The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1914, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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iTen Shots Fired by Four
Asiatics Indicate Tong
War Has Revived.
Scene of Fray Is In Front of Store
"Where Jim "Wong Wu Stabbed
. Last Week -Police Take
' Steps to Quiet Factions.
' The tons war which has slumbered
In Portland for a week broke out afresh
last night in a revolver battle between
two Suey Sing-and two Hop Sing tons
gunmen on Flanders street between
1'ourth and Fifth streets. Ten shots
were fired in rapid succession, but, so
far as could be learned only one took
effect, hitting an unnamed. Suey Sins,
who was later spirited away, in the
Last night's shooting was a fresh
outbreak of the war which started be
tween the tones when Jim Wonr, a
wealthy Chinese merchant and member
of the Hop Sings, was stabbed in the
back by a Suey Sing highbinder named
Lum Chong Tins:, alias Lim Tong.
Julian Alabera, half Chinese ' and
rialf Filipino, and a member of the
Puey Sings, was arrested by Sergeant
Oelaner and Patrolmen Collins and
Madden a few minutes after the shoot
Jng. He carried a revolver in the
chambers of which were four empty
Officers Martin and Wise later ar
rested Chan Wing a Hop Sing, who
Iwas carrying a big gun.
, The shooting took place on Flanders
Ptreet, just in front of the store at 263
I- landers, where Jim Wong was stabbed.
Bergeant Oelsner and the two patrol
men were only a block away on
Fourth street. At the time the shoot
ing took place the Peace Society was
meeting in an effort to prevent a tong
war. They had Just reached a treaty
agreement by which the Suey Sings
were to pay the Hop Sings J100, in re
turn for which the Hop Sings were to
drop charges against Lum Ching Ying.
Six Celestials Involved.
Chinese witnesses and one of the men
under arrest say four Hop Stag and
two Suey bing gunmen were involved
in the fight. The battle began without
warning, was over in an instant, and
Chinatown was suddenly changed from
a peaceful community to a seething
mass of wildly excited Celestials. -
The ten shots were fired quickly.
"When the shooting began Flanders
street was almost deserted. Sergeant
Oelsner and Patrolmen Collins and
"Madden were on the scene almost as
soon as the last shot was fired.. Sev
eral Chinese were seen, scurrying to
cover as the police ran to the battle
ground. Immediately doors and win
dows were opened and a horde of Orl
entals ran out to the streets. The
policemen found themselves in the
midst of an excite-, jabbering, shout- j
ing crowd of 300 Chinese. The gun
men were lost In the crowd.
Another squad of police. Captain of
Detectives Baty and Detectives Swen
nes, Moloney, Hyde and Howell rushed
to the scene, searched all the Chinese
stores ih the neighborhood,, ransacked
the Hop Sing and Suey Sing headquar
ters and questioned every Celestial who
acted suspiciously. -
One Found la Hiding:.
Julian Alabera had hidden in a Chi
nese restaurant on Fifth street. There
Oelsner, Collins and Madden found him
and took him to headquarters. He ad
mitted his part in the shooting, but
steadfastly refused to give any infor
mation about the other five known to
have been involved. He also admitted,
the detectives say, that he came here
from Seattle for the Suey Sings at the
same time as did Lum Chonsr Ying, the
ether Asiatio now under arrest.
Alabera merely said that he, with
another Suey Sing gunman, had en
countered four Hop Sings on the street
and the shooting had started. A per
sistent rumor among the Chinese said
that two of the Hop Sing highbinders
had been hit by the bullets and that
they - had been spirited away in the
crowd which gathered as though by
preconcerted arrangement. A thorough
nearch of the Chinese quarter, however.
failed to uncover any wounded Orien
Police Warn Chinese.
