The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1914, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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trative bodies," continued Mr. Lewis.
"However, tlie Oregon courts have re
cently upheld four decisions of the
btate Board, and It is pretty well
proved that the fear was groundless.
It was because of that fear, in my opin
ion, that several efforts to provide a
board in Washington failed, but there
is reason to believe such a law will be
passed at the next session of the Leg
islature. With Washington and one or
two more states adopting this up-to-date
method I believe Congress can be
induced to provide the interstate com
mission which will be necessary to ob
tain the best results. The state and
Federal water commissions would op
erate exactly as do the state and In
terstate Railroad Commissions, now."
Mr. Lewis was notified today by
George C. Pardee, ex Governor of Cali
fornia and head of the California Con
servation Commission, that the measure
creating . the water board there had
been approved by a large vote.
All the latest and best styles are here in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns at 10c
and 15c each They are seam - allowing patterns, that are guaranteed not to
waste materials and to insure a perfect-fitting garment Fall Style Book Here
Pacific Phone, Marshall 5080 Home, A 2112
75c Quality at 45 Yard
42-inch Half-Wool Black
and White Shepherd
Checks, shown in all size
checks. A very durable
and fashionable fabric,
suitable for women's and
children's garments.
Regularly sold at 75c a
yard. This sale A C
at, the yard OC
In $1.50 Qualities, 95
42 to 54-inch All-Wool
Novelty Plaids of perfect
.weave and finish and
shown in an unlimited as
sortment of elegant color
combinations. High-class
French Batter Enemy Merci
lessly in Effort to Recap
ture Belgian Town.
Our Store
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
At 9 A. M.
Our Store
Daily at
5:30 P. M.
At 6 P. M.
fabrics in values to $1.50
a yard. This sale
at, a yard. .
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
Kieuport and Dixmude Retained
Only at Heavy Cost to Captors.
Terrible Bayonet Fighting
Marks Engagements.
-The Following: Store News Will Surely Interest YouIt Tells of-
FURXES. Belgium. Nov. 12, via Lon
don. Nov. 14. Nieuport fell into the
bands of the Germans at 3 o clocK this
(Thursday) afternoon, according to a
port brought by a wireless operator
who was the last Belgian to leave the
town. Ha savs that after three bom
bardments only three buildings are left
standing in the place. In their effort
to retake the town the French bat
tered the Germans mercilessly with
hpavv artillery.
The allies cannot advance north of
Nieuport. because for miles around the
mouth of the Yser the country is a
swamp. It was impossible to reach
JPervyse, owing to the stench from the
bodies of the slain, which have re
mained unburled for many days whers
they fell. There are so few men avail
able for the work of burying the Bel
gians and German dead that these are
bow being burned in large fires.
Sanguinary KlEhtlnB Continuous.
Fighting of the most sanguinary na
ture is going on almost continually
.long the line of Nieuport, Dixmude,
Merekem and Ypres. If what seems to
be reliable information may be credited,
the Germans hold both Nieuport and
Dixmude at a cost of ceaseless vigil
ance and a lengthening roll of killed
and wounded.
Meanwhile one discerns no weaken
ing in the line of the allies. Reinforce
ments are coming forward regularly
and marching to battle with amazing
cheerfulness. Now and again the
French, the British or the Belgians are
accepting the challenge of the enemy
and striking out desperately against
them. When they do attack the Ger
man aggressors the latter seem almost
Invariably to yield.
Your correspondent had unprecedented
difficulty in j-eaching Fumes after all
the correspondents there had been
turned back with heretofore unmatched
everity. A regiment of Belgium
chasseurs had just arrived from the
fighting line. Their commanding officer
addressed the men, deploring their
hardships and losses.
Belgians Have But One Thought.
"We who like to keep our strength,
said he, "have but one thought. That
Is to oppose the invaders until wlth
the aid of our powerful allies we drive
mm beaten from our land."
The weary, muddy, haggard, hairy
hungry remnant of the regiment broke
Into a short, sharp cheer, then a band
of music formed up and playing a lively
march led the chasseurs off to their
bivouac. Before they had gone far
the roar of German artillery to the
north drowned all other sounds.
jowara wieuport ana Ulimude an
artillery duel was raging intermit
tently day and night. The bombard
nient of Ypres by the Germans could
hardly have exceeded the violence of
their bombardment of Dixmude. Indeed,
the whole line was the scene of the
most stubborn fighting, with Infantry
cnarging ana counter-charging.
