The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 10, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 37

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colorberr. Cora. Elodsett; second,
Maud Beeman: third, L'aett Chamber-
Lain: fourth, Pora Tnomit
One of the prettiest affairs of the
holiday season was the dancing party
given by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mendel
sohn at the Benson Hotel last Sunday
evening, couiplimentlntf Miss Gertrude
leaser and If. I. Mendelsohn, whose
engagement was announced recently.
About 7 menus enjoyea tneir Hos
pitality. Th many handsome irowns
worn by the maids and matrons caused
the Tyrolean room to present an un
usually attractive scene. An elaborate
buffet luncheon rounded out the even
A five hundred party was given by
Mrs. W. W. Christensen on Thursday a
her residence. i04 Twenty-fifth avenue
I Southeast. The house was oecoratea
prettily for the occasion and -ard hon
ors feu to Mrs. u. c moyea. atrs. v. n
nirnnrnev and Mrs. Li. Turner.
Additional rueota were Mrs. rranK
Patten. Mrs. Ida V. Hiah, Mrs. J. U.
Ma.-Ilnnald. Mra Rankin. Mrs. W. L.
reene, Mrs. Kdwin C. Holmes, Mrs. B.
Fallowes, Mrs. Mary Z. Adams and Mrs.
F. Kost-ea.
Mrs. E. Beck entertained a small
family jatherin last Sunday at her
home on East Twentieth street, cele
brating tha 84th anniversary of her
birthday. It waa also the birthday
anniversary of her Uauehter-ln-law,
Mrs T. W. Beck, and of her grand
daughter. Miss Emily Woodman. Mrs.
Beck has crossed tne Atlantic nvs
times. Twenty years aeo she cams
West to her son. J. B. Week, ano nas
been a resident of Portland since tnen.
Midh TTlrnr MrMllllen of 623 Liinn
I avenue, entertained a number of her
I friends Friday evening with music and
1 , a TknM nmBJKit MiSBCS
IU L 1 1 A U 1 .1 , uvW -
I A J I . - t ... r. A f c K n r c
Or., and Edna Denson and Mildred Ire-
I ley, of Knappton, Wash.; i-ieroert Don
ald, Thomas Tobin. Clinton Amadon
and wayne uarrou.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Maelure cele
Ibrated the birthday of the latter on
I Tuesday evening with a box party at
the Ice Hippodrome to see the hockey
same. Thfclr guests included Dr. ui
lian Baker. Harry Baker, Dr. William
Rlcen. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Swett and t: J.
I Leonard. After the game an elaborate
I supper was served in the Maclures
apartments in tha Stelwyn.
. m w w
Mrs. A. B. Moore entertained Monday
afternoon at St. Francis Apartments
the occasion being -the anniversary of
her birth. Those present were ftirs. a.
8. White, Mrs. I Hutton. Mrs. S. Lieb
endorfer, Mrs. M. Keep, Mrs. G. Lehman,
Mrs. F. W. Funk, Mrs. C. H. Funk and
Mrs. Moore.
A date of interest on the social calen.
Idar for this month is January 13. On
that evening the Arcadians will give
lone of their delisrhtful dancing parties
at Christensen's Hall. This is the first
I of the season's parties of the Arcadians
that has not been given on a Thursday
nlirht. hut tha date, originally an-
Inounced for the 14th, has been changed
to accommodate many of the members.
A feature of the evening will be a
number of solos by Miss Adel Barnickel
I during: an Intermission between dances.
Other features are being considered by
f f 4
represent each of the schools will be
niade known later.
The committee in charge of the event
Is romposed of the following: Raymond
siaub. I-ainon Eonney. K. It. Holt, Jack
Bruhn. Marian CdTfey, June riske, red
I'orter. Hartley Hutching. Gill Shea.
Kenneth Farley. Luci'e Dudley. Marie
Keach. Helen Braclu. Beatrice Forges,
Vrrna Barker. Julius Burkey. TJob.-rt
lfn. Kay Leonard. Dorothy Cooper.
Julia Murchv. tiladis Dunn. Harrison
llua-dns. lvton Steele, jacg urnenei,
Kdna Holt'omb, Ethel Clark, Alice Ho-
man and 8Ian Anderson.
