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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OU'EGOTiTAN', PORTLAND, XOVE3IBER 22, 1914. " is the new profit-sharing idea that gives you a mile of free travel for every dollar you trade here. Scrip issued with every purchase. Good for transportation on streetcar, railway, steamer. Start saving now. AFuir F" ' H. ?diJy'2 I Yf7 - ' 1 - til ' ' iiiBiiiiitf mmmMmrnmmv llPiRBlifci r -Pi (ff 1 ' A " ;Av ' ; '' pl Where delicious homemade candy was soia, was one 01 tne best patronized features of the affair. Mrs. Nat Mc Dougall was in charge of this table and was assisted by Miss Inez Barrett, Mrs. E. H. Anthony and Mrs. Cass CampbelL' The following assisted in the dining-room: Miss Katherine Gile, Miss Helen Stack, Mists Helen Bald win, the Misses Laidlaw. Miss Irene i Daly, Miss Helen McGusker, Miss Mona Burke. Miss Mame Helen Flynn. Miss Jane O'Neill, Miss Evelyn McCusker and Miss Jane Jessup. Mrs. Peter ' Autzes and Mrs. John Bracher were hostesses to the members of the Irvlngton Needlework Club Tuesday at Mrs. - Autzen's home In Irvington. An elaborate Dutch lunch eon was served at 1 o'clock, for which covers were laid for 20. .About two long tables, with centerpieces of wood en shoes, laden with Autumn fruits, were the following guests: Mesdames M. L. Kline, J. P. Ford, Marlon Versteeg, M. R. Jarvls. A. L. Pish, T. J. Mullen, J. I "Wright. W. H. Lesh. F. C. Barnes, Phil lip Groasmayer, T. Collinson. Jack Stewart. William R. Scott, Frank Mc Crillis, Harvey Beckwith. H. A. Fred rich, Claude D. Starr and the guest of honr. Mrs. W. H. Ford, of Arlington, "Wash. The club will meet again' in two weeks at the home of Mrs. F. C. Barnes, joint hostesses being: Mrs. P. Collinson and Mrs. H. A. Fredrlch. .."' Tuesday afternoon will be given espe cial social interest by the holding of the annual tea of the Woman's Ex change. All members of the exchange and their friends will be welcome on the occasion, when .besides the social side of the entertainment there will be i exhibition of the fancy work, dainty and useful articles that will be suitable for Christmas gifts. The exhibition this year is unusually attractive. Ther are little articles suitable for the wee lads and lassies and for the big sisters and brothers as well as for milady her self. These annual gatherings at the exchange are always anticipated by so ciety folk and by all who are Interested in the fine work done by the consign ers of the institution. In the receiving party will be Mrs. H. W. Corbett, Miss Failing. Mrs. E. L. Thompson and Mrs. "W. C. -Alvord. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. Ben NeuBtadter, Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman and Mrs. George Forbes. The exchange is a means of helping women .to be self-supporting. One of the prettiest affairs of the early week was the bridge tea for which Miss Dagmar Korell was hostess on Tuesday, complimenting a recent bride, Mrs. Eugene Bland (Ida Shea), and a bride-to-be. Miss Wilhelmina Conn, whose wedding will take place next month. Seven tables were ar ranged for the games, and additional Sruests called later for tea. The guests of honor were each given handsome prizes, and card honors fell to ' Mrs. J. H. Cook and Mrs. Frank Page. Pre siding at the teatable. which was decked artistically with a French bas ket filled with yellow chrysanthemums and ferns, combined with golden-shaded candles, were Mrs. W. B. Mackay and Airs. Bert Roberts, who poured the bev erages. and Miss Ida Blackford served Ices. They were assisted by Miss Alice Gadsby, Miss Marjorie Read and the Aliases Mabel and Laure Korell mm Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Fleischner and their daughter. Miss Elise. are nlannlnic to spend the Thanksgiving season at tneir cottage In Seaside. As. guests they will have In the house oarty Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Metzger and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ehrmn . (Minnie leiscbner). In compliment to Dr. A. A, Morrison and to celebrate the firteenth anniver sary of his pastorate at Trinity, the mission umw gave-a dinner on Wed nesday in the Parish house. James Ken- was the toastmaster and addresses were made by Rodney Glisan. . Hamilton jonnston, wuilam D. Wheelwright, Dr. Morrison and others. All Shrtners throughout the state are looking forward to Wednesday, Decem ber 2, the date' of the annual ball, the most elaborate social event in Masonic affairs. The committees In charge have. arranged for appropriate Shrine decor ations, refreshments, card prizes and full orchestra and from indications the ballroom will be taxed to capacity. The patronesses are: Mrs. Harvey Beck with, Mrs. George -W. Stapleton, Mrs. William E. Grace, Mrs. James Peter Moffett, Mrs. Thomas McCusker, Mrs. John B. Cleland, Mrs. Hugh J. Boyd, Mrs. William J. Hofmann, Mrs. A. H. Lea, Mrs. Frank S. Grant, Mrs.