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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1914)
7 PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF T1TL PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacitic Title at Trust Co., 7 ch. of Com. ACCOHUIU.N FLIbATLNtZ ACCORDION KNIFE AND BOX PLEAT ING. flLOilAU, HjllMelllCHiNG, tlitAlD. 1NG, E.-..t-ROiXs;tt.ANG, EAti i ERN NUV ELII JUFG. CO.. 66 oTii T.. N.K. UAK K. STEPHA.N Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covereu. gooat bpunged. null oraeri. Boo Alder. M. 93 is. AssAktKa AND ANALxSXti. URING In your old jewelry, old cold, alive., ore or platinum and set cash tor It- F. A. Sennet. K. 610 N. W. bldg.. tttn and Wasa. 24-ONTANA ASSAY OFJiICE. 1421 id, UoiO, silver and platinum bougnt. AXTOsUiUkS. J. B. OHKNFlU General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections, etc., consul tation flee. New offices, 70i, 7UU, 709 bell ying bldg. Main 4w3- Open evenings. BUSINESS COLLfeXiK. U.NK S BUSlNEaS COLLEGE, Tiiford bids. Portland, Oregon. Phono Main 608a. CAK.PLT H LAYING. 1SORTHWEST BUG CO. Hugs from old car. pets, rag ruga log East em. Botn phones. CLLLILOAU BUTTONS. BATHUtS. THE UtW'lN.UOliKOU I'HUDiMV 2 6 th st. Phone Main 312 and A 1264. CHIROPODISTS. William Estelle and William, Jr., leveny, the only scientific chiropoulsts in the city. Parlors, 302 Gerlinger blag., 6. w. eorner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301 GKADUATE chiropodist, pedlcurist, mani curist. 204 Macleay bldg. 4th and Wash. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H1IL Ol flees, t'lledaer bldg. Main 8473. CHlKOl'ltACllQ FHxalCIAJSn. " I-R. McMahon, 121 4th. 370 Wms. Chronic cases ; 31 treatments $13. others less. CLEANING AND PKKasu u. 1RESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each seek for (1.60 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 Stark st.. bet. 6th and 6th. Main 614. coiXfccxioN agxjscy'. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co. 82tf N. W. Bank bldg. ' Phone Main 974. K21H & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17B6 No collection, no charge. Established 1BOO. PAXCINO. PROF. WAL WILSON Walts, hesitation, one-step, two-step, schottlsche, twlnsus hesitation, Maxixe, castle walk; lessons 25c, morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. eOM 6th st.. bet. Stark and Oak; 4 rlyat8 lessons. 2; 8 classes. Phone lain 7637. Mr.- ,and Mra Heath's Academy; lessons dally; class Mon. and Fri. eve., 8 to 10. 231 H Morrison, cor. 2d. Marshall 318. HEATHS Dancing School. 10B6econd at.. bet. Wash, and Stark; lessons dally- all ths latest dances taught. AORIf ULT URAL IMPLEMENTS. R- M. Wade ec Co.. 322-33 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE at IRON WORKS. Portland Wire st iron Was., 2d and Columoia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PTJBRUILLK BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d at. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU a- WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sta. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage si Omnibus Transfer, Park Ik. Davla. BIG 1 CLE, MOTORCYCLE SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery &. Conf.. inc. llh and Everett. BREWERS A BOTTLE H& HENRY WE1NHARD, 13th and Bnrnslde. CASCAKA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS., 1UI FRONT ST. t.Mt.M, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CROWE sc CO., 45 Fourth street. COFFEE, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSETT & DE VERS, 1-11 N Front St. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER. MATER & CO., 20T Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etnbbs Electrical Co.. 3th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Alr-ers Prps. Milling Co.. Front and MarwhaU TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 60 ROOMS, best location, close In, well filled, best class tenants, rent and ex pense low. easily managed, good lease, everything in first-class condition, nets about SI 75 per month, offered at sacri fice, cash or trade, as owner is leaving city; no agent: act quickly. Address owner. AL Qiregonlan. DESIRABLE. . Young couple will share furnished modern steam-heated apartment reason able to young couple; close in; walking distance. 558 E. Stark, East 107. fcilALI. FARM near Portland, value $10,000, equity 47O0O. best of soli and Ideal loca tion: will consider clear Portland prop erty or stock mdse; owner no agent. AC 4'1. Oregonian. NICELY furnished front room, electricity, heat. bath, best location in city, private family, board optional. 504 King St., i block from Washington. Main 3010. Very reasonable. WANTED Young man. 10 years or more of age. for night work In office; hours 5 to 10 P. M.. 7 nights oer week; pay 86; Kood chance for promotion if ability is shown. S 421. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced real estate sales man for new townsite proposition on Coos Bav. Or. Answer by letter, giving experience and other Information. G 420, oregonian. F1KST-CLASS tailor would make ladles' or gentlemen's clothes for room and board, hotel or urivate home. AL 424, Ore gonian. LOST Diamond engagement ring. East 84th St., bet. Belmont and Clinton sts. Return to 1017 E. Clinton. Reward. Sellwood 2042, B 82K1. CATHOLIC JANITOR: one handy with tools; wages $-5 a month with board and room. Rev. J. F. Dolphin, ,141 E. 76th SU xouUv Altamead car. CLSM GROCERY. TVili sell at Invoice, plus fixtures; fine trade; at school where 1600 attend; will Invoice; 91000. AG 358, Oregonian. FOR SALE FINE LITTLE DRESSMAK ING BUSINESS; MUST SELL; WILL SELL VERY REASONABLE. S 420 OREGONIAN. FOR EXCHANGE 2 good Portland lots to exchange lor rooming-house or furniture, or anvthing of value. Call for Walker at Clark Hotel. Portland. ' WANTED High-class business opportunity for 4 or 5 good hustlers; 800 required; money will be secured and salary attrac tive. Call at once. Jones. Hotel Carlton. MODERN new bungalow, furnished; fine garden and fruit, on carllne. 