Chief of Police Clark and Captain
Baty told the Chinese that a' further
outbreak would be met with drastic
measures. All Chinese are being
watched closely, and any found carry
ing revolvers will be arrested as gun
That the gunmen are using dum-dnm
bullets in their revolvers in the present
war is the belief of Detectives Swennes
end Moloney, who arrested Lum Chong
Ying in Vancouver last week, and who
searched Alabera last night. The two
loaded shells still in the chambers of
Alabera's revolver contained bullets of
the dum-dum or "mushroom" variety.
Detectives and police could get little
Information from the Chinese last night.
Tong leaders and leading Chinese mer
chants scurried about, endeavoring, they
said, to patch up the quarrel. President
Lee Mee Gin and Secretary Lee Hong,
of the Chinese General Peace Society.
attempted to call a conference of tong
leaders last night, but the result was
rot learned.
Fighting; South Reported.
The Chinese quarter was further per
turbed by the receipt 6t several tele
grams, which, Chinese said, told of sim
liar outbreaks between the Suey Sings
and Hop Sings in Stockton and San
Francisco. According to the lnforma
tlon that could be gleaned from the
Chinese, these telegrams told of severe
fighting, especially in Stockton.
The nresent tone- war. which, ft Is
said, is being wagd over the entire
Coast, broke out first a week ago last
night with the stabbing of Jim Wong.
The following day the differences were
patched up with the aid of the Peac
Society, when it was found that Wong
Injuries were not serious.
Further trouble was predicted Mon
lay, however, when Detectives Swennes
and Maloney went to Vancouver an
arrested Lum Chong Ying, who did th
stabbing, and who had escaped from
Portland in a taxlcab.
Detectives believe the taxicab meth
od of escaping may have been used by
the gunmen last night. An extraor
dinary -number of calls for taxicab
came from the Chinese quarter soon
after the shooting. As soon as thi
was observed, every taxicab was fol
lowed, but up to a late hour last night
no further arrests had been made. r
Three Chinese Hit by Bullets in Bat
tle in. Streets. '
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. Gun play,
one of the traditions of the dark and
devious alleys of Chinatown which
have made it an ever source of mys
tery and romance to the tourist, broke
out again tonight in the Oriental quar
ter of the city. Three men were hit by
flying bullets, and one of them may die.
The most seriously injured is Wong
Shen, who was wounded by three bul
lets. The innocent bystander, in the
person of Lee Chong, was shot in the
back, but will not die. Fong Tong was
hit a glancing blow on the head by a
bullet. Which took his hat off and
caused a scalp wound.
Wong Wan was arrested by detec
tives, and identified by Fong Tong as
one of the men who did the shooting.
wo others whose names the police
have are being sought.
The shooting is said to mark the out
break of a tong war, which is said
to have started in Portland last
week. Wong Shen is said to be a mem
ber of the notorious Suey Sing tong, as
Fong Tong, while Wong Wah and
the twt who are being sought are said
to belong to the Sun Suey Ying tong.
Two alleged members of the Sun Suey
Yings were arrested tonight for carry
ing concealed weapons.
An ancient fued between the Suey
Sings and th H-tp Sings has been re
vived, and awtace conference between
older members of these tongs was be
ing held at the time the shooting oc
curred. Later a telegram from Stock
ton warned the peace conferees to be
on the lookout for trouble.
JuMe 28 Pan-Slavic propaganda culminates in assassination ef
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to Austrian throne, and his wife.
July 28 Austria Informs Servla her reply to a demand for repara
tion and unreserved apology is Unsatisfactory, and declares war on
Servla. Troops invade Servia.
, July 29 Russia mobilizes.
July 30 Germany demands that Russia explain mobilization move
ments. . -
- August 1 .Russia refuses Germany's demand and German Ambassador-presents
formal declaration of war on Russia. Franoe
mobilizee informally. State of war declared between France and Ger
many. German and Russjan troops engage in border skirmishes. -
August 2 Two German armies enter France. Russian troops enter
August 3 France declares war exists with Germany and formal
declaration cot necessary.
August. 4 Great Britain declares war on Germany.
August 7 Austria formally declares war on Germany.
