The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 06, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 48

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Methodist Episcopal Congregation Prefers Bungalow-Auditorium to Heavily Mortgaged Edifice and Awaits- Funds to Realize Desire.
THIS is an eventful day for, the
-Rose City Parle Episcopal Church.
.It Is a day of great rejoicing- and
thanksgiving", tor the congregation; that-
has met for the year and a half of its
organization in "the Rose City Park
clubhouse will . move into its ner
building-.. The lot is paid for, the money,
is provided for the payment of the
unit that has been finished- There is a
large concrete foundation for the per
manent edifice and over It is an artis
tic bungalow-style auditorium, which
will be used for church meetings until
the money for the large building- shall
be gathered together. The growth of
this church has been remarkable. The
pastor, the Rev.. William. Wallace
Youngson, came to Portland from a bis
prosperous Eastern church and' 18
months ago he held his first Bervice
in Rose City Park with a handful of
residents of the district attending. Now
the attendance is several hundred
every Sunday and the enrollment of
the Sunday school is 340. -
The morning- service will be simple,
but the evening- will be given over . to
an elaborate musical programme. In
the Sunday school there will be spe
cial services. The chorus will siii& -and
ine orchestra will take part in the pro
gramme. Dr. J. Earl Else is superin
tendent of the school and Mrs. Else has
charge of the junior department. Mrs.
Florence E. Inalls is superintendent
of the primary department and William
H. Ney has charge of the adult depart
ment. During the Summer the school
gvnw fo rapidly that it was necessary
to erect a huge tent as a meeting" place.
.Now the children will add their songs
of gladness to the general theme of
thanksgiving that will prevail.
The complete programme for to
night's service, beginning at 7:45
o'clock-, includes;
Prelude, "Larghetto," from "Second
Sonata" . . . ; .Guilmant
Chorus. "The Radiant Morn Hath Passed
Away" Woodward
'The Evening Hour"
The Pastor.
Hymn, :Day Ts Dying- in the West" . Sherwin
'The Pilgrim's Hospice"
The Pastor.
"I'm a Pilgrim. I'm a Stranger" .G. W. Brown
Women's Quartet.
T h e L-ord a Prayer
(,'horus, "The Earth Is the Lord's
Caleb Simper
"The Restaurant Violin"
The Pastor.
Violin solo, "The Lost Chord". . . .Sullivan
Mrs. Watson.
Chorus, "The King of Love My Shepherd
U" Shelly,
Soprano solo, ".Not a Sparrow Falleth"..
M'.s Hamilton.
Offertory, Vision" Rhelmberger
Hj run. ".Saviour Again to Thy Dear
Name" 'Ellerton
Chorus. "How Beautiful Upon the Moun
tains" . C. Austin Miles
Postlude. "Marche Pontificale". . . .Tombelle
Director, Mrs. W. O. Schmidt; organist,
lieu la Ii Schambs Tobias.-
The chorus members are:
Sopranos, Mrs. Ramford, lire Cross, Miss
Rhodes, Al rs. Ralph Walker: altos. Miss
Gibbet, M iss Thompson. Mrs. Ralph Torrey ;
teuors Or. Pcbl. Mr. McCutchan, Mr.
.N'cy; bass. Mr. Piatt, Mr.' Crews.
minster Presbyterian Church at 6:30
P. M is to be an unusual meeting to- i
niernt, Mrs. Henry Marcotte leading:. I
Special invitations will be out for atr
tendance at this hour. The evening
church service wiil fce a young: people's
hour, the pastor. Dr. Henry Marcotte,
delivering a special sermon to the
young; people. The Christian Endeavor
Choir also will take part in this serv
ice. Miss Kffie Baird is the president
of the society and Miss Frankle
Coykendall has been active in; the
preparations for the three-day confer
ence, ...
'' '
The Hope Presbyterian Church bazaar
will be held in the Public Market build,
ins. Second and Yamhill streets. De
cember 8. The bazaar will be an all
day affair.
An event of interest was - the "at
home" griven by Dr. Boyd Monday even
ing1, November 30. The new assistant
pastor. Rev. Charles T. Hurd( ami Mrs.
Hurd, who arrived in Portland lately
and are associated with Dr. Boyd in
the work of the First Church, were the
guests of honor. Elders of the church
acted on the reception committee and
many members and friends of the con
gregation enjoyed the informal social
hour from 7:45 o'clock to 8:30. Dr.
Boyd gave an illustrated lecture on
"My Impressions of Constantinople."
Dr. Boyd is planning to repeat his "at
homes' at Intervals through the Winter.
Dr. Loveland to Begin New
Series of Sermons.'
"'hrHt, Tench er of Spirituality;
Uhnt Is Iff" to He Topic Tonight
at Klmt MethoulNt Cliurvh.
Funds Campaign Starts for
Sunday Schools
Worker Hold Meeting in Y. M. C.
A. and Hear Reportn and Talks.
of the First Methodist Kpiscopal
Church, Twelfth andiaylor streets, will
deliver the first sermon in his new
series on "Sunday Kvening Hours in
the College of Christ." tonight at 7:30
o'clock. His subject will be "Christ, the
Teacher of Spirituality: What Is it?"
This series will be a postlude to the
"Sunday Kvenlng Journeys" given by
Dr. Loveland during November.
