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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1914)
2 THE SUNDAY OUEGONIAN, PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 2D. 1914. RUSS ANS I GALICIA BOTH GOOD AMD BAD Regulars Well Disciplined, but Cossacks- Commit Worse Crimes Than Murder. LOOT GIVEN TO PEASANTS Attack on Wedding Procession, Jfanging of Bridegroom and Ab duction of Girls Typical Inci- dent in Irregular Warfare. BY M. R. DZIEWICKt. (Staff correspondent at the front for the Chicago Daily News.) CRACOW, Austiia, Nov. 28. (Spe cial.) The Russian behavior in Galicla has been described in contradictory terms. Some say that they treat the ; people of the country well; others that they deal barbarously with them. 'As far as can be ascertained, both these accounts are true. The regular army, as a rule, is quiet end strongly disciplined; they pay for all they buy and do not plunder, though exceptions to this rule have been in stanced in far' too many cases. The ir regular troops Cossacks, Tchurkesse, etc., behave quite otherwise. Murder and worse crimes are and. have been quite the order of the day. Often they have pillaged estates and handed over much of the plunder to the peasants, whom they make a point of putting on their side; and when the Austrian troops returned the peasants on whom or in whose huts plunder was found have accordingly been court-martialed. Brldesroom Hanged, Girls Abducted. In one village the Cossacks came upon a Jewish wedding procession. If we are to believe the assertions of those present, they at once hanged the bridegroom and carried off all the Jew ish girls, whom they would better have killed. There is among them a special ani mosity ta Jews. A traveler who came to Cracow from Warsaw related that he employed a Jewish driver and his cart to go as far as a village. Before they got there they were stopped by a Cossack. "Are you a Pole?" he asked. "I am." "Are you a Jew?" "Yes." Then he made the traveler get down, carrying his own trunk to the village. The traveler had scarcely gone 100 paces when he heard two shots. One had killed the horse, the other the driver. The Cossacks have also burned a good many villages, especially those inhabited by Poles, for they consider the Ruthenians as "brethren" and spare them as much as possible. Houses of Poles are literally sacked by them when not wholly destroyed. Nw Government Established. In the east of Galicla the Russians have already begun to set up a new form of government, similar to that which prevails in Russia. They con sider this province to be conquered by them and an integral part of Russia. This is, perhaps, counting the eggs be fore they are hatched perhaps not. At any rate, they feel sure of ultimate victory. Just now (I write immediately after the retreat of the German army from Warsaw) they have strongly fortified themselves In positions between Przemysl and Lemberg and all efforts to dislodge them have as yet proved unavailing, though they are beaten back whenever they sally forth. The war tends to become, as Block prayed it would about 12 years ago. war of fortified positions, impossible to be taken save with immense loss to the assailants. saw says the Russian commandant at Lodz is compelling the local merchants to keep their shops open. Many Ger man military trucks loaded with gaso line have been taken into Lodz. According to a dispatch from Amsterdam, the newspaper Maasbode publishes a Berlin telegram, giving the latest word from the besieged City of Przemysl. in Galicla. It was received in Vienna Friday by pigeon post, and says: "We are doing very well. Do not be disqueted." Attacks Repulsed,' Saya Berlin. A dispatch from Berlin says the Ger man war office has issued the follow ing announcement: "Only unimportant engagements are reported from East Prussia. At Lowlcz our troops have recommenced their at tacks and the fighting continues. "Heavy Russian attacks in the dis trict to the west of Mowo and Radom were repulsed. "In Southern Poland there has been no change." An official Austrian communication issued at Vienna under date of Novem ber 28 at noon says: "The situation is unchanged. "In Russian Poland yesterday it was generally quiet. Some weak Russian attacks were repulsed. Fighting in the Carpathians continues. "In the Southern theater Servia) fighting continued yesterday on nearly all the front. Several important posi tions were taken by our troops." GERMAN'S KESTFME OfFFEVSIVE ESSES RUSSIANS STILL ADVANCE (Continued From First PaRe.) ing their heroic efforts finally shatter the in enemy's ance." Other official dispatches from