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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
14 THE SUNDAY OTtEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOTT3MBT2R 22. , 1914, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Fluor Multnomah Hotel. I'ur. u 4 til and Pine Sib. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONEKY. $oo buys a nice little etore, located on tin- Vet Side; tins 1. the best little busi ness that we have had for some time; investigate at once. $ 00 H E A V T V PA KLO E. One of the largest ami best-equipped establishments of its kind in Portland; well established and doing good business; If inter"sted, call at otlice; no information given over t he phone. AMirSf-MENT BUSINESS. One of the most popular amusement busl jijjes of uie uay ottered at a big L-ur-tin; $l0? hanalfs it; might trade for Wear property ; this business will net $00 to $-uo per month. ' SAFE INVESTMENT. We have a high -class business to offer, requiring an invcPtrnt-iu of at least $600O cawii ; total investment. $lu.OOO; last year's b u h1 n ess cross. $75,000; profit, T2,UOU; will run better this year; Investigation in vited. t $500 OBX-EilAL STORE. WHl take half cash, balance security or ffno-i property, clear of Incumbrance, or farm near Portland. 24 ROOMS, WITH RESTAURANT. Location on the main street of a live little city with bis pa roll ; short distance Irom Portland ; price (1SOO, terms reason able. JN THE HEART OF PORTLAND. At transfer point, cash business, news eland, fruit, cigars, tobaccos and confec tionery; a.' dandy place tor two partners or man and wife. $10,000 HARDWARE STOCK. In a good town in Washington, doing splendid business ; will take half csu, "balance good security or property. POOL. HALT j AND CONFECTIONERY. No Coinpetit i on. Live little town in Washington, dhort distance from Portland ; price of fixtures a nd stock $S00 : lot 50x100 ; good two story frame building with 7 living-rooms, $1700. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. One of the beat suburban places in Port land ; must be sold at once and we can Five you a price on this of $1100, $755 cash, balance time. A-l GROCERY BUSINESS. Stock at invoice; fixtures and delivery rigs at their reasonable value; stock on hand about $H500 to S4000; building rents for $45 Pr month, with 5-roorn flat up stairs ; has 4 yearj' lease; established six years; doing $3o00 per month business; located in a payroll city of 10,000, near Portland. CASH GROCERY, Downtown place at Invoice; doing a big business and has cheap rent; stock will run $1000 to $1800; wants the cash. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. PARTNER, either silent or active; if the latter one with some selling experien r. pref erred, to help finance a business al ready established and showing profits of 0 $4000 In eight months. Selling expenses very small. Need $200 monthlv for seven months in order to work on larger scale. We can easily clear $12,00u yearlv. Let me explain more fully, k 400, Oregonian. THE interstate bridge bonds are part sold, work to start very soon on structure. I will sell or trade 39-room hotel, and also the ground, flexion, at 4th and Washing ton, Vancouver. Wash. Steam heat, new furniture. 2 blocks from new bridge; piano. H 396, Oregonian, or phone Wood lawn 2 3 20. COUNTRY STORE. We have fUr sale a good store in good locality for business; cJean stock. Little monev wiii handle. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonian bldg. HERE IS A SNAP. A lunch counter doing the best cash business in town; strictly cash and will bear closest investigation; owner has other business. SEE DOC. 2tf 2d St. W ONDERKl'L MONEYMAKER. I have the biggest money-making busi ness in the United States touay; already demonstrated and a proven success In three states. Want someone with $3000 to go in with me and make a fortune N 412, Oregonian. fa A LOON BARGAIN San Francisco. Old es tablished place in best saloon section of the city; in claiss A building, with hotel above; good leaso. cheap rent; beautifully equipped; will give a trial: best bargain inS. F. at the price; on $25O0. Address Monadrock bldg. S. F. TO RAISE money at once offer stock of gro ceries and fixtures for sale, will discount fixtures and give fair invoice on stock, about $0500 valuation; might consilder 25o0 or $3000 trade for unincumbered property. I) 418, Oregonian. ton SALE in suburbs of Portland, nice lit Le general store; rent $2, which in cludes o living rooms, barn, etc.; postofTice which goes with store more than pays rnt: smn11 investment and a good one. AV let,. Oregonian. FARTNE R wit h $5000 for half interest in established business netting now $K a month; can be increased with this addi tional c:i yital : only man who will devote entire time to this business need com- municate. Y 410. Oregonian. OWNER OF ESTABLISHED and GROWING business needs help. Either inside or outside work. Right party will be per mitted to acquire half interest for nomi nal sum. Either man or wnmon he 404. Oregonian. THE REST PROPOSITION EVER OF F E RED IN PORTLAND; LEGITIMATE WANTED A capable nor trait nhotnranhA to take an Interest in a good paving com mercial and nortrait studio on Grays Har bar. Address H. G. Nelson, Hoquiaml YV ash. POSTAL Photo Studio, cow bo v and wild West outfit, quick finish work; rent $25 will teach business; best locution, ground Moor; leaving town; will cui: cheap or trade for auto. 10JA N". (1th st. COMPLETE restaurant for sale cheap ranged, heating stoves. Ice box, meat block' chairs, talja. dishes, safe, register hot-water heaters. 553 Hoyt st. Poo! table" .Varshall 5 61. B U S I NESS INVESTMENT. $10,000 will buy clear established whole sale. irvb4i snd rafg. business worth over twice iiBi.- Address owner, A 403. Ore gonian. 50o INVESTMENT will secure interest in paying business and permanent salaried position paying (loo per. month. Address U 403. Oresunian. ABSOLUTELY "beet location in" city for butcher shop. Racks and counter fur nished; grocery in connection; low rent. ?:i E. fth N. 1 ' A R 1 N E R wanted in manufacturing bus - ness; will ftanrt fun Investigation- $500 required: salary and profits. Room 42tf Mors an bldg. H-O-T-E-L-S. Sonw- might good hotel bargains, one to swap for a farm; also restaurant cafe teria, cigar jMjMKi. C04 Buchanan bldg. RESTAURANT-: F RST-CLASd BUSINESS LOCATION". DoinK eood business. $400, or might 'IT BI-JIS.H Kl store, good town; 100 daily business guaranteed : (8500 Home terms; full particulars; invoice. UO0 R.. A n Kcny, no agents. GROCERY BARGAIN" I $1000 fixtures, $900 stock for $1300 or will take a partner ot invoice. 334 E 7th st. South. PARTNER wanted to tend counter and look after help in restaurant; this takes $;i50 which is secured ; has fine business- a money-maker. Room 426 Morgan bldg.' COMPLETE list grocers' fixtures, from bar7k rupt Htore. for sale reasonable. Invoice. UtiO 10. Ankeny. , HAVE $1000 and services for some legiti mate business Where money is secure F 410. Oregonian. WANTED Partner with $1250 in grocery business to take charge of orders and make deliveries. EF ;'.8!. