The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 22, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 66

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, Prayers of Gratitude to Mingle With Those for Sufferers in Europe, Victims of War Special Music Is Arranged.
i ODAT will be observed as Thanks
giving: Sunday in many of the h
churches of Portland.' For the oc
casion special sermons have been pre
pared and musical programmes will as
sume an extra brilliance. In the First
Congregational Church, the Rev. Luther
R. Dyott will take as his theme
for his evening sermon, "Thanksgiving
for Greater Than Material Things."
Similar topics will be discussed by
other pastors. Prayers for the suffer
ers from the war will be mingled with
hymns and words of thanksgiving.
In the First Congregational Church
at the night service the choir will pre
sent a Thanksgiving praise service.
Some of the special music for this oc
casion Will be the following:
-Duet, "Glory to Thee, My God" (Gou
nod), Mrs. Henney and Mr. Hurlbut;
Quartet, "I Am Alpha and Omega"
(Stalner); chorus, "Sweet Is Thy Mercy
(Barnby). The special music at the
morning service will be: "Praise the
Lord" (Randegger), "The "Valley3 Are
Covered With Corn" (Minshall). The
organ numbers will be at night: "Lar
go," from New World Symphony
(Dvorack), "Recessional" (Destbrook),
and in the morning, "Idilio" (Lack),
I "Scherzo" (Lemalgre.)
The women of the First Congrega
tional Church are studying some of
"the problems of today and among the
themes at a meeting last AVednesday
were "Ellis Island and After." by Miss
Louise Brace: "Helpful Work for the
' Jmmigrant," Mrs. R. E. Jones. The
t meeting was held at the residence of
Mrs. C. H., Gayiord, at 755 Schuyler
On Friday of last week the women
of the Home Missionary Union and the
board of missions for the Pacific held
.an important meeting in the parlors
of the First Congregational Church.
Rev. J. H. Bennett, who has been
appointed presiding elder of the
Wilkesboro district in North Carolina,
will leave today on the steamer Bea
ver. Mrs. Bennett will accompany him.
A number of friends will be at the
Alnsworth dock at 3 o'clock to bid
them goodby.
For the benefit of the Salvation
Army a. musicale will be given tomor
row night at 243 Ash street. Those
who will" contribute to the programme
ae Millie Brouilette Whitten Berwick,
Professor Clarkefek, Mrs. Morgan
Fowle, Miss Edna Blake, Miss Gertrude
Hoeber, Miss Marlon Neill, Miss Pearl
pan ford and Miss May Erlckson.
The members of the Montavilla
Methodist Episcopal Church will cele
brate Thanksgiving by a turkey din
ner, to be held in the church from 1
to 7 P. M. Special tables will be pro
vided for family parties.
Presbyterians to Hold Joint,
Thanksgiving Services.
All Congregations Will Unite In
Meetlnsc at Flrnt Cknrch by Dr.
Harry N. Mount.
-LL the Presbyterian Churches ol
Portland will observe Thanks
giving day witha union praise
service to be held in the First Presby
terian Church, Twelfth and -Alder
' streets, at 10:30 Thursday morning.
Dr.' Harry N. Mount, pastor of the
Vernon Presbyterian Church, '.will de
liver . the Thanksgiving sermon. His
subject is- "Thanksgiving, Why and
How.-" , The public is invited to join
the Presbyterians of Portland in 'this
annual -service.
Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor of the
First ' Presbyterian Church, corner
Twelfth and Alder streets, will preach
another of his picture, sermons, at the
service at 7:30 .tonight. The picture
upon which the sermon is . based is the
world famous painting: by Jean
Francois Millet, "The Angelus," that
simple, peaceful portrayal of peasant
life in, the fields, and the ready, nat
ural response to the call of the chimes
in the distant church .tower, wheh
touches a chord of reverence and devo
tion in the heart of everyone who
studies this wonderful painting.
Halftone' reproductions will be dis
tributed to- the congregation before
the sermon, and the discourse will be
an exposition of the truths suggested
by the symbolic picture. No pews are
reserved after 7:30.
. . .
The . Ladies' Auxiliary of the' Pres
byterian Church will hold its annual.
Christmas bazaar on Friday afternoon
and evening. December 4. Ther-a will
be a cafeteria lunch from 5:30 to 7
P. M. and a home-cooking department.
. - ...
The Women's Guild of the Church of
the Good Shepherd, Graham and Van
.couver avenues, will hold their annual
sale of fancy work, - Wednesday and
Thursday, December 2 and 3, in the
guild rooms. -Supper will be served
Wednesday night and an entertain
ment held: Thursday night.
A Christmas sale will be held by the
women ot St. Rose Church at the Rose
City Park Clubhouse, East Fifty-Seventh
street North, and Sandy boulevard,
December 1. The sale will begin in the
afternoon and will last during the
evening. A chicken dinner- will be
served between 6 and 8 P. M.
