The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 22, 1914, SECTION THREE, Image 35

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Next Wednesdat Will Be "RED LETTER DAY" in Z&C Trading Stamp Parlors, 4th Floor 1 0 FREE STAMPS Will Be Given to All Visitors
Holiday Purchases Made in Any Department of the Store Will Be Stored Free of Charge and Delivered at Any Time Desired Parcels Checked Free
Special Announcement
Through the courtesy of several of Port
land's best-known hostesses we have on ex
hibition on our third floor personally ar
ranged Dinner' Tables, showing the latest
ideas for. entertaining. You are cordially
invited to view them. Bring your friends.
Portland Agents
for Nemo,
Crossard, Bien
Jolie, Royal
Bon Ton
Olds9Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 6231
Mail Orders
Day - Received.
With Cash
- Orders
Upon Request.
Pyrolin Ivory at 1-4 Off
Main- Ploor Beautiful Pyrolin Ivory Toilet
Articles and Novelties make lastipg and
serviceable gifts. Wide variety to .select
from, including Manicure Sets, Mirrors,
Brushes, Powder and Puff Ja
Boxes, etc. Entire line naw at ' J
Temendous Clearing Sales Women's Apparel
Our Entire Stock Women's Suits, Coats, Gowns, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, Etc., Reduced!
Sffeevilon. JFheres.
Furs for Gifts
Second Floor We are exclusive Port
land agents for the celebrated "Re
villon Freres" Fine Furs the world's
best.. Cost no more than the ordinary
kinds. Choose now for Christmas.
Pitch Scarfs priced at $12.50 to $40.00
Fitch Muffs priced at $45.00 to $47.50
Mink Scarfs priced at $50.00 to $90.00
Mink Muffs priced $38.50 to $145.00
Black Lynx Scarfs at $25.00 to $75.00
Black Lynx Muffs priced at $55.00
Skunk Scarfs priced $11.50 to $55.00
Black Fox Scarfs "at $12.50 to $45.00
Black Fox Muffs at $20.00 to $32.50
Mole Scarfs priced at $10.50 to $35.00
Mole Muffs priced at $25.00 to $37.50
Civet Cat Scarfs at $16.50 to $17.50
Civet Cat Muffs at $27.50 'to $35.00
Women's $20 Dresses at $14.98
$35 Dresses for $19.98
Second Floor Charming models in
Dancing Dresses for women and
misses. Exquisite creations of riov
elty silks and laces in tunic, flounced
and 'Mandarin styles. Short sleeves
and V-shape or square necks. Trim
mings flf fancy buttons, laces, frills,
etc. Dresses worth API I QG
up to $20. - Choice P--.C70
Second Floor Special group of
Women's and Misses' high-class
Dresses for party and evening wear.
Long waist, Russian, tunic and
flounced models of crepe de chine,
crepe meteor, crepe chiffon, satins
and laces. Beautifully trimmed in
latest effects. Gar
ments worth to $33
Women's Evening Gowns at Low Prices
Second. Floor These reductions include our finest Gowns many of them
exclusive models. Materials are 'satins, nets, beaded laces, silk velvets, taf
fetas, crepe meteors, crepe de chine, etc. Trimmings of fur, jet, French
flowers, laces, garnitures, etc. Black and all the beautiful evening shades.
$35.00 Evening Gowns at $26.25
$45.00 Evening Gowns at $33.75
$48.50 Evening Gowns at $36.37
$55.00 Evening Gowns at $41.25
$65.00 Evening Gowns at $48.75 i
$ 75.00 Evening Gowns at $56.25
$ 87.50 Evening Gowns at $65.63
$ 98.50 Evening Gowns at $73.88
$110.00 Evening Gowns at $S2.50
$185.00 Evening Gowns, $138.75
Women's $37.50 Suits at $18.98
Women's $25 Coats $16.98
Second Floor Women's and Misses'
Suits in a splendid range of the pre
vailing modes, including redingote,
postilion and novelty belted effects.
Tailored or , semi-fancy models ap
propriate for all occasions. Every
wanted material is represented. Suits
here worth up to t O Q Q
$37.50 on sale at P --
Second FloOr In. this assortment of
Coats are many imported models in
heavy mixtures, with "belted backs
and large storm collars and cuffs.
