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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
HAWTHORNE AVENUE DISTRICT. Located near 50th and Hawthorne. Price $:7S0. Cash $100, balaned eacy terms, new S-r. bungalow, attic and basement, atrict ly modern with all built-in conveniences, built by day work, doubly constructed, original price but as owner Is go- )n to Seattle will sell for $2750; any kind of terms to purchaser who can make good. This Is no fake. NO AGENTS. liOVAL BVlLDlSd CO. Day, Tabor 104 8. Evening), Tabor 604. P. 8. : View lot with trees on it. 7-EOOSI BUNGALOW, 2BLOCKS FROM HAWTHORNE AVE. Double constructed, hardwood floors. paneled dming-room, beamed celling, iur nac. fireplace, bookcase, buflet, Dutch kitchen, stationary wash trays, full ce ment basement, bedrooms, bath, and kitch tu finished In white enamel; all rooms tinted; street improvements all in and paid for; the .finest of material is used in construction. The price is a sacri fice. Call Sunday, 38 4Sth st between a and 0 P. M. The terms are what you have been looking for. WILHEHG-OPPEGARD INV. CO. GUI Stock Exchange JBldff. Marshall tiOU. $2150 HARDWOOD FLOORS KCK.NACE. FIREPLACE BITFKT, BOUKCASES, DUTCH KITCHEN, Ueained celling, 7-ft. concrete basement and cement floor; most complete 6-room bungalow in the city for $2100. Lrand new, never occupied, well con structed, artistic home, lawn seeded, east lacing, 1 block car. LOCATION 100M EAST 28TH N. Owner show today. Alberta car to 28th, then block south. 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT. LAUKELHURST HOME. New, modern, finished in mahogany and j eiiaiHBieu hi, os k noors tnrougnout, plate glass, tiled bath; beautifully decorated, line electric fixtures. It is absolutely com plete in every detail. Built by day labor. It is an ideal home in the choicest part of Laurelhurst; east frontage. Personal Inspection solicited. Phone owner any time, except between 10 A. t. and 1:30 P. Al Sunday. Tabor 2883. YOU WANT A HOME Or you would not be reading this. We are Froing to sell this new 5-room home at a bargain; yes, st a bargain. Our price has been $3000. But now it is up to you to make the price. It's in the Rose City Park district, on 7lBt St., just north of amly boulevard. See it today. It has liardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, fix lures and shades. We mean what we say, we are t;oing to sell this at a bargain, bee It and imike us an offer. SCOTT-BEESUiV-DEANE CO., sil-lj Ablngtun Bldff. PAYMENTS FOR ONE YEAR. U acre, brand new 4-room house, plas tend. tinted, electric lighted, city gas, Hull Hun water; 3 cent carfare: 3 blocks irom laiae Kraded school, price $13.iO: terms, $12. down, no more payments for a year. This will give you an opportu nity to Ki t nicely started in your new lu)!no beture payments begin. Let us ex Plain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moora Cc 618 Ablngton bldg. A DIG BARGAIN, AND ONLY $1500 CASH Down, balance to suit, will buy a fine corner l.jt and two 7-room houses, best part of South Portland ; streets paved, no assessments. This Is nn Ideal site for an apartmi-nt-house. If you are looking for A SNA 1', s-e this, as owner saj's "SELL: 1 -MI ST HAVE MONEY." Call room 018 Icon bld. (K1SU IRVING TON BUNGALOW. !) rooms, including combination sleeping porch and bedroom, 2 bathrooms, large fireplace, hardwood finish; most attrac tive arrangement; on corner, within three blocks ot lrviugton Club; fireproof con struction; will be shown by appointment. 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4U4 Wilcox bldg. Main U!U. A 2633. 1AJGK! $1700 AND $150(1 One 4-room house with disappearing bed in dining-room; equal to a 5-room Iioumi; street improvements in and paid for; lo cated on the Rose City carline. 73d ami Siskiyou sts.; price JITOO. Also one on osth and Hoyt sts., price $15o0. Small payment down. T. W. Nordby, owner i2 Ccuch bldg. tOK SALE $00 down and $15 per month and interest; good S-room modern bun galow and 100x100 lot, with a large va riety of fruit trees, berries, etc. 2 i blocks Mt. Scott line. 2i00. W B Roboison, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Mar shall 240. iGK SALE Modern 9-room residence on one of the most attractive quarter blocks In the city; beautiful foliage and excel lent surroundings; one b.ock from Holla day park on northwest corner Hassato and Last 10th. See Mr. Bales, owner, SOI Yeon buir.. lor further details. ROOMS and sleeping porch, on East 2'Jth St., tnoroughly modern, street improve ments in two blocks from the car. is a bargain at $3750. will accept a clear lot up to $iuoo. c M. Derr, 1100 North western Bank bldg. DO YOU FIT in your present home? If not, let's see if you won t lit in my new, modern home In Laurelhurst on which I am forced to sac rifice. Easy terms. Phone J. Delahunty. Main l:.o3. A 1515. a'h-fi?13 AYE,--rMoUern "-room story and half house, hnished in natural oak all street Improvements In. See this before you buy; $soo handles this INVESTORS BU1LDINO COMPANY 808 Lewis Bldg. ' HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $1100 Neat little 3-room cottaBe, water eat and electric lights, in first-class district one block to car. trees, flowers and Harden; SoO cash, le monthly Fred W German Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce. ' HOME containing g rooms, bath, furnace laundry and good basement; beautiful grounds. 1506 East Taylor. Correspond with owner, Mrs. Mary E. Brong. Lock jait' s OF "ee Elllaa Brong, 267 Vi 0-ROOM modern bungalow; Dutch kitchen, hard floors, electric fixtures, shades and cement basement; lot 50x100; 1 must sell price $23.iO, terms. Owner. L 411. Ore goiuan. ' LEAVING city, sacrlrice ot an acre on Oregon Electric, 6c fare; 4-room house, furnished; 15 fruit trees, flowers, etcf; takes lt50, $30O cash, balance to ulf no agents. BC 303, Oregonian. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lots or ours; by your own plans r ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOMEBUILDERS. WILL sell my $23.uou Holladay Addition home for $20,000. It's a big hcuse, all bS rooms, big lawn, with plenty of shrubbery and one of the best-built and arranged v honfea in the city,- A 417, Orejonlan. l.WU.ME-BEARlXG PROPERT Y S107h0 New building. Holladay's Add'l m tion. close in; lot 50x100, $4oOO cash bal ance easy terms. Take this bargain AP 400, Oregonian. NEW 5-room modern bungalow," hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and all modern conveniences. good car service. $280O' terms to suit. Owner, 410 Chamber of Commerce. MY nice residence property on Denver ve I value at $32K), if sold this week will take $lS.-,0. $J00 cash, balance long time Phone Marshall SH41. 603 Oregonian bldg. 10x200. FINE soil, cleared small house $050; $5 monthly: 35 minutes out. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox Bldg Main 3017. A 73 4U. TaDor 1770. HAWTHORNE HOME You can't'beat It Heautiful lot, modern home, close in' ali improvements in. Will sell for $2200: easy terms. Tabor 2546. NICE 7-room modern home, with 2 lots, for sale cheap. Built for home by owner 44:17 E. 44th st. S. E., near Holgate st Woodstock car. $20011 EQUITY, West Side, $550; cottage on fractional corner, easy walking dis tance, Meade stret: $15oO loan. $1500 in surance, equity $550. L 412. Oregonian. 