The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 39

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Nathan D. Simon, was one of the most
delightful affairs of the season. About
70 of the younger set made merry on
Monday evening at Hotel Benson, the
crystal room being: arranged for the
dancing. The tables were decked ar
tistically with carnations and ferns,
and quantities of palms and ferns were
used In the balcony, where the or
chestra was stationed.
Mrs. Simon was attired in a hand
Borne gown of pearl pink satin, with
mauve chiffon overdrape, and also wore
a. corsage bouquet of orchids.
Miss Simon was charming In a stun
ning gown of white lace over blue
crepe, with deep silver girdle.
Mrs. E. "V. Bodwell, prominent matron
f Victoria, B. C, Is passing a few
days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Halite Joyce Keating was the
Inspiration for a gay little folks' party
on Tuesday, when she celebrated her
seventh birthday. A merry group of
little tots played games all afternoon,
danced and feasted on delectable
Koodies. A general color scheme of
yellow was adopted throughout, yel
low balloons being tied to each child's
place at the prettily decked table. Miss
Keating is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Keating. Enjoying this
delightful affair were Elizabeth Kerr,
Jaabelle Kerr, Edith Menef ee, Jean Gay,
Eleanor Holman, Irene " Gerlinger,
Helen Wolcott, Rosemary Grace, San
fresca Dekum, Lelia Heustis, Mildred
Marsh, Jessie Smith, Mildred Gabler,
Katherine Glendenning, Louise Glen
clenning, Nowell Creadick, Dick Heus
tis. John Sanborn, Hubert Sanborn,
John Boyd. Lee Bruce Menef ee, Jr.,
Marion Catlin, Marion Patelo, Frederick
Marion Catlin, Marion Patello, Frederica
Mathews, Lemuel Mathews, . Frltzie
Houser and Ebbie Wheeler.
Mrs. Charles L. Boss entertained dur
ing the week with a series of delight
ful and pretty luncheons land card par
tics. The first was given on "Wednes
day, when Mrs. J. E. Buckingham won
the prize for the highest score. Each
day charming musical selections by
Miss Katherine Kern, Miss Mary Jes
eo, violinist, and Miss Claire Oakes,
who alternated with Hijs Kern at the
piano, also giving a. number of solos,
were enjoyed.
The rooms .. . the Boss residence were
artistically decked with red carnations,
palms and smilax.
"Wednesday's g-iests were: Mrs. Ben
jamin F. "Weaver, Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mrs.
Edmund Gaze, Mrs. Joseph Closset, Mrs.
Katherine Dair, Mrs. William Gadsby,
Mrs. John Annand, Mrs. A. E. Hutchin
son, Mrs. M. Baruh. Mrs. McKinley
Mitchell, Mrs. A. C. Callan, Mrs. H. O.
Hickox, Mrs. Byron E. Miller, Mrs. J. C.
Veazie, Mrs. William Jessop, Mrs. Willis
Ptraugh, Mrs. "Wilford John, Mrs. Feter
Marsden. Mrs. Jordan Brumfield, Mrs.
John C. Da vies, Mrs. Frederick E. Har
low, Mrs. W. E. Stewart.- Mrs. Roy O.
Yates, Mrs. Julius Durkheimer. Mrs. J.
Coulsen, Hare, Miss Dido Kuettner, Mrs.
Frederick Austen, Mrs. Williar" Cake,
Mrs. Cora Puffer, Mrs. Lawrence M.
Hubert, Mrs. J. E. Buckingham, Mrs.
Charles Banfield, Miss Nona ' Lawlor
and Miss Stack, of Chicago.
A similar affair was given on Thurs
day afternoon, eight tables being ar
ranged each day. Mrs. illiam Reid
was the fortunate contestant that day,
and the guests were: Mrs. Koa Ervin,
Mrs. Edward Fraley. 'Mrs. Francis P.
Waring, Mrs. William Reid. Mrs. R. M.
Tuttle. Mrs. Wilbur Reid, Mrs. William
McBrlde, Mrs. William See, Mrs. Charles
J. Smith, Mrs. Fred Glenn. Mrs. Frank
R. Johnson, Mrs. John Toft, Mrs. Ches
ter Deerlng, Mrs. Charles L. Mead. Mrs,
Thomas C. Warner, Mrs. Jack Stewart,
airs. Harold Burntrager, Mrs. Frank
C. Barnes. MVs. William Hare. Mrs.
. William Fliedner. Mrs. E. C. Morgan,
Mrs. Leon meters, Mrs. William Kapus,
Mrs. Frederick Kirsch. Mrs. Newel Car
penter, Mrs. Edwin Hall, Mrs. George
E. Waggoner, Mrs. Frederick Vroo
man. Jlrs. E. M. Baker. Mrs. Jacob H.