... t
Thanksgiving services will be held
at St. James English Lutheran Church
on Thursday morning. The pastor will
preach and the choir will furnish sult
. able music.
The subject of Dr. . Perry Joseph
Green's lecture this morning and even
ing at Temple of Truth, Eilers build
ing, will be "Gratitude, a Fountain of
Life." It Is Dr. Green's endeavor in
this lecture to "awaken In each indi
vidual 'The God Power' or 'super con
sciousness,' which is the fountain of
the eternal alV or .'.life everlasting.'
That 'progression' "or 'retrogression'
depends entirely upon the love' or
'gratitude' we manifest in appreciation
of the blessings we enjoy' daily; that
the much we earn, or. the little we
have, is exactly in" proportion to the
thought we send out to the Father, who
is. our power and inspiration." These
lectures are free.
At the White Temple this morning.
Dr. Hinson will take for his theme.
"Where is God?" At this service there
will be opportunity given for any to
make known their intention 4T joining
the church.
At 7:30 o'clock Bruce Evans will de
, liver his farewell sermon in this
church. His theme will be the "End
of the Road." Special singing and the
ordinance of baptism will be heard at
this service. A special thank offering
for the work of the Evangelist will be
received at these service.
On Thursday Dr. Hinson will preach
the Thanksgiving sermon at the First
Congregational Church at 10:30 o'clock.
Dr. Dyott, the pastor, will preside. On
Friday the annual thank offering meet
ing of the Women's Society will be held
at 2:30 P. M. A general invitation is
extended to all women of the church
and congregation. The Willamette As
sociation will hold its B. Y. P. U. rally
in- this church on Friday, November
37, beginning at 2:30. Dinner will be
served at 6:30. and a social evening
will follow. . -
4X -s
w mmcu te ..
Holiday Bazaar to Be Held
in Old Parish House.
J. Ti. Graham, Ajulsted by Women
of St. Ua-rld'a l-.plncopal tkureh.-to
Conduct Annual Event, -
THE old parish-house of St. David's
Episcopal Church will be the scene
of the annual holiday bazaar, which
will be held on December 2 and 3 un
der the management of J. N. Graham,
assisted by several prominent woman
of the parish. Mrs. E. W. Matthews
will preside at the table, where will
be found inexpensive, usofol and fancy
articles suitable for Christmas gifts.
Friends, returning from abroad, have
contributed European ideas, and these
mingled with the American make, a
collection of articles that are exceed
ingly interesting. Mrs. Joseph! and
Mrs. Reginald Hastings will have
charge of the rug booth. Anyone wish
ing initials embrmoidered is asked to
communicate with Mrs. S. D. Hollister.
Sellwood, 1794. Aprons of every va
riety and dainty baby clothes and ac
cessories will be found. The women
of St. David's Gould are planning many
delightful surprises and innovations
and the Daughters of St. David will sell
home-made candies. The whole con
gregation is working for the success of
the bazaar.
The World's Congress of Young Peo
ple's Societies will assemble in Oak
land, Cal., December 8. The congress
is composed of members of the Ep
worth League of the Methodist Epis
copal. Church, the Baptists' Young Peo
ples Union, the Christian Endeavor
and the Brotherhood of St Andrew of
San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda and
Berkeley. The organization is to pro
mote religious work during the Panama-Pacific
Exposition. Dr. -Frank La
fayette Loveland, pastor of the First
Methodist Church of this city, has been
invited to speak before this congress.
It is expected that the banquet to be
held will be attended by several thou
sand religious workers.
sThe Trinity M E. Church, Portland.
Rev. A. B. Calder, pastor, located at
East Tenth and East Sherman streets,
will have a church rally on Friday
eVening, November 27. Old members
and for.ner pastors are expected to
join In the rally and an invitation is
hereby extended to them. An excellent
programme will be provided and the
Ladies' Aid will serve a free supper.
Piedmont Church to Have
"ReaJ" Thanksgivings-
Donctions of Food and Clothing for
Poor to Be Received at Thundny'a
REAL" Thanksgiving service will
be held in the Piedmont Presbyte
rian Church Thursday at 10:30 In the
morning. The meeting will be a com
munity affair and all who are inter
ested are Invited. Special music will
be rendered.
The Rev. J. E. Snyder will give a
sermon and there will be offering
received for the worthy poor. Dona
tions of provisions, potatoes, apples,
canned fruits and other things for the
table and clean clothing for men,
women and children will be received at
the church from 9 to 11:30 o'clock and
will be distributed by the Young Peo
ple's Society. . This will be a practical
Thanksgiving planned for the church
and its friends.