25 minutes' ride, rent reasonable to right party. Main nr.a. FURNISHED 7-room house for rent. West Side, gas, electricity, furnace, piano. In quire 417 Stearns bldg. Monday after 11 A. M. LOST Watch, open face gold filled, 16 size case. Elgin National watch Co. move, ment. 17-.ieweled. Bring or notify 601 s Union ave. and receive suitable reward. NURSE Sanitarium training, would like care of invalid or mental and nervous case In private home; references. AL 420, Oregonian. FOR RENT. For storage purposes, two floors in mod ern fireproof building, with elevator. 828 Gltsan st. WIDOW without family, desires position as housekeeper, private home or rooming house. C 423. Oregonian. RELIABLE nurse girl to care for baby, go home nights; references required. 407 Highland Court, 22d and Gllsan. Mar. 8171. FOR SALE Delicatessen and grocery, fine location; price very reasonable. Call 112 North 21st st. Main 1566. . MARGUERITE CAMP will give a -500' party Tuesday eve.. 24th. 128 11th St. Ad rnlsston VRc. 24 hands. MRS. HOOD. NaOE furnished modern flat, nice lawn, olifan rent. Phone Sellwood 15SS. 1183 MUwjiukle st. FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished flat for rent. 3fiii San Rafael: free water, free phone. Eiist HI 53. Price 815. THE GLADSTONE. 13th and Yamhill Room and board $27 to $85. farnaee heat, hot and cold water In- $:15 rooms. DHESSMAKER. best reference, I-plece dr-s in one day; S3 per day. Phone Marshall 4471. Irt ROOMS, all rented, small payment down balance eay: first mortgage considered s first narment. G 422. Oregonian, NICB a -room cottage in Dover, on 42d St. and Bybee ave. Kev at Mr. Beard's en corner. AC 422. Oregonian, TEAM WORK wanted, any kind; have two big heavy teams. Phone Woodlawn 1577. MEETING NOTICES. MODERPT "WOODMEN Attention All members requested to attend funeral of Neighbor Chnrles McClure at Fin-ley's Under .-irir.g farimum X 'cleej jA4ays BUSINESS DIRECTORY DENTISTS. DK. A. W. KECJiK, Majestic Tbeater bids. 351 W Washington st- Marshall 8205. LLLCTK1U MUlOim. iOIoaa, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding, ail work guaranteed. ii. M. H. Electric Co.. 21 First su North. Phone Main 9210. KxK. EAB, NOaE AXU THROAT. Treatments by specialists; glasses fitted, or. F. F. Casaeday. 017 Dekuin bl.. 3d Ac Wash. FOUNDRY ANI MACMUiE WOIUU. mOENIX Iron Works. East 8d and Haw- laorna. Generm macnine and founary work. KIXOBOABI. PEIKH PAN kindergarten and primary, 21st and Irving sts. feast 188. KODAKS. KODAKS AND ALL SUPPLIES-; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE 4c MARK BAM CO.. 845 Washington at. MAIUI.VEKV. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MbbNGB SKKVICK. HASTY MLSiENGliR CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63. A 2163. MOVING PICTURES. FILMS, machines, supplies, rented or solu. United Film Co., 226 2d St. MUSICAL. &mil Thielhorn. violla teacher; pupil Sevclk. 807 FUedner bldg. A 4180. Marshall 121. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nes vous. chronic diseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. ""-, s"N A FIGHT on high prices. I VtZFt 1 " "ay to sio lor 1 Vaf V J P'f ol lases when 1 cai ;-!7. , tit your eyes with first !?"i1,t3ien."51J sold-fllled frames, as low as Sl. O 0 7 Goodman 1U1 I . . bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 808 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington street. Of fice phone. Main 14; residence. East 10U. PATKNTS. PATIENTS secured or fee returned- illus trated guidebook and list of Inventions mailed free to any address; patent se cured by us advertised free In World's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans tt Co- East Washington. D. C PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and books free; highest references; best re sults; promptness assured.; send sketch or model for free search. Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawyer. U24 V St.. Washington. D. C PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENT secured through our credit system. Information and booklet free. Patent ability report free. John Louis Waters Co.. Washington, D. C Vv hOLLSALE AND MANUFACTURi GROCERIES. WADHAM8 A CO.. 0b-7i Fourth St. ITA1K GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO., WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAX CO., 63-55 Front L HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND PURS. KAHN BROS.. 1B1 Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORK. East End of Uurnalde Bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLAtT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS, . STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES, TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE S UPPLIEH CHAS. J. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front; leathei of every description, taps, mfg, findings LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER. METAL I.AT'l; The J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trad. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor Ur. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth at irFTETlNG NOTICES. SELLWOOD LODGE, NO. 131, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Sunday) after noon, 1 o'clock, 'Sellwood Ma sonic Hall, for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of our late brother, James R. White. Mem bers especially requested to attend. Visit ors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Secretary. KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL, NO. 2227. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Big, free, open meeting next Friday, No vember 27, 8:30 P. M. sharp. Moose Hall. Morrison and Broadway. Cards, "500," enter tainment, dancing. Best union music. Good prizes. Admission free. Come for a good time. Regular meeting of Bonnie Rose Castle 678. the Royal Highlanders, W. O. W. Ha.i, 128 Eleventh street, Monday evening, No vember 23. Refreshments served free S. N. GILDERSLEEVE. ROY KESL, L P. Secretary. PROSPECT COMPANY. NO. 140. W. O. W., extends you a cordial Invitation to at tend their next annual Thanksgiving dance, to be given at their hall, 128 Eleventh street, Thursday evening, November 26. Admis sion 60c couple. Union music. REDMEN. NOTICE! Chief Multnomah Tribe, No. 64, will give a smoker et Eagles' Hall, 264 Madison street, corner 8d, on Tuesday eve., Nov. 24, mt 8:30 o'clock. Plenty of corn and venison. Come and bring your friends. SMOKER COMMITTEE. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 107, W. O. W., will give their next 500 party and dance Wednesday evening. November 25, 1814. Re. freshments. 128 11th, their hall. Union music QTJEEN ELIZABETH HIVE, L. O. T. M., Invites you to attend a fiOO partv In the Oddfellows' Hall, East Sixth and Alder, on Tuesday eve., Nov. 24. Admission 20 cents. Prizes painted by Mrs. Ropar. ANCHOR COUNCIL No. 748. TT A Km T. OF 8., will give a card party and dance at ineir nan, 00 r irtb street, Tuesday even ing. November 24. Good rirlzes and nnlnn music. COME TO PORTLAND ART CLUB'S 800 special Tuesday afternoon: 8 plates 1st 9 prizes. Every Saturday evening. 12 4th St.. band-painted china. Membership free. BORN. GEORGE To Mr. and Mrs. Alberry L. George, 655 E. Madison, on Nov. 20, an 8 pound girl. Mother and babe doing line. DEED. CRABILL Nov. 21. at the residence. 23T E. 60th st. N.. John Crablll. aged 71 yearn. Beloved father of S. W. Crablll, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Ed Demuth. H. J. and C. E. Crablll. of Portland, Or. Notice of funeral later. SCHLOSBERO At the residence of her son. William Schlosberg, 225 Tenth street, No vember 20. Esther Schlosberg, age 80 years. FUNERAL NOTICES. MORRIS The funeral services of the late James L. Morris, beloved husband of Mrs. Katherlne Morris, father of Mrs. Joseph M. Meyer and Walter J. Morris, will be held from St. Maries Church, Williams ave. and Stanton st Monday, Nov. 23, at t A. M. Friends are invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Remains are at A. R. Zeller Co. parlor, 592 Williams ave. KERR In this city. Nov. 21. at his late residence, 1129 Williams are., Saxton p. Kerr, aged 56 years, husband of Mrs. Helen Kerr and father of Marguerite, Flor ence and George Kerr. The funeral serv ices will be held Monday, Nov. 23. at 3:30 o'clock P. M. at the above residence. Friends Invited. Interment at RIVer View Cemetery. SCHLOSBERO At the residence of her son, William Schlosberg, 225 Tenth street, No vember 20, Esther Schlosberg, aged 80 years. Funeral from the above resi dence at 10 A. M. today (Sunday). In terment In Congregation Sharel Torah - Cemetery. s-UCTTB In this elty, Nov. 91, Elisabeth Fuchs, aged 62 years. Funeral service will be held at St, Peter's Mart Cathoiio Church Monday at 8 A, M, Remains at P. L, Leroh Undertaking Parlors, East 11th and Clay it, WHITE The funeral serviaeo of Tha late James R, White will be held today (Sun day) at 9;BO o'clock P. M. at the resi- dance establishment ef J, p. Finley Son. Montgomery at 6th, Friends invited. In terment at Rose City Cemetery. LINEE la this city Nov. 19, iMr. Ellen Margaret Lines age 87 years, wife of G. A. Lines, of 670 Going st. Funeral services will be held today (Sunday) Nov. 22 at 2 P, M. from the above residence. Friends respectfully invited. REEVES Tha funeral services of he late Mary C. Reeves wilj be held at A R Zeller Co. parlor, 504 Williams ave.. todayr Nov. S2, at 1 P. M. Interment River View' PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 2 2 years" practice. V. S. and foreign patents. 6uo Dekum bldg. T. J. OaibLER, Atty-al-Law, 603 Henry. Wm. C. Schmidt, Eng. and draftsman. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 26 North Oth St. PLUMES. THE PLUME, formerly Morgan bldg.. have moved to room 402 Buchanan bldg.. over lo-cent store. 266 Washington street. Dyeing, cleaning and remodeling a specialty. Main 4009. PIPB. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and Jork sts. Main S48. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BRA Sal SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710 SHOWCASE. BANK STORE FIXTURES. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixture & Showcase Co.. 4B N. 10th. Marshall 774. Marshall Mfg. Co., 10th & Flanders New and old window display ana capinet STORAGE ASiU TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearneyats Just completed, new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults; track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East in through cara Main BS40, all departments. . C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to al' domestic and foreign ports. Main &s. A lt. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods anC pianos and nhlp at reauoed rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse loth and Hoyt sis. Main 647. A 2247. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO. 13th and Everett Sta Pianos and household . goods moved, packed ami shipped, reduced freight rates on all household goods to and from East. Through car service. Main 703. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllaan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169 We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. MADISON-SV. DOCK and WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison; general merchandise - and forwarding agenta Phone Main 7691. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood; blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 6720. A 1899. WOODSAWENQ. FOR SAWING In Jrvlngton and Upper Al bins, call Woodlawn 827T. MILLLVERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., lot! First street. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12tb and Davis. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland W Ire & Iron V ks 2d and Columbia PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMTJSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-60 Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLiNE. t4-83 Front street. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTKS or CO.. 1st and Oak r.ts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NG & FAhKKLL, Ho Front St. HOPE AND Ul.NUl.Ni, TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. -OLUMB1A DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS, vv. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. .