The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 22, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Page 5, Image 61

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ONE'S position on the ladder of
success Is. after all, relative, or
so one might be led to believe
after a discussion of the matter with
Miss Miriam Van Waters, superintend
ents of the Detention Home.
The ordinary observer would call it
promising: elevation on the ladder for
one to have, at 25 or. 26 years, the
record of three university degrees, four
years of successful work in one's chosen
line and a position at the head of an
Institution at Just the stage its de
velopment when one can do he most
effective work in determining the char
acter of the Institution for the future.
Miss Van Waters, or let us designate
her by the title she earned in her
university work. Dr. Van Waters,
modestly refuses to regard her position
as one of dizzv elevation on the lad
der. She looks upon it rather In the
attitude of one who succeeded In hook
ing hsr fingers firmly around the low
er rounds of the ladder and is Just
gathering breath for a determined
Perhaps this attitude on her part is
because her vision gives her a glimpse
of upward expanses on the great lad
der that, are invisible to the layman
or to one who does not know the inner
qualities of her ambition or her aims.
However, to lay aside the discussion
as to whether or iot she stands well
up on the rounds of the ladder, which
Is exactly what I did when I went to
Interview her, having already come to
a conclusion of my own and other
people's satisfaction, it is a rather in
teresting story to trace her progress
to the position she new occupies and
some of the theories of life that she
has accumulated and elaborated on the
Dr. Van Waters, although she was
bqrn in Pennsylvania Is really a Port
land and Oregon girl, for she1 came to
this city when she was a child and the
first years of her educational career
were -hi this city and state.
Work at University Noted.
From St. Helen's Hall, after her
graduation in 1904, she v ent to the
University of Oregon, from which she
- iMbuciur ui aria degree in
1908. While In college she was active In
the literary work of the student body,
editing the university monthly maga
zine for one year and serving as
dramatic coach for a term. The recog
nition of her effective work In her
studies was prompt, for after her grad
uation, she was called back to serve
as assistant to Dr. Sheldon In the de
partment of psychology.
It was in her college years, apparent
ly, that the fates, or the little gods
that tinker with one's destinies, be
gan to shape things up to, bring her
to Portland in 1914 to take, charge of
the Detention Home. Dr. Van Waters
denies that she, like most famous peo
ple are supposed to do, had the plan
of her destiny whittled Into shape' long
before she -went to college, and attri
butes her success thus far more to
circumstances thar. anything else. If
this Is true, the circumstances that in
terested her more and more deeply in
psychological study, certainly were
aiming in the direction of the work
tha.tshe is now handling.
in. isio. while working for her
master's degree In the University of
Oregon, she did volunteer social work
In Portland and in this, the determlnist
who. seeks to trace out the course of
her career, must find tlje second influ
ence that was brought to bear to bring
her to the superlntendency of the De
tention Home. .
At the same time she was one 'of
the editors of the New West maga
zine, which was struggling to assume
Its place In the literary life of the
Northwest at that time, and would
have done so had it not been for cir
cumstances unforeseen. Since I have
taken it upon myself to trace Miss
Van Waters' career on the determin
istic theory, I must either pass over
without classification the part played
by her work on the New West, or
must look upon it as the recrudescence
of the literary bent that manifested
itself in her college career, but which
was pushed aside by the preponder
ating influences that were preparing
her for a career In social service.
Clark University, at Worcester. Mas
sachusetts, was the scene of her later
university work. She went to niark
with a fellowship In anthropology and
SUCCESS IN LIFE WORK ' ?& --CP "" " 'r-r'"" ' Ov
Dr. Miriam Van "Waters, "Woman at Head of Detention Home, Says Prep- j-gf7f " "
aration "Was Made for S '
m i - , k" , - v -n- ill - n w m - II 'iiiiii
1r r v V VI ax
J I - ? I - I V XV. . VX
- ; - i44 is writing
us grateful
Jt "npsp jlT ls tne woman who has been cured of
sex who after long suffering has finally
found relief and been restored to health
and usefulness bv Lvdia E. Pinkhnm's
Vegetable Compound. These are the women who KNOW that
it is claimed to be there
they dwell in all parts of
. a..wfw 1 1
this great remedy for women's ills is-all
many thousands of such women
the country. Every day of every year, some woman, somewhere,
letters tor restoration to health.