Petro grad say that important successes have been attained southeast of Cracow, in Oalicia, and that progress has been made at Lodz. Heavy losses by the Austrlans are reported from this source, Russians Report Successes. The official report of the General Staff of the Russian army, given out today, said: "Our troops have won important sue cesses along the Proschovitse-Brzesko Bochnia-Visnitsch front (in Galicia) .i ' 1 1 en n,iiAa ..... l. ...... . Cracow. I "In this locality on November 26 we rmiTe.n n n Austrian nrmv ritktn? mnrft than 7000 prisoners, capturing 30 can t non, 10 of which were outfitted with - horses, and more than 20 machine ; suns." " "A Russian battalion at Brzesko cap T tured what was left of the Thirty-first T Regiment of Hungarian Honved. These ' nrlnnnATR Inoliirted tb onm mn nrlpr 2ft officers and 1250 soldiers and also the - flag. We also took an automobile car - rylng officers of the General Staff. We are continuing our energetic pursuit of t the enemy. "In the fighting at Lodz, which con ; tinued November 28, we succeeded also in making progress at certain points "In the Carpathians our troops have ; attacked considerable Austrian forces r Lembers Reports German Losses. ; A dispatch from Lemberg. Galicla. : says that in operations lasting three days in the vicinity of Strykow. 15 miles northeast of Lodz, and Tushln an equal distance to the south of this : city, the 'Germans lost upwards of t 17.U00 men, a heavy battery of artillery : and 28 machine guns, according to au thoritative information made available . in Lomberg today. In the same fighting the Austrlans lost 16.000 men, in addition to 20 ma chine guns. : The German operations In this lo cality are declared by Russian mill tary observers in Lemberg to have been absolute failures, and tne chances o their escaping further disaster are re garded here as slight. BuKovrlnd's Capital Abandoned. A Bucharest, Roumania, dispatch tells of advices received at the Roumanian capital from Mamornltza. saying: "Alter a violent bombardment an attacks from the Russian troops, the Austrian forces have precipitately aban doned Czernowitz, the capital of Buko wina, fleeing in disorder towards Dorn avatra with the Russians In pursuit. "The Russian advance guards marched into Czernowitz at 2 o clock on th nftrnoon of November 27. They me with an enthusiastic welcome from the Roumanian and Ruthenian people of the city." Austrlans Suffer, Terribly. A review of the war published in a newspaper of Cracow, dated November 19, and found in the Austrian trenches, describes the Austrian troops as suffer ing terrible hardships from their con tinuous fighting, marching and trench digging. A dispatch received here from War- Berlin Says Tlussian Attacks on Right Wing Are Unsuccessful. - BERLIN, Nov. 28, via The Hague and London.. Nov. 29. After a few days of comparative pause in the operations, the battle in Western Poland is again in full progress. General Mackensen's army, which .has been marking time since its victory over the Russians at Lowicz on November 24. has resumed i the offensive in this region. The Rus sians, according to an orrtciai report, are attacking heavily, but unsuccess fully, the German right wing near Nowo Radomsko and Morathain. The Tageblatt reminds its readers that such a pause by no means signi fies that the troops are exhausted. Wise commanders, says the paper, often find it more advantageous after successes like those near Lodz to devote a little time to rearranging their forces and bringing up additional munitions thp.n to follow up the advantage immediate ly. The spectacle of an army storming forward at full speed as in the first phase of the western camp.aign is most inspiring to the spectator, but a source of anxiety to the commander when the movement is so rapid as to interfere "with the successful main tenance of communications. There is no official reference to the Austrian allies who cover the southern end of the Silesian frontier, but Major Moraht, military correspondent of the Tageblatt, says he. understands that they , are standing fast and defending the ground which they have won. Ma jor Moraht declares that much credit for the present favorable situation on the eastern front should be granted to the Austrlans. who withdrew from Western Galicla to assist General von Hlndenburg in checking the Russians' steam roller advance, cheerfully sac rificed their particular Interests to those of the combined campaign, and" have borne their full share of the burden of fighting. BERLIN" REPORT IS OPTIMISTIC Military Critics Declare German Po sition Is Improving. BERLIN. Nov. 28. (By Wireless.) Information given out today by' the of ficial press bureau follows: Military critics of the Berlin news papers consider that the successes or the Austrlans November zo, and or General Mackenzen on. the following day, have made still more favorable the position of the Germans. Russian reinforcements appear to have come from Ivangorod, which Major Moraht, military critic of the Berliner Tage blatt, calls a daring attempt on the part of the Russians if they wished to hold their position on the Vistula River, and from Galicla. The latter movement may be followed by an ad vance of the Austrlans over the Car pathians and toward the River San. 