The line of the Yser River has seen
within the last ten days the most ter
rible encounters with the bayonet of
the entire war. Frequently, the dead
have been too numerous for burial.
u nen tne armies, oy mutual agree
ment, have desisted from fighting.
wnne tne bodies of the slain were col
lected and buried.
The arrangements everywhere in
dicate that the allies are methodically
preparing for a . war of Indefinite
length. . .
Long; Beach Church Member Wrlte
Sister He la Innocent, but Vlc--..
tlm of Situation.
LOS . ANGELES, Nov. N 14. John E.
Lamb, a wealthy Long Beach church
member named in disclosures concern
ing the orgies of an alleged organisa
tion of Long Beach men, ' committed
suicide-today on the wind-swept cliffs
on Point Flrmin, overlooking the sea.
I am crazed by reading what was
said today- in the papers." Lamb wrote
in a note to his sister, which was found
beside his body. "I am innocent, but
the victim of a situation."
Lamb, who was among several men
who paid fines aggregating more than
$5000. went to Point Firmln early to
day and took poison.
Thirty men in all were arrested.
Several are now serving jail sen
tences. Herbert N. Lowe, who was
said to have confessed, but who pleaded
not guilty, will face a jury Monday in
a Long Beach police court.
Several of the men arrested in con
nection with the alleged orgies of the
society are wealthy.
San Francisco to Charge 6 Per Cent
on Earl -Maturing- Bills.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. The Federal
Reserve Board today announced that
the rate of rediscount to be charged
for discounting commercial paper for
member banks by the Federal Reserve
banks at San Francisco and Dallas will
be 6 per cent on bills running not
longer than 50 days, and 6 per cent
on bills of longer maturity.
The rates for New -York and Phila
delphia will be 6 to 6 per cent, and
for Boston and Chicago 6 per cent on
all maturities.
Kelso Shingle Mill Being Enlarged.
KELSO. Wash.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
The J. N. Moore shingle mill is closed
down this week while an addition is
being made to the main mill building.
The 10-block shingle machine is being
removed and will be replaced by two
upright machines. As soon as construe
tion work is completed the mill will re
sums operations with night and day
Horse Buyers Reach Central Oregon.
LA PINE. Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
Horse buyers for the European armies
are making their appearance in this
section but they are not offering any
exceptional prices. They are looking
for horseflesh ranging from 900 to 1300
pounds, of almost any age. The light
horses are for cavalry and the heavy
ones for artillery purposes.
Don't Scratch
Let Zemo Stop All That Itching and
Burning Immediately So Ton Can
Sleep Like a Child Again.
Send for Free Trial Bottle.
There are no sleepless nights of tor
turing, itching and burning where
Zemo is used, because this clean, non
greasy liquid brings skin comfort al
most the moment it touches the skin.
w York Financiers Deny That Steps
Are Being Taken to Float Bond
Isane at Present Time.
PETROGRAD, OcL 27. (Correspond
ence of the -Associated Press.) It is
reported on good-authority ln Pntro.
Krad that definite steps have been'
taken toward r aclng a loan in the
united btates. This project is regarded
here with special significance bernusn
Jt is the outgrowth of an agitation-for
new trade relations with America. If
the United States is to offer herself
as a candidate for the Russian trade
which Germany has lost, as is hoped
by Russian merchants, it is agreed by
Ilnsslan officials that sho will have
to adapt herself to the Russian system
of six months' credit, accomnnnind hv
the placing of a fore'gn loan in the
united States to cover the interest on
and payment of bills to An. -iron mer
chants and manufacturers. It Is such,
a loan -which is being contemplated by
the Russian government.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. It was said In
the financial district today that no
steps had been taken in regard to a
Knssian loan. It has been reported
from time to time since the intimation
from Washington that the embargo
against loans o belligerents had been
removed, that funds migh. be advanced
to Russia, but so far as could be as
certained, any i.egotiatlons which have
been undertaken thus far have been
only of a preliminary nature
You'll be surprised at how quickly and
positively Zemo works.
Our files contain thousands of letters
telling of Zemo cures of eczema, pirn
pies, dandruff and other skin' troubles.
Don't confuse Zemo with any of the
advertised salves, etc. They are not
like Zemo nothing Is like Zemot It
can be depended upon to do the work,
and do it quickly. You'll see the truth
of this just as soon as you try it. Buy
a 25c bottle from your druggist today.
or send 4c (for actual postage) to K.
