THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 15, 1914. BIG FRUIT YEAR AHEAD! WAR SIRE TO AID SALES SAYS EUGENE MAX. Fruitgrowers of Went Expect Big Market, Mot In Europe, but In Middle Vet Farm Country. EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.) Indications are that next year will be the biggest year for the Oregon fruit grower in the history of the Industry in the Northwest, according to J. O. Holt, manager of the Eugene Fruit growers' Association. He has com pleted a survey of the probable effects of the present war situation upon the fruit industry. "The immediate effect is slight," . he says. "The present apple crop is bene fited little by the war, but the real in fluence upon the Oregon fruit Indus try will be felt within a month. "I look forward to an era of extreme ly good prices by December. Buyers ceased taking dried and canned fruits when the war broke out. Now they are ready to come back." The West's market for fruit next year will not be in war-stricken Eu rope, according to Mr. Holt. It will be in the Middle West, where the farmers are receiving high prices for their fooj products. These high prices will give a. basis for a market for fruit. "The price of wheat, and the way in which the war Is taking cattle, corn and wool is sure to bring money to the farmers in the Middle West," continued Mr. Holt. "The war will require some canned fruit, but the great bulk of our product will be sold In this country. The steel industry in the East is flour ishing, although not much is being said about it. "The cotton situation in the South hits the apple market in a soft spot, for the South takes many apples. The other parts of the country will make up lor this." Albany Property Value $3,364,710. ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.) Albany has $3,364,710 worth of prop erty exclusive of Its public utilities. This is the assessed valuation appear ing on the 1914 assessment roll of LJnn County. The work of compiling the valuation of property In the various cities was completed by County As sessor Fisher today, and the valuations for the other cities of the county, not including the property of public serv ice corporations, which Is assessed by the State Tax Commission, follow: Lebanon, $869,730; Brownsville, $354,690; Harrisburg, $297,300; Scio, $138,475; Halsey, $167,870; Sweet Home, $51,095; Kodaville, $34,745. Bisters Recipient of Gifts. The Sisters of Mercy have received 81 garments for the Home for the Aged and 130 garments for St. Agnes' Baby Home from the Needlework Guild of America. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. A BARGAIN. Droohead automatic lift. latest im proved, high-armed Davis sewing machine. Good as new, cost (tiri, fully equipped with all attachments. Price 25 if taken this week. Mrs. Win. liiel, 229 13th L Phone Marshall 6!S. WANTED to rent. 5-room bungalow by re sponsible party, furnished or unfurnished, desirable location, best of care taken. References. Must be reasonable. Phone Woodiawn 2740. 8-KOOM house furnished or unfurnished; walking distance. 386 Park St., between Montgomery and Harrison. Apply 388 Park st. TWO modern rooms in private family, walk ing? distance. West Side, reasonable. Xele phone A 3560. 474 Market St. KEFINED American girl wishes position as governess or lady's maid; references. 210 E. 62d, or AP 402, Oresonlan. TWO clean and one single, rent cheap, good car service, desirable rooms. 548 . jLnkeuy street. NORWEGIAN girl wants general house work. Call T15 Montana ave. Phone Wood lawn 3012. BEAUTIFUL, new modern bungalow, near Alberta car, S21BO, terms. Dubois, T23 Chamber of Commerce. FINE inmroved HiHsboro acreage for Sunny side property. Iubois. 723 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A Kirl for housework and cook in if. children in family. Telephone East ,-.SS7. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, steam heat, walkina distance, $2.50 and up. 3Sd 3d St. 6-KOOM house, furnished, with yard, t'lO. 2?)0 Benton St.. between Steel and Broad way bridges. East 5054. 6-R002d; house, electric lights, gas and fur nace. Inquire at 895 East 11th. Phone East 1850. FOREMAN Scow pile driver foreman; must be competent, non-union; boozers, don't apply. AF 409. Oregonlan. OOOD business opportunity for practical man with & few thousand. AG 405, Ore gonian. WANTED Piledriver engine: particulars, location, number, lowest price. AIC 404, Ore:onlan. TEACHER, several years' experience, wishes tutoring- eveninus; would exchange for room and hoard. AP 40.S, Oregonlan. ELEVATOR, or any work (wages). Drake, East 2593; Main 3392. Room Ull. Selling bldg. 4-KOOM house, 4 large lots, 1 block of wooasiocK car; o, inciuoing water, sell wood J 908. FOR SALE Team and wagon at bargain; buyer will get steady Job at good wages. E. 4"7, Oregonlan. 271 BROADWAY 2 large front rooms for nouseKeepms; close in, heat free. 20 month. BOARD and room In private family, suit- aoie lor married, couple or young people. Home cooking, modern home. Tabor 1008. TWO piano lessons $1; two voice $1.50. Ex perienced teacher: will come to house. Phone Marshall 3302 mornings. WANTED Strictly first-class UD-to-date hrtuse with, earase. in best residence dis- trlcrt. west Mtle. D 40S. Oregonlan. ON REAL ESTATE $1700 to S2000, 7 per cent; uuu o per cent, wnoie or part, u 4ii i, uregonlan. T1ANTED Grocery clerk, young man Must have experience and references. Ru pert's Orocery.