The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 03, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 5, Image 27

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One-Fifteenth of Nation's Standing Timber la in Six Counties, Gold Beposes in Mountains, Fertile Fields Loom
Everywhere in Beautiful Rogue River Valley and Industries Axe Humming.
. .
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y OLD H1LX. Or, Jan. S. (.Special.)
U Statistically. Oregon is the modern
land of promise. Folks la South
ern Oreeon have the pardonable fail
Ing of believing; that their particular
comer of the delectable land was not
entirely overlooked when Providence
piucd around the trood things. They
back this faith substantially with sta
tistics that are genuine and surprising.
They are no idle visionaries, but plain
ranchers and business men who believe
In the future of the district and are
willing to put their conclusions to the
Timber Wealth Great.
One-fifth of all the standing timber
In the Lmted States is within the con
fines of old Oregon. Here is a hostage
f the future worth considering. One
third of this huge natural wealth
lands in Southern Oregon. Thus six
counties of Oregon the southern tier
possess one-fifteenth of all the stanti
ing timber in the Nation. And this
timber is no common.. stuff, either; it
ts the cream of the world's supply
Klant sugar pine, white pine, yellow
pine. Oregon pine, or fir. Port Orford
cedar and various smaller but valua
Lie varieties.
The territory, of which Jackson
County is a part, scales up to 19.000.
OOO.OOl) board feet of standing timber.
tiiven a capacity of 100.00 board feet
daily per mill. 40 sawmills must labor
for a century and a half to convert this
resource into lumber. Bid your rail
roads make up trains of cars each,
load every train to capacity, and 137.-
71 trains would barely suffice to carry
the converted timber wealth of South
ern Oregon, and .S.267.440 cars would
roll out to the markets of the world
before the present supply of market
able timber was exhausted. The busy
statistician has computed that con
servation of young timber and its nat
ural growth would have prepared the
second mammoth crop long before the
first had become planks and sawdust.
Prospector la PereaalaL
More than halt a century has elapsed
since the genus prospector first made
Ms Mecca the valley of the Rogue,
horn that day to the present at least
t20.000.000 In gold has been salvaged
from placer sand and gouged or
crushed from the quarts veins of the
bills and mountain.
Professor A. N. Wlnchell. field chief
f the Oregon Bureau of Mines and
Geology, says In his published report:
Ttto mineral resources fit the Gold
; - - - '' p
. b' Ad . . I 1
Hill district include building stone,
road material, limestone, shale, clay.
coal, asbestos, mica, mercury. Iron,
copper, silver and gold. They are
varied and important, as well as, for
the most part, accessible from the rail
road which crosses the district from
east to west."
This statement Is largely applicable
to all Southern Oregon. Three vast
copper deposits have alone been ex
ploited and developed the Blue Ledge,
the Waldo and the Almeda. the last
two having smelters. The Blue Ledge
is considered to be one of the most
Important of all known copper depos
its. Near Gold Hill is the Chisholm
copper property, for which Its owner
has refused several flattering offers.
Coal fields of commercial importance
and great area are found in different
parts of the territory, notably near
Medford and west of Grants Pass. Fed
eral geologists say they are worthy of
great development. To the Industrial
future of the region they are of great
importance. Other mineral resources
are in proportion.
-Early in the coming Summer . the
Beaver-Portland. Cement Company; will
w i i ax i in- iiigi m iMiwn a
operate the first active cement plant
In Oregon, at Gold Hill, at a construc
tion cost of nearly 600.000. The plant
will have a maximum capacity of 14UU
barrels of hish-grade cement dally,
and will furnish employment to 70
Within the past month representa
tives of the sugar interests of the East
have visited Jackson and Josephine
counties with a proposal to construct
a S650.000 beet sugar factory at
point In the Rogue River Valley, to be
determined later, on the assurance that
an annual acreage of ;000 will be de
voted to sugar beet culture. The cam
paign to sign up a necessary aereage
undoubtedly will be waged to speedy
and successful conclusion.
