The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 03, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 28

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8 Deepwatermen Comprise
Harbor's Hold at Dawn.
1ulan. British and Norwegian
rrri Also at Ballast Ixx-k Seven
Squareriggcrs to Be Numbered
With January Grain Fleet.
Eijtht lpwtermn graced Unnton'a
portion of tne hrbv at dawn yeater
ijy. one of the largest fleet that has
been assembled there. At tne ciax or
Wilson mill were the schooner Wm. It
fcmith. loaaitia- the last of her lumber
rarso for New Zealand, and at tne same
r, ant was the .NorKln oars uina
fiel.l. discharging ballast she took on
at Valparaiso. At the ballast dock were
tii Russian bark 1'ort Caledonia ami
the British bark Kinrosa-shire. vihi.
In a single line In the stream were the
Norwegian bark Eidsvold. rjrlll-n snip
Celtic Ulen. British ship Claverdon and
Norwegian shin Songvand.
The tiongvand later was shifted to
the ballast dock on the Port Caledonia
betr.g towed here, and the Claverdon
v.. aaaimed Into a berth at Clark &
Wilsons, when the schooner Wm. H.
S-nlth muved. The seven inuarerisgers
will be numbered with the January
strain fleet from Portland. In addition
t which will be the Norwegian bark
Cambuwioon. which Is discharging bal-
lj-l at the North Pac'flc mill.
I'antatn Boyd, of the Claverdon,
which hails from Callao. secured the
. ballast aboard to avoid danger met
with by other ships carrying shingle
l.allawt. so three bulkheads were duui
runnlnz fore and aft through the low
er hold and fortunately the location of
etantiona helped to a large extent
making them steady, so there was no
shifting of ballast on the run. Head
winds were the only adverse conditions
complained of.
Captain Murchle. of the Kinross
shire. Is accompanied by Mrs. Murchle
and their youngeal-daughter, Mary, of
about 9 years, who has made two
voyage and says seasickness has no
terrors for her. The vessel came from
Honolulu on the last leg of her journey
and only ordinary weather wa encoun
tered. Captain Murchle was here last
on the 1-a.dy Wentworth.
The Songvand. that made such a Ion?
rassa?e from Rock ham p ton. which port
ha left August 7. and did not read)
lhe river until December 27. reported
all well and the tardy passage Is ac
counted for through unfavorable wind
and weather. v
Southerly weather off the coast Is
counted on to fan more squareriggers
along and others due should make it
possible to dispatch at least IS carriers
during the month with grain for Eng
"Hall" Line of Steamers to Join
Pioneers of Tliut i'lug.
J. A Armstrong. Jr.. American Con
sul at Bristol. Kngland, has written to
Washington that the Maple Leaf line
has decided to strengthen its service
to this Coast materially with the ad
dition of the Halt fleet, consisting of
tin- steamers Charlton Hall, 474!) tons:
Criuter flail. 431 tons; Crofton Hall.
:.7T4 tons: Foxton Hall. 4147 tons, and
the Howirk Hall, of 4923 tons. They
will augment the present fleet, made up
tf the Ventura. Kentra, Santa
Rosalia and San Francisco, the latter
being a new carrier.
The fleet has been operated for about
three years from New York to Savan
nuh and British Columbia, plying via
South American ports and the Straits
of Magellan and returning by way of
Santa Rosalia and over much the same
route to Swansea and Dunkirk. Now
tiie vessels return through the Panama
Can:U and will carry Puget Sound, Port
land. San Krancisro and San Pedro car.
no. From the Golden Gate to Bristol
it is estimated the time through the
canul will be 50 days, saving from 35
to 40 days over the former route.
Portland Utiles as to Plague Safe-
Simril lo Be Obeyed.
In the precautionary campaign be
In carried on to prevent the Introduc
tion of rodent plague here, which Is
barked by the United Slates Public
lleulth & Marine Hospital Service, the
Oregon Stale Board of Health and the
litv Bureau of Health, Harbormaster
Speier has included Linnton in his ter
ritory and all hips towing there to
dliti-harue ballast- before coming here,
are being visited and the Portland har.
bor regulations explained.
The mariners are being informed
that the taw must be complied with to
tile letter. Hat guarus measure iv
Inches in ' diameter were yesterday
condemned by Harbormaster Speier be
rause the Federal law prescribes that
tney Be 3(5 Material used in
their construction must be strong and
able to withstand ordinary wear and
tear. sti. h as Is expected on hawsers,
all flimsy excuses for guards being
barred. It matters not how often a
vessel changes her berth, the guards
must be on all lines leading to the
Portland-California Liner Regains
schedule Alter Repair.
cUl.l The steamer Rose City. Captain
Rankin, of the San Francisco and Port
land Steamship Company, which has
been undergoing repairs on the
Hunter's Point drydock. will resume
service, steaming from here January 5,
it is expected.
