The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 24, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Image 43

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NO. 4.
Tomorrow The Lowest Price
For Women's Dresses
That Sold Regularly to $20.00
Models Suitable for Evening and Tailored Wear
Third Floor
Silks Selling to $4.00 Yard
For $1.33
This includes heavy crepes in plain arid brocaded patterns.
Crepe de chines and crepe meteors, Thracian crepe, crepe cas
cadeuse, Canton crepe in plain colors, silk serge, tourist silks,
Roman stripe crepe de chine, flowered pussy willow taffetas,
figured crepe de chine. '
All 42 inches wide. In Russian green, navy blue, Nell
rose, new tan shades, black and other colors.
Owing to a limited quantity of these silks, we
advise early morning shopping, as they may not
last until noon.
Second Floor
Monday You Can Purchase
Regular $3 and $3.50 Qualities
of 42-inch-wide
Black Crepe Silk Meteor
Second Floor
Blouses Selling to $2.50
In a large variety of plain and fancy models, made
of voiles, crepes and lingerie
Blouses Selling to $3.00
Flannel, voile, linen and crepe blouses, in tailored
and lace-trimmed styles, with long or .short, sleeves,
plain and fancy collars . . . . . .
Blouses Selling to $6.50
Blouses of crepe de chine, chiffon, net, messaline
and voile, in a large variety of styles, including basque
effects, others braid trimmed. In white and a large
assortment ot colors ...................
Third Floor
The Most Popular Models in This Season's
That Have Sold Regularly Up to $25.00
At $5.00
Coats of Cheviots, Serges, Golfine, Boucle,
Mixtures and Light-Weight Serges
Third Floor
From the Kid Glove Store
$1.50 One-Clasp Glace-Finished Gloves,
pique sewn and with fancy embroidered backs. In d 1 1Q
Flrnt Floor
black, white, tan, gray and navy. Monday special.
Our Entire Stock of
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50
$1.25 Yard
All 56 Inches Wide
Sem Floor
Best Quality Hair Goods
at Greatly Reduced Prices
Regular $4.95 Switches
Special $2.95
Of natural "wavy gray hair,
made on three separate short stems,
all long hair. These switches are
20 inches long.
Regular$7.50 Switches
Special $4.95
24-inch switches, of first qual
ity hair, made on three separate
stems, all long hair. These
switches can be washed without in
jury to the hair. Second Floor
Household Necessities
From the Drug Section.
25c Hydrogen Peroxide 14c
25c Glycerine and Rose Wa
ter :..16c
25c Spirits Camphor . ,16c
35c Vanilla Extract. . ..16c
25c Aromatic Cascara . . 16c
25c Witch Hazel 16c
25c Tooth Brushes .... 10c
25c Nail Brushes 16c
25c Bay Rum 76e
25c Euthymol Cold Cream
for 14c
10c Roll Toilet Paper. . .5c
10 lbs. Epsom Salts for 50c
25c bottle Glycerine 16c
25c bottle Paregoric 16c
25c Essence Peppermint 16c
Aspirin Tablets, doz. . .10c
35c Lithia Tablets 26c
35c Cascara Pills 26c
50c ounce Quinine .... 39c
First Floor
Half .
cfol CO J.
' "Merchan&se.cfcJ! Merit Only
Phone Marshall 5000 A 6691
For the
State of
For Women
Selling, to $7.50
In white, gray, " emerald,
hunter's green, cardinal, rose,
tan and black.
For $3.95
Third Floor
Last Week
of the
Corset Sale
Fourth Floor
A Sale of Undermuslins
Sold Reg. at $1.50, $1.75, $1.85
Each $1.19
Gowns of soft Iongclotfi or crepe, in white,
pink, fancy figures and stripes. In slipover,
Empire, high neck and chemise styles, long or
short sleeves, trimmed with lace, embroidery,
hemstitching' and ribbons.
Skirts with ruffles of embroidery and tucks,
or lace and embroidery insertion, also of em
broidery with lace edging. Tango skirts with
lace edge and elastic finish.
Combinations in waisted styles, with yokes
of embroidery and lace insertion, embroidery
and lace edgings, with beading end ribbon at
waistline. Drawers trimmed to match. ' Made
of fine longcloth.
