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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXrAX. PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 22, 1914. w omen of ' Portland! YouiVe 1 George. s evening'. Refreshment's consisted apple cider punch and cakes. Those present were: Misses Adel Barnickel. Mary Pendererrass. M. v.. V Stanton. Ethel Schanen. Iorpttn Shras. green, Bernetta Sheasgreen, Helen Hen drika, Lillian Bullen, Grace Twitchell, Mabel Sheasgreen, C. A. Cole, Agnes Senn "and Adelaide Sheasgreen; and L,. a. Lack, Abdon Neiss. C. Jerrold Owen, Patrick Fordney, J. W. Gormley, A. J. Stanton. Ralston J. Clary, W. E. Burns, K. T. McLean and V. II. McKenzie. The Idle Hour Bridge Club was en tertained Thursday evening, November 19, by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bannon at their beautiful home, 291 Eugene utreet. Auction bridge was played during the evening, the card honors falling to Mrs. E. W. Ring and E. V. Hillius. Refresh ments were served by the hostess, after which the guests were entertained by several piano solos rendered by Miss Agnes Love. Those present were the Misses Genevieve Barnes, Margaret J. Conrad, Alta E. Ring, Charlotte Reed, Agnes Love, Mrs. Metta D. Baker; and A. E. Beamer.-W. Quig-ley, E. V. Hillius, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ring, Dr. and Mrs. J. Emil Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bannon, Mrs. Dowell. mother of Mrs. Bannon. and Mr. and Mrs. William Mil ler, recently of Burns, Or. The club was invited to hold its next meeting on Thursday evening, Decem ber 3, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Emil Nelson, 1195 Laurelhurst avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wagprener, of Newport, celebrated their golden wed ding Friday evening. The house was decorated with autumn leaves and chrysanthemums. Seventy guests were present. A musical programme was ren dered by Miss Yvilma AVaggener, of Albany College; Mrs. George H.. Wil cov, of Newport; Mrs. O. B. Gales, of Hillsboro, and . JMjs. C. E. Kindt, of Kinton, daughters of. Mr. and Mrs. Waggenei". Refreshments were served and a delightful evening' passed. Mr. and Mrs. Waggener. were mirrried in Iowa and came to Oregon many years ngo. For several years they lived at Hillsboro, where Mr. AVaggener was postmaster. The members of one of the smaller oanclng clubc were entertained at the home of Miss Gertrude Kelly Saturday . evening. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour, after which a dainty lunch eon was served. Those present were: The -Misses Betli Connor Fay Price. Laura Stevens, Golda Wilson, Fay Landinghain, Gertrude Kelly -and Thomas Cosgrove. Norman Schaecher, Armaud Lamb. Frank Grabler, Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Stevens and Wayno Stevens. The club members are: The Misses Beth Connor, Fay Landlngham, Fay Price, Golda Wilson, Sue Nail and Gertrude Kelly. .. A pleasant afternoon was the card party given on Monday by the wom an's department of. the Rose City Park Club, when five hundred and auction bridge were played. The score in live hundred was attained by Mrs. E. E. Dennison, and in auction by Mrs. Charles Lindner. At the conclusion of the games the women were invited to partake of refreshments, and to enjoy a solo by Mrs. Clyde Meach. The host esses for the afternoon were Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Clsiy S. Morse, Mrs. E. J. Mann and Mrs. D. A. Milne. , The Wisconsin Society of Oregon held another of its delightful monthly meet ings Thursday evening. One of the main features of the evening was Pro fessor Finley and several of his pupils in vocal selections and readings, after which a basket luncheon, cards and dancing were participated in by all present. The next entertainment will be given under the auspices of the