Irrigation District Plaaaed.
Realizing the almost vital necessity
of improving fertile, but semi-arid-lands
by systematic Irrigation, a meet
ing of hundreds of ranchers and busi
ness - men. the most representative of
the Vpper Rogue River Valley, was
recently held in Medford, to take pre-,
liminary action for an irrigation dis
trict. As a result of the action started
at thai; time, many thousands of Ore-,
gon acres will soon establish a new
record for productivity.
Anything that grows out of doors in
a temperate clime springs blithely
from the soil of Southern Oregon.
Witness the world-wide fame of the
Rogue River apple and pear. Witness
the profuse exhibits of garden truck.
ennfna t. small f Til i T a of
every variety and the wealth of agri
cultural ana narucuiiurai cauiuilo,
labeled "Southern Oregon," on State
Fair days at Salem.
The valley of the Rogue, proper. Is
peopled with persons who live in
pretty homes.. Trim little bungalows
stand 3emurelv beside every country
road or along the Pacific Highway.
These are prosperous ranches, if their
owners have the slightest gift of man
agement. Each has its orchard, from a
few acres to several sections, but all
the eggs are not carried in one basket,
as the lush green fields of flowering
alfalfa, the ten-foot corn and the
records of hog and cattle exports bear
testimony. - , " .
Opportunity la HIIIs
Leave the main arteries of the high-n-v
however - and fare forth alone a
little creek valley of the nunareas mat
pay tribute to the waterpower or tne
Rogue. Here, too are homes; well
tilled acres stretch out to the twin
ridges, sleek porkers hunt for acorns
everywhere beneath the moss-draped
oaks, cattle that have never known a
l, , n-inls, lift hpaa In stare at the
invader. The creek valleys are the not
inconsiderable arteries that sena vigor
to the main valley below.
Fare farther and . you enter the
smiline quiet of the hills. You are
treading the domain that holds In trust
one-fifteenth of the Nation's timber
supply. From an occasional deer track
in the dust or damp you come upon
Thuv are everywhere, last
,iiit'i evidence of the life that moves
hv dav In tne nr tniCKeis ana ui
manzanita tangle. A ruffed grouse.
loeallv known as the "native pheasant.
whirls in short flight to the hillside.
Tho helmet leads a covey of 20
i .' i -., 1 rnnniTEtern across VOUr Dath
"fccij J - . - -
T tha nhannnral the mountain QUall.
or plumed partridge, breaks cover with
a scurry and blurring beat of wings. A
stream no wider than a stride goes
-. .ii.. nrn a the TtnGTiie Drink
of it it is hill water, chaste and clear
from the leal-roolea laDoraiory hduv
...... The -wntet festH for a moment 1
hv the -fallen tree. If you
look closely you will see them, a score
of mountain trout facing upstream for
the expected ny.- xne mno, w oe.-
.ov with their limitless range and
iA,en' winters cnmDrl9e a stock-
nen-. nai-udise. Thev are . not less
fertile than the valley, nor do they
laow wide stretches of level tillable
loam they are the undiscovered coun
try that awaits the homebuilders.
rrMrn TI nl TTnve Meaninjr.
But a trifle over a year ago the Coun
ty of Jackson set an example ana in
spiration to the cause of good roads, by
voting a 1500,000 bond issue ior
o,.i Ta,.ia TTie-nwav from Siskiyou
Cal., to the Josephine County line.
