The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 27, 1914, Section One, Image 1

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    66 Pages
Section One
Pages 1 to 16
Six Sections
Berlin Reports Attack
by Sea and Air.
Bombs Dropped Near Vessels
lchored Near Cuxhaven.
German. Account Says Airships and
Aeroplanes Succeeded In Hitting
Three of Enemy Admiral
ty Maintains Silence.
-v BERLIN. Dec 26. (By wireless to
Sayvllle, N. T.) The German Admir
alty made the following announcement
"On December 25 eight British ships
made a dash into a German bay.
Hydro-aeroplanes, convoyed by them,
made an advance against the mouths
of German rivers and dropped bombs
' near ships lying at anchor and a gas
tank near Cuxhaven without hitting
them or doing damage.
British Reported Hit.
X "The hydro-aeroplanes were fired at
and withdrew in a westerly direction.
German airships and aeroplanes re
connoitered against the British forces
and succeeded in hitting with bombs
two British destroyers and one other
vessel of the convoy. On the latter
fire broke out.
"Fog prevented acontlnuation of the
The announcement by the German
Admiralty of an attempt by BriUsn
warships against the German coast is
the first intimation of what appears
to be a reply to the recent attack by
German cruisers against the English
seaports of Scarborough, Whitby and
Hartlepool, the British authorities hav
ing as yet made no mention of this
Kibe and Weaer Indicated.
From the reference to Cuxhaven in
the German announcement It would
seem that the German rivers Indicated
but not named were Elbe and Weser
Cuxhaven Is a fortified city of Ger
many, 68 miles west-northwest of Ham
burg. It Is at the mouth of the estu
' ary of theElbe.
The approximate distance across the
North Sea from the English coast to
Cuxhaven Is 860 miles.
Jewish Callers Present 1 5,0 OO Rou-
bles for Use of Army.
MOSCOW, via Petrograd. Dec. 25.
The members of the Russian Imperial
family, who have been here for several
days, departed tonight, the Emperor
setting out for the battle front and the
Empress Alexandra leaving for Tsar-skoe-Selo
with their son and two
daughters. .
The Imperial guests today visited sev
eral hospitals and the Emperor In
spected the military school. At the
Kremlin Palace, the Emperor received
several delegations. Among these were
various religious associations belonging
to the orthodox . faith and delegates
front Jewish congregations, who paid
their homage and presented j5,000 rou
bles ($7500) to be used for army needs.
Two Hagenbecks Slain In Battle.
ST. LOUIS. Dec 26. Word that Lo
rens and Henry Hagenbeck, the well
known menagerie owners of Germany
have been killed In battle was received
today by George Dieckman, president
of the St. Louis Zoological Society.
Rear-Admiral Fletcher Confers
With Secretary Daniels on
Naval Parade.
WASHINGTON. Dec 28. Twenty-one
modern battleships flying the Stars
and Stripes will follow the Oregon, the
old bulldog of the Navy, through the
Panama Canal, when the Atlantic fleet
goes to participate in the opening cere
monies of the Panama-Pacific Exposi
tion. Rear-Admiral Fletcher, commanding
the fleet, conferred with Secretary
Daniels today on this and other sub
jects. No decision was reached as to
whether a flotilla of destroyers also
should make the trip, but the battle
craft and their requisite colliers, re
pair and supply ships will make an
Imposing naval parade.
The Atlantic fleet will leave New
York about January 15 for Winter
maneuvers at Guantanamo, Cuba. Ships
in Southern waters will Join the fleet
there The vessels which go to the
Pacific will return to Hampton Roads
about the last of February.
Zeppelin Makes Its First Demon'
stration Against French City.
PARIS. Dec 26. A ZitnuKn tHu
dropped 14 bombs on Nancy, killing
two and woundlne two civilian Sev
eral houses were damaged but the pub
lic buildings escaped.
This was the first Zenrn-l
a hostile French city. Nancv
of 100,000. about 10 miles from the
oerman rrontler. The Berlin official
announcement of today said that Ger
man airmen had thrown TTld Inm.nivoH
bombs Into the outskirts of Nancy in
retaliation for the throwing of bombs
by a French airman into an unnnmc-ri
German village. .
PETROGRAD, Dec. 26. Eight per
sons were killed and 100 wounded at
Sochaczew, Poland, by bombs dropped
from a German aeroplane. One bomb
fell Into the middle of a crowd. The
market place was set on Are.