Also smart Balmacaans, Russian and
flare-skirt effects. Coats selling
heretofore ug to $25.00. Offered in
the Clearing' Sale T O O
tomorrow at only
Other Coats and Suits at Reduced Prices
Second Floor Our entire stock
enter the Clearing Sale at the
ments of superb style and best
Regular $35.00 Coats now $26.25
Regular $40.00 Coats now $20.95
Regular $42.50 Coats now $31.87
Regular $48.50 Coats now $36.37
Regular $58.50 Coats now $43.88
Regular $65.00 Coats now $48.75
of Women's Stylish New Suits and Coats
following reductions. All high-grade gar-
matenals from all the leading designers.
Regular $37.50 Suits now $28.13
Regular $42.00 Suits now $31.87
Regular $45.00 Suits now $33.75
Regular $68.50 Suits now $51.37
Regular $72.50 Suits now $54.35
Regular $98.50 Suits now $73.88
xtraor dinar in I
f t?m
h -: ' I x
Tremendous Reductions
In Prices!
BUT NOW AND SAVE! This very unusual sale at such drastic
reductions affords extraordinary opportunities for substantial savings.
It is done to encourage early shopping and to close out all Dolls car
ried over from last season. Dolls to he drp.ssp.rl should h nnrrhaspil now.
vi MitM tJ JLJ Jf l.,iT tUtt -Xr'SrX t'v 1 J
On Bargain Circle, First Floor y )
Bargain Circle Some of the bodies are slightly Boiled, but the real
beauty and value is in no way impaired. Kid body, jointed, with mov
ing eyes, lon hair; also papier mache bodies, full jointed, SSrff
with long hair. 15-inch Dolls. . Regular U5c and 85c grades
$1.25, $1.50 Dolls 78c
Bargain Circle Beautiful Papier Mache Dolls, with eyelashes and
sewed wigs, shoes, stockings and chemise; also 18-inch Kid-Body
Dolls, with shoes and stockings and sewed wig, and 22-inch Papier
Mache Dolls, full jointed, with moving eyts and parted wig. 'J Qg
Dolls in this lot are standard $1.25 and $1.50 grades. Special Ol
Ml Jz!,
$1.75, $2 Dolls 98c
Bargain Circle An assorted lot of beautiful Dolls ou sale at
about half price. Full-jointed papier mache and kid bodies,
with laughing and moving eyes and long hair. Reg- QO
ular $1.75, $1.85 and $2 Dolls. Your choice tomorrow Ot'
$3, $3.25 Dolls $1.98
g4.0Q Dolls $2.25
Bargain Circle There will be an early rush for these, for the
bargain is most attractive. Some are slightly soiled. - If the
little daughter is crying for a) great "big Doll, here's your
chance. Regular $3.1)0 and $3.25 Dolls on special sale now
at $1.98 regular $3.75 and $4.U0 Dolls on sale at $2.25
$2 -25, $2-75 Dolls $1-38
Bargain Circle The bodies of some of these are somewhat soiled
but not enough to hurt them in the least. 20 to 24 inches high
and very attractive faces, long hair and sleeping JJ 7
eyes. Splendid" values at $2.25 to $2.75. Special 00
$4.50, $5Dollsat'$2.78
$6.5Q Dolls $3.48
Bargain Circle Only a few in this lot, so come early if you want
one. Even the grown-ups will nfarvel at these. A splendid
opportunity to buy a large, high-grade $6.00 or $6.50 Doll for
only $3.48 or a $4 to $5 Large Doll for $2.78. An ideal gift.
Hundreds More Beautiful Dolls on Sale, Toy Dept. FLOOR
Our Doll purchases this- year were the largest in the history of the store, therefore every Doll which we carried over from last
season must give place to the new arrivals. All of these little Doll Babies which came from the warring European countries are
crying for. places in your homes and your little girls are crying for them. Visit the Doll Store and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!
Fancy Petticoats and Slips
, For Wear With Evening Gowns
Princess Slips of messaline silk
jersey and crepe de chine, trim'd
with dainty combinations of lace
and ribbons. Shown in all the
light shades and black. Very
newest creations for wear with
evening gowns. Priced special
for clearing sale at O i f
$6.49, $4.98,
Fancy Petticoats of plain and accordion-plaited
chiffons, crepe de
chine and pussy willow taffetas.