On of the most delichtful affairs of
the holiday season was given by I'ro- and Mrs. Frank Betael on Jan
uary 2 at thrir oanJsome new nonic in
tmoreland In honor or tneir nouse
en em. Miss Florence Knight and their
t-ldest son Irwin L. BetxeU ootn popu
lar students at Oregon Agricultural
Those nresent were: The Misses June
SiOtt Leola Fisher. Hazel arr ana
l:av Kcott. of Oreon City; Irvin Betaei
Miss Florence Knight. Charles and
Dorian Betzel. After dinner the young
people went to Ktraughmaji'a Hall with
0 guests. Misa Knight wore a nand gown of blue crepe. Mrs. Frank
Betzel white with bluck velvet trim
mings. Mrs. Schuyler C. Long, who as
sisted with refrenhmente .was gowned
in lavender silk with white lace. Other
I matrons assisting Mrs. Betzel were: Mrs.
' J-ercy George. Mrs. R. Quick. Mrs. W.
K. Johnstone, Mrs. Frederick Capeli.
Mra. John Nlssen. Mrs. James Wil-
lourhby. Irvin Betzel and Kay Bcott
had charge of the dancing programme.
Miss Knight and Irvin Betzel left Sun
day afternoon for Corvallis to resume
their studies.
In Women's Relief Corps Hall, in the
Courthouse, on December SO. a notable
event took place, when, after the last
regular meeting of the year of George
Wright Women's Relief Corps. No. 2,
George Wright Post No. 1 was invited
to attend the christening of the infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grif
fin. There were present two great
grandfathers. A. W. Mills, of Post No.
1. and Jacob Blum, of Post No. 35. of
Tillamook: great-grandmothers. Mrs.
i'. lien Aims ana jirs. -nary mum, wi
omen a licner i orps .-so. granu
rarenta. Mr. and Mra. R. W. Mills, the
parents of Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffin
I lluby Mills Griffinl. two great aunts
H u i-misln the women beinar me
hcra of Georje Wright Women's Relief
"orps. No. 2. Rev. C. K. Cline orriri-
n:rd. The commander of the post and
president of the corps acted as god
father and godmother, presenting the
child for baptism, t-he was christened
Grorsla Wright Griffin. After Interest,
ing remarks by Mr. Cllne refreshments
were served and a pleasant evening
closed a successful year of George
Wright Women's Relief Corps No. 1.
One of the jolliest surprise watch
parties of New Vear'a eve waa given
at lh home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Jenuings. The diversion consisted of
eirht tah'es of "i00." dancing and mu
sic. Victor Bode played piano selec
tions. Dainty refreshments ware
rved. and Mrs. Jennings was assisted
by Mrs. Miller. Mr. C. Buck, Miss
Bertha Llnd and Miss Nettle Habekost.
Those present were: Mr. and Mra
H. JSehroeder. Mr. and Mrs. T. Habekost.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lind. Mr. and Mrs.
ador Darling. Mr. and Mra. G. Hesse,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Tautz. Mr. and Mrs. C.
Buck. Mr. and Mra F. Bartn. Mr. and
Mrs. T. Calourl. Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. A. Hagner. Mrs. M Marsch and Mr.
and Mr. F. Jennings; Miss Nettie Hab.
ekost. Mih Bertha Lind. Mis Clow.
Mis Klie Skelley. Mias Schroeder,
Miss Elsa He.ise and Miss Dorothy
Barth. and Victor Bode. Frank Hollia-tt-r.
Ernest Pauts. Fred Lind, Victor
Hri-se and Carl Habeko.t.
Mrs. Lawrence A. Taylor and Mra
Otto G. ""amnbell entertained aelight
fnlly at the home of the latter on Tlb
bott street on New Years eve with a
five hundred and wateh party. The
hou was decorated with evergreens
and poinsetttas. making an effective
background for the dainty goans worn
.v the women. Hlg.'i honors f."U to
Miy.i Mary KasDer and T. L. Eander--ro.k
while the consolations went to
Mrs. T. L. fandercock and Dr. James
tha committee in charge.
Frederick L. Carlton will be chair
man of the committee appoimea iv
I the evening, which includes Jiaymoni
K. Marnard. Jr.. C. H. Travunon, rea
Ixrick L. Carlton. Arthur E; Bteln.
