TTTE STTXT AT OTtEGONTAT?", PORTL AND; NOYMIVER 22", 1914. TOYTOWN !-The Greatest Toy Store in the West-Has Marvelous Attractions for" Grown-Ups!: and Children Yeon Building, 5th and Alder 1 Portland's Bigst Store Ever Since 1837 THIS PAGE EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY MEIER & FRANK CO. J I Courtesy-Qua ity-Pependab lity ' ; , ' ' ; .. . - . : : . . . Inf ormirijef; 'iKev'PiiElic; of Omit Great Sales .Tomorrow! 18 Featorihg Wohderf ul Price Reductions on Thanksgiving Day Requirements And a Drastic Qutclearing of Winter "Ready-to -Wear" for Women ! You Hear It Said Every Day: '"If You Cannot Find Whatever You Want at Meier & Frank's, No Need to Look Elseuliere!" Cold Weather Requires Flannelette Garments! 10c VICUNA FLANNELETTE, Yard 5c Mostly in checked patterns. Third Floor6th-st. Building. Special Christmas Offer! Delineator Subscription - 2 Years for $2 Subscribe NOW! Agents Butterick Patterns sixth-st. nidr. Third Floor, imre oiock la-Die means tleduceci For Our 3-Day Thanksgiving Sale! Exclusive Agents for John S. Brown & Son's "Shamrock" Linens ! Pure Linen Table Goths Reduced Heavy weight linen with damask designs and border to match. Very ex cellent quality. - ; , $3.75 Cloths, size 2x2 yards, now, each . .$2.98 $4.75 Cloths, size 2x2 14 yards, no?, each . . ; $3.98 22-inch Napkins to match, priced, dozen .......... . .$3.38 $2.50 Table Cloths, Pure Linen, $2.00 Heavy weight, pure linen, damask, with, complete border. For small tables, size 63x63 inches. Hemmed ready for use. $1.25 Table Damask, Yard, $1.00 Our special grade. Extra heavy, full bleached, and 70 inches wide. 22-mch Napkjns to match, dozen. .$3.15 Third Floor. Stxth-St. BIdv. Entire Stock American and English Semi Porcelain Dinner ware Reduced for Thanksgiving Sale SO Patterns Newest Sliapes and Decorations RADICALLY REDUCED FOR THIS SALE 60-piece Sets priced now $4.35 to $15.00 I ' : : ; : : All Single Pieces Semi-Porcelain Ware Less 10 Discount BUY NOW FOR GIFTS OR FOR HOME NEEDS! . Fourth Floor. Temporary A Ho. 1 Great Thanksgiving Sale of Roasters iia'i-'r. Entire Stock Is Underpriced PBTZE RECIPE BOOK TREE WITH EVERY ROASTER. The "Savory'' Roaster, is seamless, Self-bastirig, self -flavoring and self-browning. Oval , shape, perfectly smooth inside, with -no crevices to collect dirt or germs. Ea6y to keep clean and sanitary. - IMPORTANT! Measure Your Oven Before Ordering! 89c Family-Size "Savory" Roasters. liyoxl7y2x8V4. Holds 12-lb Roast. Made of smooth, ' refined polished steel, with double lock handles on top and bottom pans. Good family size for roasting fowls or ordinary, roasts. Specially priced for this sale at 8Q& Turquoise Blue "LiK" Enameled ROASTERS $1.85 Roaster, 6ize 8xllx6V, holds 5- . . lb. roast, now .$1.G $2.25 Roaster, size 10xl5x7, holds 8- 1b. roasts .$1.99 $3.50 Roaster, size 10V2xl6V&xS, holds 12-lb roast.. : . ...... .$2.1 $2.75 Roaster, size liy2xl7xSyo, holds 16-lb. roast $2.47 $3.00 Roaster, size 10y2lSx$y2, holds 20-lb. roast .. $2.69 $3.50 Roaster, size 13xl9xlOV, holds 25-lb roast ....$3.09 Savory" Roasters - - Small family size 912x1434x914. $1.35 Glazed "Savory" Roasters, now at $1.19 $2.60 Blue Enameled "Savory" Roasters $2.29 $1.75 Glazed "Savory"? Roasters, family . size, 1134x1784x7 .................$1.58 Royal Polished Steel Roasters 85c Roasters, size 8x12 inches, now, ea. 77$ $1.00 Roaster, size 10x14 inches, now, ea, $1.15 Roaster, size 11x15 inches, ' no 99 $1.25 Roaster, size 12x17 inches now $1.09 $1.50 'Roaster, size 12x19 inches, now $1.29 $1.90 Roaster, size 16x19 inches, now $1.69 PANCY PLAID MIXTURE COAT. As Pictured $10 With velvet collar and fancy buttons. BLUE GABARDINE SUIT As Pictured $14.45 Heavy weight gabard ine. Velvet collar, black satin girdle. EVENING GOWN As Pictured $14.50 American Beauty mes saline, cream lace com bined with black net. DANCING FROCK As Pictured $14.50 Light blue silk erepe, shadow lace, silver trim ming, crimson flowers. TAILORED SUIT As Pictured $14.45 Navy Bedford Velvet trimmed, buttons. cord, bone CAPE COAT As Pictured $10.00 Heavy fancy colored mixture. Deep black velvet collar. Unprecedented CI earance Women's Apparel! 