The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 03, 1915, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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    aroused the Secretary Is hard to figure,
for the present Indications are that
the Colombian and Nlcaraguan treaties
will be pending for a long time to
come, especially now that the Senate
has been antagonised by the President,
and has shown a disposition to resist
those measures which the Administra
tion is forcing. It has been doubtful
from the beginning whether the Presi
dent could muster enough votes to
force the ratification of the Colom
bian treaty, because many Democratic
Senators, even In the previous session
when the President was strongest, de
clared their .opposition to that agree
MVroliall 5080. Home Phone A2112-A11 Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled at Clearance
Stalft PiMftfts-EicTaycsa and Parcel Post Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases-All the Latest and Best Styles
Are Here in The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c Each-Great Reductions Throughout the Store
Clearance Sale Prices in
Our Notion Section
Clearance Sale Prices in
Our Notion Section
Ex-President Quotes Wilson
Our Store
8:30 A. M.
At 9 A. M.
Our Store
5:30 P. M.
At 6 P. M.
and Adds Character Is Not
, Made in Generation.
20c Fancy Arm
bands, Clearance
25c Shell Hair
Pins, Clearance .
ment. And now that the Senate is vot
5c Snap Fasteners,
Clearance Sale at. .
5c Hooks and Eyes,
Clearance Sale at. . .
Eagle Pins, Clear
ance Sale at." ...... .
ing unanimously to reject the Presi
denfs appointments, it will be more
difficult than ever before to force the
ratification of the treaty which pro
poses, as Colonel Roosevelt declared, to
pay Colombia f25.000.000 blacKmaii.
The Administration leaders in the
5c Tape Measures,
Clearance Sale at.
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
Jinan's Eioerlence With Formosa
BellFTfd to Htb Cored That Na
tion of Any Desire for Sew
Island Possessions.
WASHINGTON. Jan. I. Ex-President
Taft today told the Senate committee
working; on the Administration bill for
Th11tnnlYii indciendence that the peo
cla or the inlands. In his opinion, would
be unfitted for Belf-Rovernment for the
next 3 years probably for the next
half oentury. Democratic party prom-
lea of Independence, he asserted, had
been fruitful of unrest, to which he
attributed In a measure the recent rev
olutionary disturbances.
Neither Presidents McKlnlcy. IJoose
Telt nor himself, he said, contemplated
turolns- tha rhlltDDtnes over to the
people before they were educated for
He quoted from Fresldent Wilson's
wrltlnas that "self-frovernment Is not a
mere form of institution, but a form
f character."
Character Mmnt Be AeajalreJ.
"We cannot present the Filipino peo
ple with a character." Mr. Taft said.
"It must be acquired. You cannot make
ever a people In one feneration. The
time that will be necessary to train
the Filipino people for self-government
Is the time that will be necessary
to make them an rJnsMlsh-speaklng- peo
ple. If you give these people Inde
pendence now. or by 1920. either a Dial
would arise In the Philippines or they
would ret Into a condition that caused
the fall of IMax In Mexico."
Mr. Taft said be had told President
McKlnley the United States ought not
to be In the Islands. "He xaid to me."
aald Mr. Taft. "that we had a bear by
the tall and had to stay, but the Idea
vraa we would get out aa soon as we
Mr. Taft opposed In detail the Ad
ministration bill for a greater measure
of self-government for the Islands, de
claring that "no measure could be
framed better calculated .to stir up
trouble In the Philippines.
Tbraat-Cattlas; Will Begla.
"The Filipinos do not understand
republican self-government In the
sense that we know It." the cx-Pres-Ident
-What would be the result If they
were given self-government at once?"
asked Chairman Hitchcock.
"A Filipino In. whom I have great
confidence," said Mr. Taft "said to me:
Tour steamers would not be around
C'orregidor Island before the throat
cutting would begin." I verily believe
that Is true. We find the same condi
tion In Mexico. The roan who loses a
political fight has his head for a for
feit. Thafa what developed when
Agulnaldo was lr power.