Princess slips in waisted or princess style,
made of longcloth, with dainty yokes of em
broidery and lace insertion, finished with lace
edgings, headings and ribbon, with skirt
trimmed to match. Fourth Floor.
The Store of Fine Linens Offers the Best Imported Table Damask
At White Sale Prices
The finest linen table cloths and napkins from the world's best looms, constructed of the purest linen flax, designed
by the world's greatest artists, bleached on meadow grass, at reductions that are especially attractive when you consider
that they were delivered before the present war and that linens of all kinds have raised in p rice during the past six
months. But this store, as usual, may be relied upon, as we have taken no advantage of the increase in linens, but
instead, by actual comparison, our prices in this White Sale are even lower than the exceptionally
low prices of last year's sale.
From Dunfermline, Scotland
come these cloths and napkins, the home of the world's
greatest mills, and also the headquarters of the great
designers. Double linen satin damask cloths and napkins.
Cloths selling from $6, $7.50, $9, $10,
$10.50, $11.50 each, CLEARANCE, $5.19,'
$6.39, $7.69, $8.59, $8.98, $8.95 each. Sizes
range from 2x2 yards to 3x2 yards. Nap
kins to match, 24-inch size, regular $8.50,
Clearance, $7.29 dozen.
Linens From Belfast, Ireland
Direct from the Ewert Mills, Belfast. Ireland, made
of double damask, so constructed that every thread is
interlocked, which materially adds to the strength of the
cloth. - Full grass bleached, beautiful circular patterns.
Cloths from 2x2 to 4x2yz yards. Regularly
$5, $6.50, $7.50, $8.75, $9.50 $12 each;
Clearance, $4.39, $5.72, $6.57, $7.69, $8.35,
$10.56. Napkins to match, 25-inch size, regu
larly $725; Clearance, $638 dozen.
German Linens V3 Off
We cannot conceive of anything more beautiful in the
way of damask cloths than these round scalloped cloths.
Cloths in sizes 72-inch to 90-inch. Napkins to match,
22-inch size.
Cloths regularly $5, $7.50, $9, $10, $12.50;
Clearance prices, $3.34, $5, $6, $6.67, $8.33.
Napkins, regularly $10, $10.75, $12 dozen,
now selling at $6.67, $7.17, $8 the dozen.
Art Linens From Madeira
at prices which cannot be duplicated. They are abso
lutely pure linen and hand embroidered. Below we
mention just a few price quotations on these fine hand
embroidered linens from the Madeira Islands. They
are round in shape, having beautifully scalloped edges
and eyelet hand embroidered. They may be purchased
in sets or separately if desired.
Doilies, 6-inch size, regularly 40c, now 32c
Doilies, 8-inch size, regularly 75c, now 60c
Doilies, 11-inch size, reg. $1.25, now $1.00
Centerpieces, 24-inch, regularly $5, now $4.00
. French China Dinner Sets
Which Have Never Sold Less Than $10.50
At $6.48
Each set has 42 pieces, just the right size for small families or apart
ments. The quality of this china is like that found only in the higher
priced sets; thin and free from blemishes and beautifully decorated in
delicate spray patterns, in three different designs, with coin gold handles.
Set consists of six dinner plates, six tea plates, six sauce plates,
six hreaaand butter plates, six cups and saucers, one extra large
meat platter, one covered vegetable dish, one cream pitcher, one
sugar botfl.
The number of sets at this price is limited; only enough for one day's
good selling. - " ' - Sixth Floor
For Monday Only We Shall
75c Mounted -
Hair Pins for IVC
First Floor.
75c and $1.00
For Women.
Flrnt Floor
Selling to $20.00
Now $6.45.
Suits of fancy checks, plain mix
tures, in tan, brown, navy, green. In
attractive styles.
$7.50, $12.50 to $19.50
Dresses $3.95
Of linen, chiffon, silks, serges,
plaids and checks, in one and two
piece models.
Every Coat
Selling to $15.00
Now $3.95
Rrv rnatc cL-ahno rnak sknA nnv-
elty models, in fancy plaids, checks
and stripes, r or girls from I to I
years. rourlh floor
There Is Only One Place to Buy Blankets
These Days, and That Is at Lipman-Wolfe's
With this touch of cold weather there are many homes that will need one or more pairs of
blankets to be really comfortable. - And if you are looking for the best blankets at the lowest
prices, this is the place to do your buying. Our stocks, for this time of the year, are remark
ably complete as to grades and sizes and, while they last, you will find every blanket in this store
at extraordinary White Sale prices.