Cook. Mrs. B. J. Raeder, Mrs. Ida
Hortsche, Miss Hickman.
To Mrs. Daniel Bowman- fell card
honors on Friday, additional guests be
ing: Mrs. John Hanrahan, Mrs. George
Eastman, Mrs. Adrian Oaks, Mrs. George
Parrish. Mrs. Blufford Sijrler, Mrs. E.
W. A. Peake. Mrs. Robert Berger, Mrs.
C. A. Coolidge, Mrs. Albert Brown, Mrs.
Waiter W. Ridehalgh, Mrs. M. Baker,
Mrs. C. C. Shay, Mrs. Eugene Bland,
Mrs. Charles Jones. Mrs. Charles Fields,
Mrs. R. P. Graham, Mrs. .T. P. Menefeo,
Mrs. J. L. Sterrett, Mrs. Harvey Wells,
Mrs. Nina Larowe, Mrs. J. Howard Mll-
Bushnell Photo.
ler, Mrs. John Dodson, Mrs William G.
Lloyd, Mrs. F. C. Knapp, Mrs. J. E.
Wright, Mrs. George D. Green, Mrs.
Robert C. Weight, Mrs. Charles Levis,
Mrs. Raymond T. Street. Mrs. Charles
Allen, Miss Flora Jessop, Miss LeNoir,
of New York City.
Last night Mr. and Mrs. Boss gave
an evening card party, the presence
of the men lending a formal atmosphere
to the occasion. Those who enjoyed
the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Weaver, Mr. and Mrs.' Edmund Gaze,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Closset, Mr. and
Mrs. George Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Banfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jelllson,
Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Closset. Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Kapus, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clarke, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis P. Waring, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Blaesing, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward R. Root. Mrs. Nina Larowe, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McCrillis.
Trinity Guild will hold its annual
bazaar this year on December 10 from
11 A. M. to 5 P. M. in the Parish House.
It is called "a practical bazaar," as all
the articles are practical as well as
attractive and inexpensive. They will
make admirable Christmas gifts, espe
cially at this time. when everyone Is
seeking to bestow only useful gifts on
tneir relatives and friends. Mrs. E. I.
Van Dresar is in charge of the ar
rangement, and Mrs. William C. Alvord
is chairman of the bazaar committee.
The members of the Guild are devot
ing most or their afternoons, some
times whole days, to making the pretty
articles to be on sale ar. the bazaar.
Lieutenant- and Mrs." John Herman
Hood, of St. Stevens, are house guests
of the latter's aunt, Mrs. J. C. Costello,
for a few weeks. They will leave De
cember 15 for the Lieutenant's new
station at Fortress Monroe, Va,
One of the most elaborate weddings
of the season was that of Miss Flo Con
stance Killingsworth and Harry A.
Swart, which was solemnized at the
home of the bride's parents,- Mr.
and Mrs. William M. Killingsworth,
Wednesday evening. Rev. Luther R.
Dyott officiating. More than 200 guests
attended the function and the recep
tion which followed Immediately. Miss
Fay Killingsworth, sister of the bride,
sang ,as a. processional, "I Love You
Truly" and "Because," accompanied by
Miss Grace Jarvis, who also played the
wedding march.
An aisle was formed of broad satin
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Mrs. Matthew Hanson.
(Mlsa Marie Uladys Matthes.)
Miss Marie Gladys Matthes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
R. Matthes, became the bride of '
Matthew Hanson on Monday at
Vancouver, Wash. The wedding
was a simple affair, only close
relatives being present. The bride
is a popular girl and graduate
from St. Mary's Academy last
June. Mr. Hanson is & jeweler
of this city. After November 15,
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson will be at
home at Hotel Oregon.
or not.
