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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
v 1914. TITE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 22, It ioa SALE. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL. NOTiCS G U AR AN TEED NEW GALVANIZED PIPE AT isiCO.SL-liA.NL IUCjw). Vi-inch new galv. pipe, $ 3.15 per 100 ft. it-inca new galv. pie. 3.75 per lw tt. 1 - ineh nuw talv. pipe, it.oU per lud ft. IVi-iiicn now ialv. pipe, 7.5u per loo ft. lJ2-incU new gaiv. pipe, 8.75 per luO ft. - - irica new itaiv. pie, 3.jJ per luU ft. 2"i-iiicn new ceatv. pipe, 17. 5o per luO ft. 3 - inch new Kuiv. pipe, 25. oo per Xt0 ft. a.D LUUK AT THIS! J-ln. Wek pipe, like new. 4 2.75 100 ft. 1 - ill. Mac niue. like new. 3.50 1UO ft. 14 -in. blucK pie. lle new, 5.UO loo ft. IVz-iit. black nip, like new, 6.O0 100 It. 2 - in. biUcK L-iue. IIko new, 7.50 100- ft. 2-in. black piue. l;ke new, 12. oo 100 ft. 3 - in. biuck pe, lis.o new, 16.00 1U0 ft. Examine our plp and e will do business. "We deliver free any order amounting to 4-.oO or more. The pipe is going fast, so better be Quick ii needing any. Write or call M. BARDB & SON3. INC., THE HOUeE Of" A MILLION BARGAINb 240-2-12 Front, bu, cor. Main. H'RMTL'IiE tpecials for this week: No. 7 cook stove, $5 ; No. s cook ?tovc, $8; No. 8 steel ranRe with water coils, 18.00; $l;o combination Majestic rnge, 5 feet Ions f 'r tas, coal or wood, $05; 4 -burner gas ranges, the best makes, from $6.50 and up; gas water heaters, $5; everything guaran teed toumc as if you bought tnem new ; hea tins stoves of all Klnus, $1.00 and up; 3-burner oil cook stove, coat $12, tor $t; brass and iron beds, ail sizes, $1.00 and up; all metal bed springe $ 2.0 ; all steel cots, $2.75; hotel dressers, 54; lull-size dressers, $7,50 ; extension tales, $3.50 and up ; mis sion oak dining-room suite, 7 pieces, $-0; fumed oak dining-room suite, 4 chairs and round table, cost $25, for $17 (Just like nejw) ; ladles desks from $2 50 and up to $12. 50; rockers, $1 to $7.50; center and parlor tables, $1 to $7.50 ; wicker ware settee. $4.50; fiber rocker, $3.75; mission M orris chair, $7.5u '0x1 art rugs;, $2.50; 9x12 Brussels rugs, $tj.50 to $12.50; li itch en table3, 75c ; kitchen treasures, ?2 ; kitchen cabinets. S5: kitchen chairs. 5uc: kitchen safe, $2.50; 9x12 linoleum In one piece, $3; and lots of other bargains in new and fine used furniture, fill kinds of exchanges made. We sell on easy pay ments at above prices. Everything marked la plain figures. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. Western Salvage Co., 543 j, 645, 547 Washington, between 3 6th and 17th sts. Both, phones. Main llu8, A S7(J3. UNREDEEMED B A RGALN t. Raincoat, overcoat, watches, diamonds, typewriters, phonographs, suitcases, cam eras, musical instruments and other use ful articles AT STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 26 N. 0TU ST.. NEAR BUKNSlDE. OLD COINS $50 paid for 1S53 half dollar, no arrows; $r for 1.S78 half S. Mint; xioo for 1S1j4 dime, S. M Jnt; many valuable coins circulating. Send now 4c. Get coin circular; may mean , large promts. Numis matic Bank, Dept. 10, Ft. Worth, Tex. WE WILL sell 15 sewing machines for 5 days only. Prices $3, $5 and $0.50. Com and get your pick, as they must be sold. All guaranteed. 349 Morrison. DOES your phonograph need repairing? We have the beat equipped shop in the city. All work guaranteed. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 3;0 Alder. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED! WANTED! Get acquainted. I pay cash. Let me figure on your secono - hand machinery, cable, pipe, motors, belting, tools, boilers, pntarines, etc.; also entire machine shops, and PAY SPOT CASH. Call me and make money. Main G6.1. f. HORWITZ. A 3G63. 240 FrontSt.Res. phone Marshall 562. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUI ER3 HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN S1S5. 203 MADISON ST., OR L'al KRONT. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING -LA'D EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN -.'OSO. 2S5 FIRST STREET. AND you will get highest ca.ih prices, no matter what you have. Call AiaJn 2080. SQUARE DEAL, PAYS REST PRICE AT J. MYKK'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CAMi PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $. AND UP SHOES HuUGHT. REHA LLE HUYER 247 MAD if ON ST. MAIN S5y5. HAVE you heard the new Grafonola ?pays all the latest dance records in exact time. Easy payments. Select one for Xmas and have It delivered later. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or ilfc.u 9072. Our ouyer callB promptly. IF you have un invention to develop or ex perimental work to be done and want the best It will pay you to communicate with O 417. Oregonlan. I WISH to m-et parties having knowledge of small articles of manufacture for which there la a ready market. O 418, Oregonian. DO NOT sell or give away any of yourlfur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 194 2d st. Marshall 4733. WA NT ED Refrigerator, height 5, depth 2, width about 4 foet. In good condition. Answer today. Main 117S. A GOOD diac phonograph, lute make, either victor or Edison. Give phone. AH 423, Oregonian. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. Highest price paid for second-hand registers. 24a Washington St. ES, WE BUY SECOND-HAND Furniture, pay best prices. Owl Furniture Co., 231 1st st. Phone Main 4627. WANTED One 7x10 donkev andcable, stat condition in first letter. S. Bradley Lyle Wash. ' WANT multigraph machine, good condition. Must be cheap; state price. A 420. Ore gonian. WANTED Second hand laundry washer or dry cleaning machine, state size and price. F 419, Oregonian. SO-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED Don't give it way. Get our flgu.-es first. Standard Fur. Co., 183 1st. Malu 4778. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS." ELBY CO 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG . 2D AND STARK STS. OULD like suitable employment for a building 40x60 with electric power and concrete floor. Q 419, Oregonian. I HAVE a shop uuitabie for light manufac turing. Have you a salable product P 416, Oregonian. WILL exchange first-class talking machine for plumbing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 350 Alder. SECOND-HAND revolving barber pole; must "ti9 flrstclafia condition. Phone Marshall WE tint rooms lor $2.50; paint houses at your price. Phone East 171. STOVE repairing, coils, connections, cast ings, roofmg, pIumbingMain 8735. 342 1st. WANTED Three National cahrei:istera a once, will pay spot cash. Main 6oii. WANTED A vertical letter filing "ebTTItl 102U N. W. Bank hidg. Marshall 2&0?,. WANTED to buy small safe, for "home use- state price. K 413. Oregonian. W ILD "pay cash for lady's writing desk Phone Tabor 33tJ. ue31t WANT to buy carpet or rug 12x14. D 402 oregouian. WILL rent duck lake or join club; must be reasonable. 42S Hoyt at. WANTED Floor showcase. Phono East 1000. CASH paid for hair corablngo. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4u0 Dekum bldg. DIAMOND wanted must bt bargain. ono-ha.f to one caral AG 5d0, Oregonian. WANTED Steam table; must be good and cheap tor cash. Main 12yl. WANTED Small electric motors up to 5-11. P. B 2230. East 3148. WANTED Pair o si vo particulars. high-power binoculars; H 4lO, Oregonian. WANTED A small vertical steam boiler, cheap. Main 6;o5. WANTED Good largo tent; must be cheap. 50i Commercial block. Woodlawn 3047. 