tttr RT7Xr AT. OT? FffOXI AX. PORTLAND.- JANUARY 21, 1915. DRIVES SUGGESTED 1 NEW TRUCK WHICH HAS MADE ITS DEBUT IX PORTLAND" THROUGH OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TO CHARM GUESTS Portlanders Want Memory of City Not to Be Dimmed by Exposition Glories. "60 WHERE ROADS GOOD" M . it .nn..., v. r - 4 Ft .11 wf? t ' l ill Columbia Highway One of Many Possible Routes for Admiring ' Visitors, Willie City . Offers Roads of Scenic Delight. DltlVBS THAT WILL I3TPRESS VISITORS OX ROPTE TO FAIR, SCGGESTED BY l'ORTLAJDBRS. "Anywhere the roads axe good." Columbia River Highway. Willamette boulevard and back by Linnton road. Terwilliger boulevard. Skvllne boulevard. Canyon road and thence to Portland Heights. Milwaukie avenue to the Wit erly Golf Club. Sandy road to Troutdale. Along- Base Line, Section or Powell valley roads. SIGNAL TRUCK HERE Oregon Motor Car Company Has Demonstration Car. TON AND HALF IS CAPACITY How are we to Impress on the vis- I itor to Oregon next Summer who "stops off In Portland on his way to the Panama-Pacific Fair the beauties of worm Drive and Brown Rear Axle Multnomah County T Prominent men Interested In the wel- ' fare of Portland are beginning to de- ' vise ways and means. S They realize that possibly 60 per 1 j cent of families In Portland will be en- tertalnlng guests at some time during the season, many of them from Eastern points. Are Features - In Which Newly Appointed Distributors Put Faith, "for Bales. " -? The Oregon Motor Car Company has recentlv been- aubointed the distributor In all the iumbld of scenery, points I for the Signal Truck, a ton-and-a-half ef Inter-mt and memories Of the West, size of which arrived in Portland dilr- how is Portland to be singled out In 1 lng the week. S. S. Gilbert, a truck such a distinctive way that this city I man who formerly was in the business will be one of the Illuminating in Chicago, is handling the trucks for thoughts of the trip when reminis-iw. c Uarbe. manager of the Oregon eences are In orderr company. J.b Easy for Antolst. I Particular reature or wnicn-tne For the man who has an automobile . i It would seem to be in many ways the truck resembles th. Rut thn avertM man wun an huw- a4Mn1 M. M.nt,t.. mobile aoesni seem Ms much heavier and has heavier axles A renresentatlVe OI IHB uicguui.ii I j ninnillnn nr. a lara-a number of represen-1 .r.. 1.. J.,. i.rrliT and asked I Spina System Is Wse. It is true they were not road enthu- I Is constructed with the three-point lasts, but they all owned machines; suspension and has a governor, water B"'ow' . . . i j I niimn onrl -fan Th rl o V avcfpm of they all liked to drive, out xney cwuiu i -- - - not fUte Ideas tion of accessible points of Interest. R. n . ton,nHIrlk tvno The non-autolst wm ma po.u,. L,,' ",: to w bv . n taif a nw t n piin h u.y i ' niH PU"'":i " . . ' Imano 4 fihar Insiila nta Tha fitrnm 7 Jf t the uast of which is the berg truck type carburetor with hot air terest. not the least ox icn is intake from exhaust is used on the ma- T Am Oil! VJOIuraum. niici ' ! v,: whlcn Dy tne ena i The cooling is of the built-up truck traveling to Cascade locks. , havlnJr vertical tubes with fins in Mr. Meier !k..rTrj tn cooling section. . Top and bottom v.t in tha eltv proper there are very I, . . , . ...j u.. i ... - -- -" ., . i Mutts hiiu rjiuea am euudui lcu u jr ilea t many accesaiD.e ur..c " . . ioo n- Mron frames and castings. ir. fnr nritoistK. while in tne coun- i - --.r .hnnt Portland their name is almost f Weave Does Not Affect. " t rm. I .. 1 . . t Hirovered." said Julius Meier, I front members of the frame and Is un- ., ,t,i. foot "that I could start I affected by the weave of the side rails. out every day for 60 days and each day I The transmission Is of the standard drive my friends over auiereni rtmaa, snm.uo ijac xs rmi i uuwi . r .nmaw nrr Interest ana oeaut-j-. I L.un.i.. uu buuk ... nf the suKKestive I are 3.5 per cent nickel steel. drives offered by leading Portlanders: I" A multiple disc clutch completes the fanvrr 1 , w, tji r I trjtnfimlnainn nrninmpnt. All nlnt.. urn First of an. me "."""x-.srz'zzjr'T.Trsrrrz-rsr'r.i-iz ui,h. And to the citizen who has i never traveled that wonder way let it "ayoesios ana ariven oy eignt large r . .... i iT..J . Tht h can retell and diameter pins mounted in spider which J?ilhr,7",K" L ? W? 