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furnished restaurant In As toria. Or.; good location; at a bargain Particulars D. H. Welch, Astoria, Or. CoOL ROOM, tdiort-order restaurant, Tn good location, cheap for cash. Wood lawn DYEING and cleaning works for sale or trade ; dolii& gwod business. Full investi gation. G 412. Oregonian. FOR SALE A shine stand on Washington st., best in the city; bargain if taken at once, cheap rent. Call at 409 Wash. t. KI :B A NIC ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION STOCK. Make mo cash offer for 20 shares. N 413, Oregonian. GASOLINE filling station, fine locafion, on good paved street; lots of automobile travel year around. D 413, Oregonian. FOR SAL E 0 ; g .1 r nod shine stand, c heap. Va&hlngton st. ESTABLISHED grocery store in Sunnvslde. Cal! tn2 E, fali.ioi.. $."r.O buy fine paving business ; must seil ; no agents. AC 412, Oregonian. SPECIAL feature film; big drawing; card for road show. K 4Q6, Oregunian, FAKE. HUT A MONEY-MAKER; MUST ,K :;rit:: CAN USE SALESMAN OR OFFICE MAN. C 4 16. OREGONIAN. BUSINESS OPPOKTCVITIES. SALOON EXTRAORDINARY! IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. HIGH CLASS KALOON $27,500. Located on the busiest corner in San Francisco ; daily receipts average $15o and over; gets best prices for drinks; magnificent fixtures cost over $.;."i, uuu? very valuable lease; terms can be arranged ; unquestion ably best saloon opportunity on the Pacific Coast; will accept real estate for half. DUPREY & POLIN. INC., Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. A MONEY-MAKER. For only $4000 will sell furniture and lease of omy modern hotel in hustling city of Central Oregon ; stone fireproof build ing, steam heat, electric lights, hot and coid water in rooms; 3 bathrooms, 6 toil ets, fine lobby, dining-room, kitchen, sample-room, etc., on first floor, sleeping rooms all on second tloor; finely furniBhed, aosolutely clean and doing excellent busi ness, both local and transient; at the end of two railroads and practically no com petition ; come and look It over, as this is a bargain seldom offered and must sell at once on account of health must live In lower altitude. No agents, no trade. ADDRESS AV 213, OREGONIAN. FURNITURE store for sale; an old-established business located in good town of 8uo, on K. R.; a clean and new stock of furniture, wall paper, rugs, carpets, lino leums and . grocery dept. This is a nice, attractive store with good trade in both lines and expenses moderate. Will invoice about $000o; cash, balance on approved security if desired. investigate uud be convinced. AV 200, Oregonian. SALOON PARTNERSHIP, San Francisco This is one of the classiest saloons in S. F.. located in an ideal locality and in a class A hotel building;, established for years anu has always paid well; good lease, cheap rent and beautifully equippea; owner wants good partner; positively best chance for right party. Price $50)0 for clear half. 555 Monadnock bldg., S. F. GENERAL mercantile store. Invoice $0700; will sell for $ooo. $3000 cash and $25O0 bankable securities; situated at Riddle, Or., on Southern Pacitic It. R. If inter ested address owner. W. T. LANG LOIS, Riddle. Or. VETERINARY M. D. AND SURGEON. On of the best towns in the Willam ette ValJey, not advertised, with unlim ited territory tributary needs a good vet erinary M. D. and surgeon; no others in town or for miles around. Address at for full particulars. AV 212, Oregonian. A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants reliable party to establish office and manage aales men. Shoula pay $3000 to $15.0Ov annu ally, $300 to $700 will finance business, you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager. 40o Fisher bldg. Chicago, - 111. YOUNG man with one thousand cash to take a working Interest in a well-established general store at New Westminster, B. C; . turn over of $40(0 to $5000 monthly; splendid chance to double your" money in a short time. If interested, write Y 418, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MOVING-PICTURE business, centrally lo cated. East Side, part cash, balance terms or real estate security. Boggess & Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg.. Second and Alder. Sun day until 12. East 6753; Monday, Main JS 18. WE HAVE A SPLENDID MANUFAC TURING PROPOSITION FOR SALE; IN VESTIGATE THIS. CALL MORNINGS. ROOM 013 OREGONIAN BLDG. FOR SALE or lease; the American Chicle Company building, 14th and Johnson sts., & Ox 100 ft.; three floors and basement; first-class building, fitted with sprinkler system. Apply American Chicle Company. FOR SALE One of the best paying family liquor stores ino bar) in Oakland, Cali fornia; excellent location Ions lease, rea sonable rent ; licenses are lim.ted. Apply A. S. Kaul. 4R8 7th st. INVESTIGATE Pool hall and confection ery, no opposition, cash receipts $'J000 year; $00 handles this, balance $20 mo.; take 1300-lb. team and wagon harness. Box 125, Weston, Or. BUY DIRECT OF OWNER. The best-paying billiard . and bowling alleys In Portland; will sell at a big sac rifice; best of reasons for selling; best neighborhood in city. Call Tabor 1162. WANTED Steady man to work behind the counter and take care of the cash In a solid restaurant as partner; pay you $25 week and your board ; requires small in vestment. Room S2y, Morgan bldg. GROCERY and confectionery store for sale; has fine trade, low rent, with living-rooms, just right for man and wife; about $1200. Room 426 Morgan bldg. $000 DRUG stock and $5000 per year medl cal practice. Eastern Oregon; no compe tition : price $550 cash ; reason. Call tU5 Commercial block. Portland, Or. BOND Issues, $100,000 upwards, sold; loans on legacies, mortgages and commercial paper ; companies incorporated. L. N. Rosenbaum. 84 Wall St., New York. APARTMENT-HOUSE lease and furniture; monev maker; must Bell quick account of sickness; bareain ; no agents wanted. E 413. Oreconlan. EAST SIDE fuel business, has motor truck, team all necessary machinery; will take partner f right party ; guarantee $200 month. Room 426 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Small grocery. West Side, rent $30. including living-rooms, clearing $100 above all living expense. O 400, Ore Ionian. HALF interest in mercantile business in growing Willamette Valley town to trade for rental on hrst-class dairy or stock ranch. AV 216, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two cleaning and pressing shops, 123 N. 21st and 28 N. Broadway; good locations; owner leaving town. 274 N. lflth st. FOR SALE Two pool and biliard tables, card tables, tobacco, cigars, etc.; good lo cation ; by owner. C. P. Leonard, Jack sonville, Or. MEAT MARKET, doing from $30 to $40 cash business dally; small capital required to handle; excellent locality. K 407, Ore- a-oniarf. WANTED Steady man willing to work In "a mall rash store business; requires small investment and will pay you $4 day aver age. Room 320. Morgan bldg. 