PRUSSIAN J.0SS .703,000
Total German Casualties Estimated
at 1,50 0,000; Austria na Same.
LONDON, Dec. 26. (Special.) The
Daily Mail's correspondent at Copenha
gen received on Saturday German cas
ualty lists numbered 101 to 108, which
contained the names of 35,883 killed,
wounded and missing officers and men,
bringing the total Prussian losses to
703,032. The Bavarian losses ar so
heavy that it may be calculated that
nearly half their army is out of action.
The German losses to date, including
those not yet published, may be set
down at about 250,000. dead, 400,000
missing and 850,000 wounded, bringing
the total to about 1,500,000. About
25,000 officers have been killed and
25,000 officers wounded, but only 4000
officers are missing.
According to information from
Vienna, the Austro-Hungarlan casual
ties are calculated at about 1,500,000
officers and men killed, wounded and
Austrian Harbor Protector Is Un
doing of French Submarine.
LONDON. Dec 27. A steel net
stretched across the entrance to Pola
Harbor, the great naval port of Aus
tria, proved the undoing of the French
submarine Curie, says a dispatch from
the Milan correspondent of Lloyds
In company with other submarines
the Curie was attempting an entrance
into the harbor to torpedo an Austrian
squadron at anchor there. The Curie
had penetrated to the harbor bar when
she collided with the net. An Austrian
merchantman gave the alarm and the
forts opened fire.
Two shots struck the Curie, which
slowly sank. The captain and crew,
with the exception of one officer, swam
clear and were captured.
g ' J
. : i
Germany to Demand
New Consular Status.
London Thinks Minister Whit
lock Will Be Affected.
Authorities on International Iaw
Distinguished Between Civil and
Military Rule "Consent of
Governed" Is Lacking.
LONDON, Dec. 26. British authori
ties were advised today that Germany
had announced its refusal to recognize
the exequaturs of British Consuls to
Belgium. This is regarded as prelimi
nary to Germany's formal taking over
of the government of Belgium.
It is believed here that refusal to
recognize Brand Whitlock as United
States Minister to Belgium would fol
low as a matter of course. Spain also
has a Minister to Belgium whose. status
would be questioned in the same man
Ambassador Page Not Advised.
Ambassador Page is without official
information, but it la said he Is keep
ing the State Department at Washing
ton Informed as to reports reaching
London concerning the situation.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 26. The United
States Government at a late hour tonight-had
received no notification from
Germany that American Consuls, origin
ally accredited to Belgium, would be
required to obtain new exequaturs or
certificates of authority. Until such a
notice is communicated and its form is
examined, high officials said the Ameri
can Government would be unable to de
termine a course of action.
Delicate Questions Involved.
Officials here regarded the points .in
volved as of a delicate character and
would say only that they would atudy
various precedents before reaching a
decision. "
In reply to a question recently as to
the status of Brand Whitlock. Presi
dent Wilson replied that Mr. Whitlock
would of course remain American Min
ister to Belgium, even though he left
the country indefinitely.
Mr. Whitlock Is now In Brussels deal
ing unofficially with the German mili
tary authorities, but Is accredited to
the Belgian government, whose seat is
at Havre, France.
Consuls' Status Complex.
The status of consular officers who
have specific districts In which to exer
cise their authority may present a more
complex problem. There has been no
general understanding in the past on
this phase of the subject, but the pre
cise meaning of the term "occupation"
was established in a definition adopted
by The Hague ' conference of 1899, to
which the United States as well as all
the principal countries of the world
were signatory. By that definition ter
ritory is regarded as "occupied" when
it finds Itself placed in fact under the
authority of the '..ostlle army. Occupa
tion extends only to those territories
where this authority Is established and
In a position to be exercised.
Under that definition there would be
no doubt that the German government
had occupied a large part -of Belgium;
but writers In International law have
drawn a distinction between a military
and civil occupation.
Consent of Governed LackJas;.
In the case of the former the author
ity exercised by the invader is entirely
different from that exercised by the
(Concluded on Page 6.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY S Maximum temperature. 41.2
degree; minimum. 38.8 degrees.
TODAY' S Occasional rain; variable winds.
War works havoc with art lite of France.
Section 1. page 3.
Germany's demand for new exequaturs
from Consuls In Helglum raises delicate
diplomatic question for United States to
solve. Section 1. page 1.