t.kl A TLXrnr-A and Antral PO ! II t
ir., ore linked by this hard-sur
thnmno-nTAre one ol me mieat
in America. Work on the remainder
will be rushed the coming Spring and
The second road is one or ties ana
steel. Like the first, it owes its in-
; he pntipaA n nl enterprise of
co-operating citlzens the people of
Grants Pass, xen mixes ui .hiuihwv
ly-owned road already have been con
structed toward the Illinois valley, one
of the garden spots of Oregon. Even
tually the road will be pushed to the
coast port- of Crescent City, Cal., af
fording a local outlet to the cheap
water rate of the Panama Canal. This
nd will onen a large area of valuable
and undeveloped territory, as well as
affording competitive water irinsporia
tion to the converted resources of
Southern Oregon. The City of Rose
burg, with the same intent, has voted
$500,000 bonds to assist in building a
road, to the port oi juarsnneia
Viitiir Has' Keys '
The twin keys to Southern Oregon's
hat- tn a nletv the locks
of the' treasure house, are power and
transportation. westerly uiruuBu
counties of Jackson. Josephine and
. v--Dno-ne hiirrieR to the l ILT. 1 II C.
breaking in a tumult of cascades or
I'll- A.weuu "
slipping smoothly down a 20-foot Ian
in a few hundred yards. The Rogue is
i -. . f ., - nwef. and a. crlutton for
tb KIAU, . ' 1 " '- .
service. Engineers estimate the stream
to be susceptible of more man auu.uvj
horsepower development.
1! n.waat- ntwef flinil,!! Tl 11-, UUUUJ
. ei tit thesn the Calrfornia-
Oregon company, with a half-dozen es
tablished, "plants, is the eldest. In
rnlintir the California-Oregon
au&auii ,1,.....
operates a large plant at Prospect, near
the head or tne river, uu uv.
t.. w mtlea east of this city. The
i v. .. n rf Tr-iiii-h servlne in
company aa " -- --
the upbuilding of the valley, supplying
electric current ior ns""5.
service and private irrigation systems.
-. T-. piie niihiin service cor-
J. nts nwBuij " ' f
poration, which succeeded to the rights
and properties oi a oasera Uu.i
smaller companies, is vigorously wag
, - krncn--imme that will bring
rich benefits-to the Lower Rogue River
valley and all Soutnern weguu.
local headquarters of this company are
at Grants Pass.
Big Dam Is Under Way.
A concrete dam, for the development
if 6000-horsepower, now is under con
. nf finid Hill, at one
of the public service corporation s sev
eral oower sites. A unii. mi iue ec
f""0" .. "rnfiriCaLs?rofPtWh1s
power airenuy m .
Jeaver Portlana cement peupic
haa made n nroDosal to the I
-i... Medford now under considera-l
of Medford. now under considera-
iinn hv the City council, to supply mc
1 1 J- V. -p . . . . -he
city with electrical crren ol
v.. .i,T,iinnlitv would be the retailer
i,,e ' ' , , ., .l.
at a 50 per cent Bavins. -
tender be accepted the remaining units
f e,GOlad,HtelvP Tnelden Drift
pleted imld'tiypass wUl be elec-
dam. near Grants Pass, win oe eiei.
m'"SerTorni?rigVone The
.e.u.u -tn ,5 miles in
company has more than 33 mues in
completed ditches In tne vicinity oi
Grants Pass, and the previa-
eludes the construction
TraTntfaotr?hemselver in Southern
SJ".irt&Sl thestlmu-
at on of Industrial enterprise, and a
eene?al awakening. Lower cost of
fransportatTon T means a free entrance,
on terms of equality, to the markets
J the woril
The people of Southern Oregon look
toward 1915 with hope and confidence,
New Railroad, Dry Kilns and Stor
age Sheds Building at McCleary.
ELM A, Wash.. Jan. 2. (Special.)
Most of the mills and camps around
i.-1 heve heen closed for some time.
The White Star has not operated for
several weeks, Dut proDaDiy will start
early this month. The Vance Lumber
rmnenv et l it 1 (in e and the hlz fa.ctorv
and sawmill at McCleary run regularly.
At McCleary repairs uie wjinis xnaae
and a new railroad being built. New
a iriii and Ktoraee sheds at the door
factory win soon make it possible to
work at least part oi me crew an
tv, A rnhehnll Fir Door Comnanv has
orders enough to keep it busy until
SeptemDer. xne oaginaw, ureen v-eaar
and Mack logging camps are making
Mrenemtinnn to resume operations.