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound
This from Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
Read this Letter from Mrs. Waters.
Camden, N. J. "I was, sick for two years with nervous
spells, and my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all the
time and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did me any
good. I was not able to go to bed, but spent my time on a
couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skel
eton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my
husband heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I
am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I
recommend your . medicine to every one and so does my
husband." Mrs. Tiixie Waters, No. 1135 Knight Street,
Camden, New Jersey. "
Every sick woman owes it to fifrflf fr
trial; for it cannot harm her, and there are
restore- her health. For special advice write
Providence. R. I.. " For the benefit nf
suffer as I have done I wish to state what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I did
some heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displace
ment. I have always been weak and I overworked after
my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous
prostration, from which I did not recover until I had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The Com
pound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman
with troubles like mine I try to induce her to take your
medicine." Mrs. S. T. Richmond, 199 Waldo Street, Prov
idence, Rhode Island.
1 t
give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a
a hundred chances to one that it will completely
The Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, Mass.
received her degree as Doctor of Phil
osophy after three years of study.
In those three years, the finishing
preparatory touches were put upon her
work, which were to bring her back
to Portland to the management of the
Detention Home.
Gradually, from the academic and
theoretical side of sociological study,
her attention was transferred to the
experimental and practical side. While
In th Hast she became more and more
active In professional social work. She
was employed In the work of the Ju
venile Court In Boston and in the
child clinic In Worcester, over which
she had charge for one year.
She became intimate with the work
ings of the various Institutions for the
care of children in making extensive
comparative study of the systems em
ployed. In the Boston Juvenile Court, where
she was employed, she served also in
capacity of agent for the Boston
Children's Aid Society, her especial
care being the cases of girls. Then
she was n t Jsiw -p-i-t
later she studied more deeply up Juve- J
nile delinquents with Healy in Chicago.
Circumstances having elaborately
weaned her away from the academic
side of the work to the practical and
experimental work in the lines of so
ciological endeavor she had been
brought to choose, 'everything was
ready for her to come 'to Portland, and
In due time she came.
Dr. Van . Waters herself says she
doesn't know what brought her to
Portland, or why she came to be of
fered the position rather than anyone
else. She had, however, definitely de
termined that she would not accept
any work involving the purely aca
demic side of the profession, and she
was also rather anxious to come back
to Portland once more.
Having started to develop this story
along the theory of determinism, we
may as well hazard the explanation
that, circumstances having prepared
Dr. Van Waters for the work and
having provided a comparatively new
field and an institution capable of much
elaboration, brought the two, the work
er and the field together. In order to
develop in the Northwest an institution
that might perform a great new work
in elaborating a scientific and efficient
method of dealins- with luvenilA rlclln.
! quency. ,
Having thus dutifully worked out
the chain , of events that brought her
to her present condition of success, we
are Inclined to repudiate it almost
utterly and attribute the greater part
of it, not to a sequence of circum
stances, as she seemed willing to let
us do, but to her own ambition and
interest In the line of activity which
she had selected.
Dr. Van Waters, while she claimed to
be something of an opportunist, did
say, in the course of her conversation,
that she had a "more or less definite
aim through it all" and the fact that
she worked her way through college
and fitted herself with such earnest
ness for the work, would lead one to
believe that her aim was certain and
definite. Perhaps not definite as to the
selection of the exact place in which
she was to pursue her work, but cer
tainly most definite as to the charac
ter of the work.
"The Detention Home is bound to
fail of its true purpose If we are to
regard it merely a hotel where de
linquent children are to stay over
night or longer, until then- case can
be disposed of finally by the court."
she said, and thus went on to give
the clew to what the real, and definite
plan In her shaping of her career had
"The Detention Home is not to bo
regarded as a mere hotel or a tempor
ary dumping ground for children, if
we are to make It serve its proper
purpose in society. For an Institution
so regarded would be no better 100
years from now than it was yesterday,
nor would .we have gained from it a
single idea or suggestion as to how
to handle delinquent children or how
to prevent delinquency.