Charles W. Olsen. Terry Bolleau, Roy
ldn Coster. Lou H. Dockstader, Ralstoi
.1. Clarev. Miss Anne Dlllinger. 4USS
E. Sl.eetz. After the games delicious Axla O. Paget Mini Myrtle Young. Miss
refreshments were served and the w 0'"'"-Mt' , ; "1; n:
. i i i a Thomoson. Mrs. Royden Coster,
jrai wa usuciru ill wivii uiuaiu aim - , . , t .. ....
dancing. Those present were: Mr. and r'- James H. Abrey and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Q. L. MatthewB, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. I rel
di.i. m -i xi r -n. i v. .. 1 1 1 r I
and Mrs. G. P. Barry. Mr. and Mrs. H.I Te January uanoing party ol
n- u.,1,1. m- i t i c..- Senior classes of tha Turn erein will
de'rc'ook. Dr. 'and Mr. J. E.' Sheets. Mr. M c'ven Wednesday night January
and Mrs. U A. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. o. th.,bfllr0m .neJE"T
O. Campbell, the Misses Mary Kasper, verem. iun
G. Aim., Bollaek. Nell I. Bpurek, WIW- These affairs have become immensely
lette Wormouth. Ernest bigaby and Popular among the younger set of the
John T. MvCarron. uIub the coming party promises to
oe a uciiRiiiiui r , c 1 1 l. j ii ui-i .11.....
-m he Mrs. F. H. Dammascn, Mrs.
Owing to the popularity of a aeries T ...i.- t),.k.F. Mrs. E. Winter. Mrs. O.
of dances that have been given at c Bort,mevtr Mra. J. K. Kelly. On
the Oregon acht Club and on account tne committee are Joe Riesch, Jessie
of such an increase of attendance, the Williams, E. Schmid, Ruth Byers. A.
Columbians, who consist of popular Amacher, Marguerite GluUch. William
mrmuera ot ine iacni uiuo, nave oe- p Kchoof. Gertrude Lucke. will imig,
uided to continue their aeries of parties Ethel O'Brien. F. Schmid. Augusta Wil-
at Cotillion Hall, the first one to bei,,m r Hochuli, Jr., Rosa Klein, H.
given Thursday evening, January ji. i Niklas. Tlllle Plebuch
As this will be the Columbians' first I
big party, they plan to make this event I Ellen Jackson and John Ciemeneon
one long to be remembered and. In or- I are taking parts in the production,
der to do so. many novelty features I "The American Citizen." to be given
out of the ordinary will be carried out. I by the February, 1915, class of Wash-
The Columbians are: Arthur toholm, ington High School on January la ana
Stanley Hazlett. James Troy, Faye I m in the school auditorium. Francis
Wise, Ernest Taylor, E. v. Elliott, i rj. Curtis, the coacn. saya tnat mo
Francis Poundstone. Peter Barbara, niav will eaual any amateur piay ever
Ernest Hazlett. Verna Carnathan. Irene I riven in hlrh school circles. The cast
d'Hardy. Harold kvoni. Ethel Adams, I consists of Ruth Williams. Carroll Day,
Carrie Mathewson. Ray Kenzie. Helen I Barkley Loughlin. Marie .Konn, junan
Peel. Harold Adams and Ruth Doty, I Marshall. Winnifred Joyce. Laura
I Moore. Waldo urenien, ueorga -uun
A charming event of the week was I and Gustav Voigt.
. tt.U Vi Xliua I,liahalh Kelt's I
Sunday school class at the home of I Portland Camp No. 107. Woodmen of
Henry Jones, the president. At the the World, and Royal Circle No. 538.
meeting officers were elected as fol- Women of Woodcraft, will hold a pub-
lows: William Holman. president: Fred lie installation oi tneir emcees m iw wmlarv' UanleV JohtlEOll. I WnnHm-n of the World Hall, 127
i u, -j n,l r-lnrencn Krai, sergeant-I ITlAventh atreet. on wcnnuy wvcu
at-arms. Games and pastimes preceaea i ,nK at o ciock. mucins im.-
the refreshmenla land refreshments win oe servea i.e..
Roland Woodruff won the special The public is invited.
prize for the best recitation or tne ten
392 Morrison St. Cor. lOtU
Wc are positively quitting the
Oriental Rug: business. We now
offer entire stock at
V2 Price
or for whatever it will bring.
Ilavinff made arrangements to
engage in wholesale importing
business, we must dispose of our
entire coireetion of Oriental Rugs
at onee.
This is really a chance of a life
time to secure rare Oriental Rugs
at your own price.