There are wool and cotton fleeced blankets of the finest selected quality.' made by the best
manufacturers in the United States. " In white, gray, tan and fancy plaids, in sizes for half,
three-quarter and full-size beds. ,
77c regularly $1.00 Heavily fleeced.
83c regularly $1.25 Fancy striped borders.
98c regularly $1.50 Soft wool finish.
$1J29 regularly $1.75 Double bed size.
$1.39 regularly $2.00-Extra full size.
$1.49 regularly $2:25 White and plaids.
$lJi8 regularly $2.75 Extra heavy fleeced.
fifth Floor
$2.79 regularly $4.00 Wool-nap Blankets.
$4.89 regularly $6.50 In fancy plaids.
$5.45 regularly $7.50 Bound with silk.
$6.45 regularly $8.50 Full bed size.
$733 regularly $ 1 0.00 In white and plaids.
$8.45 regularly" $1 1.50 Wide silk bindings.
$9.19 regularly $12.50 Extra large size.
$1 0J5 regularly $15.00 Softest, pure wooL
jVfo Spring JHultrterp Cberp JDaj
onown in Uur Millinery section
styles Latest trimmings Smartest Shapes
Newest colors.
At unusual prices, too.
Seerat Floor
$4.00 Blanket Robes
Men's blanket robes, made of heavy weight mate
rials, in new designs. All robes made full and long. .
and finished with girdle at waist and cord and tassel Ss X
at the neck p,JJ
$1.50 Mens Pajamas
Made of good heavy weight outing flannel, full
ancl roomy, and finished with large pearl buttons . .
$1.00 Night Shirts .
Of rvrrllrnt nualitv muslin, made with military collar
In this lot are discon-
or V-shaped neck, cut extra full.
tinued numbers and broken sizes.
$1.25 and $1.00 Men's Underwear
Natural merino shirts and drawers, in Winter weight, Of?
well made and nicely finished. Broken sizes. Each.... OJL
First Floor, Just Off Wash'mglon-St. Entrance
An Extraordinary Sale of
v Wash Fabrics
Which Sell Regularly at $3.50, $1.75, $1.25, $1
Now 25c Yard
These are all clean, seasonable goods only not a complete line of colors.
36 to 45 inches wide.
Fancy ratine in black and white and blue with while.
Brocaded ratine in gray and white, white brocaded ratine, white nub
grenadine and plain duvetyne in blue, olive, brown, tan and brocaded pop
lin in a variety of colors. Baiement.
Tailored Suits for Large Women
1 In Sizes 43 to 51
Which Were Formerly $30 to $40
Now $16.85
Of Cheviot, Serge and Hairline Serge
Third Floor
100 Engraved Calling Cards 43c
To introduce the new stationery department, which is now
located on the mezzanine floor, we shall engrave from your card
plate one hundred cards on the finest of stock, in any finish and
any size desired. This special offer is exceptional and is for the
one day only. Mezzanine Floor
Silk and Serge
For Women
Now $8.95
Were $18.50 to $30
Lack of a complete range of
sizes makes this sale possible.
Third Floor.
Extra Reduction
$6.50 to $10.00
Walking Skirts
Of Serges, Plaids
and Moire
At $3.00
Third Floor.
27 and 45 Inch Embroidery Flouncings
Selling Regularly to $4.50 Yard
98c Yard
In Strips From 1 to 3Vz Yards Long
These flouncings are of voile, crepe and organdie in beautiful
designs, both blind patterns and lace effects, having good, firm
edges. These flouncings are used for lingerie dresses and chil
dren's wear, as well as for underwear.
All Novelty Laces Half Price
Novelty Chiffons Half Price nt nr
-Made of the finest steel for all kinds of uses.
Selling Regularly to 75c
Old Gold Carved Picture Frames
Regular Prices $1.25 to $2.00
In sizes 4 by 5 Vi to 8 by 10 inches. These frames are repro
ductions of the finest hand-carved frames, in French gray, an
tique and old gold finish. Complete with glass and back. We
will fit your pictures free of charge
Milt Flovr