1'Oli SALE Will you give $050 cash for a house and lot worth $1500? This is my oner for a few Mays only. Phone Mon day, Tabor 1047. FOR SALE Snap! Union - avenue large house and lot, $45 month income: must have money quiet; no agents. Address owner,,' Y 414. Oregonian. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow and sleeping porch. All modem appliances, corner Til lamook and E. 40th N. Phone Tabor 5022. 1KVINGTON HOME, must sacrifice, choice location; consider lot, balance terms. MHtiu 8078. (S-ROOM modern cottase, close in, lot 80x fruit, shrubbery; nets 7 per cent. Sacri fice. R 421, Oregonian. STRICTLY modern Irvington home, owner in East ; will sacrifice and glte easy terms, onlv Jli'ino. Main 842U. $2ooo FOK nearly new modrfl 5-rom house, 50 cash, balance $25 per month, interest included. Geo. A. Riggs, 1102 Spalding bldg. COUNCIL CREST PARK. Saorifi' c seven-room modern house, easy terms. W 413, Oregonian. HAVE YOU GOT ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CAtSH ? Do You Wantb. Home? Would You Spend Ten Cents for carefare to see if this Is a Good i3uy? or would you rather wait until Spring and pay more money for your home 2 I have a new 5-room bungalow, on a rOxlOO lot, half block from car. facing east; plenty of trees. In beautiful Grove land Park, that I will sacrifice for $2700, which is $700 less than it is actually worth, and only $lot down, balance $24 a month, including interest. SEE iT TODAY. Take Hawthorne car to B5th St., walk couth ha!f block to 415 East 05th st. TONY G. ANDERSON, 32S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW bunralow, never occupied; has 5 Kood-sized rooms, large attic, ce ment basement, nice fireplace, built in bookcases, the interior of the house is well finished, has large front porch facing east; cement walks, sraded streets; it is a lovely home: can be bought for $2800, $25 cash and $2o per month; would con sider a vacant lot as part payment of about $roo to $70o value. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 Vi. First st. $600 t cash buys my $2000 equity In S-room mod ern house, near 34th and Hawthorne. Must raise money by Wednesday. Address ! 421, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT SACRIFICE. Good 7-room house, excellent condition, lot 50x100, cement, basement, improve ments in and paid. East Harrison and 37th sts. Only $2650, good' terms. $2200 REAL PICKUP $22(10. 10-room house, arranged for 15 families. 300x100 ground, bearing fruit trees,, dandy place for chickens and garden; 2 blocks from 8-minute car service; only $250 cash required. Call 31V Commercial block. Phone Tabor 4103. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. $30 per month. Including interest, will buy this swell, brand-new 2-story house with attic;. 6 rooms, reception hail, beam ing and paneling, beautiful wall decora tions, all bfiilt-in features, full cement basement. furnace, , fireplace, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, etc.; restricted dis trict, select neighborhood; price, $3250; located 468 East 24th St., near Caruthers. Open 1:80 to 4:30 today. See It. OWNER'S PHONE, B ifl6. $25 DOWN and $15 per month will buy a pretty 5-room bungalow with lot 50x100, in Fern Park; a great bargain for $1000; on these attractive terms buyers must give refer ences. Apply quick. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chaoiber of Commerce. FINES new home. East 24th, mar Division, Murraymead. 7 rooms nd full lot: $5000; consider some trade. Goldschinldts Agency. 2us Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. $1725 TERMS $1725. $1725 TE RMS $1725 1018 E. 2TH ST. NORTH. 1018 E. 21ITH ST. NORTH. 5-room. bungalow, full basement, electric fixtures, plumbing; the best proposition you eevr saw; block to car. Alberta car to 20th st. SEE THIS TODAY. I MUST SELL My new 6-room house, on view lot, built-in bookcases, seat, writing desk, china closet, buffet, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, hard wood floors, electric lights, cement base ment, laundry trays; price $2fi0; $275 cash, bal. $10 month. Sea owner, SIS nth st. North, lrvington car. Far bale lousiness Property. SOUTH PORTLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY $600O. Fine corner, large store building, and rooms overhead; street improvements paid for; unincumbered; exchange for small farm same value or less. Fred W. Ger man Co., 014 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD income business property, near Jef ferson High School. Price $2200; income $23 per month; $1150 will handle it. See owner at 123i Kerby st., cor. ' Simpson. 50x125 FEET on Williams live., bet. Broad way andRussell: Income bearing; assured future. Owner. L 406. Oregonian. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. -Good soil, city water; close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone. Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. FINE 21-acre suburban home, & miles from business center on Section Line road; finely Improved; 6 acres fruit and berries; city water; will sell or trade. Kaate Bros., 61S Henry bldg. FOR RENT 0 acres on 5c carline, with bungalow and outbuildings. G. J. John ston, 616 E. 28th N. Pnone C 2081. ForKalf Acreage. METZGER ACRE TRACT. Own vour own home: 24 trains a day, 25 minutes from Jefferson-street station on Oregon Electric: commutation fare cents: fine deen. fertile soil; can raise your own vegetables, chickens, etc.; school, church, store, postoffice. I am selling Metzprer acre tracts at war prices. You can buv an acre for one-third the price you will pay for a city lot as tar vor farther out than my tracts. Think of it. Terms to suit. Have a talk with the owner at room 402 Title &. Trust bldg., 80 Fourth street. Office hours 8:30 to 4:30, or call at Metzcer station on Oregon Elec trlc Ry. HERMAN METZGER, OWNER. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SUBURBAN HOME? We will subdivide tracts to suit on Red Electric line, west of Portland, 25o com mutation fare. Ideal tracts, very fertile, first selections will get bearing orcnards and small fruit. Most all cultlv., some have bid us. Prices $200 to $2 75 per aero, easy terms. D, M. Rohrbough, 260 Stark St., near 4th. IK-ACRE HOG RANCH FOR H50 Adjoining R. R. station, 80 miles from Portland, all good soil, a small creek la one corner, about this tract is hillside land, balance level bench land; all cut over and burned over, now easy clearing; $100 down, balance monthly payments; a chance 'to buy a small ranch, nicely lo cated. J. B. Ruiey Co., &2S Chamber of Commerce. 1314-ACRE SACRIFICE. 12 acres, highly cultivated. Balance natuial grove, three acres orchard, mostly bearing; land perfectly level; no better soil, on hard-surface road, 14 miles from Gladstone station, Oregon City carline. Price $3250, $2000 cash. Fair set of build ings. Jacob Haas, 30S Gerilnger bldg. 17 ACRES FOR SS00. With fine creek, along level road, all rich soil, about 7 acres hillside, for pas ture or fruit land, balance creelr bottom and bench land , 20 milrs northwest of Portland; 1 mile to R. R. station, $100 down, balance to suit. J. B. Ruley CJ., 92 Cham, of Com. SUBURBAN HOMESITE ONLY $385. Size 170x150, on electric line and auto mobile road; fine view, good soil, water and electric lights. Only $10 per month. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 210 Gerliuger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. 10 ACRES. FURNISHED HOUSE. $800. Young orchard, good soil, spring, close to station. Terms $400 cash, balance to suit. LCEDDEMASN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. $100 BUYS my $000 equity in 10-acre tract. White Salmon; $50O mortgage two acres in. apple trees, balance light clearing. V 411, Oregonian. SOME splendid acreage for platting, As toria. Warrenton, "cheap enougn to make big money; will plat and seil tor you. R. L. YOKE, 113d Northwestern Bank bldg. 10 ACRES garden land, improvements, cow, pigs and chlekens. close to R. R. and markets. $1S0J. only $400 cash. Ackley, 204 Failing bldg. 1.16 ACRES close to Multnomab, highly de veloped, modern bungalow, is forced on the market at $2000. This is an extraordl. nary bargain. See attorney. 512 Piatt b'cig. 22 ACRES, near Goble; five acres cleared, balnaice mostly basture; creek and spring; good soil, small buildings; price $1400; $500 cash. Jacob Haas, Gerilnger bldg. 2 CHOICE acres, garden, chickens, 30 cords wood, 3 rooms, pork, tools, etc.; this week, $1350; liberal cash discount. G. H. John son, owner, Metzger. Or. FORCED SALE $1400. worth $3000, 6-acre corner tract at Sifton, Vancouver car: cottag well, trees, fenced; $1000 cash handles it. S 423. Oregonian. GOOD acre, cleared, with 4-room house, near Lents; big bargain at $ll:i0. terms. Prti- uel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. $275 PF.R acre buys best Beaverton la nd; must sell. Main 7779, CITY CO.WESIEXCE. FINE 5-ACRE HOME. All In cultivation; nue garden soil, yotmar orchard, tine water, small house and barn, fenced and on good road; 4 blocks from carline, with 5c fare; h mile to graded school; J3OU0; one-half cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent. 1 ACRES $2100. This is all iu cultivation; fine bottom soil; 2 acres prunes; running water; three blocks from carline. 5c fare; less than miles from business district, Vancouver, Wash.; one-half cash will nandle it. ATKINSON &. NICHOLS. 611 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. ACREAGE. 1. 2, 5 and 10-acre tracts. 80 min utes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare, . very best of soil, water and community conven iences; $125 to $500 per acre, on in stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. " Msln 35. 102 4th St, jl. 8500. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IN FARM. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. Z0 acres, every foot good and all lays fine: no rock or gravel: comfortable house, good new barn, chicken and hognouses, 2 wells with water piped to house and barn; horse, 3 cows, heifer, calf, some hogs and chickens, and new : arming equipment, including cream separator. On good auto road, 14 mile from station. 13 miles from Portland. Price $0000, good terms. We guarantee It exactly as rep resented. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY $3000 for 10 acres with good house and orchard, 5 acres in cultivation, running stream on place, wa ter piped in house. Easily accessible to highway and view of Columbia River Into Portland. Sheltered from the wind and an Ideal place. One of the very few Im proved places between Latourell and Bri fial Veil, the most scenec section of the Highway. 'This is a bargain price for quick sale. Investigate now; you will not aoie 10 get anytning nae this in th Spring at double the price. J. G. Kainey, 1304 Yeon bldg. A SUBURBAN HOME THAT WILL SUPPORT YOU. $12,000 value for $8000 on following property ; 3 acres located 4 blocks from Courtney statiun, with a modern 7-room house, also one cheap 4-room house, chicken-houses, hoghouse, all kinds of berries, truit trees, grapes and shrubbery; income for past year $1000; owner compelled to sacrifice. - M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerilnger Bldg. 1 ACRE With small house and barn, all In cul tivation, adjoining property laid into lots, 5c car at Lents. You will never get this opportunity again as I am going to sell this quick. Price $1200. Owner, 412 Cham, of Com. bldg. TIGAliD. 0 ACREd, $4000. This place is 8 miles from Portland on . Taylor Ferry road: has a 7-room plas tered house, with fireplace; it cost $1800; good barn: 5 acres under cultivation; 320 fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, logan berries, currants; In fact, every kind of small fruit: an ideal acreage homo; owner was offered $1000 tor the bare land four years ago: easv terms. Fred W. German Co.. 014 Chamber ot Commerce. 5 ACRES FOR $250. . $10 Down and $5 Per Month Buys 6 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of looo population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria; land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms; many 5-acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bet. 3d and 4th Sts.. on Stark. 3 ACRES Just a few blocks off 5c car, at Lents. Small house and barn, all in cultivation; you cannot find a cheaper piece of acre age in the city than this; price $2000. Owner, 412 Cham, of Com. bldg. FINE SUBURBAN HOMESITE. 10 acres on Scholl's Ferry road, 10 min. walk to station. 8c fare on Oregon elec tric; within 7-mile circle; lays finn; fer tile soil, no rocks; 3-4 In cultivation; priee $400 per acre. Terms $10(0 cash, balance yearly at 6 per cent. Will seil 5 acres If desired. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. i'L3 Chamber of Commerce. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chickens and fruit ranches near Portland; - new subdivision near Greaham; 5 acres $400, J.tOO, $700; 3 acres $500. $700; 10 acres $750. $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. SOS Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. NICE SMALL TRACT FOR HOGS. 8 acres, half good creek bottom land, balance easy slope. Faces good road, mile Irom station; fine soil, free from rock; spring water; store and school handy. Price $500. Terms $50 cash, and $12 monthlv. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913-017 Chfimber of Commerce. SUBURBAN AlOMES located on red electric west of Portland: Ideal tracts, very fertile, first selection will cet baarlng orchard and small fruit; most all .' cult! v.. some improved with bldus. Price $00 to $275 per a., easy terms. See Mr. Rohrbough, 2otf Stark St., at t HARTMAN & THOMPSON 37!,4 ACRisS, only 12M. miles from court- nouse. near sycamore station; 120 acres in cultivation, bulance cleared; 6-room plas tered house, barn and other bldgs. ; live running creek; the cheapest buy we know of at $."20O ; must be sold to settle estate. HACKER, THERKELSEN CO, 3oU Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. A 3388. WOOD WILL HELP PAY FOR THIS. Five acres In Tualatin Valley: 12 miles from Portland, near electrlo station. Fine soil and a large amount of virgin timber: lays level; price $1000. $100 cash, $20 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013-117 Chamber of Commerce. BUY A PIECE OF LAND AND MAKE YOURSELF INDEPENDENT. We are offering the best bargain in 3 and 4-acre tracts In high state of culti vation, ONE HOUR'S RIDE from Port land on Oregon Electric. Price $200 per acre, $10 per month. LAUR1TZKN LAND COMPANY, 00 Henry Bldg. Main 1590. 7-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME" ad.loinine Hlllsboro, 4-rm. house, small barn, orchard and small fruit, running water, land all tillable, G a. cleared. 