392 Morrison St., Cor. 10th
0pp. Olds, Wortman & King '
"There's really" no secret about it,
said Mrs. Smith to the other ladles at
the club. "In the first place, this Suit
Isn't tailor-made and I dldn t pay fao
for it, either.
Tha last time I saw all you ladies,
about a month ago, I told you I'd found
a new way to buy Clothes. And here's
the secret: I went up to cnerry e
lovely big etore two days ago ana
bought this Suit on ureait.
Now, don t interrupt me witn tnose
exclamations, There'a nothing mys
terious about it at all. Cherry's is that
elegant store you have beard about
that sells emart apparel on install
ments. You pay a part of the price
when you make the purchase and the
rest by the week or month.
The price of this suit was just
$22.50 and I saw some even lower than
that. You see, they have a half-price
sale on everything. It's the very latest
n every respect, as you see. Jow that
have told you the story, it's up to
you to make the best of it, if any of
you ladies need a Suit as badly as I
did." ;
Their store is in the Pittock block,
389-391 Washington St. Adv.
commandments. Those present were
Vincent Monnier. Nathan fihanedling.
Wayne Robinson. Harold Young, Will
iam Brown, Mo Mi, Milton jierman,
Wayne Huston, Steve Wilcox and Ar
thur Twohy.
The following officers of George
Wriirht Woman's Relief Corps were In
stalled at the corps hall Wednesday
evening by Mrs. Jennie Prlcnara, past
department president: President, Delia
Kley: senior vice. Ines Smith: Junior
vice. Mattie Laundfare; secretary. Delia
G. Mirkley; treasurer, Elizabeth Grif
fith: chaplain. Sarah Wiegand; con
ductress. Josephine Mowers: guard.
Emma Roberts: assistant conductor.
Maria Lewis: assistant guard. Mary
Toncey: patriotic Instructor,-Cora Pon. j
nay: press correspondent, Lillian L.
Calkins: musician. Port Detje: flrstl
The Misses Floy Henkle and Una
Dixon entertained at the home of the
latter Tuesday with a linen snower in
honor of Miss Pearl Disinger. Games
and musical numbers were a part of
the evening's entertainment. At the
close of the evening a surprise came
with the announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Clara Pfrlmmer, ono of the
guests present.
The Bachelor Buttons Club announces
its fourth annual ball, to be given at
Cotillion Hall. Monday evening. Feb
ruary 15. The dancers of the city are
looking forward to this event with
Interest, aa handsome prizes are to be
awarded for a waits to be given that
The St. Lawrence Altar Society will
entertain with cards at the home of
A dinner that pleases and satisfies, served with that
rare courtesy for which The Portland is famed.
Five-Thirty to Eight
Main Dining-Room Covers $1
Portland's most delightful after-theater resort is
The Portland Grill. A delicious a la carte menu;
orchestral music.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson. 435 Tenth street,
Wednesday from 2 to 5 o'clock, The
committee arranging the affair is com
posed of Mesdames W. J. Wilson, W. P.
Llilia. W. J. Smith, P. J. O'Donnell.
George Feldman and E. H. Wallace. A
musical programme will be given and
refreshments will be served.
Clan Macleay Order of Scottish Clana
and Auxiliary will celebrate the anni
versary of the birth of Robert Burns,
Scotland's national poet, January 25,
with a concert and dance in Masonic
Hall, in aid of Ked Cross funds. The
best musical talent and the best Scotch
dancers of reels, strathspeys and High
land flings will participate in the en
tertainment. Mrs. C. M. Kiggins has issued Invita
tions for a recital at which the pro
gramme will be given by Miss Agnes
and Master Allen Cover, who will give
readings and musical numbers on Fri
day evening, January 15, in the Central
Christian Church.
St, Lawrence Altar Society will enter
tain with a "500" party at the residence
of Mrs. W. J. Wilson on Wednesday.
The committee members are Mrs. P. J.
O'Donnell. Mrs. George Feldman, Mrs.
W. P. Llllis, Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mrs.
Wallace and Mis. W. J. Wilson.
Mrs. John D. Price and Mrs. Harold
Sell wood will be hostesses for a silver
tea for the benefit of the Guild of St.
John's Church to he given in the parish
house at East Fifteenth and Harney
streets, Thursday afternoon, from 3 to
5 o'clock.
Queen Elizabeth Hive, No. 24, L. O.
