The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 03, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 25

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Wild Bill Sixth Brooklynite of
1899 and 19CO to Be Big
League Manager.
Six More of Xed Hanlon's Famous
Champions. Including Iron Man
McGlnnity, Become Bosses of
Minor Jjemgue Clubs.
kmUi Player. t tsn and 18H Wk.
Han Bmn Managers.
Major Lenawee.
Tleider Jones rli.
. .c'hlraso Whit Sox and St. Uuli Mi
Jluih Jennlccs U.",,, wld,
J-x Kelly.
Jim MeOutre.
HIA Dudovid.
t'leveland aps
.Pronklyn Nationals
.New York Hackees
Minor IfWM
Johnny Dunn Baltimore ( I. L
Tom Daly Providence Jt. L-
Jlmmr ,-herkard Cleveland (A. A.)
Joe ilcOlnnlty --
Newark (E. U) and Taeoma N. L
lene Ke MootreTliie Nr Orleans (. f-
lave cross South Atlantic Leasue Cluo
"Wild BIH" Donovan's appointment
as manager of the New Xork Yankees
adds another of the famous champion
Brooklyn! of 1S99 ami 1300 to the list
of those who have become big league
leaders. Nod Hanlon butlded better
than he knew when he combined the
Orioles and Bridegrooms In the Winter
of '98. for no other team since the es
tablishment of baseball has produced
so many leaders. A brainier combina
tion never wore the spangles, and Han.
Ion msy well be proud of his handi
work. Hanlon frequently remarked up to
the time he severed his connection with
the Superbas that, if the American
league had not raided his team, he
would be winning pennants yet. Of
the score or more players under Han
Ion's management in 189S and 1900. no
less than 12 became managers, six of
Ihrra big leaguers, counting Donovan.
Had MeGraw and Robinson, who were
Included in the Brooklyn-Baltimore
amalgamation, been allowed to Join the
Superbas, Instead of being shifted to
Ht. Louts In order to prevent the Na
tional League from becoming topheavy,
Brooklyn's claim to managerial de
velopment would probably never be as
sailed. As Hanlon had both on his Ori
ole squad. It will be seen that "Foxy
Ned" knew how to select baseball ma
terial. fielder Joaea oa Team-
Fielder Jones, who played center for
Brooklyn In 1900. was the flrst to gain
fame as a manager. He Jumped to the
Chicago White Sox in 1901. and soon
became leader of the sensational "hit
less wonders." who fought the Cubs to
a standstill and won the world's title.
Jones resigned to become president of
the Northwestern League and is now
manager of the St. Ixuis Feds.
Next to blossom forth was Hughey
Jenntngs. who was sent to Baltimore
to manage the Oriole Eastern Leaguers,
and later became leader of the cham
pion Detroit Tigers. Jennings Intro
duced many new wrinkles into the
managerial business, soon becoming the
most-talked-of leader on the American
league circuit. Had he been able to
procure his release from Detroit last
Spring. Hughey would have had the
distinction of succeeding his old man
ager as head of the tiuperbas. Like
Jones. Jennings was manager of a
world's series contender.
Joe Kelly, captain of the Superba
champions, succeeded his old boss as
manager of the Cincinnati Reds, Han
lon going from Brooklyn to Redland.
and being supplanted by Kelly. The
latter had the usual experience of man
agers In Cincinnati, and retired in his
second season to take the management
of the Toronto club, with which he won
n International 1-eague pennant.
JMrGutre BloiMMK forth.
Jim McGulre. who. with Duke Far
rell. divided the catching honors of the
Brooklyn pennanters, blossomed forth
as manager of the Cleveland
two or three seasons ago and. while
he did not win a flag, he made the
Naps prominent contenders for a while.
He later became a scout.
Bill Dahlen, shortstop in 1900 and
later with the Giants and Yankees, had
the distinction of being his old man
ager's successor, being leader' of the
Brooklyns up to this year.