"What is spirituality; what does it
consist of? is it simply emotion; is It
ultra-orthodoxy; is it an attachment to
a . creed or a sect; or is it that
relationship that runs through all crea
tion, unifying, inspiring, ennobling all
who allow themselvt-s to be possessed
by the divinity that seeks habitat
everywhere?" These are questions
v hi eh Dr. Loveland will discuss and
The musical programme for Sunday
will be as follows:
Morning Prelude, andante, Humper
dinck: anthem. "1 Will Sing of Thy
Power" Sullivan ) ; quartet; chorus,
"J etuis. My Savior. Look on Me"
I Xevin); offertory, litany of All Souls"
day (Schubert); postlude, march (Sulli
van). Kvening Organ recital, 7 :10 to '7:U0
o'clock; prize song from "Die Melster
fclnger" (Wagner); andante, "Oantablle"
t Tsthfl iskowsky ; chorus, "My Soul
Longeth" (Marnton); anthem, "Sun of
My Soul" Salter); quartet; offertory,
"Doniine Deus" (Rossini); postlude,
' march from "Die Meistersinger" ( Wag
ner). Professor M. 1 Cushing. of Heed Col
lege, will play the organ at both serv
ices Sunday.
i rir't :-'
The Rodney-avenue Christian- Church,
corner Rodney avenue and - Knott
.street, will hold Us annual C. W. B. M.
rally today. A programme has been
prepared for the evening- services to
consist of speeches and recitations
from the women and the little folks.
The music ha.- been under the direc
tion of Mrs. Ira Kimmons and will be
exceptionally good. The morning, serv
ice also will be of a missionary nature,
the subject of the sermon being "The
Dignity of Missions."
The I .ad i .' Aid Society of Trinity
Methodist Church, Kast Tenth and East
Shrrman streets, will hold a bazaar in
the church Wednesday afternoon and
evening. Art "aluminum demonstration"
will be given and luncheon will be
Dr. C. I-;. Rarker. of Washington. D. C,
will deliver a ' lecture tonight in the'
f ongregatirnal Church. Dr. Dyott will
return from Salem to preside at the
service, btit the principal talk will be
ly Dr. tiaiker. who represents the in
t rrnatioiiH I committee of the Young
Men's Christian Association.
I Co race l. Kamsdalt will deliver an
address on the American Red Cross be
fore the Woman's League of the First
Congregational Ohun'h, Li the church
parlors, at 2 o'clock Tuesday. December
i. The public is invited Vo attend.
The Chinese Mission of the Metho
dist Church soon w.ll be taken over
ly the First Baptist Church and the
mlhsiori will meet in ilie building at
Twelfth and Taylor streets. Rev. Asa
Sleeth hns chaigc of the mission now,
but it is expected that a Chinese pastor
will be appointed and he then will be
come an assistant to Dr. Frank L.
Loveland. ....
The Christian Women's Board of
Missions will have charge of the ser
vUcs at the Central Christian Church
tonight. It is the custom of the Chris
tian Church to ailaw one Sunday in
ti.cli year for the women of the mis
sionary society to give the entire pro
gramme. The women of the First I'nited
"Brethren Church will hold their annual
taza;.r leck-mber 16 to 1 9. The place
will be announced later.
The endeavor service of the West-
A" FINANCIAL campaign for the Ore
gon State Sunday School Associa
tion was launched l"a the Young Men's
Christian Association on Tuesday,
when a- 'meeting - of Sunday school
workers was held. B. Lee Paget was
chairman. A. F. Flegel spoke of the
work of the -.. Oregon State Sunday
School Association. I. JB. Rhodes, state
secretary of the Young Men's Christian
Association, gave his ideas concerning
the importance of the work. . Frank K.
Mayer, field secretary of the Interna
tional Sunday School Association, gave
some- interesting facts, saying that
there are 2,500.000 men in the Sunday
schools of the United States; that there
are 1115 Sunday schools in the State
of Oregon. More than 9000 babies are
enrolled in the cradle rolls. There are
5000 in the home department.
The state association is a co-operative
organization of all the Protestant
Sunday schools in the 34 counties. The
association last year reached 8500 peo
ple, representing not less " than 400
schools. In -its conventions." The asso
ciation stands for the plans and po4i--
cies or each denomination in relation
to its denominational schools.
"The Secret of Methuselah's Long
Life." in which is emphasised "that
living near to, and with nature, con
tributes to longevity, happiness and
prosperity" will be the text of Dr.
Perry Joseph Green at Temple of
lrutn, Jailers building,, today and to
night. Mr. .Streyffeier will sing a solo
accompanied by violin obligato, Harry
Parsons, violinist, at the evening serv
ice to which the public is given a
cordial invitation. All services are free.
Dr. Hinson will preach at 11 o'clock
today at the White Temple, on "The
Second Coming of Christ," taking for
his theme. "The Resurrection and the
Return of Jesus." A special hymn
written by the pastor, will be sung
by Mrs. Virginia S. Hutchinson at the
close of the sermon. The ordinance
of the Lord's supper will be observed
at the close of the morning preach
ing, when all the new members of the
church will receive the hand of fel
lowship from the pastor.
Dr. Hinson will continue the series
of sermons on Christian Science at
7:30 P. M.t and will endeavor to show
that Christian Science means the de
struction of Jesus.
