The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 22, 1914, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 7, Image 73

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M rM.tUi' -Urnm .retold iiJI
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In tfce Path o the
THK children knelt on the cushioned
seat of the bay window and
watched the west wind drive the storm
clouds across the sky. The rain was
over and suddenly each gave a cry of
"The rainbow! The rainbow! Oh,
Bee the rainbow, mother dearie?"
Their mother was quick to look at
the arch of violet, gold and rose which
spanned the sky. It seemed to disap
pear into the woods right opposite
"It is a bow of promise," she said
smiling. "Tomorrow will be fair!"
"Oh, mother, dearie, is it true that
there's a bag of gold at the end of the
rainbow?" asked Harold eagerly.
Ills sisters laughed merrily. "How
can you think of such a silly thing.
Harold? Of course, that is only a fairy
His mother, seeing the boy's ashamed
look, spoke quickly. "I am inclined, to
think that it is true, Harold."
"Why, mother, do you really mean
it?" the older girl asked astonished.
"Why, our nurse used to tell us she
had often gone to look for it, and had
only succeeded In getting lost her
self!" Terhaps she did not take the right
path, daughter. The rainbow path Is
no common one, and it is not always
an easy one to find."
"But, mother, dearie, how are we to
know Just which is the rainbow path?"
spoke the three in one breath.
Instead of answering their question
their mother sat beside them and said
slowly: "Look closely at the rainbow,
my dears, and tell me ot what It is
"I can see violet and blue, and rosa
ixnd green and gold," said Eloise. who
hud a talent for painting.
"You are right. All those colors are
there. Now, can any one of you tell
me what they mean?"
No one of them could, though they
thought long and hard.
"Violet stands for faith," said mother
milling, "and blue for hopefulness. The
rose color is the symbol of Joy, and the
green of virtue. The gold stands for
the most beautiful thing of all, for it
is tlie color of the sun and means love!
Now perhaps you can see why the
rainbow path is not always easy to
find. Faith, hope, Joy, virtue and
j 878 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 ft 1 8 if'ilS
7 1 7
j 87S78 788 7 8 7 8 7
Life in a Great Light
9 7 318
Seven, eight, lay them straight,
A red and then a blue,
There simply isn't any end
To what my blocks will do.
A castle I can build with them,
A bridge, a house, a wall,
A tower, or a flight of stairs,
. Or anything at all.
this path, shall we find the bag of could have been granted if he had gone
truly, at its end, mother.
gold, really,
"Have we not already seen that gold
stands for love, Harold? And who can
best )oubt if he have faith, hope, joy, Vir-
wlth the travelers,. and his third wish
well, he could keep on trying, and he
picked up his violin and went home.
N'CE there was a little girl who
lived with her father and mother
and brothers in a large lighthouse. This
lighthouse was built on a lg rock
auwx out in the ocean.
Now, the little girl could not go to
school and had no playmates except her
two brothers, but she was never lone
some, for she loved her homeland its
surroundings. She liked to look at the
beautiful sky and watch the dashing
waves as they splashed up on the
She was happiest in the Summer, for
then she could stay all day out In the
open. In the early morning she could
watch the sun rise and be the first of
the family to say "Good morning" to
She would make wreaths of flowers
and chains of shells, and when she had
put these on would dance and play
she was a fairy. Then she liked to
wade In the water, and what fun it was
to run and Jump about in the waves.
She would make boats and dolls out
of chips and sail the tiny crafts with
their passengers in the little pools of
water here and tbere in the rocks. She
also made boats out of shells, but she
liked the wooden ones the best.
She did not like tne Winter very
much, for it was long and cold, but It
had its good side, too, for she had many
books and toys and she played by the
big fireplace. She used to watch cut
the window for a chance ship, and often
sea birds flew by. She used to watch-
her father light the big lantern way up
n the tower of the lighthouse, and
when she was old enough she was al
lowed to light It sometimes.
She was always glad when the Win
ter was past, and as soon as she could
she planted a little garden. This she
cared for faithfully and was always
rewarded by a beautiful array of lovely
She had other gardens, too little
pools full of seaweeds of different
kinds and many queer sea animals.
