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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
TtTE RTJXDAT OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 23, 1914. 13 FOB KENT. J-l.ts. ONS 4-roum Itat, with sleeping porch, pri vate back porch and front porch; east facing on E. 2'sl at.; No. 303, Just south or Hawthorns ave.. Colonial Heights; good view, light and airy; gas range, wall bed, heat and water furnished, only ?;t0. See this flat at once. ai3 E. 21st, and then phone owner. M. 829, Tabor liiua. A VtBr desirable 8-room corner flat; light and airy; southeast exposure; has lira place, furnace, with hot-water collj sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent is reasonable. See It. "ill Kear ney, cor. 22d. Key and information at 104 2d st.. near Washington. i'hone Mala Hup or a n:;a. F AHTLY --urnlshed, five nice light rooms, large gas range and water heater, lino leum on bath and kitchen floors, built-in bullet, fireplace, etc. Knst 2d st near Hawthorn ve. Kent Slt. Phone East FINE new 4-room' flat! modern, built-in cabinet work, large porches; only J20, In cluding hot water heat. Hot and ccld water; fine view, -fine location; sleeping porch cun be arranged. C24 Eust 2uth st. Phono Seilwood Hit. WEST SIDE. 3-room and "bath upper flat, private balcoj: to front room; newly pa pered and timed: $13. Also a-room lower flats, $lo and ill. 82u Vaughn. Main AiODER.N" 5-roora lower flat, cor. E. 10th and Halsey; large veranda, furnace, fire place, gi range, linoleum, open-air bed room. Holmes disappearing bed. W. I. Swank, Main J0u!, East H8. IftVl.VGTO.N" flat, on Broadway carline 6 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, disappearing bed, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace; rent very reasonable. C 3121. CHEAP RENT TO ADULTS. G-room modern luwr tint with furnace, new and clean; Hawthorne district; Tent only $lu. Nice people In upper flat. Call tooay, 2 to 4 P. 3i., 384 East 42d St. MODERN HOLLADAV FLAT, ?18.M. o rooms, hardwood Hours, bath, furnace, walkln distance, near Union ave. and Hroadway. (iurdon, E. 0th and Broadway. E. a..l or E. 5570. FL.AT 4 clean rooms; bath, sleeping-porch, can range, furnace, fireplace, hardwood Jloors, linoleum on kitchen and bath. XHHUj K. .'(0th st. Tabor 2280. Furnished Flats, WxJATLY furnished 4-room flat, sle." ing purch, private bath, stove heat, walk ing distance, choice location, desirable. 'IjIM: Belmont. East 34uu. WEST BIDE Kirst-class furnished upper Hat. modern, yard. baHement, light and cheerlul. winking distance. G!3 Jtlaln St.. nt?nr Nartilla. la Nic, cosy 4-room Hat; bath, station ary tubs, disappearing bed. etc.; walking distance. 442 Kodney. East 4-KOO.M modern flat, walking distance. 3 S3 Ross su. 2 blocks croud way brldg. O-3109. VKR1" nicely furnished modern 0-room flat. with porch, fireplace, furnace, and cheap rent. Call 441 11th st. --KOUI furnished flat, lower floor, all con veniences, walking distance, rent reason able, bn East nth North. East lh!5. itL TAYLOR st. l-room Hat, nicely fur nished, fumed oak furniture, upholstered In 8panlsii leather; piano; rent $25. WELL furnished flat, garage, phone, car line, lawn, porches, roses, up to date. 'I a- lior 2400. i-'L'hMSIIED houses and flats In all parts or the city. Marshall 5376. I'-or RE.NTw t he 1 st, iTnal'l furnished liuft Wulo flat. 395 Yamhill st. ii-Koo.l modern flnt 70U Williams ave. Woodlnwn lo-O. 1 1 O-1.) A T rl, close-In 4 and -room flats. fre phone. Ent $!.", 2U. Hoiinekeepinic-lioomH. 53 IP, WEEK, absolutely the cleanest housekeeping suites in town; completely, nicely furnirfhed ; hot water, hatha, lights, every convenience, free; singlo houoeKeep mg rooms 2 up. 2SSVi iia St., near Jef lerson. Two Rooms en suite. Room with Kitchenette. Heat and Electric Lights. Two Transient Ko'.-ms. Rates Very Reasonable. 387 Ankeny. bet. Union and Grand ave. To $.1:, week: clean furnished housekeeping-rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free h-a- laundry, bath, J'SHl. Thone East uo.'iu. 4'i Vancouver. 20:; fianlon. -U" car THE UPSHUR, 20th and Upshur Furnished 2-rouni apt., steam heat, liifht, $l."i up. Maln3ri2:i. Take -tj," 23d or "W" car N. "J'Ca, rooms, elevator, electric li-ht ' Rton'm hea!-. bath, trices roiiaouaule. Call 2C7i I d St.. cor. Taylor. 1 TWO -II. K. rooms, $10 anil $1 1 per month. 54gtjt Washington St., near loth. I'lkXlsHEU housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambrldsa hide.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 51.25 AND up; furnished housekeeping rooms The Gllnian, 1st amlAlder sts. A1.V1N Housekeeping rooms, fi.00 and up Close In. 14(1'S Grand nvenue. East ton! Hoimekeeping Itooilm in I'll vote Family. TWO neatly furnished front h. k rooms", gas, buth, phone, electricity. 800 Mont Kolnory. - TWO Lai'i;e front rornns. cas range, sink. pantry, closet. 2 beds, furnace. bath. phone. 411 Market. FIVE Surge furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor; key at 624 E. Davis, cor lrtth. N'EWLY furnished front room and kitchen, furnace, free pas. suitable 2 ladles; 12 mo. 034 East Morrison. Phone East 4239. ROOM with kitchenette, suitable for vork mg girl; walking distance. 487 East An k''ny. TWO or three large nicely turnisiied house. keeping or sleeping rooms. 10 minutes' walk irum Postofliee. 614 4ih st S. FRONT housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, all modern, rent $9 to $14 a month :1S2 Clay St. WELL furnished 2-room apt., steam heat lights furnished; modern. 443 Hassalo st' llaBt 2 2t7. HO 1 S E K K K V I G rooms, with closet, pan tly, phone and IlBiits; cheap; cloe In. 409 E. Main, turner Grand ave. iTHMSHED and unfurnished, also house-rool"- 140 V Grand ave., N. Phone IHVINUTOX Well-furnished 2-ioom suite, yery . reasonjible, persons employed. East 149 LOWNPALE ct., furnished housekeep Ing rooms, $1.00 to f3.Sii. West of 14th, lose in. TUKEiS neatly furnis'.iU housekeeping rooms. ?.-1.75 a weea. 589 Wash. st. l-'I KN1.SH E D housekeeping room, nice yard. M lin 22IHI. :tS7 1st Bt.; $8 up. J l RNISHF.D H.-K. suite on ground floor, nice yr.rd. Jlain 2200, 887 1st st. LADY or married couple for housekeeping room-mate. Phone East 1208. FOR RENT a rooms for h. k., $8; 4 rooms Hi. l'uinlre 2 to 4. our. East Eih and Ash. LAltilE Ironl hor.sekeebinv room with uly'io: most reasonable. i?ii4 Jeffernon. COJ4Y housekeeping Fulte $12 a month. i83 Pettysrove. Mala 34:3. FRONT batching room, dry, warm base- men. jO mo., close in. ' 22 Tenth. LARGE single housekeeping room, well fur- niiied and bey-ted. $0 month. 30:1 latri t. . ONE large front room with kitchenette. Phone, bath, gas. S08 13th. $3 A WEEK, single housekeeping room, heat, electric light. 030 Davis. 2 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, use parlor, piano. S:i2 East Salmon st. ONE or two front rooms for housekeeping, reasonable. 294 Jefferson. XK'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms and single room. 4iJ Aioer. DANDY suite furnishd H. K. roorns.near liioadvvuy bridire. 381 Ross, East 3010, SI WRNISHFD ). k. roomH, steam heat, lights, phone, bath. 234 East 18th. iNIfE liousekeepinti hasemflnt room ; rent fre for rare of furnace. Otirt Everet t st. J'THNJSHED front room, steam heat, lights, phone, Lath. 234 East JSih. liUATED housekeeping rooms, $2 end $2.00 pt-r w efk. ;t 13 1" a m li i H at. KL'KiNlSHKD H- K. rooms, walking diatancvi, r,'4 J ihnffop st. Main 7.39. CLEAN room. $1; H. IC suites $2 per week. iJS-i E. Clay, cor. Union. llOl'SIdKEKPlNa-ROOM; and rooms with borU. lo- Lane sU Main 9513. HOLVEKEKPING and furnished rooms. 