: The -ordinance of baptism will - be
administered at- the evening service
in this church.
The Women's American Baptist Mis
sionary Union of Portland and vicinity
held its regular quarterly meeting in
the Lents Baptist Church Tuesday.
The meeting was called to order by
the president, Mrs. James F. Failing,
and after the devotional exercises, the
regular order of business was taken
up. As the roll of the churches be
longing to this union was called, 13
of the 18 churches responded with re
ports, which showed progress along
every line of missionary work. The
women are especially interested in
mission work among the Italians and
Chinese of Portland.
Miss Purcell, a missionary, who has j
just arrived to work . at the Italian
Mission as Rev. F. Sannella's assistant, '
was introduced The study books is- '
sued by the United Society, and the
missionary magazine Missions were
found to be generally used because of
the most good derived therefrom.
Several foreign missionaries were
present. Mr. Ecvall from Thibet gave
a talk on hi3 work among the Chi
nese. After a luncheon served by the
women or the Lents 'church, the wo
men of the Grace. Baptist Church, of
Montavllla, furnished the programme.
Following the singing of a hymn
Mrs. Kcvall, for 23 years a missionary,
spoke of her work among the Chinese
women of Thibet, and after a duet by
Mrs. Matlock and Mrs. Schwabauer, -Dr.
Hutchison, of the Third Presbyterian
Church, gave an address, using as his
theme "1 he Propagation of the
Gospel Throughout the World in Rela
tion to the Coming Kingdom."
The church was well filled with in
terested women.
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Dr. John H. Boyd to Deliver
Picture Sermon.
Copien of Three Famous I'sttntliiKM
to He Shown at Kiriit l"relyterlau
Chureh Tonight.
Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church, at the
corner of Twelfth and Alder streets,
will give another picture sermon to
night at 7:30 o'clock. The title of this
sermonMs "Lessons From the Allegories
of lilla Hugh Vedder." By special per
mission photographs have ' been taken
of three of the artist's paintings and
reproductions will be thrown on the
canvas by the stereopticon and held
throughout the discourse. The pic
tures selected are "Lazarus," "The Soul
Between Faith and Doubt'- and "Satan
Sowing Tares." Dr. Boyd's picture ser-
4nons have proved popular and as this
perhaps will be the last, no sittings
will be reserved for the Sunday night
At the ' morning s'erviceV at . 10:30
o'clock, Dr. Boyd will continue his
series of sermons on "Religion and the
Modern Man." Today's subject is "Re
ligion Which Will Satisfy the Modern
The current events class of the First
Presbyterian Church has asked Profes
sor Arthur Evans Wood, of Reed Col
lege, to present "The Problems of Un
employed Labor" before the class Sun
day morning immediately after - the
preaching service, in the main audito
rium. The class is open to the pub
lic. The Good Fellowship Brothers of
Mount Tabor M. K, Church held a busi
ness and social meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Wheeler, 90 Kast
Sixty-second street, on Tuesday even
ing. After the business meeting a
short programme was rendered, con
sisting of readings by Misses Roark
and Green, vocal fcolo by Mrs. Stella
Garner Hutchinson and a piano solo
by Miss Helen Wheeler. Refreshments
were served and a social hour followed,
during m wltich everyone joined in an
old-fasliioned -community sing.
The Deaconess Aid and Women's For
eign Missionary societies of the Mount
Tabor M. E. Church held their regular
all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. E.
T. Peterson, 1W3 East Main street.
Wednesday. Miss Florence Twidwell,
a deaconess, gave a sketch of evangel-
istic work in the Coast Range Moun
tains region. Miss Cora Hosford and,
little Catherine Grout sang. The pastor.
Dr. Eldridge, gave a short address on
motherhood, emphasizing the necessity
of an educated as well as a spiritual
motherhood. . ,
The Boosters of Mount Tabor M. E.
Church will entertain at the church,
corner of East Sixty-first at Stark, on
Tuesday at 8 P. M An enjoyable even
ing is promised by this young men's
club. -
At the midweek service of Mount Ta
bor M. E. Church a short talk on Ger
many was given by the pastor. Each
Thursday at 7:30 P. M. short talks on
the various nations involved in the i
present war will be given. Everyone is
welcome. .-.--!
In the Piedmont Presbyterian Church i
the pastor. Rev. J. E. Snyder announces
the following series of sermons on
"Facts, of Life": - ' -
, 11:00 A. M . December ii, "Tb Fact of
I Pain and Suffering"; December 13, Th
J Fact of Sin and Sorrow"; Decemotr 2ft. "The.
Fact of Christ"; December -7, "The Fact of
Eternal Life."
7:30 P. M. 'December , "The New
Birth" ; December 13, "The Victory of
Faith"; December 20, "Christmas Sotir Serv
ice by Choir"; December 27. "Another Mile
. ,
The- Ladies' Auxiliary of St. John
Baptist- Catholic - Church. Milwaukie,
will hold k ' two days" bazaar' and
Christmas sale, December 8 and 9, at
the Grange Hall, Milwaukie. Noon din
ner and 6 o'clock supper each evening
will be followed by music and a' pro
gramme. Everybody is welcome. Take
Oregon City or Milwaukie car. First
and Alder, every hour and half-hour.