The shingle mills will start within
about 60 4ays at least.
Designing, Knowledge of Color and Cut First Essentials for Beginner to Learn and All Products Must Pass In
spection Before Elaborate Work Is Permitted to Students.
Seattle, Jan. 2. (Special.) Why
is a shirtwaist? If you're a
woman, the answer is: "Because." If
vou're a. man. the resDOnse is: None
of your business." One can learn much
about shirtwaists on an excursion
through a woman's garment factory or
a hnma annnnrnln, lohnpfltflTV. but
everyone carefully avoids any question
whicn seeks to arrive at tne oonom oi
the problem. There, are things that
mortals must not know.
Anyway, since shortly after Eve, this
article of woman's wardrobe has been
coming down through the ages, un
auestioned and slighted by the phi
losopher. Hardly a thought has been
given this dainty garment outside tne
secret chambers of Poiret or of women
folks themselves.
True, the lines have changed, yrorn
fluffy sleeves to none at all, from
haoniie effefta nf nleated taffeta tO
snug-fitting waistcoats with a maline
collar, the blouse has flitted. From
navy, taupe, rose and black to Roman
stripes the color scheme has come and
crone. Yet all the world has never
known just why. But the technique
that s another matter. mat is re
vealed by an exploration of the Ae-
netment rtt hnme economics at the
University of Washington.
One Braves Rows of Girls,
t p hA A-wnlnret he feminine the task
Is easy, but If masculine it Is beastly
k.i Tehn(.ai terms and an under
standing of the things to be investi
gated are necessary, hence great em
barrassment upon tne pari ui o. miic
member of the sterner sex. whose
knowledge of the needle Degms ana
ends with Its availability as a surgical
instrument: also smiles on the faces of
, W.- w.w.o.. ii
r-fl! I I i a S ai JJ 1 1 .
Laurelhurst "Women Abong Prime Movers of Plan Which Culminates in
Construction, Completion and Initiation at House-Wanning Party.
The new Laurelhurst Clubhouse, sit-
noted at the northern boundary oi won
- . ... . t .t
rsr, u'i j...,.. -
nnmnieted wa the scene of a house-
,. thot evening. The
, Tuesday evening.
the onnetriiptinn of the beau
tiful buliding were secured by the sale
,f . . , T .,reihri
n III O memuei amua lit -
,h t interested residents of the dls-
furniture was paid for by
" women of Laurelhurst. who have
been working for two years to accu-
. fllnj
The selection of the furnishings was
made by Mrs. J. c. iungusn. mrs. u. j.
j McCutcheon.
V .ace at the end of the ball
The .big Replace at the The
TTr Ve fn nerfect taste. The
decorations for the opening night were
Smith"! clarkriros, and tho Tonseth
Floral Company sent nowera ana 6
wishes. In the clubhouse Is a large
dancing floor, with a balcony overlook,
ing, furnished with tables for card
playing. A billiard-room, kitchen.
lockers and other modern equipment
are found in the building. Dr.
ode the announcements
and. assisted by Airs, neratn s.
Cutcheon, had charge of the function.
The musical programme for after
noon and evening were arranged by
Mrs. Waldemar Lind. Mrs. Ralph
Walker played several of her own com
positions on the piano, and Mrs. Nettie
Taylor, Mrs. lone Townsend Wells and
Miss Nona Lawler sang groups of
songs, with Mrs. James C Ambrose and
Miss Margaret Lamberson as acoom
panista. In the evening Dr. J. D. Fenton.
president of the -Laurelhurst Club,
made a short speech of welcome, and
Mayor Albee, whose home is near the
clubhouse, was called on for a few
"well-chosen remarks." John Claire
Monteith and Mrs. Raymond Sullivan
rendered vocal selections, and Frank
G. Eichenlaub gave two numbers on
the violin, accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. Beatrice Hidden Eichnlanb.