'admiring is bolted to the fly-wheel., , " : Df thatl Tno truck has a general air or sim- friends Just what the wonders ot that rrfc much-to-be-famed highway are. r. - bk controI ' . ther de. Columbia HlghiT Slahta Many. tdg measure up to the standard set mi hn have traveiea over ir. iu iu o, me parts enumeratea. xnt arive is i . i n r i upcp nave i inrnnr-n ini unrtmrR. - J inranry uw -i - - i -. i capitalized as being a definite casn- HIGHWAY WORK JFEARLY DOVE value asset declare mere i the world which otters so '' " Woodland Renorts Progress in Sur- vlsta to the traveler. I Perhaps that sounds too strong. I facing to Hayes. Well, here are some of the most re- ,00ANE w.ah Jan H. r. n.iiiii ill iiiiimi iiiiw i in i ill : ' vv-: t -i K . n : -v w; . I w ell. Iieio " - . .i, . . anir nnt, of WHICH, - " meoea for tour- I den Brothers and BIdwell, who have the for example, would I be a .rnecca contract for surfacing more than two crowns" Point, iatourell Bridge and miles of the Pacific Highway from the w.n. Ahenhnrd's Dell, urioai Vails. Aneels' Rest Falls. Gordon Falls built to Hayes, about four miles above. Woodland. 1 Veil I east approach of the steel bridge mountain, Mist I across tne lewis Kiver towards Lrfi- tho Multnomah center, nave completed tneir contract. .11. the East viaduct which is 680 which is a few days later than they ;,, and the West viaduct 410 expected on account of the excessive 111:. rWrfont C.orae. Horse Tail Falls, rains and cold weather. i.. xi-ilr-. rinm. and Catherine's Dome, A miscalculated blast wrecked the r " 1" n "-i, the Bonneville fish I sheds over the crusher and boiler ! rler. ... j o,k house. Crushed rock is beine-furnished all of which are In Multnomah Clark County. A rock road is being County. Cascade lrscka En Ronte. Come now, Mr. Average Portlander, did you know that much Multnomah County geography? Just a short run beyond the Multno mah County line are Cascade Locks, another unusual. If not a scenic place t interest. But It can safely be said that the world has nowhere else to offer such a collection of mammoth waterfalls r. mountain and gorge scenery as the 42-mile run along the Columbia High It Is suggested as a run for the city man. because, the road being new. It offers a quick out-and-return trip for a Summer's afternoon or evening. Rock Work I Notable. Longer trips, such as those to Mount Hood, have been discussed before In The Oreeonian and will be again. While taking the Columbia River Highway run, the visitor should have pointed out tne unique Italian arj masonry on the many culverts and ; bridges and the fact that one of Port- ; land's wealthy men, John B. Ye on. do- 1 ' nated his time to the county to make - the road a possibility. . In Portland one may take the trip '. 1 up the Canyon Road to the Summit, ; ; then bearing to the left steadily swing ' t about Portland Heights and back to ' ! the elty either by Montgomery Drive ' '. or by other routes. r, t IJn.l nffar, . fact trlr. ; showing the lower harbor. The return : ' and back by Willamette boulevard. Milwaukie avenue out to the goir ' links offers a fine hard-paved run for '. an hour or two. City Bootes Saa-geated. - The Sandy road run to Troutdale Is worth while. Along the Base Line. Section Line and Powell Valley roads the visitor . may be shown some of Multnomah County's intensive farming interests, with views of Mount Hood. Terwilllger boulevard is a short but spectacular trip starting from Sixth . street, which gives one a complete vista of the East Side. Just as the Wil . la matte boulevard does the West Side. But, to sum It all up, the beauties are so many, that It is safe to take the visitor "anywhere the roads are good" . as K. B. Coovert expressed it. And he will go home with a memory, If this Is done, that will remain in his mind after the glories of the exnosi - Hon are dim and gone. j Section at Auto Show Shows Oregon's Improvements. DISPLAYS ARE REALISTIC Paintings show Columbia Highway With Vivid Realism, Bringing Out Many Famous and Beautiful Spots Gracing Route. The Portland Automobile Dealers' Trade Association is entitled to a great aeai or credit for the public spirit they have displayed in -devotine- about one- half of the ballroom in the Armory during the automobile show to an edu cational good roads exhibit, featuring the Columbia highway. In this room. which houses the automobile acces sories exhibit, a space has been pro vided for a good Toads exhibit. The walls of the room are hung with some of the mammoth paintings which have been prepared for the Columbia highway exhibit In the Transportation building at the Panama Exhibition. Several of these have been completed and are installed that Portland people may have the pleasure of seeing them before they are sent to San Francisco. These paintings are the work of Fred A. Routledge, who, in addition to being an artist of unusual ability, has the advantage of knowing the en tire country from the seashore to Hood River and Mount Hood, having tramped over every foot of the ground. This close acquaintance with his subject has enabled him to paint from the heart and the productions are pronounced by critics to be remarkably true. - Famous Point Are Shown, The paintings which have been com pleted and installed in this room con- ist of a large one measuring 30 by 15 feet ' showing ; Hood River Valley " in blossom time with Mount Hood in the background! Famous points in the Hood River Valley