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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, XOTEJIBER 22, 1914. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. ,32-CALIBER Iver-Johnson blue, hamraerSts? revolver, will swap for small pair field glasses. Give particulars. AK 424, Oreeo ti ian. HAVE 2V4 carat gentleman's diamond ring to exchange for Ford auto la first-class condition. P 410, Ore go ni an. JTOR TRADE Phonograph to trade for piano; or will cell for cuhIi. G 413, Ore Konlan. LADY'S WATCH for folding bed. New Home muchine. What huve yuu? H 413, Oregonian. TO EXCMANGB Good Remington type writer fur solid oak dining-table. Tabor TILLAMOOK BEACH lots for painting and kalsomtnlng house. East 4213. "WHO has Jersey milk cowh to exchange for Vt50 diamond ring. L 411, Oregonian. WANT to exchange 5x7 camera for 8x10 Tiew camera. Phone E. 0704. ILOT at Tillamook Bearh for bedroom furni ture and carpets. Phone C 1269. T?EBER pianola piano for automobile; must be standard make. K 400. Oregonian. $75 5x7 CAMERA for typewriter, L. C. Smith preferred. 401 Ry. Exchange bldg. WEBER pianola piano for clear lots. H 397, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Harness. Vehicle, Etc. HARES Team of matched hi' mares, weigh 260 lbs., are true to pull and gen tle In any and all ways for any boy or lady to drive or handle, are grain fed and shod and ready for work; set good hand made harness with breeching, all com plete at the low price of $135 ; also a good farm wagon at your own price. Call 444 Hoyt st. Flynn Contracting Stables. Pair of golden sorrels, both mares. 6 years old, are both brood mares of the highest type ; will work good any place you put them and are Iojv, blocky, well ribbed, wear-forever kind, weigh 2650 lbs. Extra heavy boned. Set good work harness, all goes for $263. nyna's Stable, 444 Hoyt st. Pair nice small mares, work or ride, and good light harness and a nearly new farm wagon, all for 120. Contracting Stable, 444 Hoyt St. Single rig cheap: very fast pacing geld ing, 6 years old, lloo lbs.; can beat 2:18 in racing condition; nice rubber-tired buggy and harness; all complete; trial allowed. 444 Hoyt st. A FEW RARE BARGAINS LN HORSES. Pair of mares, weight 2660. brown and gray, with, guarantee to be right every way .$200 Pair of mares, sorrel and buckskin, weight 2000, blocky built $100 1 One bay horse, good driver, wln high- class buggy and fine set of harness; all for the snrall sum of $110 One bay mare, weight 1040; blocky built; good in any harness; for $50 One saddle pony, color bay; sound and will drive; for $30 Oood farm wagon, lots of double and Ingle harness ; also lots of stock saddles. 503 ALDER ST. MARES AND HORSES Bay mare, weighs 1300 lbs., 0 years old, works single or dou ble, $12V; 1 bay 6-year-old horse, 1100 lbs., works all ways and rides. $&3 ; nice big black mure, gentle and good worker, plow single, price $00; also a bluck horse, 1200 lbs., good worker, price $0o; one good small mare, weighs 1100 ; also a good mate, price for both $80; one nice young rangy bay horse, works in all harness and rides, gentle for lady, price $75, weighs 1200 lbs.; two farm wagons with box and one heavy running gear at your own price; two good saddles; three sets of second-hand harness, both single and dou b le, very chea. p. Union Translei Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. AUC T 1 0 N S ALE Of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables. 3u2 Front St.. every Thursday at 2:80. We sell on a commission basis, fcatitif action auaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bung your horses to our auction. If you want to buv. attend this sale. Owing holiday Thura.. 26th. auction will be held Wednes day. 25th. 4-YEAR-OLD black gelding, work single or double, weight 114U lbs. 472 E. Taylor. TEAM 8-year-old mares; weight 2700 lbs.; good pullers 472 E. Taylor. TEAM Mare and gelding; broken for any kind of work; weight 2&u0. 472 E. Taylor. HAVE leased my place, have team mares, chunky built, age 7 and 8, weight 2000, sound, well broke for farm work, both single or double, gentle for any one to handle; Quick sale $160; one farm wagon, harness, buggy, two stock saddles. Take Oregon City car to Arlington station, walk up to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. kinds of horses blic. little, vouna. old, broke or un broke. Cheap horses, up to the most expensive over 100 altogetn cr. You can buy for cash of terms. Any how, they are as represented, absolutely. FRAZIER & M LEAN, 800 6th su, corner Tayior. Oldest horse firm in town. YOUNG team, mare and gelding, weight 2550 ids., ior iu; young origin bay team, mare and gelding, weight 2400. tor 1133: will split either team, as they work single or double, a farm wagon, express wagon and harness cheap. 28i North 14th, near Aiarsnaii. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 24Q E. 8th. East 6315. PAIR bay mares, 7 years, weigh 2900. both fcafa in .foal by imported Belgian weigh ing 1900; are true as steel, gentle and must be' sold with extra heavv breechln harness complete, low price $240. Star anat,o Darn 3. 9th. is. r landers st. GOOD, honest working team, walrh 2 Too. heaving teaming harness; am out of work and compelled to sacrlnce- one team; $120 casn taaes mem today. 100 .East Via st. Nortn. AN bay mares, heavv boned: both raised colts this year; sound, true to work any piace; weign o, witn neavy team Har ness, $100. Star Sand Co., barn 3, 9th, East Fianders st. HORSES and wagons for rent or sale; we do furniture and expressing at TOc per hour. A Ford delivery car in good shape for sale. East 72, B 1369. Hawthorne Avenue Stable, 420 Hawthorne ave. CLYDE mare, 4 years old, heavy-boned, weighs 1400, sound, well broke, $100; brown mare. 5 years old, weighs 1300, sound and nicest broke one in Portland; bargain. Star Sand Co., barn 3, uth, E. r tanuers st. am SALS will be held at Traaifer Livery Barn. Gresham, Or.. "Wednesday. Nov. 23: horses, cows, wagons and harness to be sold to hiKhest bidder. Sale beginning at PAIR of horses, sound, weleht 3000: har ness and wagon. Come and look tliem over. want to sell. 240 E. fith st. East 6315. PAIR of bay geldings, 5 and 8, weigh 21)00, good workers, with heavy set Boston Bocker harness; $1G0; come today Star Sand Co., barn 3, 0th, E. Flanders. 4-CYLINDER, foredoor roadster in fine con dltlon to exchange for good young team, weight 2700 or over. Mr. Russell, New Hotel Houston, 6th st. Main 2341. 11 GO-LB. HORSE $65 HOO-lb.-mare $50; finest little delivery team and harness $76; two good 2-seat farmer hacks, $30 and $40. U. P. Stables. 