While coining down the Columbia
River cn her last trip here from Port
land and Astoria, the Rose City re
reived damnge to her hull by contact
with the ice and on her arrival here
it was found necessary to drydock
the vessel to repair one of the bottom
l-lutes, 'vhich had been sprung so as
ap admit water to the vessel's bold.
The Hose City left here December 87.
aud only eliminated that part of her
""Voraare oetween San- Francisco and San
Pe'uro. There was considerable ice in
tne lower river at the time. The
evced with which repairs have been
n-.ade is taken to indicate that the
damage was nominal.
Damaged steamer Reaches Here
From Cascade-Loeks Tor Repairs.
To delve Into the facts surrounding
an a-cident to the steamer Stranger
recently, when she struck the Dalles
City Rook, bound down stream from
.' The Dalle, and was beached with her
hull damaged. United States Inspectors
Kdwards and Fuller have summoned
olfieers of the vessel and others hav
nif knowledge of the matter to appear
Thursday morning.
The Stranger has reached here under
her own steam and will be repaired at
once. A soft patch prevented any
.i i.iiiiMi.1 mLjmMmmmmBmammmmtmiey' . . ' A . , 1
A- ZT"-7'i-... i3ai
I "
1 tlUSVOlUi
trouble on the way from the Cascade
Locks, where she was prepared for the
trip. Reports from the Middle Colum
bia yesterdiiy were tnat me stream
was" impassible to steamers irom
Craig's to The Dalles. The steamer
Gamecock managed to reach White
Salmon last week, and was turned back.
At present there is no service to that
district, and it is not expected any of
the steamers will be started until the
ice has moved out.
Lumber Carried ' From Lower lo-
timbia Totals 272,689.090 Feet.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.)
The year 1914 has been rated as n
extremely slack one in the coast lum
ber trade.- Still, during these 12
months 355 vessels loaded nt the mills
in the Lower Columbia River district
and their combined cargoes amounted
to 272.6S.0'J0 feet of lumber. In addi
tion to this ocean-going rafts contain
ing 41,000.000 feet of logs were towed
to sea from here, making a total of
S13.6S9.090 feet of lumber and Iocs that
were exported . by water from the
plants In the Lower Columbia River
Besides those shipments lumber
products were exported as follows:
Lath. 610,000; shingles. 6,753,000; piles,
1713: shooks. 70 tons. Of the vessels
which loaded at the lower river mills
815. with cargoes amounting to 219,
2;9,96ti feet of lumber, went to domes
tic ports, while 40 carrying 53,453.124
feet of lumber are en route to foreign
In the same 12 months the upper
river mills shipped by water 114. S69.
629 feet of lumber to domestic points
and 150,893.472 feet to foreign ports,
making a crand total of 679.4.".2.090
feet of lumber that left the Columbia
River bv water in 1914. The other
products from timber which were
shipped from the river included 1.110.
000 lath. 7.733.000 shingles. 1713 piling,
493 tons of shooks and 1069 tons of
barrel staves. Approximately 3000 ves
sels entered and clenred at the local
custom-house during the year.
Immigration Inspector and Harbor
master on Port Caledonia Case.
Unless Captain Carlsson, of the Rus
sian bark Tort Caledonia, which is at
Mersey dock to start working wheat,
takes steps for the welfare of two sail
ors from his vessel suffering from Ill
ness contracted on the voyage, who
were removed from the Emergency
Hospital to St. Vincent's-Hospital yes
terday. Immigration Inspector J. H.
Barbour may take steps to prevent the
ship being cleared. He says the men
came ashore from the vessel for treat
ment, have not been legally admitted
to the country and are here as public
Captain Carlsson was asked regard
ing the circumstances of the men leav
ing the ship yesterday by Harbormaster
" i v silt
. f
"i- rss
5.-- I
Before leaving the Golden Gate on her last voyage those who have to do with the navigation Propul
sion andeneral upkeep of the "bulldog" Bear, of the San Francisco & Portland fleet, gathered on the prom
enade deck a and w-ere snapped by a camera man. All of the official family and a majority of the crew
Ipenf tne year 1914 on the ship and they hope to be together when 1915 Is ushered out.
Speier, and the master said that he had
employed a physician, but that they
had gone ashore and he classed them
as deserters. Harbormaster Speier in
sisted that they were not deserters and
that they were not in hiding. Several
men who came here from Iquique on the
vessel have been paid off, some as they
had signed for the voyage, and others
were German and American subjects.
Beaver Misses Southerly Gale Re
ported Headed Along Coast.
Five carloads of San Joaquin Valley
oranges formed part of the cargo of
the steamer Beaver, arriving, yester
day from California, pfficers of the
ship sav that about the time the bulk
o the fruit from that district is moved
the Southern California crop will be
started north and then often as mani
as a dozen carloads will be delivered
here. ,..
The Beaver had a fair passenger list.
Weather along the Coast was said to
have be?n endurable, the vessel not
having been in any of the severe blows
looked for yesterday. The steamer
Bear got to sea early yesterday morn
ins so was saved a repetition of her
experience of a year ago, when she was
held inside a week because of a bois
terous southerly storm that swept the
Coast. Up to the time of her depar
ture Friday her officers were apprehen
sive lest she be given a similar set
back. Marine Xotes.