are brought out prominently. Another represents the mouth of the Columbia River, show ing the docks at Flavel, Astoria, Young's Bay with Saddle Mountain in the distance. The beach is shown as far as' Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain. The new steamer Great Northern is shown, together with other river and ocean going craft. Another painting shows Multnomah Falls with the highway bridge in the foreground - and the foot bridge re cently presented by S. Benson. Still another represents Latourell Falis In all its beauty. - - These paintings are the preliminary portion of the mammoth scene which will depict the Columbia highway in the Transportation building and are being provided by a committee of which J. C. Ainsworth is chairman. The State Fair Commission has al ready contributed $1600 toward the cost of this- work, the balance to be provided by public subscription, th greater portion of which is already assured. In the raising of the funds required for this work prominent bus! ness clubs of the city, the Portland Automobile Club, and the Automobile Dealers' Association have been large factors. v Beauty Spots Beprodnced. There are also large and numerous photographs of the beauty spots along the Columbia highway and another painting of a "section of the highway showing proposed improvements along the Columbia River. . In this room will also be shown every evening except Monday during the show a series of views along the Co lumbia highway, shown and explained by S. C. Lancaster, consulting engineer for Multnomah County, who laid ou this famous highway. These stereop ticon pictures are beautiful hand-col ored slides, many of them being in the new natural color process showing scenes along the Columbia In beautiful Autumn tints . and In a way never be fore shown. . . This entire exhibit Is purely educa tional and is a part of the automobile show without any additional cost, and will be enjoyed by many who may not be interested in even seeing the motor cars themselves. T7 MOTOR TRUCKS WITH WORM DRIVE REAR AXLE Represent the Utmost in Transportation Service YEARS of successful service have proved how successfully FEDERAL Motor Trucks have fulfilled the demand of the commercial world for an . efficient, sturdy, .. dependable, economical means of transportation. , ' In the service of some of the world's largest users of transportation, as well as in the service of concerns who require but one or two trucks, the FEDERAL has always made good- It has never been an experiment. It rapidly became known all over the world aa the Truck Triumphant," and in addition to the extensive use of FEDERALS in the U. S. A, these trucks are being; used in foreign commer . cial fields and in huge fleets by foreign govern ments. . On the Pacific Coast, where conditions are extremely hard on motor trucks, the FEDERAL has demonstrated its real ability in a forceful manner. Over 700 FEDERALS are operating now on the Pacific Coast All the sturdiness all the dependable and efficient servlce-glvinr qualities of the double chain drive FEDERALS which the Federal Motor Truck Co. still continues to manufacture at Detroit are combined with the silence, cleanliness and long life of the worm gear drive FEDERALS. It is not a new truck but merely a change In the final method of drive. Aside from the ehaBire In final drive, the same engineering principles that have made the FEDERAL Chain Models such a sueceaa are retained In this new model. The capacity Is the same 3000 pounds. Because of Its silence, cleanliness, simplicity and long life, the worm gear drive truck has long been a favorite for hotel service, ambulance work, bus lines, bakeries, department and furniture stores, etc, as well as In most other lines of business. Worm gearing retains full efficiency as long as it lives, and it lives longer than any other form of drive. Tests and actual service have proven the worm gearing used in the FEDERAL to be highly efficient and it actually grows better with age. Worm gearing Is dead quiet and stays quiet has a greater range ot gear ratios than any other form of drive is the simplest drive, easiest to operate and least expensive to keep In repair. It gives a smooth, uniform drive, with great pulling power. Greater efficiency Is obtained over other forms of power transmission because of entire freedom from dust, dirt or chips and because of the perfect lubrication possible. You can Investigate the new FEDERAL Worm Drive Truck thoroughly at our service station. Ami It la worth the time of any business man who is lonironted with haulage problems to make this Investigation. - Chassis Price $1900 F. O. B. Detroit BODIES EXTRA BUILT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS Gerlinger Motor Car Co. Osage orange wood is a source of dye and can be used to supplement the lm ported fustic wood, as a permanent yel low for textiles. HUPMOBILE