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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1914)
18 TTTE STJKDAT OREGONIAN, PORTIiATO. NOVEMBER 29, 1914. MEIER & FRANK'S Back Page of Society Section of This Paper for Additional News of Timely Interest to All! MEIER & FRANK'S I o Jr. Minnmtnunr Jiuist- Ome Moetln EairEeir TEaini Usual 3M B uiy Now at : Opr.- Jamiiary Clearaiice Sale Prices very - Article Reduiced in Out .Fiuirmitare D epartmeet Buy Practical Gifts of FURNITURE Now at Clearance Sale Prices at Meier & Frank's (GLOBE WERXICKE BOOKCASES. DE MXE SPRINGS AND OSTEBMOOB MATTRESSES EXCEPTED. Buy the Meier & Frank Kind of Furniture It Carries the Guarantee of Everlasting Satisfaction Inadequate space to properly display our gigantic stocks of Furniture makes it imperative to hold our Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale of Furniture one month earlier than usual. - We have just added to our already immense stocks the -well-known Berkey & Gay and Cowan-lines, and this fine new Furnituse, -just received, is included in this sweeping Clearance which begins tomorrow. January Clearance Sale Prices will prevail throughout the Furniture Department. Every article reduced in all our Fur niture lines, with the three exceptions as noted, which are contracj; makes. . . " ' Choose practical Christmas gifts of Furniture now at January Clearance Sale Prices, with full assurance that you have the largest and most complete assortment of Furniture ever shown in Portland to select from. The Furniture you buy now will be stored free of charge, awaiting your order for delivery. Furniture Purchased In This Clearance Sale Stored FREE Until Ordered Delivered Our Club Plan of Easy Payments Affords You the Most Liberal Credit Terms When You So Desire! jIL- $7.00 'J I ' It' Chair Tele phone Table substantially made of solid oak. A great convenience In the home. Choice of wax or famed finish. Table and chair tf A AQ complete. Clearance. .. Tr'xI7 Cowan Tea Wagon as pictured above. Made of solid mahogany with removable glass tray. A practical and un usual gift. Clearance (in 7C price P1 I J COWAN MARTHA WASHINGTON SEWING TABLE, made of solid Cuban mahog any style as pictured. Very or namental arid verf useful. Ideal for gifts. Clearance 50 Cowan Make $7.50 Muffin Stands made of solid mahogany style as pictured. An excel lent gift for the home. Very special tar Clear- Off ance at D'OiJ Mahog any $6.00 Stand as shown in illus tration. Made with removable glass ash tray. Stand 24 inches a'nSche.C.1fr.r-$4.35 $27.50 "Lifetime" MORRIS CHAIR as pictured. Handsomely fin ished in fumed oak. Period style, with genuine leather spring seat and loose-cushion back. An ideal gift for father. Clear-dJ-lQ "71? ance price P iS7 I J U $14.00 Cedar Chest as 6hown in illustration. Absolute pro tection for clothing and furs. Size 35 inches long. inches wide, 11 inches deep. At tractively trimmed in copper. 4JQ p7Ct Fitted with castors. Clearance - AH Our Berkey & Gay & Cowan Furniture Just Received Will Enter This Sweeping Clearance Sale! & w It finSWaro Put p oircMslan Walnut. WASHINGTON jNor. 13, Exporta tion 1 Of .lumber ot mil ..Waa hka been forbidden by th ftuxlanjrovjernment. Tha aabarJro. peolfically mentions Cir oasalan ninuO much prised fcy Amr 1dm fanutur makers. est 1 thsj ta. dl m the Circassian Walnut Bedroom Furniture All Reduced 20 The above reproduction of a newspaper item appearing November 13 tells the true condition of the Circassian walnut market. The reduc tions we are making for the Clearance, even in view of the scarcity of this valuable wood, makes this sale doubly beneficjal to you in the selection of s Circassian Walnut Bedroom Fur niture. Mahogany Bedroom Furniture All Reduced 20 to 40 Included in this phenomenal event are all Mahogany Dressers, Chiffoniers, Ladies' Dress ing Tables, Somnoes and Cheval Glasses. Also our new line of Berkey & Gay Mahogany Bed room Furniture. Decidedly the opportune time to buy Mahogany Furniture with such deep reductions in force. Book Cases at Clearance Prices $20.00 LIBRARY TABLE shown In illustration." Fin ished in mahogany, w a x e d or fumed oak. Size of t 1 I CfJ top 26x42. Clearance U Xt.OVi $7.50 Cricket or Footstool style as pictured. Of mahogany, in antique finish. Choice of three attractive patterns '- in denim covering. Special $4.98 LADIES' DESK Originally Jfl6 ls shown in illustration. Choice of orolden or mahogany finish. A most acceptable gilt. (I 1 Aft Special for Clearance w i r $27 Over-Stuffed Chair as shown In illustration Covered in green denim. A gift for (tl Q (Sft the living-room. Clearance wlI3U $50.00 Over-Stuffed Davenport as pictured. Made with plain seat and tufted back. Length 6 feet. Covered in high-grade denim. Choice of green or brown. Wonderful com- Q 7C fort for any home. Clearance price. . . " - Bookcases four Reduced for clear- $42 Inlaid Mahogany shelves and 45 inches wide. ance to S32.50. $50 Mahogany Bookcases in Adam Period design. Width of case 47 inches. Reduced price for clearance S3T.50. $69 Mahogany Colonial Bookcase made with four shelves. Reduced for clearance $54.75 $140 Heavy Colonial Bookcase very hand some design, with three lattice doors. Length of case 6V2 feet. Clearance price $97.50. 