'Reports from Vienna are to the ef fect that the conflict along the greater part of the front has assumed -the character of a stubborn and long drawn out battle. "Fighting in the west has almost been lost sight of in the last few days in view of the important conflict in order to Poland and Galicla, the outcome of . , which is likely to exert an important resist- I influence on the whole situation. Money aisieg Sale Suits Overcoats Raincoats Balmacaans $20,000 Sacrificed. Take advantage of this opportunity to buy seasonable. merchandise at sacrifice prices. Buy Schloss Bros, and Sophomore Suits, Over coats, Raincoats, Balmacaans, Hats, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, etc., at a saving of 1-4, and in some instances actually less than cost. This is your opportunity to buy the best clothes without paying a profit. Take advantage now. Remember, our usual guar antee goes with every garment, the same as, when you pay the'regular price. Measure Your Savings by These Prices: SUITS, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS AND BALMACAANS REDUCED $15.00 values now on sale at... $11.75 II $22.50 values now on sale at... $16.75 $18.00 values now on sale at...$13.50 $25.00 values now on sale at... $18.75 $20.00 values now on sale at...$15.00 1 $30.00 values now on sale at...$22.50 $35.00 values now on sale at... $26.25 25 per cent off on Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos 20 per cent off on Blue Cheviot, Serge and Black Suits BATS GREATLY REDUCED $3.00 VALUES NOW ON SALE AT ..$2.25 ALL MACKINAWS REDUCED $ 7.50 values now on sale at $5.50 0 $10.00. values now on sale at $7.50 $12.50 values now on sale at $9.50 ALL FLANNEL SHIRTS REDUCED $1.50 values now on sale at $1.15 11 $2.50 values now on sale at $1.85 $2.00 values now on sale at $1.35 Q $3.00 values now on sale at $2.25 SWEATERS RUFF AND V-NECKS $3.00 values now on sale at $2.25 $5.00 values now on sale at $3.75 $4.00 values now on sale at $2.75 $6.50 values now on sale at $-1.50 $7.50 values now on sale at $5.00 1PM Ron E Y Corner Fourth and Alder Streets CAVE. NO EE .Edwards Will Move to Fifth and Oak We have leased the quarter block and four-story building at the southeast corner of Fifth and Oak streets, and will open up there with an entire new stock if possible. To do this we are making deep cuts in the prices of a large part of our stock. We would like to be able to say that everything is reduced but we have been selling many articles such as our $10 Brass Bed, our Monarch Ranges and our $15 Extension Table at such low prices that we cannot further reduce them. For the GREATEST OF ALL REMOVAL SALES over half of our stock will - be sold at a great sacrifice. ' YOU WILL, SAVE ALMOST HALF BY BUYING YOUR GIFTS NOW! CARABA0 DROP DINNER Military Orcler That Wilson Rapped to Omit. Jis Year's Function. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. The mili tary order of the Carabao, whose an nual dinner last year resulted in Presi dent Wilson's withdrawing' his accept ance of honorary membership and the administering of a reprimand at his request on the officers responsible for the programme because 01 criticism or the Administration's Philippine policy, has decided to abandon the function this year. December 1.2 tentatively had been set for the dinner and the invitation list prepared, but, after conferences. the officers made it Known that it would be omitted this year. The order of the Carabao is composed of officers of the United States forces who served in the Philippines. Pretty Smoking Sets, Worth Up to $5.50. Removal Price ; . . . . The most practical little gift you could select for him at a small price. You may have your choice of finishes. The Smoking Sets are heavy solid brass and the stands are solid oak. Worth reg ularly up to 5.