64 Yamhill kU cKtiAF l-'urriishd liotiaekiPpin)r rooms. modern, mi to dat e. ii Clay at. IN Irving ton. 3 furnished rooms for house Keeping. tttiS Weidler. Phone Eaat 3932. N EWLT f urnlshed housekeeping room, hot wator. lH4y; rnion. North. jrf;iT furnished no"sekeep!nft-rooms, 1G5 Monroe st. Phcne Woodiawn 622. TWO x ire larse rarlnrs for housekeeping. no children. Call 4rs Main. TWO i onnectina rooms; all conveniences, reasonable. 2ff E. ICth st. IV. NK'ELsY furnished housekeeping rooms, 430 Yamhill. 854 SALMON 2 desirable irround-f ir, rooms. furntflhed for housekeeping; other rooms. WKLIi furnished housekeeplnjr rooms. 2 and H-roora suites, reasonable, 3fl 12th, TWO nJre clean furnished housekeeping room with cony en itmoea. 214 13th it. FOB BMEST. Hou keeping-Rooms In Frlvatn Family, 2 LARGE unfurnished rooms; also large beautiful front room for housekeeping or sleeping; well-furnished; 4 windows; 94 week; and fine front room with cook stove, week, and others. Main 9451. 171 13th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, with or without fireplace; bath, lights, phone free, walking distance; rent reasonable. -ul) Jefferson, phone Mar. 129U. TWO large, comfortable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, 12, or will rent sin gly 8 per mo.; near two carllnes. 5Uo V. Madison. Ladles only. References exchanged. Main 34. IN private home, 2 or more large, light, un furnished H. K. rooms; sunroom, veranda, private entrance, two blocks north of Hawthorne- ave. 234 E. 2uth, corner Muin. B 2zt or Tabor 58. CLEAN basement room with good bed for soma sober man, $5 per mo, including bath, electricity, heat and use of gas to cook with if desired. N. 15th si. HOUSEKEEPING, one or two-room suites, $0 to $14 per month; free light, phone and bath; no Inside rooms, 450 l'amhlll, be tween 12th and 13th. MODURJf 2 roomsfor H. k7, clean and everything furnished; phone, bath, elec tric l.ght. heat free; 15; best value in city. 1103 Belmont, cor. 39th. 1 SUITE beautifully furnished "housekeep ing rooms, downstairs; 1 single house-keeoine- room, conveniences; reasonable. 149 lath st. B HOST room, bedroom and kitchen, for housekeeping; walking distance. 3.7." a week; front room with kitchen, 3.20. 203 Chapman. Marshall 3938. $14 TWO large completely furnished frcnt rooms; bath, laundry, electricity, phone. Garage if desired. Walking distance. 330 Weidler. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS rooms and kitchenette, vacant Wednesday; 2 rooms and kitchenette. Phone Marshall 107. 314 Columbia, corner (it h. S MONTH Cosy, newly furnished front housekeeping room; bath and gas; ladies only: walking distance. 288 14th, near Jefferson. TWO very clean well furnished front rcoms, ground floor, gas. bath, good r.ilglibor hood. desirable: 2 carlines, walking dls tance. 772 E. Taylor. East 0200. 1 AND 2 large room liousekeeping suites, strictly modern, nicely furnished, walking dutance. Must be seen to be appreciated. 200 N. 19th. 2 CLEAN, completely furnished II. K. rooms, gas. electricity, laundry, child taken. 2 Grand ave. S. E., corner Ankeny. 10 3 CLEAN, completely furnished H. K. rooms, gas, porch, yard; child taken. 789 East Yamhill. THREE furnished housekeeping room's In flat. Diano, 20: three blocks east end Broadway bridge. 4 Ross, cor. Dixon. VERY pleasant H. K. rooms. 2 beds, bath, phone, walking distance. East 4472 or Woodiawn 2"3o. BOO E. Morrison. iil'.iGHI, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; central; usual conveniences: rea sonable. 321 West . Park. 10 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; leav ing city; a bargain for cash. All 424. Ore gonlan. TWO rooms, nicely furnished for house keeping; liffht, phone, bath. 015 20th St., Portland Heights. Main 701Y. REDUCED Nice, completely furnished rooms and fine large bay window front sleeping room -with fireplace. Sell. 1109. 1 WO furnished housekeeping rooms fieaT, light and laundry furnished, rent reason sole. -J42 Grant st. iWO furnished H. K. rooms, with bath, light and heat, $18; walking distance. 74 K. Sth N., corner Everett. East 1339. ' THREE homelike rooms, ground floor all conveniences, only tine in the house. 107 N. 10th, near Oilcan. lstf 1..T1I bT. 4 rooms Completely turnlshed, modern- entire llret floor: also 2 rooms. Main 3072. McFarland. 309 Yeon bldg. SHARE modern bungalow or rent room" and uf of kitchen. Nurno preferred. T 413 Oregonlnn. KoUIl desirable rooms, entire lower floor, arpet and some furn. if desired: S10. 900 E. Couch. East 2042. TWO large, 'light H. K. rooms. . everything furnished: references. 694 .East Ankenv st.. cor. 15th. HTH ST. Housekeeping rooms and other furnished rooms, reasonable, walk lng distance; no children. TWO large, clean, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, g blocks from Washing ton st. 31 N. Park. IWO clean, nicely furnished H. K. rooms electrlu light, furnace heat, water 47o Tuylor. WANTED Congenial lady to share expenses small apartment; close In. P 4'3 Ore- sotilan BIVULS rooms, furnished for light house keeping; running water; suitable for 3 persons. 40 Slst St. North. KITCHEN and front room; front and back porch; every convenience; flrst-clasi rei dtnee district. Tabor 1050. TWO unfurnished H. K. rooms," gas,' Water phone; new house. Phone M. 2H27. Port land Heights. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms gas, bath, ground floor, reasonable. 092 . Front. 2-ROOM housekeeping apartment, nice and clean, back rooms; $2.75 a week. 641 Morrison, near 17th. FURNISHED hisekeepingroomsT$l750t)er week up. 808 Main st., near sth. Houses. 100x100 4-room plastered house. goo4 outbuildings. Mt. Scott car. Smith-Wag-- oner Co.. Stock Exohanse. t-ROOM house. 2 lots, frtiit and berries chicken-house: corner 72d and East Mad- Ison: rent $9 a mo. Main 3930. MODERN, desirable 8an'd&-room houses J'.lli-SHS San Rafael, near Union ave $"0 and $2,i. Close In. East losfl. $12 rOH nearly hew a-room modern bun galow, with gas range and water. heater "isgs. 1102 Spalding bldg. lo-ROOM house suitable for two fnmilies Sunnyside location: will rent for 20 to re sponsible party. See trustee, 012 Plntt bldg. FIVE antl fl-rwom houses, modern, furn7ncE" sleeping-porch, first-class condition. SlC.Oo' E. 2th at. Phone Woodiawn 397 MODERN six-room and inrge sleeping porch. East Tenth near Broadway. Phone owner. Woodiawn 3407. MODERN 8-room house, with' attic; electric 's"v, u lurnacB. perlect condi- ion. 5S Ella at. WILLAMETTE " HEIGHTS, K-roonT buligT low, with garage, rood condition. Po;e Main 302. HOUSE. 5 rooms, 709 Hoyt St., near 23u Nob Hill; newly tinted and painted. Pee owner, llto 3,P. M.. or call East 3659. FOR RENT 2-roomf house, well" built, gas water .363 E. 76th N $5 per month. East' -O-ROOM modern house; low rent: 10 m'n V,'f,'!o?Jo''lofflce: 7 "locks Jeff. High. oof v I Ma mat uvb . MODERN 8-room house; has fine porch Hreplace, furnace and reasonable rent. MODERN new house, 475 E. 24th at firT piace, furnace, sleeping porch, Ji.St p. 1Tel 'e?0in h -n"y furniBned; modern. MODERN house. 8 blocks Irvington School. ROSE City Park; modern S-room bungalow. C'noVPtnK'8rJt""nDilat a,".d Sarase; ISth mjs noiuo. x nunc riBRT itPl. N?V motern 5-room bungalow, i5. Phone Woodiawn jfrjsfti. FOR KENT Modern 6-room house. 