The annual dinner and bazaar of St.
Paul's Episcopal Church will be held
on Tuesday in the Hale .building. Kern
Park station and Foster road, opening
at 2 F. M., with dinner served at 6
P. M. There are many earnest workers
in the church and they have prepared
an interesting bazaar.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Sunny-
side Congregational Church will give
their annual supper in cafeteria style
Friday evening.
-Sunday Church Services.
Meettn& in the old Oddfellows Hall. East
Sixth and Alder streets l.:4o, Berean Bible
lesson. "The Time la at Hand" ; 3, public
discourse. VThe School of Christ,1' by Nor
man M. Lewton ; 4 iliO, praise and testimony
meeting: 7.' is raver service; 7 :0, discourse
by C. V. Field. ' - ..
. -' baptist. :; -
' First. White Temple. Twelfth and' Taylor
streets Rev. "W. B. Hinaon. D. t., pa tor.
tf:4.. Bible school:-classes -for all ages; 11,
oreachlne by Dr. Hinson; theme, "The Res
urrection and the Return" ; 6 :S0," B. J Y. P.
C; 7 :r0,-: preaching by Ir. Hinson ; theme,
"The Destruction of. Uesus toy Christian
Science.". ;
Kast. Side. Kast Twentieth .and ?Ankeny
fctreets Rev. WV.O. Shank, pastor. 10, Sun
day school;-11. preaching by the pastor;
theme. "Growth in Grace" ; :30, B. Y. P.
I'.j 7:30. preaching by the pastor; theme, !
"tilorv Be Cnto the Father."
East Forty-fifth Street Rev. A. B; Waltz,
pastor. . p:45. Sunday school; 11, preaching
fov the pastor; theme. "The Wings of th
Mornina"::30. B. Y. P. t.; 7:30. preach Si
by the pastor;" theme. "Good Taste.'!
Arleta Rev." W. T.'S. Springs, pastor.
9:45. Sunday .school; 11,- preaching by th
east or: trteme.. ''True Kindred" ;-tt:13, B. Y.
P. U.:- 7:30. oreachlna- by the pastor; theme,
"Jesus , of Nazareth Passeth - By.".
Calvary, East . Eighth and -Grant 'streets
Rev. Walter Duff, oastor. : 10, Sunday school;
11. preachinK bv the pastor: theme,-" "Bap
tism, of Christ':' 6:30. B. Y.. P. L.: ' 7 :30,
preaching by the pastor; theme. "Separation
of Christ's Church.-" Good Will Sunday
school. Boise avenue.- at 3 o'clock. ' -
Ients itev.. J. M . Nation, pastor. .10,
Sunday school: 11. preaching by the pastor;
theme, "The Portion of the Wicked"; 6:30,
B. Y. P. t : 7 :30. nreachinjc by the pastor;
theme. "The Crosses and the Joys of Chris
tian Service."- ,
. Third. Knott street and Vancouver ave
nueRev. J.- Webley Beaven, pastor. 11
home .department; day; saojeet of sermon
by the pastor. "The Need of Bible Study
in the ' Home: 7:30. preaching service;
theme. "I Ouht to What Does It Mean?"
by Rev. I- A. Woods. D. D.-
Hiehland. Alberta. and East Sixth streets
North. 9: 4.1. Sunday school; 11 and 7:80,
preacliine by Rev. : Charles. F. Mielr 6:S0.
B. Y. P. 'U.
Tabernacle Rev. J. C; Tibbits. pastor. 30,
Sunday school; preaching services. 11 and
T:30. ' ' - , ' '
Italian Mission. Kast Kighteenth and Tib.
belts- streets Rev. Francesco .Sannella, pas
tor. -10. Sunday school; 11. in serv
ices; 7. pastor's circle (prayer srviue); 8.
preahin service;. 10:30, short sermon for
jia-llsh.-3pakins; people; 7:30. preachinc
et. Johns Rev. E. p. Borden, pastor.
Services, 11 and 6.
Khno HclKbta. lents Sunday school. -:30
o'clock.. - 1
Swedish.. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets
Rev. F. Jjlndea. pastor. Preaching-, 10:4j
and 7:30; Sunday cnool. 12 noon; B. Y. P.
C, . 5. ; v . t '
rniversMy. Park Rev. a. C. Saxton. pas
tor Sundas -school, lOj 11, preaching by
the pastor; 41:30. B. Y. P. U.; 7:30, preach,
lng by the pastor. -
. Seeond derma n. Morris street and Rodney
avenue-r-tev. - Frederick : Buerrman, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45; preaching. 11 and 7:30;
B. Y. p. U.. T
Grace, ' Montavllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. Sunday school.. . 1 :45 ; services, 11 and
8r B. Y.- P. U.. .6:45.
Mount Olivet,: HeventTa and Everett streets
Rev, W A. Magott. pastor. Services. 11
and 8; Sunday-school, 12:80.
Chinese Mission, So3 Burnaide street Sun.
ay school, 7t J. O. M atone, superintendent.
Russellville eohoolhouse, under auspices of
Grace Church, Montavllla -Sunday school.
2:15. .
First, 1 German, Fourth and MM streets
Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. t Services, 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school. 9:45. -
Sell wood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave
nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching,
11 and 7:30; Sunday school, lo; B. Y. P. U
Holy. Cross, . University Park Rev. C, R.
