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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
- '". H i . - r-'" v?' ' - 1 'if--'' -'' ' -- 'v Wr rl fev ' ) itenM I BY LEOSE CASS BAER. T Is in the air that "The Poor Utile I Rich Girl," which begins its Thanks giving weeK at the Heillg Tuesday night, is one of those rare treats all too uncommon in the theater. Its rec ord in the East for the past two sea sons shows that no matter how it opens it grows as quickly and hugely in pop ular fancy as a rolling snowball that from the size of a bon bon gathers such huge proportions that all the boys in a neighborhood can no longer budte it. Certain it is that down in San Fran cisco, where theatrical business has been at pretty low ebb the Eleanor Gates mosaic of fact and fancy tested the capacity of the Columbia before its first week was over, and turned "em away in 1 roves at subsequent perform ances. Which goes to prove that the snapping crackling wireless of public opinion .carries its message far and swiftly. Home extraordinary things were written by the Ban Francisco crit ics. Walter Anthony said: "The Poor Little Rich Girl' is the most human thing on- the stage." Neill Wilson, of the Examiner, declared that it was "a privilege to have it In San Fran cisco," while Edward F. O'Day, the poet-philosopher who discusses the drama in delightful English for Town Talk, pronounced it "An American llasterpiece." . - And as for Leona Dana, the 16-year-old girl, who is continually upon the stage in the title role, all . the super latives of praise have Ifeen exhausted. She simply took everyone by storm with her adorable personality and the truthful appeal of her acting. This is the third triumphant tour of this play. "The Popr Little Rich Girl." but it has never yet toured in our direc tion until now. From all accounts, it is a story that goes straight to the heart of every man and woman every parent and educator. It is for all ages and ail classes. It sounds mighty, mighty good for the Thanksgiving week. On Tuesday night it opens at the Heilig siid stays right on for the rest of the week. There'll be a matinee on Turkey day and one on Saturday also. For the Thanksgiving week offering at the Baker there is "Merely Mary Ann," Israel Zangwill's comedy of keen satire, with' its wealth of imagination and sympathetic hold. Irene Oshier will be seen in the role of the pathetic little English slavey. merely Mary Ann. Although this charming stage story has been seen here before in stock, its reputation as one of the most delightful and inter esting of plays will bring out, besides the regular patrons, a lot of folk who rarely go to the theater. Particularly is the non-attender vis ible on Thanksgiving day. for that is the one day on which everyone drops into a theater of some sort. "Merely Wary Ann" goes on the Baker boards today, with a matinee opening. There'll be matinees also on Thursday and on Saturday. . ' Today at the Heilig the motion pic tures of St. Elmo are being shown. The series closes tomorrow night. The pictures run continuously from 1 to 11:30 P. M. daily. On November 30, next Monday night to be exact, there begins a three nigh t-and-Wednesday-matinee return engagement of Oliver Morosco's - pro duction of "The Bird of Paradise," with Lenore Ulrich in the title role. Dates ahead at the Heilig are the Symphony Orchestra on the afternoon of Decem mer 6, and George Arlisa for one week's engagement, beginning December 7. in "Disrael." Following "Merely Mary Ann" at the Baker will be James Montgomery's Ready Money," offered here for the first time in stock. Of genuine importance in the local theatrical world is the opening of the urpheum vaudeville tonight, a new theater and a high-class entertain ment after months of darkness while the new temple of mirth has been in course of construction. Tonight the new Orpheum, located on Broadway at Stark, opens with a double headline bill. 1 Johnny Johnston and his col legians in "Taking Things Easy" is one of the big numbers and Princes3 Rajah in her famous Cleopatra dance Is the other healiner. - Also on the bill are ImhofT, Conn and Careene. Minnie Allen, the little volcano of mirth; Bar ry and wonora, uenevieve Warner, a harpist, and the El Rey sisters in sitating ace wnicn snouia De ot more than usual interest, now that everyone who can buy, beg Or borrow a pair of skates is learning to use them out at the new ice .palace. Pantages tops its ' list of offerings with a musical comedietta called "Yes terdays," with Frances Clare and Guy Rawson, with their host of little play mates in a childhood song and dance act. One of the Willard Mack sketches, this one a comedy playlet en titled "Who Is She?" with Joseph Ber nard and Hasel Harrington, former Or pheum favorites, will headline the Mar cus Loew's Empress bill. At the Lyric "The Girl From Egypt" will be the bill, with "September Morn" featured, ST. ELMO" FILM OF THRILLS ISeautiful Story to Be Portrayed