United States Inspectors Edwards
and Fuller will inspect the steamer
Beaver, flagship of the San Fruncisco
& Portland line, tomorrow.
To discharge ballast the Norwegian
bark Eidsvold, a recent arrival from
Tnonnll la. will shift today from the
stream off Linnton to a berth at the
North Pacific mill, at which plant the
Cambusdoon is unloading ballast.
Last of the creosoted tie cargo of the
Japanese steamer Shintsu Maru, which
is loading for British India, will go
aboard at Lamont's, where she will
shift today from the St. Helens tie
After the American ship Poltalloch
shifted to the stream yesterday wheat
laden for Callao, arrangements were
made for her to leave down Tuesday
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama. The
latter was at the public drydock yes
terday washing boilers.
That the Norwegian bark Nordhav
sailed from Montevideo December 31
was reported to the Merchants' Ex
change yesterday, the vessel having put
into that harbor for repairs while
bound from Portland for the United
Kingdom with a grain cargo.
It was the gasoline schooner Mlrene
that gained the distinction of behig the
first vessel to clear yesterday at the
Custom House. She left last night for
Waldport and Newport with 50 tons of
' N"c s From Oregon Ports.
COOS BAY. Or., Jan. 2. (Special.)
fHifi 7 . rs .'
-. -
Rough bar conditions prevented the
sailing- of the Nann Smith and the
Redondo. loaded and bound for San
Francisco. v
The steam schooner Yellowstone ar
rived this forenoon from San Francisco,
but was unable to cross the bar for
Portland this afternoon.
The steamship Breakwater 'sailed
for Portland today at 11:30. having
many passengers.
The gasoline schooner Rustler has
returned from a freighting voyage to
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan; 2. (Special.)
While there as scarcely a breath of
wind in Astoria all day, reports from
the heads said a heavy southerly gale
was blowing outside, with high sea
running. As a result no sailing ves
sels were towed out.
The steamer Beaver arrived this
morning from San Francisco and San
Pedro, with freight and passengers for
Astoria and Portland, and the steamar
Eear sailed for the California ports.
The steamer Geo. W. Elder arrived
early this morning from Eureka and
Cons Bay. She wag one day late on
account of the Coos Bay bar being
The tank steamer Frank H. Buck
arrived today from California, with
fuel oil.
The tank steamer Asuncion sailed
todav for California after discharging
The steam schooner losemite ar
rived this afternoon from San Fran
cisco and' goes to St Helens to load
umber. -
Governor "Turned Deaf Ear"
1'rotest Against LIbby Election.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 2. (Special.)
Governor West today declined to con
sider the protest against the election
of Eugene Libby, of Portland, aa cap
tain of Company F, Third Regiment,
Oregon National Guard, giving as his
reason that Governor Xvithycombe
would have more time to look into the
case. D. M. Taylor, sergeant of the
company, filed the protest. He said
that Major Bowman, inspector of elec
tions, preferred charges against Cap
tain Harry Williams, a candidate for
re-election. As a result Williams'
name wa8 not presented at the election
of officers. Taylor says the charges
made by Major Bowman were false,
and that he had no right to prevent
Williams from continuing as a candi
Linn Gives 38 30 to State Fund.
ALBANY. Or.. Jan." 2. ( Special. )-
Linn County contributed 13830 to the
state game fund during 1914 through
the issuance of game licenses. A total
of 1894 hunting licenses at $1 each;
1412 fishing -licenses at $1 each, 252
combination licensee at 2 each and
two non-resident hunting licenses at
$10 each were issued from the Comity
Clerk's office here during tne year.
' . - .-
t I
t I
. mj I
iff '
. .... A-': yLZ& Ww. .,.y 4
Shipping Likely to Take
Usual Tack Today.
Velocity cl Wind Off Xorth Head 64
Miles an Hour From Southeast.
' but Greater Blow ManUested
Oft Washington Coast.
Storm warnings posted yesterday to
advise navigators that a southeaster
was humming along the cdast will ex
pire this morning and unless there is a
turn for the worse in the weather
pulse it is not thougnt they will be
r.n,reH District -forecaster Beals
said last night that he felt certain
shipping could pursue the even tenor
its way today.
Observer Kellaher,. at North Head,
reported last night that the maximum
wind velocity there during the after
noon was 04 miles an iiwr
southeast. The barometer -was Buy
ing a strong inclination to change at
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and the
prospects were iui t now -" - "
North Head reported the sea rough,
rhniich the blow had subsided.
From Tatoosh came a telegram that
the greatest velocity was 40 mues an
hour, and Mr. Beals surmised that the
ki manifested itself - principally
along the coast of Washington, as the
absence of reports from other stations
was taken to mean tne wina ii uui
gained a pace to warrant sending spe
cial messages.
January 2. 1914, marked a big blow
from the southward and it held a large
fleet of vessels inside the river for
several daysv while at other ports on
the coast much the same conditions
Steamer Schedule.
