The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 22, 1914, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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    Remarkable Sale Art Treasures From Every Civilized Nation
Involving a $165,000 Stock, Averaging One -Fifth to HALF Regular Prices
Upon Request All Purchases in This Sale Will Be Charged on January 1st Bill
-This sale is an innovation in holiday sealing. Its very being was created of necessity. For months shipments from every foreign country have been
arriving through the Portland Custom-House, whose records show that of the importation of foreign merchandise used by department stores, this store
imports more than all other stores COMBINED in the State of Oregon. Foreign complications, the inability to replenish certain lines, the entire cessa
tion of many factories, have made it imperative for us to dispose of as much of our holiday gift stock as possible.
Tomorrow, we offer without- exception, without reservatioh, every article on our great Sixth Floor Art Gift Room.
You are invited to make selections now. Articles will be reserved and' packed ready. for future shipment, and purchases, UPON REQUEST, will
be charged on your January 1st bill.
Come to this sale with every confidence. It carries with it economies that are substantial and satisfying.
The same spirit of dependability that characterizes all sales in this store will be revealed to a marked degree
in this remarkable offering of Art Treasures. ' "
All Imported Marbles and Bronzes. . . ,, .50 off
All Garden Italian Marble Furniture .. .50 off
Entire stock of Decorated Wicker Baskets 50 off
All Imported-and Domestic Nickel Ware 15 off
Entire stock of Imported Brass .25 to 50 off
'Including jardinieres, vases, fruit baskets, bon bon
and nut baskets.
1-3 off
50 off
10 off
.10 off
.15 off
.50 off
.15 off
.50 off
.15 off
.25 off
.25 off
.25 off
Entire stock of Imported Pottery ... 25 to 33
Our entire line of Serving Trays. ..... .15 to
Imported and Domestic Candle Sticks and Shades,
All Electric Light Fixtures at
Our entire stock of Clocks at ..
All Imported Flowers and Foliage
Our entire stock of Smokers Articles. .........
Entire stock of Imported Dinner Favors .
All Fancy-Hand Painted Table China
Bohemian Cordial and Liquor Sets
Imported Coffee and Liquor Sets
Imported Pottery and Brass Umbrella Jars ....
Entire stock of Cut Glass .25 to 50 off
Imported and Domestic Table Glassware. . ... .70 off
All Imported Bohemian Glassware at .25 off
All Hand-Decorated Table China. . - .15 to 50 fff
All Domestic and Imported Lamps. to 50 off
Entire stock of Dinnerware .10 to 33 1-3 off
-Including complete sets and open stock patterns of
Theo. Haviland, Austrian china, English porcelain, etc.
Entire stock of Sheffield Plate 20 off
Entire stock of Silver Plated Ware .20 off
Tea and coffee sets, fruit bowls, serving trays, sugar
and creamers and many other useful and ornamental
All Desk Sets and Accessories
All Silver Plated Flatware at
Including knives, forks, spoons, etc.
Imported Italian Marble Pedestals 25 off
Imported German Enamel Tables at .25 off
Lntire stock Silk Lamp Shades 25 to 50 off
Sixth Floor
a R
eal Lace and Embroidery Sale
- l . :
In order to induce
early Xmas shopping
we shall
Upon Request
charge all purchases
made throughout the
store this week on
January 1 Bill
J hose clever and SUPER-CAPABLE women, the professional hop
pers, need nothing more convincing by which to measure the real service of
-It is the one true measure by which a store can be gauged. It is the
ONE REAL TEST that this store CLAMORS FOR daily, weekly,
at all times.
COMPARISON, not only with prices, but with qualities as well, is v
our bid for patronage.
There have been many lace and embroidery sales exploited ; great claims
have been presented through the newspapers of wonderful bargains.
Tomorrow this store inaugurates a week's selling of its entire stock of
laces, embroideries and trimmings.
Entire Stock Real Laces, Half Of f
Duchess Princess Irish LaBoheme Maltese
Armenian Venice Bruge Filet
Beaded Bands, Appliques, Edges, all kinds 20 Off
AH Braids. Frogs, Loops and Tassels -..20 Off
Black Venise. Oriental. Net Top, Real Cluny 50 off
Black Vals, Cluny, Motifs, Applique and Medallions 50 off
Net Top, Margot, Cluny, Shadow Lace 20 Off
Real Cluny. 3 to 9 inches wide 50 Off
Silk. Shadow. Silk Chantilly Laces 20 off
Real Cluny, Antique, Irish. Medallions 20 Off
Real Cluny and Torchon Bands and Edges. . . . .20 Off
Novelty Lace Flouncings, big variety .' 20 off
Printed and Figured Chiffons". 20 to 50 Off
$1.50 Dewdrop Beaded Nets, all colors.. 89
25c Embroidery, 3 to 12 inches wide, at .8
25 c Embroidery, 9 to 1 8 inches wide . 17
33c Embroidery, 9 to 1 8 inches wide 24
45-Inch Crepe and Voile Flouncings in filet and Venise combina
tions, regular $2.25 to $5.00. now $1.33
Entire Stock Gold Laces . .20 Off
Spangle Laces and Allovers 20 Off
Tltmt Floor
"McrcKamliao cTcJ Merit Only"
Now When Most in Demand
25c Imported Cotton and Wool Scotch
Flannel, 15c
In dark and light grounds in stripes and checks. Suitable for
pajamas and waists.