"The real office of the , Detention
Home is to serve as a laboratory for
the study of the whole problem of de
linquency, besides performing such im
mediate . relief work as the specific
cases that pass through it demand.
Not only is It a place where the Ju
venile Court may turn for the diag
nosis of the cases of delinquency that
come through It, but It must be wrought
into a laboratory in which we may
ascertain something of the causes of
"I intended at first to go in for the
scientific and theoretical side of social
work, but in the end, after I had looked
over things carefully, I decided that
work in the field was what society
most needed at this time."
Thus briefly Dr. Van Waters out
lined her own motives which led her
into the work and gave a prophecy of
what she hopes and intends to make of
the Detention Home, if she remains
It ls almost certain that society can
rely upon her giving It her best and
most effective service each day and
every day, for:
"I am a realist," she said. "It seems
to me that one day is the same as
another a day in which one may do
to the best of their ability whatsoever
that day brings them to do. For after
all, the process by which we arrive at
our goal is just as important as the
goal at which we are seeking to ar
Dr. Hinson Draws Picture of Love and Devotion Shown by Parents to Plead With Weary Travelers on Terrestrial Planet to Heed Voice Calling Them Toward Celestial Home.
"A place for you."
John xiv:.
N HIS last delirium, an American
statesman murmured.
Now I lar mo down to sleep.
I pray the Iord my aoul to keep;
: If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
In those closing moments of life, his
mind strayed back to the prayer he
bad learned In his youth; to his child
hood, his home, and his mother.
My conception of heaven is insep-
ly rably associated with my childhood
days. For my first distinct dream of
the other world was occasioned by some
verses my mother taught me, in those
hallowed hours wnen the falling twi
light found me by her side. The verses
were those of Mrs. Hemans, called "The
Better Land," that simple song that
holds Its charm In spite of the rushimr
years, and the more matured thought
of growing life,
I hear thee tell of a better land.
Thou callest its children a happy band;
Mother, oh where ls that radiant shore?
8hall we not seek It and weep no moreT
Is it where the flower of the orange blows.
And the fire-flies stance through the
myrtle boughs?
"Not there, not there, my child."
Es H where the feathery palm trees rise.
And the date grows ripe under sunny
Or mldBt the rreen islands of flittering
Where fragrant forests perfume the
And BtranKe. bright birds on their starry
Bear the rich hues of all glorious things?
"Not there, not there, my child."
Is It far away in some region old.
Where the rivers wander o'er sands of
where the burning rays of the ruby shine.
And the diamond lights up the secret
Ana the tearl gleams forth from the coral
It there, sweet mother, that better
, "Not there, not there, my child."
Ah, no! The radiant shores and
springing flowers, the gleam of the
firefly and the fronded palm, the per
fume of forest, and the wealth and
shine of precious things, will not se
cure us from the assaults of sorrow, or
bar the heart's door against the ap
proach of grief. For circumstances and
surroundings cannot insure happiness,
and perfect Joy Is a flower that blooms:
Not here, not here, not where the sparkling
Fade into mocking sands as we draw near.
The undisturbed repose and the full
ness of joy, the great glory and unal
loyed happiness foretold by Christ is
a prize for which he seeks too low
who seeks beneath the skies. For, as
iua Btius goes on 10 say:
Eye hath not seen It. my gentle boy;
Ear hath not heard Its deep sounds of Joy;
Dreams cannot picture a world so fair.
Sorrow and death mar not enter there:
Time does not breathe on its fadeless bloom.
Kor bevond the clouds, and beyond the
" 'Tie there, 'tig there, my child."
Heaven's Beaaty Conceded.