ladies' club of the Wisconsin Society, on the evening of December 17. All Wisconsinites are asked to remember the date. - A poverty ball, given in Chrlsten Ben's Hall last Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Chanticleer Club, was voted one of the most successful dancing parties of the season. Miss Margaret DeBauw and C. A. Nuller were selected as the members who best sustained their assumed characters. The patronesses attending were Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. F. M. Forney and Mrs. E. Park. On the committee in charge were: Miss Myrtle Meyer, Mrs. Minnie Meyer Evers, Miss Georgia Forney, Mrs. Abbie Forney Burt and Miss Blanch Park. m m- m Mrs. E. J. Rankin and Mrs. L. T. Tur ner entertained at a 500 party recently. Refreshments were served, and dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. WV W. Christensen won the prize. Among those present were: E. J. Rankiiv Mr. and Mrs. A. Groce. Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Meter, Mrs. Cora White, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chriu lensen, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, the Misses Elwanger, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Knight, Mr. and Mrs. A. Graves. T. Burris, G. Taylor. Mrs. F. Brown, Miss E. Baxter, T. Schelhammer, A. A. Hickey, W. P. Powers, K C. Moore and Miss E. Fayhe. The women of the Altar Society of ft. Lawrence Ohurch entertained their friends with cards at the home of Mrs. P. J. O'Donnoll. c04 Grant street, Thursday, from 2 to 5 P. M. Vocal solos were rendered by Daniel Wilson and Helen O'Donnell, accom panied by Miss Catherine Barrett and Miss Ida Madden. The members of the committee on arrangements were Mrs. P. J. O'Don nell, Mrs. James Hyland, Mrs W J. Smith. Mrs. W. P. Lillis and Mrs. W. J. Wilson. Mrs. L. C. Noyes gave a delightful house-warming at her new home, 239 i-ast riftv-first street, recently. Five hundred was enjoyed and delicious re if ' n,J. r i ' ' ' t "5 - '- '. :? -y-a- . i ','- -AAV IS ' f y s ' v I v - i iu; v ny t" t"J i j v. " r 11 , ?y jy' - t'- " of. , i ' - : 1 111 ' III tfoess Sir- & oy syy freshments were served. Card honors fell to Mrs. W. W. Christensen. Those present were Mrs. E. Ereisman, Mrs. Nehr, Mrs. W. Berry, Mrs. O. Pot ter, Mrs. L. T. Turner, Mrs. F. C. Gil lespie, Mrs. T. Patton, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. W. Grabach, Mrs. Sorensen, Mrs. Green, Mrs. W. wi Christensen and the hostess. Mrs. Albert Ammer entertained the Aloha 500 Club Thursday afternoon. The rooms Were decorated w.Hh palms and smilax. Luncheon was served at 1:30. The honors at cards were won by Mrs. Dick Percel and Mrs. W. A. Gill. The other members present were: Mrs. W. H. Daughtrey, Mrs. Will iam H. Upson, Miss Queen Troy, Mrs. George Feathers. Mrs. W. John, Mrs. George Sendel and Mrs. W. R. Will iams. v - The Bonhomme Club was very pleas antly entertained at the home of Mrs. W. C. Beaumont on Saturday. Lunch eon was served at 1 o'clock', the table being artistically arranged and deco rated with Thanksgiving novelties. Fans and palms acrornetl the rooms. The afternoon was spent In auction bridge, high honors falling to Mrs. W. C. Beaumont and Mrs. F. Brandes. Mrs. Thomas Gill will be next hostess, at the Glencourt Apartments, on December 4. An impromptu dramatization of "Mother Goose" under the direction of Misses Lillian Downing and Jessie Prosser was given by the pupils at the meeting of the Gregory Heights Parent- xeacner Association Wednesday. A business meeting followed, at which the work of the social service department was me principal subject of discussion. A committee was appointed to canvass the neighborhood in the interest of this work. ' An enjoyable afternoon tea was held recently in the home of Miss Josephine Kaufman, 820 Corbett street. Miss Anna Zack sang