at Heilig In Pictures Todaj. The attraction at The Heilig Theater, Broadway at Taylor streets today, to night and continuing tomorrow after noon and night, running continuously from 1 to 11 P. M., will bo the world famous motion pictures , of Augusta Evans's beautiful story of "St. Elmo," tiio following taken from. Thciew Arts' jpt' York Review, speaks volumes for this magnificent photo-play: The story is well known and, having commented on the quality of its pres entation, we need only add that even in its minor roles the acting i pleas ing and that both its heroines (there are two) are played by charming young women who are contrasts in many things, but alike in being skillful act resses. The role of St. Elmo is also praiseworthily portrayed especially in the latter part of the picture in which the visloned Savior and the visioncd devil keep striving for his soul, after he has found that Murray and Agnes are untrue and has forced a duel and killed his one-time best friend. Of the picture's scenes, perhaps that in the garden at St. Elmo's home will exeite most enthusiasm. Its walks through which Murray and Agnes pass to the bench where St. Elmo is to find them in each others arms, are full of beautifully photographed flowers. There are walls and shrubs and laby rinthian vistas. Some may like even better the wreck of the railroad train in which the second heroine, Edna, ia hurt. It is most realistic We do not see the accident, but see the train going at full speed and then the burniag wreck. This is the point. It -will be remembered at which the forces that are working for the hard-hearted St. Elmo's salvation begin to get the ad vantage over the suggestions, sym bolized by the devil, that are working to keep him the bitter souless thing around -whom, wherever he goes,. mis fortunes are thick. "MERELY MARY ANN" ,18 HERE Noted Play to. Be Shown at Baker Thanksgiving Week. - As a special Thanksgiving week of fer In sr of the Baker Theater Players, Manager Baker announces Zangwill's famous "Merely Mary Ann," which wiy open this afte.-noon. Probably no othdr play in the calendar so often has been requested as this one, and with the favorite leading woman, Irene Oshier, in the role made famous by Eleanor Robson, there is every reason to ex pect a most - artistic performance in every particular. "Merely Mary Ann" is one of those rare play creations that reach close to the heart of every person In their effect The opening act takes place at the foot of the stairs of an ordinary cheap Lon don boarding-house and introduces a number of interesting types df people. among whom are the typical landlady. the several boarders, including Lance lot, the composer, and his friend, Mr. Peters, as well as the poor little slavey. Mary . Ann, who does the most menial tasks about the place, and about whom the entire action of the play revolves. The girl forms a sort of worshipful awe for Lancelot, who amuses himself at her pitiful little attempts to please him, but who finally takes a sort oi an Interest in her and teaches her. He is expecting a symphony he has coin posed to be accepted and when he re ceives the news that it . has not been in despair he decides to go away to the country some place and rest and re cover himself. Mary Ann, in her simplicity, beg( to go with him to-be his servant any thing just that she may be near nim. and he is about to take her, when the news comes that she has fallen heir to large fortune. Realizing the differ ence this will make, ne leaves ner alone and broken-hearted. The last act, however, takes place six years later, and shows a new Mary Ann, ed ucated and refined and surrounded by wealth and luxury, and here she again meets Lancelot, and they decide to seek happiness together. This beautiful play will be seen at the Baker all week, with the usual bar gain performances tomorrow night and Wednesday matinee and a special noli day matinee Thursday (Thanksgiving day) at regular matinee prices. ORPHEUM WILL OPEN TONIGHT Princess Radjah, Egyptian In Cleo patra's Dance, to Head Bill. To Princess Radjah. the charming Egyptian, and to Johnny Johnson and his collegians will fall the coveted honor of heading the. bill which Is to open the -Orpheum at its new home at Broadway and Stark street tonight and will re-establish big-time vaude ville in Portland. And as Sunday night begins a week of happy felicitations over the reuniting of Orpheum patrons In one of the handsomest playhouses on the west coast, care has been taken that the entertainment should not con tain a single weepy moment.' The widely-heralded and much-talked-of Princess of the Nile, Radjah, has just returned from an extended European tour, which gained ew lau rels for her Cleopatra dance, as well as her unusual offering, the Arabian chair number. The Cleopatra dance is based on the story of how the Egyptian Queen, after hearing of the death of Antony, indulged in a wild, weird Ori ental dance. Suddenly coming upon a statue of