On the list is Bill Donovan, one of
the few pitchers to gain prominence In
tlia managerial line. Bill was a tyro
In the championship years of the Su
perbas, being farmed out on divers oc
casions until he Anally overcame his
wlldness and became one of the stars
of his time. Bill Jumped to the Detroit
Tigers and pitched them to two pen
nants. Last season he was given the
management of the l'roldence Grays
and led them to the International
League championship. His almost in
stantaneous success msy win him the
appointment In New York.
Dsn a Wise Pitcher.
Another former Superba who very
rearly became a big league leader is
Johnny Dunn, now president and man
ager of the Baltimore Internationals.
Johnny was talked of last Spring as
probable leader of the Yankees, but the
deal fell through. Dunn was one oi
the headiest twlrlers that ever curved
a ba 11. He Invented several tricks of
the game, most Important of which was
the 'sacrinee killer, a play that is in
vogue at present. It consists of the
shortstop chasing back the runner on
second when a sacrllice hit is on tap.
making the out at the third easy. Dunn
was one of the fastest fielding pitchers
of his time, and engineered many s
headv Dlav with the "sacrllice killer.'
Iinnn won a oennant managing the
Orioles and would have repeated last
vear. bnt for the Federal League oppo
sition, which practically put the Ori
oles out of -business, forcing him to
sell his stars to the big leagues.
Tom Daly, the veteran second base
man, who Jumped the Superbas and
then returned, managed the Providence
team a season or so. with ordinary suc
Sherkard Has Ambitions.
Jimmy Sheckard, prise left llelder of
1900 and prise grasshopper later, had
managerial ambitions with tha Chicago
Cubs, but was beaten to It by Johnny
Kvers. Sheckard finally became man
ager of the Cleveland American Asso
ciation club last year and may yet
graduate to snalor company.
Jo. McGtnnity. the "Iron man" or
that rreat Hanlon machine, managed
the Newark Indians until Boss Kbbets
xatned control. Joe was In commtiw
f the Tacoma club or tne xsortnwest-
Iaarue last season.
Gene be Montreville.' shortstop of the
1899 Superbas, blossomed forth as a
South Atlantic and Southern League
mimnr. his last sit being New Mr
Irani Lave Cross, third baseman, also
wound up his career as a manager in
the Southland.
, .1 Pnnnlv I'nnnll in Its S1S-
Mtl-al abstract for 1!1?-13. the
rniMmn concminf Undn: population.
. inhahlfMi hou.CS. STS.UOUI birth
r;e.'j.i a looo: death rate. li a 1000
T - .0 fvV
; - - t .
:-:." ::',:'
Big Athletic Year Expected
Only in United States.
War Halts All Brandies of Athletics
in Belligerent Countries for at
Least Year Hitting Figures
Higher in Bascbail"Vorld.
author season, of great athletic ac
tivity throughout the United States Is
looked forward to in the year of 1915.
Although International contests, such
as were featured during the past year,
have been halted on account or ine
war. National and sectional sports and
competitions undoubtedly will continue
to Increase.
sshodula makers in scores or spun
are busy compiling tho lists of dates
and events for the Spring.. Bummer
Autumn and in almost every instance
there is only one reply to the question
regarding the outlook. "Greater than
previous years," is the keynote.
Apparently, sport in an i
and professional angles has taken a
manding hold upon
though only isolated dates in
rowing, football, tennis and golf have
been announce!. theMrend of sport s
clearly defined. The boom, which ia
carrying the American of a I ages and
both sexes into the open. Is still far
from its maximum develPmenV.h,.
National events and championships
also will take an added Importance,
since they will not suner ""'"',
son with Internationa.
foreign fixtures of greater raditl onal
merit. In fact. America will have al
most a monopoly on sport, since few
If any of the European nations or
their colonies will have either time
ln . .. nmnatitlon or pas-
or inclination w
times next year. ..,,
. ,i of the various English
sport-governing bodies clearly fore
..... ,v,- temporary abandoning of an
Henle? r.tta and the Oxford-Cam-limit-j
i . ,nary mt over
Polo Is out of the
bridge boat races
i or a jr.., - .r,i.
question and tne iiuj..eU
championships most unlikely. Chal
lenxea from this country for matches
for the polo trophy or the Davis cup
will not be even iusk"'"
Z. .m, TV. challenger for the
America's cup. and the prospective de
fending yachts. Defiance. Resolute
.rTanitV are all housed for the
Inter, and 11 is uuukh-a " "
tne quartet wet a keel next Summer.
