theater, Coquille The Exploits of Elaine will be shown at the Grand Theater, oregon EVERY WEEK. Watch for the first Installment. The Grand Theater MARSHFIELD. OREGON. Will show the Exploits of Elaine every week. Watch the paper for further Announcements. JOY THEATER North Bend, Oregon Will show the Exploits of Elaine each week read the stories and watch for first installment. SHOWN AT Grand Theater HILLSBORO, OREGON Wednesday and Thursday. February 24 and 25 FOLLOW TilE CROWDS STAR THEATER Klamath Falls, Or. Will show an episode each Monday, commencing with the first on February 8. ,-, . m m mm m ruxui Star l neater Follow the Crowd and See the First Episode on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13 Majestic Theater (It's Different) Roseburg, Oregon Will show the first episode Friday, February ID. Our Policy Your Comfort. I Cn SnturHfiv and Sunday. March 6 and 7 The first episode will be shown at The Grand Theater CAMAS. WASH. An extraordinary feature at ordinary prices. -. ' : r-TTTr'. i i 1 4 PLAYERS STARRING IN "THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE ARNOLD DALY, who through his work in Candida" became in such a short space of time one of the most-talked-of actors in America, has signed with Pathe to take the leading part in their new serial, "The Exploits of Elaine." That Mr. Daly stands in. the very front rank of the theatrical profession today is self evident, and tnat he has been signed by Pathe for the new serial proves conclusively that 'The Exploits of Elaine " will be a vastly different prop osition from "The Perils of Pauline." in that the new story will require most artistic Interpretation, and not depend so much upon sensational incidents for its interest. Mr. Daly is an object lesson to the ambitious young American by proving that there is plenty of room at the top and that true ability will be recognized in spite of all handicaps. Some 10 years ago he was office boy for Charles Frohman. surely a sufficiently humble beginning in the theatrical profession to satisfv the most ardent admirer of such works of fiction as "From Cabin Boy to President." Born in New York, he showed the average New York boy's sublime Indifference to the favorites of fame, and they still tell stories along Broadway of young Daly's scornful at titude towards the famous playwrights and theatrical stars wno can upon jiu. Frohman. Mr. Daly can be best described by the word "brilliant." He fairly scin tillates as a player, a conversational ist and a story teller. He was the first man In America to study George Ber nard Shaw and see in him much more than a fiery and intellectual freak. Mr. Daly, in fine, is a real and serious stu dent of the drama. Being of Irish descent. Mr. Daly could not help but be witty. It Is said of him that on one occasion he was invited to a din ner of the descendants of the Pilgrim F'tiy.rt "J wu called upon Xox toast. He rose and, with a rare twinkle in his eve. (mid as follows: "To the Plymouth Rock the Blarney stone of our dear America." He is also epi grammatic, as the following recent statement of his will prove: "Culture will rid the world of war unless war first rids the world of culture." So Pathe has made a 10-strike in securing this brillt&nt Irish-American actor, who is a thinker as well as an artist. As Craig Kennedy in "The Exploits of Elaine," he should gain new laurels and stamp the new serial with his de cidedly interesting personality. Sheldon Lewis, whose interpretation at Putci Joe U W, A. Brady's big pro duction of "Life" at the Manhattan Opera-House is attracting such fa vorable notice, has been signed by Pathe to take a prominent part in tne new serial. "The Exploits of Elaine." Mr. Lewis was born in Philadelphia, of Genan-Amerlcan parentage, and had hardly got beyond the nursing bottle stage before he announced to his parents his intention of going upon the stage. His father was in the whole sale milk business in Philadelphia and this fact was remembered by Mr. Lewis' first audience in an amusing way. He had .secured an engagement in a small role at the Gerard-avenue Theater in Philadelphia. No sooner had be walked upon the stage than various of his boy hnnrf nisvfpllnwii in the audience Bhout ed "Milk" at him and the rest of the crowd took it up. Uproarous applause greeted every line that he spoke and. to use theatrical parlance, he "took the show away from the star." Mr. Lewis always Insists upon play ing a character according to his own Interpretation. Of studious tempera ment, he analyzes each motive and trait of the part and endeavors by every inflection of the voice and every action to disclose the mind and charac ter beneath. That he adds unusual talent to the fine cast of "The Exploits of Elaine" goes without saying. Several years ago MIfs Pearl White received a tempting offer from the Pathe Freres American Stock Com pany to appear In pictures. That de termined her profession and with Pathe she has been ever since, with the ex ception of short Intervals. When "The Perils of Pauline" w started Miss White selected for the role of Pauline, and" certainly no better selection could have been made. Hhe took chances that very few men would have taken and today has the reputation In the Puttie studio as be. In the nerviest woman that ever worked In pictures.