August 8 Germany and Austria threaten to declare war on Italy
if she. persists in neutrality. French army wins first victory in cap
ture of Altkirk, In Alsace, on Swiss frontier.
August 10 French Ambassador at Vienna asks for his passports.
China, tearing neutrality will be violated, vainly appeals to powers
for protection.
August 13 Great Britain and France declare war en Austria.
August 15 Japan sends ultimatum to Germany, demanding that
she withdraw ships and evacuate Kiau-Chau, China, giving her until
August 23 to obey demand.
August 18 British expeditionary army landed in France, Turkey
and Greece mobilise forces.
August 20 German cavalry occupies Brussels.
August" 2 3 Japan declares war on Germany.
August 24 Brussels surrenders to Germans. Allies begin retreat
In France.
August 25 Namur falls before German artillery fire.
August 26 Earl Kitchener fixes life of war at "perhaps three
August 28 Allies battle to save Paris.
August 29 British fleet victor in sea fight in Heligoland Bight,
Germany losing cruisers and torpedo-boat destroyers.
August 30 Paris decides to raze own suburbs.
, September 3 French capital moves to Bordeaux.
September 6 Every able-bodied Briton called to arms.
September 6 Allies agree no peace will be made without mutual
- consent.
September 19 Rheims bombarded by Germans.
September 22 Three British cruisers sunk by German submarines;
1400 lost.
September 29 Germans begin bombardment of outer defenses of
Antwerp. Japanese capture heights in sight of German defense of
October 1 Germans begin preparations for assault on Antwerp.
October 6 Outer line of Antwerp defenses pierced.
'October 6 British submarine sinks German torpedo-boat de
stroyer off River Ems.
October 9 Antwerp capitulates to German forces.
October 12 Germans enter Ghent.
- - October 16 Germans enter Ostend, on English channel. British
cruisers sunk by German submarine.
October 17 German advance on English channel coast is checked.
October 17 Four German destroyers sunk by British cruiser in
: North Sea. , ,
October 20 Japanese occupy Ladrone Islands, in Pacific Ocean.
- October 21 Germans retreat from Warsaw, Russian Poland. Brit
ish fleet'attacks Ostend.
October 24 Germany gives formal notice to United States that she
will respect Monroe Doctrine.
' October 25 Germans succeed in crossing Yser River, near Englieh
October 27 Germans are forced back across Yser River; new bat
tle' begins in East Prussia. British superdreadnought Audacious,
third in tonnage and armament in British navy, sunk by torpedo or
mine off north coast of Ireland.
October 28 Four days' battle won by Russians south of Pilitza
October 29 Turkey's warships bombard Russian ports and sink
gunboat; Prince Louis of Battenberg resigns as First Sea Lord of Brit
ish navy because of Austrian birth.
October 30 Turkish government disavow acts of warships.
October 31 Turks annex and Invade Egypt; German submarine
sinks British cruiser Hermes. ,
November 1 British squadron defeated by German fleet off Chil
ean coast; Turkey masses 700,000 troops on Egyptian and Russian
borders. '
November 2 Russia declines Turkish apology for attack in Black
- Seal.
November 3 Great Britain and France formally announce state of
, war with Turkey.
November 4 German cruiser put out of action in Indian Ocean,
and another hits mine in North Sea; Turkish force routed by Rus
sians. November 7 Tsing-Tau, German stronghold in China, falls before
Anglo-Japanese assault after long siege.
November 7 Austrians cut off from German allies by Russians.
November 8 Russians cross East Prussian "frontier.
November 10 German cruiser Emden destroyed by Australian cruis
er; German cruiser Koenigsburg bottled up; German spy shot in Tow
er of London; Germans capture Dixmude.
November 11 British gunboat sunk near English coast by German
, November 12 Armenians Join Russians and defeat Turkish force.
November 13 New battles begin in East Prussia and on Russian
Polish frontier. ,
Russian Royalty Faithful in
Attendance on Wounded.
tongman Fires Through. Boor at
Orientals at Table.