A week, of revival meetings in which
the Christian young people of Central
Methodist Church, Vancouver avenue
and Fargo street, will make earnest
effort to win their friends to Christ,
begins Sunday. Rev. C. C. Rarick. the
pastor, will lead in the work, assisted
by the leading Methodist pasters of
the city, each taking one service as
follows i Rev. R. E. Smith, of Sunny
side Church, Monday night; Rev. Frank
L. Loveland, of First, Church, Tuesday
night; Rev. W. W. Youngson, of Rose
City Park Church. Wednesday night;
Rev. T.W. Lane, of Centenary Church,
Thursday night, and Rev. E. O. Eld
ridge, of Mount Tabor Church. Friday
. -.
Elaborate preparations are ' being
made by the Aid Society of the Sunny
side Congregational Church for the
opening of its annual bazaar, Friday,
December 4. - There will be articles in
great profusion and variety in the va
rious domestic and fancy booths. The
regular annual supper will be given
Friday, December 11.
Rev. J. Richard Olson, pastor of Im
manuel Lutheran Church, has been
visiting relatives in Sioux City, la., and
other points and has made addresses
before several church gatherings. He
will return to Portland next Friday.
The eleventh lesson in the course of
basic principles of truth and healing,
will be given by Florence Crawford to
night at 7:45 o'clock in Central Library
Hall. The topic will be "Believing, or
Creating the Ideal." Mrs. Eva C.
Hassler will sing, and will be accom
panied by Mrs. Grace Stratton. pianist.
The subject last Sunday was "Asking.
Opening the Door." Mrs. Crawford,
said: "Few realize the great impor
tance of 'asking' the Father, or fram
ing in words the request sent out to
the infnlte mind. Simple longing,
yearning and desire avail little. That
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Above i-St. David's Churra. Hunt TVelth and Belmont Streets. Below Orlg.
- tnal Chapel Built In 1870 Jio-vr the Parish House.
is like trying to dip water, from the
ocean with a bottomless bucket. When
we outline our desire and give it def
inite fixed form with ours work we
have' made a perfect mold for substance
to fill. Just as the Father did when he
through faith framed (or outlined) the
worlds by the power of his word.'
Then, too, the 'asking" is an act of
recognition of the Father by the Son.
Father and Son each have their place in
the universal life. A father provides
and gives; a son asks and receives.
Until this relation is established, each
recognizing the office of the other,
perfect harmony is -not established."
Mrs. Elizabeth Bond sang"The Val
ley of Laughter" and was accompanied
by Mrs. Grace Strattom pianist.
' . .. . -
At First Methodist. Chtfrch South,
Rev. J. 'L. Law, the pastor, is having
the assistance of Rev. Arthur Thomas,
of Grants Pass, Or.
Services will continue throughout
November and, .the last week will -be
given over to a Bible conference and
different ministers of this city and
some from a distance will take part in
the work. The sessions will be 10
A. M., 3 P. M. and 7:45 P. M. Seats are
free. " -
Sunday Church
Services -
First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor
streets Rev. W. B. Hinson, D. D.. pastor.
10, Bible school; classes for a) ages; 11,
preaching by Dr. Hinson; theme, "Where Is
God?": 8:30. B. Y. P. U.: 7:30, preaching
by ftev. J. Bruce Evans; theme, "The Har
vest Time."
Kant Side. Kast Twentieth and Anken
streets Kev. W. O. Shank, pastor. . 10. Sun
day school; 11. Breaching- by the pastor;
theme. "The Jubilee Year, or Thanksgiving
Time": 6:30. B. Y. P. V.: 1:30, preaching
by the pastor; theme, . "The Divine Right
of Kina-s,"
HlKhland. Alberta and East Sixth streets
North 9:45. 6unday school; 11 and 7:30,
preachiha- by Rev. Frank C. Stannard; 6:30.
B. Y. P. U.
Kast Forty-fifth street Rev. A. B. Walts,
Pastor.. 9:45. Sunday , school; 11, preaching
by Dr. E. H. East: 6:30, B. Y. P. U-; 7:30.
preaching bv the castor: theme. "Mind Your
Own Business."
Lents Rev. J. M. Kelson, pastor. 11,
preachlnr by the nastor; theme. "The Gos
pel Preached to the Dead"; 6:30, B. Y. P.
LT.: 7:30, rtreachlnr bv -the pastor; , theme,
"Hindering- Christ's Work"; 10, Sunday
Arleta Rev. w. T. S. Spriggs, pastor.
9:46.. Sunday school;' 11, preaching by the
pastor: theme. "Walkinr With God"; 6:13,
B. Y. P. U. : 7:80. preaching by the pastor;
theme. "Peace Through the Blood ot His
Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets
Rev. Walter Duff, pastor. lO, address by
chapel car evangelist; 11. preaching by Dr.
W. C. Driver, chapel car evangelist; 6:80,
B. Y. P. U. : 7:30, preaching by the pastor;
theme. "A Testimony's Worth."