239 Russell. East 3543. NICE brown gelding, 7 years old, combina tion horse, rides, drives; stylish, sound and will weigh 10l!3; $60; no dealers. 715 E. Couch st. GOOD work mare for pigs, chlckjpns, calves, sheep, furniture, carpet, light wagon. 01 Union North. Apt. 200. East 2b46. TEAM of geldings, weight 2400, good wagon and good harness; $165 240 E 8th st. FOR SALE Light delivery wagon and har ness, good condition, cheap for cash or trade. phone B 3164. SEPARATOR 33 by 56 to exchange for slm Ilar machine or trade for an engine. . L. Siegenthaler. 2824 2d St., Portland, Or. ON E span colts, 3 years old, weight about 400; one bay mare. 8 years old, weight 1C00. 308 Front st. KICV team, weight 2000 lbs.; harness and good wagon; the thst decent offer takes them. 240 E. 8th St., 6315. GOOD wagon, team and steady job. Call Sunday or evenings. 427 Ross. TEAM horses, weight 2200. harness, good workers; must sell at once. 270 E. 7lh st. JjEAD horses and animals hauled aay free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WAGONS and horses by day. $1-25. I. Cohan. 3S1 Water st. Main 22u8. Main 695 $100 BUYS 2300 -lb. team and harness or will trade for a good cow. 368 E. 6th. $240 DELIVERY wagon for sale, $60. Call Tabor BLACK driving mare, drive single or double. 4tf Mississippi ave. Woodlawn l4. CITY LOT, acreage, for team of horses, wagon, harness. P 400, Oregonian. $20 TAKES top buggy. 1967 East Stark St. FOR SALE. Horses, Harness. Vehicles, Etc. BAKGAIN $283 buys n pair of colts, horse and mure; weigh 2800 lbs.; are true to pull; have the best of feet and legs, long flowing manes and tails, can pull 4 tons ' any spot or place and are gentle for any one to handle. Set heavy sewed trace harness, all complete at the above low price. Call 129 N. 11th sr. Mares Team of low, blocky, heavy boned mares; will weigh 2600 lbs.; are good true pullers and fast walkers; one is ti and the other 5 years old and no older; have no tricks or vices in or out of stable ; make grand farm team. Also set good harness. All at low price, $240. Call 129 N. 11th at. Pair matched bays, are full brothers and one of the best all-around teams that we ever had; will do all you ask of them under all or any conditions and will drive single or double and ride. Set new har ness and a new light farm wagon with springs under box, all complete, at one price, $180. Come and try them. 129 N. 11th st. Farm outfit Pair of big 2800-lb. horses; are fat and handsome and work in all or any way; are not lamo or sore and are ready for any work. Set good heavy hand made harness and good big wide-tire farm wagon with long box and seat. All in fine shape, at one price of $260. Come and see it. Big bargain. 129 N. 11th st. Pair of cherry bays; will weigh 2550 lbs. and are 5 and tf years old and no older; have nice, flat, heavy bone, and the best of feet and legs; the kind that will wear forever and always stay fat. Set heavy harness and collars. At one price, $163. 129 N. 11th st. Farm hitch, $10O. Team ts horse and mare ; will weigh 2600 lbs.; are good workers and true; ara not lame .or sore; gentle for lady or boy to drive or han dle. Set good harness and a good farm wagon with long box Peter Shuttler make). All in order, ready to drive away. ' Call 129 N. 11th st. Single farm outfit. Handsome horse, weighs 1200 lbs. Is fat and grain fed. Good worker, gentle. Good new, single harness and new heavy farm wagon. Is a nrst-ciass outfit at low price, $100. Call 129 W. 11th st. Single tig, $150; consists of handsome bay horse, weighs 1200 lbs., is 6 years old and no older; will work in any or all har ness and plow single and ride. Is gentle in or out of stable; set good heavy single harness and a long-bed hand-made side spring buggy that will hold several hun dred lbs. All in best of order, at the above low price. Call 129 N. 11th st. GOOD driving horse, also big team, weight Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SPLENDID beautiful toned 88-note player piano, sngntiy usea, out A-l condition, cheap; this positively can be bought right. If someone really wants a fine player at a sacrifice price here it Is; cash, or would take good payments. AH 417, Oregonian. $215 BUYS new $325 1915 model piano at ji a. vch jmubic o., jlox in st. wny ouy old, unimproved, worn, non-repeating ac tion pianos, when you can buy splendid new improved ones at $215? SPLENDID hornless talking machine and iot or recoras, only Regular value $60, $10 down, $2.00 montniy. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co 800 Alder. Exchange Dept. LEARN TO DANCE Get a new Victrola. an the latest dance records. Machines sold as low as 50 cents per week. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SPLENDID Edison Standard phonograph "u - recorua oniy guaranteed, $0 down, $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. Exchange Dept. $300 PIANO for $200; will take used type writer ot gooa maKe as ilrst payment, your own terms on balance. H 409, Ore gonian. PIANO tuning and repairing; change 65- uoLe piayer to w-note; new styl; first class work guaranteed. Portland Piano & Organ Co., 441 Stark st. Phone Main 4478. UPRIGHT piano, excellent tone, only $93; co-uoie piayer n.Dert, u; must De sola at once. 441 Stark st. WILL STORK FREE IN CITY AND PAY ii J MU, 1 H KW.NT FOR USE GOOD PIANO. K 41S, Oregonian. FOR SA LE Edison phonograph ; cost when new win sen tor $00 on time or $45 cash. G 414, Oregonian. $75 CONN circus bore cornet, practically new, cheap: terms. Call Sell 2343 between 2 and 3 today. ALL kinds of musical Instruments excep tionally low prices. Elby Co., 320-326 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. $150 Latest style disk talking machine, Kuiuen oaK. aosoiuteiy perlect ; S'.;, ea-sy terms, 103 12th St., room 319. Main 5703. TO TRADE, 88-note player piano, good as new, on rons music, ror tneater chairs. v. 11. Bower, Woodland, Wash., lock box iS2. RELIABLE party will store piano and pay pman rent anu give gooa care. jull at 210 E. 52d St., near Taylor. WE desire to exchange first-class talking macnine ror gooa piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 300 Alder. NEW Kimball 88-note player piano with music, at a sacriiice. Can arrange terms. Sellwood 500. WANTED Use of piano in return for stor age; be'st or care; no children. Phone East 4300. NEARLY new 88-note player piano. Will sell very cheap for cash. No reasonable offer refused. AV 220. Oregonian. FOR SALE 20 disc phonograph records In perfect condition. Apply today. 