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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
13 THE SUNDAY OREGOTaAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER - 22, 1914. SITUATIONS WAITED M.4XE. M ice Han t4) us . MR. BUSINESS MAN. I will trim your windows for you la a way that will stimulate business. Will ac cept job work or try out for position. AG 42a, Oregonian. 4IA.N with family greatly in need, de sires work at once, is experienced grocery anan, packer, around whaitBale house, but "will do anything and can make good. Referencea A 1517. Main 717. GOOD, all-around ladies' and gents' tailor, bushelman, prt'SBer. etc., will work for very 8m ait wes; would go as valet; references. Main 7735 or D 414, Ore ronian. fcLNGLE MAX, 37, good character and hab its, reference. st-tans English and Ger man, wants work of any kind where he will have a home, small wages. B 410, Oregonian. YOUNG all-round printer and linotype machinist-operator desires permanent posi tion; can deliver the goods; no booze or tobacco; married; so anywhere. Address L. N. McGowan, Heppner, Or. - GOOD alirnund blacksmith and horseshoer wants job; can furnish best of references. H 417, Oregonian. YOUNG man. going to school, wants work on Saturdays or work fur room and board. 11 402, Oregonian. EXPB HIEN'CED man and wife as Janitors for npartraent-houee want position; wages no object. Main 717, A 1517. MAN and wire, experienced, wish place as janitor; best references. M 415, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. .Bookkeepers and Stenographer, EXPERT bookkeeper and stenographer, nine years' experience, building, contract ing, manufacturing and wholesale mer cantile; three years with local house; can tatttt charge of office; good references. Mar. 908. BTENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, 6 years' experience, real estate, tire Insurance, law and railroad work, wants position imme diately, wages no object; excellent refer ences furnished. AV 211, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, thoroughly competent, wants piece or hour-work, dictaphone operator. Main 12; residence Tabor 40O9. BOOKKEEPER, and cashier, 6 years' ex perience, wants temporary or permanent position; city references, Marshall- 3857. COMPETENT stenographer, office experi ence rather than salary required. AO 4u5, Oregonian. v CAPABLE stenographer, bookkeeper, desires position; experienced general hues; refer ences. Address I 412, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, familiar with bookkeeping, good penman, quick at figures, wishes half-day work. A J 41b, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer desires haif day employment. M 10, Oregonian. BY experienced stenographer, assistant bookkeeper, general office work; good ref- erences. G S98, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and dicta phone operator, best reference. A -31b 7. Marshall 2188. Apt. 209. COMPETENT stenographer desires position at own trade or any kind of office work. Marshall 45S8. EXPERIENCED law stenographer wishes position; best 'references. B 3415, East 146b. 1'OSiTlON wanted by beginner stenographer; experience desired. Call forenoons. Main 4409. HALF-DAY POSITION desired by young lady, experienced stenographer and book keeper: $5 per week. Main S523. Apt. 3. EXPERT office assistant and stenographer desires half day position. Main 8513. COMPETENT stenographer desires tempo rary position. Phone B 2099. DressmaJtera. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress will work out or home; style and fit guar anteed ; coats, suits and one-piece gowns; prices very reasonable; references fc'lveti. East 1407. MODISTE, recently from San Francisco, us ing French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. 245 K. Broadway, apt. 214. Call East 6651. DRESSMAKER, tailor system, dressmaking by the day, excellent all-round help in good shop. Mrs. Miles, 41)0 Morrison at. Phone 260 Marshall. LN experienced dressmaker wants sewing by day; 13 years' experience: on account of times, price reduced to $2.50 per day, Mrs. Manhin. Phone East 6313. DRESSMAKER, just from N. Y., would like few more engagements. Phone M. 7132. 249 10th St. GOWNS, remodeline at reduced price, until January 1: perfect satisfaction assured. Marshall 2493. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the day, $3; experienced In all kind of coat work. Tabor 4S3. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing bv dav or at home. Phone Woodlawn 1542- PLAIN dressmaking and general sewing. Answer Sunday. East 39S3, $1.25 day, car fare. MRS. JACKSON, dressmaking, work guar anteed. Brown, apt. F. Phono Marshall 477b. SHIRTWAIST EXPERT. Prices right, work perfect. AC 424, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS, speedy dressmaker, work In families; price reasonable. Main 8345; ref erence. WANTED To do plain sewing; price rea sonable. Phone Woodlawn 30 38. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work at home, ivtuu Park st. Marshall 4857. I ASH ION ABLE dressmaking reasonable Home or day. 150 Lane at. Main 9613. DRESSMAKING at residence. Your old domes remodeled. Marshall 4000, R 120. NEAT, fashionable sewing done very rea sonable ; work guaranteed. Tabor 5467. EXPERIENCED dressmaker at home or by day. A 7091. GIRL as dressmaker's helper wants work. Marshall 1378. FURS remodeled reasonable. "Marshall 9S. 229 13th st. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress wishes engagements. Phone Main 1490. Nonce FRENCH middle-aged lady, experienced nurse, with best reierences, wishes per manent position carinir for infant or chil dren, or as governess to teach French for youmr children. Call Y. W. C. A. THOROUGHLY competent confinement nurse; $i per week. Phone Marshall -UOi. AOt. 41V. SCANDINAVIAN practical nurse would like pi6it ion at once; can give references. 281 t-ast Holland fit. Phone Woodlawn 3392. jj it tramea nurse not a i raid or work, more cases, any Kind, or day or night nursing; MRS. BROWN, 5220. practical nurse. Marshall uuuu nractical nurse, will work also: rea- sonable. Mrs. Kauffman, Maple wood. Or. PRACTICAL nurse wants work; chamber work. Main 6212. will do INFANT'S outfits, $5 per set and up. Meier, Tabor 3S7S. GUUD reliable uractical nurse; erences. Main 6937. doctor's ref- PRACT1CAL NURSE, will assist with house work. Phone Main 925. Housekeepers. YOUNG woman with boy 5 wishes position as housekeeper or housework ; good cook ; no objection to country. 