Name. - From.
Geo. W. Elder Eureka.
Beaver Los Angeles. . . .
Yucatan San Diego
Breakwater ,. . Coos Bay.;
Rose City Loe Anseles.. ..
Roanokf. San Diego
Ba.r Los Angeles. . . .
. In port
.In Don
, Jan. S
. Jan. S
. Jan. 7
. Jan. 10
, Jan. li
Name. ' For.
Geo. W. Elder....; Eureka....
Yale s- F- to L- A.. . .
Willamette San Diego
Breakwater Coos Bay
Harvard...... . ... S. P.toL. A....
Beaver L Angeles
Yucatan San Dlcgo.
Northland .Han Francisco. .
Yosemlte.v .-San Diego.
Multnomah San Francisco..
Roanoke Ban Diego. . .
J. B. Stetson San Diego
Hose City Lo Angeles.
Roanoke San Diego
Celllo San Diego.
San Ramon San Franclm. .
Klamath San Francisco..
. Jan. 3
. Jan.
, Jan.
. Jan.
. Jan.
. Jan.
. Jan.
. Jan.
. Jaa.
Bear ,L.os Angeles.
Glenroy. . .. ..
Rio Pasig
Glenochy.. ...
Glenroy. ......
Rio Paslg
,. ..Manila
. .. London
. . .London
.. . London
. .. JCobe
. . . . Jan. 83
.... Feb. 10
....Feb. 20
... . Mar. !0
. . . . Jan. 80
Feb. 1-"
, London.
. . Feb. 2S
Glenochy London
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Jan. 2. Arrived Steamers
Geo W" Elder, from Eureka and Coos Bay;
Beaver, from -San Pedro, via San Fran
cisco; F. H. Buck, from Monterey.
Astoria. Jan. 2. Arrived at midnight ana
left up at 1 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder,
from Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived at S
and left up at 9:50 A. M. Steamer Beaver
from San Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed
at 1 A M Steamer Bear, for San Fran
cisco and San Pedro. Railed at 12:30 P. M.
Steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco. Ar
rived at 11 A. M. and lett up at 12:30 P.
M. Steamer F. H. Buck, from Monterey.
Arrived at 3 and left up at 3:15 P. M.
Steamer Yosemlte, from San' Diego, via way
ports. ,
San Francisco. Jan. 2. Arrived Steamer
Northland, from San Pedro. Arrived at 11
A ' M Steamer Roanoke, from Portland.
Jan. 1. Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Yuca
tan, for Portland.
Montevideo, Dec 31. Sailed Norwegian
bark Nordhav. from Portland, for United
Kingdom. ,
Manila. Dec. 31. Arrived Steamer China,
from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Jan. 2. Arrived Steamers
Roanoke, from Astoria: Ploton (British),
from Hongkong. Departed Steamers Co
lumbian, and President, for Seattle; Newport,
for Ancon; Grays Harbor, for Wlllapa; Pasa
dena, for Albion.
Marconi Wireless Keports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. . Jan
uary 2 unless otherwise designated.)
El Segundo, Vancouver for Point Wells, off
Kellet Bluff.
San Ramon. left Everett for San Pedro.
Latouche. Ketchikan for Seattle, off Green
Matsonla. San Francisco for Honolulu, 811
miles out January 1.
Hilonian, Honolulu tor san rrmicii, xo
miles out January L '
Wilhelmina, Honolulu for San Francisco,
1184 miles out January 1. ;
Ventura, Sydney tor San Francisco, 242J
miles out January 1.
Washingtonian, Honolulu 'for New York,
653 miles east of Honolulu January 1.
Lansing-, San Lule for Vancouver, off San
Drake, towing; barge 91, Vancouver for ban
Francisco, off Point Reyes.
Kllburn, San Francisco for Eureka, 12
miles south of Point Arena.
AtlaB, Tacoraa for Richmond, 20 miles
south of Point Arena.
President, San Francisco for Seattle, 16
miles north fit Point Arena.
Topeka. Eureka for San Francisco, 21
miles north of. Point Arena,
Celllo. Portland for San Francisco, It
miles south of Blunts Reef.
Santa Maria. San Luis for Honolulu, 27
miles from San Luis.
Newport. San Francisco for Balboa, 54
miles south of San Francisco.
Fenwlck. Astoria for San Pedro, 110 miles
north of San Francisco.
Klamath Astoria for San Francisco, five
miles south of Cape Blanco
Arevll San Francisco for Seattle, 2i0 miles
north of San Francisco.
Dewey. San Francisco lor oeaciie, oil liul-
qua River.
Schley Seattle for San Francisco, J-'4
miles north of San Francisco.
Bear. Portland for San Francisco, JJ
miles north of San Francisco.
Colusa. 333 miles norm oi nn r raiiuiov".
rnmnidn Redondo for San Francisco, 17
miles from 'Redondo.
Georgian. ew joric Tor oan i renuiitw,
290 miles south of San Pedro.