'IX- EXCHANGE West Side property, walk ng distance, for merchandise stock or sale easy terms; $5000 to S20.0O0; no agent. L. Robinson. 581 First St. FOR SALE The "Potlatch" Coal business, with one team and one 4-ton wagon; good coal shed and stable for four horses. Phone Main S955. A 467. RESTAURANT. Leaving Portland, will sll at your price : 'no fake" : make an offer; doing booJ business. 14 rtth st. North. $5,000,000 available for Immediate Invest ment in industrial, mining, railway enter prises. Address Bankers Alliance, 11 Southampton RoWy London, England. STEADY, sober man wanted as partner in safe cash business ; duties to solicit and collect; will pay good wages; small invest ment required. Room 426 Morgan bldg. HOOUAJSING in California Is mighty profit able. If vou have a little money to invest, write for full details. Sagar, COO Phelan bldg.. San Francisco. FOR SALE Millinery stock and fixtures, . good location ; price very reasonable ; wlil trade for city property ; no agents. W 4 UK Oregonian. HAVE best proposition in city for good pool room man. $750 required. Main 2707 and ask for Cline. MEAT market opening. Fine shp; fully equipped; fine location, low rent. Full particulars at yj.zJt'iat t idg. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, cigars, to bacco; clean stock, good fixtures; doing good business. Box 524, HlUsboro, Or. FOR SALE First-class bakery, confection ery, and cigar store; a snap. Phone Mar shall 205. CONCRETE garage to lease for several years; tools and supplies and business for sale. Phone B 2781 or East 1127. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for active busi ness man; no money required, but down-and-outer not wanted. V 408, Oregonian. HAVE cash buyer for good mercantile busi ness; must be bargain. W. F. Stewart, 310 Board of Trade. FOR SALE A first-class shoe shop; good location: price very reasonable. call 04 Sth st. North, afternoon. RESTAURANT; sell cheap for cash ; good location ; owner must go away. 264 1st et., city. BAKERY. Will sell for $150 new bakery; good lo cation. S65 Sandy boulevard. WILL sell $500. 7 per cent bond, at par; se curity and Interest guaranteed. K 415, Ore gonian. GROCERY West Side," one of the largest, old-established, best transient location $4M)0. AL 405, Oregonian CIGAR STAND AT INVOICE INQUIRE 234 YAMHILL. & INTEREST In dye works; teach business Xew $ needed. 2&5 N. 17th U BUSIVKSS OPPORTUNITIES. A VASTLY profitable chance Is offered to a man having; a few hundred dollars cap ital to obtain territorial sales rights cov ering the exclusive handling of "Picture Pasters." a contrivance which has had a turnover of manv millions of dollars in foreign countries and which is now being introduced in this "country. The novelty affect3 Dracticallv every line of trade, and unless a man aspires to belong to the $10. W0- a year class we really do not think he oueht to reply, for It Is that kind of men we want, and to such our representa tive, who will visit your city in a. few days, will offer a contract of great finan cial oromise. Picture paster Pub. Co., 34E Fifth ave.. New York City. WANTED STATE REPRESENTATIVE BY LARGE, RESPONSIBLE MFG. CON CERN. MUST HAVE $1000 CASH. PROP OSITION SHOULD PA" $10,000 FIRST YEAR. REFERENCES REQUIRED. THI3 . IS NEW AND NON-COMPETITIVE. CALL W. B. PITTMAN, PAClFIO COAST MGR4 BENSON HOTEL. MACHINERY contracting company, old-established, looking for man with about $5000 to aid in expanding" buStuesa. This concern Is very much alive, and wants the man as much as the money, but both are essential. See Mr. Persels, with HART MAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark StJ.) GROCERY. Located best part of Nob Hill district; A-l fixtures and good, cl?an stock ; doing over $25 a day cash business, no creaiv. Will "lump off for $1100 cash, which is less than it will invoice. Call room filS, Yeon bldg. (C83 GROCERY and market, unusual location and features ; nothing better in this city ; $5500; also smaller one In apartment house district ; beautiful store w ith good trade and low expense. $1 5mi, with part trade. P. AV. Persels, 2GU Stark, near 4th. POOL -7 pool, 1 billiard tables, cigars, etc., clearing .now $2O0 a month above all ex penses; $170O required. secured; trial given. 303 Lumbei Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. MOVING PICTURE THEATER. Have three-year lease; che:p rent, large theater; all equipped; will sell cheap, $175 will handle. 414 Lumber Exchange bldg. Archer. COAST agency and right to manufacture well-known household necessity for sale this week for $500, fully secured. A big opportunity. P 417, Oregonian. HALF Interest in one of the best situated and paying motion-picture shows in Port land for sale this week, $600. L 420, Ore gonian. ONLY restaurant and rooming-house Jn town of 1500, Just out of Portland; clears about $175 monthly; A-l equipment; $550 cash. 31U Lumber Exchange. 1 DRUG STORE doing" good business; subur- ban location ; liberal discount; invite closest inspection. 1631 E. 13th st. Phone Sell wood 13 2. BAKERY, lunches, delicatessen, apt. dis trict. West Side ; well worth $000; only $250. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. WANTED An all-around good photographer to take a half Interest in studio here; a splendid opening. F. N. Whitney, Kelso, Wash. POOLHALL FOR SALE. 3 tables, neariy new cases, etc. S36 Will lams ave. cor. Russell. Some terms. Owner, no agents. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY Fine place for man and wife; is worth $500. Will sell for 75c on dollar. 414 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SONORA, Mexico. Great opportunity lor business, investments &nd farming. Call a rter Monday, ti05 Panama bldg., 3d at Alder. HALF Interest In nice manufacturing busi ness, $700 to $1200. A lady preferred. K 4U, Oregonian. CIGAR stand, good stock and fixtures, good location, cheap rent. Price $175. Call at 248 H Stark st. WANTED Loan from private party; $350 for 4 months; secured by bills payable 60 days. A J 420, Oregonian. CORSET BUSINESS. Large and exclusive clientage. Will sell for $200 cash. Particulars, 018 Yeon bldg. ESTABLISHED electric fixture and wiring business ; $1500 stock; half interest for $5 0Q. Y 423. Oregoniau. BUTCHER shop, fine district, good class of trade: $45 daily ca lea; only $700. 803 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. WANT few hundred to fill Xmas orders on hand; money secured. A J 421, Oregonian. WANT SMALL confectionery and delicates sen. Must be clean and in good location, cot to exceed $000 cash. Prefer a place with livine-rooms tn connection. $5000 CASH TO INVEST. Would like to get into some good busi ness where the services of a reliable, ex perienced business man are required, to gether with an investment of-$50O0 to $6000 cash. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor, Multnomah Hotel. Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION! If you want money on your business; If you want a reliable partner; if you want to sell your business, I am the man you want to see. If you don't know, ask your neighbor; he will tell you. Donald Smith, room 320 Morgan bldg. WE C A N S ELL YOUR B U SIN ESS Have buyers for picture theatets, gro cery stores, cleaning and dyeing estab lishments, etc. 414 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark sts. HAVE Eastern buyer for interest In small restaurant; also two for picture house or some small manufactory; if price is right can sell your business whatever it is. Call room 4 26 Morgan bldg. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. I have part income property, clear of incumbrance, and part cash for stock from $ J 5,000 to $25,0OO. KNEELAND, 608 Commercial Block. CA N you use littl business with s ' more capital in your pr ices o' experienced salesman and office man ? Proposition must nave proved merit ; give f uil par ticulars. J 411. Oregonian. WANT to rent poolhall, country town; will buy small stock cigars, tobacco, etc.; state full particulars, first letter. AL 417, Ore gonian, W A NTED AT VANCOUVER. WaSH. Whole or part of some business, part rash, part trade. What have you? AV 214, Oregonian. W A NT cord wood stum pa ko iributary to Portland marnct, old growth preferred: want tliis for Immediate operation. tJQ3 Dekum bide. 0 LOTS, no incumbrance; equity choice 10 acres, all for stock groceries; small house and lot. Tabor 4-146 week days. Address 1004 E. Lincoln st. 1 HAVE $200 or $300 to Invest in small cash grocery store or other business; must be cheap ; state location and price. F 412, Oregonian. NEWCOMER from East wants general mer chanuise business in good country town, on or off the railroad, $5000 to $15,000; must bear investigation. K 411, Oregonian. WANT paying mfg. business in exchmiKa for first mortgages, other Rood securlti a and clear real estate. Must be good and price right. Owner. T 421, Oregonian. WANT paying poolroom for Rood clear real estate. Price must bo right. D 420, Ore gonian. SMALL interest with reliable party, col lector and bookkeeper. Owns auto; refer ences. AB 410, Oregonian. WANTED Restaurant, (rood location. Wnt Side, doing $40 to $50 daily. Give full I particulars, rent, etc. l 4 L, Oregonian. WILL buy for cash from owner only, small business or cigar stand; give full informa tion. BF 388, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by Eastern business man with few thousand to invest. T 410, Ore gonian. WANT to buy or lease first-class creamery; must have good business, AL 4 25, Ore gonian. WANTED To buy a barber shop in good, live, country town. H. R. Kaiser, Washou gal. Wash. I WISH an active interest in a sound busi ness: will invest reasonable amount upon investigation. V 415, Oregonian. WANTED to rent bakery or buy one on terms. 70 Lombard st. I WANT a paying business; all or half Interest. J 413. Oregonian. $2000 AND, services for a legitimate and paying business. N410, Oregonian. PRINTER -Will invest $500 with services country papery AV.'221. Oregonian. WANTED To buy small, paying grocery up to $1000. R 424, Oregonian. rooming-houses. FOR RENT Furnished room, reasonable rent. Phone Woodlawn 3 429, Monday morning. 10 FURNISHED housekeeping! rooms, rent $20, money makers, $175. 308. Main st. 42 ROOMS. TVnt $32; $750 for quick sale. Owner, 382 E. Clay, cor. Union. WILL RENT rooming-house, view of buy ing. West Side. Pipe Store, 308 Stark. EIGHT acres. Improved, at Tigard; trau, for apartment-house. 233 Worcester bldg. WANTED Rooming-house In good West Side location: Marshall 5IM5. 20 ROOMS, full, well furnished, close in. lent $60; only $650. 503 Lumber Exchange. KOOM1NG-HOCSES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor of Multnomah HoteL Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. . WILL EXCHANGE 80-room apartment-house, swell place, close in ; clears $2SO every month net; price $4000; wants clear property or wiU sell on terms. 78-ROOM HOTEL, RENT $275. West Side, corner, brick, practically new; steam heat, running hot and cold water In every room; 8 baths. 9 separate toilets, the furnishings and carpets are first-class and in good shape; were put in two years ago at & cost of $6500, but we are going to sell it regardless of cost; cear real estate will be considered. D4 ROOMS, PART H. K. Rent 75 per month, house is well fur nished and making money; price only $170O; will take $800 cash, balance monthly or clear real estate. 50-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. $700 down, for Hi 2 and 3-room, apart ments, good brick building, every apart ment taken and has a waiting list; price $3500; if you only have $700 to pay down, you can secure this splendid house. 42-ROOM HOTEL. Only $1000 required, corner brick build ing, strictly moaern. West Side ; 8 rooms, with private bath; all beautifully fur nished and carpeted ; clears $300 per month net. SO ROOMS DOWNTOWN. $50O cash, balance monthly; price only $1250; this is a nice little corner brick house, located very centrally and will ap peal to anyone looking for a small, down town hotel. 20 ROOMS, FURNISHED, FOR RENT. Will rent this place, practically all fur nished, for $40 Pt month, located on Gibbs street. 15 ROOMS. DOWNTOWN, TRANSIENT. Brick building, all rooms on one floor; steam heat and hot water furnished; rent $75 : two years' toaae ; act quickly ; it's a snappy little place. SOME BARGAIN. $450 for 15 rooms. West Side, clos in; rent $50; hurry if, you want it; price only $450. ANOTHER SMALL BARGAIN. 13 rooms, all on one floor, rent only $30; income $100; price $350. See this Mon day, sure. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of, 4th and Pine sts. MRS. M. E. LENT, PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. Hotels Rooming Apartment Houses, . AH sizes and prices. 508-509 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Sixth and Morrison Streets. If you want to buy or sell I can please you. Over seven years in this business, in Portland, enables me to locate you right. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES. HOME LIKE PLACES. 60 rooms, new corner brick building, one of the best equipped and best-paying houses-In the city; high-class patronage, large rooms, clean and respectable. THE ONLY ONE OF THIS KIND IN THE CITY. If you have $200n cash, you can havo terms on the balance. 40-ROOM BRICK. All large outsiue rooms, 10 private baths, very best location; rent only $200. Owner called away, must sell at once and has instructed us to offer this at a bar gain price. Will give easy terms or ac cept unencumbered real estate. SEE THIS QUICK. THIS IS A BEAUTY. NICE PLACE FOR LADY ALONE. 20 rooms, with steam heat, running water in rooms. Just what you want to make some money, and a nice place to live; $000 cash required. APARTM ENT-HOTTSES. 35 APARTMENTS. each with private bath, and dressing-room; so cosy they rent themselves. This is a paying propo- sit ion, w orth your investigation. Will take real estate or sell on terms at $2O00 cash. VERY CHEAP RENT. 25 apartments, all 2 rooms each, nicely furnished; if you have $1000 cash this will suit you. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. 