&0. Solid Oak Telepfcoae Stand aad Stool. HK nlar price - Remaval price $3.95 We believe this to be the lowest price ever quoted on these straight - lined Telephone Sets. They are finished in dull golden the stand is regulation size and the stool is just as. pictured here, solid oak. $3.35 SSI Ira i , SCROFULA AND ALL HUMORS GIVE WAY There are many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation should impress upon the younger. Among them is the fact that scrofula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, pimples and other eruptions, can be most success fully treated with Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine is a peculiar combination . of remarkably effective blood-purif ying and health-giving roots. barks and herbs, which are gathered especially for it. Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood the test of forty years. Get a bottle today now from your druE- . store. Always keep it on hand. Adv. Music Cabinets At Removal Prices. Edwards believe they are show ing as pretty a line of music cab inets as there is in the city and at our regular price they're real bar gains. We've reduced all of them for this sale and you may ar range to buy them for cash or credit. Can Be Delivered the Day Before Xmas if Desired. W-.'5 STOCK 'Swwiwiiff''' J LOWEST j '' C. PRICKS J V,4-' j TERMS Typewriters, Cash Regis ters, Factory Rebuilt Underwood Visible..... 15-60 I. C. Smith Visible 25-4S Remington Visible.. ...S30-SSO Royal Visible .".30-40 Smith Premier Visible 26-35 Oliver Visible 15-S5 Emerson Visible S30-S25 Sterns Visible 20 Remington Nob. 6 and 7 $1-S15 Smith Premier Nos. 2 and 4...1-1S The Typewriter Exchange - 851V Washington Street. Portland, Or. New Writing Desks " at Removal Prices Perfectly new designs and finishes. including- Circassian walnut, birdseye polished oak, waxed golden oak, gum or mahogany; your choice of mission or Colonial design, at removal prices. Make a Small De posit; We'll Hold It for You. Big Brass Bed EDWARDS' REGULAR PRICE Same Bed in Monarch Range You Wish the Best. Steel Range which will last & life time. If you buy a Monarch Range now you will be assured of prompt and satisfactory service for unlimited years at a fuel cost so low that the Range will payback its own cost many times over. $5 cash, S5 Month. Compare This Price With the Other Stores "Well, that is certainly a bargain better than we expected! How can you sell them so reasonable?" That's some of the remarks heard in our Brass Bed Department. A real brass bed. with heavy 2-inch posts, continuous, and 10 filling' rods. Most stores charge you $18 to $20 for this identical bed. Guaranteed not to tarnish. This Drop-Head Sewing Machine Regular $25.00. Guaranteed 10 Years Extra Special $1 Weekly. Gifts for the Little Ones at Removal Price Red rn This Chair DUC Rocker. Rocker 60c I This Rocker $1.98 80c tel These are the little toy and kindergarten chairs and rockers which dealers are usually out of at Xmas time. Assorted sizes and colors Buy thm here now and you're sure to get them. Then, again, you will save on tHe price. Up - to - Date Youths' Desk and Chair lasion Style $3.50 Pretty M Union Style Removal Price What would little gift at $3.50 be more pleasing to little bov or girl than this swell little Writing Desk and Chair? Built of solid oak. Top is made to lift up, pro viding ample space for writ ing material, pencils and pa pers. The desk alone is worth more than we ask for the two pieces complete. Have one put away for Christmas. l rTjgN I Four Patterns Beautiful Din ner Sets; Regular Value $7.95. Removal Price Scores of people who bought these sets at the regular price were well pleased with their bargain. The regular price is $7.95; the removal sale price Is $5.25. Plain white, white and gold, blue and gold or blue and white. Complete sets of 50 pieces. Folding Card Tables $1.99 Hi Just as Illustrated here. Tables which are usually priced to you at 2.75 to 3.00. The regular ?J5 Burroughs 30x30 table, very light weight and easily folded. Fumed or mahogany finish. Tops are covered with light green leatherette. IL Mi Ruffled Bed Room Curtains Removal O O r Price . . . - A limited number of pairs of white ruffled Curtains reg ularly sold from 60 to 75 rents a pair. Removal price 39cS All other ruffled Cur tains one-half price while :hey last. AXMINSTER RUGS, 36x72 In. $5.00 Quality. Re moval Price Seventy-five Axminster Rugs, size 36x72, In beautiful floral de signs priced usually at $5.00, go In this removal sale at $2.95. W'e limit these one to a customer on account of the small number in stock. Edwards' Same Old Easy Terms Hold Good on Outfits! 5 A GOOD PLACE TO TRADEfa1 S5"l3l FIRST ST. MHSSESSZOBZEEi. 'Young Couples Start ing Housekeeping Should Investigate!