124 E Davis. J3sfc 3H7i). 8-ROOM house, $3. suitable for two fam ilies or roomers. Marshall ' 224 or 14tirt FOR RENT 3-room house' st. N. Phone O 2677. 719 E. 2JJth MT. TABOR 9 Moms, tie, modern, "on car line, $25. 1572 Belmont st. IRVINGTON home, modem, close in; rent reasonable. 708 Lewis bldg. Main 8078. KV,H R'T o-room bungalow.' Phone Li J Hb4. i FOUR and 5-room house, very reasonable gwod location. Jnqulra GC0 Kerby. M2P.Gr:s: reshly painted. 6-room 'tourt .71 East Davis. $i'l. Main 3176, RENT New 8-room modern house. InouTre room 221.' Perkins Hotel. 4n-e 27J MILI-7-room house, $J0. Phohe Wood 8-ROOM modern house, bS E. 7t,th st rent t3 per month. Phone Tabor 47u. b-ROOM house, 44R 10th sT. Flat, & rooms tinted. Inquire 4flS Park st. rooms. MODERN 6-room house on Heights, 40. Call A r578. Willamette 10 5-ROOM cottage on carline, near Wal- nut Park. East 24H'J. Call Monday. $H MODERN 5-room cottage; two lots fruit, garden; Woodmere. 4i Russell st! S-ROOM cottage, near Park st., only lo Vanduyn Walton, B15 Chamber of Com, FOR RENT Two houses In. Nob Hilf riia trlct; hot water and electricity. Main OKio. 5 ROOMS, yard, garden, chicken -house, gas, b-r.uuw noxme, iso. ftiiw t:. Ash fine yard ; .vjs icui, Ajyiiijr q su, VOUCH, FOB KENT. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Are you looking for a dirty, out-of-date, poorly-located place to live? By eliminat ing such places from our lists, we save you many weary steps In house hunting. Our lists include both FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED houses. Why not come and see us? At the-present time we have some ex ceptionally attractive houses at moderate rentals In the following restricted dis tricts: Portland Heights, Willamette Heights, Nob Hill, Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City Park, Piedmont, Hawthorne. Definite information will be cheerfully given upon request. W charge you no commission. Tour inquiries are invited. ' Rental Dept., F. X. CLARK & COMPANY, 2d Floor Title & Trust Bldg., 8 4th St. HOUSES FOR RENT. $12 6 rooms, cornur 9th and Alns worth. $10 o-room new bungalow with fireplace, bookcase etc; splen didly finished, 293 East 73d St. North. Take Montavilla car. $15 442 Jerret .st., opposite Pled month; nicest piece of property 'in the local ty. $lfl 8 rooms, modern. 8S2 B. Davis, corner 29th. G-room modern house on loth and Main sts., $25 to list. OTTO & MARKSO.N REALTY CO., 133 ft First Street. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reltaole list of ail vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the citw make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you In any manner to this store. kou will find us ready and willing at all times to help you In locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. -Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoccu pied apaplments, flats and houses at Meier it Frank's Free Rental Bureau. $18 TO $20 for new 4-room bungalows on Sumner and Webster streets, near IS. 13th, 1 block north of Alberta car, with built in beds, bullets, coolers, window seats and bookcases; linoleum in kitchen and baths; mull -iignting gas ranges and heat ers, full attics and basements; they are convenient and bandy and partly fur nished. Phone Sunday. Woodiawn 2901 or c 2820. Blanchard & Ciemson. 702-3 JSeIllnij Dldg. HOUSE, newly renovaTeiL first-class shape, 1021 Halght sU, cor. Humboldt, off Com mercial st.; 4 rooms and bath, on first floor; bedroom, rough finish, ' In attic; sleeping porch; basement finlsned in con crete; can be used for kitchen, dining room or storehouse; concrete garage; $18 per month to good, permanent tenant; key of house next door. Room al6 Selling bldg., or telephone Mala 13b. IF YOU want to see something worth while, so to East 33d and Hawthorne ave.; an upper corner Hat for rent, 0 rooms, fire place, built-in sideboard, hardwood floors, upper porch, modem, . with every con venience, rent has been reduced to $18. See It at once. Key at 1020 Yeon bldg. Laurelhurst houses FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly ' modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, we wiil build Just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 s Stark St. Main 1503. A 1515. FOR RENT $15 per month; modern 6 room bungalow at Woodmere; 10(1x100 lot, with large number finest full-bearing fruit trees. This is a fine big yard and a good house. Keys at office, 70 2 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. 9 ROOMS, hot-water heat, fireplace, sleep ing porch, garage, large corner lot, fine, ciose-in residence district; only $45 per month. W. H. ROSS, bl Spalding Bldg. FOR RENT $25 per month, first month free, 6-room, modern, newly tinted house. 681 Kearney st., cor. 21st. This bouse rented In a'ood times fur $35, Inquire Main 10021025 Yeon bid: FOR RENT $25 per month; fine 7-rooin residence, Beaumont, 651 E. 4Sth st. N. Big lot. Every up-to-date convenience; hiirh-class neighborhood. Keys at office, 792 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. 0-ROOM cottage, modern conveniences, elec, 'gas, water paid; 2 lots, fruit trees, ber berries, chickens on tlie place, roses and lawn, close to school and 2 carlines. Tabor 219. Ask for dressmaker. NEW, double constructed 7-room bungalow, furnace, sleeping porch, close to 3 cars. West side, beautitui view, rent ?30. Sun day, Marshall 1761; weekdays, Marsnail 2574. FOR RENT Modern G-room house, large garden, chicken-house, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, close In. Inquire- 973 East Couch, Rent $10. WEST SIDE. 7-room house and garage. 394 Clifton st.. corner; $32.50 with garage, without 2il. 2i2 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main 0821. A-4144. FOR RENT $10; o-room house, corner lot, 2 blocks to Irvington car; basement, elec tric lights. Jjath. Tel. c 2432, Woodiawn 0S3. FOHRKN'T 5-room modern house, chlck euhouses and runs, $10; clean. Also 4 room unmodern lwouse with 2 lots and cliltkenhoues, $8. 0730 5ilth ave. S. E. 112 N. 1STH STREET, fine residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key, janitor. Ionian Apts., loth anil Couch. Main 2015. 188 N OitT H 2 1ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $30. Key Janitor. St. Francis Apts.. 21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015. THREE houses on 10th and Bacon streets, nvar Brooklyn School, near two carlines, at 10, $11 "and $12 each. E. Wills, 003 East 9ih st. Phone Seilwood 878. $15 SUNNTSIDB clean and desirable 5 room cottage and bnth, shades screens, pas, electricity. lr:',2 E. MorrTdon, near 30th. Key next door. SUNNYSIDE modern S-room bungalow, fire place, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, bnth; $20. Tabor 1399. lotto Belmont. Foil RENT 0-1 oom modern cottage on Portland Heights; furnace, large yard, 1 block from car. Main 3719, 7-KOOM modern house, nicest part of Irv inKton, cheap to right leuant. Marshall 4418. 5-ROOM modern bangalow, $15; 1 block from Mt. seott car. Morgan, rueaner z Boyte, 813-21 Morgan bldg. Main 2010. G-ROOM house, partly furnished, C20; one room rented for tS. iSU Kearney, near lwih. Marshall 675I. $15 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 34 Wea Alnsworth sr., near rauun ave. Phone ia bor 110. 15 1418. 