36 rooms, -1S single rooms, 0 3-room apartments; owing to the death of owner will be disposed of at a low figure and on terms to suit. Very little cash or real estate and balance easy terms. 15 ROOMS PRICE $000. $300 cash to handle this; all arranged in housekeeping; rent $50; furniture and carpets all good; most of them new, 7 ROOMS PRICE $275. Nice, clean place, close in on Broadway. Went Side. CAN'T BE BEAT 12 3-room apartment-house to lease; brick; $100 per month, unfurnished. S8-room modern apartment-house: rent $300; all full; elevator; $3500. 11 2-room apartments ; swell location ; snap price; you will buy it; terms. 40-room brick apartment, $4 rent, close In; $000 will handle; bargain. 43-room brick apartment, $2250, with steam heat, lights, water, rent and Jani tor services, al for $225 per month. For anything else see Home Brokerage Co.. 322 Henry bldg. FOR LEASE. Established family hotel of 97 rooms. In 6-story modern brick building, on quarter block at one of the best transfer corners in the city. Will make long lease to re sponsible tenant who must buy the fur niture. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8UU9. A 2653. SEE THIS AT ONCE. 80-room modern apartment-house. In fine location; Nob Hill district; brass beds and Axmineter rugs; net profit $200 per month ; cheap rent ; real bargain ; price for quick sale $6000; city real estate or farm as part payment. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 512 Royal Bldg., Morrison and Broadway. OREGON DRY. GIVES Y'OU SNAP" 52-room hotel, furnished complete; price Includes building and long ground lease; cheap rent; present owner has made a small fortune out of it: everything goes for $15oo ; for cash or good real estate. O. C. R. ELLIS &. CO., 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. ROOMING AND APARTMENT-HOUSE SNAPS. 28 rooms In housekeeping, all full; rent $75; price $1600. 12 rooms; rent $37.50; price $450. We have houses of all sizes. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 517-518 Abington Bldg. ' A BIG SACRIFICE FOR CASH. 84-room apartment-house, choice cor ner. West Side, elegantly furnished, re ceipts $8u5 a month, rent $475, good lease. This is one of the best Day era in the city. Owner has other busings to protect and wants $2800 cash. See it today. Call 30U Board of Trade, cor. 4th and Ouk sts. 12 ItOOMS. I am leaving city, will sell my' fur niture at half value, all high-grade fur niture and velvet carpets, furnace heat, electric light ; in fine location; lull of roomers. Call r8 loth st. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel -Apartment-house Agent. BOTH BUYER AND SELLER PRO TECTED. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. BQ8-9 N. V. Bank Bldg., tith and Morrison. HOTELS ANI APARTMENTS"! We do 110 fake advertising; our hotels, rooming-houses and apartments are Just as represented; wo iret the best lease and prices. Home Brokerage Co., 322 Henry bidic. Phono Main 5tt7. $50 MONTH PROFIT. Desirable home, corner location, 13 rooms, house full, fine furniture, five minutes' walk P. O. ; rent $40; house paint ed : rooms tinted. Keasonable cash. Main 8422. S-KOOM rooming-house, full of roomers, in ood location, good furniture, good car pets, furnace heat, electric lights, worth t5uo; will sell for $350; make terms. Call SS IQth st. $450 BUYS well-furnished 14-rooin place near Jefferson and W. Broadway; rent $37.50. This is good for $5 a montn clear profit. Call 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE Furniture of first-class roora-lng-houe, 12 rooms, centrally located; good income, great sacrifice for cash, rent of house $40. Marshall 3302. HOTEL, with dining-room, new brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water in tfvery room, cash. $350. Paul Knauts, New Sa voy Hotel, Castle Rock, Wash. $450 15 ROOMS $150. Fine homelike location. West Side, good furniture, clean as a pin. See this before you buy; it's . bargain. HURRY UP SALE. 17 rooms, all H. K., furnace heat, good furniture, nicely located; rooms all t.tken: rent $50. Price $45o. 248 Vs Stark st. FOR SALE 30 rooms, ail outside, rent $5, including 2 big storerooms, lease; price $1UOO; $d0o in cash. Address T 4o7, Ore gonian. HOTEL BARGAIN 20 rooms, completely furnished, $XM cash, balance easy pay ments; good lease. L S. Kaufman & Co., Marshleld. Or. GOOD oak furniture of 8 rooms for sale, reasonable for cash, choice location, rooms rented. Owner. 2SO Park st. NICE little 12-room rooming-house; ail full and a bargain; good furniture; part cash and terms. Phone Marshall 4127. WANTED Good, small rooming-hnns. pay cash if reasons t le. R 4 14. Oi eg on lan. NICE rooming and boarding house, close in cheap for cash. only. 411, Oregonian, ROOMING-HOUSES. HOTEL SPECIALS. SO-ROOM APARTMENT. Thoroughly modern, private baths, elec tric elevator, etc. Every apartment rent ed. Clears $250 a month. This place can be bought with some cash and good acre age. Price $500. 30-ROOM TRANSIENT. Steam heat; rent reasonable; money maker. Owner unable to attend to same, and has housekeeper. Price $200, terms. 33-ROOM TRANSIENT, North End location: steam heat, hot and cold water; rent $125. Clears $150 a month. $1000 cash to handle. Price $1800. 14 ROOMS. $600. Cost $850; rent $37.50; will clear $50 a month; first-class condition. Might con sider terms. See our complete list. It comprises all the BEST places that are for sale. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 61S-GI9 Yeon bldg. Main 48!. OWNER WANTS FARM. SO rooms, ail nicely furnished, central. close-In location, steam heat, cheapest rent in the city. long lease; average net profits about $300 per. month; price $S500; trade for improved valley farm up to $17,000 and pay balance in cash and good first mortgages on city property. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 512 Royal Bldg., Morrison and Broadway. 4o ROOMS, splendid West Side corner loca tion, brick, steam heat, alwavs a good paying house; sacrifice for $1500; S5U0 first payment, balance $25 a month. Call 300 B oar d of T rad 4th and Oak sts. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Wednesday night, on Division and Section Line, lady's handbag containing purse with small amount of silver, card case with calling cards, a number of pack ages, etc. Finder will confer a great favor by " notifying Mrs. George F. Honey, G res ham. Or. LOST At Lents Saturday morning one small short-haired black dog, while spot underneath breast and end of tail a little white; will not make friends with anyone. Finder please phone Main 3413 or address owner, F. S. Buehler, Hotel Rainier, city, and receive $5 reward. LOST White poodie. dark ears, answers to the name of Toto, white collar and license. Strayed from tith and Washington Liberal reward. No questious asked. East 0.814 and Main 3U28 or return to Dr. Griff, 313 Wash ington st. LOST Large pointer dog, white, black spots, black head, scur on front foot; no quer tions: .reward. Henry S. Westbrook, b"9 Journal bids. Main 1007. $10 REWARD lor return of Boston bull pup about 6 months old ; has white diamond on back of neck, lost from home, 11th and H razee sts.. Sunday. Phone East 117tf. LOST In neighborhood of 17th and Thomp son, a gray-and-black striped cat. not full grown; finder please return to 461 E. 18th N. or call East 1624. LOST Shell case with 75 or 80 12-gauge shells, on Williams ave., near corner Kil lingsworth. Return to 1156 Williams ioi reward. LOST Small bundle of papers with memo randum In book- finder kindly return to W. J. Quigley, 250 Market St., city: re ward. LOST English bull terrier female, dark brindle with white breast. Return U03 Dunckley ave. and get reward or call Wood lawn 520. LOST Gold bar pin, with moe-Uc swan in middle; 2 inches long. Marshall 2070. Reward. LOST Lady's black finger purse containing $00, in or near Meier & Frank's store. rnone iust JOtii; reward. LOST Pair glasses, gold noseplece, 4th and Morrison or bet. P. O. and Wash. st. Re turn to Oregonian. LOST Lady's breastpin. Elks emblem, vai ued as keepsake. Liberal reward. Return to 431 Williams -ave. WOULD expressman who took trunk from Y. M. C. A. Saturday morniug please call at T. J. Long's oilice, Henry otdg. ? LOST Music-roll, iu Oregon City, between carline and First Presbyterian Church, Friday night. Call B 1034, Portland. LOST A leather grip containing painting . brushes and other tools ; will give reward to anyone who will call Main 2UUO. LIBERAL reward, female Airedale dog 8 months' old. G. L. Davenport, 234 Wood st., on collar. Marshall 2275. LOST Gold ring, two diamonds, two pearls. Reward. Return to Oregon ian office. LOST Bunch keys; finder will receive re ward. Phone Main 4782. LOST Set of lower teeth on 17th "and Pow ell. Return to 640 17th South. LOST A tiger kitty in Irving ton. Phone East 1624. nlease. LOST November 20. parcel white gloves. Please call East 30SI. LOST Nugget chain and locket on E. MoT rison. Reward. Call Main 50O0. SPKC1AL NOTICKA, Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 12 M. Wednesday, December 2, li14, for the general work, heating and venti lating and plumbing of final unit of Rich mond School. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Nara more, Supt. of Properties, 303 Courthouse. Deposit of $10 for plans and specifications is required. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Cieyk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated November 20, 1814. INI iHcelluneouM. PHOENIX. IKON WORKS The annual meet in et or the stock holders of the phoe iik Iron Works will be held at the office of the company. E. 3d st. and Hawthorne a .. Portland. Or., Monday, December 14, i:l at 7:;;o P. M.. fr the purpose of elect in ir d irectnrs and for the transaction of such other business as rfTay be brought befure said meeting. November 14, 1914. L. S lei nil a user. Secretary aud Treasurer, and Sttn Morrow. President. FINANCIAL. WANTED Investors Interested in purchasing absolutely gilt-edged 7 per cent bonds, first mortgage security, bonus 10 per cent, preferred stock bearing 8 per cent Interest; will bear strict investigation. B 411, Ore gonian. WW Til V MO KTIJAGKS u - u 1 as. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th st.. Board of Traoe Bldg. LOANS on improved inside properi ; plenty of money ; lo w rates: no delay ; principals only. Robertson & Ewing, 2o7-2u ; North western Bank bldg. MONEY for eood city loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham. 8o2 Morgan bid fa. FI RST and second mortgage a lso sellers' in te rest in contracts purchased: : Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumber mens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gage ( first and second ), equities, pur chased. F. H. Lewis Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson & Ewing, 207-8 N. W. Bank b;dg. FARM LOANS, 7 to S p. r cent; no delay Howard J ones. 215 i'anama bldg. Hi m k an d Hon dM. WILL seil limited amount 7 per cent bonds in $100 denomination ; ilt-edge security and guaranteed. J 415, Oregonian. $300 BUYS $1000 of fulrv paid-up stock in Molinda or Arlington Heights Co. X 406, Oregonian. WANTED 50 shares American Marconi; must be cheap. It 4J3, Oregonian. TALK WITH FLETCHER. Pee list in Business Opportunities. Money to Loan on Instate. $luO0 TO $70('0 for city or farm loan. Ta bor 2520 or V 170, oregonian. $JMi0 TO $20.0it0 at 7 per cent. Main t'J-3. H. L Murton, 317 Worcester bldg. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, acent Multnomah County. 4uo Ch. of Com. j $200, $35U, $G0O, $!00, $1200. $1800 Fred W. Ixermau 711 v. ha in utri kjl v.uiuwKn:e. CITY and farm loans; lowest rates. J. J. Cahalln, C35 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 TO AB 341. OREGONIAN. $20,000. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, S07 Wilcox bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz i-Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $1200 TO LOAN "on first mortgage. Ir.q. 413 Morrison st. A Meyer. $3500 TO place on Improved farm security at once. 703 Spalding bldg. - Sioon TO $ 4O0O to loan on city property, mortgages bought. 1VJ7 Commercial block. $400 ON HAND for good real estate loan; will split.- 1032 Cham. Com. $250 TO LEND on real estate; 10:2 Cham. Com. will divide. $17,000 OR part on improved city realty, AB 40S. Oregonian. PRIVATE funds ; I will loan $-0.000 in amounts $5UO up. AD 359, Oregonian. y5oo TO $1000 for immediate loan, 7 per cent. AD 35!. Oregonian. $5oO, $1000 AND $2000. real estate. Smith Wagoner Co Stock, Exchange, VINANC1AJL- Money to Loan on Heal Kstate. to i ni v t 6 Money Large Amounts Now Available Secured by Cioe-in business Property. IE- II. Blossom, - chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. . i $8oO, $1000. $1000. $2000. $4000, $10,OOO to $25,000. or any of these amounts make appllcs- tiou to GOODbELL BROS., 433 Worcester Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges A. H. BlRRELL CO., 217 Nortnwestern Bank Bldg Mar. 4114, A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BLILD1NG PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. iHi SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAV MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. 1 HE EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION. 240 STARK ST. $25,000 CASH To loan on business Income property, direct from owner; part or whole. S 4i., Oregonian. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $10.0(0 at 7; $70oo at 7s ; $4500 at 7'e; $2500 at 77: $1200 at 8.; $000 at feTi; $50O at S7C; $1300 at 7Te. M'KKNZIK & CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2S01. MONEY TO LOA 6 TOTfER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 23-4 24 Chamber or Commerce. v TO LOAN. I Lowest Rate Money on business property, apartments, dwellings and farm. K. H. Blossom. 31b Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property. C and 7 per Cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Secoid St., near Washington. $3000 TO LOAN. $3000 to loan at 7 per cent : must be flrst-class improved Mty property. Ooe A. McKenna &. Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6 TO 1 MTG. LOANS. Private funds, am 'junta $1000 to $U-,000. Prompt Service. Fair Treatment. a. v. ttiiL., 4iy lienr Bidg $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY.- 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. At MORTGAGE CO., INC. Stoctt exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhiil. $12,000 TO LOAN. 7 an-1 8 per cent; close-in improved property; will divide. Marshall 4S2. BROOKE.. A 3839. $10,000 to loan on city property at 7 per cent. Will divide in amounts to suit. C 413, Oregonian. SEE us today lor loans on lm pro veil city property, t to 8 per cent; $2oO and up. ceiiars-Murton Co., b25 Yeon bldg. $3000 TO loan on close-in, 'well improved residence property, private party, 7 per cent net. S 4fi, oregonian. WE make Willamette Valley Improved farm loans. The Brong Co., Inc., 207 Qak st. FOR LOAN StloO on good mortgage se curity. Address E. A. Glover. 1140 Wil liams ave. ON unproved and unimproved real estate, mortgages bought. W. 11. Nunn, 448 Sher lock Plug. Phone Main 0119. TO LOAN 540. W0 Ult LlisS. F A 1 1 K 1 N G T O N , 80 4TH ST. BOARD py TRADE BLDG. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. V. G. Beck, 315- 318 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city property, any amount; current rates. The Brons Co.. Inc., 207 Oak st. MONEY loaned, real estate contracts bought. H. Miley. room 204 Gerlinger blag. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. FRED S. WILLIAMS, !2 First St. ALL amounts at low rates of interest. 414 Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. 4 Mtg. Co. Mar. 33a. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO., 229 STARK ST. MON E Y TO LO A N ON R E AL KSTA IE A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY A I EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan department is conducted in connection with same, mak ing business STltiCTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no signs designating loan busi ness displayed in front or our store. All merchandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not in t crest Is paid when due. We are licensed -anu have been established since 181. No con nection with any other loan establishment s in this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, 324 Washington St. LOANS $10 TO $100 QUICKLY. " tTATE K'ECU KIT Y CO., LICENSED. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET Us EXPLAIN. OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO., 3u9 FAILING BLDG. WE Make Loans in Six Hours' AT LEGAL KATES. We loan money on diamonds, livestock, storage receipts, real Time. pianos, estate. piain notes or 1 urn it u re, PORTLAND LOAN CO., Licensed by City and State. Room 205 Rothchild Bldg. Bet. 4th a:id 5th on Washington. MONEY AT ONCE PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, watches, musical Inst rum' ts. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELHY COMPANY (Licensed), ' 22u Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Streets. WE LOAN money on diamonds aXdi Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx&Bloch, 74 3d st. LOWEST and best rates ou chattel loans. Phone G'o. Harvey, East 1172. ' LOANS ou diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d st., near Alder. MONEY LOANED on dlani diamonds and Jewelry. 4 Washington bldg: s. W . King, room LOANS an real estate, diamonds and jew el ryVVinljollroom S, Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels or anything of value. 317 Lumber Exchange bidg. Main 5S'j8. Loans Wanted. A $2000 OK $1750- loan on 10O-acre im proved farm, close to The Dalles. Or. AH 421, Oregnnian. $000 LOAN wanted for one year; will pay 10 per cent; $1000 security behind this. Jacob Haas. Gerlinger bldg. WANT $500 loan on 3 lots, ample security guaranteed title. Write owner, p. o. box 103. iWtO ON improved residence property at 8 per rent; principals only. M 41G, Ore gonian. WANT $1000 loan on well improved 40 -ace farm, Washington County, value $5000; ao v brokers. A P 364. OregonUn. $1000 TO $0000, best personal and bond se curity ; interest quarterly ; prefer dealing direct with lender. AC 403. Oregonian. $J5t NOTE with good security, payable in Month ly installments at 7 per cent in ter es:. AB 400, Oregonian. WANTED Direct loan of $10u0; Improved property, eood security. AL 415, Orego nian. WANTED $25o0. 6 per cent, on good city property, first mortgage. Inquire 6l2 WANT $10,000 on Improved property on West Side, fine location; ground alone worth over $25,000. AK 422, Oregonian. W A NTED $ 1 000, 2 to 3 years, on $05O0 Irvington residence. 7 per cent; no com mission. G 411, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $4000 at 7 per cent on fine new modern home. C 412, Ore gonian. $1500 ON good Eastern Oregon wheafland. 10 per cent, 2 or 3 years; will pay for ex aminatlon of security. A 423, Oregonian. INSTALLMENT note. $lt50, $20 monthly 7 oer cent; liberal discount. M 417, Ore gonian. WANT ED To borrow $25tto for 3 years on modern home. AL 410, Oregonian. $30OO AND $5000 on improved cltv realty at. 7 to 8 per cent. AK 4H. Oregonian. WISH to borrow $25,0H0 on West Side prop erty, value $b0,O00. AL 419, Oregonian. WANTED $1400 on gilt-edge per cent. B 401, Oregonian. security, 8 W A NTED $000 at once, A-l security. 419, OregDnian. $S75 WANTED on $3000 modern city home. 8 per cent. S 416, Oregonian. $1500 THREE years on improved city realty: 8 p-r cent. AJ 410. Oregonian. $125 WANTED on $500 clear lot. 50xl0O; int. 10 per cent. S 419. Oregonian. $125. THRE E or six months, first-class chattel security. Ait 404, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WANTED ON Al SECURITY. $000 at 8 per cent; $4mni farm. $5ooo at 8 per tent; value 2u.nn0 farm ouu at 8 per cent; value $tio.otu. s.t.,00 at S per cent; value 12. uoo farm. S2tiou at 7 per cent; value $mk0 city. .t(Mio at 7 per cent; value $l.".uoo city. $LM0 at 8 per teat; value $0oU0, Mer ger Station. M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Geriiuser bldg. Main 2801. $lO00 OK $1200. Wanted, four loans, two of $1200 each two of $1000, secured by mortgage on im proved quarter biock; will pay 8 per cent interest lor 3 years. See civner of property 24 Oak st. WANTED- 20li0. two years, s per cent, sec ond m on sage on my home, worth $mhh: present tirst mortgage, (2000, drawing 6 per cent, due 5 years; Rood moral risk ; will pay expenses ot loan. E 411, Ore gonian. FOR SALE First mortgage. $7500. 7 per cent. 3 years, on city property, unim proved, highefit-grade district. Moral rik is A-l. Will Uiscouni (600 for im mediate sale. A J 4 J 3, Oregonian. V su can place $U'm, $2000 and $3000 gilt edge city improved. 7 per cent, (1500 on 2o-acre farm, value $0000. See Mr. Curtis. The Broiitf Co. Inc., 207 a Oak at., Lew is bldg. $300. IO lOTc lOe. 50x100-foot lot and 5-roora cottage. 3 rooms finished, value CT5. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 14 Chain, Com L ANTED on C-room house, cement basement, furnace and 100x100 corner loi ; value $4200; pay S per cent and expense. BF 4ui. Oregonian. WANTED From private party, (tiJoTa years at , per cent; secu.