Antony, she is stricken with remorse anck applies an adder to ber bosom. Johnny Johnson and his college boys are supposed to be from Yale, but their type can be located at most any Ore gon college during the footoall season. With a bunch of girls hanging around to help the thing along, they make the campus one dizzy -whirl of youthful pranks, college songs and mirthful hap penings. "Surgeon Louder, TJ. S. A." is a bit of farce presented by Imhoff, Conn and ilarcelle Ccreene. They have been here TITT? SUNDAY (TRTCGONTAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER- 22, 1914. - before, but never when the alarms of war furnished such a suitable back ground. ' Backing all this will be Minnie Allen, the girl who a funny song in a fbnny way and is. one of the brightest features of vaudeville. She Is the bus iest little volcano of mirth to come this way In an age. Then there is Genevieve 'Warner and her wonderful harp. Perhaps Miss War ner is better entitled than any other to lay claim to being America's lead ing harp virtuoso. She is a charming performer and is assisted by Karla, the violinist. . - v George W. Barry and Maude Wol ford, the original chatterers and singers of their own songs, will have no trouble In making good with any first-night audience in the land. With the El Rey sisters, the bill is oemplete, save for the movies. The El Reys are bringing the latest tango steps as done on skates and, with the rollers on their feet, are said, to be as clever as the ordinary dancer on . the oallroom floor. Matinee every afternoon during the week. BIG ACTS CE AT EMPRESS Willard Mack Playlet by Old Favor ites to Be Feature. Variety -and balance, two essentials of a good vaudeville bill, are promised by Marcus Loew's Empress . for the coming week. The headline attraction will be a new Willard Mack playlet, presented by Joseph E. Bernard and Hazel Harrington, both old Orpheum favorites and formerly prominent in legitimate productions. The new skit is called "Who Is She?" -and is said to be a cleverly constructed succession of funny situations and " big laughs," the action hinging upon the first quarel of a newly-married couple. 1 A new feature to Portland will be III r J i v ill rJ . ' - -ipH'l v iff 3 r j!) m. l . FRANCES CLARK. IN -iESTERDAIS" AT PANTAGES, the Nicholas . Nelson Troupe, expert hooprollers, who combine comedy bus iness with some wonderful feats. With their "educated" hoops, the- Nelsons offer what is said to be vaudeville's prettiest . juggling act. Two of the original "Texas Tommy" dancers, James and Pearl Mathews, who featured with Eddie Foy's show, "Over the River," will be seen In a whirl-wind terpsichorean medley. Mcintosh and 'his Musical Maid com prise a talented quartet. They dress in Scotch costume, sing Scotch songs, dance Scotch dances and play the bag pipes, varying their act by several musical surprises, in which a wide variety of instruments are used. Wardell and Hoyt, two clever fun sters, will offer a line of smart pat ter and comedy business under the name of "The Italian and His Boss,'1 and Fred Hildebrand, a long-legged, but exceedingly agile comedian with a winsome personality, -with a selection of iirst-run photo-plays, will complete the vaudeville programme. 'YESTERDAYS' DUE TOMORROW Miss Frances Clare, Loved in Vaude ville, Comes to Pantages. Dramatic critics have described "Yes terdays." the musical comedy which serves as a vehicle for Miss Frances Clare, the darling of vaudeville, Guy Rawson and their little friends, who top the bill at Pantages for the week commencing with the matinee tomor row, as the "brightest, best production of its sort seen in recent seasons." Young and old will appreciate the de lightful theme that runs through the entire action of the musical playlet, the melodies that are tuneful and the witty lines that embellish the per formance. "Yesterdays" Is a direct and successful effort to veer away from the routine and the salacious and it af fords but the cleanest of comedy, Miss Clare is a most charming come- . . y 1 I 7 W " 1 " - - ,V " f 7 tdenne and Mr. Kawson will afford her brilliant support, while their childhood friends form the attractive chorus. Direct from extraordinary triumphs at their native city, the New Orleans Creole Musicians will bo presented for the first time in Portland as the spe cial added attraction on the remarka ble programme in store for local the ater patrons next week. Ragtime is featured by these adepts and they play it in a manner that will set the feet all to dancing. The quaint dances of the old French stronghold also are truly depicted in a way that is certain to please, the act having historical value as well as being banner entertainment. Sensational work on the roller skates ill be shown by Roy and Anna Har- rah, the best-known exponents of roller skating In vaudeville. They will not only offer many surprising feats in skating, but they will do the latest dances, including the Brazilian maxlxe, the