MAKERS AT THE FACTORY SCHOOL, WHERE THEY " ARE LEARNING THE FINE POINTS OF ALL DEPARTMENTS. ' 1 r- - . I!T THIS SCHOOL, THE HHP EMPLOYEES ARB TAUGHT BY THE ENGINEERING EXPERTS THE ARTS - .IN ALIa DEPARTMENTS. ' EMPLOYES flHE TAUGHT EDUCATION IN EFFICIENCY 3IETH ODS IS PROVIDED. Hupp Company to Make School as Im portant as Any Other Depart ment of Auto Factory. The education of shop employes in efficiency methods has for the past year or two commanded the attention of the entire industrial world. Big manufacturing establishments In va rious lines for a long "time have had their factory schools, where employes are drilled to work with precision. safety and in a manner which will be to the employe s own advantage. One of the first automobile manu facturers to see the light of educa tional work, ' Its benefits not only to the employe, but also to the factory and factory product, is the Hupp Motor Car Company, which recently estab lished a factory school, open to all their employes. It is the opinion of S. H. Humphrey, manufacturing manager, that it will not be long before the -factory school will be as important a part 'of an au tomobile factory as any of its other departments. "Our idea in opening the factory schooi," said . Mr. Humphrey, "is to teach our men to become efficient mechanics, to show them the funda mental principles back of motor-car designing, to give them reasons for accurate and caretul workmanship and to make them more valuable to them selves. This mechanical school will be big benefit to every man who attends. We teach them the principles of motor car construction, how to read blue prints, the functions of the different parts of the engine, their relation to each other, why it is necessary that each man stick to his .Job and that we have no shirkers and the results of hoddy work after the car is on the road. Right here is where I think we will accomplish our biggest aim. for If we can show the mechanic why it Is necessary that we have accurate and careful workmanship In every part that is placed in the Hupmoblle we will be able to say without besltancy that It would be impossible to build Hunmobiles better. "The school is In charge of R. G. Blaine, son of the noted professor of mechanical devices at Belfast and a graduate of Edinburgh University. Mr. Blaine, besides being an expert mechanician, has had a liberal educa tion along mathematical lines. He is an Ideal man to have In charge of such a school. "Our Idea Is to hold meetings twice a week, and we shall have experts to talk to our men at frequent In tervals on different subjects. "It Is the aim and object of. this company to build Hupmobiles in the best way possible, and for this reason the thorough education of our employes Is of utmost Importance. I know that this school is going to bring us big results, for In the short time the school has been In operation only a little over a month its effect throughout the factory has already .become evi dent." FORD STATION'S KVJUKY.'VV.HJiaE , 1,000,000 Cars Soon to Be in TJse and Parts Always Obtainable. With the completion of the 300,000 car schedule August 1, 1915, there will be 1,000.000 Ford cars In operation. A million Ford owners mean Ford dealers in proportion. There are nearly 000 Ford dealers. And in the hands of these Ford dealers is kept a stock of Ford parts aggregating about ,12.000,' 000. The ratio of Ford owners as com nared to owners of all motor cars Is shown, for example, by California, Iowa and Florida, three extreme points in the Union. More than 60 per cent of all the automobiles owned in these three states are Fords, and there are 113,000 cars in Iowa. too. There is a Ford dealer every 10 miles in Iowa. In greater New York City and vicinity there are Ford branches in Long Island City. Brooklyn, the Bronx and Newark, 000 Ford owner. 6000 Ford dfttlfr nt $12,OOU.OOO of Ford parts In th hunrii of Ford dealer, merely mean that It Is impossible for a Ford driver, any where In thla country, to (tet out of the xone oT immediate Ford ervlre. It is the basic principle of Ford nervlce. not only to take care of every Ford owner, but to take care of him lmmedl- All the?e stupendous flfirurea, 1,000.- ately. wherever he in. MASTER CARBURETORS REDUCE FUEL BILLS 15i to 352 So2 on 10 days' trial subject to return NO ADJUSTMENTS, SPRINGS OR GASKETS BURNS DISTILLATE AS WELL AS GASOLINE FOR AUTOS, BOATS and AEROPLANES Most economical carburetor made. All the late world's records taken with the Master. Th U. S. Government tpecifit th Matter for mJl aeroplane work ARCHER AND WIGGINS Oak Street, Corner Sixth. Automobile Supplies. Diamond Non-Skid Tires. Chandler Light Six Built for hard work at the smallest possible expense. Price $1700, Fully Equipped F. 0. B. Portland See the Stripped Chassis at the Auto Show Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 46 and 48 N. 20th St. Let Us Mail You Cataolgue 1