Third. Knott street and Vancouver avenue
Rev. Wehier J. Beaven, pastor. Morning
X ' ' jf " - :-
'Services. 11: theme. "The Disciple as Seen
in Jesus' Praver": 7:30. theme. "Bartering
One's Birthright"; Bible school, 0:40; B. Y.
P. V.. 6:30.
Tabernacle Rev. J. c. Tlbbits, pastor. 10.
Sunday school; preaching services, 11 and
Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tib
Detts streets Kev. Francesco Sannells. pas
tor. 10. Sunday achooi; 11. preaching serv
ices: 7. pastor's circle (prayer service); S.
preaching service; 10:30. short sermoa tor
English-speaking people; 7:30, preaching.
St. Johns Rv. E. P. Borden, pastor.
Services 11 and 8..
Elmo Heights. Lents Sunday school, 2)30
o'clock. v
Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets
-Rev. F. Linden, pastor. Preaching, . ,0:49
and 7:30; Sunday school, 12 noon; Y. P,
U 8.
University park Rev. A. C Saxton. pas
tor. Sunday school. 10: 11. preaching by
the pastor: 6:30. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, -aeh-lnjr
by the pastor.
Second Gorman. Morris street and Rodney
avenue Rev Frederick Buerrman, pastor.
Sunday jchool. 8:45; preaching, 11 and 7:10
B. Y. P. U.. T.
Grace. Mbntavllls. Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45; services. 11 and
8: B. Y. P. U 6:45.
Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets
Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Servlcaa. 11
and 8; Sunday achool, -12:30.
Chinese Mission. 353 Burn aid. street Sun
day school. 7: J. a. Malono. superintendent
Russcllvllle scnoolhouse. under auspices of
Grace Church. . Montavilla Sunday school..
. First. German Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. J. Kratt. pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school. 9:43.
Sellwood Eleventn street and Tacoma ave.
nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching.
11 and 7:30; Guaday school. 10; B. T P U
6:30. " "
Holy Cross. University Pane Rev. C R.
Flnner. Low mass. 8:30; high mass and
sermon. 10:30: vespers and benediction 4
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill
streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8:30;
high mass and sermon. 10:3O; vespers and
benediction. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton street Rev. w A Daly
Low mass. 6. 8 and 8; high mass and ser
mon, 10:30; vespers and benediction. 7:80.
St Francis'. East Twelfth street between
Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low
mass, 8; high mass and aermon, 10:30; vaa
pers. Instruction and benediction,, 7:30.
Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas
streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly, O. P. Low
mass. 6. 7. 8 and 9; high mass and sermon,
11; vespers and benediction, 7:30. On the
nrst Sunday of the month rosary procession
sermon and benediction. 7:30; thssjd : unday
sermon, nrocesslon of the most blessed sao
rament and benediction. 7:30; every Thurs
day evening, holy hour from 7:30 to 8:10.
Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and
Williams avenue Kedemptorist Fathers.
Rev. Joseph A- Chapot&n. pastor. Low
tt and 8: hlsh mass and sermon. 10:?O; bene
diction. 7:30.
St. Andrew's, East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass,
6; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers. In
struction and benediction. 7:30.
St. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. H." Hughes. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9;
hieb mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers. In
struction and benediction. 7:SO.
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and
Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D.
Low mass. C 8 and 9; high mass and ser
mon. 11; vespers, instruction and benedic
tion, 7:45.
St. Rose. Fifty-third and Alameda Rev.
Cornelius A. Manor. Low mass. 8:30; hlga
and sermon. 10; vespers. Instruction
and benediction. 7 :30.
St. Clare's (Franciscan Fathers), Capitol
Hill Rev. Caplstran. O. F. M. Low mass at
7:30. high mass and benediction at 9:15.
First.. Park and Columbia streets Rev.
S. M. Connor, temporary pastor. Bible
school. 9:45: morning services, 11; Christian
Endeavor. -6:30; evening services, 7:30; mid
week services. 7:45 Wednesday evening;
chorus rehearsal. 8 Thursday.
Central. East Twentieth and Salmon
streets Dr. S R. Hawkins, pastor. Sunday
school 'at 10, sermons 11 and 7:30, C. E. at
6:30. . .
First. Everett between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Services, 11 and 8; sub
lect of lesson sermon. "Soul and Body";
Sunday school. 9:45 and 11; Wednesday
evening meeting. 8.
Second. East Sixth street and Holladay
avenue Services, 11 and 8; subject of les
son sermon. "Soul and Body"; Sunday school
9:4s and 11: Wednesday evening meeting. 8.
Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets
Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon,
"Soul and Body"; Sunday school, 11 and
12:10: Wednesday evening meeting, 8.
Fourth. Vancouver aveiina iand Emersoa
street Services. 11 and 8; subject of les
son sermon. "Soul and Body" ; Sunday school
9:45 and 11: Wednesday evening meeting. 8.