1;EST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept Main 663 or A 1663. Barde. WANT to rent Kast 4134. invalid' wheel chair. Call WANTED Floor 1000 showcase. Phone East SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sell woo J 1$B2. I WANT to buy nbout H -karat diamond ring If at bargain. E 403, Oregonian. WANTED A eood fresh milk" goatT 240E Mh st. East 6S15. CA,H. for T-ood second-hand f urnitura. Main 3 Jo 2, A 2o'i 1 . WANTED Cah register. 231 6th tt., K. HELP WAJTTKP MALJR. SS0 MONTHLY expenses, travel, distribute samples. t:ike orders or appoint agents permanent. Jap American Co., Chicago. tiELf WANTED MALE. EA1PLO V MliXT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. AH young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are coruialiy invited to consult the employ went tecretari. Record, 1913. Calls for men from employers ......2S55 Position tilled 1941 Employment memberships $5 per annum guarantee memoers will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and lO months' social priv ileges. lued by employment secretary only. Second floor, Y. Al. C. A. building. W'E want an ambitious young man, in his 3us, who Is dissatisfied with tne limita tions of hi3 present position and is willing to work u season ad out in order to In crease his income. To such a one, pos sessed of some selling ability, an excep tional opportunity is offered. Address, stating experience. B 415, oregonian. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION by a reliable Auto Repair Co. It embraces every point worth knowing In the business, including Brazing, Oxy-Acetelene Welding, Machine Shop Practice, Repairing. Driving, Test ing, etc., AND YOU LLaRX by doing the work on REAL CARS under the instruc tion of Expert Mechanics. Men. who have attended Automobile school without ob taining results should grasp this oppor tunity and learn this business RIGHT. In vestigate our proposition. 363 Hawthorne ave. COTTON oil mill supt., $125; engineer, $75; firemen, $2.50 ; band and gang filer, $5; sawyer and xller, $100; oil null supt., $R0; linterman, $3.54); sash and door man, on' Ice mgr., planer helper, cotton weaving room supt., box factory foreman, rip sawyers, traveling salesmen, bread baker, loader engineer, blocksetters, edgermen, together with several other high-class openings. If you are sawmill mechanic get with us for future openings. Write this oil ice. Mack's, Little Rock, Ark. WE HAVE the best proposition ever of fered men who want to learn automobile d riving, repairing, gas engineering, by the most thorough method known. Don't pay money for Instructions until you invea tigate our proposition. Call or write for i rum ADout the Automobile Business. Pacific Auto & Gas Engine School, 260 208 11th, near Jefferson st. HAVE Immediate place for three district managers for high-class, cleancut men of ability in training and handling others; must be genteel and well educated, but not too aood to work ; prefer men with newspaper, high-grade selling or minis terial training. Call in person with cre dentials early In the week, 924 North western Bank bldg. BECOME an Expert Automobile Man New system of teaching the automobile busi ness at home with automobile and in structor; quicker and more thorough than the repair shop. Write for proof. OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSTITUTE, 314-315 Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED. An expert cheesemaker to take charge of a small new cheese factory at Wedder burn in Curry -County. Must have first class recommendations. Apply to R. .i. Macleay, 1000 Lewis bldg., between 10 and 12. PHYSICIANS wanted in high-grade, strict ly legitimate advertising medical offices """in Washington, Oregon, Utah, California, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas; positions permanent; state particulars and where registered in lirst letter. Address AV 158, Oregonian. MAN and wife on a farm, woman good cook and neat housekeeper, man must be good hand with horses and able to milk a few cows: no booze or cigarette fiends; give references and state experience. L Frey, Toledo. Wash. WANTED Man, efficient in use of oxy acetylene gas welding plant on custom w ork, who is aiso machinist, capable of doing close work on lathe and shape r. SMITH'S GARAGE, La Grande, Oregon. WANTED Experienced working shift boss for gold mine who understanus the opera tion and repairs of mine pumps, air com pressors, hoist and machinery. Address AV I5u, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced working shift boss for gold mine who understands the op eration and repair of mine pumps, air comoressoi a. hoists and mining machinery. Address AV 15!. Oregonian. WANTED Two neat appearing energetic young men with some Belling ability and willing to work. Permanent position for right men. Call Monday, 10 to 12 A. M., 418 Oregonian bldg., city. SALESMEN WANTED. Exceptional opportunity for young man with wloe acquaintance In the-city; to such a man good position assured. Apply Salesman ager, 0D4 Washington st. OPPORTUNITY for enterprising man to earn money corresponding for newspapers; all or part wme; anv locality; send for particulars. Associated Newspaper Serv-i'-e. Vancouver. Canada. USE spare time to build up mail order business of own; help you start for share in profits; 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Dept. B-12, Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD opening fcr man in or near Portland if satisfied with reasonable weekly in come to commence; experience unneces sary. B. N. A. Agency. Dept. c, 105 Went, worth blcy-k. Winnipeg. Canada. RELIABLE, competent man as state man ager by large Eastern corporation. Bank and mercantile references. Some money required, guarantee. Answers confiden tial. D 404, Oregonian. STEAD V employment, good v'ages, easy, profitable work; few months learning, po sitions guaranteed. Watchmaking, en graving, optical school, S.l 0 Common wealth bldg., Gth-Ankeny, Portland, Or. WANTED Active man with business ex perience, monthly salary $90 and share 11 profits. Something permanent; small investment required. Address B 404, Ore gonian. $5 TO $10 DAY easiiy made; co-operate with us; no capital or experience necessary. Write at once. Mail Order Supply. 145 Mad ison, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED Man on farm to cook for 2 men and help with chores for board and expense. Colored or foreigner preferred. C 401, Oregonian. EVERYWHERE Good pay to men willing to distribute circulars, samples, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Continental Register. Chicago. WANTED Experienced night foreman for gold mine who understands assaying, amalgamating, milling and mine account lng. Address AV HH. Oregonian. MAKE MONEY WITH US; amount depends upon time devoted; no canvassing; amm tious local man wanted. Address Ostran der. Dept. S71. 12 West 31st st.. ew York. WANTED Experienced salesmen to solicit accounts on commission for collection firm. Call Monday A. M. 321 Abington bldg. WANTED Man with team to clear 18 acres near Lents; light clearing. lnciose stamped envelope for particulars. G 413 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman to sell balance of stock in going dividend paying financial corporation; state experience and refer ences In first letter. AK 418. Oregonian. WANTED Two men to appomt agents; salary $20 a week and commission; expe rience unnecessary. LAST1C-A1R PKO DUCTS CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y RELIABLE salesman, local or travel Ore gun. Washington, Utah; liberal commis sions, not real estate. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Apply Mondav. BE a detective, earn $50 to $100 weekly; travel ull over world. Write Dept. 7, United states Detective Sc Adjusting agency, Railway Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. CAPABLE house-to-house book agents"; good proposition; must make small cash deposit or other security. V 410, Ore gonian. AGENTS, attention ; somehing new, ex clusive territory to producers, 100 per cent commission. Write or call 32 Chamber 01 Commerce bldg., Portland Or. NOTICE, automobile owners, we ""can at all times supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar 4o00. pac i f 1c Auto Sc h 00 1 , 206-2S 1 1 1 h. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territorv; hus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. MAKE MONEY writing stories or articles; big pay; free booklet tells how. Address United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. WILL give middle-aged man good homo for the Winter, board and room, to help with chores on farrnCail Marshall 3157. A NON-UNION telephone lineman, state age. experience and salary expected C 417. Oregonian. W ILL give boy not over 10 home, board and wages for light work. 143 bud et, Monta villa car. TENDERS wanted for clearing lr.nd near " y . . " ai. a. j,acji, care K.err. Glflord & Co.. Lewis bldg.. Portland Or iewis biug., Portland. Or. LIVE salesman to learn new line; can make $200 per month; give phone. R 40, Ore- W ANTED Salesmen to represent 8n old established corporation In city ApdIv palesmanager, 9-10. 418 Mohawk. WANT a job? Answer V 408, under busl ness chances. If you can make things come your wav. PORTLAND Barber College Men wanted to learn the barber trade. 282 2d t. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. LIVE photo agente; premium given; evtra commission Moore Studio, Elks' bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man, preferably young, with $500 to $1000 available for investment, as as sistant to presioent in corporation now being formed ; to a man with ambition to get ahead this offers an opportunity to bring out the best that is in you; give particulars AB 410, Oregonian. PAINTERS, ATTENTION! Have j-room house, near 20th and Al berta sts., at $15 per "month. Will give work for 6 months rent; we furnish ma terial, but no tools. Can commence Mon- ay. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. TRUSTWORTHY peopie,either sex, to" trav el and show our feature attraction, "Hor rors of White Slavery" in picture the aters; great chance fur hustlers, one year's contract. Write quick. Queen City Feature i.eyipany. Dept. 41 1, tannage, aio, MAN of good character wanted in each town to distribute free goods as advertising; ex perience unnecessary; references required; $15 a week to start. Address Hudson, Kin & Co.. Inc., Dept. 5-., 9 South Clinton St.. Chicago. SAFETY razor blades sharpened: new scl- I entific method ; mail blades, inclosing samps or coin; satisfaction given or money returned ; single tags 15c per oozen; dou ble, 25c. Lightning Razor Blade Sharp jners, 1315 E. 4it St., Seattle. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, "postoffico, railway mall, other branches are good. Prepare '-exams" former U. S. Civil Serv ice Secretary-Examiner. Booklet H-35 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Serv lce School, Rochester. N. x. WANTED LIVE REPRESENTATIVE to handle our - made-to-measure raincoats; large variety, wholesale prices. Write for particulars, giving references. Prefer trav eling agent selling consumers. A V 204, Oregonian. SALESMEN to contract with merchants, daily window picture service; permanent position; big vmoney. Mention Department 64, Photographic News Service, Hit West zist. New York. EXPERIENCED telephone man wanted to aitenu Bwitcnooaru, lineman, collector, bookkeeper and act as secretary. For par ticulars address Yamhill County Mutual x v lepnone tompany, jJayton, or. LATBpuller, $2.50; 10 tie-makers, 14 cents, cedar. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., . 222-224 Couch St. WANTED Nonunion compositor or book binder for foreman of iirintlnir off!c soe- cializing on loose leaf and ruled goods; a goon steady job for thu right man. Aa dress 5412 20th ave. N. E.. Seattle, Wash. $2500 ANNUALLY, Co-operaTe with me evenings home. Everything furnished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neo. GONE DRY. WE SHOULD WORRY. See us for the state of Washington. We nave the most fascinating drink on the maraet too ay. L 4-3, Oregomsm. WANTED Nonunion ruler and bookbinder combined; steady job for steady man who tan aeuver me gooas. Address o4iy zutn ave. ,n . m.r beatue, wash. WILL pav honest men up to v if 50 monthly; spare time, home work, no canvassing, no capital: mail order business. Voorhies, Desk 152. Omaha, Neb. LET us tell you FREE of 24 ways to muke money, it may be beginning of financial Independence. Address W. Gray, 1630 3d, San Diego. CaL. NAMES AND ADDRESSES by mail order houses, big pay. home work. Information for stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind. UPHOLSTERERS State factory you were previously employed in. Klopstock Bros., San Francisco. WANT carpenter to work for rent of fur nished apartment or house. P 412, Ore gonian. WANT sober married Janitor, German pre ferred. Light work, small wages and apartment. AK 414, Oregonian. TAILOR who understands alterations, press ing and cleaning. Phone Monday, Main GuO. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Men wanted to learn the barber trade. 232 2d st. WILL give you six months' job Jn shop, J70 iiioui.ii; must loan s-tuo, security given. AJ 422, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MEN FOR OPERAT ING MOV. PICT. MACHINES. 333 OAK. WANTED solicitor. Applv Rose City Um brella Store. 530 Washington st. STOCK salesmen wanted. Call 22S Ash t. after 1 o A. M. SOBER, ambitious presser to see Johnson. 4Q1 12th. Help Hunted Agents. AGENTS WANTED Either sex, for the best selling book published ; one agent sola 30 ths first day; another 138 the first 6 days. Write for terms and free outfit. Address J. Grenier, P. o. Box 8030, Ogden, Utah. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line ofad vertising calendars, leather goods, signs and noveltiea; it is the most complete line of advertising specialties ever offered; lib eral compensation; exclusive territory. The Winters Company, Springfield, Ohio. NEED branch managers foT world-wide mail-order business; operate from own home spare time; no canvassing, peddling; experience unnecessary. You should make $50 weekly. Butler, 169 Factories, Tole do, O. AGENTS sell rich-looking imported 36x68 rugs $1 each; Carter, Tenn., sold A15 4 days; profit $57; you can do same; write sample offer selling plan; exclusive ter ritory; sample rug parcel post prepaid 98 cts. Kondon. importer, Stonlngton, Me. AGENTS Sell guaranteed hosiery ; 70 per cent profit; make $10 daily; orders re peat regularly; best agent's seller in ex istence International Mills. West Phila--delphia. Pa. FREE sample; nosplash water strainers sell themselves; no talking; experience un necessary; daily profits $3 upwards; send 2o 1 mailing cost). L. R. Seed Filter Co., New York. KOKO-WHEAT CRISP, $10 daily profit; new confection; 5c package costs 1 'ac; samples 10c; particulars free; machine J7.50 prepaid. Corneau & Co., 520 North Parkslde. Chicago. AGENTS WRITE FOR PROFIT-SHARING PLAN; NO QUALIFYING CONDITIONS; GOOD COMMISSIONS. NATIONAL CO OPERATIVE SALES CO., STATION D, LOS ANGELES, CAL. AGENTS Our goods are used In a million homes; every housekeeper buys and keeps buying; sells at 10c; costs you 4c Address