0-ROOM. WEbT SIDE, $15. '942 Thurman st.; large lot, lots of fruit, Fred W. German Co., W14 Cham, of Com. TWO cottages )n suburbs, ground, rent cheap, he fare, 20 min. ride to city. Phone Seil wood 3 OSS. A G-ROOM cot ta tie In first -claxs rnnriiiinn 5tJ 5th St.. near Lincoln si. Inquire 315 college. g MODERN HOVPE3. CLARK RENTAL JfcitVlCE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main 5423. FOR RENT New. modern 5-room rottaee. HSth and Yamh ill Bts, on Sunnysjde and M Y brand-new 5-room bungalow at View Point. 10 minutes on Oregon Electclo, $20 ter month. call Marshall 3871. 4t2 EAST 25th. Ncrth. near Thonpson Strictly modern t'-room house, hardwood tioors. sieepinr-porcn. Phone East 8. 8-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished. walking distance, 36 Park st. Apply ia fara su MODERN 5-room tlat, close in. gas, eiec tric lights aud furnace, also a neat f room oottage. ttzu tremoct st. feast 2031. W E ST SID E 8 -room h ouse ; fir-plane, f iir nice, yard, electric Ugnts, gets; 686 Ev erett St., near 21st st. Main 5036. 6-ROOM modern house, newly tinted, coil In furnace, wash trays. 7i. E. tialmon. near z.lii ; Juarenan do-id. CHEAP Good S-room, large grounds. 7 6-room, modern, 11. Modern, 6-room, $13. water paiu. uirara. (lu FOR 4-room h,ouse. block from Al berta car; fruit trees, nice lawn. 1034 E. 14 th St. N. FOR RENT 4 rooms, first floor of nice residence, near council crest. $10. Mar shall 5209. SIX-ROOM cottase; elec trio light, gas, hot and cold water; walking distance or on carline. i-uo. jvnone .seilwood 709. 1U AND 81 S New 6-room houses; fur nace, nrepiace. nm, iast Franklin st. tlO NEW, modern, 4 larse rooms, bunga low, , block to car. Tabor 3266. 3-ROOM house, half acre ground, fruit trues. J10 per mo laoor low. MODERN 6-room house, large lawn and garden; 2 blocks car. Tabor IQOy. A NEW, modern 7-room bungalow, " fur nished or unfurnished. 490 E. 9th North COSY, homelike cottage, 5 rooms, rost-s, yard, walking distance. 628 E. Madison, 5-ROOM modern cottage, $8; also 4-rbom Iy-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In (lulie 130 6th. Main 6273, modern cottage, 5 monthly. Main 85. FOB KENT. Hoiuc. HOUSES. $16 6 rooms, cement basement, furnace, close to Jefferson High School, at 817 Commercial St., near Blandena. $17.50 4 rooms, walking distance, at 467 Market st., near 13th. $20 6 rooms, 54 Raleigh, corner 19th st. $20 5 rooms, 549 Overton st near 16th. $17.50 7 rooms, fireplace, 789 E. Ash Bt near E. 24th. $20 5 rooms, 548 Petty grove st., near 17th. $25 7 rooms, new and modern; hard wood floors, at 099 E. 27th St., N. $30 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat, fireplace, on Irving st., near 23d. FLATS. $15 -$17.50 4 and 5 rooms, modern, gas range, linoleum in kitchen and bathroom, at corner E. 28th and Stark sts. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 "Wilcox bldg. Main 86Di, A 2653. 5-ROOM cottage. 220 Gaines, $7. 6-room house, 736 E. Salmon, $15. 8-room house. 4t2 Hawthorne. $20. 8-room house. 300 Hancock, $20. 8-room house, C24 E. Morrison, $20. 8-room house, 718 East Morrison, $18. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. MAKB house hunting easy. Get our large list of "For Rents." THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., A 1777. 2 Wash. St. Main 869. BEAUMONT 6-room 2-story house, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, electric lights, gas, laundry tubs, full basement; only $18. Key with INVEdTOlCS BUILDING COMPANY. 308 Lewis Bldg. TO LEASE tlO 0-room modern cottage, half block from Rnyburn or Gray's Cross ing stations. Mt. Stott carline; tine neigh borhood, near schools; will give tenant option to buy property on easy payments. W. F. Brock, Telephone Tabor liiTtt. FOR RENT. HOUSES AND FLATS. J. J. OEDER. REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS. COR. GRAND AVE. AND E. ANKENY". 6-ROOM modern house ; clean and up-to-date, with carpets, curtains, g&s at d wood range, etc. ; nice location ; walking dis-4 taoce. Phone or call Routledge Seed & Floral Company. Main 956, A 3S11. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. $18 mo. Nice new bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, fireplace, basementt, laundry, gas, electricity, large lot. Block to car. Rooms medium sizo. Sunday, Tabor 3040. $12 5--ROOM bungalow, 2 lots. fto t rooms, new, modern, near Reed College. $12.50 5-room flat. West Ride. Main 3672 McFarland, 309 Yeon bid. 6-ROOM house. 23d near Kearney, $23. 7-room flat, 23d near Johnson, 1ZZ. 9-reora house, E. 12th. near Yamhill, $30. 0-room flat, 23d near Johnson, $22. C. H. KORELL, 8o7 Wilcox bldg. $10 AND $12 Two dandy, neat, clean 4-room bungalows; gas. electricity ; one block of Union ave.. close in. Wtfodiawn or Alberta car to Ivy st. Call at 412 Con stance st. 830 COMPLETELY modern 8-room Beau mont house. 20 Good S-room Jonesmore house. U. S. MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT CO., 6O6-607 Yeon bldg. A MODERN 4-room bungalow, 'yard fenced. cnicKen yara, gas and electrio lights, good attic, o fruit trees, $13. SO. -phone Wdl. 1319. Address 1020 Vernon ave. Alberta ear. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman, has large house, walking distance; would like to arrange for boarding self; reasonable terms for right party. A 424, Oregonian. LARGE 1 2-room house, lot 86xl00 newly finished, high and sightly; sultaMe for high-class private boarding-house or san itarium, 4H9 Jefferson st. FOR RENT Small chicken ranch, near Portland, comfortable, furnished house, good garden, very reasonable : reference required ; no triners. 6 414, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Dec. 15, seven-room hvuse, hard wood floors, tile bath, plate glass win dows, between 18th and luth on Wasco st. Price $40. Phone East 663 afer 1 P. M. MODERN home of 7 large rooms, sightly. roBinoioa uintrici. lurnace, ziue Dasement, linoleum, $20; adults. 240 E. 50th st. Hawthorne car. $15 Modern 7-room house, w alking dis tance, nign ana urnmmar scnoois, l block from 2 carlines. 830 Michigan ave. Wood lawn 14IH. MODERN six-room house, full basement, stationary tubs, gas, nice yard, hard sur face sts., one block U car, close in; rent $16. Ull Cleveland ave. 7 ROOMS, bath, gas, E. 2 2d near Ankeny, 13. 6 rooms, bath, gas, E. 81st st., corner pine. $10. Inquire 41 East 22d, our. Pine. Portland" heights, ' 6-room inodfn house, furnished or unfurnished, small rent to desirable tenants. Marshal! 4 827, A 38S9. MODERN 6-room house, sleeping poroh. furnace, fireplace, in Irvington, 1 olock from carline; residence phone East 6761; office phone Main 196. ACRE with 8-room houSe. chicken-house, barn, all kinds of fruit and berries. 3 room bungalow. Rose City, 2 blks. to car: paved. Monday, Marshall 2740. MODERN 6-room house, fireplace, hardwood tioors, tor rent cheap. 443 ti, oatn st., near Hawthorne car. Main 5113, Marsh. 546. $20 HAWTHORNE-AVE. HOME. 7-room house; garage; larcre corner lot, 100x120. 901 Hawthorne. Owner, 221 10th Main 7635, or Mr. King, Main 8370. NICE, modern, 6-room house, with wood range and linoleum, everything nice and clean, nice lawn ; no children. Call 841 Vancouver ave., near Shaver. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEAR CAR; WORTH $30. WILL RENT FOR $22.50. MARSHALL 5458. SWELL new and modern 5-room bungalow. S17.50. JOOtt E. 26th N., near Wygant. Call 32fl Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. I-'urnUhed House. I R V I NGTON residence. 