15 min. walk from high and graded schools, price $2700. Cash $750. bal. 6 per cent to suit. See Mr. Rohrbough. 260 Stark St.. at HARTMAN THOMPSON A NICE HOME PNAP. 4H acres, all cultivated. S-room house, barn, chicken-house. Price a snap, $3700; $100 0 cash, balance to suit- At TIgard. Ask Mr. Plckards, with ' GRUSal & BOLDS, 826 Board of Trade bldg. Msln 7432. CLUBHOUSE SITE. On Tualatin River, on macadamised road; ideal for -fishing and boating; grounds for golf links; 10 miles out; mile from S. P. R. R.. 1H miles from Salem Electric. CaJl 580 Dekum ave. for answer. ACRE TRACT, ONLY $235. 35 minutes' rtde, right at electric sta tion, R. F. D., lies level; will sell for $5 per month. . THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO, 210 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. TIGARD ROAD GARDENS. 2, $ and 4-acre tracts, all in cultivation, S min. Walk to station, $350 to $450 per acre; easy terms; only 6 tracts left. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. IRRIGATED RANCH. 103 acres, SO acres In cultivation. 20 In alfalfa, all fenced, soil volcanic ash. one mile from station on main line of Milwaukee R. R. ; $6000; terms. N 400. Oregonian. THREE 20-acre tracts land, located in Sac ramento Valley, irrigated, fenced, mostly level: on Northern Electric R. R.: liberal terms and IO years' time. Owner, J. -P. Hopkins. Live Oak, Cal. ACRES in cultivation, part Eeaverdam on 4th street line. 2 blocks of station, small orchard, snap price $.'150 per acre, easy terms. 1304 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 8177. 10 ACRES choice, well drained land, near Beaverton, over half cleared; small house, good well, for sale at a bargain and on ' easy terms. W. D. Myers, 504 Broadway bldg. $3.50 PER ACRE;-$3.50 PEr""aCREI 240 acres of land in Klickitat County. Wash.. 12 miles from Goidendale. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. FINE view acre, part beaverdam, with house, some income on place, see owner and save commission, terms. Oregon City line. p 400, Oregonian. 10-ACRE commercial apple orchard, 4 years old, adjoining Newberg, to exchange for improved or unimproved land or town property. Owner, 300 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES on electric line, clone in. all in cultivation, rood oil; adjoining- property held at $80 0 per acre. Will take $5500. No agents. AK 408, Oregonian. EIGHT acres choicest soil, mile east Mil waukee; no agents. V alti, Ufnonmn. , 10 ACRES onion-celery land for sale or trade, $250 acre. Grows 400 to 600 bushels per acre. Addre sa AV 218, Oregonian. - Homesteads. 3V. ACRES on Inland EJectrlc Ry., near Sookane. 7-room house, finished, first class barn and chicken-house, place under fence and all in fruit: trade for Improved property or acreage; $500 mortgage; value $4500. AH 4Q6, Oregonian. I LEAVE Saturday, November 2S. for my homestead. Can locate two 320-acre al falfa valley land. Particulars 612 Swet land bldg. Evenings, Lambrook, apart ment 63. HOMESTEADS and relinquishments under The Bully Creek irrigation project In Mal heur County; rich opportunities. Writs Johnson & Tregaskls, Vale, Or. WANTED Two more parties to join me In taking homestead; good valley land. Call apt. 63, Lambrook Apts., after, 5 P. M. B 349W. MANTED Homestead relinquishment, west of range, good improvements. Cash or trade lot. w. Russell; Route No. 2. Box 57, Sherwood, Or. GOOD homestead relinquishment, house, barn, 6 miles from a good town, on the Columbia River. 7004 67th ave., S. E. 160 CAN be homesteaded or timber claimed, on river, near coast; guaranteed, $305. Marshall 3941. 608 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Party in East wishes to locate"!! timber claim. Box 270, Le Sueur, Minn. RELINQUISHMENT for sale; Address P 414, Oregonian. a bargain. l"or Sale Fruit Lands. FOR SALE Diversified fruit farm ne Hood River. Or.: loo acres In fruit, 60 - acres grain and pasture, everything in first-class running order, or will consider services of an experienced manager, pro vided he will take an interest, for which exclusive charge will be given with long time oDtion to Durcnase balance. An ex ceptional opportunity to get possession of a very fine and profitable farm on most favorable terms. Address Verree & Conk lin. 1800 sieger bldg.. Chicago, 111. FOR SALE at about half price. Hood River apple ranch; fine buildings: $1500 will handle this. AN 400. Oregonian. For hale farms. FOR SALE 7Vs-acre tract bordering on Ksta cada carline. about 5 minutes' walk from station: 2H acres under culti vation. 2 acres more prepared for cultivation In about 2 weeks, and ' the balance partly cleared: has lit tle shack now occupied by owner, large chlckeu-house. good well: all fenced: about 2000 strawberry Plants and about 600 raspberry plants, about 75 young' chickens, plow and harrow: some terms may be had. or would consider exchange for citv property of equal value. OTTO A HARKSO.N. , 133 V, First st. 10 ACRE8. ' A beautiful 10-acre. tract located two miles from Cape Horn. Wash., on county and state roads: 4 a. In cultivation, all tillable, family .prchaxd 5 years old. all kinds berries, good 4-room bungalow, large yard, small fir trees and beautiful lake, barn full of bay. 2 chicken-houses, wood shed, good well. 2 horses, top buggy, plow. 36 thoroughbred Barred Rock ihcns; price $2300. $1000 cash. bal. 5 yrs, 6 per cent: close good store and school, R. F. D. and phones. Jos. C. Gibson. 306 Ger llnger hide. Portland. Or. NEAR PORTLAND. FORCED SALE OR MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE1. We will sell you one of finest '86 A. farms, 12 nil. W. of business center In Portland, near electric line, good 9-rooin house, large barn, other outbldgs., 65 A. under cultlv., bal. clear of timber, can be cleared for plow for $15 per A. 12 A. In clover and timothy, good orchard, bear ing, hard-surfaced road to Portland, trout stream on place. $112.50 per A., $4000 cash. bal. 5 yrs.. 6 per cent. See S. Hewey. 260 Stark st., near 4th. RICH DAIRY FARM CHEAP. 103 acres, 25 miles from Portland, 2 miles from Forest Grove, on county road, in splendid improved neighborhood; half in cultivation, balance pasture and easy to cultivate: soil is the rich black loam, spring brook crosses the farm; fenced, orchard and farm buildings; no better dairy farm in this state; is worth $125 per acre; I want to sell quick; will take i5 per acre, half or all cash. Call owner. Tabor 816. or address 1193' E. Couch St., Portland, Or. THE ONE YOU WANT. No. 68 00 acres with 20 acres cleared. 30 acres slashed, 60 p.crea pasture, assorted fruit In good condition. 60 acres tillable; 6-room house, two large barns, usual out buildings; 5 miles from town; good road, well and creek; school on place; team, 4 cows, 3 head of young stock, hogs and poultry, farm implements, all crops and small tools; price $47oO, $2200 cash, bal ance to suit. This is an ideal stock ranch. E. F. GILBERT. 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. FARM AND STOCK. I have a fine farm of 165 acres well adapted for hog and dairy business on main county road 6 miles from Electric station in Yamhill County; all first clau soil, 70 acres In cultivation with good running creek, much more easily cleared Oak land and now good pasture, comfort able farm house. 