100 Tailored Suits 3 New Lots Women's Suits, Dresses & Coats Enter This Event! New Fall and Winter Coats Regular $15 to $20 Models at Shipment has just arrived, and consists of a wonderful variety of Coats that will suit the popular demand for moderate-priced garments in the newest styles. Plain colors, mixtures, plaids in the leading shades. Three-quarter and full length, raglan or set-in sleeves. Some trimmed with caracul, plush, velvet. Collars fasten ing closely at the neck. ' Sizes 16 Years to 42 Bust Two Models Illustrated. S14 20 to $25 Models, t pecial at This is an express shipment rushed to us from the East. You'll find the' greatest "bargain" of the season in these Suits 1 All-wool materials, in serges, gabardine, cheviots, diagonals and Bedford cords. Black, navy, brown, green, gray and , plum shades the fashionable colors of the season. The new pleated flounce coats, Russian blouse and new girdle effects are shown. Skirts with high girdles, flared or pleated sides. All sizes. Note Illustration of Two Models. Afternoon and Evening Gowns $10 Original Prices $20 to $30 at $14.50 Two handsome models are illustrated and there are many others equally as charming. All the new shades represented Nile, rose, light blue, pink, green, navy and black. Smart, up-to-date modes, with wide girdles, lace and bead trimmed. All sizes for misses and women included. .... Just Arrived by Express 50 Model Gowns New French Styles and Direct Copies of Thess Models INCLUDING Strictly tailored, semi-fancy and beautiful Even ing Gowns reduced as follows : Gowns regularly $65 to $150 how . S48.50 Gowns regularly $45 to $ 65 now :.. S28.75 v ' . Fourth Floor, Slxtn-St. Bide. Warmer Gloves Needed Now! WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WINTER GLOVES AND MITTENS DEEPLY REDUCED TOMORROW! .35tf ..55 -63 Children's 50c and 65c Silk and Wool Mittens, pair. . . Infants' Wool Mittens, white only, special, pair 65c Leatherette Gloves, reduced to, pair Women's 75c Silk-Lined Cashmere Gloves, pair Women's $1 Duplex Reindeer Gloves, white and colors, pair Women's $1.25 Leatherette Gloves, reduced to, pair: Sl.OO Women's $1.25 Dent's Washable Fabric Gloves, pair.... $1.09 Boys' $1.00 Fleece-Lined Kid Gloves, pair 890 Children's $1.25 Mocha Gloves and Kid Fleece-Lined Mittens, pr. $1.09 Women's $3.50 Dent's Fur-Lined Gloves, the pair $2.98 Women's $5 and $6 Dent's Squirrel-Lined Gloves, pair $4.25 Women's $1.50 and $2 Kid and Mocha Fleece-Lined Mittens, pair $1.39 Pint Floor. Slxtk-St. Bids. Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. gI!i!II!IIII!I!IIIIIIII!ini!n!IIII!Illll!I!I!l!!ilI!ll!l!IIllIIII!!II!IIl!!Ii!!II!II(I!!g I AH Imported Millinery H Phipps, Knox and Burgesser f I TAILORED HATS j I V2 Price ! EEs Tomorrow in our Millinery Salons will be inaugurated a sale EEs rs: of Millinery that will attract the attention of every woman in SSS S5S Portland who "knows values." ALL IMPORTED MODEL HATS will be marked Just one-half ; ; their original pricings. Distinctive and Exclusive Hats may be Es5 "purchased at the prices usually paid for ordinary Millinery. T THE PniPPS, KNOX AND BURGESSER lines of Tailored Hats need no Introduction to our patrons and tomorrow you'll find all XZZ these famous makes reduced to exactly 0E-HALF PRICE. SSS S NEW AND FASHIONABLE 4LTNTRIMMED SHAPES AT ONE. EEE SSS HALF1 AAO O.VE-FOIHTH REDUCTIONS. FAXCT FEATHERS IN GREAT ASSORTMENT AT ONE-HALF - PRICE. , SSS JUST ARRIVED NEW LINE OF FUR TURBANS AND FUR- SSS EEs TRIMMED HATS. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY. SSS SSS Second Floor, Stxtk-St. Bldgr. SS5 iiiixiiiiiiniiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHUuixxiiniiiiiuxiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiT WAISTS Imported Models an! Copies Wor.h $25 to $30-Choice $14.50 Demonstration "Wearever" Aluminum ROASTFRS MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESD'Y Priced $3.60, $4.30 and $5.00 TfcArtl Floor, Temporary Aanex No. 1 ' 1 ; This is an opportunity that will be appreciated by the women of Portland. These Waists are elegant and exclusive in model ing materials and -effect. Every Waist is distinctive and will appeal to our patrons. Delicate shades and lovely combinations, white and ecru effects. Imported laces, satins. Georgette crepe, hand-embroidery, hand drawnwork with gold and silver thread effects are shown. In (f yft C fl short, every desirable and fashionable mode is shown in these hand- I lL Sll Fifth Floor, Slxtk-St. Bids. some Waists that will be placed on sale tomorrow at. Entire Stock of FURS Underpriced! Buy for Christmas Gifts ! Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. IMPORTANT I Read Our Advertisement in Tomorrow Morning's Paper for "9 to 12" o 'Clock Bargains and All-Day Grocery Sales.; i i