hesitation, the Boston, the fox trot and similar dances on the skates. Lively stories are told and melodies are sung of old Erin by Arthur Whit- law, the Irish chatterbox, who comes for his first appearance at Pantages. Mr. Whitlaw's entertainment is a pleas ing one and there will not be a dull moment in the performance.V Late of several of the leading mu sical comedies in the East. McConneli and Niemeyer are certain to please with their songs and dances, all being new to the West. Tbey will bring the latest in light entertainment. The Mutual Weekly will show the latest news events by motion pictures, the war zone in Europe attracting spe cial attention. Joe Knowles. the primitive man, and Walter Terry and his Fiji Girls will be seen for the last time today, the con tinuous performance starting at" 1:30 and lasting to 11 o'clock. LYRIC SHOW IS FULL OF LIFE "The Girl From Egypt" Features September Morn" Stunt. "The Girl From Egypt," a brand new show right from the pen of Ai Franks, will be the attraction at the Lyric Theater next week, commencing with tomorrow's matinee. This will be a premier production and a. show of merit. . beauty, comedy and' melodious music can be expectea. The various roles will give the prin clDals an excellent opportunity to dis play their talents. The scenery will be bright and the music will be of the variety that will please all. "September Morn" will be the extra feature during the production, and it will be presented in a manner that will set this town a talking. The comedy roles will be in the hands of Al Franks and Lew Dunbar, and Judging fro their past efforts comedy of the best variety will be dispensed by these two favorites. Jeanne Mai, the prima donna, will be seen in the role of Princess Kliob, a role adapted to her personality, and he will be heard in catchy sons num bers. Lillie Sutherland, "the cyclone oubrette," will be to the front in the part of Cohen a d&ughter and will ren der one of ber favorite gingery selec tions. Joe Kemper, Marie CelesUne, Jack Curtis and Will Mansfield will complete the cast of principals, and the beauty chorus will be to the front at all times. This season's chorus is the most shapely and best-looking chorus that Keating & Flood ever have gathered together. Their work as compared with a majority of choruses cannot be ex celled. There are two performances every night and a matinee, daily. Thurs day (Thanksgiving day) special per formances will be given. On Tuesday night, after" the first performance, ama teurs will hold the stage as an extra attraction, and on Friday night, after each performance, the chorus girl3 will hold a contest. BIRD OF PARADISE" IS DUE Pathetic Hawaiian Love Story Ably Told In Flay Coming to Heilig. Our playwrights, wafting their muses to foreign snores, usually draw extensively upon wicir imaginations, but Richard Walton Tully, author of "The Bird of Paradise," which Oliver Morosco will present at the Heilig The ater, Broadway at Taylor, for three nights, beginning Monday, November 30. with a special matinee Wednesday, is probably the foremost student of his subject, Hawaiian history, economics, race traits and possibilities, in the world today. Mr. Tully, whose first great stage success was scored even before ho left the University of California, has been an enthusiast upon our nearest wester ly insular possession and in this drama has given not only an absorbing enter tainment, with one of the cleverest and ipost heart-moving stories written In a decade, but has provided a thoroughly saturate solution of tactful comment upon every topic pertaining to Hawaii, its people and its invaders, both com mercial and religious. The love story of Paul Wilson and Luana, the pathetically lovely savage of Pele, deserves to be perpetuated. It is a great, moving, human story, sim ply, swiftly told, without halt or inter ruption, without side issues or depart ure from the main subject, and appar ently without effort. The decadence of Wilson under this tropic love, this life of perpetual to morrow, an effortless life, a life full of dreams and devoid of action, is a study which in technique, skill and enchant ing interest equals the character paint ing of any European dramatist of mod ern times. WithaL Mr. Tully has woven much bright comedy, the relief of several highly human characters, and the genuinely novel music and dan cing of a troupe of Hawaiian Hula steppers into his plot and action. HEILIG PLAY TELLS BIG STORY "Poor. Little Rich Girl" Simple in Spectacular Beanty. "The Poor Little Rich Girl." by Eleanor Gates, a much .discussed play :jf mingled sweetness, Simplicity and spectacular beauty, , will be presented ay Klaw & Erlanger at the Heilig The ater, Broadway at Taylor, for nve nights, beginning next Tuesady, No vember 24, with special matinees Thanksgiving day and Saturday. Its popular success would indicate that the encomiums heaped upon it by its re viewers are well Justified. While the central