206 H 1st st. i ayior Apt., room arf. Main 55S3. MOTHER and daughter want housekeeping for elderly couple or small family or country hotel; will give ref. Address AB -ui, uregoniao. CHRISTIAN woman wants housekeeping, wiuuwer a iiome prrierreu. uan after j . tiunaay. nzts waeeier st.f near aroaaway. iliDJLLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper for widower; no obiectioni to country; references given. Phone Mar- snail at'Oi. ADt. 410. a.n 1 1-. it r osition as nouseKeeDr: can give the best of references. Phone Wood lawn iol. f LADY employed part of day will take charge of home for widower or bachelor references. S 418, Oregonian. A CAPABLE, refined lady wlsres position as nouseKeeper ior oacneior or widower no oojection to emiaren. raonu a 1524. RESPECTABLE widow. In need, wishes to work for widower with children ; dainty cook ana nou&eKeeper, x 4X9, oregonian. EXPERIENCED Swedish woman, child wishes housekeeping or housework. Main W4D4. RESPECTABLE widow of 25 wishes .house keeping for widower or bachelor. Address G. M., yL'4 64th St., S. E. lOL'NG woman with baby wishes position as nouse Keeper in xamuy or wiaower noma, . an m tL. iotn st, n. fciaet JZ3. YOUNG LADY 28, wishes position aa house keeper for widower or bachelor. AB 411, Oregonian. LA DY wants housekeeping for any parties f j weex. a 4i a, oregonian. AN experienced housekeeper wants work 1 country or small town. Phone East 5091 COMPETENT woman wants housekeeper to widower. A pesition 72.19. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position housekeeper. Phone Tabor 6&&5 SITUATIONS WANTED 1'EMALK. boo eae- ptrrm. CAPABLE woman of high integrity wants ( place as housekeeper or charge of apart nients, roud ot cmldren; goou waged ex pected. Triilers please don't answer. Phon YVoodiawn y5 or address AC 416, Orego nian. WANTED By a trustworthy woman, a po sition as housekeeper for a widower or ' bachelor's home. No objection to chil dren. Good cook and worker. Refer ences. Mrs, Vera Baer, Main 6360. Call from 2 to 4. WA.TED Position as housekeeper in apartment-house or widower's home; no oojec tion to one child; references exchanged. Call at 2Z2 East 7th st. South. Phone Alain 2039. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by a re fined, capable unincumbered widow; nice homelike place with refined couple of widower considered rather than salary. 4o2, Oregonian. REFINED and experienced lady wishes po sition as housekeper, in apartment or widower's home ; no objections to chil dren : references furnished and required. V 411. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as housekeeper, by un incumbered widow, prefer gentleman with child ; wages $20 ; reierences exchanged ; I am studying music and have own. piano, etc. Aduress J 414, Oregonian. KEFIXED. experienced lady with two nice girls, U and 5 years, mus; bavo work tnd home ; no objection to country. K. 403, Oreconlan. E KIN ED. cultured widow, from elegant home, wishes Dosltlon housekeeper for widower with child; best references. E 414. Oregonian. Domestic. POSITION for widow 31 years. Hai boy find girl 5 and b ; Is seamstress, House keeper, cook in restaurant or private fam Uy; would go to country. Mam 717, A 1017. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experlencsd la chamberwork, housework, good plain cook, desires position ; willing to do day work, references. Main 717, A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced in hotel work, wants oosition as housekeper or chambermaid in or out of city. W 409. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes to do housework with privilege of practicing on piano as part wanes, phone East 43S9 between y and 5 Monday or Tuesday. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, also chamber maid, desires position v here she can taKn her 8-year-old daughter. Main 717. A 1517. WANTED Place to wash dishes, out of town, or general housework; state wages In first letter; will consider .place In city also. B 412, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED English woman, experJenced cook and housekeeper, desues permanent position, $20 per month ; references. Main 717, A 1517. COLORED woman, 28, experienced cook or day worker, would go out of town, is very desirous of a position. Main 717, A 1517. NEAT, capable girl wishes second work and general work for two, with sewing. Al 4 Id, Oregon. an. GIRL, attending Jefferson High School, wants a place to work for room and board. Address 508 Williams eve. Phone E. 187. A HOME, some wages, by steady, reliable lady, all around, good help. Box 8, Ridge JlielU, Wash. WANTED A position as chambermaid by one tnorougniy experienced, pnone main 8527, room 28. AN agreeable, refined woman wishes posi tion as companion and assist with house work. Main 8432. RELIABLE young woman would work aa mother s helper by the day or hour, wood lawn 3950. GIRL. 17. v ants Dlace to help with house work, city or farm. Address Misu Gerda Gabel, Oswego, Oregon. DAY NURSERY 15o per hour; special rates by day, week or month. East 1887." 503 E. Ankeny. near 10th. GOOD, strong girl wants work In a good family. Woodlawn 130. COMPETENT WOMAN wants to do cooking or housework. Call Woodlawn 1369. YOUNG Russian girl, 19, desires housework; A 1517. references. Main 7i, EXPERIENCED second girl wishes position. Mam 4uu. WANTED General housework where man and wife are employed. Main 7064. A NEAT, strong girl, recently from Finland, wisnea nousewom. ean iwain ui. GERMA N girl wants general housework. Phone Tabor 4VUt3. JAPANESE young lady wants light house work in good home. AC 406, Oregonian. GENERAL housework, good cook, in small family. Marshall 707. YOUNG girl, 17, wants a home; likes chil dren and housework. CaU A ood lawn 004. YOUNG girl wishes small wage. to assist with house H 414, Oregonian. work ; NEAT woman would like housework family. Call 12 E. 7th st. in small JAPANESE, nice lady, wants position light houeework; wages no object. 63 N. 12th. Miscellaneous, FINE-APPEARING young Swedish woman desires permanent position as waitress in hotel or restaurant; 6 years experience. A 1517, MainTl TWO educated ladles will give private In struction aav or evening; special attention to foreigners. Y 408, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants housework and plain cooking for family with children. Sellwood 1029. FIRST-CLASS washer, ironer and cleaner wants work by day; best ref. Main or A 310S. THOROUGHLY experienced woman wants day work; ironing a specialty. Phone Ta bor 4547. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position as waitress or housekeeping; reierence. Marshall 3644. REFINED young woman willing to assist In housework or look after elderly per son. N 400. Oregonian. POSITION hv refined, capable, middle-aged lady as companion; no objection to leav ing city. AL409. Oregonian. NEAT, reliable widow, wants hour or day work; good reference; must .have work. 324 4th st. LACE curtains hand laundered, Sellwood 801 or all work Marshall guaranteed. 5656. YOUNG lady wishes position as piano player in motion-picture nouse or music store. Phone Columbia 382. COMPETENT girl wants cooking or second work in private family ; city references; wages not less $3Q. AB 410, Oregonian. GOOD teacher will give piano lessons to beginners at homes. uOc hour. Marshall 53S0. WANTED Subscribers to Pictorial Review; Si year: also renewals; make nice Christ, mas gifts. Marshall 4491. MOTHER of nine children, weJl and strong. must have day work where Ehe can go home nights; references. Main 717, A 1517. A GIRL who did all kinds of sewing In old country wants worn, very low wages, understands English. X 419. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS day worker with three chil dren, must flnrt employment; work guar anteed. Main 717, A 1517. YOUNG woman wants to care for children or do housework where she could go home nights. Call Marshall 5031, room 16. REFINED. unincumbered elderly woman would work for room and board in nice family. A 414.' Oregonian GERMAN lady, first-class laundress, also cleaning, wants day work. Phone Main 2299. WANTED to get Thanksgiving dinner by experienced cook. Ring Wld. 310. WOMAN wants dav work cleaning. East 3384. at washing and NEAT. experienced lady, 2S, wishe; chamber work. Marshall 3412. Room 1. TEACHER of English, private or In class. Room 304 Byron Hotel. DINNERS, parties cooked and served by colored man and wife. Call Main 8i19. GIRL, employed, will exchange light serv ices for gooa nome. Jtiast oa. TWO young ladles would like chamber work, Y 412, Oregonian. DINNERS, teas, parties planned, or served. Sellwood prepared WILL give music lessons to beginners for 25c a lesson. 4J1 rj.. ytn. LACE curtains hand laundered by lady ex pert. Called for. sen woo a iuh. COLORED woman wants day work. Phone Marsh 1664. WOMAN with baby would care for child for room and board. Y 411. Oregonian. RELIABLE and experienced piano teacher, beginners or advanced puplla. Mam 5960. HATS to make over at home, Call Marshall 3352. reasonable. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Phone C 2033. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work. woodlawn aio. EASTERN conservatory graduate want piano nuplis. Tabor 4144. POSITION by 717, A 3517. -experienced waitress. Mam POSITION as saleswoman In 19-year-old girl. Main 717, :andy store by A 1517. LINCOLN HIGH girl will assist for room", board and small wages. R 423, Oregonian, WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs. H ax. Xlson i'h.ons &ast 4UKi 1000, , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MiMCellaneouH. young English woman, with 4- year-old boy. would act as companion to ladv or as nurse to child in return for board and room. Address F. iC., 553 East Couch st. YO L'NG LADY, experienced and thoroughly reliable, wants position to operate tele phone in hotel or business establishment or receptionist In doctor's office. $6 par week. Main 3523, Apt. 3. Aj3 MANAGRESS of apartment or rooming house, young married lady; experienced and responsible, wants position. T 415, Oregonian. C BABY wanted by a lady who has had much experience in the care of babies; will give the best of care and a mother's love. Tabor 3012. LADY, fair cook, would get dinners or take care of children afternoon and evening or do practical nurting; terms reasonable. Mrs. Potter. Marshall 1043. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Hall seating 100 to 125 for dun day afternoons and evenings for the Win ter or longer. East 5226. Houses. WANTED to rent for not less than one year, 7 to 8-room residence with sleeping porch; furnace or hot-water heat, Portland or Willamette Heights preferred ; will con sider Irvington ; house must be available approximately December 15 ; references furnished if desired; write, giving all par ticulars. Address R. L. Sheppard, Lewis ton, Idaho. WANTED To rent modern furnished 4 or 5 -room bungalow by couple without chil dren ; will not pay more than 920 per month; know how to take care of house. Woodlawn 1940. CLOSE-IN suburban bungalow and small tract un to two acres: must have good buildings. G. M. Wood, 6til Wasco st. Phone East 969. FAMILY of adults want close-in, modern residence; garage preferred. D 415, Orego nian. COUPLE desire Km all, furnished cottage or 3 or 4 housekeeping rooms near Union and Killings worth. AJ 410, Oregonian. WANTED House and barn, sub. or out of city if near car; will rent barn separate. State rent. AJ 423, Oregonian. C-ROOM furnished house or flat. West Side, i modern conveniences, walking distance. Mar. 3838. UNFURNISHED modern bungalow, respon- Bible couple, excellent care; state rent. AC 41?, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE merchant would aso mod ern dwelling with option to purchase; pre fers Northeast Side. AP 381, Oregonian. FURNISHED flat or h. k. 3 or 4 rooms and bath, not over $20; permanent. B 3474. WANT unfurnished house In Laurelhurst, near carline; references given. Tabor 4701, Apart men tM. YOUNG couple desire room with privileges of house in Rose City Park ; C. S. pre ferred. East 5829. C 410, Oregonian. dooms. YOUNG business woman desires furnished room in refined modern home or apart ments on West Side. Address J 419, Ore gonian. FURNISHED 3 housekeeping rooms on West Side; must be nice and in walking dis tance. AP 405, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board in private fam ily by young man. West Side, close in, price reasonable. AK 411, Oregonian. A MAN of trade, German, wants furnished room with German-American family on West Side. A J 417. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 2 furnished rooms for beauty culture. Y 413, Oregonian... Rooms With Board. ROOM or board wanted December 1 with private family; regular advertisers need not write: home must be eloquently fur nished ; references required. F 404. Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wants room with breakfast and dinner In strictly private family; Irvington district preferred; near 19th and Multnomah sts. A 419, Ojresonian. GENTLEMAN wants room, breakfast or board: no other roomers: all home privi leges. X 412, Oregonian. GIRL employed would like nice place to stay, company In exchange for room and board. West Side. O 416, OregonianJ WANTED Board and room, private family, vicinity of 50th and Division. AL 414, Oregonian. WANTED Two nice heated bedrooms, with board; private home; state price and lo cation. AK 401, Oregonian. Business places. vV ANTED By responsible party for larm loan business small, well furnished office in modern building. K 410, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ELTON COURT, 11TU AND YAMHILL. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, SINGLE OR EN SUITE, STRICTLY MODERN. VANGORDER HOTEL. Under personal management of Mrs. Vangorder; rooms modern, clean and reas onable; come and see us. 105 12th Bt bet. Washington and Stark. Marshall 27W0. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington St, at Thirteenth. 50c per day up, weekly, $2.50, up. Single and en suite, with private bath. Moderate rates. MODERN CONVENIENCES, all night service. Business is good. " HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 4TH ST. lOO ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water. rates oOc. 75c and $1 per day; $3 per week and up. HOTKL BLACIISTONE, Cor. llth and Stark: S3 week and up; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room ; no extra charge tor two in a room; room and Dath (i day. Transient souciieu. HOTEL ARTHUR, llth. between Morrison and Yamhill; very desirable location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and $6 per week. $1 per day; no extras. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and eniri water and ohona in every room: rooms without hath, $10 up; with bath $15 up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 1 Washington ct "v f psnmfiT hrictt. everv mouern con venience, all outside rooms, quiet and homelike, some with private baths, $2.50 week up. HOTEL RAINIER. Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike; the house that treats you right; 60c up per day; $12 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413 HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th; central location; RE tiTTr'P'.r RATES. 50c oer day ud : weekly, S2.50 ud: neat rooms, running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. " HOTEL MADRAS. Modern rooms, running hot and cold water, free phone; court rooms $2.50; out side rooms i up; suites o. jive us call. 12th and Washington sts. HOI EL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, not and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. STANDISH HOTEL. BiSV. WASHINGTON ST., OFF 18TII. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath; $2 week; $S per mo. up. HOTEL. EDWARDS, Graad ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month. $22.50 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby: cafe in connection. Phone xu&ax. HOTEL WEAVER. 710 WASHINGTON ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone in each, large parlor, $lo and up, Marshall 5170. A Quiet Place for Quiet People. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison st.. near Grand ave. Best accommodations for least money. FRONT and outside rooms. Maxwell Hi Steam heat, running: water all rooms. large parlor, piano, phones and porch; rooms $10 and up. 207 14tn, near lay lot A PLEASANT lieht room In an apartment, steam heat, hot water, bain, iree pnone walking distance to business part of city. Phone Marshall 496. LARltABEB HOTEL 227 Larrabee t. If you want an exceptionally ciean, nomenae room beiow regular price pnone asi OUTSIDE rooms, brick bldg., steam heat free phone and bath, $2.50 and $3 week. 2S3 13th. st. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants oommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. office. NEW. sunr.y, steam heat, hot water, bath, free phone ; walking distance, no carfare Carlotta Court, Everett and J.7tn. PALMER HOUSE, steam heat, free bath. good beds, verv reasonable. Corner Para and Alder. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 llth st. Strictly modern, private baths, en suite, rooms 13.60 up. Main 9472. A 4783. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 3 Alder; cheerful out - side rooms, modem, $2 per week up. Cufurnlshed Rooms. ' 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, bath, electric lights, walking distance to town; ' three carllues; rent cheap, 431 East 10th and to norm an jaouuu FOB BENJ. Furnished Room a In Private Family. $10 MONTH Warm, nicely-furnished, cheer ful room; electric light, hot baths, fur nace heat, elegant location ; easy walk ing distance; close to Washington st. car line; modern, choice table board close by. 61 N. 21st st. WELL furnished, larpe front room, suitable for two: three windows, clothes closet , furnace heat; use of fpiano; breakfast if wanted. blK East Sarin on, near 30 th St. Phone Tabor 2176. Li 1713. CHEERFUL and comfortably furnished room in private residence; good neighbor hood ; easy walking distance; Morris chair, electric light, heat, all modern con veniences. 331 12th. LARGE room, electricity, furnace heat, open grate, phone, hot water at all times; mod ern home, walking distance, rent reason able, suitable for man and wife or gentle men. 427 Main st. LARGE, nicely furnished, well-ventilated rooms, hot water heat, phone, bath, use of piano, 10 minutes' walk to P. O. ; run ning hot and cold water in one room, clean and homelike. 355 11th st. ELEGANTLY furnished sleeping-room, all conveniences, steam heat, close in, pri vate family. 470 Columbia at., bet. 13th and 14th. $5 MONTH Bright, sunny room, attractive ly furnished, modern home, electric lights, phone. 306 Hancock; Broadway or "U" cars. FOR young men or ladies or for dressmaker, large room with alcove, bath adjoining, furnace, sewing if satisfactory for part rent machine; Nob 1IUL Maxshall 123. NEATLY furnished front room in private home; furnace heaL gas, bath and tele phone; walking disAnce. 495 Montgomery IRVINGTON room, heated and fireplace; home comfort. C 2o7L 326 E. 10th N. Reasonable. A LARGE room, with bath and use of phone. In -modern home, private family ; walking distance. Marshall 1648. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, central vei y reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. LARGE, cheerful outside rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 487 East Ankeny st. TWO good front rooms, warm and pleasant lor Winter; easy walking distance. 474 Market. Til REE clean, furnished rooms, gas, batn. electric lights. 627 Thurman su Marsh. 1U82. TWO nice, pleasant rooms, plenty of heat and hot water at all times. 414 Market st., cor. 11th. IF YOU want pleasant, furnished room with or without boar a, jsod iiiii district, pnone Main 9207. NICELY furnished room In private family. 35 North lth st., one block from Wash ington. $1 WEEKLY, furnished rooms, big bay wln- uows, xree oain, water, .f none 1. 4stf4. 504 E. Clay sL WELL-FURNISHED front room, with al cove and sleeping porch, suitable two or three, walking distance. 329 West Park. WANTED Catholic girl to rent room; home privileges. call today at 172 Knott, be tween Borthwick and Kerby. L car. NOB HILL, room with sleeping porch for iaay empioyea, reasonaDie. x. 415, orego nian. $6.00 MONTH Furnished room, all conven iences, waliclng distance. 438 3d st. Main 4712. NICE, large steam-heated room. private family, walking distance; suitable for lady or gentleman. 305 llth. Marshall 3842. $2.50 PER WEEK Front room, steam heat. hot and cold water, flrst floor. 370 6th at. Mar. 5882. WELL furnished. light, warm front room, walking distance. 274 good location. Park st. CLEAN, light, -outside rooms, $1.5o to $2.75, iu minutes' waiK irom Washington st. 411 4th st., cor. HalL NICE clean room, modern home, walking distance, $Q and $12; nothing nicer in city. Call evenings or Sundays. 195 16th. ONE or two very desirable- rooms, with bath: walking distance, 260 Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah st. Phone C 28 u3. $3 A MONTH, cosy room, modern home, use of piano; Rose City Park; references. G 224, Oregonian. NICE front room for gentleman $10 ner month ; also small room $6 per 111 od ti. 4M8 Main st. CLEAN well furnished single rooms, mod ern conveniences, reasonable. 427 Colum bia, near llth st. 1 BVVEilL furnished room in steam-heated apt. Walking distance. Reasonable. Gentle man only. Call 410 Harrison St., Apt. 1. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, four persons Breakfast if desired. Main employed, 7512. WELL furnished room, heat, bath, phone. walking distance, reasonable rent; men only. 604 Everett st. A 5449, West Side. ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH Sociable home in Laurelhurst ; nil conveniences ; rate reasonable. Tabor 989. NICE outside, steam-heated room in apart ment-house ; central part of town. Mar shall 390. FOR CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms call at 312 3d; reasonable. Marshall 1210. MODERN, well-furnished rooi. good loca tion for gentleman. 251 10th. FURNISHED rooms, $2 per week and up. lv.t w. l'arK st. $10 BEAUTIFULLY furnished fror.t room in modern home, furnace heat. East 155. NICELY furnished rooms reasonable; strict ly modern. 300 12th st. LARGE front room suitable for dressmaking. $i.50 per week. lSb West Park. VERY reasonable; a sleeping porch or 221 13th. room ; phone, bath. $2 CLEAN, comfortable room; very quiet. sto l-in sc. NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences. Williams ave. Woodlawn 2560. LARGE, light, airy room; heat, ba-h, cse of pnrlor and piano, $12 per mo. Main 42.1. COMFORTABLE furnished room, $2 week. 266 12th. LIGHT airy room for lady employed, reas onable. 770 Johnson. MODERN furnished room with sleeping Marshall 3872. porch Dec. 1. 77 Gllsan. TWO Nicely furnished large Broadway. Phone Main 3454. FURNISHED room with all convenience. 6&S Irving st., very cheap. LARGE furnished front room for rent cheap. zso juincoin ex., oetween 4tn and otu. FURNISHED room In private borne. Irv- ington. Call East 1873. CLEAN front room, electric lights, bath,; low rent. 360 Park. $1.50 WEEK Furnished front room; heat, bath, phone; close in. 420 Va Jefferson. 268 PARK, nicely furnished rooms, furnace heat, board If desired; very central. ON Q pmall sleeping room only $5 pe 294 Jefferson. 446 TAYLOR ST. Nice, warm, comfortable front room, close In, reasonable, modern. NICELY furnished rooms, electric light, fur- naca neat. layior. IF YOU are looking for clean, rooms, call at 388 Salmon. comfortable NEATLY furnished sleeping rooms, fn.'nace heat, close in, $1.50 up. 426 Alder st. IDEAL room for two, all home comforts, walking distance .East 1855. LARGE warm room with or without board. 261 14th. Marshall 3392. NiCtlbl f urnisned, well heated room, with bath. $8. A 73SQ. 4iS Hoyt. $1. WEEK, small sleeping-room, 268 12th. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT. . RESIDENCE HOTEL, 53 ELLA STREET. A 62. Main 4611. An American plan Hotel. Suites a yd single rooms. Excellent table. Attractive terms to permanent guests. THE VIRGINIA HILL? 14th and Jefferson streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive, rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 2983, A 6628. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath ; excellent table service ; reasonable rates for regular or transient guests. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. The Manitou Hotel, 261 13th St. Rooms with or without board. Give us a trial and we will make you comfortable. A GOOD RLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 203 6th St., has fine tabic board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a real home ; reasonable rates. A DESIRABLE two-room suite, price reas onable ; also single rooms. The Virginia Hill, 265 14th sL Main 928S, A 662S. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, $4 and $4.50 week Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. THE HAZEL, 3S5 3d st. Modern rooms. with or without board ; special rates. ELEGANT front room, facing the park, ana best board obtainable. $74 Park st. THE STRYKER, 554 Conch, adjoining rooms, excellent table board, rates reasonable. Rooms With Board In Private Families, NEAT, large front room with or without board. Reasonable. 306 12th FOB RENT. Rooms With Board In Frtvatc Family. LARGE, attractive rooms; steam heat, hot and cold running water; suitable for two or more ; twin beus; separate dressers, tvery modern convenience, excellent board; also large room, with alcov and porch. Mam biiil. bul Harrison t near 14th. Two or three persons to room and board, reasonable. In nice horn with refined widow and daughter; al nome privilege, use of uiatiu. .ill. Tab or car to itn st-. 4 blks. north. 2145 K. Stark st. TaDor 4161. BOARD and room ?25 a month; board by day, week or month ; private nome, with use of living-room and - piano; cosy and homelike; lor men only, buu Miller ave., feeliwood. Phone during day. fiellw ood 120, LOVELY front room suitable for one or two refined peopie and fine board, reas onable; house strictly modern; all con veniences; walking aistance. 35 Halsey. East 4170: PLEASANT room, with board, including phone, light, piano, with privilege ot par lor. A- home-like place, good neighbor hood, close to HawLnorne car line. It is worth looting Into, 'laoor 3-5. A NICE large room with fireplace suitable for 2 or 3 people; 7 blocks from Oregonian, with or without board at 331 Jetterson, near Broadway; rent very reasonable. STEAM-HEAPED room with board for two ladies, central, home privileges, $22 per month. Braiutre Apts.. Apt. 3, 12th and Columbia sts. ROOM and boardfor 1 or 2 in Nob Hill home; hot and cofd water In room, home cooking; everything first-class; must be seen to be appreciated. Maxshall 5471. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; large, warm front room, modern conveniences. home privileges. Main 21 i. 147 xwrttt 17 th st. WALNUT PARK. Fine modern home, plenty of music, well spread table; my aim is please you. Wood lawn 202i. LET us cook and serve your Thanksgiving dinner in our home; first-class NewEng land dinner; special to families; good service to all. Tabor 17. FURNISHED room with or without board; electric lights, furnace heat; use of piano; private family. 189 Park St., near Yam hill st. NICE furnished room and board If wanted In strictly private family; very reasonable. 523 Tillamook st. ROOM and board, nrivate home, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 574 Ladd ave. Phone East 5145. DANDY front room and board; only" young people In family; walking distance. Main 7720. BOARD and room in private family, suitable for married couple or young people; home cooking; modern home. Tabor loos. TWO rooms, large, airy, piano, laundry, yard, good home cooking, lots of books. 3S9 llth st. Main 3924. LADY owning home, with large yard, will take boy over 3 years, reasonable. Refer ences given. Phone Woodlawn 3412. 431 WEST PARK, just opened, beautiful rooms, newly furnished, home cooking, walking distance LOVELY room with 2 meals In attractive home. West Side, walking distance; plenty ot hot water. 335 llth st. Main 7265. WOULD like child to board where mother is employed , duriue day ; good care. Phone East 4S43. NEATLY furnished front room, with or 'without board, reasonable rent. Phone East 4000. 714 E. Madison. A NICE large front room with fireplace, also smaller rooms with board. 311 llth street. LA KGB front furnished rooms with board, flenty hot water, home privileges, rook ng; terms reasonable. Marshall 2745. DESIRABLE, convenient, newly furnished rooms, also home cooking optional. 475 Morrison. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; teood board. Main 6381. 