2 barns and will sell for $61 an acre and givo all the Winters feed, 7 cows and heifers milking, good hunch of hogs, team and all the needed farm machinery and make reasonable terms.' D. McChesney Title & Trust Bldg. TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK. 204 acres at Heto, on main Portland auto road; SO acres clear bottom 'land all covered with alder and vine maple; A-l soil, all fenced with good wire fenc ; 7-room house, barn large enough for 16 head of stock, ouibulldings; 1 acre of good family orchard; good running trout stream; cheese factory close to farm; everything goes at $40 per acre; will trade for city property. Western Broker age Co., 203-4-5 Lumber Ex. bldg. THOSE seeking homes where we have cheap land, rich soil, fine crops of alfalfa each season. best climate, finest fruit grown in United States: those who have enough money to develop a farm will get big returns on investment. For information address Alamogordo Commercial Club, Alamogordo, N. M. 70-ACRE FORCED SALE. $52.'.o. Four ml. south, of Oregon City, 30 acres cleared, 40 A. big timber, house, barn, outbldgs., 2 wells, only 8 ft. to water, good orchard, fine soil, and lies well, all can be cultivated when cleared, on county road. Price $0250. cash $3250, no trade. S. Hewey, 260 Stark near 4th. AT GTtKSHAM, Best farm in Oregon. J 60 acres, level land, running water, one mile from sta tion, $210 per acre; $10,000 will handle. 5 per cent Interest; mlifht take little good Portland property. See us next creels. FIRST STATE BANK. Gresham, Oregon. 80 ACRES. 8 miles good town. 65 cultivation. 15 acres oeaverdam, deep vegetable loam, fine orchard, good house and barn, all woven wire fences. Joins 1000 acres logged off land, out range; it'a a dandy; $4800; $1000 cash, $2000 trade: no mortgaged property. 603 Oregonian bldg. Marshall SMI STOCK RANCH. 2000 acres, best "beef" section Oregon, comprising p00 acrea choice tillable land and plenty year-around pasture; adjoins Government range; abundance water all season. K ?5, Oregonian. 17 ACRES, all in cultivation, good bldns., right on electric line. Must sell by De cember 1. Will make 30 per oent sacri fice. Little cash required. Will consider trade for other land. Harry B. .Humphrey, 212-13 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FARM LANDS, Improved or unim proved, sale or exchange. HARRY B. HUMPHREY, 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1G0 ACRES $1000. All good land, 6 miles from a good town, 5.000.00 feet of fine timber, good road, running water; the best buy In the state; investigate. E. P. GILBERT, 101 Wash ington St., Vancouver, Wash. TEN ACRE?. $130 per acre, near Tualatin, 12 milea from Portland; part in cultiva tion, balance slashed: near Salem electric car. Security Development Co., 4th and Pine sts. 20 ACRES NEAR TROUT DALE. Half cultivated; this is a snap at $170O; former price was $3000; $300 to $500 casti, balance good paper. SmithWVagoner Co., Stock Exchange. 200.000 acres fine fruit and alfalfa lands, $10 to 15 per acre; relinquishments $4r0 to $1000 tor 1G0 acres; pienty of water, fertile soil, excellent climate. Write Board of Trade. Willcox, Ariz. 85 ACRES, close good town, main line S. P., south of Eugene, deep black soil, about level, good buildings, plenty of water; 4000, no trade: $looo cash, good time on balance, r.03 Oregonian bldg. 8000 ACRES, large and small tracts; Pitts burg County; rarmlng, pasture, oil, gas land; $5 to $25 acre. Write John Cavanagh, McAllster. Okla. I HAVE for sale dairy and other improved fttrm' of 40 to 250 acres, from $22 to 1,"0 per acre. Write me your wants. Gruber, 4ol Stock Exchange bldg. 120 ACRES uncultivated land In Ontonagon County, Michigan; price reasonable; suit able terms. Particulars address 183 Ban croft ave. Phone Marshall 8682. SO ACRES, 20 miles from Vancouver, "TVash., will sell reasonable or trade for tmaI1 auto. Ford preferred. AK 4J1, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT LAND WE WILL GIVE YOU A START. Here is vour chance "to get started on the land.- We will makse you a better prop osition than renting. It will . take less money. You can take your choice out of 10.000 acres of the richest land In the Sacramento Valley the kind of soil that grows jo tons alfalfa. 50 bushels wheat and 75 bushels harlev ner arm pv,rv venr. You have uractically unlimited time to pav tor this land, and you can make It produce a single oron that is worth the full purchase nrice. It is a great chance for you. Now Is the time to go on the laud. You will get war prices for all you produce. LOS MOLINOS has the best irrigation system gravity flow in California. Never a water shortage, practically all the water you want. A great dairy country creameries now paying farmers $10,000 a month for but ter fat three wagons call at your ioor. Fine alfalfa pasture and two crops of grain from the same land In a year, make hog raisins wonderfully profitable. Fine fruit land every fruit that has made California famous some orchards paid $35o an acre this year. Beautiful country. Healthy. Fine schools. Come and see us and learn our plan of helping you get started on the land. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos. California. WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. wo are offering a 960-acre wheat ranch, -0O acres In crop now, up and growing fine; 000 acres can be plowed and seeded. Good buildings. A fine well with plenty of water. 7 head work horses, harness, plows, seeder, harrows and wagons, be sides numerous other farming implements needed, and all In first-class condition, lhis place is close to rail transportation, and the price $18 per acre, on reasonable terms. The present growing- crop wlil go a long way towards paying for the place. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonian bldg. FARM BARGAIN. - - 160 acres 18 miles of Portland, 6 miles south of Hlllsboro. Well Improved, woveu wire fences, good house. 1 barn, 4 acre family orchard, 80 acres in cultivation, 3- acres slashed and easy to clear, 40 acres timber, 12,000 cedar posts In tree; 2 ever-running streams; farm Implements and some of stock go with place. Good macadam road to Hlllsboro, daily milk route, phone, etc. Price $16,000 , cash, no trade. J. Q. RAIXET, 1304 Yeon Bldg., Marshall 3177. RICH. DEEP SOIL. Rich land can be bought direct from owners at $15 to $40 per acre and on easy terms within 5 to 12 miles from A REH- DEEN and HOul'lAM. two prosperous cities, with three transcontinental railroads and tho largest lumber industry in ths mwii. wn-re iaoor conditions are very fa vorablc: the soil is rich and produces enormous crops, for which the market is uiuimiiea ngnt Hereon GRAYS HARBOR. There are schools, stores and nontniTipni on the land, also good roads. For further information write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZ ATION CO.. ABERDEEN. WASH. COMPLETE LITTLE FARM. NO WASTE LAND. . 22 4 acres, all in crop, level black loam soil, on Willamette River: land is planted to wheat, oats, clover and vetch, and growing nicely: buildings new this year: house, barn, chicken-house, etc.; good big work team, harness and rig, gentle Jersey cow. 4 brood sows, registered boar, 50 hens and pullets, laying nlcelv; 13 pigs and shoats, just fattening b 01 them; 50 bu. of oats, several tons hav ; price $'1600. H cash, no trade: on county road, R. F. D. H. Graham (owner), Harrisburg, Oregon. DAIRY AND HOG FARM. Stock, crop and machinery. Only 16 miles from public market; on gentle slope to Tualatin river, none over flows and all Is the very choicest of so:: 102 acres in all. 35 in cultivation. 