Tin describing an actual condition
that exists there. I'd be glad to have
the United States get out of the Phil
ippines, and 1 have a great regard for
the poor people out there. They don't
like mc because I've told them the
InlaaaW Sauree ( Weakaeaa.
The ex-President said the obli
gation of the United States to defend
the Philippines inlsht be a "source of
weakness in time of war."
"But." be continued, "I don't believe
that any of the nations now engaged
in the European war would look on the
possession of the Philippines as a naval
base as a aource of weakness."
Mr. Taft declared that In his opinion
Japan had no desire to take the Phil
ippines. "I twice visited Japan and conferred
with the authorities on that very
point." he continued, "and It's my opin
ion that their experiences in Formosa
have been quite enough in that direc
tion." "I believe Mr. Roosevelt still feels
that way, as I do." he said. "Of course
I am not In Mr. Roosevelt's confidence,
but I judgo that is his position."
H '-'IK I
i " V " I
Gpanje Otien, Ponlaad looai
- Mii, Kow SaperlnteadlBK Bla- .
SOO-Arre Park Coaatractloa la
Kew Jersey "
Senate will probably hold back both
treaties rather than let them go to sure
defeat on a rollcall.
Tract of 20 Acres aa Bluff of Hndso
River mm "Yew Jersey Shore Be
ing Traaafornaed.
NEW YORK, Jan. . (Special.) To
George Otten. of Portland, has fallen
the responsibility of superintending the
development of North Hudson I'acls
consisting of a tract of 200 acres upon
the bluffs of the Hudson River, on the
New Jersey shore, only a few stone
throws from the famous Riverside
Drive. Not only will this park form an
Important link In the chain of parks
that are included In the plans of Hud
son County, N. J., but its construction
at this time, when the wail of the un
employed is being heard upon all hands.
is furnishing lobs for 400 men.
By some peculiar chance, a laJce. 20
acres In extent with surrounding marsn
lands, has been formed upon the promt
nence at the site of the park. This
feature makes the locality undesirable
for residences, but ideal for landscape
development. Charles N. AOwrte.
gifted and , well-known '. landscape
architect, is. supervising . the work
through Mr. Otten. , , .
"The park is planned," says Mr.
Otten. "to furnish some attraction- to
every one. It is to be equipped with
ball fields. - athletic grounds, tennis
courts, swimming - pools, children's
playgrounds, club houses, comfort sta-
tons. band standh and, many other mln
or features."
Mr. Otten is continuing his graduate
work In Columbia University by attend
ing night classes. He is a graduate of
the University of Oregon in the class
of 1911. This coming Spring Mr. Otten
will return to Portland to work with
his father, a well known landscape
VoUce Reaeae Albert Yea Hofrnaaaa
Fm Tadsmtrial Workers After
Aypearlas; aa Wttaeaa.
FT. IUIS. Jan- I- - special police
eruard waa -called today to protect
.Albert Von Hoffmann, financial backer
f the St Louis free soup kltcnen. irora
49 members of the Industrial Workers
of the World who menaced him after
he bad testified in court against two
members of the Industrial Workers
who created a disturbance at the soup
kitchen yesterday.
A crowd of Industrial Workers at
taaded the court where Frank Blerman
and William Gillespie were to be tried.
Von Hoffmann testlrled that Blerman
harangued the men who were waiting
In line for free soup.
"He told those men," Von Hoffmann
aald. "that it would be better for them
to steal than to eat our free soup. If
anybody Is allowed to say that, our
free soup kitchen falls down."
Von Hoffmann said that when he re
monstrated Blerman called him names
and Gillespie shook his fist. The court
rtned Blerman 5 and Gillespie I5.