Evelyn. San Francisco for New York, 600
miles south of San Francisco.
Yucatan San Francisco for Portland, .t t
miles north of Cape Blanco. -
Multnomah, San Francisco for Portland, 25
miles north of Yaquina Head.
ttreakwAter. Cooa Bay for Portland, nine
miles north of Yaquina Head.
Paraiso. Portland tor yios isay, Druoui,u
outsrrie- Coos Bay.
Aiinrtin. Portland for Richmond. 482
miles north of San Francisco.
Oleum, San jf rancisco ror romana. eisni
miles south of Columhla River.
governor. Seattle for San Francisco, via
Victoria, 130 miles north of Cape Blanco.
Tides' at Astoria Sunday.
Mac. Low.
2-36 A M 7.1 feetl8:07 A, M 3.5 feet
1:42 P. M.. . .8-8 feet'8:81 P. M. . 0.7 foot
Southern Pacific to Stop Running
Ashland-Grant's Pass Motors.
ASHLAND. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific motor service be
tween Ashland and Grants Pass will be
discontinued January 6 because of lack
of patronage. -v
About a month ago an hourly auto
mobile service was Instituted between
Ashland and Medford on a 34-minutti
ohrinlft. A fare of 60 cents waft
charged for the round trip. Rival
automobiles, entered the field and cut
the rate to 50 cents, 15 cents leas than
the Southern Pacific's tariff. As a re
salt the railroad carries few passengers.
'Consistent Neutrality" I Topic.
"Consistent Neutrality" will he the
subject discussed by two speakers
Dr. David Buchanan and Richard L.
Merrick at the regular weekly peace
meeting at S o'clock this afternoon in
Room A, Central Library. The gath-
4-ering is under the auspices of the
orld s Peace Association or Portland.
Plans are beisg made by the organi
zation for a peace mass meeting on
January 14 in the large hall at the
Central Library and, in addition to
speakers already announced, Judge
Thomas O'Day and Rev. Alice HanBen
will deliver addresses.
4 '
Jackson Abel.
Jackson Abel, one of the early
settlers of Kauvie's Island, whose
residence there dated back to
1S53, died on the island at 4
o'clock Friday morning- after
an illnesa of a week. For the
past four years he had lived at
the home of a niece, Mrs. L. W.
Bonser. Captain Orin Abel, until
recently master' of the steamer
America, and a well-known river
man. Is an adopted son.
Mr. Abel was born in Indiana
February 3, 1834, and on crossing:
the plains he headed for Sauvie's
Island and settled there. Mr.
Abel remained a bachelor, He
controlled considerable land and
wa fairly well established.
Nieces and nephews surviving in
clude Paul S. Reeder and Mary
C. Cromley. of Portland: Mrs.
T i.ina n T. Mof'nnn nf Fflidft.
Wash.; D. S. Keeder, of pilens- t
, TIT-..!. - T T T?oaHap I-' R T
1IUI B. ' 1 i - - " ' -' ' " " '
Reeder. Mrs. Kveline W. Bonser
and Mrs. Dollie K. A kins, of
Sauvie's Island. The funeral is
to be held at 12 o'clock today
at the Kast Side - undertaking
parlors, interment being- at
L-nu Cl 1.1.7 sr tmrfe- -Ralance of stock I
i.-i, e th KfvonK Coat &. Suit Shop
women's reatly-to-weur goods at less than
wholesale price, or win iraue lor im r
tale farm property or acreage preferred:,
n- ,,-iii .11 floor cases, tables.
large display caees. wax and papier-mache
forms, mirrors, sneiying, mio, te ,
38 East Morrison su
,i .1-. i i.i ,H with i, number of land
clearers, wooucnoppcrs. riu-H v.--and
flunkies, stationary nd steam shovel
engineers, all kuius i smueu a..i -skilled
labor. Wire, phone or write us
and we supply you on snort notice, iianiey
Employment Asency, is N. id. MmIh Hi,
or A 2'.w.
147S EOI ITY in cottage. 1203 Tibbetla St.,
ini siivliin electric lights, gas. large base
ment, bulance 1135U payable lo per
month- will trade equity for anything;
leaving Portlund. Waverly-Richmond cars
to 33th si. taoor j.jv.
Tii-n .i.-r ,-Hniins oer week. a mo. ,
lus.nn H'V.K .l.,0 IIIO. . lll."i
, rai-hr 1.1 vears' exuerience.
pupil European artists. Telephone Main
ii mnrnlnii. 10-11:30. Ask for music
wivTPii Am all-around dairyman; one
tliat can do milking ana
handling mirk In local dairy, near th
city; none others need apply. Take Wood
stock cur to 59th and walk 3 blocks west.
MAN and wife wanted to ir naii
In one of tne nicest aiore. u..
will tnke in house and lot. It s the help
we want. East 318 or address AD uOo, Ore
To sell memberships In established co-op-,i,-a
n,aii utilar house: blir money: clean
proposition; Indorsed by farmers through
out tne counirj. j.o .-vii
Two s-ood. hustling married men. salary
. e- '., -,Dn n,,.ltln for
Arta commiaai"". , ...,. ...
risht men : cash bond of not less than
$75 required. C 01-, oregonmn.