a group of songs. Among the guests were the Misses Hazel Williams, Grace Thornton. Flora Griggs, Sarah Bloom, Helen and Ophelia uoouman, Anna zack and Mazie Sing. A delightful affair of Wednesday nignt was the rhitial party of the Piedmont Club held in the Kenton LiuDhouse. Dancing was enjoyed by large number of the younger set. The next dance of the series will be held December 9. COMXN'G EVENTS. A Thanksgiving party in compliment to tne visiting students of the Uni versity of Oregon and its football team as well as the team of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, will be given at Cotillion Hall on Friday night. On the committee are Miss Julia Piatt, Miss Beulah Hayes, Miss Marguerite Gross, William Tuerck, Anson Cornell and James Sheehy, representing Mult nomah Amateur ' Athletic Club, E. S. Nelson, J. E. Duffy, L. Streibig, O. Don aldson, W. Holden and O. Day. On the school committee are Eugene Belland, Layman Bonney, rRaymoTid Staub, Roland Manary, Wallace Kings bury, Lee Waldron, Carl Caesar, Robert Malarkey, James Cameron. Cameron Belland, Misses Marion Hoban, Corinne Kellogg, Marie Beach. Helen Bracht, Bertha Vandameer, Virginia Brown, Edna Holoomb, Alice Campbell, Lucie Dudley, Helen O'Neil. The patronesses will be Mrs. A. Y. Beach, Mrs. A. J. Hoban, Mrs. J. Belland and Mrs. II. T. Adams. The Athletic Club of the Portland Toung Men's Christian 'Association is planning one of the most elaborate entertainments ever staged In the P W aitiog for This!! A Ben Selling Sale of Suits! A Genuine Sale! A Sale Where You are Assured of a Fair Price at the Outset with Genuine, Incisive Reductions Therefrom! Beginning tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock every woman's fancy man-tailored suit in the store goes on sale at astounding reduc tions reductions not based on profit or cost, but simply with the one fixed idea of selling every suit! All are models of this season, many of them having been in the s tore but a few days. Absolutely wiuiuui. icBwve wico une buiis win D6 oil erect tomorrow at t.h fol lowing unmatched reductions from regular prices: T in All $34.50 to $49.50 Fancy Tailored Suits All $19.50 to $32.50 Fancy Tailored Suits All Women's and Misses' $10.00 Balmacaans, $6.95 All Girls' and Misses' $10 Peter Thompson Dresses, $4.95 Girl's Plain-Tailored School Coats Regular $10.00 dt ff Regular $17.50 d tj rf to $15.00 Coats tpO.UU to $20.00 Coats P I .OU I suggest that you come early these suits will move rapidly. LING MORRISON at FOURTH A SHOP FOR GENTLEWOMEN fas? M Zp -Al l Portland Y. M. C. A., to be held In the auditorium of the association, Decem ber 3. The members of the club-have been working for weeks on this social, ably assisted by J. V. Palmer, the leader of the club. This will be the first of a series ef socials to be given bratlon formerly was knows is the Allen, Larkin and O'Brien anniversary, but at the 1912 state convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Ore gon it was decided to call it "Patriots' day," in which tribute could be paid to all the great patriots of the Irish CLASS OFFICERS WILL HAVE CHARGE SCHOOL CIRCUS, OF JEFFERSON HIGH 1 ' zrr" sl-z - r . t r- -t c- T v r Front Row (Left' to Right) In McCoy. Seeretaryi Rath Walter. V'ice-Presl-deBtt Madeline Slot boom, Editor. Back; Row J ohn Mowry, Pmldeati and Hobcrt ljBmon, Treaiurer. ' The class of June, 1915, in the Jefferson High School, will pive a circus and carnival at the school tomorrow, beginning: at 2:35 P. M. The main show will consist of a vaudeville sketch by the literary and dramatic club, and a menagerie of imitation animals. Pink lemonade and popcorn will be on hand in abundance. The class officers in charge of the show are: John Mowry, president; Ruth Walters, vice-president; Ina McCoy, secretary; Hobert Lam on, treasurer, and Madeline Blotboom, editor. this Winter. The athletic club is one of the oldest and best organized clubs of tho Y. M. C. A. Several members of the club recently gave an exhibition of pyramid work at the Manufacturers' and Land Proiuct3 Show at the Ar mory as carried on in the physical de partment of the-' association. Reservations to the social can be made either with the men's or boys' secretaries in the-Y. M. C. A. . "Patriots' day" will be celebrated tonight by the Ancient Order of Hi bernians in Hibernia Hall. This cele- F0UR GENERATIONS OF THE SAME FAMILY GATHER IN PORTLAND, Sir.