0 rooms, modern, blo'k to car. will rent partlal.'y furnished nr" vacunti rent reasonable. East 1010. FURNISHED 5 -room bungalow, one room reserved, reasonable. 406 Commercial Mock. $20 -0-room. 2-storv furnished house, on Hancock st.. near Williams ave., very close In. J. J. McCarthy, Ablngton bldg. BUNGALOW of 6 rooms, furnished, Willam ette Heights, fine vi 3W, near car; rent only $40. Javkson, Main 8421. $25 COMPLETELY furnished modern 6 room bungalow. 737 E. 6Si.h, 1 block Rose City Park car. Inquire 724 E. 8th. F1VE-KOOM bunlalow, rlepn. new: family called East ; oiitli and Division, one block to car. 1149 Ivon st. H 3233. FoR RENT 8-room house, Portland Hgts.. furnished or unfurnished. Inquire in per son at 602 Title A Trust bldg. WEST SIDE. 8-room furnished house. 618 Quimby st.: $25 nor mo.; key next door. 203 Stock Exch.. 3d and Yamhill. IRVINGTON furnished 7-room house. 816 Clackamas. Inquire 812 Wasco. Phone C 1458. NICELY furnished 5-room house, Laurel hurst. 2 blocks from car: reference! re quired; rent reasonable. Phone B 2352. MODERN 5-room bungalow to leant, fur nished; w. block Rose City car. 346 East 40th st. N. FOUR furnished rooms in a modern bun galow ; lady keep 2 rooms, private en trance). Call Marshall 4292 after 3:30. MODERN cottage, East Side, wal fur nished, furnace, $?0 a month. Inqulro 674 Rodney ave. Phone B 1563 or Mar, 6040. PA RT of f u rnlsh ed cottage ; sound. Woodiawn 83. everything 6-ROOM cottage, furnished complete. In quire 384 4 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 2163. JS NEW 4-room house, partly furnished ; fireplace, electricity. X 416, Oregonlan. $10 MO.; furntKhed 3-room stove. 5!' 00th ave. bungalow, gas FURNISHED 4-room modern house In Ken ton for rent. East 3087. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room bungalow Call Main 8683 or A gllB. 5-ROOM furnished cottage at 341 Sherman st., near 6th; rent (22.56. Main 8C7. SIX rooms, March 1. well furnished, piano, Phone East 2355. NICE, clean room, with kitchenette. $3. Marshall 5882. TWO or three well-furnished housekeep ing rooms. 62 Ella st. FURNISHED 5-room cottage, corner, Hawthorne; only $20. Tabor 6426. NEW modern 7-room house, furnished com plete, 8 bedrooms, -furnace. Tabor 69. - 8-ROOM furnished house, Jpood location for boarders and roomers. Phone East 3111. FURNISHED desirable- small eottage! $12.5 702 E. 2Sth st. 8. W'W cftr. 6-ROOM furnished house in Irvington, Phone East 801. j $25 Nicely-furnished modern home with piano. C 126i. $13 3 ROOMS, electricity, bath, chicken pens. Main 8672. McFarland, 309 Yeon. MODERN 4-room house ; nicely furnished; piano: reasonable. 740 Minnesota ave. $22.50 Reed College district, completely rurnisnea. cmun-w agoner wo., Ktora ex. 3-ROOM furnished cottage, rent $$, 25 min- tite nn ur Phnn a A SO 77. BEAUTIFULLY furnished bungalow for rent. 739 i 67th st. N., near Sandy road. j FOlt HOT. J 'urn lulled Houses. FOR RENT Beautiful 0-room home, com pletely furnished, tiled bathroom, furnace, fireplace, piano, and all modern conven iences with very pretty lawn, roses, etc. ; lot 100x100, will rent for Winter for only $35 per mo. This is one of the real snaps ; muat be seen to be appreciated. Phone Tabor- 4182. ROSE City Park district; an Ideal home; completely furnished, modern 7 rooms; nice yard, ideal neighborhood, good school, excellent car service; possession at once; a bargain at $30. Key next door. See it today. You will need to hurry for this snap. B. M. Lombard, 3d and Madison. Main 5UU2. A 28U2. WIDOWER with comfortable home would share same with two or three refined people, employed or otherwise, who could help run household; chance for right par ties to minimize cost of living; no child ren; references. E 401, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Finely furnished five-room house, piano: everything modern; will rent for Winter reasonable to responsible peo ple; references. Phone East 4033. FURNXSI1E heme, 9 room, owner reserves one and would like breakfast and dinner as part payment; West Side, central; ref erences. O 410, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Beautifully fumlsh ed8 rooms and sleeping porch, mahogany furniture, hardwood floors. Oriental rugs; reasonable to right parties. E. 2 Mi 2. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 4 rooms, completely furnished, basement, furnace, garage. 350 E. 4sth S., before 10 mornings, after 6 evenings. OUR completely furnished bungalow, piano, fireplace, furnace, gas, yard, everything nice, reasonable to responsible parties. vEast 28th st. Call Main 6450 or A 4551. FOR RENT, Dec. 1, new, modern" 5-room bungalow, completely furnished; Haw--thorne district; 20 minutes out. Call Gun day 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 13 63 E. Harrison sU MoiE RN furnished 7-room house, large at tic, coil In furnace, in Irvington; -rood car service, walking distance, reasonable. East 30S7. 551 TAYLOR, near 17th 6-room apartment, finely furnished, Circassian walnut, fumed oak furniture, upholstered in Spanish leather, piano; rent $35. 8-ROOM furnished house, chicken-house and outbuilding; acre ground; $10 per month. Finland Sta,, 441 73d st. Phone East 189. $12.50 $17.50 $20 COTTAGE and 2 flats, nicely furnished; S. S. carline. Phone Li 1503. - SMALL furnished cottage, gas, bath, near car, Hawthorne district. Call Monday, East 3nj-i, 7S0 E. Main. $10 3-ROOM furnished house at 4827 76th st., Firland Sta,. ML Scott tins. Woodiawn 19fl FOUR rooms of a 6-room modern bunga low, well furnished, $18. Including phone and water. 105 E. 32d. Phone Tabor 4190. 4, 6 OR 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, close to car, very reasonable. Phone Wood lawn 1125. RENT furnished, 138 Porter st., walking distance, or "S car, 2 and 3-room; cheap est rent. Mar. 6152. CLEAf, furnished 6-room house, only S20; phone, water and garbage free. 761 Wil liams av. I'hone Wood. 410. FULLY furnished house; gas, J bath, etc.; small family adults; very reasonable. Call, after Sundny, 720 E. Ankeny. MODERN .5-room cottage, will furnish same for $10 per month. 423 E. Sth North. I'hone E. 3612. MT. TABOR view, seven-room and sleeping porch, well and completely furnished fur nace, f ireplace, garden. Main 320 1. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room houee in Irvington on carline; will rent ail or part. East 4384. 6-ROOM furnished house, 1454 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 3459. Call mornings and even ings. MODERN 0-room bungalow, best of furni ture, fireplace, half block from car. East 3731. TWO furnished houses. 