- 11th and Jefferson. WAMltJJ hxpenenced younfr grocery rlerk. Ana. by letter. Give references. AH .1!H. Oreeonlan. 1UR SALE fiood driving horse; also big team, weisrnt :--.uuu ids., cneap. Main 303. FOUND Light black spotted hound with lone ears. in: e. ntn North. WANTED Piano, in any condition, for casn. AN 4i., urpponian. EXPERIENCED Klrl wants general house work or day work. Main S130. THE finest grocerv and delicatessen, doing good Dusiness. w asson, 41u Mont gomery. 2-KOOM furnished apartment, cheap rent. 4Hi Montgomery, t-none aiarsnaii d-tJi. FOR SALE A launch hull, almost new, $3, Kat 02(53. CLEAR lots for equity in house. AF 408, Oregonlan. 40-FOOT launch for sale cheap. Soil wood 111. SKI BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room in morlern home. Furnace heat. East 1 .".". WANT visible typewriter in exchange for :txi2 rug. pnone rjast okju. ELDERLY lady wishes to do family iron ings at home. Phone Woodlawn 838. SITUATION wanted by housekeeper for one or more gentlemen. Main t212. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished. Vooi!lawn 2122. FOR SALE Furniture of S4 rooms: har gain If tnken soon. Phone Marshall 2031 BLACK riding and driving mare, fancy qriver. aia Mississippi ave. woodiawn 124a, FRONT room. 1 or 2 gentlemen; also small room, a. Main. IF you are looking for clean, warm rooms, can at ?asmon. WANTED Girl for general housework. AP ply 7M Giisan st Monday morning. WANTED Young girl for light housework, Apply .-,-")- iMarnet St. NEAT young girl wanted for dining-room tiawinoruo ave. BUALL front room. $6 per mo, 414 Salmon. PORTLAND ABSTKACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT biSR-VlCE at reasonable price. Pacific Title dc. Trust Co., 7 Ch. of Com. ACCOKUION fLEAIlxa, ACCORDION KNIFE AND HOX VI. EAT ING. PICUTING. HiiMiiTlTCiHNa.JaKA.ii. JiJuxKjiiiiRiJCi. EASIErtl NOV ELTY MFG. CO.. bo 5TM ST.. NK. OAK. K. STEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side plel, buttons covered, goool sponged, man orders. 464 Alder. M. ua.s. AaSAtUM AJSU ANALxblti. LIKING in your old Jewelry, old void, silver. ore or platinum sua gel casa lor lu A. Sennet. K. oiu IS. W. bias., ttih and Wasn. MOKIAKA AbSAJ OFFICE. 112 2d. 000. silver and platinum bought. AITO UN it VD. J. K. GREENFIELD General practice, ao stract. contract, collections, etc.; consul tation free. New onUces, 7u7, 7V3. 7Utf tieii- lug blag. Main 49V... open evenings. IB t MJSJrLSs COLLEGE. LINK'S BUSINESS CULLWiu. T 11 lord bldg., Portland. Oregon, pnune Main iiuaa. rA&FKX VVEAVLNtt. NORTHWEST RUO CO. Hugs Iron! old cax peis, rag rugs. 18 East am. Uotn buomi. CELLCLtUD liU'Ii'ONS, BADGES. THE IliVVlN-HOOaoN COMPANY, fla otn St. Phono Maui 312 and A 1254. CiUitOPOOISTS. William. &slell aud w'iiiiam, J r.. Devsny, the only acieutilio chirupouita ia lb city, parlors, au2 Oerlinger nldg., b. W. gocwmx xa ana Aiaer. .rnon Main ihui. i-iliROPOjLiT and oot specialist. Mei sanine floor. N. W. Hank oidg. Main CHIROPODY and pedicuruig. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Oil ices. Flieunor plug. Main 4i3. CHlKOfHACnC -PHYSICIAN'S. UK. ll'lillu.N, Ul 4th Chronic cases; T treatments. 10; others less. Main 2ue. CLEAJSlMi AMU jfKrJslalNo" DKErio SUllci tor rent; we press cae siul uca week tor $ per mouth. GN1S1UE 'lAllJlUNU CO.. 809 Stark at., oet. jtn and ata. Main 61. COlXbtliUN AUuKNCx. ' Accounia notes, judgments collected. "Adopt Short Metnous." Short Adjustment c. btf N. W. Han a bldg. Phone Main 97. Nil-Til jit CO.. Worcester tuat. Main in .No coilecuon. no cnarge. iijtatiianed MK. &na Mra. ilea ma Academy; leasona dally ; class Mon. and ri. eve.. 8 to IU. oivi murnaoii, cor. zo aiarsnail eli. HKATil'b Lkancing Scnool, 1U Second t beU Waan. and StarJt; leaaona daily; ail tbe iaieat dances lauxCit. JPglSXlfiTS. K. A. W. K.n;Ni MaJesUc Theater bld 51 WasiiiuB'ton st. Marshall 41204. JEXiECTtUC MOXOHS. MUTOKS, generators biugnt, sold, rentsd and repaired. We do aii kinds of repair Ins and rewinding, ail work guaranteed. H. H. H. Kiectrio Co., 21 First at, iSortn. i'hone Main 1210. AG&ICULXL&AL mfi.KM KN'l's. B. M. Wage Jc Co., 32-ii tiawinurus avs. AKCUllttiXBAL VV1KJ liiOM ttOBKS. Porilana Wues iron Wu., xd and Coiumois. Alilt) A1 AiUUOX TOPS. DUBBUliLJ. XUf CO., iOO Id SU AllOMOUlUS 8UPPLLE8. BALLOU St VVKlliHT, 7tn and USlt sts. 11AUUAUU CRKCKKI AT liOJLE. Bassae sc uniplDus 'lransfer. Faxlc A lavts. uTcKCLk, MOIokciCLU MJrMilU. Balluu a wmuiil. Uu and oalt sts. BKJiAO BAhKBlt. Hoyal Bakery A Cont., mc. mh and Blvsrstt HENRY W KIN HARD, lllll and Burnslds. CAisCAKA liAHK AND U&APB BOO iT K.A-U.N BROS.. FRONT BX. CiiMENT, LIMB AND PLA8TEK. F. T. CKUVVE 4k CO.. 46 Fourth atr C COFF, TEAS AND SPICKS ' CLOSBBiT & DEVEBS, 1-11 N. Front at. DRV GOODS. FLE1SCHNER, MAYER & CO.. 107 Ash su ELECTK1CAX. SLPPIXKS. Stubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pint) sta. GJCATN MKKC'HANTH. Albers Bros- Milling Co.. Front and Marshall TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. THE entire first floor, C rooms, completely lumisneo. in xnouern uu i ii , inu o un furnished H. K. rooms, with sun parlor and porch, separate entrance, bet. 2 car lines. 234 E. 20th St., 2 blocks north Haw thorne ave. B 28J4. WHO wants a good wheat ranch that will make you rich ? I own nearly boo acres of good wheat land in Gilliam Co.. Or., that I will sell or exchange for a valley farm, or good Income property. AL 400, Orego nlan. 10 LOTS Irvlngton Heights, on 17th and lKth sts.; value $0O to J1O00 each; clear of incumbrance: trade any or all for clear property; might assume & little. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. BONNIE BRAE. In Irvlngton 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room, wall beds, phone, steam heat, janitor service, exclusive neighborhood. $30.00. BARGAIN IN WHEAT FARM. $15 per acre, 800 acres, mostly culti vated, all can be farmed; buildings, fences. Has produced 42 bushels per acre. See photos, 503 Corbett bldg. Main 6630. FOR RENT Furnished, to adults, house. four rooms ana Datn; $13 month; four blocks Bouth of Dekum-ave. carline; 665 Highland sL, near E. 18th st. N. Phone Main 1377. AGENTS wanted, city or country territory. We are manufacturers fastest selling arti cle on the market. Apply Monday, 127 N. 6th St., Portland. DOUBLE parlor suite with kitchenette. pnone, will rent aouoie or single; moaern, furnace heat, walking distance; Nob Hill location. 67 N. :20th. Marshall 713. ABOUT December 1 gentleman out of city mucn oi time, aesires xurnianea room. Williams ave. preferred. AN 404. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Cheap. New $80 Edison dia mond-point phonograph; also $35 record cabinet and 50 records. Big sacrifice for cash. J. F. Gasklll, T. M. C. A. DRUGSTORE for sale, best location in City of Portland; owner called to Europe, $1?, 5O0, including stock and fixtures. AG 449, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap. Royal No. G typewriter ana learner case. first-class condition. Bis sacrifice for cash. J. F. GaskllL Y. M. C. A. A 5-ROOM furnished cottage with bath, gas, sleeping porch, near Shaver School. Missis sippi ave. car.; 18. 691 Missouri ave. Phone Woodiawn 1482. LADY'S and gentleman's bicycles, cheap. Need money; broke. 252 Monroe St. Woodiawn 276. HOUSEBOAT. 2 rooms and bath, for sale. part trade if desired. Call before 10 A. M. or after 2 P. M. Sellwood 2208. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished, to rent, or wouia taKe a lew Doarders. 637 E. 67th North. 12-ROOM house, Ju era; 489 Jefferson refinlshed : all mod Call 10 to 3 today. CLIENT will buy equity in close-in acre age. Attorneys. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. MUST sell good pair or farm horses, double harness and farm wagon; good workers. 1867 E. Stark. THREE housekeeping rooms for rent; part iy furnished-; 26 N. 20th; $13.50. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Per Lin. One time ............. He Same ad two coniecative times. ....... 2 2c Same ad three consecutive times SBc baine ad tix or seven consecutive times. . aiic The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today and all other claMilic tions except the followlns;: , Situation Wanted Male. Situations. Wanted Female. For Kent, Kooms, Private Families. Booing and Board, Private Families. lioubekeepins; Kooms, Private Families. Kate on the above classifications Is ? cents a line each insertion. On "charge" advertisements chine will be based on the number of line appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words In each Line. Minimum charge, tws lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad Tertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser let a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follow ing day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends up on the promptneM of payment of telephone advertisement. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insect ion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," "ISusiness Opportunities," "Koominf houses," and "Wanted to Rent." The Oregonlan will not guarantee srenrarr or assume responsibility for errors occurring Advertisements to receive prompt clas. BUSINESS DIRECTORY EYK. JLAit. NO&K AND THROAT. Treatments by specialists; glasses ntted. .Dr. F. F. casseday, oil Dekum 01., M it Wasn. I OUNOKV AN 11 SlAt HiE HUKU. PHOKN1A. iron Wwu East od and Haw thorne. General macuine aud toundrjr wora. BXXDEIUilKIi: PETER PAN kinuergarteu and 21at and Irving sis. .East 189. primary. KOOAsiJa. KODAKb and A l.L bLfUEbi developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE Mills. HAM CO.. at5 Washington su MACHINERY. Enalne. boilers, sawmuis nought, sold and exchanged. Tne J. E. Martin Co.. Portlanu. MES&ENOEH ICE. HASTY Ma.aaENOcK CO. Motorcycle and bicycles, phone Main oil, A 2 ISO. MOVING PICXUiUulS. FILMS, machines, supplies, rented or sold United Film Co., Hi 2d st- aii. ale AL. Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacner; pupil Sevcia. 201 ruaamr blug. A lou. Marsnail ia-. PIANO-LESSONS 26S 14th SU S.. phone Main 3893; 5 per mo.; modern metnoos. JiAltKOl'AlUlC Pll 1 SlCIANS. DR. PH Bpeciut in paralysis,, n.w- FIGHT on nixn oric-u. hy pay Sd to 10 tor a air oi KisUaea wu-un 1 cfta lit your eyes will, iini ti U4sAi JcntMsa. soia-tu.ud ir&mea, iu iu w il 1.60 7 uooduiao, lui Morriuoa su, nar prtQuc F a tut i action guaraote-ad. OeTKOFATiil-U IfHVSiClAlsa. UK. R. H. XNorinrup. ub bU oor. Jciroadway ana Vwasningtoa kirewu UUic pnone, .faaln retuueace, kukt 102-a. PATENTtt. PATE. NTS secured or fee returned; Illus trated euiaeoook and list ot inventions mailed tree to any address; patent se cured by us advertised tree in Worlds Progress, sample copy tree. Victor J. Evans fc Co.. iiaat Washington. U. C FATEiNTb that protect and pay; advice and bootis free; highest references; best re uits, promptneits Masurea, tend sketch or moael tor tree searcn. Watson n. C-oieinan. Patent lawyer, i at, Waanington. 