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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 10 DRAMATIC, AUTOMOBILES AND REAL ESTATE VOL. XXXIll. PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 22, 1914. NO. 47. . - - eimg' a Sale at tKe Lowest Prices on Women's 'Wearing' kpparel ACTIVITY BEGETS ACTIVITY. Our , coat and suit buyer has just returned from his third trip this Fall to New York. This is an unprecedented record for any store in Portland. Ask' the coat and .suit trade of the better class', the finer tailors for women, and others whose business it is to keep informed, and they will tell you this has been a backward season in women's wearing apparel. And they will tell you -and truly- that the Lipman, Wolfe & Co.'s store has been one of the few that has been busy this season. On this last trip our buyer found many manufacturers most anxious to close this season's business. We had our choice of numerous offerings. We touched only lots that met our standard of quality and that admitted of the greatest economies. , - Added to these remarkable of ferings we include apparel from ourown stock, which we honestly believe will create the most sensational selling ever seen in this store. Come to this sale with the . same confidence as you came to our glove sale, our underwear sale, our hosiery sale and our drug sale. Sales in this store have come to be known as trustworthy, reliable and authentic and where economies do not begin and end with newspaper announcements, as is often the case elsewhere. Positively -None of the Garments in this Sale Will Be Sent C. O..D., None oh Approval, None Reserved,. None Exchanged Clearance of Original Imported French Models Gowns and Evening Wraps Selling From $85.00 to $250.00 At $47.50 A Sale That Has No Precedent Sale Starts at 10 A. M. Novelty Suits and 3-Piece Costumes The Season's Best Models of Broadcloth, Velours, Broadtail, Plush, Velvet At Reductions That Are Incomparable $ 85.00 Suits $62.50 $125.00 Suits $ 87.50 $ 9&.00 Suits $73.00 $150.00 Suits $112.50 $110.00 Suits $83.00 $195.00 Suits $125.00 Third Floor Unprecedented Sale of Regular $5.00 Silk Petticoats At Less Than Cost Clearance $1.95 Filled lops and elastic bands. Flounce of ne pleating. Nov elty flounces trimmed rvith ruf fles and lucks. In navy, emerald, black, Copenhagen, royal, brorvn, gray and plum. Third Floor. A Rare Opportunity To Purchase $65.00 and $85.00 Novelty Suits at $47.50 The season's newest models in Broadcloth, Gabardine, Serge, Poplin In black, navy blue, hunters green, new brown. Many of these models are fur trimmed, others show hand embroi dery trimmings. . . Third Floor Disposing of Fine Tailored Suits Selling as High as $31.50 At the Radical Price of $14.85 Irrespective of price a suit cannot be distinctive unless it possesses originality in its design and is perfectly tailored. These are the two cardinal attributes of a smart suit They are also the cardinal attributes of these suits of all-wool Serge, Cheviot, Broadcloth and Fancy Weaves arid come in navy blue, black, brown, green and plum. Beautiful styles with satin-lined jackets with velvet col lar and cuffs or self-trimmings skirts with yoke effect, over tunics, side-front and back pleats. Third Floor. Tomorrow 200 New Fall and Winter $13.50 to $18.50 Coats Enter This Clearance Sale at the Final Price of $8.50 Splendidly tailored coats that show every mark of distinction and smartness ; the newest styles of the season, the flare or the belted models, large set-in pockets, straps over the shoulder. Of eponge, boucle, cheviot, mixtures, plaids and stripes in black, navy, green and brown. -Also new sport or skating coats in Roman stripes or plaids. Third K I ivor Newest Dresses In Semi-Tailored Styles of Extra Fine Serge At $14.85 Regular Price $20.00 Extra quality fine serge was used in the making of these dresses, which are fashioned in the most popular models, showing many different styles. Plaited overskirts with broad sat in sash and braid bound and white pique collar and cuffs, as well as other models. In black, navy, hunters green, Copenhagen and brown. Third Floor Odd Assortment of $12.50 to $20 Dresses All of Which Are of Wool Fabrics in C Plain Colors and Checks Clearance Third Floor New $18.50 Dresses in Two Models Clearance $12.45 These dresses were bought ex pressly for this clearance sale and represent two of the very latest models. Made of extra quality French serge in black, navy. Glover green, new blue. One model in tunic effect and the other plaited overskirt style with broad black satin sash and trimmed with black silk braid. Third Floor (Mm '. v 4. pyx -5 CLEARANCE OF FURS That Bids Fair to Be the Foremost Sale of the Season Offering Every Fur Coat, Muff, Scarf and Fur Set Selling Upwards From $10.00 at Most Decisive Price Reductions eldom do you have the opportunity of buying furs at such radical price reductions as those in this sale. We have cut deeply into the price of every matched set and every odd muff and neckpiece, as well as every fur coat. Below we list a few of the fur articles to give you an idea of this great sale. i I ri $25 Beaver Coney Set $19.95 Long scarf finished with silk tas sels and