Nineteen hundred and fifteen will be a
great year for American sport, but it
will be iniennumi
A comparison of the- averages for
1914 and 1913 shows that most of the
major league players who J""?'
the Federal League last W inter or
Spring Improved their hitting In the
independent league over the figures
earned wnue wn'i -it
ball leagues. This is not iruo i -
the players, several of whom entered
a slump soon after Joining the Fed
erals. The following averages for
1914. as compared with the same play
ers's hitting in the big league in 1913,
tell the tale
Crandall. . . .-.
H iff man
Dtxi!an. ......
R arid en
Knabe. ......
M. Brown.,..
Seat on
Falkenberg. .
Yamhill Team Would Like to Be in
Proposed Semi-Pro League,
SHERIDAN. Or, Jan. 2. (Special.)
The announcement of the proposed new
semi-pro league which ts to be launched
next Spring has aroused Intense Inter
est here among the local baseball fans.
It Is toped that Sheridan will receive
Fed- Xa- Amerl-
eral. tionaL can.
.J.-.4 2':;
.3.1.1 ' .2iT
.312 .306
.311 S
..-.11 322
.nil .233
.Siix .28S
.291 .229
.27 .10
.277 .27
.23 240
,2V .SIT
9 .... .290
.230 .!"
.214 .240 ....
a .23 ....
"S .204 w...
rto3 . 2S2 ....
.Kn .273
.212 .24
.200 .109 ....
.ISO 119
.14 .133
.ISO 12
.i:a is
an invitation to Join. Sheridan takes
on semi-prj talent In Portland every
year, last year breaking even with the
Piedmont Maroons and the Randall-All-Stars
and winning the champion
ship of Polk and Yamhill counties from
Dallas. In the past four years Sheri
dan has claimed the championship of
the Willamette Valley in semi-pro cir
cles twice.
Sheridan also has a good ball park,
and Is but little more than three hours
out of Portland.
Boxers in Three Classes Proposed to
Meet Winged SI. Slen.
Frank Harmar, chairman of the box
ing and wrestling committee of the
Multnomah Club, received a list of box
ers and their weights yesterday from
the Seattle club for the meet between
the two clubs in Portland January 22.
Three boxers and two wrestlers will
be sent by the Sound city to do battle
with the Winged M men.
in the boxing men in three classes
were listed, and Harmar has the privi-J
lege of matching men against xnem or
demanding other entries. The Seattle
men are Val Sontag, at 158 pounds;
Claude Fortner, 145 pounds, and Floyd
Ray, 142 pounds.
Otto Runche will be one of the Se
attle wrestlers sent down.
The interclub meet between the Spo
kane club and the local club at Spo
kane has been postponed from January
8 to January 15.
As a consequence the interclub meet
between the Multnomah Club and the
Walla Walla Amateur Club will not Be
held until January 16. The boxers
who represent the Winged M club at
the Spokane meet will appear also
against the Walla Walla boxers, with
the exceDtion of Vincent Monpier. He
and Jack Wagner, of the Armory Club,
will furnish the main event at walla
Walla. Dudley Evans is arranging the
card for the meet in the Eastern Wash
ington town.
PubUc Pays $84,576 at Iavls Cup
Games and Expense Is $30,000.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. The report on
the financial side of the international
Davis cun tennis "matches, lust issued.
shows that the public paid 384.576 in
admission fees and for programmes in
Chicago. Pittsburg, Boston and New
Gross receipts at Chicago, where tne
Australians met the Canadians, were
,7913. At the matches between -the Aus
tralians and Germans at Pittsburg tne
amount paid was 35906. At Boston
the receipts were 313.390 for the finals
between the Ausralians and British.