She passed a happy childhood in her
lighthouse home, and when she grew up
and went to live somewhere else she
always remembered the wonderful
ocean. She thought so much of it that
she wrote many poems about It, so that
others might know of its great beau
ties. Thus, in her lonesome home, sho
found ample happiness for herself and
an abundance which she was able to
share with others.
Why the Music
Cross Patch drew the latch,
And sat by the fire to spin,
She wove a gown of somber brown,
To go to meeting in,
THERE was a whole family of frogs
that lived In a pool by the side t
the road, down among the grass and
weeds, and on warm Summer nig-ht.;
they used to come out and sit on the.
bank, and play their banjos. Now, or
course, they weren't real banjos, but
they sounded Just like them.
They all played except grandpa, who
was too old, and baby, who could only
say "Peep, peep!" Just like the little
One night they were having a fine
time twing, twang, twing, till all the
katydids and crickets stopped to listen
to the music. Ail of a sudden a b'g
stone came Kereplash! right in anions
them; then another. They wero dread
fully frightened, and .-grandpa said.
"Hush! Keep quiet or they may throw
more stones!" "What for?" said l'olly
Then they all listened, while grandpa
told how there were people who cared
more for eating than most anything,
and would cut oft the frogs' legs and
cook and eat them. "How dreadful!"
said Polly. "Yes," said grandpa, "and
they kill our cousins, the pretty birds.
Just to get the feathers to wear in their
Polly felt her little green legs and
was so glad they were there, and they
all wondered how anybody could be so
cruel. Don't you?
When Ma was all fixed for the pui'ty.
And we were tucked into bed.
She bent and kissed me and my Doll',
And this is Just what she said:
"If you are a good little lassie.
And shut your ejes very tight.
The wonderful Kinn; of Sleepy-land
Will stay with jou until light."
clared that the missing article was In of an author which will complete the
the King s mouth. meter and sense:
His Majesty shook his head savagely A long fair curse of (1) .-beach
In the negative. ' Where Summer (2)....aro scattered;
The magician Insisted Upon his point An arm of (3) beyond whose reach
I 1 m ooinp -to be
r Like rrw old
7 So Hi -TSfcti - Fido i
c i den AuVrfvT -
1 CAfiT" oei-r
My mother says when I'm a man
A hero I shall be.
And serve my country beBt I can
And march from sea to sea.
I thought maybe I'd go to war.
Anil rout the foreign foe,
Or maybe I'd be President
And to the White House go.
But after all I think the best
A little boy can be
Is like old Chris Columbus,
Who found -our great country.
I'd like to sail upon the deep.
In good old Saint Marie,
And order 'bout my trusty men
And keep down mutiny.
And when I'd come to foreign shores
Like Christopher of old,
I'd plant my country's banner
For nations to behold.
Oh, yes; I'm sure Columbus
Is the man I'd like to be.
He's a hero of our country
And the only one for me.
There Is a good story told of a
sleight-of-hand performer who died
some years ago. He toured around
the world, and on one occasion was In
and demanded that the King's moutn
be opened wide. The King refused. The
magician still Insisted, until the King
reluctantly opened his Jaws.
The article was tot there! The next
Instant, however, he was taken with a
violent fit of coughing. He tried to
swallow the concealed article, a button,
but could not. and was compelled to
cough it up.
A (4).
.wreck lies battered.
The clouds are (5).... this windy day.
Ana the (7) of stubble.
o I shut em as tight as could be,
And what do you ever think?
A little old man stood there waiting.
Before I could even wink.
He held out his band, and wc traveled
Way down through the lung, dnrk
Out onto the street, alon? the road.
Till we reached tho l''uncy Ball.
Such beautiful, beautiful dresses.
All shining and .of, and red.
of all, love, are the sign-posts which
point the way to the rainbow path.
And so you see, unless one is armed
with these treasures, one is in great
danger of getting completely lost. That
is Just why so many who start out to
eearch for the bag of gold miss their
way, for few if any think of being
faithful, and hopeful, and joyous, and
virtuous, and loving enough to keep on
the rainbow path!"
The children were much Impressed
by their mother's words and thought
them wonderful. Harold spoke slowly:
"But if we are good enough to find
tue and love, that we shall meet
a great dal of love In return?"