69 E. 58th North; Montavlila car. WESTERN cottaKe orean nracticallv new used 3 months, a snap, $25. Covell Fur niture jo., 04 1st st. WANTED Use of piano for storage; only uuutis in iamiiy. masz 4433. $G5 BUYS $450 Haines Bros, piano, old moaei. 101 im et. $750 KINGSBURY player piano at $295, good as new. 151 4th st. CONN alto saxa phone, never used, fine case, big snap, $5. A 403, Oregonian. STORAGE for use good home for piano; no umiuren. oeuwooa CLARINET wanted; second-hand "A." low pitch, Albert system. P 418, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-ton platform furniture wagon" cheap. 403 E. Burnside. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. 0 BOSTON BULL PUPPIES FOR SALE. 2 Fox Terriers. 1 Scotch Collie. . 505 ALDER ST. ST. BERNARD KENNELS, nuns from Pdl greed and prize-winninar stock ready for vijiu.s, f xu iu f xvocnai, i, z, &po kane. FOR SALE or exchange, English bulldog, female, prize-winner, pedigreed, registered. Would consider Airedale. D 424, Orego nian. COCKER spaniel pups; beauties. A fine Christmas present. H. Makelim, Box 68K Holbrook, Or. THOROUGHBRED Boston terrier buddv. f. male, $15. 419 Everett st. Hawthorne car. FOR SALE Orange Persian kitten, prize winning pcaigree, iu. rnones mast 6171, B 2734. PERSIAN cats and kittens cheap; pedi- Kreea; nne Amas presents. pnone Wood lawn 2275. TWO good Airedale pups. 7S3 E. Main St.. bet. 24th and 2oth, off Hawthorne ave. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADD1X KENNELS, EST AC AD A OR. FOR SALE Persian kittens. East 5152. 689 E. Broadway. MORGAN & GLEEZEN, Whltehackle games, S3 to $7 ralr. Phone Tabor 4357. CANARIES and parrot cheap; must be sold at once. ti tast siarK. CANARIES, guaranteed singers, $2.50 pair, 28 W. Church st. Woodlawn 300. Furniture For Sal a. FOR sale at bargain, fine davenport, china cioset. norary taoie ana writing desk. Call Sunday from noon to 6 at 038 East :;otn is. LARGE commodious oak dresser 24x30-lnnh bevel Plate mirror, first-class condition. 261 14th. FOR SALE cheap, furniture of 12-roora nuuse, spieiium uuuuiiiuu, uuuao ur rent. .uarsnan ojv. BK&T grade new furniture, used 1 year, 5 rooms, lnciuuing piano; win sen reason . able; house is for rent. 436 Church st. FURNITURE of G-room cottage, good condi tion; house for rent; central location. 40S Salmon st. DINING-ROOM furniture, carpets. piano. music stand, gas heater, dresser, etc 710 Lovejoy, near d. FURNITURE, including $300 piano. $200 cash, furniture alone, iuu. -kLS, ure gonian. WANT small farm near Portland ; good buildings; reasonable rent; near railroad. W 414, oregonian. SOUTH BEND malleable raage, practically new, o noies; a snap ; sa. t;oveu urni- ture to., ju r irst st. LIBRARY table, six chairs, buffet and two oriental rugs. Apt. 4. Brown Apts. Phone Marshall oi7i $100 FURNITURE of 8-wom house, $60 steei range; muse sen; leaving. mw, FOR SALE. Furniture for Kale. LAST WEEK Edwards greatest of all trade sale ; high-grade furniture, reduced 1-3 to s ; you'll find some wonderful bargains in our exchange department, too; cash or credit; $12.00 lolding mantle bed, $5.93; 6 kitchen tables, 0c; 6 40x40 res taurant tables. $2.45 each; $25 reliable gas range $11; connected; $37.0o Vulcan side oven gas range, good as new, $19. 0O con necteu; $27. 0o Vulcan gas range, slightly used. $12, connected ; $18 copper coil gas water heater like new connected, $8.00; 4 kitchen chairs, 43c each; 3 good kitchen cabinets with gl;is doors, $6.90 each lace curtains up to $3.00 at 95c pair; full-size comforts up to $3.00 ut 70e eacli; Axmins ter throw rugs and remnants, good carpet, 20c to $1.20 ; Brussels rug 9x12, good, $9.00; Brussels rug, 9x10-6, good, $8.75; seamless BrusseLs rug, 8-3x10-6, $7.90; two 9x10-6 reversible rugs, $3.45; 1 9x12 reversible rug. S3. 25; 30 other rugs not listed here, ia.ll sizes and prices; SI yards Brusselette carpet, 27 inches wide, for hall, at 25c; 16 yards Brusselette for stair at 30c ;. 9 yards wool ingrain stair carpet at 3oc; 12 small cook stoves, new, $7-20 each. EDWARDS CO., 185-191 First St, A Good Place to Trade. 5-FOOT roll-top desk, golden or mission oak, $22.50; revolving chairs to match, $4.50; We have 6 flat-top desks ranging in price from $6 to $18; arm office chairs, $1.00; straight chair- 5oc up ; office settee in mission finish, $3; 2 body Brussels rugs suitable for office use, $6.50 and $12.00; other room-size rugs, $2.50; standard phon ograph with 17 records, $7.50; oak coa tumer. $1.50; hanging hall racks from 50c up; 18x40 French mirror, $4; smaller sizes from 20c up; fine Singer sewing machini, the latest $00 kind, Kuaranteed, $20; an other style Singer for $2.00 ; fine oak wardrobe, $10; iron folding bed, $0; solid oak chiffoniers with mirror. $8; $30 oak buffet. 13.00: white enamel drepser. $9; white maple princess dresser, $8.73; line job lot brass beds, prices from o to 5-u; music cabinet, $3; magazine racks, $1.0u ; the above are only a few of the bargains. We can furnish your house or office com plete with either new or fine used furni ture and on the installment plan, too. Get our prices first. No mystifying. Our goods all marked In plain figures. Western Sal vage Co., 043M:, 543 and .'47 Washington 16th and iitn sts. uoth phones. $00 Ot'ARTER-SAWED oak chlffonode. or cen'Jemans wardrobe, sliftntly used. S19. Jt5 direct action iras range in perfect condition, a bargain at sis. Genuine mahogany colonial design library table, cost $40. price now $21. Good second -hand chairs ooc eAch. Second-hand Iron beds from too up. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 20S Front St. - $100 BRASS bed. enrines and mattress, bed slightly scratched; we guarantee can be relacquerd for 53 ; a tremendous snap for $27.00. Covell Furniture Co., 2U4 i'irst st. DO not buy new furniture. Buy a new table grafonola and have an elegant talking machine and table combined. Easy pay ments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., BOO Aider. A SNAP. Furniture of 4 -room apartment cheap It taKen today; piano li desired. XoZ Iitn, Apt. 1. ONE Wheeler & Wilson rotary sewing-machine, orierinal cost SOS: nractieallv new; $20. One $45 New Home at $13. Covell r urmture to., 2U4 1st st. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room flat. In cluding piano; option of renting flat; nice location, 2 blocks from Wash. st. A bar gain. N 407, Oregonian. SIX leather dining chairs, table like new, 1-3 cusl. o.i rs. J (in si. Poultry. FIVE White Wvandotte- hens, also seven Barred Itock outlets, full blood; hens are two years old. jjullets nearly elht months. Address D. E. Broclnbe, 313 West Buch- BARCtAIN, incubators 2 400 eggs Mandy Lee's. $23 each; 1 52--egg Petaluma, $20; 1 100-egg Petalunn, $10; 1 liiO-egg Cyph ers, $7.0o, good condition. Clover Hill Farms Poultry Dept., Ieer Inland, Or. 20 LAYING young- hens. 12 leghorn pullets. wynnnotte nuiiets. i Lechorn rooster. A bargain. 