501 Harrison St.. near I4th. ROOM for gentleman, first-class apartment, private family, breakfast if desired. Mar shall 1453. NICE front corner room and smaller room, best of board, walking distance, every thing pleasant and congenial. Main 32S0. PLEASANT, nicely furnished front room; modern, with board; walking distance; reasonable. 348 Mill st. Main 8686. FURNISHED ROOMS with good board, suit able 1 or 2, by widow with no children. 422 -A Jefferson st. Main 6746. FIRST-CLASS board and room, bath, elec tric lights, home privileges. Call 583 Bid well ave., Sellwood. Phone Sellwood 177. TWO ladies with beautiful modern home, wish one or two people; table excellent, board cheap; reference. Tabor 2921. FRONT room with dinner for $25. 22S 13th. Main 9179. gentlemen. FURNACE heated rooms, with board, $0 per week, close in. Main 7763. LADY or gentleman, private family; home comforts. Phone Tabor 3216. NICELY furnished room with board, tween llth and 12th. 427 Clay. 1!5S 11TH ST. Very choice table board at reasonable rates. 58 11TH with ail ST. First-class board and conveniences. ONE LARGE room, closet, also small one; good board, cheap. 515 Morrison. IF YOU want good private board. New Ens land Thanksgiving dinner. Tabor 817. ELEGANT rooms and board ; lovely loca tion; reasonable. 025 Everett. Marsh. 2705. ROOMS with board, strictly modern; walk ing distance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. $5.25 UP Attractive rooms and location; walkine distance. 33 17th st- North. ROOM and board for ono or two gentlemen; furnace heat. 54 North 16th. cor. Davis. IF YOU wish room and board In good home call East 3520 ROOM and board. 332 10th sL, walking dis tance. Phone Main 0979, A 286. PLEASANT room for rent, with board, walk ing distance, home privileges. E 4440. FRONT room for 1 or 2 board. 089 E. Broadway. gentlemen with East 6152. ROOM and board for gentlemen, ders. 699 Flan- WANTED Two young men for pleasant room; all comforts of home. East 3895. BOARD with room, music and young peo ple. 57 Trinity Place, near Wash. GIRL on sleeping porch wants roommate. 57 Trinity Place. ROOMS and board $5 to P. O. 234 10th. up; 6 minutes' walk ROOMS WITH BOARD. 389 Taylor. ROOM for young men, walking distance, East 4S42. WIDOW with pleasant home lew gentlemen boarders. 4'. would like 9 Taylor. WARM, cheerful room; all comforts mod ern home; close in; reasonable. Main 3792 NICE front room with board for two, ing distance. 32 V No. 16th. BOARD and room, near Piedmont carbarns. private lamuy. pnone woouiawn 308. Furnished Apartments. WANTED Lady to share large. airy act.. very reasonable. A congenial Christian Scientist preferred. Phono East 6313. THE WINTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th st.. at Market. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1739. V E NT WORTH APTS. 12th andMain sts. Apt., steam heat; also single rooms; rea sonable. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay st. Modern two rooms, completely furnished. $16. $13 and $zo. pnone Marshall 2074. 3-KOOM apartment. East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms; private bath and phone; $0. Phone t 1035. NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping suites at 44 tiuiingswortn ave., tow rent. Phone Woodlawn 6&f, C 1387. THE KATHER1NE APARTMENTS. 149 N. 23d st., near Hoyt; modern 3 rooms; furnished; reasonable. Marshall 190. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th Bt., 2 and 3-rooin apartmen ts. close In ; modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. NEW HART, automatic elevator, 2-rm.. bath, gas. phones, lights, steam heat free. 170 2d. nr. Morrison. 4th floor, $21 to $28 mo. KEARNEY apts. $27. APTS. Nicely furnished 4-rm. Apply manager, 672 Kearney. THE ELMS, 14th near Yamhill 2 and 3 room, cosy, walking distance ; $16 up. COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete block. $12. 1162 Union ave. N. HERMEN1A 400 Hall St., 2 rooms, reasonable. Marshall S1S2. modern. ARL1NE APTS.. 220 North 17th. Main 215. 2 and 3-room apartments, reasonable. ARDMAY TERRACE, 895 12th st. Large 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. CARMAR, 704Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments. $18 to $27.- Mar. 2917. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room ind $20 month. 421 ti 6st st. apts., $15 Mar. 3292. THE ALAMO APARTMENTS, 494 Market o-room nicely furnished apts., $20 up. BUCK, S-room apartment, furnished or un furnished, walking distance. 107 N. 21st, 2-ROOM modern apta., heat, lights and tel. $12 and up 143 N. Grand ave. $12 1 2 ROOMS, E. 20th. furnished, third floor. GRAY GABLED. 1-i room, close In, modern, xoaaonahlo, 9S atKfc U FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. VILLA 6T. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished coinpteie. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts,. very choice 2 and S-room completely fur nished apis.; all modern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min utes' walk from business center. We a: w a, s maintain our eputation for first class, clean apta., with best ot service, at reasonable prices; references required. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon Sta APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates by the day, weeX month or year. SERENE COUT. East First and Multnomah Streets. The most up-to-date 2 and 3 -room fur nished apartment-house; each suite has two disappearing beds and two dressing rooms; all outside rooms, roof garden and sun parlor, unsurpassed view. East 1426. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor service Included. IN PRIVATE RESIDENCE. Three-room, well-f urnished apartment ; large rooms; electricity, heat, fireplace, piano, porches, well-kept lawn, quiet loca tion; easy walking distance. 331 12th. Main 8130. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern 2 -room apartments, fur nished ete. every oetaii; steam heat, hot water all hours; moderate rates; 10 minutes business ceater and theaters; men walk home to lunch; references. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East bide apartments. 2s xtoss st. pnone East 3172. DENVER APTS. See them before locating for Winter; furnished elegantly; ail out side rooms: private bath and ohona. hard wood floor, new manager; references. Take car. 2i4 n. zist st. Marshall 380. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park anil Tuvior. Best location in the city; cocy home; well furnished In 2, 3 and 4 -room suites; first-class service. COLUMBIAN APTS., llth and Columbia Easy walking distance, very pleasant, spa clous rooms, all outside, private bath and telephone eacn apartment; 1 3-rno., $22.50; 1 4-rm., $27. ot). Main 1911. SAN BROOK APTS., 2 and 3-room apts. and sleeping rooms; steam heat, electric lights, private phone; all modern; undert manage ment of owner; price $10 to $25. E. 7th and E. Yamhill. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient, 6-mlnute walk to Postoff Ice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall 5198. References. A 3326. THE LOIS. 704 HOYT. Available November 23; nico front 4-room apartment. 