Fifth. Myrtle Park Station Services, 11;
siiblect of lesson sermon. "Soul and Body";
Sunday school 9:30: Wednesday evening
meeting, 8.
First. Park and Madison Rev. L. R. Dy
ott, minister. 9:0O, Bible school; 6:30. Y.
P. S. C. E. ; 11, "Rational Optimism"; 7:45,
"Thanksgiving for More Than Material
Good." V
Surmyside, East Thirty-second and Tay
lor Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor. 11, "'1 he Fi
nality of God's Word" ; 7 :45, "The Failure
of Sight Overcome by the Blessing of v l
slon"; Sunday school, 10; Junior C. E., 3:30;
Senior C. E., 6:30.
University Park, Haven near Lombard
Rev. W.' C. Kantner. pastor. lO. Sunday
school; .11, "The Ever-Present Christ"; 4,
Junior Endeavor; 7:30, song service with ad
dress, by pastor on "Veteran iuartet." '
Laurelwood Rev. C. S. Johnson, pastor.
11, "Altar Fire"; 7:45, "A Double Personali
ty"; Sunday school, 10: Y. P. S. C. K., 0:45.
Highland, East Sixth and Prescott Rev.
E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10, Sunday schocl;
11. ."In the Upper Walks of Life"; 7:30.
"The Stamp on Sin"; 6:30. Y. P. S. C. E.
St. Johns Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor.
Sunday school, 10; 11, "Gratitude"; Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:30; union Thanksgiving
service, Thursday, 8, -November 2G, at St.
John's Methodist Church. Sermon by D. T.
Ardenwald Rev." D. T. Thomas, pastor.
Sunday school. 10:30? Christian Endeavor,
6:45; 7:30, "The Most Splendid Thing In
Pllsrrim Professor W. M. Proctor, acting
pastor. Morning subject, "The Mission of
the Home": evening. "The Idealist as Law
giver Mosea"
Atkinson Memorial. East Twenty-ninth and
Everett streets Rev. F. W. Gorthan, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:45: Junior and Senior
Endeavor. 3:30 and 6:80; services. 11 and
7:43; topics. "A Thanksgiving Meditation''
and "The Church bf Modern Man."
Mount Zlon. Greenhlll Station Rev. -C. W.
Wells, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30.
Waverlev Heights. East Thirty-third and
Woodard Rev. A. C. Moses, pastor. Sermon
at 11. "A Man's Value to the World;" 7:30,
"The Memory of a Gocd Home;" Young
People's Society at 6:SO.
Pilgrim. Missouri avenue and Shaver
Professor W. M. Proctor, acting pastor.
Morning sermon. "The Mission of the
Home;" evening; "Tho Idealist Lawgiver.
St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall
streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev.
J. G. Hatton. associate. 7:30, holy eu
charist: 9:45. Sunday school; 10:15. matins;
11. holv euch&rlst and sermon; 7:S0, even
song and sermon: week day services dally,
7:30. holv eucharlst: Fridays at 8, litany
and address.
Ascension Chapel. Nineteenth and Spring
streets Rev. Barr G. Lee, priest In charge.
Holv communion. 7:45; Sunday school. 9:30.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr.
Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. A,
M. Ramsey, dean. Holy communion, 7:40;
Sunday school. 10: morning servloa. 11;
service for colored people, 8; evening serv
ice. 7:45.
St. Matthew's. Bancroft and Corbett
streets iiafr. W. A M. Breck, vicar. Sua-.
day school, lO: service and aermon. II; even
ing service st St. Helens, on the Columbia
River, at T:SO.
Church of Our Savior. Sixtieth avenue and
Forty-first street Southeast (Woodstock)
Rev. B. H. Clark, vicar. Services. 8 and 11;
also third Sunday of the month at 7:S0.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets-
Rev., Dr. A, A. Morrison, rector. Services,
8, 11 and 8: Sunday school. 9:45; Good Fel
lowship Society, parish bouse. Nineteenth
and Davis streets. 7 to 7:55.
St. David's. East Twelfth' and Belmont
streets Rev. H. R. Talbot, rector. J 7 :S0.
celebration of holy eucharlst; 9:45. Sunday
school; 11. morning prayer and sermon;
4:30. evening prayer.. ,
Church of St. Michael and All Angels.
Broadway and East Forty-third street.Kort..
Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar. Sunday schoo.
and Bible class. 10; morning serlce and
sermon. 11; holy communion, first Sunday.
11: third Sunday, 7:30.
Grace Memorial. Weldler And East Seven,
teenth streets North Rev. George B. Vaa
Waters, rector: Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vl
car. Holy communion, s, excepting on- first
Sunday in the month; morning prayer and
erraon. 11; Sunday achool. 10. No evenlnc
AU Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Sa- ler strsetf
Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and
sermon. 11; celebration of the holy eom.
munlon tne first Sunday In the month at 11
i nd the third Sunday at 8.