40 more being cleared and now seeded pasture; balance has few scattering trees easily cleared: on level county road mall and dairy milk routes: a first class house ana large barn; fine field kale, good orchard, 30 tons hay, plenty grain, ID milk cows, team, 4 shoats, goats and chickens, com plete farm machinery, SI2.O00 easy terms. D. McChesney Title & Trust Bldg. GET BACK ON THE FARM. 80 acres near Buxton, I.O11O.OOO feet good timber, good soil, only $1204). 80 acres, small house, larfto barn, 22 acres cleared, good orchard, near Buxton, $28U0. 16 acres, near Carlton, Washington Co., 2d-growth timber, good soil, only $3000; snaD. ltio acres, 5 miles from North Plains, Washington Co., good soli. $3200. FRED KING. 314 Spalding Hldg. , WILL sacrifice for part cash, easv pay ments, my 320-ncre dairy farm. 187 acres cultivation, balance in oak timber and fir saplings, open pasture, 2 creeks, 2 or chards, new !-room bungalow, 2 barns, hog styles, numerous outhouses, 4 'miles irom rlvar, rail transportation; about 20 miles from Portland; macadamized road; must sell quick, 110 trade, no agents Own er, BK 3;1, Oregonian. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH -$9500. 180 acres In Yaqulna Valley; one-half bottom land ; 8-room house, barn 42xlOS ; head cattle, big team mares, farming tools; 50 tons oat hay, 300 bushels oats. Running trout stream, good watcrpower. Will take one-half cash, some trade city property, balance easy terms. AN 342 Oregonian. $12 PER ACRE. 223 acres, in Benton Co., 3 miles from railroad station, 1 miles from new rail road now building, about 30 acres been cultivated, lies rolling, no waste, several springs, poor buildings, plonty of pasture; would make ideal stock ranch; owner niurft have money quick; $ 1 roo cash, bal. 3 years, 0 per cent; no trade. GODUAkI) A WIEDRIOK, 243 Stark St. I HAVE four small dairy farms, half cul tivated, balance pasture, all joining fine land for clover and grass. 15 miles from Porthind, in Washington County; 4 houses and barns, on milk route and electric Hne; will give good terms; will sell either or ail. Write owner, H Box 301, Forest Grove. Or. BIGGEST FARM BUY IN" OREGON. 3."i0-acre beautiful farm, well improved, really worth $luO per acre, will be sacri ficed by widow at H prico, that Is $."o per acre, and on very good terms. Do not miss this. It does not happen often to get a snap of this kind. F FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED FARM CHEAP. 80 acre-s with paid up water; 50 acres In cultivation- good buildings; a fine dairy and hog proposition. Priire $5000 on easy terms; can put in stock and equipment. Here is a chance to get svarted on a pay ing and going farm. Lueddemann Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SA LS 1 20 acres, TII1 am ook" County ; 00 acres t id eland, balance light timber; all irood land: no improvements; one mile to cheese tactory. four miles to town ; will run 20 head of stock now; price $-'io per acre: one-hair cash, balance five vears at 6 tier cent. Address George Willett, Tillamook. Or. DAI RY-FAR M. TILLAMOOK COUNTY. 204 acres on Big Nestucca River, 26 to SO acres in cultivation, balance vine maple and aldr; good buildings; price $6000; terms, $2000 cash. OODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. 480 ACRES, 7 mOes R. R. and boat landing. 65 acres fenced and cross fenced, in cul tivation, 45 acres more easily cleared, 85 per cent tillable, when cleared. $0000 terms. Call at our office for particulars. G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Cham, of Com. FARSfERS AND HOMESEEKERS. "We have excellent farm bargains of all kinds and sizes from 1 acre up to 10,000 acres in a bunch. If you want good value for your money and a square deul see F FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FRUIT farm near Newberg, 44 acres, part in cultivation, good bearing orchard, richest red shot soil in this country. I must sell this property and will sacri fice it on easy terms. See owner. 512 Piatt Bldg. 40 ACRES near Barton, 1 mile electric station, on good county road; all kinds bearing fruit; excellent soil, fair build ings. Sickness compels me to sacrifice $2200; terms. AK 412, Oregonian. 4l ACRES. 5 miles from Camas, Wash. Price $3500; $150 cash, balance to suit at 5 per cent intereet. For full particu lars address AV 205, Oregonian. 4J' ACRES of coal land for sale, three miles from Toledo and tfdewaier. Crosno & Crosno. Toledo, Or. 40 ACRES, improved! good soil, springs. Fall trraln. timber, buildings; some Ume; 3Q miles out. AV 215. Oregonian. FORCED SACRIFICE wTTlnmette SO.sorno Improvements. $2100. 1 Owner, Chauncey Barney, Ore&on City. Or, FOR SALE OR TRADE. A beautuul irrigated ranch on the Co lumbia River. 65-acre ranch, 6 miles north of Pasco, Waah., on the bauks of the treat Colum bia River; it, i ail leveled, fenced with woven-wire and cedar posts, nicely flumed with underground mains, fair buildings, one-hall in alfalfa and choice fruit mat is now bearing. 1 have my own electric pumping plant at tho river; no limit to the water and no water company to deal with. Plenty of nice shade trees on the ranch, a paved road to Pasco, a boat landing at ranch lor large river steamers direct to the ocean, good nshing, hunting and everything ideal for a beautiful home. Manufacturing interests prevent my su nervlsion of jjje ranch and 1 have not been able to visit the ranch for two years, therefore I will sacrifice this beautiful ranch for $25,000. on terms to suit huv.r or will take part or all in good income property in any good city. 1 would a. so consider a good stock 01 Implements or .j.ian.m as part pay. My price Is much less than others are petting ior similar land in that section, so nlease do not botner me with incum bered property, inflated value proposi tions: plat of ranch furnished on request. Direct all communications to W. B. LINN, Martinsville. 111. MOLALLA DAIRY FARM. of SO. on rock road, 6 mi. S. E. of Molalla; 17 tilled. 8 ready for nlow. 37 dlushfii and goated, 17 timber and brush; water on each 20; brown loam soil; 6-r- ceiled house, hot ana coia water, good birn, -'Ox56; 14 tons 'of hay. 15o bu. oats, 1 V kale, woudsued, chicken-house, 2 hoghouses, goatshed. lum ber on ground for machinery sued and smokehouse; Winter's wood cut and iu ; 7 Jersey cows, 1 Jersey bill, 2 Jersey heif ers. 30 goafs. 2 O. 1. C. brood sows, 6 d. hens, 1 span 2600-pound mares, 2 sets har ness, wagon, buguy, liajk, 2 plows, culti vator, harrow, 1 disc harrow, garden tools, gas wood saw, cream separator, 500 capac ity, blacksmith tools, Dix feedcutter, saws, axes, cnains, lousing dugs, grubbing hoe, wedges, log chains, stretchers, etc.; U mile off main county road, 1 1 miles to school; phone, R. F. D. and cream route; Molalla lim 2 railroads, high school, bank, department store, etc.; values increasing, price $70O0. $3000 cash. bal. 5 vears. 6 per cent: no trade. Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Ger llnger bldg.. Portland, Or. NEAR SALEM. S3 a. 6 mi. S. of Salem. 