Now we are ' certainly warranted In
supposing that heaven as a place will
be eminently beautiful. We are ac
quainted with one world of God's mak
ing; and albeit sin has sought to spoil
God's handiwork, the glorious auto
graph of Its maker has never ' been
erased from the fair earth. The writer
of Genesis has told as that after God
had spoken the world Into existence;
after decking the sky with a million
stars, and carpeting the. earth with a
flowery sod, God looked upon creation's
face; and he. the all-wise and all
glorious, pronounced It "very good."
And doubtless there have been times In
the experience of us alJ, when we al
beit our knowledge is so limited and
our sight - so dim have realized that
we, too, could feel the truthfulness of
the creator's speech concerning the
And It ever remains true, that if we
have no conception of the beautiful. It
Is not on account of the natural sur
roundings In which God has placed us;
for verily the earth is full of thought,
and full of beauty, too. And, not only
for the presence of the lovely in na
ture, but also for our realization of
that loveliness, we should adore our
Maker. For. as Festus said, "some
souls are redeemable by the love of
beauty"; and it ls certain the world
without will grant fuller revelations
of goodness and beauty to those who
love it and appreciate its fairness, than
to those who, with the eye of ecstasy,
have never seen the flowers beneath,
or the bright blue sky above. From
Nature up to Nature's God. is where we
should all be led. When we consider
God's heaven and no less God's earth
we gratefully acknowledge that all
his works praise him, and in our adora
tion swell creation's psalm; thus
mingling our voices with the song of
birds, the murmur of the wind, the
roar of the sea, the roll of the thun
der, and the music of the ever-rushii.e
For O, but the world ls fair, ls fair.
And O, but the world is sweet; -And
out In the gold of the blossoming mould.
We can sit at the Master's feet.
Boundless Gifts Are Noted.
And then again, we are within the
bounds in supposing the heaven of
God's building to be very magnlficeDt
and glorious. When ' we consider the
boundless resources of our God, when
we ponder the fact that not only the
gold and silver of earth are his, but
also the massive grandeur of all
worlds; that In addition to all created
material he has the boundless re
sources of his own infinite nature, and
the innumerable possibilities of his
omnipotence; then are we sure indeed
that the world above must be most fair
and glorious. And as the Idolatrous
temple of Diana was so bright and
dazzling, that the doorkeeper cried out
always to those who entered, "Take
heed to your eyes"; so" I have some
times thought that our faculties of
vision must be greatly strengthened
ere we can behold the pearly palaces of
heaven. Oh, that city of the Kins, that
home of the redeemed, that fair coun
try where the unfading flowers bloom,
and the unending song is sung: "What
must It be to be there!" . To see as
John saw the Holy Jerusalem pos
sessing the glory of Jehovah; with a
brilliancy like that of precious stones;
with Its walls of Jasper and streets of
gold; with its crystal river and trees
of life; to behold its scenery, bathe
In its ligrht. nnrfl.ln,. In 1.
'What must It be to be there!"
O, the earth Is flecked wl flowers, many
tinted, fresh an' gay.
The birdies warble blithely, for my father
made thera sae;
But these sights and these "soun's. will as
naethlng be to me,
When I hear the angels slngln' in my am
And blessed be God, this heaven no
beautiful and grand ls a large place.
In my Father's house are many man
sions, and they will be all filled; not
one unoccupied mansion In all heaven.
Nineteen centuries ago. when the be
loved disciple saw paradise, he beheld
a great multitude that no man could
number; and ever slnco then the num
ber has been increasing, while
E'en now to their eternal home.
Borne happy spirits fly.
Shepherd's Klo-t Larch .
For the Good Shepherd has, not only
a large fold, but a large flock also;
the great Father has many children;
and as Jesus told us. many shall come
from east, and west, and north, and
south; and until the number of the
fallen leaves of all the ages, and of
thA fiAnri riiist ctt all . i
JropH of all the floods have" been
tuuuicu, ii win ue iropossiDie to tell
how great that throng will be, who
escape "all evil by being sheltered In
glory with Jesus.