figure is a child. The Poor Little Rich Girl" is not a child's play in the sense that it is Peter Pannish or Blueblrdish. It. too, has symbolism and pictorial embellish ment, but unlike the others its chief appeal is made to mature intelligence and the parental instinct. It is ultra modern and typically American in Its humorous viewpoint. Pathos, poetry. satire,' sentiment and comedy intertwine in what has been aptly described as "an exquisite play with a straight editorial pUTMMl. The pampered child of a busy Wall street father and a outterfly Fifth- avenue mother, littie Gwendolyn' is a typical "society orphan." With every luxury she seldom sees her parents, but only hypocritical parasites, private tutors, maids, footmen and a governess, who bully, cajole or flatter the hot house product. With memories of a day in the country, where she once saw real trees, paddled her toes In real mud and talked with real people, she Is lone some and unhappy. Her maid, in order to get a. "night off" gives her an over dose of an opiate. The play portrays visually her con sequent delirium, wherein she visits "the tell-tale forest." "the land of light" and "Robin Hood's barn." where hypocrites are shown up in their true colors, her maid being actually a "two faced thing." the footman having "bis ears," the governess a "snake in the i?rass," her mother with the "society tee in her bonnet," her father actually "harnessed to the stock market" and 'made of money." The pathos of the child's delirium. together with the shrewd satire on social shamiL make (mis iircuciiiiuciiL a v ..... r. v. j j . exquisite extravaganza, with a more . . , .v V. . V, .. r convincing moral Luau uic preachments of the average play wun avowed purpose. READY MONEY' COMING Noted Success to Follov "Merely Mary Ann" at Baker. "Ready Money." which the Baker Players will offer for the week Imme diately folowing "Merely Mary Ann." is another recent big success which has Just reached the stock field. It not only flourished for eight months at the Maxine Elliott Theater. In New York, but also ran four months in Chicago and eight months in London, as well as a long period on the road. It is right In line with the many big things Manager Baker is offering his patrons this season. "Ready Money" does not tell a story of frenzied finance, as Its title may suggest, but it does describe the fran tic efforts oi the hero to obtain enough ready money to win the girl he loves and who devotedly loves him. but is prevented from marrying him because her mother objects to the matrimonial Intentions of a poor young man, how ever otherwise worthy. The hero owns an unproductive gold mine out West and a 25-cent pieca i in., i 1 1 rt to Ua (a In. W It II Ilia pia? vi j"-... -w .- duced to accept the -loan of 50.000 in clever counterfeit bills not to spend, but to show that he has the money how his friends, thinking he has struck gold in his mine, pour in an ava lanche of money for stock, and how the mine really does produce gold Just as the United States Secret Service men are on the trail of the counterfeit money, makes a play of absorbing in terest and thrills, which does not, how ever, overshadow the charming love story nor the Irresistibly laughable dialogue and situations. The play is clean and wholesome In every respect and is presented by a large cast of clever players. It will open next Sun day mutlnee. POOR 'KIDS' TO EAT TURKEY La Grande Hotelman Will Entertain Youngsters on Thanksgiving. LA GRANDE. Or., Nov. 21. (Special.) Thanksgiving day holds a real mean ing to every boy and girl in La Grande, and there are none of the youngsters in this city too poor to conjure visions of turkey and cranberry sauce. Pat Foley, proprietor or hib i "io Hotel of this city, has issued his Invi tation to the boys and girls of the city to attend a big Thanksgiving dinner at his hotl at 3 o'clock Thursday. All youngsters under the age of 13 years whose own homes do not have the ad vantages of a real Thanksgiving din ner, are included in the invitation. Grand Mound School Being Hurried. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Nov. 21. (Spe cial ) it has been announced that t'ne new state school for girls, being erect ed at Grand Mound, will be ready for occupancy by Christmas. John McNeil, a resident of Chehalls. has been ap pointed custodian of the new school. G. A. Russel, superintendent of the re form school, who has tendered his res ignation, does not expect that his suc cessor will be appointed until the next session of the State Legislature is well under way. Centralians Helping Belgians. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) Centralians are responding gen erously to the call of the local Belgian relief committee, composed of Rev. F. E. Dorris. D. F. Davies and H. M. Rob inson, and half a -carload of supplies has - been collected. The relief com mittee is being assisted in its work by all the pastors- and the head of every lodge in the city, - A A