-ortLand Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. WALL PAPER. 1QRGAN1 WALL PAPER CO.. 280 2d St. iHOl.KSALK JEWELERS & OPTICIANS riUTTERFIKI.D HHPS.. MOHAWK BLDG. ( , FUNERAL NOTICES. 'TEETERS November 20, at 74 Falling st,, ijuiihh o. leeicrs, age years, dq loved wife of Geo. E. Teeters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thurston, sister of Mary, Arthur, Lewis and Fred Thurston. ' The funeral services will be held at A. R. Zeller-s parlors. G04 Williams ave., Sun day, November 22, at a P. M. Friends are invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. NEIBERGER The funeral services of the late William M. Neiberger will be held at the connervatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder st.. at 2 P. M. Sun day, Nov. 22. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E.-w.$-c? The on.y resiuence uoaeriaiviug establish ment In Portland with private driveway. Main 9. A 15faU. J. P. F1NLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director. 220 Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant, A 1511, Main 07. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East II VW., OUZ VVlljLlAAiS AVU, East loss, c 1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. DUNNING & M EN TEE, funeral directors, 7th and pine. Phone Main 4ao. Lady at tendunt. Office ot County Coroner. R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. East 1115. C 1D4X Lady attendant. . P. L. LEHCH. East 11th and Clay sta. Lady assistant. East 781. SK.EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Ciav. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists.' 347 Wash, lnstan. Main JUS. A 12(19. Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARGB BROS., deblgnera and decorators; fresh cut flowers. Kieat variety. Morrison, bet. 4th and 5th. Main or A 1806. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d ond Alder. Dc-siKns and sprays. Marshall 5H22. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 2121. Selling CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Containing 35 Acres. Portland's Only Modern Prrpelual - Care Cemetery. Hefined, Pleasing; Service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Prices and 'Terms Reasonable. Both Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAXD AVE., X. Between Davis and Everett. Phones Unst 14U3,. B 2515. Open Day J . and Maht. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small animals. Worse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring; a pet may communicate with us NEW TODAY. DO YOU WANT A 1IIVERFRONT BUB-LltBA.-V HOME SITKf Here is your opportunity to obtain one at a bargain 2 1-10 acres West Bide, eight miles south of Portland-b5f-J!ull,sltuateni Would be cheap at fiOOO. Give me $3560 cash and cleared unincumbered acreage worth 2580 Also have nice Laurelhurst Jot to exchangre for acreage, OWMEKa. XV 413. eRBOOKIAW. Moijey to Loan On Improved City Property, SIOOO to -G20,GG0 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., cm i ULHTU tilUilil, NEW TODAY. uction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 166-168 FIRST ST. (IN cur Morrison St.) REGILAK SALESDAYS MONDAY- WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A M. F-OR MONDAY'S SALE Wo have' a v,';.SBOrtment. ot sood second-hand furniture comprising Dining; Sulta in golden and weathered oak; Bookcaaen, i?HC2For."'Il0,ckers' Chairs, Library and fetand Tables. Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Pillows. Bedding, white en amel oak and white maple Dressers, Commodes, Wardrobes, Srvrlnir M chliieM. baa 1 Ranges, Cook Stoves. Heat er with Coils, Dishes, Utensils, etc. et2. Also one Double Office link and one Typewrite, Weak: ln black walnut; also - stent of Carpenter Tools. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY wo shall sell a general assortment of household effects consigned for positive sale. WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE .Lyou burnishing; or looking for some special pieces of Furniture ; WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. W (i rAgnarlfnlt ..!. . . . - - - -1 j- jiivilo inspection ?i our,,8to?k- lou will be surprised at the collection of Hlsk-Grsde (.uodn that we have to offer included ln our line ?uwiU find 8ucn celebrated lines as ch-t.HU"JilJ,etln,e' Karprn and other Graud Rapids roods; all equal to new. Urns. Beds .Napoleon Beds ln Circassian walnut, oak,, birdseye maple and ma hogany. Dressers and Chiffoniers en suite.MUton, Axmlnatrr and Hody Bros. lluf"' Stel Haxtarea. iaa K.aKrs u,t Heaters, ilratlnjt Stoves, etc. OFFICE FURNISHINGS of all dewerlptlona. PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS h0"?J8 the tlmo to look around for that Xmas Present we have some bar gains In good Standard Makes, equal to WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE Corner Second and Yamhill. Phone Main 2032. THIS IS THE PLACE VOI R MONEY TALKS on buyine; ROCERIES, CI I v A R.H. T- r M a r-i e n . . . . . . SHOES, HA RD W ARE, PAINTS. etel STORE FIXTURES; including: SHOWCASES, COUNTERS, SCALES. CASH REGISTERS, MEAT CUTTERS, CREDIT SYSTEMS, FIRE. PROOF SAFES, ETC. J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. BAKERY FOR SALE PREMISES FOR LEASE Fnrnlshtna-s of the bakery, delicat essen and confectionery at 023 Wash ington street, Ansela Hotel bulldlnsr, between 10th and 20th streets, for sale at about one-third their cost terms If desired. Store about lSx04 feet, very low rent, fine bakcoven, splendid loca tion. MORGAN, KLIEDNER BOY"CB, 813-81 -Morgan Building. 2 Acres East Flfty-Elg-hth Street, Sonth, Near Hawthorne Carllne. This will subdivide into 12 full-sized lots. The neighbors say we should Ret at the rate of 700 per lot, but the owner orders us to sell for J4200 cash, which is fioO per lot. Wakefield, Fries & Co. Main 14. S5 Fourth St. A 1414. WASHINGTON STREET CORNER 50x100 AT . 