And if It ls allowable to Judge of a
poem by the poet; of a building by the
builder:' of a houf bv the o,v.H.t
what boundless suggestion Is open to
our view as we realize that Christ ls
the maker and builder of heaven! This
being so, I am sure the home of the
soul, the Paradise of Christ's prepar
ing, will be a sure defense; secure
against all time's ravages, or sin's as
saults. For on the sure foundation,
even the Rock of Ages, the great Lord
will build a mansion that shall be
eternal in the heavens.
Ah, children of God, into that heaven
above there shall enter nothing that
deflleth; no disturbing doubt, no som
ber foreboding, no darkening tempta
tion. For the Great Shepherd who so
loved his sheep that he died for their
redemption; who sought them patient
ly, earnestly and long; who sought
them o'er moMntains thunder-riven, and
through the deep valleys where there
was loneliness and pain, surely he will
house those sheep In a fold of perfect
security and peace. '
And thank God we shall then be ab
solutely sinless.
Then we shall see his face.
And never, never sin.
Tea, "we shall be like him, for we
shall see him as he Is." His name will
be written on our foreheads; and we
who have trusted In his mercy and
worn his righteousness below, shall
then be robed by him In the beauty
of perfect holiness and spotless purity.
But from what we might reason
ably expect heaven to be, we now turn
to what Christ in the text declares it
certainly is.
. Heaven to Be "Home."
If in talking to me, my brother Sn
the flesh should speak and say "my
father's house," I should understand
his language to be a reference to my
home to our home. And so when.
Jesus, who is the elder brother of those
who believe, speaks of "My father's
house," are we not Justified in saying
he ts speaking of heaven as our home?
What a wonderful word is the word
O, home, ray home,
O, river in the valley of my home,
cried an American boy, who lay dying
far away from -the place of his birth.
"Dying, you say; then carry me home
to die";- so murmured an English lad to
whom death approached on the shores
of Africa.
Verily there's no place like home. For
the best friends are there. We make
friends along the highway of life, and
the friendship of these fellow pilgrims
is a Bweet and fragrant thing; but the
home friends are the truest after all.
For when all the world is cold and re-
pellant, there's a refuge at home. When
the citizens in the far off country have
no pity, there's a welcome at the old
home. Ah, lads and lasses listening
to my words, remember what I tell you
concerning these home friends. Oh,
forsake not the mother whose hair is
white and whose eye is dim through
watching for you; forsake not "the
father whose hand is hard through toil
ing for you: for wherever you wander,
whatever you do, however wide the.
i circle that knows you, or however
numerous the friends that surround
you, there will be no love offered so
'noble, and so unselfish, so pure, and
tender, so all-forgiving, undying and
strong, as the love of the dear ones at
Oh, you young people who have left
your and are dwelling in
this city; yon who sometimes smile at
the simple ways and natural speech of
the old father and mother, I beseech
you let your smile be very tender and
kindly; remember, the home friends
with a warmness about your heart;
write to them often; see that their way
to the grave ls made smooth as pos
sible; for girls, you may in the days to
come prove many a friendship and find
it wanting in earth, but your mother's
love will be as gold no fire can de
stroy; for boys, you may drift Into seas
where sympathy and kindness are un
known, but even then remember that
your old father loves you even in your
waywardness, and will welcome you
home agajn. Ah, friends, I would once
more repeat this simple, unadorned sen
tence, that of all the loves there Is
none like the home love.
And what a place of confidence is
home. In the world we are cautious
and - reserved; for he who bears his
heart upon his sleeve will be sore
wounded and distressed. But at home;
ah, at home no one will accuse us of
egotism; and no one deem us foolish;
there we lay bare our hearts and ap
pear as we really are. Thrice happy la
the roan, though bearded and bronzed,
though possessor of great gifts and
ringing renown, who at vacation time
can go home and tell mother and fath
er what the busy years have done for
him; what he has gained, and what he
fears most. For In the home there is
perfect sympathy. "Carry me home,"
is not only the cry of the dying; but
it is the cry of all those whose cup of
existence is filled with misrepresenta
tion, scorn and sorrow. "Carry me
home," is the cry of the woundeff, weep
ing, sinning, sorrowing ones, the wide
world over. For at home tBe hands
are gentle, and the hearts are kind; at
home no word of reproach will be
spoken, and there, if anywhere, the
damning thought of the far off country
may be lost, and the soiled soul made
There is rest at home! O, brother,
whose early life was spent in the coun
try, can you rest anywhere under the
sun as you can in the old accustomed
places, where the very fences are fa
miliar, and the streams talk to you as
though they were glad to see you again?