Dancing then was indulged in to a
late hour. '
The following members received the
. Trvtr Y.,ttrvertli
MeSQamcB; . . .... ......... .. .
Herbert McCutcheon A. H. McCunala i
-.fxra Jv r-r $ w.-..-. l. i.( t in,
W .f - ; : : writ V -- t V -v' 4 -y-- .. s W - I t; fill
k-wr Vi ' J
-.- V..-- li Sarf - vi:?f5
rr jsjaJj. MLxrttmM-,.n i . i -
vW9. i uec,.
the members of the class in "shirt
walstlng.'' One youth had the nerve to tread
the paths untrod by man before. He
armed himself with a bit of Informa
tion and jl direction or two. then
plunged resolutely but tremblingly
into the classroom. It might have been
a shirtwaist factory. There were rows
and rows of girls, bending over
bunches of fluffy white material, send
ing the needle back and forth, creat
ing buttonholes or attaching sleeves.
And in front, grim as a factory fore
man (in the eyes of the explorer) sat
the instructor.
In the next- room were still more
girls, these draping their partly
finished products over black forms,
which resembled Venuses in the absence
of arms, but were even more unfor
tunate, being quite headless. Beyond
. v, , ,ere nther fHrin laboring in a
designing room, advanced students who
work out the Harmony oi coioru auu
materials. They were mixing colors
and painting designs on paper for
flowered cloth. (What a blow if the
late Bulgarian abominations were
fashioned here.)
These things were learned, thanks to
the exposition of the instructor.
Upon entering the profession of
blouse producer, the candidate must
e huo-h the elementarv stage
of making plain and fancy stitches in
canvas. If tne apprentice una
experience at home, or In high school.
thi, nerlnd i hilt A d&V Of tWO. Then
the laundry bag is taken up. Not till
the student ha3 succeeaea m proaucms
a bag that mignt pass unannsii
anv ethical laundry, the shirtwaist is
Design Is First Step.
T tDl.,nralDtincr M flrfit A. design Is
drawn. The material and the colors arei
RobenMcBrid. .
F. B. Wire
John Valentine
H. K. Albee
Robert F. Brandon
0wen summers
' w. P. Gnep
t. w Maxwell L. H. Howland
J. O. Humphrey Hulth Glen
T. S. Townsend F. H. Brown
Charles Barenstecber F. G. W entwortn
H. L. Keeney
The following matrons presided at
the table:
Charlea Ringler
Charles H. Steele
Robert F. Brandon
F. . Broadnlght
.1. F.mll Nelson
O. C. Hall
Frank E. Clements
Duane Fellows
Homer I. Keeney
L H. Howland
A. H. McCurtaln
J. . dliltaiikit
The refreshments were in cnarge oi
Mrs. O. C. Holmes, assisted by Mrs.
Ferdinand Reed, Mrs. Irvin Butter
worth and Mrs. J. O. Humphrey. The
young women who served were:
Misses Louise Allenhoff
Lucille Wyman May Thomas
Janet Lauderdale Edith Strowbrldge
Hazel Christiansen Roberta Kllham
Marcla Parker Christian Forbaa
Ruth Young June Williams i
u.,h -npinn Esther ButterwoTth '
Gilberts Allenhoff Louise Hammond
Messrs. Leonard Greer, Nelson Eng
lish and Jack Wentworth also assisted.
Charles II. Pool Is Held Under
$2500 on Complaint ot Woman.
Charle's TT Pool, arrested by Detective
Glenn T. Howell on a charge of having
tried to pass a counterfeit dollar on
Mrs. Emma Crawford, pf 308 H Davis
treeL was yesterday neld under 12500
cash bail to await action by the United
States grand Jury, which meets Feb
ruary 1.
Mrs. Crawrord, who was tne principal
arlfnaaa fltrnlnitt Pool VeSterdaV. Said
that he applied to her for a room.