Good Shepherd. Graham street and Van
couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, recter.
6unday school. 9:45; vmornlng service. 11;
evening service. 7:30.
St. Paul's. Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor; vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday
of month. 8: evening prayer and sermon. .
except the first Sunday of month.
St. John's, Mllwaukle Rev. John p. Rloe.
vicar. Prayer. 3: holy communion. :0,
first Sunday of month.
. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good
Kamarltan Hospital Rev. Frederick K. How
ard. chaplain. Holy communion, 7; vespers.
6t. John's. Sellwood Rev. John D. Rlea,
vicar. 8. holy communion, except on flr.
6unday of month; 10, Sunday school; 1ft.
morning prayer;7 :30, evening prayer; haly
communion first 43unday of month. ,
Bt. Matthew. Bancroft and Corbett streets
W. R. McBreck. vicar. Sunday school, 19
A. M.; Harvest Home celebration, ZO A. M.
St. Andrew's, near Portsmouth school rF.
M Baum. vicar Services at usual hours.
Scandinavian Mission. 737 Alberta street
M. Olsen. pastor. Sunday school at 10, ser
mons 11 and 7:80. T. P. M. Sunday at 5:80,
prayer meeting Thursday at 8.
Oddfellows Hall. East Sixth and East Al
der streets 1:45, Berean Bible lesson, "The
Time Is at Hand": 8. lecture on the war,
"The ComlRF. of Shlloh." by Norman M.
Lewton; 4:30. -prayer meeting; 7:80. dis
course, by Daniel Webster..
St. James English, West Park and Jef
ferson Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor. 11," "Ears
That Hear Not": 8. "Retribution -or Re
form, Which?", Sunday school, 10; Luther
League, T. - .
Bethany Danish. Union avenue North and
Morris Rev. M. C. Jensen-Engholm, pas
tor. Services -11 and 8; Sunday school and
Bible class, 10; Young People's meeting,
Tuesday, 8; Ladles Aid, Wednesday, 2 "at
home of Mrs. Hugensen, 62-4 Alberta.
Portland Norwegian, 45 North Fourteenth
Rev. Dltman Larsen, pastor. Services 11
and 7:43; Sunday school, 10; Norwegian, 6:30.
tot. nan uerman, iaat iweixtn ana
Clinton Rev. A. K. reuse, pastor. Sunday
school, B:S0; Services 10:30 and 7:80: con
firmation classes, Tuesday and Friday, 4:
Bible lesson Thursday, 8; German gram
mar school, Saturday, 8-12.
German Evangelical Zlon (Missouri Sy
nod. Salmon and Chapman Rev. H. H. Kop
pelmann, pastor. Services 10:15 and 7:45;
Sunday school, 9:13; Thankseivlng services,
Thursday 10:15.
Trinity German (Missouri SynodL Will
lams and Graham tvecuea Rev. J. A. Rim
bach, pastor. Services 10:15 and 7:30; Sun
day scnool. 9:15.
First, Twelfth and Taylor Rev. Frank L.
Loveland. minister. 10:30, "The Christ With
in Us"; 12:15, Sunday school; 6:30, Ep worth
League: 7:3t, "The Quest for the Fountain
of Health." , .
Vancouver-Avenue Norwegian-Danish, cor
ner Ekldmore Rev. Abraham Verelde, pas
tor. 10:45. "How to Get the Victory"; 8.
"A Religion of Joy"; Sunday school, 12.
University Park, Flske and Lombard
Rev. G. L. Hamilton, pastor. Sunday school,
10; B. L.. 6:15; 11. "Christian Perfection";
7:30, "Why Jesus Came."
Rose City Park, Rose City Park Club
house Rev. W. W. Youngson, minister. 9:46,
Sunday school; 1L "Love's Millionaire";
7:45. Whlttler"! "Snow Bound"; America's
Thanksgiving Poem.
Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
Rev. C C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday school.
9:45; "Lean Bonis In the Midst of Fat Pas
tures.- li; class meeting, 12:15; Epwortn
League, 6:45; "The Sinner His Own Jailer,"
Centenary, East Ninth and Pine Rev. T.
W. Lane, minister. Sunday school. :45; 11.
"The Word Made Flesh"; class meeting,
12:30; Epworth Aeague. 6:15; 7:30, "The
Power of an Affirmative Religion."
Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman Rev. A.
B. Calder. pastor. Sunday school, 10; E. L,
8:80; 11. "How Orders Are Obeyed"; 7:30,
Wood lawn. 1S43 East Tenth North Rev.
Louis Thomas, pastor. Sunday school, lo;
E. L.. 7; 11, "Vocation",: 7 :45. "The Posi
tive Cure"; Thanksgiving service Thanks
giving day, 10:80.