- Harold T. Hutchinson, Mrs. Douglas W. Taylor, Mrs. J. G. Mack, Mrs. Louise G. Clarke. Mrs. Archie Thurlow, Mrs. William C. Bristol. Mrs. D. G. Tomaslni, Mrs. A. H. Averill, Mrs. Albert M. Brown. Mrs. Arthur C Callan, Mrs. N. U. Carpenter. Mrs. John F. Carroll, Mrs. E. G. Craw ford, Mrs. Robert F. Clark, Mrs. W. W. Downard, Mrs. J. Francis Drake, Mrs. Franklin A. Freeman. Mrs. Hpnrv w Fries, Mrs. Joseph W. Ganong, Mrs. iuis ueninger jr., Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, Mrs. Rufus C. Holman, Mrs. George W. Kleiser, Mrs. Frank U Lith erland. Mrs. John M. Mann, Mrs. Mc Kinley Mitchell, Mrs. Phil Metschan Jr Mrs. W. L. Morgan, Mrs. H. L. Plt tock, Mrs. Edward C. Reed, Mrs. Charles E. Runyon, Mrs. F. W. Skiff, Mrs. Alva L. Stephens, Mrs. A. Tilzer, Mrs. J. E. Werlein. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Christensen will entertain the Portland Ad Club at a dance and card party Monday evening. November 23. Several prizes have been offered by local merchants. Members of the committees ai"e: Re ception committee, C. F. Bere-. A. C Clark, D. N. Mossesohn. C. A. White- more and C. H. Moore; floor committee, W. L. Campbell. M. Mosessohn. -F. L. Moreland, A. C. McMicken, M. Christen sen, W. P. Strandborg, Frank- Coffin- berry, Nick Pierong. C. E. McCulloch. H. W. Metzger and I H. Hamlg: ladles' reception committee. Mrs. A. G. Clark, Mrs. C. F. Berg, Mrs. C. A. Whitemore, Mrs. D. N. Mosessohn and Mrs. Mose Christensen; ladles' auxiliary commit tee, Mrs. tr. T. Hyskell. Mrs. Fred Spoeri, Mrs. F. M. McCrillls. Mrs. W. M. Umbdenstock, Mrs. J. E. Maxon, Mrs. H. J. Blaesing, Mrs. Clifford Reid, Mrs. W. L. Campbell, Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mrs. G. C. Joyce, Mrs. J. F. Larson, Mrs. Miles Standish and Mrs. M. A. Reed. For the purpose of showing a choice collection of miniatures and pastels Mrs. Lillie V. O'Eyan will be hostess for an Informal tea Tuesday afternoon at her studio. All who are interested in this branch of work are invited to call. Mrs. O'Ryan has the distinction of being chosen as a member of the ad visory board of the Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition. The collection of Mrs. O'Ryan's work, which will be on view Tuesday, will shortly be sent to the fair. They include: Miniatures Mrs. Oscar Menefee and daughter. Flora; Mrs. Francis Upham, Miss Florence Holman, Sigmund Frank, James Lansing Winne, George Speckart. Pastel pro-traits Miss Elizabeth Men efee, Miss Jenette Otto, Miss Florence Holman, Miss Margaret Sheehey, Don ald Walker Johnson. Pastel sketches Mrs. Thomas Honey man, Mrs. Victor Johnson, Mrs. Paul Trullinger, Mrs. Frederick Kribs, Mrs. Hazel Blumauer Litt, Wilhelmina Matthes, William Hanley. , Mrs. Ralph F. Davis was hostess on Tuesday afternoon at a bridge tea at which she dispensed "hospitality . for about 30 friends. The rooms were deco rated attractively with pink chrysan themums of varying shades. Mrs. A. B. Bailey and Mrs. James Ball won hon ors for high scores. A great deal of interest is being taken In the big operatic comedy the atrical performance. "Colonial Beaux and Belles in Dixieland," to be staged at the Helllg Theater on the nights of December 14 and 16, by members of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. The Multnomah Club is noted for the excellence of its productions of all kinds, its "Society Circuses" and Spring carnivals having been flatter ing successes. Professor Robert Krohn formerly drilled all the Multnomah ex hibitions, but for this performance a professional coach has been secured. Rehearsals are .held twice weekly. The cast numbers 125 persons, more than half of whom are members of the Ladies' Annex, who will perform In the ballets and choruses. Miss Irene Col lins, Miss Marian Coffey and Miss Paul ine Helntz are among the young women chosen for some of the individual dances. The theatrical will be spark- WELIi-KNOWN PORTLAND GIRL'S ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED. ' iilliiiiiiiillHS? . . . . f-M&&i&BSi9M &iSriu m "Sift telilfiiliSiS 5 wmmmkmmmmsmmiamiiim jtS'- '' '''''' ' ' f ' i ' of extraordinary import opens tomorrow at The Emporium! Immense New Stock Genuine Furs 25-to 50 Reduction! This sale is NOT for the woman who