1. c PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENT secured through our credit system. Information and booaiet free. patent ability report tree. John Louia Waters A Co., Washington, rj. C. X. J. GKISLER, Alt y-it-Liw, 508 Henry. W m. C bcnmldt, Eng. and a rails man. B. C- WRIGHT 22 years' practice, U. a. and foreign patents. 6uu lJekum bldg. rAWNBKOKEKS. isTEJLN'tJ LOAN OFFICE. 19 years in busineas. Liberal loans on diamonds, a tclie a. cameras, etc i ttth su 2i. Yv hOLLbALti ANU MANUFACTUKiiiii (iJsOCEIlLUS. WADHAM3 A Cu D-i Fourth st- HA1K GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR UOOD3 CO. WHOLESALE ONLi. 411 BLOO. HATS -AND CAPS. HAT CO., 6-S Front St. UUitm, PJSU.TS, VtOOL AD JTUJiS. KArxN BBOa.. il Front street. IKON WOBU PACIFIC IRON WORKn, Cut End of Burnsiae Bridga fcl.h.iL. STRUCTURAL rLANI, FOUNDRY. ALL. ARCHITECTURAL, IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES KoOF TRUSSB3L, Carry Complets Stock ot STEEL BEAMS AND A.VQL1A CHANNEL PLATEd, TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIED, CHAS. L MAaliCH & CO., 74 Front; leathsr of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER, METAL JLATU I be J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trad. Sales agent celebrated Koche Harbor lime. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S MECKMEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg Co.. S3 Fifth at. flcation must be in The Oreeonlan office be fore B o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for The Sunday Oregonian will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, and all ads received too late or proper classification will ha run 11 rwl r- k...lii.. "Too Late to Classify." I The Orea-onlao will not be responsible for more man one incorrect insertion oi any ad- Kniwmcin uuerea xor more man on Telephones: Main 1070, A-60U5. MEETING NOTICES. MT. HOOD LODGES NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. Special meet ing, Sunday, November 15, at 1 P. M-. at hall, 334 Russell street, for the purpose K of conducting; funeral services of our late Brother James McQuald, member of Laurel Lodge, No. 13, A. F. and A. M.. Koseburg. Or. Visiting- brothers welcome. By Order of W. M. ED. C. DICK. Secretary. PORTLAND CAMP. ATTENTION I Old 107 gives one of its famous smok ers next Wednesday, November 18. Mem bers are requested to bring a friend and make blm acquainted with the merits of the best fraternal order in the West. Pro gramme commences at 8:30 P. M. C. F. J. KURTZ. Chairman Committee. OPTIMIST CLUB The regular meeting of the Optimist Club will be held at the home of Mrs. D. M. Sargent. 771 Schuyler street. Irvlngton district, at 8 o clock Mon day evening, November 14. All are cor dially Invited. MRS. EMMA McLEAN, Secretary. FREE ANCHOR COUNCIL. NO. 746, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY, are going to give a free open meeting next Tuesday evening at their hall, 85Vi 5th St., Manchester bldg. Admission free to mem bers and friends. ATTENTION! Grand ball Monday eve, Nov. 16, by Ladles' baseball team of Eureka Council, No. 204. Knights and Ladies of Se curity, East Side W. O. W. HalL E. 6th and Alder. Good union 'music. General -admission 25 cents. PROSPECT COMPANY. NO. 340, W. O. W., extends you a cordial invitation to at tend their next annual Thanksgiving dance, to be given at their hall. 128 Eleventh street. Thursday evening, November 26. Admis sion 50c couple. Union music. OREGON CIRCLE. NO. 171. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT, will give a five hundred card party at their hall. 354 rtussen street. Wednesday evening. November la, 1W14. Ad mission, 10 cents; good prizes. PORTLAND COUNCIL. NO. 102, MODERN FORESTERS, will give "500" party Wednes day evening, Nov. 18, 1914, in hall 400, Alisky bldg. ; 24 hands. Prizes. Admis sion 15c. CARD PARTT AND DANCE GIVEN BY the California and Nebraska Societies, Mult nomah Hotel, Wed., Nov. 18. All state so cieties invited. Bring your friends. Cards 8, dancing 10. Choice prizes. Admission 2oc. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 63 Whist party given Friday evening in w. o. vv . Temple, 128 11th st. Le Vanways Orchestra. Cards 8:45; dancing at 10 o'clock. THE ROYAL. DANCIXG CLUB will give a dance Wednesday evening. November 18, at 12S Fourth street Foresters HalL. Union music Admission 25 cents. MASK BALL AT PENINSULA STATION, November 20.- Good prizes, good music La dies 25c, gentlemen 50c St. Johns car. Masks at door. BORN. HAtSMAX Mr. and Mrs. Richard M Hausman are the very happy possessors of an 8 V. -pound baby girl. Mother and child both doing nicely. - PLED. DAVEY Charles W. Davey, Friday, the ldth, at lctorta, B. C. formerly of this cny, ana Drotner 01 Mrs. Hurt Hicks. Mrs. Ralph K. Lee, Mra LiMie D. Thomas and fcdwin uavey. funeral notice later. FTJNEKAL NOTICES. MQUA1D In this city, at the residence of his aunt. Mrs. H. O. My res. 148 Kst aart st.. James C. McQuaid, aged 47 years and t aays. rne xunerai services will be held at the Conservatory chapel of F. S. Dun ning, inc.. 414 .bast Aider at- Sunday. Not. 15, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment jsone r ir cemetery. PALER MINI The funeral services of the late Ollmpla Palermint will take place at 1:30 p. M. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co.. cor. 3d and Clav. thnr to St. Michael's Church, where services wiii oe neia ac 2 tr. ju. .f riends Invited. interment jut. ;a.ivary cemetery. HOHNSTEIN The funeral services of the p late Peter Hohnstein will be held from the Free Brethren Church. 765 Maiinrv ave., today (Sunday) at 2 P. M. Friends invite a. interment aom juy (Cemetery. P1PK. PORTLAND WOOD PIPS CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. Main U4b. PLCMKS. THE FLUME, formerly Morgan blug., nave moved to room 4u; Hucnanan blug., over la-cent store, 2btt Washington street. Oyeiug, Cleaning aud remodeling a specialty. Main 40UD. KEAL K6TATE. UAKKKTT HtOS. M. USIi. Hoard oi Trade. ' fl.DlLE3. KlJHUEit STAA1PS, SEAXji, BKAiiat blONa. PACIFIC COAST (STAMP WORKS." 231 Waan. st. pnone Main T10 and A 271U. bnUtt iurAAttiAta. kUJbi UAU' tOi.Ei in lu minutoa wliil. you ttsit. o& New York buo. Kepalr Ot ta'tk Alder su t HJiX xeauuaoie prices see Western I'lxiur . sk bnowcaxe co .b Xi. lUtii. juai.naii iii Marshall Mfg. Co., lOtb. at Flanders New anu old window display and cabinet wora. biostiUai iiwaaNox "tgw fOKlLAisi van t Aloraae Co cor. Xdta 4nu jb.saruey sts., just coAupieuid, uew fire proof warenuusv tor nouseuoid ettets. pianos una autuxuuoiies; cumumi spuaL urvaiia vKriiAAUsi,'ooi ruuuuv mam-Usjatea piano-iooiu, iruna ana iii vauiu; traua ae for carioaa suipiAAnuk. vans tor mov Uik; leuucdU iruiaut raka uu ixwuseAioiu auus to a-iQ. ixoAAt aaist in uixousu wai. Atain tf04u, all uujwtfuuami. (X plCik. 1 rauater sc torae co.- Oiticv aud -conunuuious -atury urwa warenouse. separate iron room and tureproof vauik lor valuables. N. vv. cor. 2,j. aau Pine sts. Pianos and turmture movea aud pacaeu Xov smpmont, special races uiaue on oou in our 4.nruun cais to all uouiestio auu lureifeu porta, Main fatftf, A lwwo. Oi-Ol -liOHi XHAiN Oi iit CO., I4ew ui'oproui warenuuse witn aeparai rooms. W e move ana paca nousenoiu aoous and piauos and snip at reaucea ratva Auto ans anu teams lor movm. or war am a aaa ditributiua agent, jrxmm liacaau. uiuce and wareuoinm lam anu Moyt sts. Main A 221. MAXHsNilsa WAlilviiUbblfi 'liAXNbFibit OO lstn ana kivorett bta. Pianos and nousenoiu snoods moved, pacaed ur.d snippeu, reuueeu freight rate on all nousenoiu goods to and from ILasu tnrough car service. Main .fua, A 221-s. JkiUOXS TRAiStoFivR CO., 474 Giisan su. cor. litth. Xeiepnoue Main bU or A llos We oh n and operate two large class "A warehouses on leriumai txauaa. insurance rates in city. MaU1OjN-H. lUOK and WAXiEHOUel. Oitice lbt Madison; general merchandise and forwaraing agents, rnond Main ' wboi. GHEEK and dry slabwood; blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Mum a;U. A ilBBl). WOODSAWlh'G. FOR SAWINO in Irvington and Upper Al bina, call VVoodlawn till. all l.l.lXEliY. BRAD SHAW Bttuo., Morrison and 7th ata, ORNAMENTAL IRON AND UlAUC Poruand Wire iron was.. 2d and Columbia PAIN IS AND WALL PAPEJi. rAiM' CO.. lt First street. W. P. fliLLUtt A Co.. lth ana Da via, PALMS, OILS AND OLAaS. . CO., 2a and laiur ata. PIPAi. PIPE IllTLMib AND M. L. KLiNii, Front street. I'LL AlAilNU AND Bl'EAM DtPPAAEs, M. L. J04.NE, ti-mi From atraot. PRLNTEES ANA I LULlBH KKB. W. BAL.'1'ii.a & CO.. 1st anu oaa sta. faUDLla coji-Uis&iO.N astttUAMs, EVi.itDl.NO Ac AK.Rii.LL, Uu Front St. UOl'i; AND AilNDiNO XWLNE. Portlana coruaae Co., 14ttt and Northrua. BAND AND UttAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER Co.. lout ot Annans. SAbAL DOOltS ANU ULASS. W. P. lllEU & CO., 12th. and Davis. Portland Iron Works. 14th ana Nortnrun, WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. Il Id St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS Jk. OPTlClANn. bLl BHUJ.. afl - A w n bUltl FUNERAL NOTICES. DE ARMOND In this city, at the residence of his son. Dr. R. S. De Armond. 1052 Corbett St., Ellas Cowan De Armond, aged 7U years 2tf days. Deceased is survived by a wiaow, Airs. ii. j. ie Armond, ox Ale- Aiinnviiie, and six sons; nr. it. fcj. u Ar mond. of this city. H. LH of Medford. Or. W. V- of Grants Paw, Or.; Jti. H.. of nuna, or.; uavta and Lester, of McMlnn- vme. or., also two daughters, Mrs. L. O. Adams, of San Luis Obispo. Cal and Mrs. E. J. Smith, of Medford, Or. The remains were forwarded last evening on the 8:15 P. M. 3. P. to Grants Pass for Interment by the Skewes Undertaking Co. The re mains were accompanied by members ot tne xanuiy. BROWNING Nov. 13, Soloman W. F. Brown ing, aged or years 0 months and & days. Beloved husband of Mrs. Mary Browning and father of Mrs. W. V. Boencer. Mla Edna Browning, Mrs. James Dorney and Aioert iirowmng. jrotner or Mrs. tamul Ligntle. Will Browning, of Kiona, Wash., and Mrs. A. Embrey, of Sunnyside. Wash The funeral services will be held at the Conservatory chapel ot . S. Dunning, Inc. 414 East Alder stM at 1 P. M. today (Sun day). Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. CASEY Nov. 13, at the residence, 308 10th st. Airs. Ann j. uasey. asred 04 years. beloved mother of J. Casey and sister of Mrs. John O' Hare and Ed Moran. Funeral will take place from the above residence Monday, Nov. 10, at 8:30 A. M. Services at the Cathedral, coiner loth, and Davis sts.. 0 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Tbs oui residence undertaJuns; establish ment In Portlana witn private driveway Main 9, A J. P. FIN LEY SON. Montgomery at Fifth. runerai aireotor, Z20 xnira street, cornel balmon. Lady assistant. A 1511. Mala 607 F. 6. DUNNING. INC East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Alder st. East 62. B 25.6. A. R. ZELUlK CO.. BD2 WILLIAMS ave. east loss, c 1088. Lady attendant, nay ana mgnt service. DUNNING & M' E.N TEE. funeral directors. no ana fine, raow Main ao. Lauy at- lenaant (juice ox county tjoroner. K. T. BYRNES, Williams ave. and Knott. HAst ll lo, c 1U43. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay ata Laay assistant. East ifil. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Ha ana eiay. unain 41DZ, a Lady attendant. FLORISTS. martin & fokbes ca. oorists. 847 wash ington. Main 2Si). A 126. Flowera tor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators. fresh cut flowers, great variety. Mornsoa. oet. 4tn anu oin. Main or A lsuo. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Alder. Designs ana sprays. Marsnau 5Q22. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 31.1. Selling oiag. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Containing Acres. Portland's Only Modera Perpetual-Care Cemetery. Refined. I'lranlng bervlc. Complete. Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. t Uotb Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH 7 GUANO AVE, N. Betwen Davla and Kverett. Ewt 1423. U U515. Open Day n and IV tKht. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring; a pet may communicate with us. 0 NEW TOD A. Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 166 - X68 FIRST ST, (-Near Morrison St) REGULAR SALESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. Crcneral assortmeat of srood house furnlsbinxrs, Includlnsr dlninK - room suite, rockers, library and center tables, couches, bookcases, ladies' desks, ward robes,' Iron beds, sprlnss. mattresses, pillows, comforts, spreads, dressers. commodes,- carpets, lace curtains, pic tures, steel ranares, Bras ranges, cook stove and other effects. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE PIANOS, ORGANS, II A P HO PHONES AND RECORDS. ALSO THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF", GOOD-AS-NEW, IP.TO-DATB FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ROOM-SIZE RUGS. ftood Azmlastcr and Brussels CARPETS. STEEL and GAS RANGES. Parties famishing are cor dially invited to look through our BtocK. We icuarantee ud deliver. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL. (Main 2032.) . THE BARGAIN STORE FOR t GROCERIES. CIGARS. DRY GOODS, SWIIS5, HAHllH AKIii, ETC, ETC. ALSO STORE FIXTURES; INCLUDING SHOWCASES, SCALES, CASH REGISTERS. MEAT CUTTERS, IHEU1T SYSTEMS, FIREPROOF SAFES, etc. J. T. WILSON. Proprietor. HERE "VE ARE WITH ANOTHER OP OIK Quick Selling Bungalows JUST COMPLETED. 1377 E. Sherman Street, Near L 50th HAWTHORXE-AVE. DISTRICT. $1900 $1900 $1900 $23 Per Month, Including Interest, Ia , tne I'rlce and selling; Termn of This One. Can You Beat Itt Five rooms. fireDlace. hardwood floors, beaming and paneling; swell lighting fixtures and window shades throughout: built-in bookcases and buffet with beautiful leaded glass; dandy Dutch kitchen has woodlift. ironing-board, canopy ror gas stove; wash trays ia cement basement. You need a home and will buy this bunga. low if you see it. Open house 1:30 to :au toaay. jnawtnorne-avenue car to Fiftieth street, walk south on Fiftieth to Sherman, or Mount Scott car to Fiftieth and Sherman. PORTLAND REALTY & IR, CO OWNER, 214 By. Eic. Bids. Phone Mala 2128. Will tafce yon oat during week. Auction Sale FORD AUCTION CO. 211 FIRST STREET Monday, Wednesday Friday at 2 P. M. WHERE YOU GET BARGAINS IV FURNITURE MAIN STREET, NEAR TWELFTH LOT 40 x 50, FAIRLY GOOD BUILDING, $7500 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. Main 14, A 1414. MORTGAGE LOANS on good improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. If you need money call today. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 21T-219 Northwestern Bank Bnlldlnar. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Money available within 24 hours after receipt of abstract, v and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bide. VK WILL BUILD AND FINANCE 'Homes Flats and apartments In any part of the city mst ins from $2000 to Slmi.gou: payments like rent. Call and see ua. - V. K. BOWMAN & CO., Rofim 1. Commercial Club Bui I d I nr. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO Fourth SL, Board of Trade Bids. To Exchange Fine body fir timber In Lane County, well located, for Portland business In come property. Address BOX 386. EUGENE, OREGON. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CE0NAN B0 2 Spatulas UldlE. for Unas. Or. -8- iff NEW TODAY. Dollars Double THE 191 Second St. It Is a fact! the money you spend for furniture goes twice as far here as where you pay regular prices for your goods. Ask your neighbor who buys from Bell. Better yet. make It a point to drop In tomorrow and price our goods. Go elsewhere first. If you wish. Get posted! Money Talks We buy and sell for cash only. How ever. If you are short for money, it will pay you to borrow for a short time to take advantage of these bar gains. The opportunity may not again present itself. Some Specials Iron beds, the better sort, ?1.25 to H Springs 75c to $3. Mattresses $3.75 to $10. Great values. Fine line steel ranges. $10 to $25. Kitchen treasures, $1.50 to $2.50. Kitchen cabinets, $4.50 to $8. Heaters, all kinds, all sizes, standard makes, $2.25. to $7.50. Every stove sold by us is guaranteed. Dining tables, round and square, $4 to $10. Dining chairs, $1 and up. Flat-top desks, $6 to $10. Commodes, choice of 20 styles. $1. Several good office chairs very cheap. In fact, the store is so full of good furniture, priced right. that It Is impossible to specify particu lar bargains. A very few comforts. new, white cotton filler, full size, only 95c Better come In early while stock is here, as it is changing daily. Our Guarantee vv e guarantee all goods to be as rep resented or money back. We play fair to everyone. Better buy it from Bell, BELL AUCTION CO. 191 SECOND STREET i9. CBiwro.v.e. ESTABLISHED 1S82. We have received Upright Piano and Furniture of private home which we shall sell at auction ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising Upright Piano in mahog any case, Library Tables and Rockers, Davenport, Axminster and Brussels Rugs, several Oil Paintings, several Sets of Books, Brass, Trays and Vases, Teakwood Desk and Bookcase, costly Mahogany Desk (reproduction), Por tieres. Lace Curtains. Drophead Sew ing Machine, Quarter-Sawed Oak Din Ins-Room Suite, viz., 8-inch top Table, set of Leather Seat Chairs and Colonial Style Buffet, Silverware. Table Linen Dinner Set, Brass Beds, Vernis Martin and Enamel Beds in full and sizes best Steel Springs. Silk Floss and Fel Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, Spreads Blankets, Towels, etc.. Oak Folding ea, tJiocK, JJressers and Chiffoniers, Hall Mirror, Gas Range, Heating Stove, etc Also furnishings of flats, which consist of Dining-Room Table and Chairs. Bedroom Furniture. Library Table. Rockers, Breakfast Table, Heater. Cook Stove. Utensils. Lawn Mower. Hose, Tools, etc , AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. You are Invited to inspect the above goods at our salesrooms, 166-168 Park street, tomorrow. Some of the Furni ture and Rugs are as good as new. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. -' ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have . another nice lot of Household Goods to offer you. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT lO A. M. FOR PRIVATE SALE. Lady's tailor-shop outfit as follows Very costly Triplicate Mirrors. Singer Tailor Sewing Machine, Button Machine, Busts, Counter and Shelving, with Drawers. Also Prealdent's Desk In Solid Walnut, We also sell New Goods for cash at all times. -Call and get prices of fur nlshings. W. C. BAKER AND W. H. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. 10-1S Park Street. We pay cash for second-hand Fur niture. Phones: Main 3332 and A 2567, CALIFORNIA Sell or Exchange All in cultivation, $110 per acre. This farm is in superior California about ISO miles north of San Francisco. The soil will grow anything that flourishes in California. Suit able for alfalfa, dairying, hogs and chickens, also oranges, olives and almonds. Splendid market for produce. Excellent climate, plenty of water. Will sell all or any part of this 300 acre tract and take property in Portland or Willamette Valley . as part payment. Some cash is necessary. Good terms on balance at 6 per cent. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Farm Money City Money SoOOO FOR FARM LOAN. For Loana on City Property Any Amount From yiSO to 920,000. GEO. It. THOMAS, 2lt7 Oak St., Room 2, Alntrrrorth Rider. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. $500 to $20,000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. Main 14, A 1414. OREGON CITY CARLINE. For homes, acreage and lots to buy or sell, see EMMA B. SHAW, 509 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEW TODAY. Get Busy-Busy -Busy! This Is some bargain. It Is a "Cracker Jack." You can't beat It on the l'nnnt Don't need any nerve onlv a little. ense and money. Have an eleeunt piece of property in the center of a bis growing residence district- Railroad track to the back of It. hard-surface street in front; good place for stores or garage. Could be used for manufac turing purposes, and there is 300 feet Of .It- Will give bisr hsrraln it tnVor. this month; J4000 cash, balance long: time. Act quick. AR 307. Oresrnnian. Trackage If In need of storage and track facili ties in central locations, established house, can save you money. Scales and. yuciiasnis at plants ground floor of fice down town. Y .401. Oresonian. FOR SALE 12-million claim located near river in, Lane County. Price, immediate sale. Jouuu. Address M. C. HARRIS, EUGENE, OREGON. REAL ESTATE DKALERS. PALM EH-J ONtii Wllcoa bias. fciECK. William G.. 315-316 Falling bids. BENEDICT BROS.. D3U Hawthorns avanusw JENNINGS & CO.. Main las. 208 Orssoman. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. 3 ACRES. East 58th street Booth, near Hawthorns carline. Thin will subdivide into 12 full sized tots. The neighbors say we should get at the rate of $700 per lot, but the owner orders us to sell for $4200 cash, which Is f35o per lot. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO 85 Fourth lit. Main 14. A 1414. SPECIAL, snap on 50x100 lot In Rose CUr district, overlooking Jaurelhurst; hard surface streets, sewers all In und paid for; price $SC0: this is a cut of over $400 to move quick and the best Investment on East Side; these lots should sell for $1300) and up within IS months; easy terms; no Interest for two years. AJ 37S, Oreao nlan. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LOTS. $600; several to choose from; E. 18th St. N., o blocks Irvlngton car; 50x100 each; the best tl'JOO value. G. C. GOLDEXBERG, Owner, Sellwood 75. SACRIFICE SALE. $S50 S lots in Gregory Heights, 3 blks. from Rose City car. Don't delay. See Mr Stahl, with HXRTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sta) ASTORIA, Warrenton, Flavel. New Astoria; maao money auring Portlands ac tivity. Lower Columbia harbor la just as active now. Put a little money in. It will grow big. R. L. Yoke. H3a Northwestern Bank bldg. Main B51:U MONT A VILLA M ACRE. $05oI All cleared and set to fruit trees, close to new school, very reasonable and can give easy terms. Fred . W. German Co.. W14 Cham, of Com. $T5t) ROSE CITY PARK 80x100 FEET. Bflsi location in tne district; east tac inir; only 1 w blocks to car; street Im proved; only $108 bonded; nice trees and next to corner. BF 3S1!. Oregonlan. cOxlOO CORNER on ML Tabor, east and south front, elegant view; will sell at a bargain on eay terms. B. S. COOK A CO, Main .'. Corbett Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. One of the finest corner lots In Rose City Park, on 45th street, one block from car. $1000. Security Development Company. 4th and Pine sts. VERNON. VERNON, $oo0. $550. Lots 21 and L'2. block s, s. w. corner Slst and Killings worth ; worth $1100; this cau't be beat. Fred W. German Co, U14 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE ACT QUICK. Lot In Beaumont; specially priced for few days See Mr. Stahl, at HAHTMAN & THOMPSON" (Fourth and Stark Sts.) FOR SALE Lots 17. 18, block 1, Gay's Addi tion, Ockley Green; lots 1. 2. block G." Clinton Addition, near Taborside; only cash offers considered. P. O. box b54. Seat tle. Wash, IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Lot 50x100. $oo0; east frontage; sewers and cement wulks in; three blocks from Broadway car. Security Development Com pany. 4th and Pine sts. SUNNYSIDE snap; lot 3.1 l-.lxlOO, on East Washington, bet. 3Sth and 3!Hh; hard sur face all in; worth $1500; now $ooo, $.,o tiown and $10 per month. Call 171 East 2Ud, near Belmont. Plione East 51)43. IRVINGTON SNAP. 100X100 THAT IS WORTH $.1000. BUT ALL. I WANT IS AN OFFER; SICKNESS COMPELS ME TO SELL. CALL A-7108. THREE PIEDMONT SNAPS. East f rone lots, hard-s jrfaced streets. , near; easy terms. FLETCHhlR, 25 Ablngton Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK YOUR TERMS. 50x100. 1 block to Alameda Drive; sec ond mortgage privileges; price $5u. BF SM. Oregonlan. LEAVING the city; will sell .Mix SO lot on UO-ft. boulevard, all hard-surface in and paid for; worth $1250; only $500, $JJ0 cash. East Gj05, owner. $1000 LOT, Waverly Heights, 28th and. T'bbetts street, for $625 cash; 5 years im provement paid on. The real value is $1200. X 403. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, IRVINGTON. Two adjoining lots on carline, ?2d St.; one or both at a bargain. G. L. Brown, 670 E. -lid st. North. East 3t-17. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and homesites. A few great bar gains. Every customer is a reference. Mar shall 4827. Brooke. A 3830. HEADQUARTERS for great bargains In Coos Bay property. 500 SpaMlng bldg. Office phone 3807. Residence phone East 2725. uOxlOo LOT. $450; cement walks Wi and, paid; near Kenton School, on Minnesota, avenue. Security Development Company, 4th and Pine sts. FOR SALE One of the best view lots la Olmsted Park; a bargain. BD 404. Ore gonlan. MUST sacritlce full 50x100 lot In Irvlngton Park; $350 cash; owner. AN 3S9. Oregonlan. CHOICE apartment-house building site. Hawthorne ave., corner, close In, for sale by owner. Room 531 Hotel Perkins. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, sightly lot for sale by owner. Room 531 Hotel Perkins. TWO Piedmont lots at bargain for cash. AO 378, Oregonlan. LOT, 50x136, one mile from Courthouse, $200. BD 37S. Oregonlan; LAURELHURST, Floral ave., near Giisan. 50x100 bargain. Owner. Tabor 2881. 5 LOTS, out of city limits, down. $. month. AL 3S0, $70 each; $10 Oregonian. TWO beautiful lots, corner; improvements paid; only $750; terms. Tabor 2544. $0OO FINE corner, restricted district, near Broadway car; terms. Main U348. GOOD lot in Sellwood; will take cement work In part payment. AH 400. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON SURPRISE SALE CoVner, 50 xlOO, 19th st. $1150. Monday. Main 8078. OWNEr'mI'ST SACRIFICE One or 17 lots; Birth and Broadway. Main 8078. For bale LEAVING Portland January 1; will sell or trade for koo1 residence lot my $1600 eaultv in Beaumont home, tt 404. ore gonlan. TWO houses, one lot, Alblna ave., street improved, good location, for value of lot; don't wait; sreat bargain, $1550. 60x Kothclilla bldg. 6-KOOM modern, near Sandy boulevard. $300 cash takes my equity, balance, $132o like rent. D 347. Oregonlan. BEST OFFER takes fine IRVINGTON home; shown between 3 and 4 Sunday; 619 E. J 9th N. -Main 807S. 4-ROOM house, plastered. tinted. partly plumbed, 50x100, fenced. $1100. terms made easy.Smlth-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. SACRIFICE $3000 equity $1500; 7-room house and garage, walking distance. East Ankeny ; owur.ANoiS, Oregonian. ARTISTIC HOMES. Plans $5. " Save money building at cost. A. H. Faber, architect. 160 Alnsworth ave. 94. BARGAIN $3000 buys 100x100 with t-room house East Side, walking distance. K. J. GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER has two houses for sale on easy terms, near 2SthN and Broadway. Phous East IllSH. FURNISHED modern home, Irvlngton; bar gain; terms; owner. D 247, Oregonian.