Mount Tabor. East Sixty-first and Stark
E. Ollin Eldrldge. pastor. Sunday school and
adult Bible class at 9:43. sermon 11, "The
Way Out:" 7:30. "A Bad. Bargain;" Ep
worth League 0:15. Thanksgiving service at
10:30 Thursday.
First South Povlck Pierce Law, pastor.
Sunday school at 10. sermons by Rev. tarthur
Thomas, evangelist. 11 and 7:43.
Sunnvslde. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth
R. Elmer Smith, pastor. Sunday school at
Rev. J. F". Gbormley.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley, former
city evangelist for the Christian
churcwX and for many years a
prominent minister in this city,
has accepted a call to the pulpit
of the First Christian Church in
Great Falls; Mont. Rev. Ghorm
ley came to Portland with his
family in 1897. He was pastor jf
the First Christian Cbjurch for
seven years and of the Central
Christian Church for nine years.
Both, churches were built during
his pastorate.
Mr. Ghormley left Portland two
months ago. He will take up the
duties of his new pastorate on
December 1. Mrs. Ghormley left
Portland last Friday to join her
9:30. preaching 11. Epworth League 6:30.
preaching 7:43. "Some Things Every Ameri
can Should Prize."
New Thought Temple er Truth, Eilers
building. 142 Broadway Itev. Perry Joseph
ureen. minister. Lectures. 11 and 8; sub-1ect-
"Gratitude a Fountain of Life"; Truth
School. lO: voung people's meeting. 7; sub
lect. "The Bible and Evolution."
Hope, East Seventy-elgsjth and Everett
Rev. S. W. seemann, minister. Morning,
"Christ In the Common Things of Life";
evening, "Five Men in One."
Mount Tabor, East Fifty-fifth and Bel
mont Rev. W. G. Moore, pastor. Bible
school, :45; 11, "The Spirit of Gratitude";
Young People's meeting, B:30; evening serv
ice, '7 ;30. "The Coming America."
Vernon. Nineteenth and Wygant Rev. H.
Mount, pastor. Sunday school, 10; Y. P.
8. C. E., 6:3'; 11. "The Badge of Dis
clpleshlp"; 7:30. Dr. George B. Pratt.
Rose City Park Services 11 and 7:30; Dr.
J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallls. will speak; even
ing subject, "Rome and Egypt."
Marshall-Street Rev. A. J. Hanna, pas-
tlan Endeavor. 6:43; evening services, 7:30T
mia-week ' prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:30.
Piedmont, Cleveland and Jarrett Rev.
J. E. Snyder, pastor. 11, "Our Harvest
Home"; 7:30, "Christ for the World" ; 9:45.
Sunday school; 6:30, C. E.
Fourth, First and Glbbs Rev. H. G.
Hanson, pastor. 10:30, "The Place of Pray
er in History of Church"; 12. Sunday school;
3. Junior; 6:30, Senior; 7:30, "Mercy Tri
umphing Over Judgment"; Thanksgiving
service, Thursday. 10:30. "
Westminster, East Seventeenth and Schuy
ler Morning service, sermon, subject at
10:30, "Man," second in series on "Regnant
Ideas"; 7:30, three -business man to talk,
Kenilworth. East T hirty-fourrh and Glad
stone Rev. Leslie K. Richardson, pastor.
Bible school at :45, morning worship at 11.
"America's Thanksgiving Day Blessings and
Spokane Avenue. Spokane and Sixteenth
Rev. J. -V. Youel. pastor. Sundav school at
9:45. eerrrion at 11. "In God We Trust;"
7:30. "Wonderful Words of Life."
First. German. Twelfth and Clay streets
Rev. G. Hafner, pastor. Services, 10:45 and
8: Sunday school. 9:30: Christian Endeavor,
7 o'clock. .
Church of the Soul, Auditorium Hall.
208 i Third street Rev. J. H. Lucas, pastor.
Conference 11. mediums' test meeting 3,
sermon and messages 8.
First Christian. V. O. W. Hall. Eleventh
and Alder streets Frederick Stoller, pastor.
Messages 3. lecture 8.
First. 201 Alisky building. Third and Mor
rison streets. Lecture at 3, Mary Congdoo;
lecture at 8. Althea WIesendanger.
Church of Our Father. Broadway and
Yamhill street Rev. Thomas L. Eliot. D. D.
minister emeritus: Rev. William G. Eliot.
JY;, minister. Services, 11 and 7:45; morn
ing tonic. "The " Effect of the War Upon
Foreign Missions"; evening, "The Religion
of Ancient Babylon." a lecture by Dr. Max
Pearson Cushlnr: Sunday school, 9:30;.
Young People's Fraternity, 6:30.
Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth street Rev. James
Dimond Corby. D. D.. pastor. Divine wow
shin with sermon. 10:30: topic. "A Friendly
Studv of Christian Science and the Larger
Thought Christian Unlversallsm" ; sunshine
hour Sundav school. 12 noon: Christian
Union meeting. 6:50; no evening preaching
First. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets
Rev. John D. Nlsewonder, pastor. Bible
school. 10; nreaening. ll and 7:30; subjects,
"Ttie Great Store House" and "Woman's
First.. Sixth and Montgomery streets Rev.
Frank DeWitt Findley, minister. Morning
worship. 10:30: sermon topic. "A Great
Thanksgiving Onportunlty" ; Bible school, 13
noon; CITistian Endeavor, 6:30; topic,
"Thanksgiving": leader. Miss Lillian Ste
venson: evening services, 7:30; sermon topic,
"Nine to One."
.Church ot the Strangers Rev. S. Earl
DuBois. pastor. 10:30. "A Choice Young
Man": 7:30. "Children of Many Lands," wltb
stereopticon views.
Church of the New Jerusalem, Knights of
Pythias Hall. Eleventh and Alder streets
Service and "teermon. 11. conducted by Mr.
Christian Yoga. 503 Ablngton building
Services. 10:30: Bible study, 11:15; Junior
class, 12: subject for 8. "Meaning and Mes
sage of Christian Yoga," by Rev. F. O.
Theosophleal Society, T26 Morgan build
ing Subject for 8. "Astrology: Its Rela
tion to Theosophy."
(Washington Star.)
"I must say," said the man who
makes sapient observations, "that the
Chinese are mighty quick about catch-
it- ft 4 T
' -- f x I
i : .' rf(f ' i.-.t's,. '
I ' . j I
-;x ,-'J
I "--""r--'t'-iirWTioii2ii.eir"jui.i' i i.jji t
lng on to the ways of our higher civ
ilisation. They're good sports, too. I
saw one with fingernails an inch long."
"Do you think they indicated sym
pathy with tfur civilized customs?"
."When a Chinaman makes a- freak
election bet, not having any whiskers
worth mentioning, he has to agree not
to out tils fingernails till his party
comes into power.V
Court Decides Peculiarity Descends
From Father to Son.
ciding that a pup could inherit a kink
in its tail from a similar peculiarity
attached to its father, no matter if the
wagger did happen to receive its twist
through an accident after . the "dad"
had reached his majority. District Court
Judge Frank Smathers recently award
ed Elmer D. Sooy. of this city, a rabbit
hound pup, to whrch booth Sooy and
Thomas Hudson, of Pleasantville, claim
Sooy trotted in a putative papa
hound which had an odd curl in its
wagger. Under cross-examination ho
testified that the peculiar kink was
there because a thlrd-raii trolley had
run over it- The pup happened to have
a. similar Marcel to its tail.
Hudson, on the other hand, led in
another supposed pop hound, which had
blotches on its flanks identical to those
that marked the pup, and said it was
this dog's offspring.
It was too much for the court to de
cide in one sitting, but he did manage
to decide later; and Sooy .got the pup.
The animal is worth $50. .but the two
men spent more than three times that
amount; and Hudson says he will ap
peal and spend as much more, if nec
essary, fo win.
Fifty-seven Barrels of Ancient Vin
tage Perplex Authorities.
READING, Pa.. Nov. 15. A serious
problem which confronts the city's de
partment, although it involves nothing
more 'or less than 67 barrels of sauer
kraut, which a cold storage plant had
stored, must be referred to the State
Department for solution.
In March, 1913, a local firm, which
has gone out of business since, bought
the 57 barrels of perfectly good sauer
kraut, such as is made in rural Berks
County, and had it stored in the cold
storage plant. It was never taken out,
and has ictng since spoiled and become
so odoriferous that its smell permeats
through the cement and ground tunnel
in which it has been placed.
The sauerkraut cannot be hauled
away as garbage; hogs would not eat
it; it can't be thrown lpto the river or
on the dump, so it is up to the com
bined efforts of the city and state
health departments to find a way to
dispose of It.
(Cont1nud From Page 5.)
that have been In my mind during1 thia
whole service. Lines that have almost
escaped my Hps several times already.
They express the yearning of an exile
for the place of childhood's pleasures.
I have felt their power frequently in
the past, as I feel it now.
Oh, to bp home a Rain, home again, home
Down by the meadow, and down by the
Father Is calling me. mother Is calling me.
Calling me, calling roe, calling me still.
Oh. tc bo wandering, wandering, wandering
Thro u eh the rreon meadows, and over the
Sisters are calling me. brothers are calling
Calling me. calling me, calling me still.
Oh. once again to be home again, home
park grows the night, and the evening
is chill;
Ho you not hear how the voices aro calling
Calling me, calling me, calling mo still.
Ah, do you not hear bow the voices
are calling- calling, calling thank
God still?
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Samples Free by Mail
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