full-size muff. $30.00 Japanese Mink Set, at $23.95 This set consists of a novelty collar,- trimmed with silk fringe, and full-size muff. $35 Electric Seal Set $27.95 Novelty scarf finished with black fringe and flat muff. $22.50 French Mole Set at $17.95 Small, becoming scarf with flat muff to match. $200.00 Mink Set, $160.00 Shawl collar and muff, both trimmed with mink tails. $225.00 Hudson Seal Coat for $115.00 Full length, exceptionally hand some model. . $45.00 Beaver Set, $35.85 fitted scarf and muff to it small match. $150.00 Squirrel Marten Coat, $95.00 Three- quarter -length, trimmed with fur tails. Satin lined. $250 Moleskin Coat, $150.00 Trimmed with electric seal bands. Three-juarter length. Third Floor $750.00 Imported Persian Lamb Coat, $395.00 A handsome full-length model, lined with brocade silk and with deep collar, and cuffs of skunk fur. $95.00 Electric Seal Coat for $57.50 Full-length model, lined with fine quality satin. . SLip manWofle & Qx Merctiandiso of J Merit Only" Attention! In , Order to Induce Early Shopping We Shall Upon Request Charge All Purchases Made This Week in Any Depart ment in the Store on Your January the 1st Bill See Our Other Ad vertisement Firs t Section, Page 11 Clearance Newest Afternoon Dresses A Special Purchase Just Received Which Would Sell Regularly Up to $35.00 Clearance $13.50 . In styles as shown in the illustration. Made of soft satin combined with velvet, and some of fine serge com bined with satin. Showing the latest cassock and wide flaring tunic styles. Collars of white satin or bengaline and sbme of cream lace. Many of the models show narow silk braid binding. Come in black and navy blue. This price barely covers the wholesale cost. Third Floor New Novelty Fur-Trimmed Suits Depicting the New Short Jacket anl Flare Skirt Never Were Such Handsome New Suits Pesented at Such Radical Reductions For Newest $25 Suits Latest model cheviot suits in black, navy, new blue. 2 7-inch-length jacket in the military style, with fur collar and yoke top gatheied skirt. Clearance rr Newest $32.50 Suits Fine broadcloth tailored suits in black, navy, $23.85 K11 anJ new brown. New 25-inch-Iength jacket, fur trimmed and yoke top skirt. For Newest $40 Suits Novelty suits of fine broadcloth in black, navy dOQ and hunters green. 28-inch jacket, fur trimmed, "O 3 and with military ornaments in the front and back. The full skirt has a deep plait at the side. The illustration shows one of these new models. Third Floor Imported English Rain Coats . from Kenneth Durward, London Exclusive models in a va riety of double-texture fab rics. Balmacaan and Ulster styles. At $27.50 For Models selling at $35 Models selling at $40 Models selling at $45 Tk Ird Floor Clearance $17.75 Clearance All Separate Skirts at Clearance Prices $5.00 skirts, $3.95; $7.50 skirts, $5.95; $8.50 skirts, $6.75, and many other prices ranging as high as $15.00 regularly at equally low sale prices. Newest models. Floor EXTRAORDINARY BLOUSE CLEARANCE Five Special Groups Which Embrace Hand some MODELS Suitable for All Occasions $3 Blouses for $1.00 Of crepe, linen, voile and lingerie. In a variety of styles, lace and embroidery trimmed, hemstitched yoke, kimono or set-in sleeves. $4 Blouses for $1.95 Of Tub Silks, Chiffon, Crepe, Voile and Lingerie In many bandsome styles, plain effects and novelty models. Blouses for all occasions, reflecting the latest modes, long or short sleeves. $6 Blouses for $3.95 Of messaline silk, crepe de chine, flowered chiffon and net. Trimmngs of shadow laces, pleated frills, net or chiffon 'vests. In white, navy, black, emerald, plum, Copen hagen, gray and brown. $8.50 Blouses for $5.00 Of chiffon crepe de chine, satin and wash messaline in novelty and plain styles, trimmed with organdie, net frills, fancy buttons. Long sleeves'. $3 Tailored Forsyth Waists, 95c Of linen cheviot, white madras and colored striped madras, plain and pleated, with side pockets, long sleeves and soft French cuffs. Third Floor ORIGINATIONS Skating Bags are new in the Art Needlework Section. Made up with braid d r a w s t rin gs, and stamped with your initial. And the size is large enough to hold both shoes and skates. Price 50c . . Shoulder bouquets, single flowers and clusters. 50c to $1.50 Millinery Section. A white and green wicker Tea Stand, with decorated por celain tray and top, is priced at $19.00. ... . For blondes there is a peach-blow tint which adds the faint plow of perfect health to a creamy skin. The name on the box is "Fard de Grand Luxe," and the price is 75c each. Pure silk bathing suits for women. For club swims and tank use. Price $.'15.00. Fourth Floor. Toilet sets for the baby of ivory, plain or decorated in pale, pink or blue. Rang ing in price from $1.25 up to $4.50 each. These sets con sist of 3, 4 and 5 pieces. Imported Bernous and Doreen evening wraps for misses and girls, reversible, with cloth on one side and silk on the other. In dainty colors, com bined with white. A n exquisite blouse, every stitch hand made, even to the tiny tucks, is of f i n s t 1 i n pre r ie, daintily embroidered in eyelet and spray design. Crochet but tons are used in nov elty effect, back and front. From Paris and only $12.50