Fog hampers war operations on western bat
tle line; French make gains In Alsace on
Christmas. Section 1. page 2.
Sight British ships. convoying hydro
aeroplane, attack German coast. Section
1, page 1.
Germans abandon attacks along Bzura, but
report successes on Plllca. River. Section
1. page o.
Maytorena raises siege of Sonora. Section 1,
page 6.
Woman tells of 'escape from Mexican mob
an 1 denounces Wilson policy. Section 1,
page tj.
Mexico on verge of famine. Section 1.
page 6.
Poorly planned uprising in Philippines put
down on Christmas eve. Section 1. page 1.
Twenty-one battleships to trail Oregon
through Panama Canal. Section 1.
page JL
Scope of Federal Inquiry Into philanthropy
widened. Section 1. page 4.
Death stalks with cold wave that sweeps
over Coast, Middle West and South. Sec
tion 1. page 1. .
Civic Federation reports on proper limita
tions of ''free speech." Section 1, page 5.
Ninety-three Indiana politicians. Including
virtually every official of Terra Haute,
Indicted for election frauds. Section 1,
page 7.
Development of auction system of selling
fruit described. Section 1. page 4.
Coast League directors to meet to reorganize
and attend to other business. Section 2,
page 1.
Beavers may train at Tucson, Arizona, with
22 men. says McCredle. Section 2, page 1
Llght-welght football championship to be
nettled today. Section 2. page S.
Objections of Coast League players cause
McCredle to release Chinese. Section 2,
page l.
Stars of sportdom caught by camera. Sec
tion 2, page 2.
All Europe watches deeds' of Carpentler in
war. Section 2, page 2.
Portland Uncle bams trim Victoria hockey
team, 8 goals to 1. Section 2. page 1.
Gearhart links may be envy of Coast, Sec
tion 2, page 4. -
racific Northwest.
Normal School at Monmouth grows In grad
uates from 26 to 107 in three years. Sec
tion , page 10.
Washington Legislature promised busy ses
sion. Section 1, page 11.
Washington "wets" would put prohibition to
vote again. Section 1. page 7.
Mr. Habcock urges changes in compensation
act. section 1. page 12.
Estimate . of state's expenses for coming
biennial is $802,075 greater than that
lor 1H13-1B15 period. Section 1. page 7.
Suit alleges Seattle's maintenance of part of
lAke Burlen Hallway la illegal. Section 1
page 12.
Jury trying Roy Farnum on statutory
cnarse falls to agree. Section 1, page 11,
Asphalt testing plant at Corvallls proves
oenetlclal. Section 1. page 10.
Commercial and Marine.
Higher prices paid for wheat In country mar-
- iteiik secD'iin, page jo. -..
Difficulty in obtaining -supplies lifts grain
at cnl'aigo. bectlon 2, page IX.
Wall-street stocks advance In final hour of
session. Section 2, page 11.
Bad weather baits jetty work temporarily,
Section 2, page 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
News staff of The-Oregonian has Christmas
night Jinks. Section 2, page 12.
Midnight mat'.nee by Theatrical Employes
promises great tninga. section Z, page 12.
Portland firm to build all or part of 1200
take-down" bungalows for Belgium un
der (5V0.O00 contract. Section 1. page 13.
Senator W. Lair Thompson urges fight by
Western States on Ferris water act before
Congress. Section 1, page 15.
Ex-Judge Seneca smith dies suddenly in
nij Tutn year, section 1, page 4.
Mazama party to enjoy Winter sports on
Mount lloou. bectlon 1, page lo.
German Society in Portland devotes large
sums to philanthropy. Section 1, page IS.
Great Rosarlai excursion to depart for San
Diego Fair tomorrow at midnight. Sec
tion 1, page 14.
Fund of fuOOO subscribed for relief work
exceeds record Section 1, page 14.
Weather report, data and forecast. Section
2, page 11.
Mllwaukie lays plans for water plant to cost
about XHO.OOO. Section 4, page 8.
Original Draft of Tirst Serious At
tempt at Xovcl" Included.
NEW YORK, Dec 26. (Special.)
The sale is announced, of part two
of the library of Robert Louis Steven
son at the Anderson Galleries, January
25, 26 and 27. .