pays three or four hundred dollars for Purs. It is for the woman who believes twenty, thirty, fifty yes, a hundred dollars should buy Furs with style and service. - Reliable, moderate-priced Furs comprise this great sale tomorrow at Portland's Empor ium. You may select from our immense stock at absolute reductions of 25 to 50 from the low, original prices. Our Furs are from America's largest and most reliable manufac turing furriers. Every Fur is guaranteed to be sold under its real name. Don't sav' 4 This is just another ordinary Fur Sale." Come and see for yourself. If You Compare Our Furs and These Reductions You Will Buy Here $ 7.50 Marmot Scarf 10.75 Marmot Scarf 14.75 Marmot Scarf , 8.50 Marmot Muff 10.75 Marmot Muff 13.95 Marmot Muff 8.50 "White Iceland Fox Scarf 10.75 White Iceland Fox Scarf 8.50 White Iceland Fox Muff., a. 12.50 White Iceland Fox Muff. . .. 14.75 Jap Mink Scarf at.;...-. .. 19.50 Jap Mink Scarf at 29.50 Jap Mink Scarf at.. 17.50 Jap Mink Muff at 26.50 Jap Mink Muff at 39.50 Jap Mink Muff at ; 5.95 8.60 11.80 .6.80 8.60 11.15 6.80 8.60 6.80 9.95 11.80 15.55 22.15 13.95 19.85 29.25 $45.00 Genuine Mink Scarf 59.50 Genuine Mink Scarf 105.00 Genuine Mink Scarf 47.50 Genuine Mink Scarf 85.00 Genuine Mink Scarf 96.50 Genuine Mink Scarf 4.95 Black or Brown Coney Scarf. , 7.50 Black or Brown Coney Scarf. . 10.75 Black or Brown Coney Scarf. , 4.95 Black or Brown Coney Muff. . 8.50 Black or Brown Coney Muff. . 10.75 Black or Brown Coney Muff. , 17.50 Handsome Hudson Seal Scarf, 27.50 Hudson Seal Scarf 14.75 Hudson Seal Scarf 17.50 Hudson Seal Muff $31.50 41.75 69.85 33.25 56.65 64.25 3.95 5.95 8.60 3.95 6.80 8.60 13.95 20.60 11.80 13.95 $14.75 19.50 10.00 17.50 24.75 26.50 21.50 36.50 19.50 31.50 14.75 27.50 49.50 65.00 24.75 29.50 Beaver Scarf ........ .. .$ .Beaver isearr Beaver Muffs . . Beaver Muffs . . Moufflar Seta . . Moufflar Sets .. Red Fox Scarfs. Red Fox Scarfs. Red Fox Muffs. . Red Fox Muffs Russian Fitch Scars..., Russian Fitch Scarf... Russian Fitch Scarf.... Russian Fitch Scarf.... Natural Raccoon Scarf. Natural Raccoon Muff. 7.40 9.75 5.00 8.75 12.40 13.25 10.75 18.25 9.75 15.75 11.80 20.60 34.75 45.50 18.55 22.15 A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Fur Till Xmas PO R.T LASSOS ia Micros - -' '-imiti1m- mam M 5 c T. a nil - wm m i Every Fur Guaranteed as Represented ling with delightful music, some of the latest hits of the year being: on the programme. Among the vocalists who will have , important parts are Mrs. Charles Henney, Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman, ' Mrs. Delphlne Marx, Miss Goldle Peterson. Mrs. R. R. King:, Miss Morelta Hickman, Miss Marie Roberts, Mrs. P. Li. Thompson and Miss Eloise Lawffer. Miss Grace O'Neil and Miss Margaret Rader -will have clever parts. The patronesses will be: Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs. J. WeBlejr Ladd, Miss Henrietta Failing-, Miss Mary F. Fail ing:, Mrs. J. D. Honeyman, Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur, Mrs. Gay Lombard, Mrs. George A. Marshall, Mrs. Alma D. Katz, Mrs. Walter A. Holt, Mrs. Chester Grif fin Murphy, Mrs. F. A. Nltchy. Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, Mrs. Frederick W. Hlld. Mrs. B. C. Shevlin, Mrs. Morris If. Whltehouse, Mrs. J. A. Dougherty, Mrs. Oscar R. Menefee, Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth. Mrs. C. S. Jackson and Mrs. Charles F. Swige'rt. . In honor of her birthday the friends of Mrs. Hoyt M. Lesher gave a delight ful surprise party for her last Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. C. A. Eber sole. 62 East Twelfth street North. Mrs. Lesher recently returned from an ex tended trip to the Cast. She was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Dan cing, music and games made up the programme for the .evening Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Leaf. Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacDuffee, Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Platy, Mr. and Mrs C. A. Ebersole and Mr and Mrs. D. A. Beam Mrs Mary Gansneder, Mrs. Lil ian Van. Miss Xrene Gansneder, M. Staf ford and E. Luster. m The Portland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Delta Delta Sorority 1b planning a large reception to be given next Wednesday afternoon in honor of its National officer. Mis K. Louise Fitch, of Cambridge, 111. All members of the Portland Pan-Hellenic Association have been invited, and the event will be one of no little social importance. Miss Fitch is prominently identified with the National. Pan-Hellenic Association, and is also