-itv improved, occupied property worth $2750. Pnoiie Wooulawu $1000 TO $ti000 on first mortgage bonds and personal indorsement ; interest uuarterly or- monthly; will pay off in insiaiimviits if prcteri ed. A 41N, Oregonian. $Su0 TO $l00O wanted on 30x100 lot."" canine. wit 11 i-rm. modern bungalow property worth $22'o; pay 5 per cent to pnma party. BF 4u,i. Oregonian. tv A x T E l Loan of $ 1 0 0 0 on my j - room house located on East '4th st. North; w ill pay S per cent. 1 or 3 year, first niort gage. Q 41. Oregonian. WANTED $1800 tor three Years at 8 per cent on two acres or ground and modern 8-room house, choice security. See at torney, 512 Piatt bidg. $35O0 WANTED. 100X1 10. WITH FINE MODERN HUME, HuT- WATER HEAT GARAGE. ETC. ; PRIVATE MONEY WANTED. BF 4u2, OREGON IAN WE can place your money on Willamette alley farms and high-class city property se Mr. Curtis. The Brong Co.. Inc., 207 1. oak st. WANT to borrow (750 on dairy, stock and machinery valued at S3uoo, for 1 year, at good interest. U 403. Oregonian. A PORTLAND business man wants to bor row $il,uuu on his home worth $ -!4.0v0 will pay 7 per cent. A 41ti, Oregoniau. $6000. 7 PER CENT, from private party; central West Side security. O 121. Ore gonian. $S00 WANTED on a modern 5-room bunga low in good location. Full particulars at ;12 Piatt bldg. (is."o WANTED. S per cent, fiist mortgage, ci iy home ; will pay bonus. B 410, Ore Konian. WANTED to borrow $J5o or. a house and lot 011 the West Side worth $I5o. Address F 224, Oregon iau. WANTED to bonow $20,0iH; wi.l pay 8 pc" c-.Mit; $1oo,okj worth ut security. Audruss A H 4'J 2. Oregonian. WILL st il at very liberal discount $5S00 first mortgage, well secured by highly im proved farm. B 417, Oregonian. FOR SALE . at reasonable discount. 7 per cent tirst mortgage running two yours ou a tine lot. J -i lu, Oregonian. $12,000 AT 6H W. S. for years: propeTTy value (35,0uo ; good income. O 4-4. ore gonian. PEKSONAL HAIR-HAIR-HAI R-H AIR. 21 -inch convent hair sultcnes $4.85 2tS-inch convent hair sw it cues, gray . 4.8 i lialruressinz .25 Face nuaKo !25 Shampoo a5 Manicure. 25c; 5 for 1.00 12 Kcalu treatments 5.0i Super f ious hail remove-1 by electric needtc; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, iu any shade; aw tches, any leiiKt h ; prices hail'. Sa unary i'arlors. 40O 412 Oekum bide;., 3d and Washington. THE KOYL'KOFTBrNDEKY i ine book Dindiny, stumping and Kld lettering; leather goods and specialties of every de-' script ion ; leather cases for lode receipts made to order with lodge emblem and In divid ual name in gold. 1 r.i i, 4 th street, sou 1 11 w est cor. 4th and Morrison. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience; beat reference; treat men :s for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and battis" lady assistant. 452 Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 5032. Open Sundays CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! 3 beautitullv embroiuered handkerchiefs In a taney container will be sent on re ceipt of 3ic; regular 50c values. Mail or der deoartniAil, 730 Irving; st., Portland. Or. WiLL young man who witnessed accident to man alighting from United Railway car on lettgrov? and ltilh, Oct. 15, J013, call at 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill st., for interview ? If out of town, kindly write to above address. SW EDlSIi TRAINED N U RSE IlelMngf ors graduate; riirunuuisni, nervous and stom ticn ailments uin.tT u y n-iaii s directions ; buth, massage. No. 7 East luti st., sec ond floor south from E-ist Ankeny carline. Phone East 2 UP. H 103. ARE YOU FAT? No man liKes a fat woman. It educe your weiuht four pounds a week; Nu DIETING. NO EXKKCiSE: KESL'LTS GUARANTEED or money refunded. Ad dress AM 4"s. Oregonian FEB VET Ac HANEBUT, Lead in e wig and toupee makers; finest etock human hair goods; switches irora 5 up; iiairdresiug, manicuring, luce and scalp treatment? combings made up to older. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 54J. SUPERFLUOUS HAlii. inoies, etc. perma nently removed. Electric iieeUlo process. Established lsy4. Physicians' references, lauy operator, at room 22 Russell bldg., comer 4 til and Morrison. Phone Mar. li3. A RE FINED, motherly woman w ould like care of a tw clulurcn; a good couuuy home, 21 mib'S east, oi Port. and, sclioo. close by and t be bes i of care. Mrs. Ciias. " E. WiUon. Troutdale. Or. U. l L). 2. t A Y, do you knew "Hum ana Pine" cures cold or coub'li wliile otheis mere.y think about I; 5c the bottle, at the Clemeo sou Dm Co., Front and Morrison sta. FITS; cured my daughter; simple discov ery; doctors gave her up ; particulars free. 'A. ' Lepso, 8l5 It land ave., Mil waukee. 'is. SL'PE RFLT.'OUS hair 1 emoved 2 i.nuutes. simple home treatment; guaranteed not to injure skin; l'c trial bottle. Hurley & Co., 1S41 Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago. HYPNOTISM and magnetic h-iilln lAijrlit tnorougniy and practically by emment European expert now isiti ng; Portland. V 417. un gonial). WA NTED Information regarding Randolph Maxwell Hill; parents ageing anil break ing. Address Mrs. A. E. Hacker, 22 N. Gratiot ave., Mt. Clemens. Mich. SO ENTJ b"lC masseuse. Kenuine tub baths, a icon olio and magnetic treat men ts, chi ropodv. manicuring. 204 Mauleay bldg., 2t Washington st cor. 4th. I. WM. G. KELLER, osteopathic physician, has now opened offices at 5ul-2 Morgan bldg. ELECTRIC vibrator tor rheumatism, neu ralgia, facial and tcalp treatment; rea Honaolc. 1 hone Marshall 20. IlVOK. -Jici Lawyer ot 2. years' experience reliable advice given free. -o4 Rothchlid b 1 o g. 287 ja Washington. MASSECtfii. with latest European education; face and scalu specialty. 25o N. lth su Marshall 42M. MAKE your own toiiet prepu rat ious; in structions free. Star Studio, V24 tS. Third, Rockford. LI. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. U5c; curls and putts, too Sani tary Beauty parlors, -u0 Dekum. SPIRITUALISM Kev. Mary A.Price. Clrcl s Tues.. 2: Wed. and Pun.. S P. M. Reading- daily Qo3 5th st. Marshall Ht0. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Made Easy." 211; Morimon st. SOPHIA b! SKIP, mental and sphltual scienUft, teacher and healer, 302 Alisky bldg. Questions Wed., 8 J?.M.Main 8225. 1 AM ladies tailor and do finest work at reasonable prices. 175 11th St., cor. Yam hill. THE FUR SHOP. New orders and remodeiing; est work, lowest prices; trimming. 7:7 Swetisnd bl. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42'J Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. LADY'S BARBER SHOP 329 Glisau and Broad way. Face massage. 35c. BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonio Tablets. 50 i Davis st. Phone Main 2oi3. LE.--.soNs in uhrenology np(i card reudinta. 2'5 -th st. phone Main 754:. Chiropractic; chronic cases, 31 t .a tin en ts $15. Others less. Steam baths. :21 4ta. E THEu BERG, steam baths, massage. 507 606 Northwest bidg. Houis lu to tt.