2 ii ml. O. E. ; 63 a. high state cultivation, bal. timber and pasture: 12 a. rich bottom. 48 a. fine hill in grain. 15 a. of this fine voung prunes, 5 a. 3-year apples, 7-r. 2-story house, large barn, creek, spring and well: cheao at $in.KN). win take clear cltv to $30uo or $4iH, $2500 cash. bal. long time Jos. C. Gibson. 306 Gerilnger bldg.. Port land. Or. COWS ARE ALL RIGHT. If you have $2000 cash we can settle you on a nice 50-acre farm near Tilla mook with 20 good cows, and Rive uu plenty time to pay out. It's a good busi ness and there in no disease among cattle. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. 'Oregonian bldg. r;3 ACRES, $lt25 CA&li, AN ATTRACTIVE BUY between ToIxlo and Newport, Or.: new 0-na. jungalw, barn, other outbuildings in EOiTd reoair: la a. in cultlv.. 20 pas ture easily cleared. r;i timber. pK-nt v of food outrange, fine dark loam soil, level nd slightly rolling, a. bearing orchard, -m a. strawberries; well and crek on place, near school; price $3250, half cash, balance terms, 7 pu cent; no trade. Ad dress S. Hewev. 201 Stark at., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FINE FOOTHILL RANCH of 32 a.. 7 ml. east of Lebanon, 3 mi. smaller town ; under cultivation, bal. timber and pasture: small 2-rm. frame house. barn. outbuildings. all fenced, school at corner ofplace, fronting countv road. R F. D. and phono. This plac in a pickiiD at the price, onlv $12H. $Suv cash, no trade. Jos. C. tiibson, 30U Ger ilnger bldg.. Portland, Or. tiO ACRES $0000. With 40 acres under cultivation, some good timber, balance pasture, all fenced and crow-fenced; new barn, good S-room house, water piped to buildiugH. new hack, wagon, 2 harrows, plow, cultivators, 0 cows, some young stock. 4 horses, 12 pigs. 1O0 chickens, new roothouse; all crops and small tools; fine location; one of the best buys in Clarke County. Price $6000, $3500 cash. K. F. GILBERT. 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. A DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. 60 acres 16 miles from Portland, in Washington County, in a good neighbor hood, close to school and store, R. F. D., milk route; about 7 acres in cultivation, 13 acrea slashed and seeded, balance good timber, all the beat of soil and practi cally level; 3-room house, good barn, nice stream crosses. Price $70 per acre, $liooo cash, balance easy. Hostel ier & Ander son, 725 Chamber of Commerce. lluO-ACRE diversified farm with 35 a alfalfa and 70 more suitable ; 3 acres finri bear ing orchard (no apples), with good local market; about 40O acres ruitable for wheat, balance excellent pasture ; spring water for house use, irrigation and power; close to station ; will sacrifice at $;tr,500, some cash, some trade and very easy terms on balance; stock and equipment included, Ben E. Klley, Penawawa, Wash. GOOD FARM BUYS. $34 per.acre for 204 acres near Yamhill, just the place for a man with large fam ily to make money. $2)o0 caxh will han dle. Good dairy ranch, with stock and implements, 1 lrs miles from -Jectric cars, X"o fare to any part of Portland; price $5500, on good terms. Many bargains in farms. Come and see us be tore you buy. F FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. :i50 CASH. 30 a., highly improved, all set to orch ard 5 yrs. old, ail cultlv. This land has a paid-up water right and is located 2 ml. south of Twin Falls, Idaho. Price $2400. $:i5o cosh. bal. long time, easy terms. See Mr. Rohrbough, 2Gi Stark at., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON EASTERN OREGON DAIRY FAR It, situate in the fertile bottom-land dis trict near Prinevllle; irrigated, stocked with dairy cow s. farm machinery, equip ment and livestock, pays $27uo yearly, has unusual advantages, ideal In every respect. $5000 down, balance can be ar ranged: honestly a bargain. -Address Box M Pi Ineville, Or. !o ACRiid of good, level land for saJe, 3 5 miles southwtent of Portland ; H acres in cultivation. 5 more easy to clear, 7 in goo 1 timber, new ti-room plastered house, new barn 32x:Ui. good well and running water; pries. $:,50O. cadi $10' h). For owner, ad dress W. W. Sneed, i13 Lynn ave., St. Johns, Or. Phone Columbia M02. FOR SALE 160 acres, 5 miles Alsea, Ben ton County, Oregon; level enough to farm, splendid soil ; fair buildings; dairy coun try; wot much rock; watered by aprings large enough for salmon; 68 bearing apple trees. Snap for somebody, sure. $15 per acre. AK 415, Oregonian. 100 ACRES. S5 acres cultivated, house, barn, outbuildings; a dandy stock ranch, 3 miles from R. R. town; only $25 an acre, $7U0 handles It. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 204 Falling Bldg. 17H ACRES near Roseburg, 12 acres in apple orcnara t years 01a; Newtowns and Spitz: good water and new build ings, on the banks oJJmpqua PA er ; an ideal home placer will trade or sell. Call r.os Abington bldg. ATTENTION Well-irnproved wheat farms. near UHiVM-an:. ' per acre exclusive millinery store ; well-equipped blacksmith shops for sale; merchandise stocks to trade for land. Inland Realty Co., Oakes dale. Wash. 11 ACRES, 3 miles from good town, 40 miles from Portland. 7 ' acres'ln cult., 2 acres in clover, fine creek, good house and barn; p'rice $2500. 14 cash. W. H. Sottz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. Main 05 s 4. 107 ACRES, dairy ranch, 03 acres cultivated. IO in nps, aiiaita and orchard, good build ings, fenced. 1 Vi miles from town and creamery; price $Sw)0, terms to suit. C. F. Hasselton, owner, Portland, Or. 131-ACRE dairy and stock ranch, bldgs. new. running water, close to school, town ana church; price S300U for quick sale, $looo cash. bal. long time mtga. Phone Mar shall S!41. 03 Oregonian bldg. 125 ACRES. 40 acres cultivation, 9-room house, barn, etc., horses, cows, chickens, h:1, all necessary farm implements. Price $."40. Terms. Epton, 43 Chamber of Comifrerce. LAND 5 acres and uo in the Rogue reiver Valley. $20 per acre, by owner. V 406, Oregonian. 40 ACRE FARM. Level bench land 1 hi miles from Bull Run Electric stat ion ; has good 7-room house and barn: first class soil; 7 acres planted: 12 acres seeded pasture. 11 acres cultivation. 1 acre timber; $24m. Terms. D. McChesney Title A Trust Hldg. 40 ACRES, 3G acres in cultivation, 1G acres in Italian prunes, 2 acrea iu good family orchard. 3 acres genuine btavcriiam land and will grow onion or anything; running water the year around, good well, 5-room house, good burn, barn room for 14 head cows, good cliicken-houaj, granary and horse barn; situated 5 miles from Van couver, 1 mile from streetcar line; thUklv settled country ; clo&e to sciiool and churches; land is all level. If you are looking for a snap this prune orchard Tvill pny for itself in 3 years; price $t4Uij, $1000 cash, balauce good terms. This is owned by an uid couple and ttiey are coinpeileU to sell. SHi acres, 4 acres In cultivation, balance easiiy cleared ; 2 plastered houses, one 2x30, other 12x24 ; barn lox24, chickeii house. good well, 2 good cows. 1 nore. chickens and all household furuiture goeu with this place. Place is 8uJ feet irom electric iine; price $2SO0; $1200 cash, bal ance terms. HARRY T. HAYES, 112 West Otii St., Phone CIS. Vancouver, Wash. COTTAGE GROVE. 