Finuer. Low mass, 8:30; high mass and
sermon, 10:20; vespers and benediction, 4.
St. Michael's. (Italian). Fourth and Mill
streets Jesuit Father. Low mass, 8:30;
high -mas ' and -ftarmon, 10.30; 1 vespers r.nd
benediction, . 4 :9.
Immaculate Heart of Mary.- Williams ave
nue, and Stanton street Rev. W. A. laly.
Ijow miRt d. S and 9: high- maes and ser
mon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, :30.
St. Francis. Bast Twelfth street between
Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low
trrass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vea
l-era. Instruction and benediction, 7 :to.
Holy Rosary, East Third' and Clackamas
streets Very Rev. - H- II. Kelly. O. P. Low
mass. 6. 7. S and 0; hlh mass and sermon.
ii ; vespers ana oeneuictian. 7 :fu. un tne
first Sunday of the xnopth rosary procession,
sermon and benediction, 7:30; third Sunday.
sermon, procession of the most bjessed sac-
rauient, aoa Deneaiction, - :aw, every jnurs
day evening, holy hour from 7; SO to 8:30.
Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and
Williams aveuue - Redernptorlst - Fathers.
Rev.- jVseph A Chapotan. pastor. Low mass.
tt and 8; high mass ana. sermon, lu:3o; bene
diction. 7:80. -. - .
St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev.- Thomas K tern an. Low mass,
6; high, mass and sermon, . 10; vespers, in
struct ion and benediction. 7:30.
-St. Lawrence's,. ThlrtV and Sherman streets
Rev. J. H. Huches. Low mass, 6. 8 and O; I
; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers, in
struction and benediction, 7:oO.
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and
Davis' streets Most Rev. A. Christie, I. I.
Low mass, 6, 8 and 0: high mass and ser
mon. 11; vespers,- instruction and benedic
tion, 7:45.
St. Rose. Fifty-third and Alameda-1 Rev.
Cornelius A. Maher. Low mass. 8:30; high
mass and sermon, 10; vespers, instruction
and benediction, 7:80.'
St. Clare's (Franciscan Fathers), Capitol
Hill Rev. at ran, O. F. M. Low mass at
7:80; high mass and benediction at U:15.
' First.: Everett between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth' streets Services, 11 and 8; sub
ject of lesson-sermon. "God the Only Cause
and Creator"; Sunday school, B:4o and 11;
Wednesday evenlnr meeting, 8.
Second. East ' Sixth street and Holladay
avenue Services. 11 and 8; subject of les
son sermon.- "God the Only Cause and
Creator": Sunday school, 9:45 .and 11;
Wednesday evenlnr meeting, 8.
: Third.. East' Twelfth and Salmon street
Services. 1 1 and : subject of lesson ser
mon. "God the Only Cause and Creator";
Sunday' school. , 11 and 12:15; Wednesday
evenlnir meetlna. 8.
Fourth. - Vancouver avenue and Emerson
hstreet -(Services, n and 8; subject of les
son sermon. .. "God the .Only Cause and
Creator": .Sunday school, 9:45 and 11;
Wednesday evenlnr meeting, 8.
Fifth. Mvrtle Park Station Services, 11
sublect of lesson sermon. "God the Only
Caune and . Creator"-; Sunday school, 9:30;
Wednesday evenlnr .meeting. 8.
First. Park and Madison Rev. L. R, Dy
ou, minister. 9:50, Bible school; 6:.'K. Y. P.
S. C. E-; 11, Ir. Orore E. Paddock; 7:45,
Dr. C. hi;- arKer, wasnington, u. c.
Laurel wood Rev. C. b. Johnson, pastor.
11. "The Been and Unseen"; 7:45. "The
After-Dinner Talks Made by Business Men in New Coarse Deal Largely With Proposals to Succor Needy Dur-
ing Winter and Co-Operatioa With Associated Charities.
Rev. Mr. Paddock to Preach
in Dr. Dyott's Place.
Pa1or ' of Kirst f an&rrcntlnna I
Churck to Speak a Klka' Mrmo
rlal at SaJem Thia Morning;.
superintendent ot home missions
for, Oregon, -w-ill occupy' the pulpit of
the First Congregational Church this
morning. Dr. Dyott will be absent
this morning as he lias gone to Salem
to preach at the Klks' memorial serv
ice at 3i30 o'clock. . He will return
to Portland, however, in time for the
evening service In his church and will
preach on "What Think Ye of Christ?"
An especially fine musical programme
will be erlven in the First Congrega
tional Church morning and evening.
. .
Beginning this afternoon at 3 -o'clock,
Florence Crawford will give a series
of four Christmas talks' in the Tyrolean
room' -of the Hotel Benson. The topic
for this afternoon is "Blessed Is She
That Bellev-eUi.",' Mrs.' Elizabeth Bond
will ing "To a "Crocus." one of the
garden songs . recently published by
Mrs. Crawford and Edith Haines
Kuester. Mrs. Grace Stratton will be
the accompanist.
These lectures are open to all. Mrs.