500 Small Size Rugs Greatly Underpriced! $5.50 Wiltons, 27x54, at $3.50 $7.75 Wiltons, 36x63, at S5.50 $2.00 Axminsters, 27x54, at .$1.45 $2.75 Axminsters, 27x60, at $1.85 $5.00 Axminsters, 30x60, at. . -$3.35 $4.00 Axminsters, 36x72, at .$2.65 $4.25 Axminsters, 36x72, at. .$2.85 $4.50 Axminsters, 36x72, at $3.25 All Carpet Size Oriental Rugs Va Price Seventh Floor, Temporary Aanei No. 1 $11 Oak Library Tables in waxed finish. Top 22x33. Clearance price $7.95. $30 Quarter-Sawed Oak Library Tables either" waxed or fumed finish. Magazine ends. Clearance price $22.50. $30 Mahogany Library Tables 28x48-inch top. Very special for clearance $22.50. $31 Mahogany Library Tables made with heavy 4-inch flush rim. Clearance $23.25 '$31 "Lifetime" Library Tables either fumed or wax finish. Made with shelf at each end. Clearance price very special $19.75. $62.50 Mahogany Library Tables hand some Colonial design, with 50-inch top. Clearance price $40.50. $82.50 Mahogany Library Tables Colonial design, with top 54x32 inches. Special for clearance $62.50. $12.50 Ladies'; Desks Oak, in wax fin ish. Clearance price, $9.95. $15 Ladies' Desks All quartered oak, in wax finish. Clearance price, $10.75. $16 Ladies' Desks Handsome imitation mahogany finish. Clearance -price, $11.75 $25 Mahogany Ladies Desks Very spe cially priced for Clearance, $17.75. $55 "Lifetime" Desks Oak, in fumed finish. Three- roomy drawers and well arranged interior. Clearance, $31.25 Buffet and China Cabinets Reduced S3 1-3 Per Cent Daring . Thin Sale. Our entire line of Buffets, China Cab inets, excepting those included with com plete Dining-Room Sets, . included in this one-month-earlier-than-usual Clearance at January Sale reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. A splendid opportunity to buy a very ac ceptable gift for the home. - -. $27.50 Fireside Chair or Rocker Covered in green denim. Clearance price, $19.50. $15.00 Overstuffed Rocker Covered in green "denim. Clearance price, $11.75. $32.50 Upholstered Chair Covered in green denim. Clearance price, $16.25. $35.00 Upholstered Rocker Green denim up holstering. Clearance price, $17.50. $40.00 Upholstered Chair Large, comfortable Chair, done in brown denim. Clearance, $29.50 $52.50 Mahogany Leg Upholstered Chair Denim covered, with high back. Clearance price, $26.25. $54.00 Mahogany Frame Upholstered Rocker to Match Chair Denim covered. Clearance Sale price, $27.00. $55.00 Mahogany Library Chair In handsome Colonial design, upholstered with green denim.' Clearance price, $27.50. Immense Assortment of Odd Pieces, Upholstered Chairs and Rockers, Vz Price True to name, only the most wax or fumed. -TIME FURNITURE REDUCED 9 .lfetlme" Furniture possesses unusual durability and Is exceptionally handsome n appearance, made from XIOOIU tuin.L.., "Llfetl select oak. The Buy Li retime line, embodies a comnlete assortment of Lifetime. Living- Living-Room Furniture now at January Clearance prices.. Our Half-Price Furniture Section On (he Sixth Floor Temporary Annex No. 1 enables you to select odd pieces from our Furniture Stock which we are determined to close out. To do this we have made a drastic price reduction" of 50 off on this varied show ing of odd furniture pieces. Tks QuALrr VSTOKB oi Portland Our Department of Interior Decorating has been established for the purpose of assisting you-in the Important matter of Homo Fur nishings. We will submit plans for the entire work, or assist you In carrying: out your own ideas.- Experts here are always at your service. A telephone call will bring one to your aid. Interior Deeoratinjr Depart ment. Ninth F'loor. Temporary Annex No. 1 $60.00 Overstuffed Davenport "With spring back and seat. Covered in denim green or brown for se lection. Six feet long. Clearance price, $-49.60 $70.00 Solid Mahogany Frame Overstuffed Daven port Covered in high-grade green denim the very best upholsterinsr. live feet long. Clearance bale price, $51.75. S75.00 Overstuffed Davenport Made with high back and full arms. Covered with best quality green denim. Clearance priee, $o4.50. S85.00 Overstuffed Davenport Plain upholstered style, with three-pillow seat and back effect. Special for Clearance, ipoS.oO. $90.00 Overstuffed Davenport With plain spring back and seat. Low-arm style. 89 inches long. Cov ered in highpst grade green or brown denim. Clear ance price, $64.50. $90.00 Overstuffed Davenport Made with plain back and three down-iilled cushions in t lie seat. Length 75 inches. Special for Clearance, $59.50 $100 Overstuffed Davenport Made in our own workshops. Covered in highest quality green denim. Table-height back and low pillow spring arms. Length 85 inches. Clearance, $75. OO. $135 Overstuffed Davenport G feet 6 inches long. TTnholstered in srreen denim. Three down pillows in seat and three-pillow effect back. Clearance Sale prk-e, $95.00. Beautify the Home WITH Lace Curtains During this sale - $2.50 Lace. Curtains at, pair SI. 19 $3.00 Lace Curtains at, pair SI. 48 $3.50 Lace Curtains at, pair SI. 69 . Ninth l-'loor. Temporary Annex No. I It!- IS ft 1