D. F. Spencer, 221 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. SNAPPIEST household line on earth; red hot sellers; steady, repeaters; over 150 dif ferent articles; goods guaranteed 100 per cent profit; write quick; hurry. E. M Feitman, sales mgr., 1517 3d, Cincinnati, O. ADVERTISERS, 5c word pays for your ad 30 monthly magazines; National .circula tion; get resulus; particulars free. Holton's Popular Magazine, 1950 Sheffield ave., Chicago. AGENTS can make easy Christmas money selling liuuid self-shining shoe and stove polishes; lasting and bright, quick sell ers, good profits. Bishop Sundry Mfg. Co.. 652A Natoma St.. San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS make big money, become sales mgr. for our goods: fast office seller; fine profits; particulars, sample, free. One Dip pen Co., 731, Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. PORTRAIT AGENTS, send in your originals, no advance , In prices. good portraits, prompt shipments, plenty of convex glass. Independent Portrait & Frame Company, 829-31 So. State. Chicago. GREATEST offer ever made. Eleven-ploce toilet article set and $1 carving set. All cost 50c. sells $1. 20 sales a day easy. Write today. Pierce Chemical Company, KH Lake. Chicago. MAKE your, own BEER, WHISKY; concen trated extracts, latest product, dry or wet territory. AGENTS WANTED. Stamp for Information. Box 1176, Portland. AGENTS wanted everywhere" let us show you how to earn $10 daily with rapid sell ing household articles. Address the Daklos Novelty Co., Portland, Or. BIGGEST line, biggest profit; extracts, per fumes, medicines, spices. Jelly powders; premiums for customers. Western Lab oratorles. 1076 Van Buren. Chicago YOL7 can secure biggest line Christmas spe cialties by sending lc post card to Div 542, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., ie mont, 111. BOTH sexes We manufacture and control fastest selling household article ever in vented ; exclusive territory. Connolly 123 Liberty, New York. I WANT energetic agents in exclusive tern tory to handle the bet automobile lock yet produced: a srre winner, p. W Smitn box 180- Seattle. Wash. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co. Dept. 7S. parsons. Kan. ' AGENTS ITsefuL necessary, salable house hold artiWes; every, home buv. di profits: write for particulars. Western Sales Aaencv. P.O. Box 3 14. Salem, or. 40 A WEEK, only 2 sales a day. sell foldN tnsr bath tubs; be first in yonr territory; postal brings particulars. The Far West Sales Company. Albany, or. AGENTS greatest offer, $35 to $50 weekly; best sellers; start now ; success assured! Pacific Sales Co., Seattle. Wash. AGENTS learn about the profits made sup plying perfumes to families. Address Leff ler & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. AGENTS in every town outside of Portland send for latest f ast-selllng specialty. Bc' 2084, Portland, Or. GOOD AGENTS Answer V 40s, underbusl ness chances. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Agents MAKE $21 next Saturday; brand new prop osition, patented last January; amazing invention, compressed air washing ma chine, weighs bUjL 2 pounds; excels work -of high-priced machines; customers ex cited; agents coining money; a -sale at every house; price oniy $1.50; 200 per cent profit; cieans tuJo of clothes in 3 minutes; work,s like magic. F. Hughes made $21 first S hours; no charge for territory; business supplies the capital; investigate. Write now. Wendell Co., 483 Oak St., Leipsic, O. STOP Agents, salesmen, j ust out, new in ventlon. selling like lightning, deflector for auto lieaalighis; puts li&nt on road ini. Bieau or oiner people s eyes; not aimmer, increases driving Light, cuts out all '"glare"; wanted on every machine; simple, easy to put on; no aujustments, no knobs to turn, lasts as long as car; low priced; listen : Johnson, Ohio, cleared $22 first day; Allen, Wash., made $ afternoon. Sales guaranteed ; no charge tor terri tory. Hurry, write quick. Hickmyer De flector Co., 529 S. & B. Bldg., Toledo, O. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. FORD AUTOMOBILE ABSOLUTELY FTCEE to live husrlers. salary guaranteed. This is no catch proposition. We want live men to handle most complete line do mestic, imported art calendars America, also uo-to-date novelties, leather, cloth, wood, metal, paper, pencils, china and cel luloid. Write for our proposition now. Racer Art Co.. OuS-OlO KortU 7 th, Kansas Citv. Kan. IF you want to control territory on article without competition, selling to everybody using knives aud scissors, write us at one We are introducing Kwicksharp, -only machine made that anybody can properly sharpen knives and scissors. Ab. solutely no experience needed. Field tor sale enormous. Prjce low. Your profit large. Investigate. spengler-Loomls Mfg. Co., 30 E. Randolph. Chicago, 111. WANTED at once, awnau as subscription representative in Pornand and vicinity for International Marine Engineering,- a monthly magazine devoted to the Interests of men who own and operate steam ves sels. Experience unnecessary. Acquaint ance among marine men would help. Ex cellent pay. Write at once, - giving ref erences. Aldrlch Publishing Company, 17 Battery Place, New York. OUR factory will equip, free of charge, 10 per cent of the automobiles in this state with our "Tire Saver." We will need a reliable man in each town on straight saiarv contract to demonstrate and keep records for use in our advertising. Ws are ready to assign exclusive territory to ive general agents. Box- 1948, Los Angeles. REPRESENTATIVE Exclusive territory. New invention, guaranteed by reputable corporation, saving 2-5 per cent to gaso line users or money refunded. Automobile, motor-boat, stationary engine owners buy at first offering. Territory going quickly. Gas Saver Sales Company, 11 'JO Broadway, New York. - , MAKE s3o to $00 weekly selling our new 3uo-candlepower gasoline lantern. Also table and hanging lamps for homes, stores, hails, churches; no wick, no chimney. Costs lc per night. Exclusive territory! We loan you sample. Sunshlns Safety Lamp Co., 62 1 Factory bldg., Kansas City, Mo. SIX MEN. Dec. 10th. to represent us, West ern cities, towns; $150 to $250 monthly, we pay every Thursday, no samples, uo selling or collecting, simply determination to work: such full Instructions furnished success is assured. Write, Becure splendid Income. 13. V. Browne Sec'y, U43 Schwisd bldg., Dayton, O, WE START you In business, furnishing ev . erything ; men and women, $30 to $2O0 weekly operating our "New System Spe cialty Candy Factories," home or small room anywhere ; no canvassing ; oppor tunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box S, East Orange, N. J. CALENDAR and novelty; biggest money making and fastest selling line in the field; you'll regret it if you don't connect with us for 1915; fast closing all unal lotted territory; save time by giving full details in first letter. Caxton Company, Louisville, Ky. - AGENTS WANTED Agents make big prcflts handling our "Fast Selling Holiday Post Cards," "Norelty Signs," "Holiday Deco rations," "Pennants," Etc. &000 varieties. Demand unlimited. Write today tor iree catalog. Sullivan Co., 1231 Van Buren st., Chicago. MAKE $100 to $300 per month easy selling our new Triplicate Sauce Pan, cooking 3 different foods one burner; saves gas; 400 specialties; all whirlwind sellers. Write quick for territory, large catalogue. Amer ican Aluminum Mfg. Co., div. 3056, Le mon t. III. AGENTS wanted on easy selling Pope Bene dict pictures; Immense field; demand un limited; experience unnecessary under our