The greater part of the receipts, 357,-
367, was taken in at Forest Hills. Long
Island, for the challenge matches, in
which Norman E. Brookes and Anthony
F. Wilding, the Australians, capturea
the cup from the American defenders.
The expense of staging the matches
was about 330,000. Of the gate receipts
the Australians received $23,748. The
American Association share was $17,
811. There was no waste, as even the lum
ber In the stands was sold and the old
tennis balls disposed of as souvenirs.
Purchase Price of Eddie Collins
' Record in History of Game.
Baseball furnishes Its vivid contrasts
in individuals as in plays and business
deals. The- purchase price or JMioie
Collins is variously estimated at irom
$50,300 to $100,000 cash, the record
price in the history of the game. The
day Connie Mack sold Collins to the
White Sox for a stupendous amount,
the Cadillac club of the Michigan State
League disposed of three .300 hitters
for the ridiculous price of $150.
Young and Sharrock went to Kan
sas City, while Penner was turned over
to S3ginaw. While these three rolled
into one might not begin to make an
embryo Collins, it must still be remem
bered that a short year ago almost any
300 hitter would have brought at least
$500 on the big league market.
Pitcher Joins Golf Club,' but
Can't Enter Tourneys.
Portland Organization to Live I'p to
Change in By-Law Proposed by
Cnited States Association
Barring Professionals.1
Byron Houck. big league ball pitcher,
knows how Jim Thorpe felt when the
Amateur Athletic Union took away all
his Olympic games tinware upon dis
covering that he had played profes
sional baseball. Byron recently sent In
his application for membership to the
new Portland Golf Club and was voted
Into the inner circle, but there was a
In notifying him of his acceptance,
Harry H. Pearce, secretary, said that
because of his affiliations with Profes
sional sport, he would not be eligible
to compete in any of the club tourneys
or as a representative of the club In
interclub matches.
In other words, the new Portland
organization expects to live up to the
proposed amendment to the by-laws or
the United States Golf Association,
which specifies that "Anyone who is or
has been a professional in any branch
of athletics" shall not be classed as an
mateur In golf.
Houck Is Surprised.
Houck naturally was surprised: for
baseball professionals and professionals
from many other branches of sport
have always been recognized on tne
links. , ,
"Mr. Ward, president of the Brooklyn
Federals, who Is my employer, has a
room full of golf trophies." explained
the former University of Oregon ball
star. "Frank Dillon, manager of the
Los Angeles baseball team, takes part
In all the tournaments of the San Ga
briel Golf Club.
"The same is true of numerous for
mer baseball men in the East. It s all
Greek to me why I should be barred
from golf tournaments because I am a
professional in some other line of ath
letics. I certainly don't play golf like
a professional golfer."
Houck is an enthusiastic golfer and
has played over nearly all the big
Eastern courses. Jack Coombs and
"Chief" Bender Initiated him into, the
mysteries of the midiron sport when
all three were members of the Philadel
phia world's champions. ,
Presumably golf helped their Jump
ing muscles, because Bender and Houck
subsequently Jumped to the Federals,
Houck being with Brooklyn and Bender
with Baltimore.
The new amendment to section 7 or
the United States Golf Association rules
defining an amateur, in full is as fol
lows: An amateur is one who does not accept
money or the equivalent thereof, directly or
Indirectly, In his association with the game
of golf, the ollowing- exceptions, however,
being specifically stated:
1. For writing about or reporting tne
game of golf. .
2 Firms or corporations which in tne
general conduct of their business sell sup
plies accessories or carry out designs neces
sary' to the welfare of the game of golf.
S. Wagers on the same.
Specific violations will be:
(a) . Playing or teaching the game or
golf for money or Its equivalent.
(b) Personally making or repairing goll
cluba. golf balls or. other articles for money
or its equivalent.
Use of Name in "Ads" Barred.
(c) Accepting pay for services after reach
ing the age ot 16 years as caddie, caddie
master or greenkeeper or accepting money
or its equivalent for laying out or construct
ing, supervising or giving advice respecting
the laying out, construction or upkeep ot
golf courses or permitting name or likeness
to be used with or without compensation,
directly or indirectly. In the sale or adver
tisement of anything pertaining to the game
of ajolf.