570 PRICE SOLD TWO YEARS AGO. "CAN YOU BEAT IT T "' JGODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 STARK ST. buys half lnteaest ln one of the best paying- propositions in Oregon. Ref erences furnished and required. Ad dress G 235. Oregonian. Money to Loan ANY AMOUNT TO $20,000 MONEY FOR REAL FARMS. GEO. H. THOMAS 2B7 Oak St.. Room 2, Alnnworth Rids;. MORTGAGE LOANS on good improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. If you need money call today. A. II. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Bulldlnsr. Marshall 4114, A 411. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. ' FARM AJOU CITY LOAJKS. KO Kauris L. Uiwrd of l'ruw Ulilc. ' CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ana uaday. Per Lin. One time 1X Same ad two consecutive times. .... ate Same ad three consecutive time S bauie ad Lx or seven connecutlve times. . M The above rates apply to advertisenaeats under "ew Xoda" and ali otUer classlliea uuua except tiie following Situations Wanted Maie. fcUuutton Wanted Female. fcor Kent, Rooint. frivete Families. Uuuoih and ttowa, Private Families. iHuujt:-4eepnc Kvomi, sfrivaLe Families. Kate on uie above ciauiiicauon la 1 cent a line eacn Uutertion. On "chtrge" advert laemeats charge wlU be based on tiie number ot lines apyearlaa in tue paper, regardless ot tbe number tt word m eacli lute. ftiiniinum cliartce. tws lines. Xbe Oregonian twill accept classified ad-verti-ementt. over tbe telephone, provided the auvertiaer is a subscriber to either pbone. No prices will be quoted over the f hone, but bill will be rendered tbe follow ug day. Whether subwequent advertisement will be accepted over the phone depends up on the promptness of payment of teleplioas advertisements. Situations Wanted and fer sonai ad verue men is will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inseotioa only will be accepted for "FurnUure for hat, "iiutdness Opportunities," "Mwmint bouiei," and "Wanted to Uent.' im Oregonian will not guarantee aeenracj or afuni reBponsibillt for errors ecoiirrtna tii tetvpUuned advertisements. Advertisements to ret-eive ororanft elakA- flcutlon must be ln The Oregonian office be fore I oVluvk at night, except Haturdsj. Closing hour for The Hun day Oregonian will lie ? :u O fiot'M rMiiurcwjr m ght. Ihm otfli will iNt open uniu to o cioeu jr. a, as nauai. and all ads received too late a under r proper heading v I a Usui cation will be "Too Late to Classify.1 The Oreeonlaa will aot be responsible for mere than one incorrect Insertion ef anv avri- Yeneuent offered for mure than eae timovj a.4BveinuMs a mam tttv aouso. $30,000 NEW TODAY. m ta. fcaKtrQ.Cek. ESTABLISHED ISO 2. ON TUESDAY NEXT We shall sell Plsyer Plnso, Aaiomonlle and Fine Furniture, Rokk, etc. We have moved these a;oods to our sales rooms. lotf-lUS 1'arlc street, (or con venience of sale. Comprising Upright Player Piano and records in mahogany case, recently $S00 cash; Library Tables. Rockers, uphol stered in leather; Pictures, Lace Cur tains, Davenport, Walnut Secretary, Bookcase and Desk, several volumes of books. Couches, Drapes, Imported teak wood Desk and Bookcase, Axmineter and large size plush Russ, Mirrors, Sewing: Machine fumed oak Dininp: roonri Suite, viz.: Pedestal Table, Buffet, Chairs and Serving: Table, Silverware, Dinner Set. full and three-quarter size Brass Beds. Springs and Silk Floss Mat tresses, Vernls Martin Beds, quarter sawed oak and birdseye maple Dressers and Chiffoniers, Bedroom Rockers and Chairs, nearly new Steel Range. Uten sils, etc. Also the following1 from another home, including: Dining Table and Chairs, Bedroom Furniture. Gas Range, Heaters, etc To be sold for storage lien One Babcock Electric Automobile, cost $3000 can be seen morning of sale.. The Above Furniture Will Be on View Tomorrow. Auction on Tuesday TVext at 1 0 o'clock. On Thursday (ThanUmglvIng day) We Shall lie Closed. ON FRIDAY NEXT we shall have our Regular Sale for various consignments of household goods. Auction on Friday Next at 10 o'clock. FOR PRIVATE SALE. Two upright Pianos, one mahogany case and one rosewood case. In Our Retail Department We Sell Sen Furniture at All Times. PRELIMINARY AXNOl'NCEMEXT, On December 3, Next, we hold the Semi-Annual Auction at the C. O. Pick Comnan v'fl warphnunn. Second and Pine streets. including nousenoiu rTirniiure. merchandise, etc. The same being sold to Dav storage and other liens. List can be seen at tne c o. Pick Company s office and at the Auctioneer's office. By order C. O. Plclc Company. W. C. BAKER and W. II. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Auction Sale MONDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY, 2 P. M. FORD AUCTION CO. 211 FIRST ST. You will always find a good as sortment of medium grade Furniture to choose from and you are always sure of getting a bargain, for all the goods are guaranteed as represented at time of sale or your money re funded. LARGE LOANS On Central Retail Business Property May Be Obtained at Edward E. Goudey Northwestern Hank Building. How Would You I.Ike to Buy an Inter est In an IMPROVED QUARTER BLOCK Within Two Blocks of the Plttock Bldg. at Only 10 Over What Its Cost Would Noif Be to Yon If You Had Bought In 19051 Has real estate made more than a 10 profit in nine years (1 1-10 per year) in the neighborhood of Tenth and Wash ington? It will take about taO.OuO to handle my Interest. BF 3!K, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Money available within 24 hours after receipt of abstract, 0 and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING S07-S Northwestern Bank Bids!. WE WILL 1111UJ AND il.NA.Ntli Homes Klats and apartments In any part of the cltj costing from (2000 to Sl'O.OUO; payments like rent. Call and see us. fi. BOWMAN A CO.. Room 1. CommerrUI Club Baildlnc CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Hatea. JOHN E. CB.0NAN 02 Spaldlnss Bids. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 7. 40I-40a-404 Wllccx bids. BECK. William O.. 315-318 Fallln bld. BENEDICT BROS.. 30 Hawthorns avenue. JENNINGS A CO. Main IS 8. 