STOCKTON, Cal.. Nov. 14. Ah Sin. a
Suey. Sing Tong member, was shot in
the arm and in the leg here tonight by
Wong Btng, who says he is a Suey
Sing man, but who is ltieved to be a
Sun Suey Ying.
The shooting took place at a Sun Suey
Ying store, the . assailant shooting
through the door at a number of Chi
nese sitting about a table.
Citizens Celebrate Completion
Gravity Water System.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 14. (Spa
cial.) Chehalis citizens turned out en
masse at the rooms of the Citizens'
Club last night to celebrate the com
pletion and acceptance of the new grav
ity water system. A programme of
addresses and of musical numbers was
given. A delegation from the Centralia
Commercial Club was present. Mrs.
Oscar A. Torgerson, Mrs. James A.
Urquhart and Roscoe W. Bell sang.
Dan W. Bush, president of the Cltt
zens' Club; Dr. F. G. Titus, for the Cen
tralia Commercial Club; William Car
ruthers, of the O.-W. R. & N. ; Mayor
J. T. Coleman and Rev. Father Moens
were the speakers. Following the pro
gramme refreshments were served, to
gether with hundreds of hot tamales.
Cowlitz Institute Opens Tomorrow.
KELSO. Wash., Nov. 14. (Special.)
The annual teachers institute of Cow
litz County will be held the first three
days of next week at Castle Rock
County Superintendent Jenkins has ar
ranged a programme, under the in-
struction of E. J. Klemme, of the El-
lensburg Normal, and C. C. Thomason,
field -organizer of school agricultural
work Industrial educational work
will be particularly featured at thi3
Sweden Ratifies Peace Treaty.
PETROGRAD. Nov. 14 (via London.
A message from Stockholm says tha
the Swedish Foreign Office has notified
the American Minister to Sweden, Ira
Nelson Morris, that King Gustave has
ratified the peace treaty recently ne
gotiated between the United States and
.Edwards9. Greatest of A
Continues . a Positive
1! Trad
Think of it, Mr. and Mrs. Consumer! Here's your chance to buy high-grade furniture for just one-third to one-half off the regular price. It is
immaterial whether this situation is due to the many unemployed, the backward season or the war. THIS IS SURE: We are heavily overstocked
on high-grade furniture, which we are determined to selL It is an opportunity without precedent, and one you cannot afford to miss if the saving
of money is an object toTyou.
Fine Brass Beds
Wonderful Brass Bed extra specials. . This one is finest satin fin
ish, guaranteed lacquer, two-inch continuous post, five fillers head
and foot, ball-bearing castors. You will do well to buy this bed at
$18 to $20. Our price SIO. Others one-third to one-half off.
136.00 Brass Bed, 1 Q Qfi $45.00 Brass Bed, POO Cft
. . . . l M. sample as is. w
Colonial Bedroom Pieces
" Beautiful Birdaeye, Mahogany, Walnut
Birdseye Colonial Bed,
Birdseye Dresser, Birds
eye Colonial Chiffonier.
Circassian Walnut Chif
fonier. M a h o g any Co
lonial Bed or Mahogany
C h I f f onier. Fine Bed
room Furniture selling
unually up to 1 QE
(35. going RtWlUii7U
One-Half Price
i&.fUffrS 17.50
at?..?:???:: $29.45
it?..?:????: $37.50
$80 Mahog'y iC ff
Chiffonier.. Iu.UU
$41 Mahog'y d0 1 "lfl
Chiffonier.. OiSl.UU
62.B0 Mahog-fiJOZJ Off
any DresserPiJ.iJ
$23 Mahog'y 1 ( ff
Bed. size, iDlll.UU
sample as is.
$13.50 Massive Brass COI Off
Bed !& LmjZO
$55.00 Square - P o
Solid Brass Bed...