The demonstration which Imperilled
Von Hoffmann then, began, but the
police rescued him and he wis escorted
from the building by officer.
rrrrfh-tt-d Retlreamwat. Aa Sara aa Sea
ate Dlspsars af Predlag Treaties,"
Areaaea ecrrtary Meat.
ington. Jsn. !. Bryan resignation ru
mors are appearing so frequently In
the public prints that they have begun
to annoy the Secretary of State; In
fart, they make him peevish. But
strange to aay. the rumor which moat
aroused the Ire of Secretary Bryan waa
that published In a New Tork paper
which declared that Mr. Bryan would
retire from tha Cabinet "aa soon aa the
Senate dispose of the pending trea
ties." Just why that story . should have
German Frontier Guard Prohibits
Aid to Starving.
THE HAGUE, Holland. Jan. 2. (Spe
cial.) In December, when bread could
not be procured In Belgium, people
came to buy It in Holland. When men
were prohibited from crossing the fron
tier, Dutch women bakers sent supplies
of bread to the Belgian districts adja
cent to the frontier.
Since December 28 the German fron
tier guard has turned back all bread
from this country, though there is
famine in the districts to which bread
previously bad been sent.
Rheumatism depends on an acid
which flows in the blood, affecting the
muscles and Joints, producing inflam
mation, stiffness and pain. This acid
gets into the blood through aome de
fect in the digestive processes, and re
mains there because the liver, kidneys
and skin are too torpid to carry It off.
Hood's SaraaparUla, the old-time
blood tonic, la very successful In the
treatment of - rheumatiam. . It acts
directly, with purifying effect, on the
blood, and through the blood on the
liver, kidneys and skin, which It stimu
lates, and at the same time it Improves
the digestion.
Get Hood's SaraaparUla today. Sold by
all druggista. Adv.
The Huntley Drug Company. Fourth
and Washington, reports customers
greatly pleased with the QUICK action
of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
eta, as mixed In Adler-l-ka. This sim
ple remedy drains the old foul matter
from the bowels so THOROUGH that
ONE SPOONFUL, relieves almost ANT
CASE of constipation, sour or gassy
stomach. It is so powerful that It Is
used successfully In appendicitis. Ad-ler-i-ka
never gripes and the INSTANT
action is surprising. Adv. - v
For Grip, Influenza,
CoukIs, Sore Throat
Two sisaa. He and si. 00, at all drucsUts
or mal!acL
JlaaiDtirKr M4telM Cs.. 139 Will
iam iiral, Nw York. Adwrtiaament.
Clearance Sale Re
ductions on all our
Linens, White
Goods, Sheets,
Sheetings, Flan
nels, "Wash Goods,
Blankets, Curtain
Goods, Curtains,
Draperies, etc.
All at Clearance
Clearance Sale Re
ductions on alt our
Linens, "White
Goods, Sheets,
Sheetings, Flan
nels, "Wash Goods,
Blankets, Curtain
Goods, Curtains,
Draperies, etc.
All at Clearance
Prices I
Great Overstocks Must Be Disposed Of Before We Close Our Books for the Business Year
The "Store of (Best Values" believes that it shouldn't "dilly-dally" about a matter so vitally important to the interest of the public and
itself as an Annual Clearance, and that is why right at the start we cut prices fearlessly, for there can be no question that what is worth
doing at all is worth doing with might and main. Quick and decided action is called for at this eventful period in our business year, and
our. energies and resources have been taxed to the utmost to assure in advance that the clearance would be radical, absolute and showing
no favor toward any one department of the store. That is why everything has been reduced, and that accounts for the great crowds of
satisfied purchasers which have filled the aisles of this great store during the week just past.
The Reductions Are Without a Parallel Either in This Store or Any Other Carrying Similar Lines of Goods Read a Few Reduced Prices
Everytning Reduced in
and Hosiery
Your every need may be supplied in both Knit
Underwear and Hosiery and at a great saving
if you take advantage of this ' great sale.
Worthy price reductions are general throughout
these stocks of reliable - trustworthy merchan
dise. These items for example: .