20 Oresoaiaa. BARRETT BROS. 302 Board ot Trade. RKAL ESTAtJE. - For Sale Lots. OiK lot ln Osweejo. COxlOO, good location. -Call Woodlawn 1035 tor information, after 6 P.M. 4500 LOT. West Side, close in, beautiful view; will take 3u00; terms. O 222. Ore gonian. LAURELHURST LOTS. Original price $1700 i owner will accept t650 cash. 304 Northwest bids;. CHOICE apartment-house building site, Hawthorne ave., corner, close ln, for sale, by owner. Room 531 Hotel Perkins. CORNER lot SOxllS. Kast 33d and Grant; cement walks and curbs paid; price &oou. Phone Main 60O Monday. MUST sell Immediately a lots, 61x100. Tre mont Station; make ovfer and own terms. Owner. AL 423. Oregonian. $5oO BUYS an apartment site 62x100 cor ner. West Side. M. K. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITY PARK corner. 1 block from car. on 45th st., finest location, S850. 1297 Sandy boulevard. WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS, sightly lot for sale by owner. Room 531 Hotel Perkins. BEAUTIFUL lot In Laurelhurst near toa car; $IM0: terms. Ci 223, Oregonian. GOOD corner for saloon ln gas and oil region. Call 811 Wiloox bldg. . SACRIFICE 8S0? close-in heautlfui loT from owner. IF 891. Orcaonlan. ' IRVINGTON choice home site. 24th. near Knott. $1250; terms. O 403. Oregonian. IRVINOTON BARGAIN BALK Corner, near swell home, SHOO, terms. Main 807S. HAWTHORN HI district, garage or apartment site, olose in, half prloe. Tabor 15i7. $S(o PINS) OORNBR." Taxi", east front. Baw thorn distrlot. Main uu. KAL EMATR. For Sale Lots. EXTRAORDINARY SACRIFICE FOR CASH. Two beautiful large lots on Portland Heights with complete unobstructed view. Lois are only two feet above grade and almost level. Entire district paved and Improved with fine homes. These lots are ISO feet deep and run from street to I'aveu alley, each lot having a frontage of 02 feet. Would be a bargain at S2500 each, as lots near by are mortgaged for 2000 each. For quick sale, owner offers these at S1000 each. AB 422, Oregonian. MY HOME LOT MUST GO. SSxlOO, northeast corner 223 and East Market, 1 block from Hawthorne car. Improvements in on both streets; fine view of river, city and ML Hood; sur roundings beautifully built up; lot ele vated 4 feet; a handsome srfot and all one could desire for a home; lot extra large. See It to appreciate It. J 2 OCX) will buy it. Call owner. Tabor 31S. at H83 East Couch st. astoriaT WARRENTON, FLAVEL, NEW ASTORIA. Being developed as greatest industrial and shipping point on Pacific Coast; lots cheaper than any similar location iu world. ' Small investment capable large returns. R. L. YOKE, 113U Northwestern Bank bldg. LAURELHURST LOT CUT IN HALF SS0O loss, lot coat S1600, will give deed for ST05; this is total price; lot brock 11. Take Montavllla car to Hazel Fern Place, go northeast Hi blocks; my sltn Is on the lot. Frank L. McUuire, 414 Abing ton bldg. Main lOtiS. MONEY WAITING, for the return of prosperity cannot do bet ter than seize this opportunity to secure a sightly lot ln Laurelburst at a snap price and on very eaey terms. Phone J. W Crossley. Main 1503. A 1515. MONTA VILLA ACRe! (950. All cleared and set to fruit trees, close to new school, very reasonable and can give easy terms. Fred W. German Co.. 91 i Cham, of Com. S650 THIS WEEK ONLY. Very fine lot on Garfield ave., 1 block from Union ave.. Piedmont district; cost S1000. See owner. 514 Cham, of Cum. bldg. GIVEN AWAY Corner Tualatin View Park, West Side, near Portland Heights; corner - cost Stluo 2 years ago. Going East: will take 1300. 108 feet frontage on paved street. X 417, Oregonian. VEHNON. VERNON. $500. $550 Lots 21 a. id 22. block 8. s. W. corner -1st and Klllingsworth ; worth $1100; this can't be beat. Fred W. German Co.. U14 Cham, of Com. PORTLAND if EIGHTS. 60x100. level corner, fine unobstructed city view, flrst-olass property, walking distance, streets im proved; must sell, about half price few days. No agents. N 420. Oregonian. S750 SCHUYLER-ST. LOT. 80x100 on Scbuvler su. near 35th; fine, level lot. 3i blocks from Rose City park cnr. Security Development Co., 4th and Pine sta LOTS YOUR OWN PRICE Have lot on Haieifern avenue. In Laurelhurst, and lot on Glenn ave., near -E. Lincoln, non-resident, owner instructs me to sell regara less of price. Call 1304 Yeon Bldg. LOTS in one of the best additions of As toria for sale or trade. $125 per lot; $5 per month. LAtRlTZEN LAND COMPANY", 800 Henry BlUg. Main 1590. LOT $i.5o; Irvington district; fine, level, east front: cement walks and sewers ln, built-UD location: 3M. blocks from Irving ton Catholic Church. Security Development Company. 4th and Pine sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and homesites: a few groat bar gains; every customer is a reference. Marshall 4!27. BROOKE. A 3S39 FINEST LOT ln Fairport Addition, on Staf ford st.. all fenced and basement dug. Make me anv reasonable offer. Security Development Co.. 4th and Pine sts. CHEAP, by owner, lot 40x1 22 on Missin sippl ave.. near Bryant, near Peninsular Park and Jefferson High School. Marshall 1 24. THE best corner In Alameda Park, one block from Broadway car. $S0O E 412 Oregonian. ' For Sale Meach Property. IN Hermosa Park, 3d st., bet. A and B blocks from Moore Hotel, one 7-room shingled cottage, one 3-room batten cot tage, lot r.uxloo, furnished, one rented at present $100 season, easily get $15 for large one, large Trout porches; $20110 ab stract. Mrs. c. It. T.. box 2o4 Seaside. Or. For Sale Houses. BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. 424 EAST 40TH ST. NORTH. B-room cosy home. Just built; 17 minutes from city; fireplace, elegant oak floors, swell buffet and built-in conveniences to l"1"" JUUUO lHUOr X UW. BEAUTIFUL new home on one of the best corners In Irvingtou. fully equipped with every comfort and convenience of the builder's art. No money was spared In making thla a complete home m every lUOa"' 1(i,;i00' I'koue Tubor 4130. Main monthly payments Three lota, six-room bungalow; two lots, eight reomj and bath, Mt. feeott dis trict, close to car, in name of First State Bank, in position to sell for much uu thmii cost. AJdress First State Bank. Gresham, Oregon. ROSE CITY PARK. CAR. Only $2iluo. new 5-room modern home, fu.l basement. laundry trays, areolae. gas. electricity; lot ooxllS; well located block to car, school, stores handy; at least $2oO cash required, balance monthly. Owner. Tabor 304O Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK Big sacrifice ln new 5-room modern bungalow If sold this week; see It at U52 E. 54th st. N. ; will consider lots In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst. Wood lawn 1118. WILL sell or trade my equity 'n a beautiful b-room house, near Alberta carllne, f.umio ft. lot, line lawn and plenty of flowers an Ideal home: will Consider 5 or 6-room bungalow in trade. Owner. Y 422. Orego nian. FOR SALE. Nice little home, furnished, fine loca tion, close to car; owner going south, sac rifice for $o75 lot alone Is worth $o0 must sell this week; can give easy terms 4U1 Ry. Exchange bldg FOR SALE Mouern 5-room cottage nearly new, $15 down, $15 monthly. Price $175u good neighborhood near carllne. Inquire 152 South Main St.. Lents, or call Tabor 5-ROOM bungalow ln Rose City Park at a bargain. 