$45.00 Beautiful (OQ QtJ
Brass Bed . PiS.0J
1? $36.65
Steel Davenport $3.75
With Mattress and Couch Cover $9.95
6-Hole Steel Range, Special
$1.00 Weekly
We have several " six-hole steel
Ranges which arc fine baking
Ranges and really good at $35.00
For this sale we've reduced them to
$27.50 and you may pay as low as
$1.00 per week.
gfjf j
Heavy Steel Davenport, selling regularly
at $7.50. Price is cut in two for this sale,
makinir davenport only $3.75. or you may
select any couch cover up to $3 and a cotton mattress, and
get complete outfit at SO. 95.
Special Terms May Be
Arranged on Sale Goods
Good Rugs Never
Sold as Low
Prices Are Lower Than Most Stores Have
to Pay at Wholesale
$ 9.00 Reversible Rugs, 9x12 $ 4.75
.$16.50 Velvet Rags, 9x11 $11.75
$1.5.00 Velvet Rugs, 9x12 $18.75
Extra large sizes 10-6x13-6 Brussels Rugs, reduced to . . . 27.00
11-3x12 Axminster Rug, reduced to -. $31.50
10-6x13-6 Green Wilton, reduced to $48.00
10-6x12 Bundahr Wilton, reduced to $52.50
Here's tlie Outfit That Always Gets Business
2 Rooms
Farn shed
Effect of Imperial Presence
Peasant Soldiers Is Xotlceably '
to Hasten . Their .Recovery.
Czar Visits Regularly.
PETROGRAD, Oct. 28. (Correspond
ence of The Associated Press.) Al
most in the shadow of the imperial
palace In Tzarskoye Selo, the Winter
home of Emperor Nicholas, there is a
low building half hidden behind villas
which Is perhaps the most remarkable
hospital improvised during the present
war. 1
The hospital is supported by fund
at the disposal of the minister of ti
imperial court. At the special request
of the Empress, a part, of the building
has been set aside as the court Cos
pitai, where the impress and her two
eldest daughters, the Grand Duchesses
Olga and Tatlana, work among the
other Red Cross nurses from 10 o'clock
every morning until late in the after
Empress la Head Kma
There is nothing either in the nature
of their work or in the appearance of
their gray gingham uniforms and white
nun-like hoods to distinguish them from
the others. Their rank is not made the
excuse for any escape or respite from
the hardships or unpleasantness of the
daily routine. At all the most difficult
operations Her Majesty acts as head
nurse, handing the operating surgeon
his instruments, while the -two Grand
Duchesses pass the necessary cloths
and bandages.
The effect of this imperial presence
on the simple peasant mind cannot be
fully appreciated without' unilentanii
ing the religious awe which the peas
ant reels towarl the Imperial family,
Recovery la Hastened.
This semi-religious exaltation of the
wounded soldiers has, according to the
surgeons in the hospital.' noticeably
naBtened weir return, to health.
Once a week the Emperor visits the
hospital with his young son and his
two youngest daughters. Marie and
Anastasia. During these visits it Is his
custom to make the rounds of tht 121
beds for privates and 29 for officers
and" to question the men as to how they
receivea tneir wounds.
All the hospitals in Tsarskoe-Selo
and Pavlosk are under the patronage
of tne impress and the wounded are
conveyed from the hospital trains in
the automobiles of the imperial garage.
Ambassador Van Dyke Takes Leave.
THE HAGUE. Netherlands. Nov. 14.
via London. The American Minister to
The Netherlands, Dr. Henry Van Dyke,
has decided to go on furlough until De
cember. Since the outbreak of the war
Dr. Van Dyke has been obliged to work
both night and day. Aa a result he
Is suffering from serious eye strain
and finds that rest is essential.