One of the most interesting of the
manuscripts is an original draft of
what the sale catalogue calls "his first,
serious attempt at novel-writing," the
title of which is "The Hair Trunk, or
the Ideal Commonwealth: an Extravaganza."
BadlyPlanned Uprising
Quickly Put Down.
Rebel Now in Hongkong at
Head of Movement.
Nationalist Frees " Accuses Rival
Politicians and Hints Some
Americans Are Concerned in
Effort to Kill Jones Bill.
MANILA, Dec. 26. Disclosures of the
checking by American authorities of
an uprising of Filipinos set "for Thurs
day night were made today. Eight ar
rests have been reported, with more to
follow. Christmas eve had been
chosen by the conspirators in the belief
that the Army officers of Amerlcanar
rlsons would be engaged in prepara
tions for celebrating the holiday.
Warning was given that 10,000 Fil
ipinos in Manila alone planned a con
certed attack on Fort Santiago, the
Cuartel Espano, the Cuartel Infantent
and the Medical Department. Acting on
this Information, the military officers
Instituted a patrol of the streets at
dusk and took other measures of de
fense. Secret Set-rice Discloses! Plana.
It is disclosed that secret agents of
the Filipino constabulary who are mem
bers of the secret societies disclosed
the plans for an uprising, thus enabling
a force of constabulary and police to
disperse gatherings at Bagumbayan,
Paco and Navotas, near Malabon.
The uprising was conducted mostly
by followers of Artemio Rlcarte, a
revolutionary .now in Hongkong, to
which place he was banished by the
officials several months ago. Its fail
ure was due in part to poor organiza
tion and lack of good leadership.
Filipino Governor Captnred.
Reports from Navotas, a town six
miles north of the capital, say that si
multaneously with the outbreak at
Manila on Christmas eve 80 men entered
the "municipal building, slezed three
policemen on duty there and ineffectu
ally tried to open the safe.
La,ter the Filipinos seized several at
tendants conducting midnight mass and
also captured the Filipino Governor,
Meleandres. When reinforcements of
police arrived the revolutionaries fired
a volley and then retreated. Later they
encountered another force of police
with which they exchanged shots and
in this engagement the constabulary
succeeded in arresting 10 men.
In all 21 Filipinos were taken pris
oners at Navotas.
Sailors Fight With Chairs.
At Galoocan a aquad of American
sailors seized chairs when a force of
Filipinos approached a dancehall in
which they were quartered and, using
the chairs as weapons, routed the Fill
pinos, of whom several were wounded.
Reports from the provinces tell of
minor risings and occasional violence,
but details from these sections are
The nationalist newspapers accuse
the other political parties of fomenting
the revolt and they also hint that some
Americans were concerned in it in an
effort to quash the Jones bill, which
contains provisions for a greater meas
ure of self-government for the islands.
The authorities are In full control of
(Concluded on Page S.)
Saturday's War Moves
NEITHER the Austro-German offen
sive operations against the Rus
sians nor the allies' attacks on the Ger
man line in the West have made any
appreciable progress, although the
fighting continues along the greater
part of the two fronts with unabated
Intensity. In both cases the attacking
armies appear to have run full tilt
against what seem to be almost Im
penetrable lines.
The Germans in their official report
announce that they have ceased their
attacks on the Bzura River, which, with
the Russian masses behind it, stands
across their direct path to Warsaw.
They are now trying to find a way to
the Polish capital along the course of
the Pillca River, which Is a considerable
distance south of Warsaw.
Fog has Interfered with the battles in
Flanders, but along the French front
the Germans have been delivering
fierce counter attacks in an effort to
throw off the pressure which the allies
are exerting. In these, as In the at
tacks of the allies which preceded them,
the losses on both sides have been con
siderable, but naturally heavier on the
side which has been attacking.
The slowness of the allies' progress Is
explained In London as being due to
the refusal of the general staff to sac
rifice a great number of soldiers. They
are satisfied with gaining a series of
small successes by means of artillery
practice which in time, it is pointed
out, should prepare the way for a gen
eral forward movement.
According to information from Con
stantlnople, the Turks, under advice of
the Germans, aro fortifying the shores
of their territory in the Gulf of Saros
and on the Sea of Marmora, indicating
that they expect visits from the allied
From Berlin comes an official report
on authority of the German Admiralty
of a raid by British warships on the
German coast. Cuxhaven. a fortified
seaport, and adjoining territory seem to
have been the object of the British at
tack In which eight ships and a num
ber of hydroaeroplanes.