Poo gave her a dollar, she said, and
she told him she would have to go get
the change. Whereupon, she testified,
Dnnl tnnV hrtld of her. savlnr that she
could not go away with his dollar. She
called an old man wno stays at ner
house, and Pool released her. -Then she
...a 4n a nnllxA nail end Pool who had
IUl 111 fc.w..-w v..,
crossed the street and hidden behind a
billboard, was arrestea.
Later in the evening Detectives mow.
u -,A n an TTnlted Ktnlaa Senret
Service Agent Glover searched a scow
at the foot pi Lverett street, wnere i ooi
- i V.!.
selected. Herein lies the art. Frills
and fripperies are forgotten. Simplicity
in shirtwaists, one leanm. is Jut as
necessary as simplicity In any other
form of nrt. The color, chosen must
blend with the eyes, the hair, the com
plexion. The drslgn must be crested
to harmonize and lit the form. The
material used must be of a quality and
texture that is economical and becom
ing. Ho the three essentials in "shlrt
waisting" are material, color and de-
81 When the blouse has been completed
it Is worn by the model for whom It
was made before a member of the fine
arts faculty for finnl inspection. The
shirtwaist is criticised and the maker
learns her mistakes. Perhaps she weeps
a little; more likely she doesn't If
her mistakes were bnd she goes back
to laundry bags, but If inspection Is
passed with flying colors, there Is the
neaven of party gowns and infiints
clothes waiting here.
Every shirtwaist lies in bond for a
month after it Is finished, to Insure
the department of earnest work. If lh
waist became the property of the girl
as soon as it was made, tho work would
be rushed through and all the One
principles would be lost.
Nearly 630 girls are taking work in
the home economics at the University
of Washington, llany of them are resi
dents of Portland and the vicinity.
They find themselves sadly hampered in
their present one-story, temporary.
, re hut the nnlverMltv has
asked the legislature for $.1(10,000 for a
new and adequate buiiuing, ana in
students are hopeful. If the work were
nneneH tn muictniT shirtwaist, they
might get on fairly well, but this is
only one or ine many useiui mum- n.oi
are learned by students in home
economics. .
had been living, and found portions of
a counterfeiting outfit, including books
on metallurgy.
It Is believed that the detectives
reached Pool's scow Just few minutes
too late to capture an elaborate coun
terfeiting outfit. Poo; is believed to
have had a confederate.
Man Who Violated "VDiinip Xo Gar
bage" Sign Send? Pay to City.
To relieve his conscience, which has
bothered him becauxe he violated the
law by dumping Karbage on a vacant
lot where there was a "Dump No Gar
bage" sign, a man who failed to give
his name, yesterday sent City Healt l
ficcrOfficer Marcellus a 1 bill which
he said was payment to the city for
the trouble he put the city in remov
ing the garbage. ncloed In the letter
accompanying the remittance were two
clippings from a religious paper.
The man who wrote the letter said he
has "become one of God's children" re
cently and was cleaning up all his pant
dishonesties. Dr. Marcellus gave the
dollar to Mayor Albee, who put It In a
fund for charity.
Petition for Probate , of Seneca
Smith Properties Hied.
The netitinn for the probate of the
estate of tho late Seneca Smith, ex
Circult Judge, who died December .
wa filed in County Clerk Coffey
office, yesterday. The valuation of the
estate is ilb.U'ju.
The entire property Is lert to tire
Vtra .Qnaan Hmithwnrth rimith.
by the will, which Is dated April S).
1907. The petition names F. S. Myers.
R. S. Orcenleaf and K. W. Barnes
appraisers. Mrs. Smith is named
executrix. ,
Employes Xow Mut Xot Have Uquor
on Breaths When They Ileport.
Portland's park bureau has gone dry.
Tomorrow It will be a serious viola
tion of rules and regulations for any
employe in any of the parks to have
liquor on their breath when they re
port for work or at any time during
working dHjs. The order has been
issued by Park Superintendent t'oi
vill. There has "been considerable com
plaint that some of (he employ, who
deal with the public in the parks,
have liquor on their breath.