WANTED $1000 on 160 acres, near The
Dalles, Or., lor 4 years, auuidm . v. wv
647. city
NEW L'.-ix60 flreproor store oiag., lanmnu
and three lots at station, 1'00. 700 cash.
A F 40i. oregonian
BEST buy In city. 4 H. P. motorcycle, J0;
n-nr,rt rnnnlnc order. 308 6th st, rear. Sun.
or evenings.
iv 1 1 1 1 1 a- alone, 'will rent room to woman
t month; can do cooking; modern; tur-
nace heat: references, beliwoou loa.
EXCHANGE 17 acreg cultivated land close
good town, du mues roruauu, tuuut; wu.
black SOU. t0l oavier
r-or tf:vt 5-ioom modern cottage, with
furnace, near carllne. 72'J Palton road,
Portland Heights. Main 3710.
1.-, , d nRvT g-room modern house on Borth
wick st near Monroe. Phone Woodlawn
2BWI or call at 140 Monroe.
TWO lots in a good w'ashlngton town, clear
of all encumbrance: will trade for carpet
or rugl.- Phone Tabor Ssao.
THREE horses, weight from 1000 to 1100
lbs., will trade for heavier team and give
cash difference, pnone jaoor aoo.
WANTED Man cook for 3 men on farm;
small wages, but atood home. BC 400,
COLLIE pups for
marked, cheap.
sale, thoroughbred; well
Main o0t9. M. Benno,
WANTED To trade a diamond for good
cash register. BC 4111. Oregonian.
limit. B
-To buy 3 or 4 acres. 5-cent car
: 495, Oregonian.
XICELY furnlahPd roome, modern, 12
week. 3'J 'A North Itith, near Washington.
NEW $H0 istutlebaker hack,
A F" 4!'S, Oregonian.
only $05 cash.
lt' ACRES, only $1000, S1O0O cash.
4?f. Oregon ian.
1J1'x1-"0xI'j0 at oq station, $:J50 cash. AE 500,
Oregonian. ,
L, C SMITH typewriter, nearly new. cheap.
Am leaving town. H 50 J, Oregonian.
NO. UNDERWOOD, overhauled. $40 caUj
two color ribbona. B 497. Oregjnlsn.
GIKI for general housework, jlaJn cookiiig.
Ml Overton st.
II A S and wife for ranch work. Addresa,
statin tr experience, A V 'MM. Oregonian.
WELL, furnished rooms; modern. 547 lam.
hill st.
POH SALE at a !acrlfice, a fine lot in Over
look. Phone Woodlawp iuQ.
Main 3315-
5-room cottage furnished.
5-HOOM modern bungalow, furnished.
Scott car. Pltonft s. II wood
WANTED To buy 2 cash registers for cash
c he a p. BC 489. Orgonla n .
WANTED -To give a watch for clearing
land. AR 419. Oregonian.
NEARLY new baby carriage, good condi
tion, reasonable; leaving city. 435 Alder.
XU'E H. K. rooms, both flour; very neat
j.r'Mtn t.HS-mnt. rlose in. Clay.
NEWLY furnished room, bath and phone
very reasonable 331 Madison st.
keeper. BD 46,
wants position house
Oregonian. BACHELOR wants comfortable rooms.
43Y, Oregonian.
.NEWLY furnished room ?3 week. 312 sfltt. I
1 1 vf'e,,N
i if
I : i
TOO I.ATK TO fl.Altilr V.
HliS A DEVIU 1 loull.l llle l.arsalll. .
fiuind the bur. The nrcoiiln and t' 4
.l.-Mt did it in our home toon. I've "
other hamaiu. l.lln, I'm t'lng t Illinois nolle of 111'" t
Calllornla" gait I'm r"l" ''""'k ' '' "
t.rm more i-:stem mull) l P'Ml""l
"my h.inie t..n." I anl Me contm.H
or uniiH-umherd unlm iro ed iimiwii
while 1 m hhmV. This one "'1 for ".
1 ofier pany fiirnl.lifd at :-" for '
don, $!.- moniMy or rscluiig tor va
cant propt-rly.
:;i-' Ky
M'lln III:'.. ,-IT..-., Tahor Oil
COMPLETELY furnished vn 4-ioom
auartment, private home. 3 bedrooms,
electric, heat, phone aud balh; rea-u aU.e
to permanent adults: Chi:llsu ei n
people preferred. cioe In. 5 .Norlli iiitr
t . cor. Flanders. West Hide
WANTED N-.-oml-hmi Hmck rumii'iil '
good conttltlon ai a sm-rlilte. Thst le the
right word; nothing el goes. No ret-ell
l.iil inil( ill be ronMeietl: nilim
munt be In good conditio!!. A G l'i.