Made with fancy lace flounces
and ruffles. Some with flowered
borders. Beautiful models for
evening wear. .Priced special for
this clearing sale
at $4.9 8 and
Main Floor Timely sale of holi
daj' Ribbons for fancywork and
wrapping of Christmas gifts.
Good grade satin taffeta, by
ten-yard bolt. Note the prices:
No. 1 Ribbons, 10 yds., 15i
No. iy2 Ribbons, 10 yds., 20
No. 2 Ribbons, 10 yds., 25
No. 3 Ribbons, 10 yds., 35 C
Holly Printed Satin Ribbons
No. 1, 15c piece; No. 1V2 at 20c
Dorothy Dainty Ribbons
for hairbows and sashes. White,
pink and blue, in three widths,
at the following low prices:
4 inches wide, the yard, 40
5VSi inches wide, the yard, 65
7V2 inches wide, the yard, S5
for Milady -
Spanish hand-embroidered Ker
chiefs in about 50 dainty de
signs. Exquisite examples of the
finest handwork obtainable. Ask
to see these tomorrow. The
prices range from 35c to 75c.
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs,
three styles in a CI flfi
box. Special, only W
Silk Waists
At $4.98
Second Floor An exceptionally
low price for these high - class
Waists. Very newest models, with
long sleeves and low necks. Some
with standing collars. Chiffons,
laces, crepe do chine and messaline
silks, in the most wanted shades.
Chiffon Waists are shown in
dainty floral effects very new.
All sizes in the lot. Gli Q
Priced special now at P&0
Last Call for Thanksgiving Linens!
Our Entire Stock of Table Linens at Reduced Prices
SEE FINE OIL PAINTING, "PRISOTLLA," TBI PURITAN MAIDEN, by W. L. Everett Knowles, on display in Morrison-street
window, and while, you are downtown take advantage of our Great Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens and supply youf needs at
splendid reductions. Dependable Linens from the world most renowned mills in Thanksgiving Sale at Great Reductions.
Richardson's Fine Linens Pattern Cloths and Sets
Richardson's Standard $1.00 Damask on sale at, yard, 83
Richardson's Standard $1.25 Damask on sale at, yard, $1.08
Richardson's Standard $1.75 Damask on sale at, yard; $1.48
Richardson's 20x20-inch All-Linen Napkins, the dozen, $2.38
Richardson 's22x22-inch All-Linen Napkins, the dozen, $2.92
Richardson's 24x24-inch All-Linen Napkins, the dozen, $4.50
Richardson's 50c Scalloped and Hemstitched Towels at 38
2Qc Pillow Cases 15c
Main Floor Famous "Wearlong"
Bleached Pillow Cases of splendid heavy
grade and fine soft finish. Size 45x36
inches. Standard 20c grade. t CZs
. each --
Richardson's Pattern Cloths, size 2x2 yards, $3.3S, $4.05
Richardson's Pattern Cloths, size 2x2V2 yards. $4.28, $5.40
Richardson's Pattern Cloths, size 2V4x2V4 yards, special, $7.20
Richardson's Pattern Cloths, size 2V4x2V'2 yards, special. $8.10
Richardson's Linen Sets (cloth, napkins), $14.85,-$16.65
NOTE We show a great variety of patterns and sizes in ready-to-use
Sets, Cloths, Napkins, etc., for eleventh-hour choosing
Priced special
Sale of
tomorrow, each
Huck Towels $1 Dozen fl Large Spreads $2.25
Main Floor Large-size JIuck Towels
for hotel and rooming-house use. All
white or . with colored borders. Very
absorbent. Priced very
special for this sale, dozen
Main Floor Large-size Crochet Bed-
spreads in handsome Marseilles patterns.
Priced special for tomor- JJO Off
row at only $1.35 and Pl
Bath Towels priced at 15, 20c, 2oC
$25.00 Gowns at $12.50
'$15.0Q Goivns at $ 9.QQ .