Crawford has been lecturing each Sim
day night during the past three months
in the Public Library auditorium, but
her work has been transferred to the
Benson Hotel for the Winter.
linmiliuijiu . n 4,1,11 mw.jiMtlwajaji''
Ba--' ii " ..ii" fTfaattriiri fm rinffi ii mrnuntmimii mtmwm((ii "" r"J
PL.ANS for co-operation with the As
sociated Charities in the relief of
the poor at Christmas were laid
by th advanced Wednesday night class
In "public speaking at a dinner in the
Portland Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation recently. "
A committee has been appointed to
outline the plan, of the co-operation.
The advanced classes -ield ; dinners 're-'
cently at which the men were drilled
in the methods o after dinner speak
ing". The course includes toasts and
talks with the proper surroundings to
accustom the students to conditions
when they are called on to speak at
other g-atherings of men.
Sixty-live men have enrolled "in the
Y. M. C. A- public-speakins - course
and are receiving a maximum of: prac
tical instruction wfth a- minimum - of
theory. Not, more than 12 -new stu
dents can be -taken' in the course.
Prominent clubwomen are joining the
Women's class In oratory -meeting- on
Wednesday afternooni Parliamentary
drill and instruction on current topics
will; be featured-, in.; the work 6f rthis
class. . -1 . - . K -'. . ' ' i
Final Decree"; Sunday school,' 10; y p. S.
G. K.. 6:45. -
waverly Heicnts, woodward avenue and
K&sc Xhirty-third street The Rev. A. C.
Moees, pastor, emaay scnooi u:4-, mornln;
wo run id ii. evening worsnm t young
7 :30, .personal uoaeavor in eiiffion";
ThursGa.. 7:30: the Rev. John H. Matthews,
of seattlo. will speak at the mornlne serv
R'e: - "The Biblical Doctrine ot Sin" is the
ub.leci of the pastors sermon in the even
m-T. - -
University Park. Haven, near Lombard-
Rev. W. - C. Kuntner, pastor. 10, Sunda;
school; 11, communion and reception of
members; 4. Junior Endeavor; 7:30, "The
Only Hope."
Bunnyslde. Hast Thirty-second and Taylor
Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor. 11, "A Pledge of
Earth's Greatest victory": 7:4o. uoa ana
Bad Investments: Sunday school, 10; Junior,
3:30f Senior. 6:30.
Pilgrim Professor w. X. Proctor, acting
pastor 11, "The Kind of Parents Our cmi
dren Ought to Have"; C. E.. 6:30: 7:30, "Ev
ery Christian a .Church Member."
St. Johns Rev. D. t. Thomas, pastor.
Sunday school. 10; 11, . "The Cost of Dis-
clDleshlb": Christian Endeavor. ti:ao.
Ardenwald Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor.
Sunday school.- 10:30; Christian Endeavor, 7
7:45 "Pavinr the.' Price."
Hirhlnnd Kant Sixth and PrftSCOtt Rev
If, "The Use' of Things That Are Now"; 7:30,
E. S.. Bollinger, pastor. lO, sunoa scnooi
One Idea Religions"; :3U, x. f. a. .
Central. - Eaat Twentieth and Salmon
streets Kev. S. R. Hawkins, pastor. Sun
day school, lo: Christian Endeavor, ft:80
preaching, 11; T:30, programme by Women'
Mlnlnnarv -Koeletv.
. Rodney-Avenue. Rodney avenue and Knott
streetAnnual C W. B M. rally-in mom-
mg; evening services will consist of speeches
and recitations by ladies and the little
folks: music under direction of ' Mrs. Ira
Kimmons.- Sublect for morning sermon,
"The Dignity of Missions."
: Divine Truth Chapel. Selllng-Hlrsch build.
Ing. West Park and Washington streets
Rev." T. 31". Minard. pastor. Services. 11
midweek -meeting, Wednesday at 8.
St. ' Maik's. Twenty-first and Marshall
streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev.
J. O. Hatton. associate. 7:30, holy eu
eharlst: B:45. . Sunday school; 10:15. matins;
11. holv .eucharlst and sermon; 7:30, even
song and sermon: week day services dally.
7:30. holv eucharlst; Fridays at S, litany
gnd address.
Ascension ChaDet Nineteenth and Spring
Streets Rev" Barr Q. Lee. priest In charge.
Holy-communion.- 7:4; Sunday school, 9:30.
. Pro-Cathedral b St. Stephen the Martyr.
Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. H. !
M. Ramsey, dean.. Holv communion. 7:4.; j
Sunday school. 10; . morning service. 11:
service 'for colored: people." 3; evening serv
ice. 7M3.
r St. Matthew's. Bancroft and Corbett streets
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sunday
school. 10: ; serv Ice and sermon, 11.
Church or Our Savior. Sixtieth avenue and
Forty-first street Southeast (Woodstock)
Rev. E. K- Clark, vicar. Services, ii and 11
and 7:30..
Trinitv. Nineteenth and Ev erett streets
Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector.. Services,
8 "11 and 8: Sundav school. 9:45; Good Fel.
iowshio Societv. parish house. Nineteenth
and Davis streets.. 7 to 7:53.
St. David's. East , Twelfth and Belmont
streets Hev. H. R. Talbot, rector. 7:30,
Celebration of holy -eucharlst; i:45, Sunday
school: 11, morning prayer and sermon;
4:30." evening prayer. ?