518 Indiana st. Take Wood- lawn car. FOR SALE -Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red pullets, 7 months old. 5024 34th ave. S. E. FINE fat young: geese for sale. Inquire Mrs, jj'Mondt. R. r. No. 0. Sherwood. Or. Livestock. AUCTION SALE Near Sift on. Wash., Monday, Nov. 23 125 hoKa, 10 registered O. I. C. boars and sows, 14 grade brood sows and lot of small pigs, 93 grade O. I. C. shoats, 13 milk cows and heifers, 7 horses, 200 hens and pullets ; farm machinery and household goods. Free Mexican barbecue at noon S. N. Johnson, Owner; W. S. Wood, Auc tioneer. BIG RALE will be held at Transfc Livery Barn. Gresham. Or.. Wednesday. Nov. a A horses, cows, wasons anu harness to be sold to hiKhest bidder. Sale beginning at lt A. 31. j H KAD of cood dairy cows. Durham. Guernsey and Hoi stein ; all fresh. Take Woodstock car to uinh ave., walk 4 blocks west. FRESH Jersey cow, first calf; 18 months J erscy bull, sow with litter pigs. Tor sale El Modelo Farm. Box 302, Milwaukie, Or. FOR SALE Brown Swiss bull, reelstered 13 months. 5100; will trade for good milch cow. John A. Stuart, Latourelle, Or. 3 YOUNG milch coats for tale, also 1 rubber tire ouggy anu harness. imt n,. tn st. in. FOR SALE Fresh cow. Call 4S29 60th st S. E. EXTP.A fine Duroc Jersey pigs, "weeks old, 4 each, fnone Main &4-'J. Automobiles. THREE-TON TRUCK. The best buy today; our 3-ton standard demonstrator, newly painted and anew tires; easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 690 Washington St. HAVE 7-passenger, 1914 Hudson, value $2400; will trade- for vacant lot of same value or cheaper lot and give terms on balance. 605 Board of Trade, Phone Main 8925. 7-PASS. WINTON Late model. Demounta ble rims, two extra casings ; car has run less than 10.000 miles; self-starter; up holstering cannot ie told from new; no real estate, terms to responsible party. f 3W, jregonian. 113 STUDEBAKEIl 23 touring car; new tires, thoroughly overhauled; will demon' strate to your entire satisfaction; car has seen but little wear; no trades. AH 357, Oregonian. CARS boueht. sold, exchanged and rented: Taxis and touring cars for hire storage accessories, repairs and washings. Day and night service. Main 6922. Cotillion Garage, 14th and Burnside. Fred iioyer, Mgr. HAVE your auto painted and your trimming nickel-plated at Portland Plating & Auto Painting Co., also upholstering; z2d and xnurman. Main 43, A bzsz; zu ana up ward, accoraing to the work. 1914 TOURING CAR Can't meet payments will sacrifice Overland 5-passenger; no real estate: will give terms to responsible party. ft zai, uregoninn. TAKE-DOWN Dortable garages erected on your lot complete with lock and key; price $37.50 ud Take-Down Garage Mfg. Co., Main 5710. A 0035. Foot of Harrison BL FORD 1914 6-passenger, run 1500 miles, ex ceotionally strone motor: $85 extra eaulo- ment; 2 new tires; $450; by owner; no trades. 3ii Hawthorne ave. CADILLAC 1913, splendid condition, re painted, electric lights, self starter, air punt ps, bumper, etc.. $lovo ; no trades. 1 oregonian. TO TRADE for unencumbered Portland real estate, 1912 velie o-passenger 4 0-horse power, electric-lighted, full equipment, in f Irst-class condition. AB 414, Oregonian. 4-CYLINDER. foredoor roadster In fine con dition to exchange for good youna; team, weight 2700 or over. Mr. R usee 11, New Hotel Houston, ttn st. jaam Z84i. CONTRACT vour renairine to Broadway uar.ige; uo risit or overcharge: work auar anteed ; motor work a specialty ; try us. fcast uroaawav at z-itn. n;ast z.5. FEDERAL TRUCK. Second-hand Federal In No. 1 mechsm leal condition; easy terms. AR 401, Orego nian. FOR HIRE. $1.50 per hour. 5-passenger 1914 Ford: special rates for day or trips. Main 1201 after 5:3o P. M. or Sundays call East 4308. EXPERT mechanic will work at your garage 50c an hour; give me chance; references given. J. C, East 8S77. 1912 OVERLAND In splendid condition; a bargain for some one; would consider terms, but no trades. BC 261, Oregonian. 1913 SIX-CYLINDER, t-passenger Chalmers. In A-l condition, for good real estate. X 409, Oregonian. WINTON SIX, o-passenger, fine condition; will consider city property; owners only. AC 405, Oregonian. SIX-CYLINDER Peerless, cost $5800, run 700 miles; has all modern equipment. $2300, no trades. D 416, Oregonian. 1912 CADILLAC, repajnted and rebuilt; runs and looks like new; $073, terms. Wood lawn 069. 1914 FORD 6-passenger, like Flrst-clafis condition. AC 411, new, $450. oregonian. 5-PASSENGER Warren auto. Apply 346 N 23d st. phone Main 7541. AUTOMOBILES painted, $20 up; buggies, $7 up; express work. Woodlawn 386. FOR SALE. Automobile. OVERLAND OVERLAND OVERLAND Used-Car Department Open Sunday. Will Extend Liberal Terms. Overland Model 69." 4-passenger, torpedo body; run less than 3000 miles $900 Overland Model 69," 5 passenger; like new $600 Maxwell Model 36 Special," roomy 5 passenger $550 Studebaker Model "20." touring; nenr tires, thoroughly overhauled $400 Studebaker Model "25," S passenger; excellent condition; has seen lit tle wear f ; $500 Overland Model "51 brand new, $65 storage battery, electric lights; in the best condition $50Q Elmore 5 passenger, newly painted, new top, good tires $250 Ford Delivery New body, newly painted $425 Maxwell Delivery cylinder, excel lent condition, new , body and paint $375 1014 Overland Touring1 Cair Owner leav ing state has left car with us to sell; less than two-thlrtis of original cost. 1914 Overland Roadster Price too low to aavertise. V W. LEAVITT & CO. Marshall 3535. 16th and Washington. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY USED-CA.R DEPARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 ELMORE touring car. in good con dition $250 l CHAbMKHS "HO," 1911 medal, y passenger touring car, overhauled and repainted $500 1 PARRY u-passenger touring car In good running order $250 1 sTUUboAKfin "30" 4-passenRer tourinir car. Just overhauled, self- starter, etc $600 X MAXWELL Roadster, in fine con dition $450 1 stoddakd-dayton Roadster, in fine condition $350 X cTUDt-BAKER -so" tourinK car. in first-class condition $375 1 STUDEBAKER "30" 4-nassenirar touring car, good condition $300 OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. Phones Main 9402, A 7656. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY. HEADQUARTERS FOR RELIABLE USED CARS. HONEST REPRESENTATIONS, LOWEST PRICES. CARS OVERHAULED. You can i?et more in allowance on new 'cars than we are asking for cars In this list, and run them until Spring at that. Electric lighted, self -starting Over land, 5-passengcr. fully equipped .... $623 Electric lighted, self -starting Cadil lac, extra tire, fully equipped 1050 Electric liahted Reo roadster, fully equipped 600 Delco starter, electric, Oakland dem onstrator, new : 950 Regal underslung, 2-paasenger, presto. 300 Studebaker "25,' 5-paes., nice condition 460 Here is a wonder. studeoaker 3U, o-passenger, electric horn, bumper. Presto, nickel-plated, mechanically perfect 450 DELIVERY CARS. 150O LBS. CAPACITY. Commerce Trucks with swell panel top, electric Ughts, NORTHWAY motors. We know trucks, owner is losing $500 each on dealer's cost. Investigate, it will pay you. Cars brand-new. NEW OAK LANDS have arrived, see them. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY. 523 Alder, corner 10th. Main 2481. 1912 BUICK $350 1912 BUIOK. 1912 Buick 20, 5-paes., fine condition; see it and you will buy it. S3oo. Maxwell delivery, panel body, $295. 1913 American 30. 4-paas. $475. 1913 Commerce, 1200-lb. delivery, panel body. Car Is brand, new, cost-$1100. Price $093. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 1199. East 1190. SNAPS Overland '12. G-pass., $400. Reo, '12. &-pass., 42.i. Flanders, chassis only. $183. Buick. '10, o-pass.. $275. WANTED Roadster to $50O. 6-cyl. Chassis to $250. 40-60-h. p. chassis to $00. RELIANCE GARAGE, 36th and Hawthorne. 1911 FORD Touring Car.... 11U4 FORD Touring Car... 1911 BRUSH Roadster . .$30O . .$400 ..$123 BENJ. E. BOONE & 514 Alder St. Main 3966. USED CAR SNAPS - Two Reo trucks. rin M ni inn tlve-nassencer 40-H. P. One Stoddard-Day ton nve-passenger, 20 H. P. Twn mndel lO Buirlc cars. S150 each. Base Line Garage, Tabor 65-2. 2043 East Stark St. HUDSON SIX-CYLINDER. Late model, with electrlo starter, seat curves, speedometer, ex tra tire, ne w ly painted, o-passenger, gooa as new. a snap, No real estate. Jasa oniy. au ia, ure gonian. WHEN ON DIVISION REMEMBER THE RICHMOND GARAGE. Division at 37th. Repairing. Storage. Accessories. WINTON SIX. LATE MODEL. Fully equipped, in fine condition; will take smaller car as part payment, bal ance cash or terms. No real estate. This is the best buy in the city. AL 411, Ore gonian. FAMILY AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. 1913-14 5-passenfrer. electric equip ment; run less than 6000 miles; cost $1850 besides extras; good as new. $975. Owner. M 414, oregonian. ONE Peerless 40-H. P. 5-passenger touring car; price $300; this car has over $loo worm or equipment; win demonstrate Call or see G. E. Spencer, 271 E. Water st E. 362, B 1181. 1914 5-PASSENGER Maxwell, new tires and in perfect order, run 3000 miles; $o50; 5 per cent for cash. L. A. Smith, Oregon City. Main 124. STUDEBAKER '"20" roadster, recently over hauled, good condition, fully equipped ; storm curtains, presto, speedometer, etc. ; $350. R. R. Cronise, 195 Front St., Salem. MUST see to appreciate this smooth-running, high-grade, 1914 car, fuliy equipped, A-l condition ; owner leaving city; cash only. W 41S, Oregonian. HOUSE and lot, 20 minutes out. two blocks from car, value $1600, with $800 incum- brance, to trade for launch or auto. C 414, Oregonian. WILL take a late model automobile as pay ment on a 4 or 5-room bungalow or city lots at cash valuations on all. T. W. Nordby, 602 Couch bldg. STORAGE for unused cars. $2.50 per mo.; used cars $4: also new Federal truck fot sale. New Market Garage, 2d and Ankeuy. $00 DOWN, $25 a month, $250 in all. buys my 4-cy Under Maxwell In good running order; good tires. M 418. Oregonian. FOR SALE Stoddard-Dayton roadster, good condition, $350. Laurelrnee Garage. East 4096 or B 1642. 3-TON White truck. $1000. Field & Poor man Garage, 271 E. Water st. Phone E. 362. MY 1914 car. run loss than 2000 miles, cheap for quick sale ; easy terms. AH 358, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by the month, a one ton motor truck; must be in good con dition. AV 223. Oregonian. 7-PASS. Studebaker-Garford, new tires; make good truck ; very cheap; consider lathe for part. Phone Sellwood 264. TWO-PASSENGER Metz, $75.PetrIch res taurant, 17th and Thurman sts. Sunday P. M. - ONE Buick roadster, 1914, good as new, $1000; one Buick roadster, 1913, $hO0. Speedwell Motor Car Co., 14th and Couch! FORD for sale, 1914. 5-passenger; presto, road smoothers; like new. Barton, Hotel Perkins. Slightly used tires from $S to $25 ea. ; vul canized, 25c tire; repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Ford taxicab, $330 cash. Hicks. Main 4334. Ray 1915 TOURING car. also some real estate to trade for apartment-house. Marshall 2044. WINTON, 5-pass., 6-cyIlnder; make me an offer. Call today. 226 2d it FOR SALE 1-ton auto truck in first-class condition; cheap. Call 327 Water st. MAXWELL roadster, 1911 model 846 Mis sissippi ave. Woodlawn 1249. A 4-CYLINDER Maxwell auto for rale or trade. H. M. Nlsbet. East S896 or East 95. 1914 FORD. 5-pass.. pinkel-plated, used90 davs. 725 Kearney. Marshall 724. A SNAP In a 20 FT. P. Flanders roadster $225. Call 404 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Automobiles. EXCEPTIONAL OFFERS THIS WEEK ON USED CARS. ONE-HALF CASH AND TERMS. Maxwell Roadster Fully equipped; five new tires, trunk, chairs, etc; a snap at $200 Ford 5 passenger, fully equipped and in Al mechanical condition $300 Overland 3 passenger, f ufiy equipped and in the pink of condition; the best Overland ever offered at the price; see it at $550 Warren Roadster Repainted; all new tires; u good looker and performer, at ;. ..$500 Regal 5 passenger, fully equipped. . . 0o0 1 Buick 5 passenger, 33 h. p., at.... $050 1 Buick 10oo-lb. truck, at $400 We sell the best cars for the money, old or new. In looking over the advertised used cars today see if you can find any used Buick automobiles advertised. They are hard to find and are the best selling cars in this state, next to Ford. HOWARD AUTO COMPANY. Buick Distributors. 14th and Davis Sts. PRICES CUT ON ALL USED CARS. Berlin Winton v Six Limousine, only run 900 miles, a great sacrifice. White "40," 5 passenger. Thomas, 4 passenger, 70 h. p. Overland "30." Stoddard-Dayton, 45 h. p., 7 pass. Winton Sixes, all models thorough ly rebuilt and guaranteed, fully equipped, in 4, 5 and 7-pas. bodies. We must make room for our new cars, and therefore must sacrifice our used cars. These cars carry our standard guarantee. Call for demonstration and get our prices. THE WINTON -MOTOR CTVR CO., FACTORY BRANCH. PORTLAND, OREGON, 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4244. Open Sundays. IF YOU WANT A GOOD. HIGH-GRADE REAL SNAPS. 