-" fv -." & 4 t ' 4 4 va.fflty t ii.a,iwwi,, ..... t.iK,., y,i m-,,, rmrj race. Assisting in tonight's programme will be: Miss Dag-mar Inez Kelly, Miss Marie Chapman, Miss Loretta Chap man, Miss Nona Lawier, Miss Mae Breslln. Miss Grace Dawson. A. B. Cain, A. J. Campbell and Frank D. Hennessy. Judge Henry E. McGinn will deliver the address, and Daniel .1. Curran, county president of the Hibernians, will preside. . , "An Evening in Jappyland" will b the entertainment offered by the O. N. C. B. Girls in Cotillion Hall on Mon day, November 30. The decorations will be of a Japanese character and the committee will be attired In Japanese costume. The members of the club and their committee are: Eva Cook Vinton. Faye Wise, Jeannette Rutledge. Esther Ru deen. Gertrude Lucke. Ruth Lind. Jes sie Matters, Pearl Ryman, Mrs. H. 15. Lamb, E. L. Vinton, Arthur Rudeen, El mer A. HansOn, A. V. Kramer, A. L. Roberts, Clarence Miller. Ralph Maria and Albert J. Matter. The patronesses are: Mrs. Charles Christenson, Mrs. W. H. Snook, Mrs. B. E. Gray and Mrs. M. E. Vinton. Invitations are out for the Satellites O. E. S. dance to be given Thursday evening, December 3, at the Masonic Temple. The patronesses are: Mrs. W. J. Jackson, Mrs. E. A. Hershner, Mrs. W. Minor, Mrs. M. Schomp and Mrs. J. A. Whitten. Members of the committee in charge are: Miss LaVerne Hershner, Miss Elaine Clouse, Miss Bernice Wommels dorf. Miss Edna Young, Miss lone Lewis, Miss May Whitten. Miss Leola Dooley, Miss Pearl Hopkins, J. E. Beck man, Rodney, Hurlburt and Mr. Rodney. Other parties have been arranged for January 14 and March 4. The reception and entertainment com mittees of the Colorado Society of Ore gon met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hazen Monday evening. Ar rangements were completed for a Thanksgiving dancS and "500" party, to be given at Cotillion Hall Tuesday evening, November '24. Committee members present are: Mrs. M. W. Wy ville. Mrs. Sturdevant, Mrs. W. J. Breckel, Miss Dorothy Wyvllle. Mrs. Golson, Miss Golson, Miss Gladys Ap plegate. Miss Jean Sturdevant, Miss Ramsey, W. A. Johnston, Mrs. Arthur Hazen. A. W. Hazen and G. A. Mon crieff. 9 Clever invitations in the form of an Indian wigwam are being sent out by the members of the Wacoma Dancing Club fo their party, which will take place Monday evening, November 30, at Christensen's Hall. Baskets of flowers will be presented by the Indian maid, for whom the club has been named, to those drawing the numbers 13 and 23. At the club's October party Miss J. McDonald held the number 13 and won a basket of flowers. - A card party and dance will be given by the senior class of -Christian Brothers Business College on Tuesday night at Alumni Hall. Tables will be arranged for cards at '8:30 o'clock and dancing wm Degin ar :30 o clock. Among the many interesting events Of the season at the Lincoln High school will be a matinee dance given in tne scnooi gymnasium by the Feb- ruary. -15, class, on Wednesday after noon, December 2. Excellent music will be furnished. Dainty refresh ments will be served throughout the afternoon. The members on the dance committee are Isabelle Secord, Helen Jackson, Rebecca Barell. Ethel Shields. Jack Bates, Paul Smith. Fred Strong and Norman Campbell. The Lico Club