easy selling plan; Inclose 25 cents for sam ple, particulars and special price to agents. Alco Specialty Company, P. O. drawer 387, San Francisco. AGENTS Salary or commission ; greatest seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. X 44, La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS See these two articles of utility, . backed by National advertising; sell for $4 and $6 each; commissions big. Call Mon day after 11 A. M., 738 Chamber of Com merce. Help W anted ei a lea men. REGULAR or side line salesmen for 1915 to sell our own manufactured line of water colored de luxe calendar; popular prices and quick sellers; advertising novelties; season starts January 1; big money-makers; write us at once; references. Empire Art Company, Chicago. SALESMAN wanted for the States of Wash ington and Oregon by New York importer ofs lace and embroideries; traveling ex penses advanced ; nun-conf lie ting lines may be carried; engagement from January 1. Address salesman. Box 111, New York Herald. N. Y. SAIESMEN Capable to intelligently pre sent a big. clean investment opportunity; a permanent and profitable connection for a few live wires, with strong per sonality and good 4dress. Sales Man ager, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg., 10 to 12, 2 to 4. SPECIALTY salesmen or merchants pre ferred, sell retail tlrms unexcelled high class specialty ; permanent connection ; men earning $100 week regularly; splen did opportunity; commission contract, paid weekly; state experience. Champion Reg ister Co., Cleveland, O. THE BEST PROPOSITION EVER OF FERED IN PORTLAND; LEGITIMATE MFG. AND WHOLESALE BUSINESS: NO FAKE. BUT A MONEY-MAKER; MUST HAVE S3500: CAN USB SALESMAN OR OFFICE MAN. C 416. OREGONIAN. WANTED A live man to handle Washing ton and Oregon on a brand new, red-hot household dollar seller; no fake; a good proposition to the right man; protected fully by patent. C. E. Van De Veers, Healdsburg. Cal. AMERICAN auto heaiter Costs nothing to operate and very little to buy; pays for itself in cne season in fuel sa-ved. If you've successfully Bold automobile accessories, write today for particulars. Housel Sales Co.. Box 103-R, Buffalo, N. Y. CAPABLE specialty man, Oregon, staple line, new, exceptional terms; vacancy De cember 1: attractive commission contract, balance of year and 1015; $35 weekly" ex penses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 226-47 Carlln bldg.. Cleveland. O. SALESMAN experienced in any line to sell general trade Pacific territory; vacancy ..December 1; unexcelled specialty propos ition; commission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 0S-47 Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to travel old established house; line that sells to practically all classes of merchants; high commissions, with weekly advance to right man. D. W. Barrow, Detroit, Mich. SPECIALTY" and calendar salesman, eight patented novelty calendars; good salary; steady position; every buyer interested; exclusive territory. O. N. Leslie, 6217 Drexel ave.. Chicago, 111. TRAVELING men, territory North and Western states, to place tailoring lines for reliable concern; splendid side line; nothing to carry. Address Whitney Tailor ing Co., 411 Sangamon st., Chicago. Y'OU'NG man of neat apeparanco and good character to sell carbon paper, typewriter ribbons and telephone index to offices and stores; commission. 604 Panama bldg.. Monday. MANUFACTURER requires general agents for patented demand of centuries; 3-mln-ute demonstration convinces; a financial independence to acceptable parties. Samuel C. Osborn. Masonio Temple, Chicago. WANTED Traveling salesmen to carry sin up-to-date line of trunks and bags on commission : no advance. Appomattox Trunk & Bag Company, Petersburg, a. TO SELL our check protector. It sells to everv person who writes a check; circulars, information free. Sample 25c. Terry Mfg. Co. 122 Col ton bldg., Toledo, o. WANTED 3 experienced salesmen for Ore gon and Washington; references required; no others need apply. ' 424 Northwestern Bank blrg. CiTV and country salesmen for county In Oro-on: best selling article on market; exclusive territory rights given; will clear $"t(XH yearly. I::5 Morgan bldg. SALESMEN who can get results; Lower Co lumbia Harbor property, good commission. Yoke, 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. SALESMEN clear $14 on each order for onr punchboard deals. Address- Behrend Bros., 4 7 Adams St., Chicago. 5600 TO SS00 month with drawing account to competent specialty salesman. "Man Br," box 497, Iowa City, Iowa. SALESMAN wanted or have rood side line. Call OS E. 3lt at., cor. Stark. H E L P V A N T ED MA LE. Help Wanted- Salesmen. SALESMEN Our sales organization Is near ly perfected; we are chooeing only best side line men for our sales force ; if you are live one and can show result we can use you as a direct factory representative; high-grade enamel ware Is easily sold and shows dealers best profits; assort ments and open stock; pocket samples; weekly commisions. Stewart Co., sales of fice 10 23 Schmulbach bldg.. Wheeling, W. Va. ADVERTISING salesman wanted January 1 Funds advanced for traveling expenses; exclusive territory; biggest and best line advertising signs and novelties on market; ambition to succeed more essential than experience ; state age ; no one under 27 years need apply; give business experience; recent satisfactory references must be furnished with application. Stanford Crowell Co., Ithaca Sign Works, Ithaca, N. Y. SALESMEN We desire services of reliable and ambitious men, with selling experi ence, to cover choice territory, beginning January 1, 1915, with our new line of art and business calendars, advertising fans, pencils and specialties in leather, celluloid, cloth and metal. It is a line with merit and worthy of the best efforts of the most capable salesmen. Address The Shaw Ad vertising Company, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Live, energetic business getters to sell our Oakland and Berkeley real es tate In all Pacific Coast and Inter-Mountain states; there are reasons why our salesmen radiate happiness and good cheer. Come In and let me "show you." If too far away, write full particulars about yourself, age, business experience, etc. A. D. F. Reynolds, rooms 407, 8 and 9 Syndicate bldg.. Oakland. Cal. SALESMEN to demonstrate and sell my won derful self-lighting gas lighter, simply thrusting end Into gas now causes igni tion instantly; cannot get out of order; eliminates exDense. matches, scratched walls ; retails 115 cents ; send dime for pocket sample o dollar for dozen. Aa dress distributer, W. Rawlins, Box 55, Canby, Ind. SALESMEN for low-priced cars; must have experience as salesmen, but automobile ex perience not necessary. Opportunity for man of ability "with good references; state age, experience, with preference between salary or commission with advance; must make small investment. AH 412, Orego nian. v SALESMEN WANTED Experienced. for specialty lines ; premium propositions; as sortments and open stock: enamelware. aluminum and glassware ; 25 per cent commission, payable weekly; high-class propositions; full or side line. Reply with St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay ; write large list openings offering opportunities to earn $100 to $500 month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 311, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New loric, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMEN of ability can earn $X50 per week selling trade-boosting campaigns (results guaranteed and backed oy a bond to