Church of St. Michael and All Angels,
Broadway and East Forty-third street North
Rev; T; K. Bowen, vicar. Sunday school
and Bible class. 10; morning service and
sermon. 11: holy communion, first Sunday,
11: third Sunday. 7:30.
' St. Andrew's. ' Portsmouth Rev. P. M.
Baum. vicar. 11. 'The Road to Bethlehem
Land and a Living"; 7:30 "His Name Im
manuel." Grace Memorial. Weidler and East Seven
teenth streets North Rev. George B. Van
Waters., rector: Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vi
car. Holy communion: 8. excepting on first
Sundav' In the month: morning prayer and
sermon,-11: Sunday . school, 10. No evening
sermon, -
. All Saints. Twenty-fifth and Savier streets
Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and
itrtnon. .11: celebration of the holy communion-
the first Sundav In the month ot 11
and the third Sunday at 8-
Good Shepherd. . Graham street and Van
couver avenues Rev, John Dawson, rector.
Sunday . school. 9:43 r morning service, 11;
evening service. 7:30.
St. Paul's. Wood mere Ttov. Oswald W.
Taylor, vicar. Holv communion, first Sunday
o month. 8; evening orayer and sermjn, 4.
except the first Sunday of month.
St. John's, Milwaukie Rev. John D. Rtc.
vicar. Praver. S; holv communion m-xa'
tlrst Sundav of month.
Blshoo Morris Memorial Chanel. Coxl
Samaritan Hospital Rev. Frederick K. How
ard, chaulam. Holv communion, 7 : vcsiec.
St. John's Sell wood Hev. Jo'in TV Kice.
vioar. 8. holv communion, except on tlrst
Sunday of month: 10, Sunday school; 11.
mornlne nra.ver: T :30. evening oras er: holy
communion tirst Sunday of month.
t. Andrew s. near Portsmouth school R
M. Baum. vicar. Services at usual hours.
St. James English. West Park and Jef
ferson Rev. J. A. Lead, pastor. 1 1. "The
Coming of the Kingdom'; 8. "A Crown With
Seven Jewels; Sunday school, 10; Luthei
League. 7.
Portland Norwegian. 45 North Fourteenth
Rev. Ditman Larson, pastor.- Services 11
and i :4i; Sunday school, English. 10. Nor
wegian, t:30.
Bethany Danish. Vnton avenue North and
Morris street Rev. M. C- Jensen-Eugholm.
pastor. Services. 11 and 8; Sunday school.
lO; Young People's meeting. Tuesday. IS: La
dies' Aid, Wednesday. 2. Church basement.
bt fauia Ofrman, Lust Twelfth and Clin
ton Rev. A. Krausa, pastor. Sunday school.
9:30; morning service, 10: 30; English, 7:3U;
Bible lesson, Thursday, S.
German Evangelical Zlon (Missouri ' Sy
nod, Salmon and Chapman Kev. H. U.
Koppclmann. pastor, services 10:15 and 7:4o;
Sunday schooi, :1.
Trinity" German. Missouri Synod). Will
iams and Graham avenues Rev. J. A. Riin
bach. pastor. Services 10:15 and 7:30; Sun
day school. 0:15.
First, Twelfth and Taylor Rev. Frank 1..
Loveland, minister. lu:30, " Who Crucified
Christ '.'' : 12:15, Sunday school ; 6:30, Ep
worth League; 7:3, 'Christ, the Teacher of
Spirituality. What, Is If."
Centenary, Eajst Ninth and Pine Rev. G.
W. Lane, miniates. 21. Zir. C. E. Barker,
"Why I Am A Christian" ; c!as meeting.
12:30; Epworth League, o:30; 7:30, "A. New
Kind of Light; Sunday school, 0:45.
Epworth, Twenty-sixth and Savier Rev.
C. O. McCulloch. pastor. Sunday school, 0:45;
11, "Ye Are the Light of the World": 7:30,
"The Touch That Saves": Epworth League,
Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman Rev. A.
B. Calder, pastor. Sunday school. 10; E. L.,
i:30; 11, "Some Ideas of Liberty"; 7:30, 'A
Damaged Soul."
Rose City Park, Sandy boulevard, the Ala
meda and East Fifty-eighth North Rev. W.
W. Youagson, minister. 9:45, Sunday school;
11, "The Transforming Power of the Gospel
of Christ" ; 7:45, monthly musical service.
Woodstock. East Forty-fourth and Sixtieth
avenue, fc. E. Rev. Frank James, pastor. 10.
Sunday school; 11, Disciples of Jesus; 12:15,
lass meeting: 6: JO, Kp worth League; 7:30,
A Question or Values, or seventy sears vs.
Eternity' ; Thursday, 7:UO, efficiency conference.
Westmoreland. . Brentwood Rpv J. W.
Thompson, pastor. Brentwood, 10. Sunday
school; ..11, "A Life of Freshness and Bless
ing" ; Westmoreland. 9:30, Sunday school ;
peoples nieetine U:oO. mid-week, meeting
Thursday, 7 :S0, prayer meeting and Bible
Woodlawn. 134 East Tenth North Rev.
ouls Thomas, pastor. Sunday school. 10;
E. L., 7; 11, "The Messianic Hope"; 7:45.
"The Blessing of Charity" ; prayer services.