Wool Hose at 19 Pair Regular 35c Grade
500 dozen pairs of Women's Fine Black Cash
mere Hose, made with reinforced heel and toe.
All sizes. Run-of-the Mill Stockings in a quality
regularly sold at 35c a pair, 1 9c
Clearance Price
Children's 35c Black Wool Stockings, Pair 19
A good, durable, warm Stocking for Children.
Comes in a splendid weight and in all sizes.
"Rim-of-the-Mill Stockings, in regular 1QA
35c quality, Clearance Price.
Silk Hose at 63t? Pair Regular $1 Grade
"RHnf full-fashioned Hose, all colors, made from
thread silk and with extra lisle-spliced heel, toe
and garter top. All sizes. cun-oi-tne-i.vim
Hose in regular $1.00 quality, priced
for Clearance Sale at ......... . VJJV
Women's Wool Underwear, $1 Grade at 59
A standard make of Women's me-tiDDea
-RV.TTmTrtttinfr Underwear, both Vests and Pants
-A. J -a. wa-23 - 7
in all sizes and in the most desirable styles. Gar
ments regularly sold at $J, FfcQc
Clearance Price only
Although Our Entire Stock of
Velvets, Silks and Xiinings
Are Now Selling at Clearance Prices
We Announce the Most ExtraordinaryPrice Reductions on the Finest of High-
Grade Silks
See Our Window Display.
40-inch Brocaded Crepe de Chines in rich colorings
40-inch Brocaded Silk Poplins in desirable colors
40-inch Figured Crepe Taffetas in pretty patterns..
40-inch Crinkled Crepe de Chines in solid colors
40-inch Cascade Crepes in wanted plain shades
40-inch Pure Silk Cascadeuse in solid colors
36-inch Crepe de la Poie in fashionable shades
36-inch Figured Gloriosa in attractive patterns.
40-inch Double-Weight Crepe de Chines in all colors
40-inch Double-Weight Satin Messalines in all colors
22 to 26-inch Rich Colored Trimming Silks in all weaves
Roman Stripes, Heavy Ottoman Cords, Persian Designs, Bulgar
ian Fancies, JbJgyptian (Joionngs, etc. .nam snaaes, panerus auu
colorings to suit every taste ana ail priced ior xms saie av a seuoa-
. . . . -sk. 1 SNs-t AC "V 1 .aW. sav .aa.
tionai reduction. Keguiar $z.uu, $z.ov ana VI yu
$3.00 qualities, Clearance Price, a yard P A
Choice From
$2.00 to $3.00
Extra '
to Serve You
Come Early,
for First
Choice Is
Best Choice.
Women Silk Umbrellas, $5 Grade at $2.98
A decided price reduction on a fine line of Wom
en's Silk Umbrellas. TUey come witn paragon
framfl with steel rod and' with long ebony or
fancy handles. A guaranteed QR
$5 Silk Umbrella, tms sale. ....... . r
A Great Clearance Sale Special!
Remnants at Half Price
One-Half Remnant Prices.
Ratines, Crepes, Voiles, Suitings,
Ginghams, Flannelettes, Velours,
Silk Crepes, Foulards, etc.
Extraordinary are the values to be
found in the great assortment of
Wash Goods Remnants. Included are
Ratines, Suitings, Crepes, Voiles,
Percales, Ginghams, Flannelettes,
Velour Flannels, Silk Crepes, Printed
Foulards, Scotch Flannels, White
Goods, etc All lengths, all colors in
plain shades, stripes, figures, etc. All
are on sale at HALF PRICE.
A Great Clearance Sale Special!
About 200 Pairs Woolen and Cotton
Sample Blankets
To Be Closed Out at Bargain Prices.