all classes of merchants; strlct lv commission, no advances, must leave city. National Sales Co.. 417 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Cigar salesman to sell cigars, cigarettes, tobacco to dealers; $!Oo per month. So ner day. traveling expenses. Amber Tobacco Co., Boston. Mass. WE are desirous of securing several suc cessful salesmen for accident insurance. Address North American Accident Insur ance Co., Chicago 111. HE LP WAN Tt O FK.MA LE. WANTED In an office in a country town in the Willamette Valley, a young woman who is an experienced and thoroughly competent stenographer and assistant bookkeeper; person filling the position must be of good address, quick, intelli gent, accurate and with a disposition to work for employer s interests and not one whose only object is to get the salary the easiest way; salary $00 per month. Ad dress in detail, giving fully experience, age. married or single, last employer and references, without which particulars ap plication will receive no notice. Address AV 224. Cregonlan. TWENTY-FIVE bright, high school girls, who will have more or loss spare time be tween now and Christmas, can earn sev eral dollars a week by devoting an hour or less daily to pleasant wcrk among their own friends. No phone information. Ki". ham Stationery & Printing Co. WANTED Practical, businesslike woman, capable of managing interviews and able to direct others; splendid opportunity -o the right person ; state experience and general auallilcations and give postal ad dress. T 411, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for enterprising woman to earn monev corresponding for newspapers; all or part time : any locality ; send for particulars. Associated Newspaper Serv ice. Vancouver. Canada. WOMEN A fascinating home business; tint ing postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make $12 weekly, no canvassing ; samples 10c; particulars free. Artint, Cb, 13U Man hattan su. New Y'ork. LADIES earn $6 per hundred mailing our samples at home evenings, spare time, ex perience unnecessary; sample and partic ulars 12c. Reitz Bros., 243 Peckham, Buf falo, N. Y". MUNICIPAL Bureau tor Protection of Wom en is now located at room 303 new Police Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. In terviews confidential. DO you want another $2 daily? No experi ence, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery, machines furnished on contract, we take product. Helping Hand Stores (Inc.). Chicago. FIVE ladles for soliciting; good clean work, references required ; 515 week and com mission ; must be medium young and ac tive. Phone Sellwood 880. $18 WEEK, expenses advanced; women to travel, appoint agents for concentrated food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., Como bldg.. Chicago. WILL give lady between 25 and 32 years a good home for the Winter and spending mopev; must understand cooking. Ap plv 315 11th st TWO telephone operators on private switchboard to work four hours a day each for their board and room. X 418, Oregonian. . BE INDEPENDENT; Beauty culture is a profitable business. Learn it from a graduate. 2o4 Macleay bldg., 286 Wash ington St., cor. 4 th. REFINED. Intelligent, ambitious woman to travel ; local firm ; educational work ; carfare and drawing account. Marshall (H3. No. 2. Everett Apts. WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends, neighbors and general wearer; 70 per cent profit: $10 dally: experience unnecessary. International Mills. West Philadelphia. Pa. W ANTED Waitress with some experience, who would like to work into position of head waitress; state age and experience. B 414, Oregonian. x FURNISHED room-free to middle-aged wo man employed during day, to care for house evenings when owners are out; ref erences. AJ 410, Oregonian. WANTED More girls to learn Burroughs calculating machine; short course; posi tions open. Central Commercial Coliege, - Tenth and Alder. WANTED 2 operators. experienced on mackinaws preferred. The Rainbow Manu facturing Co.. 2 Second at. WANTED An experienced lady teacher to teach me to read and write . English in evening; state terms. AK 410. Oregonian. MAKE MONEY writing stories or articles; big pay ; free booklet tells how. Address United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vtavl Company, 423 Pittock block. 385 Washington. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED First-class lady barber; state wages in first letter. Box 312, Winlock, Wash. WANTED" Two ladies for pleasant, profit able position. Call Monday at 401 loth st. Apt. A. WANTED Girls to learn Maurine system of beauty culture; we help finance you in business. 514 Abington bl dg. , ELDERLY WOMAN tc care for small home in exchange for rent; references. AK. 407, Oregonian. WANTED Several ladies for good propo sition, easy work, good money. Call 8 to 10 A. M-, H to o if. ai. 20a xst st. . r . i - t r -in- rr' c: t iniro- a r cvr-v Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room 85. near 4th. Phone Majn 8S36, or A 3266. WANTED A "lady operator who understands power machines. Call Sunday between 11 and 2. 15 E. 28th St. BUSINESS GIR LS" EMPLOY M EN T SERV ICE If unemployed or wish to better yourself call at 403 Dekum bldg. WANTED Refined young lady to solicit for society weekly. Call Monday-from 12 to 1. 300 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Woman for general housework and to care for elderly lady afflicted with rheumatism. Call 700 Davis st.. West. GIRL for general housework. Phone Wood lawn 2025. WANTED Ladles to demonstrate; residence work, 92 and up. Call 505 Columbia bldg. WANTED -A lady to care for an old ladv at nights for board and room. Tabor 2492. WANTED A housekeeper for widower. G. E. Nolin. R. D. No. 1, Dufur. Or. WANTED Neat-appearing lady for pleas ent work. Call Monday. S40 Morgan bldg. WANTED Girl attending school to work for room and board. Call E. 5456, HELP WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE WOMAN wanted in each town to distribute free goods as advertising, ex. perieuee unnecessary, references required, $15 a week to start. Aadross Hudsoo, King & Co.. Inc.. Dept. 5-M, i Soutu Clinton st.. Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. MEN-WOMEN $25 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses; no canvass ing. Send stamp. Superba Co., X210, Balti more, Md. SPA RE hours learning profitable trade, night school, positions guaranteed. Watch making, engraving, optical school, 216 Commonwealth blug., tfth and Ankeny. MAN and wife wanted to manage restau rant. Call Main 3875 between 1 and 2 P. M. WANTED A trade school boy of good morals to do day and night ""chores for room and board cmd pay half. Tabor 735. WANTED Lessons in Spanish evenings. L 423, Oregonian. HELP WANTED M1SCELLANKQCS. THE QUICKEST WAY TO LANGUAGES is by the new Gouln conversation method, successfully demonstrated last Thursday at the Public Library before a large audi ence. Without nomc study or using books you can easily .apeak any language in a few weeks by joining one of the afternoon or evening conversational classes now starting at the Gouln School of Languages, 604 Eilers bldg. Broadway. Write for free information or call troru 3 to 5 P. M. or 8 to O p. M. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methous most practical; room and board while learning ; position se cured ; satisfaction guaranteed ; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, illio W. 7th et., Los Angeles, Cal. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma chinery in operation, electrical gas and steam engineering, machine shop, work snd automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to llo West Roy su, Seattle. $65 TO $150 MONTH paid men and women; Government life job ; common education sufficient; 20 Oo appointments every month Write immediately for free list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 348 T, Rochester, N. Y. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed ; tools free . paid while learning, scalp end face mas sage a specialty; modern method teachiug - used : tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. DETECTIVE Learn inter t-s ting profession ; ten lessons $2. Write Walter J. Burns correspondence school, inc.. Detective Training School. 64 Burns bldg., Detroit, Mich. MuLEK BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learu the trade in 8 weeks, clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free ; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for tree catalogue. 48 N. 2d. FREE PENMANSHIP LESSONS with our courses in bookkeeping and shorthand by mail ; low cost ; no charge lor books and supplies. Write today for free lesson. Central Commercial College, Portland, Or. MEN wanted tc prepare for firemen, brake men. $100-$120; positions obtained free; send age, postage. Railway Association, tare Oregonian. LADIES Make shields home, $10 100; no -canvassing required. Send stamped, ad dressed envelope, full particulars. Eureka Co., Dept. 110 B, Kalamazoo. Mich LEARN LANGUAGES quickly, pleasantly, thoroughly by the new and oest conver sational system; courses now starting. Gouln School, OQ4 Eilers bldg.. 3 to 5 P. M. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. 6. clerks) c&r riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific Stat 3 Schools, McKay bldg., city. MAKE your own BEER, WHISKY; concen trated extracts, latest product, dry or wet territory. AGENTS .WANTED. Stamp for information. Box 1176. Portland. GOVERNM ENT positions open to women ; $75 month. Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 T, Rochester, N. Y. MEN. IS to 35, wishing to become railway mall clerks, $75 monthly. Apply for in formation. AV 14o, Oregonian. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach civil service, also 235 other courses; free catalogue. 202 McKay bldg. YOUR song poems set to music; publica tion guaranteed. Particulars at 210 Globe bldg.. Wash, st.. 9-11 A. M.. 2-4 P.M. WATCHES cleaned 75c, mainspring 75c, work guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. MRS. HINSDALE'S Business School, 602 impress bldg. Personal instructions; po sitions when competent. LAD Y To take interest in and manage apartment-house. 233 Worcester bldg. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS - COLLEGJ3L 401 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4258. TWO men to learn auto repairing and driv ing. Hawthorne Garage. 45 Hawthorne. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MO 200 1-TH ST. M. 3S:3. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aud Clerks. AM SALESMAN of exceptional ability; have auto, and fairly well acquainted in the city ; desire position with some good busi ne&s house as city salesman, where op portunity for advancement is offered. Am no order-taker, but a. real salesman. Can give bent of references, o 413, Oregonian. EFFICIENT and energetic business man wishes honorable employment where ca pable services as secretary, correspondent, salesman or solicitor will merit recogni tion, and modest compensation. References. H 413, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer! with long experience In the lum ber business, botn w holesale and mill, desires position ; best of references, clean record; bond If de sired. H 4o3, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING, clerking or general busi ness position, 5 years' experience in gro cery business; can furnish references. B 400, Oregonian. POSITION -wanted bv live hardware sales man in any capacity; wages in accord ance to worth: Al reference. D 401, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, 23, desires work alter hours or bull time; good penman ; good at figures ; 1 2 years' experience ; reier enccs. V 414. Oregonian. YOUNG man with considerable office ex perience wants any kind of work. Steady and temperate. D. M., 128 North. 6th st. Piione Main 3413. COMPETENT accountant, now employed can give half time to small sets of books ' statements and balances prepared; systems cievisea. ab 4id, oregonian. GENERAL office man wants work at once. Experienced in fire insurance, surety bonds and shipping. Best references. Phone Tabor 3340, or N 415, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bank man, office man or traveling salesman. Can show good rec ord and give A-l references. F 418, Ore gonian. COLLECTOR and bookkeeper with auto de sires position; references. AB 417, Orego nian. CERTIFIED public accountant wants perma nent position, consider anything, any where. AH 420, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; 10 years' experience; best of references. AH 400, Oregonian. WANTED By competent bookkeeper and accountant, set of books to keep; best ref erences. W 416, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, sawmill, store and railroad business; will go anywhere. AH 419, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN wants position as hotel clerk in or out of town; best of references. Ad dress J. W. F.. 347 Lincoln s. A SET of books to keep evening, own of fice, competent bookkeeper, call Wcod lawn 3i3;. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, bank and trust, real estate, insurance, etc. ; consider any thing. AH 418, Oregonian. QUALIFIED accountant will open, close, keep books very reasonably. AL 406, Ore gonian. ACCOUNTING work, books balanced and kept; auditing. Phone Marshall 9$ 4 CLERICAL nositlon of any kind ; have No. I reference. C 404, Oreg'onian. YOUNG man stenographer desires a position. P 415, Oregonian. M Lscellaneoui. YOUNG man of limited means trying to get an education wants place to work for - room and board. AH 4lO. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese, honest boy, wants situa tion to do store or hotel work, Henry Yoshioka. 202' Everett st., city. YOUNG man attending law school evenings wishes position during day where he can make expenses. T 412, Oregonian. WANTED Apartment in exchange for Jan itor service by competent man. Phone A 29S3. BAKER by trade, but willing to do janitor work, desires position. A-l references. Main 717, A 1517. AT LIBERTY, good M. P. manager, oper ator, f me reference, reasonable salary. Marshall 337. PAINTER, allround hand, married, wants work $3 per day; references. S 44, Ore gonian. JAPANESE first-class cook wants position family cook, city L 422, Oregonian. PRINTER All-around m.n. wants country situation. A. C. Gleason, Lebanon, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. M isceli an eo us. POIIION wanted by single man, ae 30, special experience in farming 1 ork, and capaoie to take care of a itirm, but wiu not refuse any other outsiue, or ins;d. or'c good habits, sober, steady ; speatc English and German; can give you refer ences. Phono Main 4y7, room 35, tr write AK 380, Oregonian. Fl RST-CLASS mechanical druughisuiau. Get man, age 31, desires position. Low cost machine producer, skilliui and artistic designer. Experienced m sawmill ma chinery and general machine design, 17 years' practical and technical experience. Best references. Y 44. oregonian. LINOTYPE operator-machinist and printer, pressman, seeks position in Wet. Compe tent, temperate, reliable; i5 years experi