Steadily increasing business prompted Portland's Emporium
to buy heavily on Women's Fall Suits! Because , of backward
on we must move 250 suits within the next three davs. : All
thought of profits forgotten. Select from the season's choicest
Suitsnot merely a few odds and ends. Every fashionable ma
terial and color. Sale begins at 9 sharp tomorrow morning! Be
these astonishing values whether you come prepared to buy
.... pX4.UO jf
. . . r?21.00 " X
Actual 17
Actual .$'24b75: -'
and S27.SO Suits
Actual $30 to $40
Suits at '
A Actual $19.SO and
$22.5p Suits
JT& Ik I I f. ' $21.50 Stout Suits $14.35
aNi lsk $22-50 Stout Suits $15.00
f-' ) I $24,75 Stout Suits $16.25
Women's "Stout" Suits Sacrificed!
Practical tailored styles navy, black and mixtures. . Sizes 43 to 51
$26.50 Stout Suits .
$31.50 Stout Suits'.
$32.50 Stout Suits.
with every purchase
"A mile in travel for a.
dollar in trade"
Pick Out Your Suit From the
Immense Window Display on
No Telephone or C. O. D. Or-'
ders None Laid Aside. No
ribbons from. the staircase to the Im
provised altar in the drawing-room
where the ceremony was read. The
bride was attractive In a handsome
gown of ivory-toned Duchess satin, em
bellished with rose point and chantilly
lace and pearl trimming. Her veil was
fashioned in a mc-b cap, and was
crowned with orange blossoms, and she
carried a shower bouquet of bride roses.
Miss Flawnnice Killingsworth was
maid of honor and was gowned in
blush pink satin, veiled with plaited
chiffon, with Imported embroidered net
tunic Her bouquet was of Killarney
roses, a shower effect with garlands of
violets and Cecil Bruner buds.
Misses Rae Zimmerman and.. Hazel
Crook, the bridesmaids, wore pretty
lavender crepe de chine gowns, accord-
dion-plaited skirts and bodices of chif
fon and lace. Their bouquets were of
mauve chrysanthemums, with a shower
of little pompon chrysanthemums.
Charming little Marguerite Farrlng
ton, niece of the bride, made an at
tractive bearer of the ring, which she
carried in a huge pink rose. She wore
a smart little French- embroidered
frock, with pink sash and bows. Her
bert Clarke acted as best man. White
and mauve chrysanthemums, pink roses
and garlands of smilax were arranged
artistically in the rooms, the marriage
service being read before a screen of
Ivy and foliage. At the reception a
supper was served, the dining-room
being especially attractive. . A. huge
canopy of pink tarnations, tulle bows
and smilax was suspended over the
table, which was adorned with a
crystal bowl filled wltn Killarney roses.
Eight popular matrons in beautiful
gowns presided at the table and were
assisted by a bevy of pretty girls.
Misses Nancy Killingsworth and Nell
Swart served punch in the musicroom.
Miss Dagmar Korell caught the
bride's bouquet, and Miss Flawnnice
Killingsworth captured the ring In thj
bride cake. ' ; .
Dancing was enjoyed on the broad
verandas which- were canvassed for
the occasion, and decorated prettily
with palms and blossoms.
The bride's going-away suit was
tailleur of blue cloth with collar and
cuffs of sable fox fur. Her hat was a
small black velvet model with silver
trimming, and she also wore a corsage
bouquet of Richmond roses and valley
lilies. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Swart left for a fort-
nlght's trip to the Puget Sound cities.
Both are. popular socially, and in fra
ternity . circles,- Mr. Swart being a
graduate of the University of Oregon
and the Oregon Law School. The
bride's mother is a- sister of the late
and well-known Oregon poet, Samuel
L. Simpson.
Miss Alma Knke. daughter of Herman
Enke, has been considerably feted since
the announcement of her engagement
to Dr. George Marsh Hoffmann. The
wedding will be a smart event of No
vember 25, and practically every day
preceding the wedding day will mark a
social function for the bride-to-be. Yes
terday Miss Irene Collins was hostess
for a matinee at the Baker Theater,
honoring Miss Enke, with tea follow
ing at Hotel .Portland. The guests
were:" Miss Helen Ross, Miss Margaret
Sehacht. Miss Marguerite Palitzsch,
Mies Verna Menef ee, Mrs. Kussell Clark
and Mrs. A. L. jiarbur.
Miss Menef ee will give a shower for
Miss Enke on "Wednesday. Miss Metha
Nichols will preside at a luncheon and
bridge party Friday:- Miss Belle Tait
will also give a card party Thursday,
and on Saturday Mrs. Ruth Burton and
her sister. Miss Beckle Van Waters,
will compliment the bride-elect with
a tea - ,
The 600 Club, of which Miss Enke is
a member, entertained for her last
Thursday with a party, and several
other Informal and delightful affairs
have taken place in the past weeks for
Miss Enke.