1 need the money and will make price and terms right. The house Is Just completed: modern and complete Phone owner. Tabor 6B0. -ROOM house two blocks from good carllne only 15 minutes out, fruit and flowers which I will sell on terms like rent. I am owner and will deal with buyer direct. See me at 512 Piatt bldg. RIGHT here Is where you stop the rent man; $30 cash, $5 per mo. buys a 13 room house, lot Goxl5u; all kinds of fruit and berries; 4 blocks from car- price $525. Smlth& Houck, 301 Henry bldg. BARGAIN Nearly new 6-room bungalow fireplace, nice buffet, bath, etc., cement basement and laundry trays, on 30th st near Hawthorne. $250 down, balance to suit. Tabor Bti4. MUST sell 5-room modern bungalow, mod ern conveniences, bearing fruit trees 2 blocks from car, 2 lots if preferred. Par ticulars from owner. Phone Wodlawn WILL sell my beautiful new it-room home, all built-in conveniences, fireplace and hardwood floors. Hawthorne distrl-, at only $15 per month. Phone Tabor SU i'OR SALE. IMPROVED PROPERTY. Newly painted nve-toom. newlv fur. nlshed, plastered, .modern bungalow; good J jr 11m fl.W CaBQ. SHU j ii St. SE. 876 COSY bungalow. 3 rooms pantry, plumbing, electricity, gas, fine lot; car 14 block; easy terms. Owner, 1031 E. 27th St. North. FOR SALE One-quarter acre, 6-room house and fruit; city water; $500 if taken soon; will take horse and wagon as part pay ment. Tabor 3152. Call evenings. ONE-HALF acre, 3-room house, at Monta ville. near carline. good for chickens. $H50; $l5o cash, bal. monthly. Inquire 5511 Foster Road, Archer Place. SACRIFICE fine 8-room, house, corner lot. on E. Yamhill, walking distance; big snap at $5000: $500 down and $25 per mouth Owner. 171 East 23d. Phono E. 5948 2 GREAT bargains. Irvington. 7 and 8 rooms; fine homes cheap, will take good lot as part payment on each. East 273. W. H. Herdman. FOR CASH 5-room bungalow, 3 rooms, paneled and beamed; hardwood floors; at tlc. Fine location. O 412. Oregonian 2-ROOM house for only $S75: $40 cash $5 per month; best buy ln Portland. m'. E Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. MODERN home. Ladd's Addition; no cash payment required. 606 Spalding. Main 3X97. East 2725. FOR SALE Modern 8-room house, near car, east front. S2O00 nronepiv xntKO s at 551 Union ave. N. NICE corner lot and 5-room bunir-tlow Mt. Tabor; must sacrlflce; $2100, eifly terms. fawner, juain iv. CHEAPEST house In Irvington. Owner, 663 .1(1 St. IN. U llll. $750 NEW HOUSE, all kinds fruit; terms. x xMuawsrs ava. al Joans car. REAL LSTATE. Fur ftuie Houses. THERE IS A CRAZE ON FOR OUR BUNGALOWS. Because we have studi-d the necessities for comfort and convenience and because our prices and terms are far below others. I'-W0 $1900 $1900 $25 per month, including interest. Is the price and selling terms of our newest bungalow Just completed, located at 13i7 E. SHERMAN ST. NEAR E. iOTH ST. One block off canine and lew blocks south Hawthorne ave. 5 rooms; fireplace, hardwood floors, beaming and paneling, swell lighting fix tures and window shades throughout; built-in bookcases and buffet with beau tiful leaded glass; fine porcelain plumb. s ..V,11"""- Dandy Dutch kitchen, has woodllft. Ironing board, canopy for gas stove. Wash trays in cement basement. Cement walks. If you need a homo look this bungalow over and you will buy ;t. Open house 1:30 to 4:30 today. Hawthorns ave. car to 50th st., walk south on 50ih : Sherman st.. or Mt. Scott car to 50th and, Sherman sts. Portland realty & trust Co.. . . OWNER. 214 Ry. Exch. BM3. Phone Main 2129. VV 111 take you ou: during week. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. E. &3d and Thompson. t)o you want something different yet artistic and everything first-class, at rea sonable co-t? Unusually complete in every detail, ready to move into. 2 blocks to streetcar. 5 blocks of school, churches, club, paved stieit. sewer, gas. corner lot: $o00 on terms; $aono if $1000 cash. L. It. BAILEY CO.. INC Contracting Architects. Ablngton Bldg. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME? One in a good restricted district handy to carllne, ready to move into; has ail the conveniences waiiu-d In a home; fire place, butfet, Dutcn kitchen, wash travs. gas and electric fixtures; window shades; front porch entire length of house: bai-k porch: 5 rooms &.nd bath with large attic and sleeping porch; lot 50x100. will sell Jor ?-, a month, which includes Interest. su Tabor 3U&3 mornings and evenings. YOU ARE LOOKING rORA HOME? One In a good restricted district, handy to carline. ready to move into; fcaa all the conveniences wanted in a horn- fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, gas and electric fixtures; window shadear front porch entire length of house: back porch; 5 rooms and bath with large attlo and sleeping porch; lot 60x100, will sell ;?r,,."a moIth. which Includes interest, call Tabor SShS mornings and evenings. THAT VACAXT LOT WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO LvVE"' WE WL FURNISH THH MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE K-N'OW-,-?-TALK- WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEH gl K WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. ft CO- CONTRACTING ARCH1 1ECTS. i-24 ABINGTON BLDG. t-,,BA,KOA1,"! BARGAIN. $2300: ibis ,1s a big bargain; bouse sold ones ror J.