editor of "The Trident," the sorority magazine. She is making, the coast trip in order to complete arrangements for the Trl Delta convention, to be held in San Francisco in August. While In Portland, Miss Fitch will be the guest of Mrs. S. R. Phillips and will be extensively entertained. Mrs. W. R. Kirkup and Miss Beatrice Your gift orders for Mon ogram and Address Sta tionery, Cards, etc., should be placed with us immediately. : Special ThanksgVng Sale GREAT REDTJCTION ON LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS MADE! TO OIlDKIl AT S30 ITP. Also Make Suits From Your Own Ma terial $20 Up. SALL & PRESSMAN 171 ELEVENTH STREET. Kirkup, 767 Hawthorne avenue, enter, talned Wednesday afternoon with a te in honor of Mrs. J. Martin Watson and Mrs. David Gowans. Mist. Kirkup sang several songs and played a few pianc selections, which were much enjoyed. Interesting news from Manila tells Of the marriage there on October 14 of Dr. John A. McKinnon and Miss Leila A. Stark, ex-residents of Portland. The service was solemnized in the home of Chaplain Joseph Clemens, of the Eighth Infantry. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alvis, the latter a college mate of Mrs. McKln non, were witnesses to the ceremony. Dr. McKinnon is one of the most pop ular professional men in Manila, where he has resided for 12 years. His bride has been there but 18 months, but has a host of friends in the Islands. The newly-married couple passed their honeymoon at Antipolo and are now at their home, 1036 Penn sylvania avenue. Manila. Mrs. E. R. Root has Issued Invitations for the evening of November 30, when she will entertain in honor of the birth day of her son, Talcott B. Root. Mrs. Nina Larowe entertained, a group of friends at cards last week in the reception rooms of the Nortonia Hotel. The decorations consisted of white chrysanthemums and greenery. Card honors fell to Mrs. Clarence Wheeler. Mrs. W. D. Jellison, L. P. Warring and R. L. Aldrich. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Runyon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. See. Will iam Gadsby and Miss Alice Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frayle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hofmann, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Banfleld, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rldell. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kuettner. Mr. Kuettner, Jr., Mr. and Airs. Leon H. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Strauh. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arnett, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jelli son. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Menefee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Menefee, Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Root. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Adams! Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Waring, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Haller, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mac Lean, Mr. Eschenbough, Dr. McClure, Mrs. F. R. Ferris, Mrs. Anthony. Mrs. C. F. Jones, Mrs. Katherine Daly, Mrs. Varwis, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kapus. m A simple home wedding of the week wad that of Miss Chatfleld and Edward Everett Jewett, which was solemnized Tuesday night at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. S. Chatfleld. The ceremony, which was extremely simple, was read by Rev. John H. Boyd, and there were no attendants. Masses of chrysanthemums were used effectively In the reception-room. Cen tering the supper table was a graceful basket of yellow chrysanthemums. The bride wore a tailored suit of rich bluo (Continued on Pnxe 4.) Engraved Greeting Cards for- Christmas 11 Order Now J Second Floor. I (Bills- The J. K. Gill Companv, Third and Alder, Booksellers, Sta tioners and Complete Office Outfitters. The Furs That She Prefers Liebes Furs for Christmas The Most Desirable Gift Styles More Dashing Than Ever Variety Greater and Prices Lower LIEBES FURS are recognized the world over as leaders in style and quality the prices, too, are an attraction, because we sell direct from our workrooms to youl The war has prevented our usual exports and prices are now; lower than ever. Coats, Sets. Collars and Muffs in All the "Wanted Furs Complete Line Smart turs and Sets for Little Children and Misses A. t the Sign of the Bear When in Doubt Get a Liebes Gift Order Our Greatest Pride Buyers Satisfied Ho USEE, S.& CO. 288 Morrison St., Near Fifth J. P. Plagemann, Mgr.