Thursday evening.
Sunnyside. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth
streets The Rev. R. Elmer smith, pastor.
Sundav school lt:50, preaching 11. Epworth
League 6:30, grand sacred concert of over
lOO voices at 7:45.
Medford. East Sixty-first and Stark
streets Tho Rev. E. Olin Eldridge. pastor.
Preaching 11, "The Cross In Modern Lite;"
ou. ideal womanhood.; bunday school
and adult Bible class 9:45, Epworth League
6:15. All are invited.
FirH. Union avenue and Multnomah street
Rev. Lovlck Pierce Law, pastor. 10, Sun
dav school: 11. sermon subject, "Christ Our
Refuge" ; 7:30. subject. "Deadly Disease and
tho Remedy"; Ed worth League, 0:30.
New Thought Temple of Truth. Eilers
building, 142 Broadway Rev. Perry Joseph
Green, minister. Lectures. 11 and S on
"The Secret of Methuselah's Long Life";
Truth School. 10: youn? people's meeting, 7:
suo.iect. "iew Thought Writers and Their
First. Twelfth and Alder streets Rev.
John H. Bovd. pastor. Morning services.
10:30: sermon subject . "Religion That Will
Satlsfv the Modern Man'; Sunday school.
Current Events Club. 12:10; Professor
Woods, of Reed College, will speak on "The
Portland froniem oi tne t nempioycQ": o:ju.
Christian Endeavor; 7:30. "Lessons From
the Allegorical Pictures Painted by Hlihu
Vedder." illustrated.
Calvary, Rev. O. S. Baum, pastor. 10:30,
communion service ; 7 :30, "A Large Place' ;
Sunday school, 12 noon; Y. P. S. C. E., ti;30.
Hope. Seventy-eighth and Everett Rec. .
W. Seemann, minister. Morning sermon, Rev.
A. M. Williams; evening. "A Study of Man
and God."
Rose City Park Services, 11, "The Origin
of Government"; 7:30, "A Talk on Rome and
Venice": Dr. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis.
Vernon. Nineteenth and Wygant Rev. II.
N. Mount, pastor. Sunday school, 10; Y. P.
S. C. E., :30; 11. Rev. Charles Hamilton;.
7:30, "The Force of a Great Idea
Piedmont, Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. J.
E. Snyder, pastor. 11. "The Fact of Pain
and Suffering"; 7:30, The New Birth"; 0:45,
Sunday school; :30, C. E.
Westminster, East Seventeenth and t-cnuy-ler
Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor. 10:30,
"Duty"; 7:30, Rev. Charles R. Hamilton.
Kenilworrh. East Thirty-fourth and Glad
stone streets The Rev. Leslie Kirk Richard
son, castor, Bible school 9:45, ntorning wor
ship 11. children's sermon. "Tho, True Mean
ing of Christinas;' C. E. 0:45, Clara Knecht.
leader; evening worship. 7:45, "What It
Costs Not to Be a Christian."
Spokane-Avenue. East Sixteenth and Spo
kaneavenue Rev. J. e. Youel, pastor. Sun.
day school. 0:45 ; preaching services. 11 :
theme. "The Essential Element of the
Church" 3 Life" ; eventnsr service, 7:30; ser
mon, "The Slavery of Sin."
First. German. Twelfth and Clay streets
Rev. G. Hafner. pastor. Services. 10:45 and
8: Sunday school. 9:30; Y. P. S, C. E., 7.
Church of Our Father. Broadway and
Yamhill street Rev. Thomas 1 Eliot. D.
D.. minister emeritus; Rev. William G.
Eliot. Jr.. minister. Services, It and 7:45:
morning. "Fixed Points in KVery Man's
Life" : evenlnv. "The Life, ot Jesus ss it
Stands Today": Sunday school, 9:30; Toung
People's Fraternity. 0:30.
First. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets
Rev. John D. Nise wonder, pastor. Special
service. 11. with ddres3es; 7:30, "Then and
First. Sixtn and Montgomery streets Rev.
Frank DeWitt Findley. minister. Morning
wsrshln. 10:30: sermon topic, "Blessed With
the Right Soirit ':, Bibl school. 12; Chris
tian Endeavor. :"0: topic, "The Gift of
Eternal Life" : leader. Mis.t Rist ig ; evening
services. 7:"0: sermon topic, "According to
the Commandment."
Churrh ofne Strangers Rev. -S. Earl Du
Bois. oastor. Jo "Discovering and In
terpret In ir v a. Lost Dream" ; 7 :3 1, "The Jld
Man Laid Off."
Church of th Good Tidings?. HrudUaj'
and East Twenty-fourth street -!! . j antes
Dlmond Corby. D. D., pastor. Worilr;,
19:30: topic, "if Christ Came to Portland'
an advent Sunday messg.-; sunshine honr
Sunday school, 12; Christian f riion meeting,
B; no evening nreacliinar service.
Alameda Sunday school, pracott and tl-i".
Twenty-fifth streets Dr. J. Lavalley, super
intendent. Srv V. :..
Z3t)eX3i. Bill (To.
Christmas Buying Made
Easy at Eilers.
Read their f rer-toragre. 'uaranlccii.
free) - delivery arid no-Uown-puy incut,
propositions on page l-, section 1, this
pp.ler. Adv.