41 -
FOR SALE or exchange: Hie patent rmnis
for I S. and na on ue(u! rrir and
household article; ." smail ilM'l) of
gime; will sell outright or egchange tr
city property; a good proposition. UU s j.
Oregon lan.
W VNTKD 5 or -room molem bungMlo!.
on East Sid-prelerre.l : will trade one or
two unincumbered rliy Iota as Ural .v
ment and will assume small liutitgagv.
Address P 4'.'S. Oieg.mlniv
-. i.. in viui.nw. nlitfiy
nished. nice location, handy to car; l
Greenwood ave.; Richmond iui. t-e..-wood
i unuiircvll V ex Dane need
licllur for scll edition lemllliit coiiiiner
clal niugaslue. official putiUi-ollon ,
erences. K 41'". Orwaonlail.
MASSEt'SE ("r out town nie haint.
foreign prsferred, referencas ex.tigngaU .
Investment opportunity. Apply today, aia
WANTED A young lawyer with
perlence to tak. cTiarge of a cimlr "',''
Jood chance for rigut man; tin capita, re
quired. Call 415 Ablnglon hl'lg.
t. i,,irrAw 1I..IH) for throe rsrs
on new tf-room modern houaa In Hwlhm
dlstrtn, 7 per ct-ni interest; no commission.
H 4't. Oregon""-
WANTEjJ A young lady who is capsbie or
doing collecting and office work l..r sex.
eral weeks; must give refer-m-r. - tu!l
Tsbor :i6. Call from till I. M.
FOR SALE A flrt-t mortgstfe, J
), lUtmlns
fine kii't
two years, i i
Hldp lot; will ptva
O .WO, Oregonian.
reatonablo dlicuu.i.
W A N T E D '-V oung lady. Knglish or iivrtim.i.
steady housekeeper; N. IMh si., atler
i. P M., or J 4i.". Oregonian.
Northrup St.,
lovejoy st.
itxtevn oits' : ot
luih. lnun e i7 i
Al.'TO WANTED To trad good
Kt and
d so tii
mall furnisneu nousr, nr..
money If necessary. Call HMl
od l.M 4.
SMALL Bl'NC.A LOW Modern; J "'r
month. Oladstone ave.; W. W. csr
to 37th.
FOR KALE One complete brass Led ona
library tahlo. coal oil stoves, very cheap.
.127 Bunt i-'-ii.
FOR SAL 1-7 Modern .J -room 'r","J!r.n
hnusv H down, balance like rent.
price '$'J7. T.4 K. :lst.
FOR SALE Will sscrifice for cash 3 lots In
Irvlngton t'ark. Add- for particulars., ca.i
Marshall 6i5.
1NOI7 l
rrr IJa
On lme iz
MiiniaiHpcna-allve tlmra
Wuis wl 1SIN cleul l tlnira.. f
Kame tl six or Mes Ba-ull Umrm. . ft.
Tlie above PMl .lrll.n..1.
oaUer Srw Today" auJ all alUor tlaaslota
IIuum crcrut (a. lolloolnci
Mluatluns W ant Mala.
Bltuatioua Wauled ratal.
tr Ueat. Kooma. rlval I' am 1 1 let.
Uoonia and trd. i'rlvai aall.
Houke1ln-Mooiiia. rrlval . .mllar.
Bat on tlm alov uaaalllralloaa la I i-eal
a line racu loari-Uoa.
Oa "chano" advrlainnlarliar mill h
basrd on tt0 aiiiubr of linf. aiipfarlnv la
111 pailW, rwiardlraa nf to rniuIxT ml a.ia.
la cah line. Mlutiiinia rliar.r. lo linea.
Tli Oreaoolaa Mill a.-.-ril rlmlltnl !
rrllM-inxnlK mvrr lb IrU-phour, roviod
the- advertlaar la a auuxrlbrr r-IHier
pbon. Ma orkT. still b iu.iled orr th
pboae. but bill V.III be readrrrd Ibe follow
iun dar Whether eubacuuenl advt'rllaemfnia
nill be aiTepled over Ibe ph:ie drpen la
upon lb nromptaee so I pauirnt til tele
phone dvertlaemrata. Mluallona Wauled
nd Peraonal dvei tlentenla vt III iwl ae.
cepted over the teirsthwae. iirdrta l
Inaertlua only -III b aepted IWIuniilar.
for hale," Buelneae 4pport unit lea, "UoB-lua--llouaea"
and "Wanted I Kenl.
rite Oreaunlaa alll not auaraalee arrnrary
or aaauiue reaponMlbilllv lor ctrota ot-vurru.;
la telephoned aderllemeala.
AdverltteJItenie so rmei.e eani-.
Oration ntual be In The urrfunlaa offl-e be
fore e'cUKM at nlahl, earept Kmurday.
lioatn hour for The Nunday ormnnlaa v. Ill
b 1:IP o'rlock fiaturdav nlKhl. lhe oIIn-
will be open until IP 'clork I'. M aa ei.ttal,
and all ad. received to lata lor propel
cluaaUlt atton a Ml bo mn uadt r lb brautas
" I'oo 1-al lo Uaalfy."