No details of the raid are given, be-
yond the statement that German air
ships! and aeroplanes succeeded in
throwing bombs on two British de
petroyers and one other vessel of the
convoy, the latter being set on fire.
Germany has replied to the French
aeroplane attack on & village and the
dropping of . bombs on the open town
of Freiburg with an attack by German
airmen on the outskirts of Nancy. Re
garding this operation a Paris dispatch
says a Zeppelin flew over Nancy and
dropped 14 bombs, "killing two persons,
wounding several and slightly damag
ing houses. This is the first report of
activity by a Zeppelin against a French
Avlona, Albania, has been completely
occupied by Italian forces, according to
a Rome dispatch. The . government
buildings were taken over by the Ital
ians without untoward incident.
Unknown Robber Killed, Chief of
Police Shot and Others Wounded
CLEVELAND, Okla.. Dec 26. An un
known robber was killed. Chief of Po
lice Fenton was shot through the leg
and two other citizens were wounded
in a battle here tonight following an
attempt to hold up 20 men in a pool
Fenton was passing the place and
happened to see the men Inside with
their hands up. The Police Chief stood
in the front door avd emptied his re
volver at the robber, who returned the
fire, wounding the three men.
Full Time Operation Affects 7 000
Workers In Massachusetts.
MANCHESTER. N. II., Dec. 26. No
tices announcing a resumption of full
time in all departments were posted
in the factories of the W. H. McElwain
Shoe Manufacturing Company here to
day. Seven thousand employes In the
local shops will be affected.
Only part of the plant has been run
ning recently, and not on full time.
Low Records Broken in
Middle West.
Two Dead in Chicago, Two
Others Cannot Recover.
'Old-Fashioned" Winter Returns to
New England, and South Exper-
lences It, Too Lakes Alone
3 fay Enjoy Relief.
CHICAGO, Dec. 26. (Special.)
Death and widespread suffering fol
lowed in the wake of the coldest
weather of the year, which swept
down on the Middle West yesterday
and continued all last night and to
day with practically no abatement.
Two men are dead in Chicago as a
result of four - degrees - below - zero
temperature, and many others suf
fered frozen hands, feet and ears.
Two of these victims, picked up un
conscious, are so badly frozen that
they cannot survive Others must
submit to amputation of feet, hands oa
AH Trains Are Late.
Incoming trains wero all late, be
ing unablo to make speed or keep
the cars warm. Trouble with tele
graph and telephone wires was also
reported from various directions, the
sudden cold snapping some wires. The
cold wave also caused numerous small
fires In this and other cities.
The poor of the city suffered In--tensely.
Hundreds crowded all the re
lief stations and in tlyo missions and
shelters big fires were kept going
night and day and coffee was sup
plied the homeless and jobless ones
who applied.
Weather Office Warant Spot.
The official forecaster's station was
the warmest spot In the city: His
thermometer registered four degrees
below zero, but Government instru
ments in the streets showed six to
eight degrees below, and in the suburbs
13 -below was reported. Down the
state temperatures ranged from 15 to
18 below.
It was the coldest December 26 In 11
years. The spread of the cold Wave,
which originated in the vicinity of
Whlto River, Canada, where 4 6 below
was the mark yesterday, is wide. It
has now reached the Atlantic seaboard.
New York reports tho coldest weather
of the season, near tho zero mark, and
a 30-mile wind that cut to the mar
row. December records for cold in
Northern Pennsylvania wero broken,
Corry registering 30 degrees below.
Philadelphia reported the coldest. De
cember 26 in more than 40 years.
Old-Fashloned Winter Comes.
New England Is experiencing "one ot
the old-fashioned Winters," which had
almost passed out of fashion except in
story books and in the melodrama.
Barre, Vt., lias 5U below, Northfield,
Vt., and Ogdensburg, N. Y., each re
ported 32 below, Albany, N. Y.. had 16
below and Syracuse, N. Y., had 12 be
low. The West and Northwest aro also
exceedingly cold, with little promise of
relief. Iowa has 24 below, whilo 10 to
20 below is common all over the West.
Wyoming, Minnesota and North Dakota
are vieing with Western Canada for
records running from 20 to 40 and even
more below zero. Many of these lo
calities have been under successive
snows for the last fortnight, so they
(Concluded on Page ;.-)