An Old World Tale
si V AA .
sua snides ' u$S
Hippo Vtdttt none -
And ttxev -AflAafiy
rushfcd Vo
She. SdMti ""d c"5
Spoiled ly "tri
LONG, long ago there was born on a
fine Sunday morning ' a little boy
named Nils. Now, because he was a
Sunday child his mother told him that
the fairies would watch over htm, and
if he were good and tried to do right
he would see the Nixie sometime. Sbe
told him that the Nixie would grant
him three wishes.
Of course, he wanted to see the Nixie,
so he was a good, kind little boy. He
was never rough or cross, and he helped
his mother all he could. Sometime
when his work was done he would sit
by the water where the Nixie lived and
try to hear her music. Several times
he thought he heard It, but he never
could see her to tell her his wishes.
He had decided what he would do
when he saw her. First, he wanted to
know a great deal and be wise; second,
he wanted to become famous, and, lastly,
he wished for a violin and to be able to
play the Nixie's sweet music
He told his school teacher about his
wishes and begged to borrow the old
man's violin. The old man lent tt to
him and taught the boy how to play on
it, but Nils could not play the, Nixie's
music, although he knew Just how it
When the old man died he left the
violin to Nils and Nils treasured it
highly. Every minute he could spare
from his work he spent with his music
Soon people came from everywhere to
hear Nils play, and no feast or gather
ing was complete without him and his
violin. People said he could play the
Nixie's music, but he knew he could not.
As he grew old he still tried to be
good and ,kind and gentle to alL He
Was ready to help anyone in trouble
end give advice to all who asked for it.
For this he got the name "Wise Nils."
Some travelers passing through his
country once tried to coax him to go
with tfteni and play in different lands,
but he refused to leave his people. After
the travelers had left they sent Nils a
beautiful violin.
With this new violin Nils thought he
could surely play the Nixie's music, so
he ran down to the water. As he lis
tened he heard soft, sweet music, but
when he tried to play it he could not.
He was so discouraged that, he put
his violin down. Then he began to
think of his three wishes. His first
wish had been granted, for he was
called "Wise Nils"; his second wish
1. Hold on to your hand when you
are about to do an unkind act.
2. Hold on to your tongue when
you are Just ready to speak harshly.
3. Hold on to your heart when evil
persons invite you to Join their ranks.
4. Hold on to your virtue It is
above all price to you In ell times and
6. Hold on to your foot when you
are on the point of forsaking the
6. Hold on to the truth for It will
serve you well and do you good
throughout eternity.
7. Hold on to your temper when
you are excited, or angry, or others
are angry with you. .
S. Hold on to your good character,
for It is and ever will be your best
(?t1n Tm not a I
Fashionable Swedish
ui often ,
7i A. -Z.
CV jtmn ?-Hm tin'.
Quite. Common --truth
-to" -tell-"Th
i,n hso i v i n o
Di ncet fJiies
roe -J&el -
Swell ' "
THREE o'clock Is the proper time for
a fashionable dinner in Sweden.
The guests are received very gracious
ly In the drawing-room by the hostess.
When al! the visitors arrive the hostess
invites them into the dining-room.
In this room at one side there is a
small table laden with all kinds of
Swedish dainties, such as a slices of
fresh raw salmon, smoked reindeer,
eggs hardboiled, cucumbers, smoked
goose breast, herring salad (made of
very fat pickled herring, potatoes,
cooked meat, boiled eggs, beets and
onions and seasoned with oil, pepper
and vinegar), rye bread and old cheese.
The things are arranged nicely on a
clean white cloth, on which there are
also piles of plates, forks and knives.
Each guest helps himself and but
ters a piece of bread; then he takes
whatever else he wants from the table But come within my (9) . bright,
and goes wherever he wants to eat it. Whose fire of (10.... (11).... rosy;
Each person eats standing up and. We'll (12).... a (13) and then to-
It Je&S lock? the sMefi ' ,
At nipit before f yo to
izzno ujs tAerp frtiKie'.
coes nod Serm r-aht
rriy ozJn voce SCft-'
fit 'K-r cze pennies rtcJt jsa
Or &ocn tfiffn trf 'cr you' V
iJesi Zip 7o,
un. iq
Where flapping round a scarecrow
The crows rehearse their trouble.
Tou never know where nuts are
Unless you hunt around.