$10 Blankets II $6.75 Blankets
at $7.50 Pair at $5.00 Pair
$2.75 Blankets at $2.10 Pair
An item that will arouse more than
;passing interest. A sale of about 200
pairs of Sample Blankets in both cot
ton and wool, in plain gray, white and
in plaid styles. Some slightly soiled
on the outside fold; most all are in
first-clags condition; none of them
are damaged. All are underpriccd.
Clearance Sale Prices in Our Notion Section
8c Large Curling Irons, Clearance Sale 5
8c Large Cube Pins, Clearance Sale ..... .5
15c Beauty Pins, Clearance Sale 5
8c Safety Pins, all sizes, at op
Ocean Pearl Buttons, Clearance Sale . . .5
25c Crochet Ball Holders, Clearance Sale. .19
5c Collar Supporters, removable bone, at 3t?
5c Collar Supporters, spiral wire, at .3
15c Cambric Bias Tape, all widths, at 10
10c Ruche Supporters, Clearance Sale. 5
Silk Covered Ruching Wire, at. .5
15c Dress Shields, 3, 4, 5, on sale at. 10
10c Dress Shields, Clearance Sale at 7?
10c yard Silk Covered Featherbone, at box. 90
10c yard H. B. Tape Featherbone, at box. . .85
6-Cord Machine Thread, on sale, 6 for 25
100-yard Spool Silk, Clearance Sale ....... .5$
500-vard King's Basting Cotton, at. . . . ".4
200-yard Dragon-Basting Cotton, at. ...
25c.iarge bottle Machine Oil at '. .15c
40c Rubber Dressing Combs, this sale 25
15c Pocket Combs, Clearance Sale .9?
Everytning Reduced in Men's Section
fiMa.nnfil ftowns at 55t Instead of 75c
Standard quality Outing Flannel Gowns
made in regulation styles and in good
width and length. All sizes. Reg.
Wool Underwear at $1.69. Instead of $2
Men's fine natural Gray Merino Union
Suits of perfect fit and finish, in all sizes
and in a standard quality al- Q
wavs sold at $2: Clearance. . . .V A VJV
ml '
Tir oko -QiatVb- rfacTiTnArA SAp.irs in all sizes. Clearance Price 19tf
Men's $2.50 Heavy Blue Flannel Shirts with double breast, at .'. $-.15
Men's $3.00 Heavy Blue Flannel Shirts with double breast, at $2.49
y . , . . ... n a at. i. in
Men s 75c Blue ChamDray snirts witn iwo conars u mauuu, a -cry
Men's Union Suits $1.98, Instead $2.50
Strictly high-grade Mixed vvorstea
Union Suits in seasonable styles and in
all sizes. The kind always sold at $2.50
a suit, Clearance Price $1.98
Boys' Sweaters $1.49, Instead of $1.75
A fine line Boys Pure Worsted Sweat
ers, made with "turtle" neck with draw
tape. All sizes in red, gray and navy.
Reg. $1.75 values, Clearance Price $1.49
Women's, Children's Shoes Reduced
A Strenuous Effort to Reduce Stock by Cutting Prices
Thoroughly Reliable Footwear in All Styles and Sizes. Great Overstocks Compel
Great Price Reductions to Insure Immediate Disposal Many of Our Leading Lines
Have Been Cut to Cost and Less ! All Lines Have Been Reduced in a Manner Never
Before Attempted For Example:
Misses' $1.75 Shoes in the best styles and leathers, sizes 11 to 2, at L-?f
Misses' $3.00 High-Cut Shoes in all sizes from 8 to 2, at
wimps' fil 25 Ribbon or Fur-Trimmed Juliettes, sizes 11 to 2, at 1 9
T I" .. . . j T..i:.ii. 01 tl o
0 Ribbon or
D.m cq nn wa t.prnmnr
Boys' $2.50 Velour Blucher Lace Shoes in sizes 1 to 5, at 22
Boys' $2.00 Velour Blucher Lace Shoes in sizes 9 to 13, at . . '5J
Women's $2.50 Gunmetal Button Shoes in all sizes, priced at $1.98