1912 Michigan, 5-passenger, electric dynamo and lights, repainted end in good shape, $aou. 4-passenger Maxwell 30, repainted; must be seen to be appreciated, Garford light service truck, $475. 1-ton truck with good roomy body and in gooa Bnape ; iu iiiuoi uwiu, vv v. Low prices on electric, either Detroit electric or Baker, either Victoria or coupe body. Chalmers Master Six, cheap. 1 1914 6-40 Hudson, the only one we have ever been able to get for re-sale. See this.- We are in a position to offer you terms if desired. Now is the time to get some thing good for only a little money aown. C. L. BOSS & CO., 615-17 Washington St.,- Portland, Or. USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1912 Reo, 5-passenger, 80 H. P., only $825. 1911 Pierce-Arrow. 5-Pasceneer. 6-cyl lnder. 30 H. P., fully equipped, in A-l condition. For quick sale, iu. 1911 Cole roadster. 2 -passenger, 30 H. P., Just overhauled and repainted, new tires, only 4 i a. 1012 Michigan. 5-passenger, 33 H. P. fully equipped, overhauled and repainted electric lighto, only $575. Several other good used cars to select xrom. American travel scrip given. One mile or travel witn every uoiiar in trane. OPEN TODAY FROM 10 TO 12. j liORTH WEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch Sts. Main 8S87. A 4959. SPECIAL AUTO SALE. New spark plugs, each 40c Bankrupt stock gloves, $1.00 pair. Parts for 14 different makes of cars, one-half price. NEW TIRES Special Price NEW TIRES H0x3, $9. non-skid. 30x34, $12, non-skid. 32x3 Vs. $13.20, non-skid. 33x4. $18, non-skid. 34x4. $18.50, non-skid. 36x4. $18.00. non-skid. And all other sizes in proportion. You will save over 4 per cent if you buy your urea irom PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 327-323 Burnside St. Phone Marshall 3238. AFTER THE WAR UP PICK WILL THINGS And the great values we are now offering on our used cars win be sons. 1910-11-12 13-14 cars at prices never heard of before in Portland. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, King and Washington Sts. GREAT BARGAINS 6-48 Hudson, self-starter, electric lights, $S0O. 6-4S Fierce-Arrow, 5 passenger, almost new. 30 Cadillac 5-passenger, $500. JOHN J. IMMER REPAIR SHOP, 123 N. 5th St. Two-ton Reo truck for sale cheap. This truck has been ued three months and is in first-class condition and is a bargain. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS 209-11 Front st. Main 2S92. 1913 OVERLAND Electric lights and starter; used only 7 months; run 3600 miles ; thoroughly overhauled ; newly pain tea ; orana new seat covers; neve been used ; mechanically perfect; best 5- passenger buy in the city. AE 358. Ore gonian. AM forced to sell my 5-passenger fore door automobile in good condition, tires nearly new, curtains, -resto iignt. extra lnne; tubes and tools; well worth $000 to $6O0 cost new $1600. Price $350 cash. 1160 E. Grant, today or Main 1189 after today 1500-lb. truck In first-class mechanical condition, lor sale for 5320. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, v U'J-ii r ront st. Main 2892. I WANT ACTION. Wrlll trade choice acre on Beneonlc Heiehts for eood machine of equal value. $1000 or anything else of same value; act quick, pf-cause this is aood. w 40tt. Ore- Roman. C-PASS. WHITE "40." 1912 model; driven 11.000 miles; newly painted and complete ly overhauled; tires practically new; this car is in excellent condition and a bar gain; terms to right party. AH 339. Ore gonian. WINTON SIX 7-passenger fore-door car, in rine running condition. Will demon strate. For sale, or will trade for unin cumbered property. Address Owner, B. uoouman, zx. ist st. AUTOS for hire, $1.50 per hour. 274 Star st. Main 79. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Light 4-pass. auto in A-l con oition; must oe reasonable; cash; io f orus. a v a. uregonmn. CARPENTER contractor vrlll remodel o build for you and take in automobile as part payment. Call Main 3029. WANTED Twenty cars for Winter rtorape Call Base Line Garage. Tabor 602 fot rates. WANTED Roadster, A-l condition, of goo make at bargain zor cash. Main 39(t. WANTED Light runabout for city an out sine lots. l 41 1, uregonmn. TO TRADE 40 or SO acres Wash, land for a Rnnm A. VTatn IIO FOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Second-hand touring car; motor ana cnassis must oe in nrst-ciass repair and cheap; body and top no object ; pre fer 40-horse motor: cash. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2892, 209-11 Front st. LIGHT 2 or 4-passenger car for $600 note; two gooa rarmers on this note ; must be good machine. E 404, Oregonian. WE want any old automobile; must be cheap. Base Line Garage. Tabor 602. Motorcycles. If you want a first-class GUARANTEED 2D-HAND MOTORCYCLE Call and look over the Motorcycle 4b Supply Co.'s stock of 50 second-hand machines to pick from. From $25 to $200. SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. 1 1013 ExcelBior, 7, fully equipped. .. . $150 1 1913 Excelsior, 7, fully equipped. .. .$125 1 single Indian ." $ 65 1 Eagle, 9-h. p., De Luxe motor $100 1 Harley Davidson, 5-h. p., fully equipped .$ SO Second-hand bicycles from $10 up. Phones: Main 2D0. A-3306. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-126 12th St. WE have all makes of used motorcycles and are offering them ac very low prices; it will pay you to buy now. Dayton Cycle Co.. 2lo Broadway. MOTORCYCLE. BARGAIN This is the wise man's op portunity. Gerllnger Motor Car Co., King; and Washington. TO EXCHANGE The swellest pony In Port- lanu ana some cash Tor late moaei inaian H-D or Dayton. Phone B 15G9 or call 87 East 69th st. 114 TWO-SPEED INDIAN. electrically equipped; used only a little; a snap. Day ton Cycle Co., 210 Broadway.; CLEAR acreage and some cash for light auto ; Fora preierrea. joraan, bermens bldg. FOR SALE or trade, one Indian, two-speed motorcycle and side car; no reasonable otfer refused. Tabor 0128. WANTED Best eouipuert twin c3"cle motor cycle that $13' or 173 will buy. Write W. O. Miller. Hubbard. Or. TWIN motorcycles for $70, $H0, $120, $135, $l.iO ; big selection ; look them over. Jel ferson Cycle Co.. 287 3d St. Main6139. 19J4 TWO-SPEED YALE; has never been used : $2.i0; this is certainly a bargain, 210 Broadway. MOTORCYCLE; $50 cash takes It today. zzi becond st. 4-HORSEPOWER Harley-Daviion motCi- cycle very cheap, labor 13o4. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR RENT Garaee and storage. 