(d Anyone who is or has been a pro
fessional In any branch of athletics.
Provided, however, that any person who
Is or becomes Ineligible by reason of this
by-law may be .reinstated by giving to the
executive committee of the United btatea
Golf Association satisfactory evidence of
meriting such reinstatement.
Nothing herein contained shall require the
reinstatement as an amateur ot any person
In good standing as such on the 8th day of
January, 1915.
Foreigners will be accepted as amateurs
if properly accredited from their home clubs
or golf associations as such under the rules
prevailing In the country from which they
Xine Slembers of Board of Directors
to Be Chosen January 1 6.
Waverly Country Club will hold Its
annual election January 16, at which
the nine members of the board of di
rectors will be chosen. The nomi
nating committee will make Its report
to Secretary Sargent and then the elec
tion will be the next thing.
Several members of the board of di
rectors are said to be on the new list
selected. The present officers are: Ed
ward Cooklngham, president; Victor A.
Johnson, vice-president; H. A. Sargent,
secretary and treasurer; Gay Lombard,
Robert H. Strong. David T. Honeyman.
James D. Hart, Donald W. Green and
Richard Wilder, members of the board
of directors.
Dallas Guardsmen to Play.
DALLAS. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.)
Company L. Third Infantry. Oregon Na
tional Guard, has organized a basket
ball team. Many of the old Dallas stars
are in the line-up. "Pebo" Shaw is in
the city and will have charge of the
to. -n.rl Fenton. former University
of Oregon star, will be in a soldier's
uniform during the coming season.
J. Norval Gates, Walter Ballantyne,
Al Morton and other celebrities com
menced working out Dallas is the
center of basketball for this state, and
for years has put out a team that has
defeated all comers. An effort is being
made to send the team to the Panama
Pacific Exposition.
The Commercial Club is considering
the matter and fans are doing their
best to aid
Council to Hold Open Sleeting.
There will be cards and dancing,
with union music, at an open meeting
of Council No. 2227, Knights and
Ladies of Security, at Moose Hall. Mor.
rison and Broadway, Friday. January
8, at 8:30 P. M.
lllllSHllix ' Stv5:
mmmmammij j ,
mmmmmmmmmm) rZ ' V x
mmmmmmi rr -v&
!iiSiiiiiliH;.?!f Usm : '
fv t " f i '
t .i'CL I f,V v --
iu mm, uhiu I
Head of Brooklyn Feds Bares
Details of Negotiations to
. End Baseball War.
One Player's Skull Fractured Whem
2000 Spectators Join Row Between
Ottawa and Locnl Teams.
CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 2. The third
game in a series of hockey matches be
tween the Cleveland Athletic Club and
the Ottawa University broke up tonight
in a riot when 2000 spectators crowded
onto the ice as a result of a dispute
between players, with less than two
minutes left to play.
Five members of the two teams were
severely hurt, one, Elmer Irving, right
forward of the Cleveland team, so se
riously that he was taken to a hospi
tal. . His skull was fractured. It was
said. His recovery is said to be doubt
ful. Redmond Quain and James Bur
nett of the Ottawa team, also were in
jured, as were Coddy Winters and Clar
ence Jamieson, of the Cleveland seven.
Rivalry between the two teams has
been intense. Cleveland was leading
by a 2-to-0 score. Last night's engage
ment, ended in a 3-to-3 draw, while
Thursday the local boys' were 2-to-l
Goal-tender Doran, of the Ottawa
seven, has been arrested on a charge
of assault to kill.
Xational Hockey League Xotes.
Five thousand persons witnessed the
opening game of the National Hockey
Association in Ottawa last Thursday
night, when the Ottawas vrop from the
Ontarios, 4 to 1. A general mixup
was prevented when a portion of the
crowd jumped over the railing and
tried to get at two of the hockey play
ers on tho ice who were handling each
other rather roughly. Duford and
Howard McNamara rolled around on
the ice, but the spectators were pre
vented from entering the melee by be
ing driven back by Leseuer and Ronan.
lost to the Wanderers of Montreal. 6
to 2 at Torontov Ottawa walloped
Ontario 4 to 1 at Ottawa, and Quebec
downed the Canadians 8 to 7 at Mon
treal. Leseuer. who now plays goalkeeper
for Ontario, is the man that was slat
ed to play wtih the Portland Uncle
Sams. . At present he has a record of
having 12 goals scored against him in
the National Hockey Association, and
i w contests have been played.