T. M.. will have installation of officers
on Tuesday evening. January 1J. at
Portland women
are making
a "beaten
pathway to
our doors
A mighty clearance of newest
tailored apparel for women and
misses! livery price on the gar
ments named in this advertisement
. is genuinely cut in half! Every
garment is marked in plain figures ;
not a price-ticket has been removed
not one has been changed! Look
at the ticket and cut the price in
two that's all you pay!
All Fancy Suits !
Special Serge Suits !
All Novelty Coats!
All Skating Coats!
All Separate Skirts !
All Silk Petticoats!
All Girls' Balmacaans!
All Girls' Raincoats!
Half Price!
All New Capes and Cape Coats (U r
selling before, $12.50 to $20 p-J
W omens and
Misnes' Department
Entire Third Floor
Oddfellows' Hall. East Sixth and Alder
streets. All members ana uw
bees. are invited to oe
U the Woodmen of the World Tem
ple 128 Eleventh street, the young
women of Marguerite Camp No 1440.
Royal Neighbors of America, will en
tertain Tuesday with an informal dan-
cine party.
The Elks' Ladies' 500 Club met
Wednesday with Mrs. Sliad Krantz as
hostess. were won- by Miss
Queen Troy, Mrs. E. T. Morlan, Mrs. J.
E Povey and Mrs. W. S. McNamara.
The annual supper and meeting of
the Unitarian Church will be held
Tuesday evening in the chapel at 6:30
o'clock. Report of the year's work
will be read at .7:30 o'clock.
The Satellites, O- E. S., will entertain
with a dancing party February 4, at the
Irvlngton Club. They are also plan
ning for another party to be given on
March 4.
... j
The Cadet Club of Oregon Assembly
No. 1. United Artisans, will give the
second dance of tha season Thursday
evening at the Welllng-Hlrsch Hall. ,
Miss Grace Graff and Donald C. Crajs
were married December 81 at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Graff. Itev.
L. K. Grimes officiated. The bride was
attended by Miss Nomad Miinn, and
P.oy Manly acted as best man. MIhs
Elsie Khlnn played the wedding march.
The bride was gowned In ivory char-
meuse and lace and her bouquet was a
shower of roses and lilies of the valley.
Charles A. Graff, brother of the bride.
gave her In marriage. The bridesmaid
wore a pink brocaded crepe gown and
carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds.
The house was elaborately decked
with palms, evergreens and cut flowers.
After the ceremony a reception was
held and refreshments served.
Mr. Craig is manager of the Ford
Motor Car Company in Portland.
The wedding guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Graff, Mr. and Mrs. O.
DunlHP. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox, Mr.
and Mrs. K. H. Graff. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Holland,
Mr. and Mrs. O C. Burhsnan, Mr. and 1
Mrs. A. J. Williamson, Kohert Msli-hix,
Mrs. Clyde Kichardson. J. Frank Kaliic.
Mr. and Mrs. George Klnnear, Ml
Norma lluminel, Mifs Until KlniH'W.
Mrs. Siller. Mr. and Mrs. Crnlg w 'II
reside at u34 Kex avenue.
lurrlx-t alandlnakam.
At the home of Mrs. KlUahclIt Nelson
In Mount Tubor. Mi Ella Vanlandlnu
liam and Thomas Milton Morris writ
married Wednesday nlaht at I o'clock,
Dr. Luther Hyott officiating.
Only tile Immediate family and a few
friends witnessed the ceremony. Afl'T
the. wedding supper Mrs. Nelson. t
years old, cntertalnrd the wcddlnu
parly with old Hrotcii songs and dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris lift ImmedlstHs
for a trip to Seattle and British Colum
bia. They will be at home after Feb
ruary I at the Altouia Apartments.
There was a pretty wedding at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Redman.
671 Vaughn street, VYednrndMy evening.,
when Miss Margaret Markay. of Asto
ria, sister of Mi s. Kedinan, was murrlrd
to George Bradley, of Portland, liev.
Vut- l l
This is the best opportunity that has
, A ' been ever presented in Portland.
yjr 'vt
rnv b
if A
$65 Ladies'
7 laze y yxi;
X. til
Suits for .
Made in the Latest Spring Models
1 Each suit is guaranteed to fit and
satisfy in every respect, and has my
usual unequalled workmanship and
high-grade linings and trimmings.
All new goods for Spring have arrived.
1.47 Tenth St.