Or you, whose home was by the sea!
Is there anything can soothe your trou
bled mind or cool your heated brow
like the sound of the waves that have
murmured on those well-known sands
for many a hundred years? "Take him
home," said a hospital nurse, speaking
of a man whose llstlessness betrayed
his indifference to life. "Take him
home; if aught will rouse him. that
will." True, oh friend, quite true! For
to ears that care not for the world's
praise, the brooks will be welcome; and
eyes that no eulogy can make bright,
may kindle with Interest at the sight
of an old-time flower, with Its old
fashioned name, and its modest look.
Greater Home In Open.
But dear friends, while these earthly
homes may furnish relief for many a
pang, and balm for many a wound, we
have to acknowledge sadly that life
brings to us some woes that even the
dearest friends of earth can neither
mitigate nor relieve. And for our com
fort while' pondering this fact, we
should be careful to remember how. in
the home above, there shall enter noth
ing that could sadden or disturb the
soul's peace. For there the Inhabitants
are no more sick; they hunger no more:
they thirst no more; they are never
weary; they never sin; but God wipes
away all tears from their faces, and
'"From the rivers of his grace
Erink endless pleasures In."
I have read how when the invalid
soldiers of the Crimea were carried
aboard the troopship, the bands upon
the shore played the old hymn. "Home,
Sweet Home," and as the wounded war
riors heard the pathetic strains they
the strong men who had dared the
fury of the battle wept, while they
remembered their comrades dead on
Crimean soil, for whom there was no
return home; and also pondered the
possibility of some of their number
dying on the voyage, and instead of
sleeping under old England's daisies,
becoming prey ' of the waves. But
brethren beloved, we have no such
cause for sorrow. All who fight In
this fight are sure of a crown. All those
who sleep in Jesus are safe. And when
the general roll is called we shall all
be there.
'You remember the time far back in
the past when in the falling twilight
your mother used to stand In your boy
hood home and call you to shelter for
the night. Ah, friends, tne days will
be but short and few ere God will send
for you the messenger who shall con
duct you home! Or you recollect the
day when by your father's side you
wandered far out into the country, and
as you wearily walked homeward
father comforted you by saying: "Child,
you are getting nearer home." Even so,
brothers, we are getting toward home.
And every heart throb and pulse best,
every waning moon and setting sun
finds us nearer the end. The father's
hand holds us, and the father's voice
cheers us. We shall soon be home.
O, that home of the soul. In my visions and
d reams
Its bright jasper walls I can see:
'Till I fancy but thinly the veil Intervenes
Between the fair city and me.
That unchangeable home la for you and for
Where Jesus of Nazareth stands;
The King of all kingdom forever ls be.
And he holdeth our crowns in his hands.
I read some lines long weeks ago
(Concluded on Page 10.)
In Five Minutes! No Stomach
Misery, Heartburn, Gases
or Dyspepsia.
"Really does" put bad stomachs in
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tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and
sourness in rive minutes that just
that makes Pape's Diapepsin the larg
est selling stomach regulator In the
world. If what you fat ferments Into
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eructate sour, undigested food and
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sour; tongue coated; your insides filled
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member the moment Pape's Diapepsin
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distress vanishes. It's truly astonish
ing almost marvelous, and the joy Is
its harmlessness.
A large firty-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin will give you a hundred
dollars' worth of satisfaction, or your
druggist hands you your money back.
It's worth its weight In gold to men
and women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs in your
home should always be kept handy
in ease of a sick, sour, upset stomach
during the day or at night. It's the
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stomach doctor in the world. Adv.