&00. It Is a 5-room bungalow w4til attic, modern in every way; lot 40x100 street improvements are all in and partly paid for. This is a tine lot with roaes and trees, one block from Hawthorne car llne and ln tne best district. 1200 E. Madi son st. J3O0 will handle this. T. W. Nora by owner. 002 Couch bldg. 5-ROOM bunsalow. hardwood ln both liv ing and dining-rooms; rest of the floors scraped and oiled, modern built-in con veniences, if you want something nice, this will please you, aoid the price la only $.300, terms to suit. We setl our own property. Come ln and see us BASE LINE LAND CO.." 1100 Northwestern l'.auk Bldg. $25 DOWN ' Own a little home, don't rent; $1250. partly furnished 3-room house In Kenton and 3 lots; east front; payments 5 montb- ly and Interest if you are a safe risk. ELMER S. hllANK, 302 Ky. Exchange. Main 2113, A 17U5. ROSE CITY PARK HOME $4000. 8 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors, fireplace: laces east, on E. 47th Bt., a block and a half from Sandy Blvd. Price $40110, terms $750 cash, balance $35 per month. Including Interest. H. P. PAL ME It-J ON Eri CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Malu SOUO, A 2653. I WILL make someone an attractive pries and terms ou my last buimalow, consist ing of 5 large rooms, modern built-in con veniences, oak floors, attractive electrio fixtures, full size lot, two blocks from car and grocery sture; 1 really want to sell; if you are interested, answer this ad. Owner and builder. AO 307, Oregonian. WOODSTOCK COTTAGE $1300. 4 rooms, modern, bath, electric lights, nice yard; at 413J 4!th ave. s. E., near E. 4 1st St.; W, W. car to 49th ave, 1 block from carline: price $1300; small payment down nud balance like rent. H. P. PALMEU-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main acini, A 2653. MODERN 6-room house, double constructed and well built; lures grouuds. lawn, gar den, fruit and ros.s; east front and on carline; big sacrifice. easy terms; no agenta Bargain hunters should see this attrnctive home. H. B. Grantham. 1CW3 East 30th St. North. FOR SALE Very complete and modern ate tractive 7-room Beaumont residence, bii E. 46th St. N.. easily worth f-6500 anj nearly new. Present price $4500. Wi i sell for a cash payment of $G00 down. W ii. rtooerson, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Mar shall 240. MT. TABOR DISTRICT $2200. 4-room California bungalow; Dutch, kitchen, stationary tub and built- Jn features, cement sidewalks in and paid for; $5u cash and balauce monthly; will take lot or acreage up to $5oo. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE i-room cottage. 2 lots, SOxlob: fruit trees. 11; currants. 15; gooseberries. 11; loganberries, 2; rose bushes, 12: ce ment sidewalks, electric lights. 16-foot alley, near Hoffman School. Will sell cheap by owner. Cause Mckness. Haw thorne car. 3029 J7th at. S. E. IRVINGTON'S BIGGEST SACRIFIoi! Elegant b-room modern home, (3 years old), perfect condition. block from Tennis Ciub, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, handsome fixtures. Price $5000; a great bargain. N 414. Oregonian. 60x260 AND HOUSE, containing five rooms handy to carline, five-cent carfare, 4 minutes from downtown; want good, re sponsible people; will make terms as low as $15 a month; price $165n. call morn ings and evenings. Tabor 3H83. OWNER going away, good 6-room house, 011 Belmont St.: value $3SO0; Trust Company mortgage of $1000 can stand; will sell equity of $2200 lor $1300 caih. B 413. Oregonian. I AM leaving Portland; will sell my com- f fortably furnished cottage, containing 4 rooms, situated tn river bnk In Fulton, for $200. This Is a snap. Apply II. Hoff man, foot of Miles st., Fulton. FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow, strictly modern and up-to-date conveniences. Sell equity at a big discount. Must sell this month. 340 E. 47th St.. Hawthorne dis trict. $2200 NB W BUNGALOW AND FURNI TURE; cement basement, woodiift. electrio fixtures, etc. Woodniere district, S. E. V" M 63d venue, 6-ROOM house ln Sunny-side, value $3500; all improvements in and paid; exchange for Improved acreage or smaler place. Smith Wagoner Co, Stock Exchange. THE biggest Havthorne bungalow snap ever offered; $35oo value for best offer; abso lutely must go; make an offer and yoj have got a house. AP 891, Oregonian. IRVINGTON SNAP. 6 rooms, modern, 1 block to car; will take clear lot and some cash as first payment. Phone East 1616. SPLENDID HOME SACRIFICE $1650. 6 rooms, modern; 80x120 lot; fruit, chicken parks and house; well locaLed, $1500: terms. Tabor 2546. NEW 6-room house, tinted, plumbed, base ment, lot 50x100; $lb50; lot taken part payment: terms easy. Smith - Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. $1750 $25 DOWN and $20 monthly, includ lng interest. Modern bungalow. Side walks and street paid. Call 702 E. 64th. Hose City car. Don't miss this. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. S-3tory. 6 rooms, sieeping-porch. every modern convenience. block from car. Tabor 320O. $2500 NEW, modern, 6-room bungalow, lot 50x100, completely furnished. Income $20 a month; small payment of $500, easy terms. Woodlawn 3229. $11,000 0x100, very attractive modern house, 11 rooms. Income $60, terms. Phone owner. East 3b90. NEW IDEA of bungalow, strictly modern; first-class: new; for sale by owner. 1215 Haigfet ave.. Piedmont. 4-ROOM house, tinted. Dutch kitchen, partly plumbed; $1100; rent terms. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. IF you are looking for 5. 6 or 7-room house, new. modern, near carline. reasonable price, easy terms, call Tabor 53P8. Owner. A FIRST-CLASS 6-room house, located on E. 23d and Pine sts.. for $15 per month. T. W. Nordby. owner, G02 Couch bldg. GREAT sacrifice; new bungalow, fine loca tlon: might tak auto; MUST. Tabor 135a. NEW, modern 12-room house. Irvington; K block. Phono East 2432. R. B. Rice, HOUSE, lot. S'100; Kenton; $ cash, bal ance mortRase. 11 Wash., bldg. Rented. MODERN 6-room house for Bale by owner $4500. East S379. A $rtiOO NEW 7-room house for Cr.oOO. Call owner, Woodlawn 35S0. SNAP 5-room bungalow, large lot, $1800 coat $2aUo; terms. Tabor 323.