Terms on
This Outfit
DINING-ROOM, $65, is furnished
complete with a solid oak six-foot
table, handsome, solid oak buffet
with French plate mirror, four
.massive solid oak chairs and a
genuine Brussels rug. $6.50 cash,
$1.25 per 'week.
jasaMSEffiSEiaa 1 0519 1 F"IRSX ST. smassmd
The living-room, $53, contains solid
oak library table, with drawer; a
massive Morris chair, with loose
brown cushions; handsome oak
rocker, upholstered rin Spanish
leatherette and arffichflir to matcb.;
artistic solid bookstand and gen
uine Brussels rug. $6.00 cash,
$1.25 per week.
outbreak of the foot and mouth dis
ease in Oregon but this Is the best
means of safeguarding the dairy and
livestock Interests of the state."
Proclamation Follow Appeal of Deal
ers to Safeguard Oregon Prom
Disease Disinfecting; Ordered.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 14 (Special.) Gov
ernor West tonight issued a proclama
tion preventing the Importation Into
this state of cattle from states where
the, foot and mouth disease is pre
valent. The proclamation fixes other
restrictions designed to safeguard the
cattle of Oregon. Railroads and ship
pers are Informed of the law providing
for disinfecting cattlecars and are
urged to obey its provisions. RtatA la ro far free of the
disease, leading cattle dealers fear it
may get a rooinoiu nere a cuwiun
tee representing livestock interests
from Portland called upon the Gover
nor early In the week and urged him
to issue the proclamation.
mi ,...,. 53totA Vt ArinRrian
ti- 1 ,h. tinware tonrilner that OOV-
M-iy tic ,j
ernor West had prepared to issue his
Quarantine yrociauauvn i-w t lj.
Oregon cattle from contracting tae foot
and mouth disease caused the lndefl-
nito nnstnonemeni 01 a uicrujus
Rhinners railroad men and state of
liuiaia o-t - v. -
, T.l I 1 n ,-. I , I f
CJregon jairy una uuu uniHuaaiu"',
In addition- to barring importation of
cattle from quarantined states and re
quiring the fumigation and Inspection
of all stock-cars and stockyards in
,k. nwiftlamatlnn .mAndfl thnt
uieguii, vj l'
all hog cholera serums Introduced into
this state be proved free from taint of
tfejh t-m.1a Infection.
"This is merely a precautionary
measure," said Commissioner Mickle
yesterday. "There la no danger of an
PORTLAND, Nov. 14. Maximum temper
ature, 52 degrees; minimum, 41 aegrees.
River reading, at 8 A. M., 0.0 leet; cnange
In last 24 hours. 1.8 feet rise. Total rainfall
(5--.P. M. to o P. M. ), U.UVJ lncn; total rain
fall since September 1, 1814. 9.04 Inches;
normal ralmau since beptemoer l. o.oi
nches; excess of rain rail since septeraoer i.
1114, 0.67 inch. Total sunshine November
14. 4- hours. IS minutes: nossible sunshine.
9 hours, HI minutes. Barometer (reduced to
sea-level) at S f. 11.. 30.2U lncnes.
Boston ........
CalKary .......
Chicago .......
Denver ........
Des Moines
Jacksonville ....
Kansas city....
I.os Angeles....
Sled ford .......
Montreal ......
New Orleans ...
New York......
North Head
North Yakima. .
Pocatello ......
Portland ......
Roseburg ......
Sacramento ...
Salt Lake
an Francisco. .
Seattle ........
Spokane .......
Tatoosh Island.
Walla Walla
Washington ...
T3 ftj
Stat of
40 O.Orti 4iW IClear
44;0.00l 4,NW Pt. cloudy
520.0t)l 6iNB IClear
is 0.08 . .1 Pt.- cloudy
OS 0.00 22 SB IClear
48,0.00 10SB Cloudy
BOtO.01 4NW Ruin
30 0.10 12W Cloudy "
52'O.luilliiN Clear
:12 T. Iielsw Pt. cloudy
7610.08 4 SB Clear
66;0. 0OI10 SB IPt. cloudy
68 0.00:10 S Clear
640.14 4lNWClear
48 0.00 4S Clear
20 0.001 6INE IClear
7O'0.26! 6fNW Pt. cloudy
66,0.00 12iE IPt. cloudy
4,o. i'4i 4 s Clear
.14:0.001 4NW Clear
38 T. ll4iSW,!Pt. cloudy
52,0.09) 4NW!Pt. cloudy
4-j;i.oa 4W clear
B2IO.OO 12 NW Clear
44O.001 OiNW'Pt. cloudy
sure has taken place over the Northern
States west of the Mississippi River and
much cooler weather obtains in the western
portion of the Northern and Central Plains
States and westward nearly to the Pacific
Coast; it la also cooler in the North At
lantic and New England States and the St.