Sometimes twjry's stlckln' on 'e trees,
Sometimes they's on'e ground.
But there's one thing very certain.
If you falls down, oh, deary me!
You always find a chestnut burr,
A-stickln' to your knee.
far-away New Zealand. It was arranged
that he should give an exhibition of
mind-reading before the King of the
After some parleying, it was decided
that the King should himself conceal
an article which the magician was to
The mind-reader left the room and
after a time was brought back, blind
folded. After some thinking, he de-
while eating, walks around visiting
with tha hostess and other guests.
After this the guests are invited to
the dinner table, where all sit down
and a dinner served In courses much
like ours is enjoyed.
When dinner is over coffee is served
in the drawing-room, and unless the
guest is Invited especially for the even
ing, he leaves after a short conversa- '
tlon. When he leaves he shakes hands
with both host and hostess and thanks
them for their kindness. They In turn
are very polite and hope the dinner has
done him good.
Swedish people are very hospitable
and both in receiving and bidding a
guest goodbye they are gracious and
polite and do all that Is possible to
make him feel at ease.
May (14)
content and cozy.
And Getting Tlieru.
Just like the one that my mother wore
When 8he stood beside my bed.
And oceans of candy, cream and cake;
And lots of music beside;
And a snow-white horse, with silver
For the boys and girls to ride.
But just as I, got upon his back.
And started to pranco about.
Why is a violinist like a pickpocket? Somebody, right close up beside me.
Because he
is always fingering for Gave -a long, tremendous shout.
What country expresses an appe-
one would a hungry man
1 vc heard oSr People beiW Q eg -Out--tell
me- did you know - Sir ?
-Tfw5t" down -the Road - So I've
Iheve s,es v -aT Green - G
iAL -
been "to(d J
2. What
3. What one would an inant like
be in?
4. What one does the miser hoard?
5. What one expresses sorrow?
6. What one does the housewife tak,e
pride In?
In the 14 sentences following IS ani
mals are hidden.
I. , I went only by the naval orders.
2. Oood Dr. Ambrose allowed me to
go out.
3. Arthur, at what time will you meet
me tomorrow?
4. The stone explode- and the sauce
pan therefore was badly broken.
5. Jack, all children should obey
their parents.
6. Let us play hide and seek, as tag
is so tiresome.
7. Oh. Leo! pardon that poor man for
my sake.
8. Rebecca, take this present from me
to John.
9. There is that bad German lad who
stole my book.
10. I saw strange men In the wood,
chuckling and laughing as I went by.
II. That squalling babe arrived yes
terday. 12. Charles asked rne if oxen ever
were In deer parks.
13. After getting on the. Bteamnur
bought some candy' and a magazine.
14. Is Douglass able-bodied nnl
Fill out each blank with the r.cir.e
I Jumped and tumbled straight to the
The little man flew away.
I opened my eyes, and on the floor
My Dolly and I both lay.
And mother stood laughing besido us;
The sun was bright as could be.
"What a nice old man he Is!" she cried.
And picked up Dolly and me.
L. D. Stearns.
l-Y J were a m
NoTh'ino bujr
And -thev should
And a(I JiTTle
Git-lS could
Qive ifiem
6 , Shke .
And ust helt
-fhem Selves as
Among my tender vines I spy
A little fox named Bye and Bye.
Then set upon him quick, I say.
The swift young hunter Right Away.
Around each tender vine I plant,
I find the little fox I Can't.
Then, fast as ever hunter ran.
Chase him with bold and brave I Can.
No Use In trying lags and whines
This fox among my tender vines.
Thendrive him low, and drive him hiyh.
With this good hunter, named I'll Try
Among the vines in my small lot.
Creeps in the young fox I Forgot.
Then hunt him out and to his pen
With I Will Not Forget Again.
A little fox is hidden there
Among my vines, named I Don't Care.
Then let I'm Sorry hunter true
Chase him afar from vine and you.
Union Gospel News.
Small Eloise came home from her
first day at school eager to show her
mother the physical exercises she had
"It's called fistical culture, mamma."
rhe explained, "cause you do nearly
nil of it with your fists." '
Because the
Why did the fly
.-pidor spied her.
V.'hy i;r; li-e Western Drairies sr.
liat'.' Eccauit tho sa:i sets on them