will give their second informal dancing party at the Multno mah Hotel, which will be held in the assembly hall on Tuesday evening. The committee consists of the Misses Mary Karthlin. Helen Mclver, Beatrice Steele, Grace Oberg, Alice DeKeyser, M. Os born, Natalie Harrison, Sadie Crowder, Lola Eddy. Grace Hastorf, Tresa Plet tenberg. Hazel Bucker, Leota Lewis, Nellie Tregenza, chairman, and Hilda Sherman, assistant chairman. . St Dominic's Court, No. 965. will give small card party In their hall at the Christian Brothers" Business College, Grand avenue and Clackamas, next j Monday night. All members are re quested to come and bring a couple of friends. There will be three beautiful prizes. As this is the first of- a series of parties to be given by St. Dominic's Court, all members are requested to at tend, as the committee has planned a pleasant evening for every one. On Monday night, November SO, Ionic' Court. No. 1. Order of the Amaranth, will give the fourth of a series of in formal parties at the Portland Heisthts Clubhouse. Dancing and cards will be diversions. For the beneftt of the Scholarship Fund of Christian Brothers' Business College, Gilbert-Murray School' of Music and Acting will present 'the four-act rCanrTlidVn1 An Tmm 11 l - t FROM I.KFT TO RIGHT K. f. WAtl. ACE, MISS NORA M. COOK, WILLIAM HEXRV COIHTXKY AKD MRS. INEZ COURTNEY. Four generations of the same family recently met in Portland. They were E. P. Wallace, of Abiity, 8 5 years of age; M-rs. Nora M. Cook. of 147S Fern street, Portland, his daughter, 51 vears old; Mrs. Inez Courtney, 574 Front street. Portland, her daughter, aged 29, and Wlll liam Henry Courtney, four months old. Mr. Wallace is the only survWor of the Yakima Indian War in the battle with the Nisqually Indian s on the Puyallup River, October 28. ' 1So5. He was shot in the right temple by a bullet fired by one of the redskins and carries the leaden ball in his head to this day. Thanksgiving at The Portland The Portland's kitchens and store rooms there's a iiint of thn Thanksgiviug feast in the savory, spicy odors that come from gTeat hampers of good things that our wizard, the chef, will have ready for you on Thursday! A T1;. t: with all the old-time traditions that the new name im plies with music, with memories and with feasting so shall we celebrate the day! Both Pining Rooms ' ' Five -Thirty to Eight Plates $l.SO The Portland Hotel G. J. Kaufman, Manager - DSD Exclusive Apparel for Women 383 "Washington St. A Word of Advice It you have not visited this shop we suggest that you do so and learn something of its policy of doing business. Its pleasing service, its quality of mer chandise, and, above all, The Sensible Prices Quite possible that you may have looked into 'our show windows from time to time and, seeing 'the many unusually) clever models in wearing apparel and millinery, have drawn therefrom an erroneous conclusion, namely, that it is a shop of high prices, when in reality you will find upon investigation that while our merchandise is of an exceptional character both in style and quality. , the prices are also exceptionally moderate. Another Point "We Desire to Make Plain is that we are equipped to supply the wants of people of modest means, as well as of those who demand the more expensive apparel. Merely a call from you would be a favor to us and. we believe, enlightening to yourself. See Our Windows This Week for Further Evi dence of Values. Waists, Suits, Dresses, Coals and Millinery. Many late New York purchases arrive daily and will go on sale at moderate prices Dinner Gowns, Evening Gowns, Dancing Frocks, Suits, Coats and Blouses. car in LEMAIRE OPERA GLASSES la Pearl, Black and Aluminum Plain or with Handle THE WORLD LEMAIRE FIELD GLASSES & PKISM BINOCULARS TftAOK MARK N ew YORK At your Jewelers or Optician's OFFICE o Miinm Iam N. Y.