Red Cross teas are still the first so
cial event on milady's calendar, and
Your gift orders for Mon
ogram and Address Sta
tionery, Cards, etc., should
be placed with us immediately.
"2 (7AvC
the society's fund is being largely aug
mented through the efforts of Port
land matrons. There were several
larger and more elaborate affairs last
week, at which goodly sums were real
ized. Among those who added links to
the already long chain last week were
Mrs. George Black, Mrs. M. B. McFaul,
Mrs. John Withycombe, Mrs. David
Lloyd, Mrs. J. C. English, Mrs. J. O.
Humphry, Mrs. James R. Elliott. Mrs.
H. H. O'Reilly. Mrs. L H. Tarpley. Mrs.
John Baikie. Mrs. Francis Sealy, Mrs.
William Gadsby. Mrs. John Valentine,
Mrs. Frank Dooly, Mrs. R. L. Scott,
Mrs. G. B. MacLeod, Mrs. W. J. Morrin.
Miss Charlotte Breyman, Mrs. E. A.
Wyld, Mrs. James Ambrose, Mrs. R.
Bonham. This week's hostesses will In
clude Mrs. H. P. Palmer, Mrs. Herbert
S. Nichols, Mrs. Sydney Rasmussen,
Mrs. Thomas Kirby, Miss Young and
Miss Kate Young, Mrs. Lyddon Veysey,
Mrs. James Langley. - Mrs. : George N.
Sanborn, Mrs. Thomas Robertson. Mrs.
R. W. Blackwood, Mrs. Henry Kirk.
Mrs. E. E. Heckbert, Mrs. Caroline D.
Griffiths, Mrs. Robert Farrell, Mrs.
Thomas and Mrs. David Phillips, who
will be joint hostesses; Mrs. W. R.
Williams, Mrs. E. W. Ewall. who has
chosen a musicale to assist in the work
of the society which she will give on
Complimenting Miss Gertrude Mac
Lean, a bride-elect, Mrs. Edward Per-
rine Keller, of 591 Marshall street, en
tertained on Wednesday with a-luncheon
and bridge. The rooms were at
tractively decked with chrysanthe
mums, cosmos and ferns, a general
scheme of lavender being developed ' f
ranged for bridge, card honors falling j
to Mrs. j. H. Ballln and Mrs. C. C. Rose.
The hostess was assisted by Miss Stella
Kress and Miss Beatrice Kirkup. Cov
ers were laid for Miss MacLean. Mrs.
F. H. Guild. Mrs. C. C. Rose, Mrs. J. II.
Ballln, Mrs. Lott Q. Swetland, Mrs. R.
ConttnuPri on Par. 4.)
A large variety of the most exclu
sive styles coats for every occa
sion. All the new modes in mate
rials and prices at figures which
are their own best advertisement.
Ki 5 ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.''
General English Tailors
Importers of Men's Accessories.
2d floor selling building
' Sixth and Alder Streets
Rummeiin's Quit
on January, 1st !
Portland's oldest and most reliable
furriers must dispose of $30,000
worth of furs at once! Every fur
must be sold, regardless of price. .
Many Furs at Cost!
Many Fur Coats and Sets at actual .cost
Every fur at drastic reductions." Furs remod
and all our fine skins made up at sale prices.
$25 for a $35 Black Fox Scarf or Muff, like sketch.
$16 for a $25 Brown Fox Scarf; $25 Muff to match, $18.
$25 for a $35 Alaska Bear Muff; Bear Collars, $1.75
upwards. Bear Trimming, 35c yard upwards.
Store for rent Fixtures and machinery for sale
G. P. Rummelin & Sons
raits k
eled 0m
f " ' m i If 1
124 Second Street, Near Washington
u i n rr
Order Your
See the new styles
in engraving for
and cards
Fancy Stationery Dept., 2d
The J. K. Gill Co. Third and
Alder Streets.
Booksellers. Stationers and
Complete Office Outfitters.
AVhoIenale and Retail
Utttabllalieil 1D06..
ft' V
Cartozian Bros.
Washington street, between Thin
teenth and Fourteenth.
Oriental Rugs
of any size, make or description .at
all times.
LADIES, if you want to be' pleased!
with yonr tailor-made Suit go to -.
407 Eilers Bldg.
... i