3-story. fireproof, cement building, buxioo, good terms. W. H. Seltz & C. 3lo Spalding blrtp. Main 00S4. Machinery SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AMD SUPPLIES. Our guaranteed bargains will Interest you. LOOK! BOILERS steam and water. ENGINES steam and nasoline. P L'M PS steam, water, centrifugal, etc, and anv other machine or machinery you can possibly need or think of. TRANSMISSION MACHINERY of all kinds. Pl'LLEYS cast, wood and steel. GEARS, sheaves, etc a large assort ment. BELTING rubber, leather, cotton, etc. SHAFTING all sizes cut to length. BABBITT METALS all grades. CABLE all sizes and kinds. Special lU-inch at 10c ft, M-lnch at 3c fL M. BARDE & SONS, INC. The House of a Million Bargains. 240-244 Front St.. cor. Main. 22 Years in Portland, Or. BOILER BARGAINS. K-TT. T vertical. comnlete with trimmings $70.00 12-H. P. horizontal Special price 20-H. P. horizontal Less than cost Also number of second-hand sawmill bargains; capacity 5 to 15,000. WESTERN F A HQ V H AR MACHINERY CO., East First and Salmon Sts., City. WANTED One 32-34 ton Standard guage engine or 35-40 ton Shea engine for lumber purposes; also four 40-foot skele ton lumber cars, s tana ara gauKe. WESTERN FARQl'HAR MACHINERY CO., East First and Salmon Sts., City. Ty pewrlters. ALL MAKES, FACTORY BUILT, LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS. Send for illustrated price list. Retail department the Wholesale Typewriter Company, ;21 Washington St., Portland. Or. Stores in all Pacific Co;ist cities. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, at very lowest prices. See our oispiay, men get our Pi'HE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO., 302 OAK ST. TYPEWRITERS at low prices. Visible from $1 up. See our display ad and prices on page 2, section 1. which is too large to appear in tnis column. i ae '.Type writer Exchange, 301 Washington et. TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months for $i and up; 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Kemington lypewriter .om pany, o 3roaavay, roniana, ur. WE desire first-clnss Underwood typewriter. AVill exchange talking machine for same. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE save you from 00 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; sena ror our iiiup trated folder. Retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Wash. t TYPEWRITERS All makes, $10 to $63. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER -0., 262 Stark St. ntw.w rfhnilt pecond-hand rentals at cu rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark st. Main 1407 Miscellaneous. MY handsome solid oak dining furniture, 54-in. table, leather bottom chairs, rugs and other. Must all be sold Monday, re gardless of price. Woodlawn 2 94. HEAR the new Edison disc machine. Simply wonderful. No needles to change; natural tone. Sold on easy payments. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 300 A'der. HOUSEBOAT, 5 rooms, nicely furnished, modern conveniences ; mo tor boat, speed 16 miles. Houseboat No. 2, Oregon Yacht Ciub. STOVES at a bargain. Steel range, small cookstove, wood heater, gas range and 2 gas plates. Call at once. Owner leaving city. 343 Tillamook. Phone East 64S2. WE rent you first-class talking machine and 18 latest indestructible records ior $3.00 monthly. Records changed monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder. FOR SALE One engineer's Wye level, 18 inch telescope, also one Gurley transit; both Instruments in good condition. H. S Hall, Home Valley,Wash. HUNTING season Is now on; bargains In rifles, shotguns, revolvers, all makes, caeap. Beauregard's. 702 Main St., Van couver, Wash. A SALE on Saturday and Sunday of choice 2-year-old rose bushes at $1.00 per dosen. Other shrubbery also. 957 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Ruud heater, bath tub and Alaska seal coat. 2o4 Macleay bldg., 4tn und Washington sta NEW KIMBALL 88-note player piano with music, at a sacrifice. Can arrange terms. Sellwood 500. HEATING STOVE, nickel trimmings, good condition, $10. Oriole basket $3. Tabor 5071. ACETYLENE light system, perfect condition, new pipe and fixtures; will install ard sell cheap. Y 421. Oregonian. IF you want a heater for $11 bor 838. good $28 wood and coal , used 4 months, call Ta- FOR SALE Great Majestic range, less than 1 year old. pair water coils, also Char ter Oak heater. P 4u8, Oregonian. $80 . BUYS line dinner ring, 28 diamonds set In platinum. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg, 2d and Stark sts. $75 BUY'S exceptionally fine designed bar pin, 13 diamonds set in gold. 320 Lum ber Ex, bldg. ONE $125 Duntlf y vacuum cleaner. Heiraes Loan Office, 26 N. 6th st. $30. NATIONAL cash register. 5c to $180, or sale cheap. 243 Washington. tO QUARTS of fruit at 33c a quart ; home canned. . :t06 N. 26th. FOR SALE at half of original cost, diamonj necklace; no trades. J 417, Oregonian. $70 NEW HOME sewing machine for ti3. Snap. 175 10th. corner Yamhill. FINE Emerson H -h.p AC motor, only $23. $10 down, $3 monthly. 350 Alder. LIGHT covered delivery waon and single harness for sale cheap. East 4383. SHOTGUN, automatic, almost new. Phone W oodlawn 30 FOR SALE Heating stove, wood or con, 7S9 Wasco. East GOGS. INDIANA motorcycle, fully equipped; b's bargain for cash. A R 380, Oi ego.ium. HO USE EG AT and launch houses. J. L. Gii -hHin, buiMor. A 34T1. Main H'hi. THREE puol tables. -02 Va Stark. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, PIPE PIPE-PIPE. Plumbing Supplies Piumbing Supplies. Extra special prices for bathtubs, low down toilets and all kinds of plumbing supplies. All guaranteed new and in good condiiton. Sinks only $2.7C, range boilers $4.50. AH kinus of pipe from s-inch to 12-inch, at rock-bottom prices. All guaranteed In first-class condition, with new inreaas and couplings. Get your plumbing supplies of us and do your own work. See our stock and you will be surprised at the saving. See us for estimates on any kind of plumbing. Lare stock of second-hand corrugated, galvanized roofing. Not. 4 Ruud Gas Heater fer sale cheap. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 203-205 Front St.. bet. Salmon and Taylor. NEW MACHINERY. New semi-steel siuma puller, grooved drum; special ...$ 3$ New 16-h. o. Hor. engine, steam $210) New U. S. standard platform scale. 5-ton $60 REBUILT MACHINERY. 2-h. p. gasoiino engine with pump Jack, $ 4 1 H -h. p. Waterloo aasollne engine. . . $ 35 4-h. p. gasoline engine. $ 4i Drag saw machine $190 25-h. p. 2-cylinder gas engine $350 60-h. p. Comp. marine engine with oipe boiler $600) 20-h. p. vertical boiler $135 Many other bargains. Make your ma chinery wants known. REIERSON MACHINERY CO., 107 1st st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Our stock is the most complete- and Includes: BATHTUBS TOILETS SINKS BOILERS PIPE AND FITTINGS of all kinds. Plumbers furnished if desired. M. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains, 240-242 Front St.. Corner Main. 22 Years in Portland. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One 12 1L P., 35-ft. launch. -fL beam. $1750. One good dry kiln. 0C0 ft. pipe headers complete. $275. One shingle mill, machinery, boiler, en gine and kiln, $00. Address; T. E. Conley, Sta. B, T a com a, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP, stern-wheel steamer O.ympian. carries 400 passengers; fUy equipped and ready for service; 158 feet loug, 6 feet beam; compound tandem 1500 H. P engines, oil burner. For particulars anply to Moncrieffe Cameron, Proctor In Admiralty, 3 24 Central bldg. Main 1683 and Queen Anne 1463. Seattle, Wash, 11 PE. PIPE. PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from 3-8 to 6-in. Any kind of plumbing supplies. Wholesale and re tail. Very low prices. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 209 Front. Main 630 4 CAMERAS, one 4x3, four holders and car- the other for less, and one 8x10 and lens $30, and finishing articles. Call or phone Ait. Hood Studio. Tabor 740 or B 3030. 1923 East Glisau at. SEWING MACHINES Fold on very easy payments; rented one week $1. one mo. $3. J mo. $5 Repaired by experts. We call for and deliver. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Mar. 721. 3S2 Morrison St. A 5110. SEWING machines of all makes, new and secona-nana bargains ; $. up with a writ ten guarantee to eew perfect; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for ratts. Main Bi31. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d, near Taylor. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, sold, rented, repaired. Over 50 motors on hand. B. E. DAVIS & CO., 103 E. Water St. East 3140. B 2236. AM unloading a fine car of ples. Just shlDDed in ; price from 3t'c to 600 per box; am forced to sell at this price; wilt sell vou anv amount from one box and up. Call at Pacific Storage Co.. East 1st and Madison sts. SEWING MACHINES Singer. $7; White. $16; Damascus, $20; New Royal. $7; Freo, J27.50; Wheeler & Wilson, $1; New Home. $30; Singer, $22.00, terms, and guaranteed. Sewing .Muclune Emporium, lou 3d, ncur Taylor. Alain 9431. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating and direct current motors, guaranteed in every respect. All makes. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. 46 Second st. w E seil or rent. THOROUGHLY reliable and cheapest pla.-e In the city to buy your second-hand fur niture Is at the Levin Hardware A Fur niture Co., 221-223 Front, corner Salmon. Phone Main 072, A 7174 BANKRUPT'S fixtures cheap, modern barrel scale, oil tank, platform scale, medium safe, good National register, McCosky reg ister, floor cases, Dayton scales, $30, etc. 6 E. Ankeny. LODGING OR HOISTING ENGINES. Derricks, scraper, clamshell buckers. concrete mixers, pumps etc. STANDARD MACHINERY CO., 46 Second st. We sell or rent. CASH registers (National)," sold "on easy monthly payments; all registers guaran teed. THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Basement Majestic Theater Bldg. ROOFING. Rubber and asbestos is being sold away below its value by GEO. B. RATE & CO., Portland, Or. $0o BUYS exceptionally tine diamond ring. Tiffany setting. 320 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE Real bargain, fine oak roll-top riefck; fine oak flat-top desk, nearly new. 286 Oak st. FOR SALE Power hammer, splitting shears, lathes, roller and all kinds sheet metal machinery. Main 2937. UN REDEEMED diamond jewelry, for the money loaned on. Wm. Toll, Washington bldg. ONE set machinist tools, practically new, at a bargain If taken at once. 3iH East 33th st. Phone Tabor 1679. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; mads in Oregtn; per Kallon 1.5. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 100. FOR SALE Two pure-bred cocker span iel pups, also one Llewellyn setter well trained. 802 Front st. BRAND NEW S23 black seal traveling bag. Owner must sell same at once. Price $7.00 cash. 208 1st st. ERMINE furs. 3 dresses, embroidered ' silk underwear and Japanese robe reasonable, C 2S96. COMPLETE block32 IotsatKerrabon, $450 equity in St. Johns lot. What offers? W 417, Oregonian. FOR SALE A pair fine opera glasses, lady's watch and diamond stick pin. Mr. Brown, 9 Washington bldg. TENT 16x24 ft., 12-oz. material, used short time, good condition, cheup. Phone East 2381. SAFES All sizes at co-t , safes repaired. Mosier Safe Co., Za Northwestern Bank bidg. Main 7 6 To. SAFES New and second-hand; 'rgalns. 101 First st. 16 FT. MORRIS canoe and outfit, costing $13o, used only one season. Call Sellwood 090 Sunday morning. CONCR ETE mixer for sale or rent ; used on 2 Jobs onlv; 2-sack batch, cheap. Main 87t0. 46 2d st. NEED CASH Will sacrifice complete In ternational Correspondence School Course. H 412, Oregonian. TENT house 18x22. gas raige and water coll ; bargain. Haw thorne car to 67th, one block south. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA" EXCHANGE. I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 Vfc Sd st. N. FOR SALE Houseboat, furnished; will sac rifice, as I am going to Alaska. AE 40a. O-egoman. ANEROID barometer ( K. & E.), reading to 12.0O0 ft.; almost new; very cheap. E 416, Oregonian. LARGE 6-ft. rolltop desk, with or without chair; bargain. Main 2O05. ROSE beads, all sires, 2c esch and up. 16th st car. 427 21st st. North. FOR SALE feet long. -Real bargain, oak counter, IV 26 Oak st. FOR RENT Donkey engine, suitable for grubbing, 630 E. 20th ft. No. FERTILIZER Rotted manure for sale by the. load. Phone East 1073. B 34G3. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 . months for 4. Main 6273, A 4441. 244 Stark St. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1. Rvder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor.3d and Morrison. DAY'TON computing tea and coffee scale cheap for cash. G 401, Oregonian. TWO bievcles for sale: both in fine condi tion: pt-k-e $13 and $18. phone East 5445. HAVE $700 gent's diamond ring to sell cheap for cash. A 401, Oregonian. FOR SAl-H Gas heater, good as new; half cost. LtS Oak st. FOR SALE Bicycle, first-class condition, fully equipped. Call 408 Morris. COMBINATION folding bed. bookcase and w anirobe, cheap. 3 so Yamhill. Main 68 1 3- BREAD. t ra d e. ham and bacon slicer for sale or 23 Gth st. N. LA L1 ES' rinfr. 1 l4 carat diamond, sapphir earh fide. SI Oil. K 410. Oregonian. KH SA LE -20-foot motor-boat, 4 h. p. $73. K 416, Oregonian. 1.4-ROOM modern houseboat. Sellwood