40c and 45c Imported Scotch Flanne., 24c
-This flannel is suitable for pajamas, dresses, skirts and waists. In
all wanted shades in medium and dark grounds, in stripes and checks.
50c Imported Scotch Flannel, 40c
This particular flannel comes only in white grounds with stripes in
black, blue and lavender. Very suitable for waists and dresses.
75c Imported Viyella Flannei, 59c
This flannel, being so well known, needs no introduction, being
warranted washable and non-shrinkable. 32 inches wide.
10c and 12'2C Outing FlanneTs, 7c
An opportunity to buy this most wanted fabric at less than whole
sale cost. These goods are used for gowns and pajamas. In stripes,
plaids and checks.
40c Imp. German Bath Robe Flannel 29c
2000 yards of this material in all the most wanted shades, includ
ing pink, blue, brown and tan grounds, with combining figures. Some
are bordered. 30 inches wide. Basement
-300 room-size rugs, including the best standard Axipinster and Wilton
rugs, which are shown in a large variety of Oriental and conventional
designs in all the most durable, effective colors.
$25.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size. $16.85
$30.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x1 2 'size $19.85 .
$35.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size $22.45
$37.50 Seamless Axminster, 9x12 size . . $26.85
$45.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size $36.85
$60.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size $45.45
Fifth Floor
Miss E. M. Matthews Is Here
Special Representative and Demonstrator of the
Pictorial Review Patterns
Do Not Fail to Meet Her "
and learn the merits of Pictorial Review Patterns. .
Special for One Week
We shall offer four 15c magazines for 25c the Christmas num
ber, the New Year's number,, the Valentine number and Advance
Spring Style number. ' ' . ,
Second Floor
A Remarkable Sale Tomorrow
La Vida Corsets Half Price
For Which You Regularly Pay $5.50 to $25.00
These corsets embody the composite features of the most success
ful La Vida creations this season. Models for street, for evening and
for dancing, in the various adaptations required by different types of
figure. Of tricot, stripe and plain coutil; some with elastic lacings,
others with elastic gores. Representing broken lines, in sizes 19 to
26. but not every size in all styles.
Modart Front Lace Corsets V2 Price
Which Regularly Sell at $7.00 to $15.00
In This Clearance Sale, $3.50 to $7.50
These are discontinued models of the popular front-lace Modarts
and are made of plain and stripe coutil and fancy silk batiste, and in
workmanship and finish they are just what one expects in
Modart. In models suitable for. various types of figures. Broken
sizes from 1 9 to 34. but not every size in all styles. Fourth Floor.
A Sale
$2.00 Library Classics,
Special, 69c
$1.50 Library Classics,
Special, 59c
A rare opportunity to add to your
library is offered in this most extra
ordinary sale.
We offer a collection of the
works of the world's most famous
writers, both ancient and modern.
The $2.00 books are bound in
half morocco, gilt top, deckle edge
The $1.50 books are the same
bound in cloth.
Leather Gift Books
By Standard Authors.
Regular Price $1.25.
Special 50c
Imported books, bound in leath
er, printed on the" finest imported
paper, gilt top, deckle edge. Won
derfully attractive books at the price.
- $1.50 Poetry and Prose,
Special, 89c
Choice selections, bound in suede
leather, full gilt edge, printed on im
ported paper and illustrated.
$1.00 Gift Books,
Special, 50c
Dainty gift books in silk bindings,
in velvet ooze, in suede leather, an
immense collection of titles.
Hugh Black's Friendship Books
Regular Price 50c,
Special, 18c
These famous friendship books
come in assorted titles, bound in
white and gold. Make ideal gifts.
50c "Uplift" Books,
Special, 18c
The Wisdom series in decorated
bindings, comprising many of the
well-known titles, especially suited
to young men and women.
65 c Masterpieces in Color,
Special, 33c
Reproductions of famous artists
in accurate color copies of the orig
inals, with sketch of the artist's life
and description of each picture.
Mezzanine Floor
For one week we shall inaugurate a sale that must demand
the attention of every picture-loving person. The event is
extraordinary, inasmuch as we cannot procure ' duplicates of
many of these pictures, as the majority of them are imported.
Entire Stock Oil Paintings lz Price
Entire Stock Framed Pictures Off
For One Week, Picture Framing 1-4 Off
. Sixth Floor.
For a Three-Day Sale
Men's Double Texture Rain Coats
Regular Prices $18.00 and $20.00
Very Special $13.45
With close-fitting collar or with lapel fronts. Of heavy water
proof material, made with double seams, ventilated under arm,
storm cuffs and collars. Raglan or set-in sleeves. Perfect
fitting, superior -tailoring. Flnt rloor
i 1