ence. Address George Fisher, lock iox 7, Norfolk, Neb. MAN who walks on crutches, but able and willing to do some sort of work, uesircs position for himself, wife and two small children. Janitor or farm, or anything he coma flo. Mam 717, A 1517. YOUNG married man wishes position as all around painter, decorator aud paperhang er; also capable of making iignt carnage repairs ; does not object to going out of town. AC 414, Oregonian. POSITION Superintendent or foreman; Al references; besides 1 get resn'ts; mining, sawmill. rock or cons rue 1 ion. F. J. Bettis. Belling ham Apt., E. oh and Mor rison sts. YOUNG Spanish man. 18 years old, hue-appearing, who speaks very good English, desires cooking in restaurant, short -oruel or farm work. Willing to work hard. A 1517. Main 717. CIVIL engineer. university graduate. IO years experience, engineering and execu tive. - consider any oiTer; best referencs. Phone Marshall 4400 or A 6717, Apart- nieut 103. l'OL'NG married man. honest, industrious, good education, good ieuxun, quick at figures, can operate type-writer, competent oilice man, timekeeper or aoptracter, need work badly- L 414. oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman or clerk for hard ware or grocery house, dettires position. Will also take elevator work or night watching position. A 1 references. Main 717, A 1517. POSITION with foundry or engine works, in office or as salesman : experienced ; refer ences given: 10 years' experience on Pa cihe Coast. F 4U1. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, French careful driver and good mechanic, 5 years experience in Portland, wants position; Al references O 411, Oregonian. PIANIST and drummer, sunie family, would like position in or out of citv, picture ana dance work. 844 Belmont et. Phoue East 6S44. EXPE RIENCED secretary, expert stenogra pher aud correspondent, selling experience, desires position ; best loon I references ; nominal salary. AL 413, Oregonian. RELIABLE, well-educated German, 27 years old, married, wants position where ho has advantage to work himself up. N 410, Ore gonlan. SALESMAN Groceries, wheel goods, gen eral xndse. Foreman, stock. Irrigating, grain, hogs. Timekeeper, commissary. R 415, Oregonian. Y'OUNG man can drive and repair auto mobiles; wane steady job; 5 years' ex perience. Address 191 4th st. Phone Mam 8774. A HOME with $S or $10 a month wages by- good, clean, plain country lady; no hard place. Address M. E. S., Rldgufleld, Wash., box S. YOUNG man wishes posit ion as Hhipplng clerk or clerk in department store; bo.-u of references; experienced in general line. AO 413. Oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced cooks, desire position in camp, boarding-house or coun try hotel; best of references. Address 481 70th st. S. E. WANT work on small farm ; sober and good habits, or will w ork at porter or chore boy for private family. Rudolph Reich, Standard Hotel, Washington and 10th m. YOUNG MAN at tending business school de sires place where he can work for his board and room ; good references. Call Marshall 4010. WANTED Position as all-round handy man. first-class Janitor, do pipe work, plumb ing, firing oil Tr wood ; give references. Married man. Call East 4575. FRENCHMAN, university graduate, aged 0, wants position, tutor, translator or any business capacity ; best credentials. V 419. Oregonian. WANTED Position as chauffeur, exper ienced with all makes of cars; can do alt repairing, good references. Phone Main 0510. 134 North lath st. ARE you looking for a good, reliable cou ple ad Janitor In apartment-house, capa ble of doing all repairs? F. Tietzens. Mar shall 5402. 250 13lh St. EXPERIENCED stationary engineer with family to support, must have work. Will do anything. Main 717, A 1517. YOUNG woman of refinement wishes posi tion in art Btudlo. Phone Malu S4ou. Room 4. WANT Work; experienced In groceries, shoes, etc., by reliable man of family ; good references. J 412, Oregoniam PROGRESSIVE young man desires some article to sell : complete information first letter. Address A. B-. 448 6th st. MAN and wife want position to take care of rooming or apartnient-houss. Call phone Main 3024. A SUCCESSFUL traveling salesman desiros to contract for season 1915. C 400, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man with grocery experience can handle horses, wisnes work of any kind. B 3444. East 4002. WANTED Room and board or housekeep ing rooms In exchange for work of any kind. H 401. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Christmas tree trimmer de sires work. Trees delivered at your home. Call Tabor 3152, A 1517. ALL-ROUND baker, homemade goods spe cialty. Marshall 1718. Address 220 Whit aker. YOUNG man would work evenings and Sat urday P. M. for room and board or either. V 423, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED baker and pastry cook or chef helper wants situation. A 415, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese coit wants a po sition in private family; reference. Fulcnfr 33 N. Park st. LICENSED auto driver, also carpenter work or teamster, wants work. Family to sup port. Main 717, A 1517. Y'OUNG MAN, experienced stockc utter, wants position In printing establishment or paper-house. C. E. W.. It '7 4th. POSITION wanted by a man wVM roadster as salesman, collector or deli 1 very ; can give reference. Call Woodlawn 7303. YOUNG man wishes work in hotel or house keeDing for a few dollars a week and room. T 413. Oregonian. YOt "NG man. experienced in restaurant work, wants position. Mr. Griitiu, 3 87 6th st. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments day or home sewing; good refer ences. Phone Sellwood 03. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wishes job over hauling car; city references. Phone Wood lawn 2 06O Monday. EX PERI ENCED man as helper around wholesale houses wants work. Willing to do anything. A 1517, Marshall 5167. MARRIED man wants job on farm; ex perienced farmer, dairy, orchard and hogs. S 410, Oregonian. MA RR1ED man wants job to run farm ; experienced farmer and stockman ; relia ble, p 413. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 25, wishes position as clerk or Darker until Christmas; best references. S 412. Oregonian. WANTED- Vv'ork for reliable Pole, 31 years. Family of 8 children. Section foreman 13 years. Main 717. A 1517. j a PAXESR boy. position helu kitchen or school boy. anv kind of half-day work. George Ninomiya, 202 Everett st. SITUATION wanted by salesman on com- miSSlOn tLillW 111 li- ic. av -x -s, vi-isv CHORE BOY On farm ; experienced; will work reasonable for Winter. G 417, Ore gonian. NEAT young man with best of references Wishes position as COOK in cai-i wi tatau- ranu .1a1n 1 1 . s j.j 1. 1 . Y'OUNG man wants work for board and room. Call Marshall 40QO. POSITION By chauffeur; good mechanic. AK 420, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants a position as schoolboy in private family. a -i-o, jhuii 0"J", CHINESE wants to do chamber work or family cook. M 411. Oregonian. COOK. No. 1. man. wants position, country hotel. Cook. 38 S 3d sc. BY two boys attending school, places to work for room and board. Main 678. JAPANESE boy, good worker, wants house work. A 413. Oregonian. MA N. good addret-A. wishes work for room und board. Y '0. Oregonian. j a PAN EriE c o m n e t e r. t co.'k wants situation in pria.e family. A-1."i9, Main 43U. HONEST Japanese schoolboy v. e A-15HO. Main 3'.l. JAPNKSr bov wants job in family bi'.sinc:. house. T 3 12th st. North. COOK, first clncc. Oregonian. young man. WANTED By ynnnir tnce, as detective. rr. a n . . H 418,