Lawrence Valley. The weather is warmer In
the Upper Mississippi valley, tne umo vi
ley and most of the Lakes Region. Precipi
tation has occurred lu the last 24 hours in
most of the Northern (states irom tne Mis
sissippi River westward. In Alberta, Mani
toba, Tennessee and the Gulf Stats. It was
snowing at 5 P. M. today at ' Edmonton.
Temperatures are 10 degrees or lower In
Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan.
The conditions are favorable for fair
weather in this district Sunday; probably
with slightly lower temperatures in east
ern Washington and Idaho.
Portland and vicinity Sunday, fair, north
erly winds. '
Oregon sunaay, lair, nuriucuj wiuub.
Washington Sunday, fair; cooler east por
tion; northwesterly winds.
Idano aunaay, zair ana couior.
Car, Off Track, Causes Rerouting.
a ifi..ia.inn1 Inmnnl tria irnrk at
Crosby street and East Broadway last
night about 7:30. To avoia aeiayins
t n tv.. ... tioiiv nil rm that
Jl.AlUB W . Ml V.
traversed the Broadway bridge were re-
routed over other bridges,
lasted about half an hour.
The tleup
6-'10 oo
48 0.00
42 0.00
00 0.0O
48 T
6C 0.00
10 W
6 SW
Pt: cloudy
Pt. cloudy
8 NW Cloudy
8NE Cloudy
20.0.01 N (Cloudy
A - moderate disturbance overlies the
Southern Plains and Gulf States: generally
fair weather, obtains in other sections of the
Country. A cooBiueraoie increase vi pics-
The genuine old reliable Hood's
Sarsaparllla corrects the acid condition
of the blood and builds up the whole
system. It drives out rheumatism be
cause it cleanses the blood.
It has been, successfully used for
forty years in many thousands of cases
the world over.
There is no better remedy for skin
and blood diseases, for loss of appetite,
rheumatism, stomach and kidney trou
bles, general debility and all Ills aris
Ing from Impure, Impoverished, devl
talized blood.
It is unnecessary to suffer. Start
treatment at once. Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparllla from your druggist.
You will be pleased with results. Adv.
50 -Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just because you start the day wor
ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and
muscles, an aching head, burning anti
bearing down pains in the back worn
out before the day begins, do not think
you have to stay in that condition.
Be strong, well and vigorous, with no
more pain from stiff joints, sore mus
cles, rheumatic suffering, aching back
or kidney disease.
For any form of bladder trouble or
weakness, its action is really wonder
ful. Those sufferers who are in anil
out of bed half a dozen times a night
will appreciate the rest, comfort and
strength this treatment gives.
To prove the- Williams Treatment
conquers kidney and bladder diseases,
rheumatism and all uric acid troubles,
no matter how chronic or stubborn, if
you have never used the Williams
Treatment, we will give one 50c bottle
(32 doses) free If you will cut out this
notice and send it with your name and
address, with 10c to help pay distribu
tion expenses, to The Dr. D. A. Will
lams Company, Dept. 2440 Postofflce
Block, East Hampton, Conn. Send at
once and you will receive by parcel
post a regular 50c bottle, without
charge and without Incurring any ob
ligations. One bottle only to an ad
dress. Adv.
Person's suffer more from Inexperienced
truss fitting than from hernia. Why
not buy your trusses from experts? Try
Laue-Davls Drug Co, at Sd and Yam
bill, who are experts and know how.
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