2a acres 5 li miles S. Cottage Grove, XR a. in cultivation, all the land can be plowed. a. timber, all fenced, fronl- insr county rock road, near neighbors; small fruit; red shot and dark soil, slight ly rolling; eurinc can be piped to house; new 4-rm. house, small barn not painted, chicken-house. U ml. to school, good view, fishing and hunting near, 4 doz. cnickens, 1 milk cow, team, wagon, harness. 3 tons hay; price $;iotM. $luoo cash; no trade. Jos. C. Gibson. S0t Gerlinger bldg., Port land. Or. YOU H AVE the opportunity now to &ccur j a tract of from o teres up of de-p. rich, practically cleared beaveruam land in the best farm and dairy section In N. V. on easy t-rms. We can al-jo arrange for cat tle and lumber on terms. Laud within walking distance of live town, S( hoofw, churches, stores, etc. Excellent t rant. pulia tion iind R. It. station within few lu-idred. feet. Local market and good price for all products, our x10POHition appeals and inrd is selling to good, rHiable peenV. See hi land for yourself and talk with buyorsi now b u tiding a nd improving. Kurt her i-i-forination 5-7 Corbett bldg. MirMia.i 15'-. off ice open Sunday at unioon, 2 to 4 :30 or any e enin g by appointment. 12 MILES FROM Hl'SlNESS DISTRICT OF PORTLAND. HO acres on ly 4 mi lea from Vancouver Ferry, in Clarke County. Wash.; 4 jtrrc.i in good state of cultivation: 2t acres good pasture: all good land; plenty of good water; two good strings; 8-room plastered house ; in miiy orchard of ariisortod ruit ; fenced; on good auto road: only ia mile it Pacihc Highway (payed road). Ciin be Ht your business in Portland In :t' minuten when tho brldgo Is built. Will sell within next HO day tor $2uo per aero and give very good tenim. ATKINSON NICHOLS. 611 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. SACRIFICED to closo estate SOO-aci wheat farm, close to K. It. station, Sher man County, all under cultivation; 3;.0 iu wheat: pood well, good building. $- Pr acre; reasonable cash payment considered, balance to suit. Another plac, 40 acn-s. belongs to same estate ; joins It. K. f I at Ion ; all in summer fallow wheat ; good well and buildings; $15 per acre. Am.lhrr place, tHO acres, all under plnw. t mil s t o R. R. s: at ion ; p"i-t m srain ; no build -in;i; $12.Mt per acre. Also In Sherman County. These plat-ea are from $; to $10 below actual worth. Is. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade bldg. I HAVE 20 acres of choice farm in; and fruit land, located ,1ust ono mile t ron Dlta, Colo., and I hrivtn e county teat town of about 4KH popular ion ; land lira beautifully, faces main county road on east; has water on th place now and 1 all ready to farm ; climate line and in strictly an A mcrican town: will make a beautiful home for any one desirin g a small farm nar a good town; will trade lor Oregon property of equal value or will give a splendid price for rash : ran furnish picture of Delta and surrounding country, giving an idea of the scenic beauty of that part of the country. Box Al. Rainier, Or. CATTLE MEN. TAKE NOTICE. Own two farms, one imuu go. 3857 arms Union Co. ; bOO acres plow land, tuliy equipped; 2 houses, 4 biunn; near school; :t00, head livestock. Plenty of water, good grazing. 2K2-ACRE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. Near Forest Grove, Oregon; 12. under plow, 25 acres hops, balance oak and pil ing timber; trout creek: s-room house, hot and cold water ; two i;.rns. graveled road, Home trade, bala me terms. Owner, Win. Johnson. 027 Chamber of Commerce. 30 ACRES. $ miles 0011th of Mosier, per fectly level, must sell at $ui an acre; worth $65 an acre, owner. Mis. A. P. Nel son, St. Charles Hotel. WANTED UK A, ESTATE. LOT FRACTIONAL VcRE ou OREGON CITY CAKLINEH. BK 39- OREGONIAN. WANT TO BUY lot or quarter block on Portland Heights or Union ave. and mako first navmeiit in ouarter block St. Johns at $1200. clear, balance one car; must give exact location and price. F 414. orc Kontati. ACREAGE wanted About 2 acres close to carline, wit hin 10-cent limit, well drained, with or wit hout improvements; will not pay fancy price; must be bargain. X 411, regonian. 4 ACRES on Willamette River. 20 mUeM from Portland ; ail planted to ben mis fruit ; new 3-room house, barn, chicken run ; ideal location for a home. Want o to IPO acres. P 410, Oregonian. WANT TO SELL or trade $8"0 equity in new 5-room Roee City Park bungalow, oak floors, latest built-in effects; cot 53100; asking 2tuO. Owner, J. O. Wright, Main 7fb0. VACANT lots, farm or business property for $20,(oo equity in well-located Wet Side lot close to retail district ; income now sufficient to carry H. Harry K. Hum phrey, 12-13 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT to trade Portland property for sev eral hundred acres good wheat land; Sher man County or nearby preferred. Van duyn At Walton, r15 Chamber of Com. WANTED Acreage on the Oregon Electrlo in exchange for u-room bungalow, modern, in good location. See owner, ol2 Piatt bldg. WANTED 0-room house, lot ,"0xiO0, or vacant lot. 50x100. within walking distance on West Side. Cash. Must be reasonable. D 417, Oregon la n. WANTED West Side vacant property, val ued about $25,00o; will exchange West Sld-a income; owners only. Address AK 425, Ore Ionian. WANTED Good lot or equity; must be a bargain for cash ; give full particulars; price and location In first letter. Box 2t. Monta villa Sta. WANTED Modern 6-room house in good district: have 160 acres free, clear, bal. cash.; give lull particulars. A 13 4 Jo, Ore gonian. BUNGALOW, fully worth $3000. unincum bered, for new 7-room house and acres; fruit trees; sightly: Ore. Elec. Ry., ic fate. 33G P. O., Portland. WANT an lrvington home, $70o to SlO.n', in exchange for high-class Rivei siI Drive property, overlooking the river. A J 3Ki. Oreconian. CASH iiU Y E R tor C-room house. Nob Hill district. Uoldrich mint's Agency, Uos Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. W A NT lare residence for 1 60 acres. Grant County, Oregon, improved and ntocked ; 14 0 acres bottom. $;5t.'0. ti20 Henry bldg. I WA INT a farm uu to $17,000; mut be a pain; give full description. O 420, Ore- bargain; g gonian. 10 OR 20 lots; I will pny cn.-h ;iud expect to get them cheap; describe I'uiiy. Ad dress Easterner, AB 415, oiegoiiin. WANTED Close-in, East Side. 5 or 6-room houe, modern, about JoOO; no agents. .T 418, Oregonian. IF YOU have desirable lot nt sacrifice give location, size and lowest price. 41t, Oregonian. WANTED, J acre fenced, close in, imaii houe, chicken -house, not over ? have $21)0 cash AB 40a, Oregonian. WANTED The best buy I can ge in five or six-room house. 500 Commercial st. WANTED 2 lots close to carline; give phone. O 40:1. Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 10 acres near carline; give phone. P 402. Oregonian. BUY house and ha'f acre, pay $ 10 or $12 monthly. Tabor 41157. CLEAR lands and cash for clear Portland property. Marshall 44 5. WANT ACRE close to 5c fare for Sdoo, half cnieh. X 414. Oregonian. WILL buv seller contract under $500 on clear property. Phone East 6074. "FOR KM. RANCH FOR RENT Rent free on irrigat ed ranch of 100 acres In Grant Co., Wash., for services. E. F. Gilstrap, 155 E. 15th. East 4374. t MILES frcm carline. 240 acres of land, with house and barn. Inquire 7U0 East harr!?on or phone Sellwood 47!. 1 ACRE good house, 7&c carfare, $5 per month; will give long lease. Address Pl4, 334 Salmon su