3 rooms with large porch now vacant, furnished or unfur nished, modern, references. Marshall 2011 WESTFAL, 410 5th, near Bali; 3 and 4-r. apts., by week or mo.; concrete bldg. ele vator, thoroughly renova;td, electric vacuum cleaner free, steam heateu; $-2 up; best in town; easy walking distance. HiSLOP HALL Corner East6th and Ha w thorne; 2 and 3-room apts.; prlate bath and phone ; also single rooms; well f ur- nisheu. $12.50 up. East S82. THE MUNCEY APTS., 390 Clay, between loth and W. Park Modern two rooms and kitchenette; all outside rooms. Main 4070. KLEIN APTS.. 492 East Burnside; newly furnished apts. and furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; rent reas onable; light furnished. Eabt 1160. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam heated apartment; easy walking distance ; $17 per mo., including lights, bath, phone, janitor service. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. TWO large, sunny rooms, oak floors, sepa rate bath, porch, heat, water, garbage. Hawthorne district, $18. East 3024.- 789 E. Main. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apts., furnished, first-class reasonable rates. Main 7337, A 3615. PARK HURST, Twentieth corner Northrup st. Modern 3 and 4-room f urn Is tied apart ments, private balcony, homelike, refer ences. W car. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart menta. close in, by week or month. GRANDEST A. East Stark and Grand ave. New building, nicely f urnished. ; private, moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. THE STAN FIELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments, walking distance; reduced. Wltiter rates, $18 and $2Q. 204 Porter st. Main 7392. LARGE, comfortably furnished three-room apartment; just finished; 15-minute ride from Washington st. $20 to desirable tenant. W ood lawn 16 1. NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. New, most modern 8-room furnished, unfurnished in the city for the price; $20 up; 8 minutes' walk from Postoftice. Main 4299. A 4056. BIRMINGHAM. 890 12th st. Marshall 484. furnished, reasonable. 2-room, CLEAN, well-fur., steam-heated 2 and 3-rm, apts. ; el. light, phone gas. bath, janitor service, walking distance. $12-18. 334 5th. 2-ROOM apartment with sleeping porch, bath, heat, phone and light. 5ol E. Yam hill. Phone E. 1710. FA1RMOUNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished tw o-room apartments, $22.50 up; close in. Main 2286. Voi urnUked Apartineuts. CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Gllsan Very nice 8-room apts., all outside, modern, private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-room, 2d tloor, $25; 1 8-room, 3d floor, $22.50. Mar shall 1804. 'IT'S the nicest apartment-house in town. That's what our tenants say. You won't be satisfied until you ve seen the Windsor, cor. E. 14th and Yamhill ; walking dis tance. 2, 3 or 4 rooms, furnished or not, THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take 'W car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376. KNICKERBOCKER APTS., Harrison, be tween 10th and llth. Very desirable aDart ments, every convenience, best of service, easy walking distance; 1 3-room $27.50; 1 4-room, mam 130. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 8 and 4-room apartments, large, sunny rooms, ail outsiae; private Datn and tele phone in each; central: $27.50 to L5. STEVENS APARTMENTS, 6 rooms, front and back porches, heat, hot water, tele phone; all light outside rooms. 791 North- rup. near 4tn st. THE LET A. . Hirh-class 4 or 5-room. sleeping-porch, balcony, walking distance, like a private home. Marsnau doi, ut o roaa way. WELLINGTON APTS., 15 th and Everett, easy walking distance; private bath, phone, hardwood floors; each apt., $18.50. Main 1245. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments, $2 and up; good janitor service ; walking distance; refer ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup 5 large rooms, unfurnished, large front veranda, sleeping porch, new, modern, hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Marshall 107a. $1?3 4 ROOMS, free heat, hardwood floors, fireplace, eood iras ran ire. lovely corner, with or without garage. Also 3-room apartment. $15. Phone East 89. WASSELL, 555 E. Yamhill, corner 13th; very desirable 4-room unfurnished apart ment, steam heat, good location, brick building; rent reasonable. MAYO APARTMENTS" : 5034 Union ave. N., near Broadway; new, strictly mod. 3-room apts., reasonable. WALDORF COURT, Irvington. East 9th and Schuvler sts. Five rooms and sleeping porch ; modem. East 547. C 1668. THE ROSENFELD Ono 3-room unfurnished apt., strictly modern, reasonable: refer ences. 14th and E. Stark. IC 3703. WE HAVE some very choice 2-room modern apartments. West Side, rent $18 and $20 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. ROSE FRIEND corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service : private Dhone: ref. 5-ROOM family flat. West Side, 10 minutes' walk Postofflce; full Information 543 V4 6th st. Marshall 1039. KINGSBURY, 186 Viefa, near Wrashington, high-class unfurnished 8-room apartment; private balcony reasonable rent. 7 -ROOM duplex apartments. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. In fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis st. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment on the fifth floor. Apply 70S Davis st. 6 SUNNY outside rooms: hardwood floors; references. A 1827. Marshall 1758. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 64 Kins; st. 3 and 4 rooms: high class: references. Main 2058. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AN'H CLAY STS. Solendid 4-room front su-" references. 421 WEST PARK 3 anci m apartments, team beat, no children. FOR RENT- Unfurnished Apartments. JUST completed. New Alter, 6 -room apts., on cor. 21st and Overton sts., one cor. apt. vacant ; has hardwood floors, private re ception mirrored hail, beamed celllngo. built in conveniences, tile bathroom, com plete with shower, etc., extra large all porcelain steel refrigerator, nice porcelain gas range, private safe for your valuables, 4 large clothes closets, modern electric fixtures, etc., steam heat, hot and cold water, maid's room in basement, janitor service, vacuum cleaner Included; rent $4b. Can you beat it? Tel. Main 3194 at aparv ments or Main 89. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th. near Main. Best arranged and most desirable S-room apta In city ; al outside rooms ; beautiful surroundings; large private balconies; 5 minutes' wvUk to business center; up t date in every detail; 1 3-rooiu. 2d floor, $27-50; 1 3 room, fifth tloor, $35; Marshall 2540. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway South 1 3 -room apt., hrst door, unfurnished, $22.50; 1 3-raora front apt., third lioor, unfurnished; 2 nail beds, 3 closets, each room has access to front door, bath and kitchen without passing through other rooms ; ail modern ; $32.50. BONNIE BRAE. Upper 3-room apartmoiit in exclusive residence section of Irvington; large dress-iiiK-i 00m, iwo ciosc-is, uarowoua tluors, steam heat. Pacific phone, juuitur service, llth and Hancock eta. ST. FRANCIS APIA, 2 1st and Hoyt, Noo Hill district Cp to date in every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service ; 1 4 -room, 1st lioor, $22.50; 1 y-room. 3d floor, S-7.50; 1 4-rouin, 4th tloor. $5. Main lO.'-O. FOlvDll AM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford st. We now have oue 4-rm. front apt., $42.50 per mo., 011 second lioor; most desirable apartment in city; beautiiuily papered walls, oak linish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main 6i35. RltSELL APARTMENTS, 549 Washington st. 6-room modern apartments, central, walking distance, lncluaes steam heat, v ater and janitor service. PARU1SH, W ATKINS & CO., 106 Second St. FOR RENT 2-room strictly modern apart ment, walking distance. West Side, all modern buiit-in conveniences; new brick building; rent only $18; on corner of Mill and Chapman ttrees. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bidg. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. Unfurnished apartments, outside rooms: best service, phones tree; Lucre ti a, near 23d and Washington ; ref. req uired. Mgr., Marshall 1513. janitor. Marshall 1500. HANOVER APTS., 105-167 King St., corner Washington Walking distance, new and modern, private balconies, oue two-room $18.5i: ono three-room $30; excellent serv ice. Marshall 2009. WE have a choice 4. 5. and 6-room apart ment vacant ; reasonable rent; most con veniently located ; select neighborhood. King Hill Apartments, 171 King St., near Washington. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 8, 4 and & rooms, with porches ; high -class tenants who appreciate service, prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 2676. CLAYPOOL APTS., llth and Clay sta The very best 3-room apartments, large pri vate baiconies, tine view ; eastern expos ure; 1 2-room, front, $27.50; 3-room, $30. Main CKUl. WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath, phone, etc. ; 1 2-nn., $16; including elec tric lights. 1 3-rm., $11; 1 4-rm., $22.50; 1 5-rm , $32.50. Main 1245. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2lst and Fianders 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516. A 2676. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room suites, unfurnished; refer ences. THE ORMONDE Modern 5-room front apt. 656 Flanders st. Main 8251. Furnished or Unfurnlnhed Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOYCE, ol3-821 Morgan Bidg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all narts of the city ; great variety of locations, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments, in 2. :t and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and w mine desks, plenty of closet room : vaouuin cieaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. TWO-ROOM suite, $3 weekly; three rooms. $4; completely furnished for housekeep ing : or will rent uni ui nished very cheap. These are the cheapest good rooms 1" town. 500 Flint su Williams car to Russell, two blocks west, one south. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Place, near Washington; easy walking distance; all apartments lieht and pleasant, modern. Private balconies: elevator; 1 four-room, unfurnished. $25: 1 three-room, furnished, $27.50. Murshall 1950. THE IRIS APTS.. 3d and Mill sts., are now com uleted : rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room: ail modern improvements; the largest heatlne plant in tne city ; furnished or unfurnished; no charge gas for cooking. THOMPSON APTS. 149 Monroe Street. Just completed : one. two and three rooms, furnished and unfurnished; all out side rooms, with private bath and phone. Pit one Woodlawn 2296. BUENA VISTA Apartment. 12th and Harrison sta. Mod ern, highest class - and 3-room apartments in city ; walkinc distance ; references. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room unfurnished apartment. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders 2. 8 and 4 room modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders, 2, 3 and 4- room apartments, furnished or unfur nished ; plenty heat and hot water. Flats. 6-ROOM flat for rent, IDtli St., Nob Hill district ; modern in every way ; furnace, gas, electric light and fireplace; nice yard. Owner, 5S3 Hoyt su Main 4373. $20; MODERN 6-room upper, 5-room lower; furnace, tire place, Dutch kitchen, sleep ing porch, etc.; newly tinted; cor. East 19th and Davis. Phone Tabor 252. MODERN 5-room fiat, furnace, gas and electricity; corner Broadway and Market st.; light and pleasant. CaU room 42t Morgan bldg. PLEASANT modern upper or lower 4-room flat ; bath and basement ; extremely de sirable location. 1038 Mallory avenue. Woodlawn 1241. 4 ROOMS, close in. West Side, 16th and Montgomery, gas range, water heater and linoleum in kitchen; rent very reasonable. Phone East 378. ONE 6-room upper up-to-date corner flat; modern. 633 E. Madison. Reasonable. Tel. E. 234. FLAT four rooms, gas, electric light, hot and cold water, $11 month. 844 Tibbetta st. Phone Sell 1491. A BARGAIN to responsible party at $18. fine 5-room, modern flat; East Side; walk ing distance. Phone C 1946, Tabor 5540. MODERN 5-room lower. fireplace, etc . reasonable. 576 Salmon, opposite Mult nomah Club. Main 2179. CLEAN, modern 5-room lower flat, walking distance. 604 East Alder, near 15th. Rent reasonable. Marshall 2335. ON December 1, a modern 5-room lower corner flat, East 15th and Burnside t. East 235 or B 2335. MODERN 8-room residence; nace, gas, electricity. E. 22d; $H5. Tabor 1993. fireplace, fur Buruslde, near 5-ROOM family flat. West Side, 10 minutes walk Postofflce; full information 643 V 5 th st. Marshall 1039. HOLLA DAY Addition, 5 rooms, walking distance; near two car lines. CaU 412 Wasco. East 3805. FLATS Modern. 5 or 6 rooms, walking dis tance: eood car service; special price. 635 V " East Main, phone East 6234- VERY DESIRABLE modern flat, between Steel and Broadway Bridges; low rent. East 6131. $9 4-ROOM flat, 608 E. Clay. East 963. No children SIX rooms, lower. tion. West Side. modern ; Inautre 17 choicest loca y 16th st. FOUR rooms, neatly furnished, close in, 3 ca rlines. light, ciean. Phone B 296L STRICTLY modem 7-room flat. 1S7 Vi 16th. Aaplv 181 16th. cor. Yamhlil. FLAT of ti rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt sU Inquire 130 6th st Phone Main 6278. 66G HOYT STw' near 21st Upper fiat, six rooms: large, light rooms; $!.". Main 2015. SWELL 7-room. modern. 444 Park St., $30. Phone Tabor 703 or East 1431. 4-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main 3833, A 2676. 7-ROOM newly renovated flat; reasonable rent. Main 3ss. 4 ROOMS, lower, modern, bath basement! reasonable. 390 Vs Cook ave. near Union. SAVE carfare 5-room, $15, 3-room $12. 489 West Park. 5-ROOM modern lower flat, newly tinted; 062 E. Main, cor. ISth. Phrne East 2764. 250 SOUTH BROADWAY Eight-room flat; very attractive; new throughout. A