W. Rose Co. Laboratories, Dept. 35, St.
Louis, Mo., for free trial bottle in plain
wrapper. -
For sale by all druggists in Portland
and druggists everywhere. Adv.
Get a 10-Cent Package of Dr.
James' Headache Powdera
and Don't Suffer.-
Etate Engineer Lend to Seek Federal
Government Action to Benefit
Country at Large.
SALEM, Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
With the adoption by the electorate of
California of a measure similar to that
of Oregon and the probable similar ac
tion of the next Washington Legisla
ture, State Engineer Lewis said today
that an effort would be made within
the course of a year to have the Federal
Government provide an Interstate Wa
ter Commission similar to the Interstate
Railroad Commission to supplement the
work of the state water boards.
"Many of the states have refrained
from providing state boards because
they feared the oourts would not up
hold the decisions of these admlnls-
When your head aches you simply
must have relief or you will go wlML
It needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James' Head
ache Powders and relieve the pain and
neuralgia at once. Send someone to
the drugstore now for a dime package
of Dr. James' Headache Powders.
Don't suffer. In a few momenta you
will feel fine headache gone no mora
neuralgia, pain, Adv. - .
For Grip, fnfitienQza,
Coughs, Sore Throat
Two sixes. 20c and $1.00, t mil druggists
or mailed.
Humphreys -'Homco. -Mdlctn- Co.,-- lOtf
William Street, New Torlfc. Adv.
As a stimulant to arouse quick interest in everything iii this page of Winter merchandise, the little prices Quoted should effect the desired end with the least possible delay Items
that cannot fail in their mission to please and profit aai satisfy in fullest measure little things and big things but all seasonable seek immediate recognition from thrifty buy
ers, who Be Winter wants need remain unfilled no longer. See how generously we have helped you, friends, in this feast of bargains. See, think but not too long and then act quickly
Hew ILmens
t v r
For Tli auks giv'g1
At Special Prices
We call your particular attention to
the items listed here, but a visit to
the store ,will disclose many other
equally as attractive offerings.
Table Damask at, Yard, 59
A special underpricing of a fine new
line of Linen -Finished Damask.
Comes full bleached and seventy
inches wide. A large variety of de
signs to select from, priced C Qn
for this sale at OI7C
Mercerized Napkins, hemmed ready
to use, 22-inch in neat S - o c
designs at, dozen . . . P x.OO
Tablecloths at, Each, $1.48
Neatly hemmed ready to use, Mercer
ized Tablecloths sixty -three inches
square. They come in plain white
and white with blue, red or yellow
borders. Dainty, well-wearing Table
Covers, priced for this d 1 AO
sSle at P 1
All-Linen Tea Cloths in spot patterns
with hemstitched border, 32- OQp
inch size, priced at, each . . . . .OJ7C
Table Damask at, Yard, 33
A special offering of half-bleached
Union Damask of unusually durable
quality. Comes full sixty inches wide
and in a variety of neat patterns, un-
derpriced for this sale
at. the vard OOC
3HEigi-Gra,def Tailored Suits
At a Tremendous
r- 1
A i
An Unprecedented Purchase and Sale Women's
Late Fall Suits
Skillfully finished and tailored garments, best d ( AZt
materials and colors; $22.50-$35 values, at P vF.tcO
An out-of-the-ordinary purchase of 90 high-grade Suits at aston
ishing price reductions, which permit us to offer values that will
certainly bring prudent shoppers here tomorrow in great num
bers The assortment includes a full showing of the season's best
styles in various, materials the most wanted plain shades and
dark colored novelties in sizes 32 to 46. But, mind you, an early
visit to this, sale will prove most advantageous, for there are not
all sizes in each style. The Coats come in 36 to 45-inch lengths
and the Skirts include the popular tunic effect. Every garment
has been extra 'well finished and skillfully tailored throughout.
They were made to sell regularly from $22.50 up to $35.00. To
morrow you may select from the entire assortment 1 f A R
at the astonishing low price of - P "0
Another Great Sale of Women's Coats
Balmacaan, Belted and other popular models, plain Jy JC
colors, plaids, mixtures; values to $16.50, this sale at. . .P VJO
Just in by express, the second shipment of a fortunate under
priced purchase of Women ?s Late Fall and Winter" Style Coats.
It is a sale that brings you the opportunity to purchase a splendid
new Coat at about one-half the price they were made to sell for.
Included are the Balmacaans, belted and other popular models in
fashionable plain shades, plaids and mixtures. All ?C
sizes in values to $16.50, priced for this sale at ,P
Broken Lines of Waists in $1.25 and $1.50 Values, to Close at 9S
Many of the season's best styles are included in this sale. They
come in plain or striped crepe in organdies and wool mixtures.