Mitchell, the Portland goal tender, has
had 17 goals registered against, mm i"
four affairs.
Following are the players who are
appearing in the Eastern J-eague.
Ottawa Benedict. Merrill, Shore,
Gerard. Broadbent. Darragh.
Ontarios Leseuer. G. McNamara, H.
McNamara, Ronan, Skinner, Smith.
Canadians Vezlna, Dubeau, Lavio
lette. Smith. Berlanquette. Pitre.
Quebec Moran. Mummery, Hall, Ma
lene, Ritchie, Crawford.
Wanderers Goal, McCarthy; point,
Prodgers: cover point, S. Cleghorn;
center, Hyland: left wing. Roberts;
right wing, O. Cleghorn.
Torontos Goal. Holmes: point. Mar-,v..n-
Mver-nnlnL Cameron; center.
Vnvnton: left wing. Walker; right
wing, Wilson.
Thomas Murphj- Accused or Swind
ling W. F. Eder Out or $290.
Thomas Murphy, horse trader, was
arrested yesterday afternoon on a
charge similar to that upon which he
was indicted in 1912. The case at that
time was settled out of court. W. .
Eder. of 248 Page street, charges that
Murphy swindled him in a horse trade
by making him pay 290 for a pair of
horses and equipage that, he says, are
worthless. Murphy was taken in cus
tody by Detectives Coleman and Snow
at the Union Transfer Company, 129
North Eleventh street.
The complaint was filed exactly a
month after an anonymous letter was
received by District Attorney Walter
H. Evans telling him that Murphy was
re the standings of the nneratinir In Portland. The letter pur
Innrted to have been written by
Wanderers . . .
Canadians ....
In last T!
.2 0 16 8
..2 0 8 2
.. 1 1 6 8
.. 1 1 9 11
.. 0 . 2 T 15
. . O S 10 12
woman wno saia sne uu "'""--in
a horse trade.
Murphy's bail was fixed at $500.
m. main anchor of the German liner
Imperator Is the largest in the world,
weighs 'JB.44S pounds.
Outlaw Official Says Hope of Peace
Was Slight, but Stories Were
Circulated to Keep Minors
In Old League Camp.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2. Robert H,
Ward, president of the Brooklyn Fed
eral League club, who is vice-president
of the Federal I-eague. In a state
ment tonight made public some of the
details of the fruitless pence neotla:
tioru with organized baseball early in
the Winter, l-'lrst peace overtures, he
said, came -from "Mike" Canllllon.
owner of the Minneapolis American
Association club, whose proposition
was for the Federal teams In tho West
to enter the American Association, and
those. In the East to merge with the
International League.
This suggestion was lnstanlly turnea
down by the Federals. Mr. Ward said,
and Mr. Cantillon then brouRht Into
conference, first in New York In Oc
tober, and later several times In Chi
cago, Charles Weeghman. of the Chi
cago Federals, and August Herrmann,
chairman of the National commission.
Mr. Ward said three distinct propo
sitions were made to him to buy the
New York Americans at the same time
that an option was given to Mr. Weegh-
wan to buy the Chicago ruationais.
Feda Demand Recognition.
vtr Ward said he was willing to
purchase tho Yankees and Mr. Wcrph-
man the cubs on conumun ni
Federals be admitted as a major longm-.
There was little chance for pcin-u st
any time, Mr. Ward said, but talk along
that line was widely clrculsrtvcl by or
ganised baseball in order to keep I""'
minor leagues quiet at the anni nl
meeting of the Nations! Association or
Minor Leagues In November.