5 and 6 room. -Phone Seilwood 1104. Main 2748; adults only. Take Seilwood car to 514 Leo ave. 3-ROOM house, furnished, S3 per mo. ; one acre. South Portland; $300. Woodiawn 1240. Stores. START a new store at a good location and work up a new trade with new goods; ex cellent location for butcher, dry goods or shoes, at 242 and 244 Klllingsworth ave., cor Killings worth ; low rent, leases. In quire 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. Phone Main 6821, A 4144. DOUBLE STOREROOM In"HOT WATER HEATED BUILDING. Kat 52d and andv boulevard ; low rent, for year's lease. Desirable location for poolroom, barber shop, news and cipar stand. U. S. MORTGAGE fe INVESTMENT CO., 0mj-007 Yeon bldg. I HAVE a modern store in a new concrete building, with electric light?, for rent; good Gunning for dry goods and clothing store; the town is 20 miles from Portland, with good surrounding farming country. This is a good opening for the right man. Inquire at Caspar Junker, Sandy, Or. $12.50 STORE BUILDING in good suburb, suitable for groceries or dry goods, etc. Tabor 326t. NICE, newly painted sma41 store building. witn living rooms, rent si 1. inquire b41 Vancouver ave., near Shaver. STORE and basement on Yamhill st.. In iront ci puoiic maraet ; gooa lease; rent reusonable. AB 418, Oregonlan. STORE with living rooms in rupidly growing BUDuru, cneap rent. McCoy, 332 Chamuer Commercet TWO good storerooms, southeast corner of 1 iiiimi situ v.n 1 ci iuw 1 li i. . ofi a i Clay. 3D-ST. STORES, $ 1 3 u p. corner Columbia. OfJ Wes. TO OFFICE TENANTS. FOR RENT. MOST EXCELLENT ROOMS. Sixth floor, also desk space and stores. We can give you -heap rent and good service. Let us show you space on the ground floor now being fitted up for those desir ing desk room (private rooms) with tele phone and office - service. RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING CO.. Telephone Main 1560. FURNISHED private office, roller top desk, chairs and rug 912.50 month; also a few vacant offices reasonable. Stock Exchange bldg., Sd and Yamhill. DESK. ROOM in large, light office. In Mor gan bldg. Apply manager, 818-21 Mor gan bid. PRIVATE office with privilege of reception room, telephone and stenographer; rearon able. Inquire 20V Stock Exchange bldg. ESK ROOM. $12.50 Dr month, includine L desk; girl attends to phone. 333 Morgan WELL FURNISHED private office, also desk room. $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES, $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable; Portland's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. FuR RENTLarge rooms, nuitsble for of fices or musical studies. Sherman, Clay A Co. FOR RENT Desk, phone, space, only $8. 607 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Hulls. GEVURTZ' HALL, Corner Front and Qlbbs sts., for rent for dances, weddings and parties. Another hall in connection, suit able for lodge meetings. Prices reason able. Main 1511. HALL for rent; centrally located; good uancltiK floor for parties or lodge pur puties; rent reasonable. Ill 2d st. Phone Main 183. Ware nouses. OPEN storage (00x350) on dork with use of hoisting engtne, rati connections all roaua. Central Hawthorne Dock Co.. E. 2063. BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIES. GARAGE tor sale, fully equipped, good lo cation and trade; win sen at invoice. Ad dress AV 223, Oregonlan. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. In Oregon; net over $100 monthls't $PO0 cash, balance easy. AV 227. Oregouian. WE CAN Interest a man In a light mftr. concern with some capital ; must have reference. P 424, Oregonlan. HALF Interest in old established business; make better than wages; $175 required. Call at 248 Stark at. SAWMILL snap; one-half interest $700, near Oregon Electric; act quick. 303 Lumber ExcBange, 2d ana stark. CLEANING and press! tig parlors, best in city; good cheap lease. Home Brokerage Co., 322 Henry , -BAKERY, creamery and groceries; a cash buAinces of $10u per month ; will invoice stock and fixtures. au Hi. Bu-rnside st. RELIABLE man to take an lnte.est In large grocery and go to work; f 12 1 u required secured. 303 Lumber Exchange. LIGHT groeery and confectionery, doing gooa ousuieps; iivin rooms. Tlce SDJO. Call -at 48 Stark st. FOTt SALE Small cash grocery and fix tures, good business; price right. See owner; no agents. o oregunlm. 4-CHAIR barber shop. A dandy. Chearx 36 N. 2d st. $i0 WILL take half Interest in well estab lished pressing parlor. 155.13th st. CARPENTER Shop for rent cheap. 241 6th St. FOR SALE Grocery store, value $1500; will consider acme trade. E 410, Oresouiau, BUSINESS OPjTORTCNTTXES. SOME trade and little cash will get one of thfse groceries: S220U fine business, well located, Port lanu ; clear prop, and cash. $lt)00 Swelleat place of its sixe on West Side ; trade and some cash. $1500 Forced to get out of business on account of other business; trade and cash. $250O Will consider all trade In small valley ranch improved. This is a general store in suburbs of Portland. $2200 Cigar, candy and confection an 1 . grocery In small valley town, doing fine business, for clear Portland prop. $S(KMJ Gen. hardware. $5000 and resi dence. $3000, few blks. from business in thriving valley town; trade lortland clear prop. $1800 Restaurant and oyster horse at Astoria, doing fine business; seats 60 peo ple; just go look and you will be con vinced ; trade Portland clear prop. We want gen. store In the valley up to $10,000 to $2,000; cash and trade. Have clear Portland lota to tiade for automobile. 4 or 5 passenger or runabout. -"uo Fine millinery stock, well lo cated, doing good business, to trade val ley farm, improved. If you want quick action on your place of business, list it with us. We get results and get it quick. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO., 203-4-5 Lumber Exchange Bldg., . Cor. of 2d and Stark. ALASKA Thousands of people will flock to Alaska In 1915; millions of dollars will be made developing its gold, copper, coal, fisheries, towns and industries. The facts about Alaska read like magic. We have prepared answers to hundreds of ques tions of practical use to those who want to invest or go. Information condensed from President Wilson, Secretary Lane, Governor Strong and local authorities. Send 25 cents for booklet or send one dollar for complete outfit maps. in formation, rates, routes, cities, wages and business opportunities. Alaska Publicity Agency, Box 753, Seattle. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 1 Metropolitan lnvt at Imp Special 12 Mt. Scott Park Cemetery $4.00 6145 Oregon Home Builders bid $300 Realtv Associates. Ser. I bid 7 Pacific States Fire .Monday special I WANT Bankers Mort Corn. Home Tel. bonds idelity Conner ' Realty Associates Ail stocks permitted to be sold. Fletcher. 225 Abington jildg. FOR SALE A good, clean stock of general merchandise in town of about 800 popula tion ; good country to draw from ; estab lished business and doing the nest busi ness in town and only two general ctoreH in the town ; stock invoice about $4000 and turning capital over four times per year; only mason for selling is on account of health of senior member of llrrfe. Ad ciress P. O. oox 81, La Fayette, Or. POOL W 1,1. Located In a busy part of the West Side business aistnct; o pool and 1 billiard table; low rent with 3 years' lease; doing a good business; price for all only $1,600, with terms of $600 cash down. This is tsoma snap. caii at room 618 Yeon bldg. (83S) GROW rich In business of- your own: get out of wage earners' class; your co-operation with our faotory starts you with lit tle capitatl during spare time your own home; we manufacture exclusive article; no can vassl ntr : exnerino nnnfupsno r v Write for booklet and proposition. Address i-eiuso Mig. to., aept. uas. iiutraio. N. X MACHINE and woodworking plant with complete equipment; owner of old-established business compelled to leave oil mate; will dispose of entire outfit with valuable lease on easy terms; $7000. Sea Mr. Per- HARTMAN A THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) CREAMERY. - Old established and doing a rood busi ness, both wholesale and retail ; location Al; low rent and good lease. For best of reasons we can make exceptionally good terms on this; some cash and good rem estate. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. (C817J A PORTLAND manufacturer wishes to con nect with responsible party able to finance himself and represent this firm in the State of Washington. $500 required. Ref erences exchanged. Call 724 Cham, of Commerce bldg.. 8 to 12 A. M. during week. H ARD WAjfcJU STORE. Owner, has other business requiring Im mediate attention ; good residence loca tion; big territory; good future; business increasing, stock and fixtures about $1000 if taken before stock is increased. Week days Tabor 5475; Sunday, Tabor 8040. JEWELRY STORE." a beauty. In splendid Oregon town of 80OO; for sufficient reasons at very best season of year at sacrifice of about 25 per cent; invoice -$4000. Bee Mr. Perse la at HARTMAN St THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) CONFECTIONERY. Located heart of Washington st. ; rent only $150 month ; 2 years' lease; soda fountain and best of fixtures ; doing a good business. If you want the best on this street, get price and terms at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C829) CONFECTIONERY ONLY $200. Also handles light groceries and no tions; rent oniy $10; one living-room. AO fixtures, Including soda fountain. See this QUICK MONDAY morning, as It's SOME SNAP. Further particulars room 618 Yeon bldg. C 703.) WE have innumerable ntorea as well as mnfg. plants, oontructing and construction business, and nearly every kind of Invest ment; we can satisfy you in any direction. See Mr. Persels at HARTMAN A THOMPSON (Fourt ha nd Stark Sts.) DAIRY LUNCH. One of the best in Portland. Receipts over $100 a day. Would prefer to sell half interest, as need a partner on ac count of running day and night. Call room CIS Yeon bldg. (C805) GENERAL merchandise store in prosperous grain-raising section Southeastern Wash ington; about 9000 stock; want some cacm, balance Improved Portland property or Western Oregon farm. A. K. HILL-. 419 Henry Bldg. PICTURE SHOW. Seats over 5oo opera chairs; Powers 6A machine; very best equipment; 10c house; low rent and good lease; $1000 cash and good real estate will buy this. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. (C830) BARBERS. ATTENTION. Finest location for fcmrber-shop near 6th and Washington sts; cheap rent, ground floor. Inquire Portland Cutlery sc Barber' Supply Company, 86 Sixth St., and ask for Paul Steinmetz. DELR'ATKSSEN and light grocery, good West Side corner, elegant fixtures and equipment; clearing $100 a month; goes at half cost; price $900, some terms. Call 30y Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. EXCELLENT suburban picture house; A-l complete equipment ; admirable location ; actually the best buy in the citv: will con sider part real estate. 319 Lumber Ex change. GIVEN AWAY FREE 20 Famous Royal tallored-to-yourmeasure $25 suits and overcoats; ladles' and gents. Call on Royal Tailors, southwest corner Broadway and Ankeny. CONTRACTOR; established; will take part ner to look after work. This requires small investment, secured. Profits large. Call room 420, Lumber Exchange bldr.. 2d and Stark sis. RESTAURANT, $500. Located right In heart of business dis-' trict of West Side; best of fixtures; doing over $40; low rent, good lease. Price only $500. Call 618 Yeon bldg. (C824) PARTNER In established loan-rental-insurance business ; small investment required, but ability counts; thorough investigation; either lady or gentleman. 819 Lumber Exchange UKiH-CLASrt con feet ion ery store clearing V250 to $300 month; will sell cheap, and you can try the business before you buy. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. IF you want models made or Inventions de veloped try the Portland Model Works; prices right; satisfaction guaranteed. 142 Vi 2d st. Phone Main 9103. WANTED Partner, mechanically Inclined, in solid paying business; must be good, re liable party. Splendid opportunity. E 419, Oregotltao. 5-WORD advertisement placed IOO month. y maeazines ondy $1.25 ; Inch display $4. Write lit. F. L- Miller, 1003 Barrable block, Syracuse, K". Y. TO buy. soil or exchange property or busi ness, any kind, anywhere, address North western Business Agency, Dept. 1, Minne apolis, Minn. MUST SELL meat market, good location, complete fix tures, rent only $10 per month; price $350, good terms. East 186. BAKERY, down town, doing good business; sickneHs: will sell; $G0 cash for qu ck sale; Ox furnace oven; will give trial. AL 3.9, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE grocery in apartment-house district: dally receipts $30; excellent equipment: invoice 12000: $1206 cash will handle. 319 Lumber Exchange. SOLID business; opening for energetic man able to tend office, cheok coal. etc. ; will pay $200 month; requires small invest ment. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. MAN For interest in established printing and publishing business: very promising future ; exceptional offer; best references. AJ 4J4. Oregonlan. CIGAR stand, good stock and fixtures, ood location, cheap rent. Price $175. Call at 24i stark st. FOR HALE bv owner, furniture of a 55-room apjirtment-house ; no agents; snap. AM H7. Oregonian. WE can sell your business quirk. 5Ve Mr Hewitt (25 years in business In Port. and) at 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark FOR SALE Confectionery and restaur.nt, very reasonable; uo competition. C 1269. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONARY AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Also handle light groceries: located in ti town of over 15.i00 popuitlon; doJns fro. 11 $12 to $15 a day business ; best of fix tures; nmt only $6 per month witn gcod lease; living-room ; now owner cays ;i will sell at invoice- or "lump it off' for $-.00, which is easily $100 under invoice. See this first thing Monday morning at room 618, Yeon bldg. CS37 MANUFACTURING plant, new and strictly " up-to-date, putting out an article required in every kitchen. This is clean, legitimate proposition, and oniy extenuating condi tions give opportunity secure control, at Perd Is abarBa"u' or Particulars see sir. HARTMAN A THOMPSON ' (Fourth and Stark Sts.) FOR SALE or trade, half interest in an ex clusive manufacturing business, now ship ping goods all over Oregon and Washing ton; no competition, lar;e profits. No ex perience necessary. Can have preference of either office or factory work. Will trade for real estate or mortgage in Port land vicinity. $hko secures haif Interest. Address F 416. Oregonlsn. DELICATESSEN. This Is one of the most up-to-date places In Portland. Fixtures are the very best. Including soda fountain. Rent Is only $40 month, with good lease. Receipts are bet ter than $45 per day cash. If you have $750 cash and want a GILT-EDGE busi ness, see this the first thing Mondav morning. Call Room C18 Yeon bldg. (C7S4) MAN UFACTURINO plant, old-establishad ; owner has other Interests ; wanM bustler take part interest and devote his time toward positive profitable expansion; would sell half for $2500. or possibly third, anu If man Is right the terms are easy. See Mr. Perse la at HARTMAN A THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) IN every town, bright, wide-awake man ager for cur business; actual experience in our line not so necessiry as brains be. cause WE TEACH YOU, train you, guiu you every step of way, MAKE you suc ceed. Big opportunity for reliable youitrf men who can work without being watcheu. Write EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER CO.. Detroit, Mich. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS. And sell It quickly and profitably? If so. call or phone us. and we will tell you how. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 618-61'J Yeon bldg. Main 4S1. AUTOMOBILE proposition, old -established business; netted 3 per cent last year: will surely bring more than halt" your money back next year. Price Smioo, and if your security Is good, very tittle cusn will handle it. See Mr. Persels .U HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) GENERAL MERCUANDLSE. Located in a thriving little town near Boise. Idaho ; carries general stock : rent $U0 month, which includes 5 living rooms; receipts over $30 day cash : will sell at invoice, about $2500. Call room 01 $ Yeon bldg. (C833) FOR SALE One of the best-paying grocer les on Weat Side, on corner, long lease; established 25 yearr; not one dollar in debtedness or one dollar dead stock ; do ing cash business, clearing $2U0 per month; terms to satisfactory part v. Invoice and fixtures about $4500. 5fc; Commercial blK. DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS That will show a net yearly profit of from 60 per cent up 7 If so, and have about $3000 in cash, we can show you the beat thing in the city. This is a solid busi ness. Further particulars at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C625) SANATORIUM in one of Oregon's best towns; opportunity for registered physician with $5ou0 to $10,000 to becomj associated with the .cleanest proposition on the coast. livery detail is perf ect and is equal to little gold mine. P. W. Persels, 26J Stark, near 4th. GENERAL MDSE. BUSINESS, well lo cated, on East Side corner, !,u in ess cen ter: will Invoice S35uo for half int. Owner wants to retire and w ill st U for $250U. Thi Is wfcrth your attention. U. S. MORTGAGE & 1NVKSTMENT CO.. 606-007 Yeon bid f. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. Business established 3 years ; A 1 Wti Side location : low rent ; good lease ; doli.g a fine business. If you see this you win buy. Price and terms at room 618 Yeon bldg. OWN a business; make 12500 to $500o: here's your chance ; co-operate with mt evenings, home. In big money proposition; everything furnished: don't worry abot.n capital. Write quick. Boj d H. Brown, dept. E, Omaha, Neb. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager, high -class article : should pay $10,0 00 annually ; $500 to Jl'.'OO capital; will pay expenses to Chicago if you am man we want; references. Eastburne. 2.".S Old Colony bldg., Chicago CIGARS AN d"CON FECTI ON E R Y. Located prominent East Side point; rent only $4d ; best of fixtures and good stock. Price reduced for quick sale to $35ti. This Is a fine place for man. and wife. Cull room 618 Yeon bldg. (C757) GOOD paying florist's business, greenhouse 52 x loo, over 15, OOO putted plants, two acres, 80 fruit trees, five-room house, city limits. East Side, block from car. Pri e $ll,O00. Part cash trade city property. East 5356. FARTNER. lady or gentleman. In estab lished business that Is making good money; too much for one to handle; thor ough Investigation; $356. 31i Lumber Exchange. P ICTURE SHO W TO i; EN T We have an unfurnished house In a town in Oregon of 7ouo population. Seat 3 250. Ren t $33 month. tall room 6 i Yeon bldg. PICTURE theater, the best thing in thickly settled Portland suburb, netting from ftJ.'.o to $3u0 month; every feature here Is right and expense low; $3500. P. W. Persels, 209 Stark, nenr 4th. TAILORS, CLEAN ERS. FKESSERS. The best cleaning, pressing establish ment In city, with good cash trade, flx- tures strictly up to dnte; no reasonable offer refused. I'hone Mar. 5025. M A N U F ACT U R I NO ; partner wanted ; prefer man able to Invest some money; will show you the business clears $HUfi month before you invent one dollar. Call room 329 Mor gan bldg. OFFICE MAN w anted to attend to mail order business ; experience not necessary. Over $ i lo per month. only lit tie mom-y required. Call I'hone 420. Lumber Ex change btdg., 2d and Stark sts. GROCERY store for sale; good business proposition on one of th best corners In the city; stock and fixtures will i in voice about $2300. Call Seilwood 42. . AH 416. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY. Cigar and tobacco tock and fixture for sale ; thel vejj, counter, scales, paper cutters, for groceries; two floor cases, marble tsuda fountain and bar; quick, $300. Phone Tabor 5673. MUSIO STORE, complete and up-to-dnt-; only one in city of 20,000 ; every feature perfect, making it second to none in State of Washington; invoice $250O. P. V. PerselH, 2ii Stnrk, near 4th. EXCLUSIVE state agency for new patented European health and toilet appliance; can be secured by active man or woman hav ing $509 to carry stock; quick seller, large profits. T 41ti, Oregonian. MEAT MARKET. One of the bent-established markets 011 tho East Side, doing $100 a day business; $50 rent, with good lease. $1 OitO takes it. Call room 61 s Yeon bldg (C770) WILL sell mv confectioner;- and restaurant, doing fine business, in good location and cheap rent: 2500 cush, worth $4000; save broker's commission by buying from owner. L 416. Oregonian. FINE West Side confectionery clearing bet ter than $10 daily; excellent equipment; reasonable rent ; $1200 cash and liberal terms. 319 Lumber Exchange. BAKERY goods, delicatessen, etc. ; a cash store clearing $160 month: will sell for vermy little money on account of sickness. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. SOUND and thoroughly Investigated busi ness interests will be offered those seek - " lng active or silent Investments. N 411, Oregonian. 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE store, good Ju ration, in good farming and lumbering country; new buildings, clean stock. Apply A V 210, Oregonian. PARTNER in high-class cafeteria: Id r-all v located: doing big business: meritorious proposition and unusual opportunity fi-r right party. 319 Lumber Exchange. IF willing to invest $20 or $25 and are in terested In amall livestock, we have propo sition to start one in business with unusual possibilities. Aquallfeco, Seymour, Conn. A LIGHT business, pays well and is plens snt, for sale. Only small capital requ'red'. Can be operated in two houru daily. AH 4W, Oregonian. PRINTING plant tor sale, all or hIf in terest, to right party; new. up-to-dae plant; price rlsrht and terms reasuuabft; price $1500. AH- 411, Oregonian. SNAPPY confectionery and, grocery, sway from competition; low rent covers store and 5-room bungalow; lump or invoioa about $500. 319 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT, transient trade. West Tide, busv place, only $450; $20 cash down. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE Flour and feed business at in voice; good location ; no ae:its. Add revs H 40n. Oregonian. GROCERY, livinif rooms, well buii t -up nl trict ; Just right for man and wife; only $350. 303 Lumber Exchange. SM ALL corner grocery and confectionery store, cheap for cft?h. AV 206, Oregonian. INTEREST cood West Side restaurant for sale or trade, W 407, Oregonian.