Quite a few are shown in shirt effect. Regular lines that AO
sell at $1.25 to $1.50, priced to close at this sale .-JOi
Sweeping Reductions On the Finest and Best
"Woolen Coating's and
It Is a Great Mid-Season Underpricing of Overstocks and Broken Lines
Surprises await every woman who can arrange to attend this sale. A
backward season has left us overstocked on many of the season's most
fashionable, fabrics for Suits, Coats and Dresses, and in order to im
mediately remedy this condition we now quote values that are quite
out of the ordinary. We have never had such a fine showing of
Woolen Dress Goods as this.. No matter what your needs might be,
3rou will be able to supply them at great savings. It is a sale few
Avomen will care to miss.
Particularly Great Reductions on New Fall and Winter Coatings
56-inch Double-Width, Double-Faced, Novelty and Plain Colored Materials. Io Cf
$3.00 to $4.00 qualities, priced for this sale at, the yard '. p.&Ol
Here are values that should prompt you to purchase for both present and future needs. A sale of the
finest high-grade all-wool Coatings in the popular 56-inch width. Included is every desirable weight,
weave, pattern or plain color. You may select from double-weight fabrics in Roman stripes, plaid
chinchillas, plain diagonals, novelty boucles, zibehnes, balmacaans, novelty and Scotch plaids, golf or
double-taced Coatings and a great many other materials in $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 do Cf
qualities, all priced for this sale at only
All-Wool French Challie, Yard, 35
Practically an unlimited assortment to select from,
both light and dark colorings in figures, dots and
neat small designs. Fine imported-and domestic
Challies that will wear and wash most sat- OCp
isfactorily, priced for this sale at OOC
All-Wool Storm Serges, Yard, 39
A staple and ever-fashionable fabric all-wool
Storm Serges of correct weave and weight. They
come ?full thirty-six inches wide and in most any
wanted plain color including black. A fabric of
the best 50-cent quality, priced for Q
this sale at only.' .OJC
; Double-Warp Storm Serges, Yard, 69
A very fine quality of heavy all-wool double-warp
Storm Serges, shown in 42-inch width and in over
twentyrfive desirable colors including black. A
grade sold everywhere at 85 cents, fiQr
priced for this sale at OSC
All-Wool Scotch Plaids at, the Yard, 69
An exceedingly, fine quality of all-wool imported
Scotch Plaids. They come full forty inches wide
and are shown in rich effective colorings suitable
for both women's and children's clothes. The
kind sold regularly at 85 cents, priced -for
this sale at only .OJ7C
' ; A Sale of R. & S. Silk and Wool Poplins
$1.50 Grade at 1.25 $155 Grade at 9S
One of the season's most popular materials for street and evening wear the celebrated R. & S. Silk
and Wool Poplins. . A soft clinging fabric of bright lustrous finish; one that drapes beautifully.
Shown m all wanted plain shades and full 40 inches wide. Two qualities both Qft
underpriced. $1.50 grade at $1.25, and $1.25 grade at . . . 70C
Entire stock of Woolen Dress Goods Remnants on sale tomorrow at One-Half Marked Remnant Prices
Underpriced Specials in j
Mothers will find splendid
economy in this sale of In
fants' Wear. Reductions are
so general and generous that
most every need may be sup
plied at a great saving.
$1.29 Infants' Sweaters 98
Made in ruff-neck style of
fine wool zephyr. Sizes 22
to 28 in white.
25c Infants' Toque at 19
Fine wool zephyr Toque in
link stitch. All colors.
$3.50 Knit Sets at .$2.98
Made of high-grade zephyr
yarn in link stitch. All col
ors. $2.50 Knit Sets at $2.19
Made of zephyr yarn.. Shown
in red and white. Byron or
ruff-neck styles.
Infants' Novelties, y2 Price
A fine lot of Infants' Cellu
loid Novel ties, including
Sets, Combs, Brushes, Rat
tles, Baby Books, etc.
Children's Trimmed Hats
Reg. 75c -85c values at 50?
Reg. $1.25 to $1.75 vals..9S
Reg. $2.25 to $3 vals..$1.79
Infants' Long and Short
Dresses, 50 to $1.25
We have just received a fine
line of Inf ants' Long and
Short Dresses. They are
made of fine sheer lawn and
nainsook neatly trimmed
with laces, embroideries and