At $12.50 Women's beautiful hand-made Night
Gowns of chiffons and crepe de chine. Exquisite gar
ments for gift-giving. Shown in pink, blue and white,
elaborately trimmed with dainty shadow laces and
Irish crochet yokes. Garments in the (f 10 Zfh
lot worth up to $25.00. Clearing Price S,''V
At $9.00 Women's high-class gowns of crepe de
chine and chiffon several beautiful models to choose
from. With silk shadow lace and fine old lace yokes
also hand - embroidered yokes, ribbons, 3?Q fhfh
bows etc. Gowns worth to $15. Special pZ'.W
$7.50 Hand-Embroidered Gowns Priced Special $5.00
$6.50 to $7.50 Crepe de Chine and Crepe Comb. $4.75
$10 Crepe de Chine and Crepe Combinations $6.50
$6.50, $8 Crepe de Chine, Ail-Over Lace Skts $4.75
500 Gift B o o k s in suede
leather binding. Such
titles as: t Compensa
tion," "Laddie," "Out
From the Heart," "Eter
nal Life," "Love and
Friendship," etc. All
boxed to send. Specially
priced 39
$1.50 Bible, 98c
Complete Concordance,
Maps, etc. Extra large
Complete Mother Goose
Fulty illustrated. - Cloth
bound. $1 Ed. for. . .49
Kipling's Works
Authorized Edition. Nine
Vols. $10.00 Set'. . .$5.50
Book Department
Main Floor
Order Your Thanksgiving Groceries Tomorrow
Hood River Apples All Wanted Varieties -$1.2 5, $1.5Q, $1.75 Box
Dept. 4th Floor
Layer Raisins at, the pound 10
Seeded Raisins at, the pound lOc
Not-a-Seed Raisins, pound 11
Currants priced, the pound 12V2
Orange Peel, priced, pound 17
Lemon Peel priced, pound 17
Citron Peel priced,' pound 20
Fancy Mixed Nuts, 2 pounds 45i
Fancy Layer. Raisins, pkg. 20
Cluster Raisins, 5-lb. box $1.00
Cresa Malaga- Rainsins imported
priced now at, the pound 40
New Smyrna Figs, the lb. 25
Late Cranberries, the quart 10
Oranges, dozen 25S 30S 40
Atmore's Mincemeat, pound 15
Atmore's Mincemeat, jar at 75
Atmore's Mincemeat, pail $1.00
Lillie Dickenson's Mincemeat now
priced, the jar, for only 75
Franco-American Punch Sauce is
now priced at only, a bottle 15
Atmore's Plum Pudd'g 30S 60
Heinz Plunm Pudding, 40S 75
Franco-American Plum Pudding at,
the can 35tf, 65 and 85
C. C. Ginger Ale, dozen, $1.55
Cantrell & Cochrane's Ale, Belfast,
priced, the dozen, at only $1.75
Imported French Peas (uncolored)
now, the can, 25, 30. 35
French Mushrooms priced now
at, can, 25S 30, 35, 40
Canned Shrimp 15 and 250
Olives, 2O0, 250, 350, 450
Large Queen Olives, quart 450
Huntley E. Palmer Biscuits, Pre
served China Ginger and all other
fine imported and domestic deli
cacies.. "S. & H." Stamps Are
Given Free With Purchases Here.
Thanksgiving Sale
Cut Glass
i .
Our En tire S tock a t
Reduced Prices
Third Floor This includes also the
world-famous "Libbey" ' make.
Special prices on Silverware, Cut
lery, Fancy Candle Shades and
Electric Reading Lamps, etc., etc.
"S. & H." Stamps With Purchases
Thanksgiving Sale in Draperies, Carpets, Linoleums
$17.50 French Lace Cur ta ins Pair$9.5Q
$15 Silk Frou Frou Portieres Pair $8.00
Third Floor Beautiful French
Lacet Arabian Lace Curtains.