The Oreaoulan villi no! be reeponalhl for
mor tban one ineorreet inaeiion o. mmg -w-vertl.nient
oBered for more than a Hum.
Telepnone.1 ata i.iv. m ew.
give lis renular "At ltom. Monuay e e . -ln
January 4, East Bide W. O. W. W. Hall.
East lh and Alder. ITo I aiimie. l etn sl -mrnls
and danilna. All membera ai. r-
quested to bo pre.-nt. flIlvuli.v K
Oay tlm at th Hard Tlni Dnw by l.-o .
Washington ami fv. " -
Temple. 12H Eleventh atrei-t, rueeony evrn
Ina January i. Prlsea for bet aud moKt
comical mak-up. Full orchealra. Adnila-
slou, lc.
tntTt.ANl TENT. NO. I. IM ''
dance at hall. 4d Alder .(re. I I Inns
da evening, Jan. 7. Come and bring our
friends. ..A good time assured.
ft V. ov... v. "
Plv hundred party, two games Wednes
day night. January . jmo. at . o.
Temple. 18 Jlth street; six l.eautliul
three eucn game; giv.n
Admission to nnlh games. ...r.
WEIR At the home of nr. inn art. T
O. Halnea. 6a vt asoo ai.. -.-v.
Dr. Hamilton Weir. Kema n. at real
dene establishment of J. H. Klnley
Sons, 6th and Montgomery. Kuneral nutlc
DUKMLER Jan. 1, Frederick W. l"'n-nur,
aged as year., oeiuveu -
Kallierln Uuemler. K.-malns at Huniin.K
& McKntffl'l parlors, from wlMe tl-y
be shipped to Cornelius. Or., for Interiiiont.
JOHNSON Dec. 31, Mrs Julia . vi , .
aaed 31 years, ...... ,,
Kobert Buller. of Eaglo Olllf. V. as.i. He
mains at Dunning A Mcl-niee s pwri.
Notice of funer.l later.
SETTLING Jan. i, at -he uooo r-amai nen
Hnsp tttl, MIS. Mary r"-iiinK. .v..
widow of the late Ben Helling, Mr. 1 .me, al
services will bo held at Dunning at Mc;
Entee's cliapel today (Sunday). Jan. I, at
JO-.M A. M. Remalna will be lek.-r, t.t
Pendleton, Or., whei services will ba
held Monday.
FRANCIS In this city. .Ian. J. at (he fam
ily resldenee. SHI St.. Mar, .1.
Vranrla. aged 87 veara. moth.T of I
W. Fride-Tck nhd ills" En. H V !. 1.
The funeral aervit-es w u u.
above residence at lu A. M. Mundat.
Friends Ipvlted. Service, at lha grata
BALSKiER The funeral service, of '
(Sunday at 3 oVlock V. M at Uod.te,
aveniie M B fhurfli, Kodl.ey ave-. and
"tanton .t. Friends invited. at
Kiterview Cemetery.
viiiKFV The funeral service ur llle lale
conarrvatory chapel ut h. K Dunn ng. Inc
4:4 East Ald-r St., comer uf lh el.. Ht
1-30 r M. today (Sunday!. KMends In-
interment l-one r ir tenieter,
.Dir. Tne funeral services or tne laia
An- - ...... ...1,1 K- t.u!il ut III. ,mM-
aerva'.ory cliapel of F. S. Dunning, in...
414 Ea.t Alder t . corner East tli St.. at
! m today (.j:i.i.Ui. Knetnlg InvlieJ.
Interment Greenwood Cemetery.
MTKK4I.O The funeral .ervlce. nf th. Il
ilTtTn Mlkkalo will be held at file cull-
pervatory i-hanel of F. t. Uunnliig. Inc..
414 East Alder t.. corner Kl tth si.,
.t -0 K M. today (sundayt. in
vlted. Interment For. City l'emeter.
r pvi'U The funeral or ipnonse 11. i.jh. n.
jI . .... In .1,1. Kit.' Iter 31 Wll.
who pastae. -M
bo held today (Suidatl at 1.0 I M
from the chapel of Skew-. V nd. rt k li.g
i o corner 3d and l.v. Ft Inula In. lied
10 attend. Interment Ia.ii Fir feinelery.
DEVK1ES Jan. I. Horry oeyr 1 .. . m ae. o -.
yeara. ruueiai
1'itrtland t'remuloiluni al E I'. M. tn.noi -row
(Mondavi. Friends Invited, -lake hell,
wood car for f'rentatoilutn. Hem-h.s are
at llolman'. funeral parlor.
PARKER In this city. Jan. . Clr.rk I.
1'arker, ageu v ,e.,. . ,,0 ........ will be iitin.lui.leil Muni. at. Jan i,
at ! I' M- In the ntoil'iu't iiix.i'i .l A.
1. Kentvo-thy ... I, rrinos In
vited. Interment Multnomah Ckin.lai'.