Regarding the attempt to arrange a
sale of the Chicago club to Mr. Welsh
man, Mr. Ward said:
"There were several meetings between
Messrs.1' Weeghman and Herrmann In
Chicago, and to aid In pacifying tha
minor leagues eager to enllft with the
Federals, there was spread broadcust u
story of Mr. Weeghman's contemplated
desertion of the Federal League to he.
come prinrlpal stockholder In the t'nhs.
This bluff of 'breaking the Federal
League' quieted the minors, but Charles
W. Murphy hopped forth and assorted
himself In a manner that left no donhl
In the minds of the fans regarding tho
system which has prevailed In oigsn
Ized baseball.
Federal lane Permnnenl.
"The Federal League Is a permanent
Institution In baseball. It may be con
sldered expensive, but we will continue
to build on a foundation of stralghtfori
ward dealing with the public and har
mony among the club owners. Because)
It is so unlike the organized hsseTsil
system, some men cannot understand
why we can hope to succeed. The public
seems eager for the change. If 1 mt
judge from tho comments in recent
Ban Johnson, president of the Amer.
lean League, tonight denied Mr. Wards
statement that three propositions had
been made to Mr. Ward to buy tho Yan
kees. "A suggestion was made to me to
permit Mr. Ward to buy Hie Yankees,
but I quickly said 'Nothing doing."
Mr. Johnson said. "Everybody know
my stand on the Federal League situa
tion. From first to last. I took the
stand that no Federal Leaguer could
come Into the American League. 1
raid then that if the National League
intended to permit tho Federal Leagu
to buy several of their clubs. It was
their business; but the American
League would never tolerate any fed
eral Leaguers in our circuit."
Portland Boys Clearly Outclassed.
ag 56-C8 Score Indicates.
STEVENSON. Wash.. Jan. 2. (Spe
cial ) The liveliest basketball gam"
ever played In the town of Stevensoa
was pulled off In the High School gym
naslum tonight, when the 8t.ven.c4
High School team defeated the Lincoln
High School, of Portland. f6 to -'8.
The game was fast and furious froan
the start, but it was evident at all
times that the local team had the Vlsr
ltors outclassed all the time..
Pacific Bowlers l ead at Albany. ,
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. LJ-rSpeclal.)
The Pacific Telephone Company teaia
continues to lead In the -l'
the Albany bowling league. The teams
. l ... knnrhail than St
are now more cium.v . - - ---
any time in the race.
Telephone Company
Hauler Brothers . . .
Golden Rule
The standings
Played. Won. Lost. Pft.
7 17 10
;;.':'7 14 is .m
.. :'7 n i '
.27 II M .H1
,.:7 12 15 .'
-7 11 1 "7
Second place is the highest ever attained by any of the managers of
the New York Americans. In only four years since the Yanks enlisted
in the American League in 1903 has the club copped a berth in the first
division. The statistics follow:
1913. .
.. 134
.. 151
.. 149
.. lit
.. 148
.. 154
.. 151
.. 152
.. 152
.. 151
.. 154
Won. Lost. Pet Pos.
72 62 .537 4
92 59 .617 i
71 78 .477 C
90 61 .596 2
70 78 .473 6
51 103 .331 8
74" 77 .490 6
88 63 .583 2
76 76 .500
60 102 .329 8
57 94 .377 7
70 84 .455 6
Clark Griffith.
Clark Griffith.
Clark Griffith..
Clark Griffith. .
Clark Griffith.
Clark Griffith-Norman Elberfeld.
George T. Stallings. -George
E. Stall! ngs-Harold Chase.
Harold Chase
Harry Wolverton.
Frank L. Chance.
Frank Chance-Roger Peckinpaugh.
Tied for sixth place with White Sox. '
t t-AJLfJ I
Victorious Again
Ten of the motorcycles which entered the New Year 's Endurance run
were equipped with Firestone Tires.
Ed Berreth, one of the ten, with an Excelsior machine made a perfect
score. '
Not a single one of the ten riders experienced any tire trouble.
Firestone Tires Stand the Test
"America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers"
Home Office and Factory: Akron, Ohio -Branches and Dealers Everywhere
rataUa value.