Handsome appliqued designs,, on
best double-thread net. Note prices :
$17.50 grades, the pair, $ 9.50
$20.00 grades, the pair, $12.98
$35.00 grades, the pair, $21.75
$40.00 grades, the pair, $24.50
Third Floor Reversible Silk Frou
Frou Portieres in two-rtone (crim
son and gold) effects. Also Velours
Avith colored borders. vNpte prices:
$15.00 Portieres at, pair,' $ 8.00
$17.50 Portieres at, pair, $ .9.75
$18.00 Portieres at, pair, $ 9.90
$40.00 Portieres at, pair, $15.00
$7.00 to $10.00 Fine Marquisette Curtains at $5.25 to $7.5Q Pair
$4.50 Silk and Tapestry Table Scarfs, Thanksgiving Sale, only $1.98
Colored Silk and Madras" Draperies, worth to $2.00, special, yard, 790
$1.1Q Hall and Stair Carpets Yard 89c
$1.75 Brussels Carpets, the Yard $1.29
Third Floor Fine quality Velvet
Carpets for hall, and stairs. . Pop
'ular all-over and two-tone effects
in all the new colorings. Regular
$1.10 grade made, laid, QCkg
lined special, the yard'
Third Flooi: Body Brussels Car
pets in standard makes. Excellent
line of .attractive patterns to choose
from. Grade usually selling 'at
$1.75 a yard. Made, 2J T Q
laid and lined. yard S- .&Z7
Sl.fiO lAnnleutns 7.3fi Yd '"A" grade
Linoleums in six
up-to-date tile effects, in browns and blues. Just the thiifg for the
kitchen or bath. Regular $1.60 grade. Laid, at, the yard, only $1.35
We Give Z&C Trading Stamps With Purchases
$1.50 Casseroles $1.19
Dept. 3d Floor
Casseroles are made just like this
illustration. Have pierced frame,
with removable earthenware bak
ing dish, with white enameled lin
ing, standard $1.50
grade. Special, only
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps.
ciiumcieu 1111-
Great Sale of Aluminum Cooking Utensils
75c Lip. Sauce Pans, 2-qt.,570
75c Lipped Kettles, spec'l 570
95c Lip. Kettles, 3-quart, at 720
$1.05 Berlin Sauce Pans at 790
90c Aluminum Strainers for 680
30c Basting Spoons, 15-in. 230
$1.80 Coffee Pots, qt., $1.25
$1.15 Stew Pans, 3-qt. size S70
$1.40 Stew Pans, 4-qt. $1.05
75c Pan Sieves, 10-inch 570
40c Flat Pierced Skimmers 300
45c Perforated Pie Plates at 340
$1.60 Alum. Meas're, 2-qt. $1,20
$2.00 Oval Casseroles now $1.95
Food Choppers Now Reduced
Third Floor A Universal Food Chopper will save its
cost many times over during the year, besides saving
time and worry. Indispensable in well-regulated kitchen.
Small size Chop-Q-
pers now at only'"'
Medium size M f
Choppers at V -
Don't Forget to Ask for
Large sizeJJf 2 (
Choppers at PJL.J
Reg. hotel PT Ckf
size now at P "
"S. & H." Green Stamps
Miscellaneous Needs for Use in the Kitchen
Dish Pans, 300 Tea Kettles,
750 Flour Sifters, 150
Colanders, 150 Basting Spoons,
40 Flesh , Forks, 30 Paring
Knives, 80 Can Openers, 50
Nut Cracks, 150 Chopping
Bowls, 250 Plate Scrapers,
1O0. Ask for S. & H. Stamps.
Sale of Roasters
Size 11x8x612 inches now $1.58
Size 16y2il0x8y2 inches, $2.00
Size 17y2xliy2x8 inches, $2.25
Size 18xl2y4x83i inches at $2.50
Size 19xl3y4xl0y2 inches $2.70
1014x1514 Steel Roasters, 680
1134x17 Steel Roasters. 9O0
Blue Enameled Roasters, $1.25
1134x1734 Enam. R'strs, $1.45
Black Mottled Roasters, $1.58
1134x1734 Mot. R'sters, $1.90
Biscuit Cutters, 30 Frv Pans,
120 Cast Spiders, 450
Stove Pans. 150 Tooth Picks,
50 Wire' Pot Cleaners. 100
Sink Brushes, 2l20 Pie Pans,
30 Cake Pans, 50 Potato
Mashers, 50 Lemon Squeezers
priced special tomorrow at 50
Roasters, loy4xl0y4x5i2, Sl.lO
$3.40 Oval Alum. R'sters $3.05
$4.40 Oval Alum. R'sters $3.95
14i.4xl0x7 Roasters now $3.60
15y;?xlliix77'8 Roasters $4.30
17i8xl2x7y2 Roasters $o.OO