THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 8, 1014. REPAIRS 111 DOUBT Should County Fix Linnton - Highway Is Question. WEAR IS LAID TO TRUCKS DELIVERY Portland Motorists Consider Needed 'Work to Connect With Columbia Routes-Portion Free of Heavy Traffic la Good Condition. The Modern Business Builder f rvyfr cars BT RALPH J. STAEHLI. Whese place is it to repair the coun ty roads when their destruction can be attributed distinctly to a restricted number of individuals or corporations? Portland motorists are asking themr selves that with reference to the con dition of the Linnton road, the first "step of the Columbia River Highway west of Portland. Next year the result of several years' agitation for better roads will be man ifested in the Columbia River High way through Columbia and Clatsop counties. This part of the road will be almost of as great importance to Portland as the road on the Upper Co lumbia, If not more so, speaking from the commercial aspects. But this road cannot be reaoied except over the Linnton road. At the rate the destruction of the Linnton road has being going on the surface will be a mud lake in the Bpring. and the destruction over the first two miles may be attributed to the high-speed oil trucks which run be tween Portland and the oil storage plants on the waterfront below the city. While a road expert might be able to show that the trucks are not respon sible for the read eondition, the aver age motorist might be led to believe that they are because of the fair con dition of the road just below the oil plant, which the trucks do not trav erse. The road to the Lower Columbia Is expected open next year. But half the motorists will be scared out by the first two miles. Whether it is the fault of the trucks or not is left for debate, but the need for repair before next Summer is ap parent. The work In Columbia County is pro-. gresslng rapidly through the sub-con- tractor system. Some heavy blasting has been going en in the vicinity of Prescott and the road is taking its place from the heavy forest of the coast range. Portland tourists will be able to take the beach circle next year via St. Helens, Astoria, Gearhart, Tillamook and back through the mountains to the Tualatin Valley, . The Maisamas have appointed a com mittee to coroperate with the good roads movements inv Oregon. , Frank Branch Riley was elected chairman. The hikers' organization has no plan of aid in view, but for the time-being will help the boosters with its moral support. I Motorists have complained much of the bad condition of Broadway between the Broadway bridge and Union ave nue. The reason for -the laek -of pave ment is a fight between Commissioner Dieck and the property owners of the district Dieck wanted to try some expert mailt of laying pavement In alternate trips of brick and tar composition, and this did not appeal to the property owners, who stopped proceedings and petitioned for any kind of pavement which had been tried elsewhere. One position "carried a wish for the concrete base and surface type, but this did not appeal to Commissioner Dieck. And so motorists can keep right on splashing, as no move for im provement has been made either by the city or the property owners along the biggest thoroughfare of the East Bide. Portland seems to have another bad Job in the Terwilllger boulevard, which is so badly pitted that going over it in a motorcar seems as bad riding as an old-fashioned corduroy road. Shortly after its completion the sur face was several times soaked in oil. In some places ' the oil matted with the gravel and the whole made a sub stance which seemed to have all the good points of bitulithic or other hard surface. But soft spots soon developed and now the road from one end to the other Is badly scarred. In some places workmen are already taking up the surface and the base and replacing the same in better shape. GREAT RAGE ON MONDAY OAHS LEAVES LOS ANGELKS FOR RUN TO PHOENIX. Ha .-Mr 8-Cylinder Motor This photographic reproduction shows the front end of the new Cadillac eight cylinder motor, which the Cadillac Company will use in its 1915 cars. There are two groups of cylinders, each a block casting of four cylinders, mounted at. 90 degrees to each other. The cylinders are 3Vs-inch bore and 538-inch stroke. In dynamometer tests the motor shows more than 60 horse power. The crank shaft is identical in design with that used in the four cylinder car, and the cam shaft carries the same number of cams as in the four cylinder motor. y , , - The new motor Aveighs, approximately 60 pounds less than the four-cylinder motor as used in the 1914 Cadillac, and the total weight of the car is between 400 and 500 pounds less. There is but one carburetor used. The crank shaft is more than eight inches shorter than it is in the 1914 Cadillac. A carload shipment of demonstrators is leaving the factory Monday, which will make them due to arrive here about the 20th. . Govey Motor Car Co. Cadillac and Dodge Bros, Motor Cars 21st and Washington Streets Route Is Over Roads Varying; From Paved Highways to Rocky Paths and Hot Sands to Sleet Area.. won fame for his driving in a previous Phoenix contest and the celebrated race of last year, asserts the approaching desert classic" will surpass all. Racing enthusiasts will follow the cars the entire way In the Howdy spe cial, as the train which annually car ries them on this trip is known, uhe Santa Fe's railroad tracks parallel the road almost the entire distance and a wonderful opportunity for Beeing the oars in action will be afforbed. those aboard. This year's winner will be presented with, a medal. It will be known as -the Western Automobile Association per petual challenge trophy and must De won each year In order to be retained. The medal depicts a raaing car on the desert amid the cactus brush. In the background is a mountain range capped By a white diamond emblematic of the blazing sun. The tropny and its significance will make it one of the highest-prized mementoes oirerea in connection with automobile racing. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) When, Just at daybreak, Mon day 20 specially prepared and equipped racing automobiles leave the starting line for the seventh annual Los Angeles-Phoenix road race, one of the most spectacular motor contests ever run over public highways will be on. Over the National old trails route. which the cars will follow in their three days of racing, It is 670 miles from Los Angeles to Phoenix. Crews that are engaged in their trial runs report the road conditions the severest Imaginable. Leaving Los Angeles over an asphalt boulevard lined by orange groves and marked frequently by pop ulous towns and cities, In less than two hours the cars will be among the San Bernardino Mountains penetrable by the famous Cajon Pass. Immediately beyond the divide begins the Mojave desert, inhabitable only to ants, lisards and the little wren that makes its abode in the huge cactus trees. The first night control is at Needles, Cal., 800 miles from the start a town so named because of the rocky parapets near by that guard the en trance to California from the east i'rora Needles to Prescott. Ariz., the "mile-high" town, the second night's control is 288 miles. It is mountain work practically the entire way. Hours of gear work has been found necessary even for the big cars in practice. Sleet and snow storms are common in this region at this season and drivers who were sun-baked the day before may be suffering from the cold in the higher altitudes. The descent into Phoenix on the third day's run is notedjfor some of the most treacherous going on the entire course. Headed by Louis Chevrolet and Bar ney Oldfield. the field of drivers in eludes the most famous road race pilots In the country. Olln Davis and Louis Nikrent. former winners, will meet again. Billy Taylor, who finished third in the J914 Grand Prix at Santa Monica, will be a strong contender. William Carlson. Jr., a member of the Maxwell National racing team, who hi rrc n cli Government l;ses Maxwell. An Interesting story has reached the Detroit office of the Maxwell Motor Company concerning the use to which Maxwell cars have been put by the French government. To defend their to possessions in the Pacific Ocean, the French government has purchased sev. eral Maxwell touring cars and has mounted rapid-fire guna on them. These cars so equipped will do patrol duty in case hostile battleships should at tempt to invade these islands. Droulett .Bros., Maxwell dealers, whose head quarters are on the Island of Tahiti, report the sale of 50 Maxwells to the French government, presumably for the same purpose, that of defense work. GOODYEAR AGEXTS CONVENE Parade, Theater Barty and Banquet Enjoyed by 500 Representatives The jy or Akron was the prop- arty of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company October 29. 50 and SI, Good urear salesmen, branch and district managers captured the city, the ooca sion being the celebration of the con elusion pi a nigniy successful year and a planning of the company's sales campaign for 1915. The Goodyear men arrived in three special trains Thurs day morping and . were met by a re ception committee and band and es oorted to their t hotel, whore they farmed for a big parade across the oity tne irooayear Plant, una paraaa Cars are builders. radius of ( Overland Delivery economical business 0 They increase your operations, and in consequence, increase your trade and profits. (J They are dependable and rapid. (Of One of these cars will do the work of three or four with drivers. teams Overland Delivery Caxs are strong and dur-: able, They are substantially built of the very best materials. . They are very economical to operate, costing but one cent a mile for gasoline and oil. The tires are unusually large for a car of this size. This car is equipped with a high tension mag neto. Ordinarily, cars of this price have no Magneto, But a magneto is the most dependable A. circulating pump keeps all moving parts of the motor thoroughly flooded with oil; wear is reduced to a minimum. ignition. With open body Being light, these cars get around with sur prising ease and the expense of both long and short-haul work is cut to bedrock. There is large loading space. Our nearest dealer will give you complete de tails. It will pay you to see him at once. Deliveries can be made right away. Prices include Electric Starter tT f ana xaectnc iiignting oysxem . Price . o. b. Toledo . QjUS With closed body Of 5 . J. W. EEAVITT & CO., Distributors 52S Washington St, Portland, Oregon Phones, Marshall 3535, A2444 The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio Manufacturers of the Overland Pleasure Cart and Willys Utility Trucks contained many novelties. The Call fornians, for Instance, brought with them a live, bear, the state 'emblem. The Chicago district men were made up aa minstrels. The men from the South -were in costumes suitable to their climate. After the 600 visitors had been re ceived at the factory the business of the convention began, . with trips through the factory so that the visit, ors might become more familiar with the actual' processes by which Good year products are made. Thursday night there was a stag party at the Colonial Theater, !? entire house bav, ing been bought out for the occasion. There were conferences on Friday and Saturday, and on Friday night the crowning feature of the occasion was a banquet to all of the territorial men and managers in the lunchroom of the company's general office building. There were inspirational addresses by the president, vice-president, Assist ant Treasurer Palmer, H. S. Quine, W. 1. Shilta and C. C. Hopkins, of Lord & Thomas, and C. H. Carlisle, manager of the Goodyear Canadian Company. Assistant Secretary Osterloh was toastmaster. ' It was the largest sales convention ever held by an Akron company. Officials of Balboa Canal Zone has ordered three motorcycles from the States to be used in the police and fire departments. ' NEWEST POURS AND SIXES' TO ARRIVE IN PORTLAND. .l..l II .1 . .J.iJLJlllll.ll II.W 111 .Jl. 1)111 ! Illl IHllllliH. Ill HUM IUJI.I-1 JUUIHHI Llll.lllll l I)! .1. is an. I THK SIKW MITCHELL FUtll AT TIIK LKIT, AM) TIIK AT THIS 1UUHT. WHICH AltltlVMU FKIUll. The MKchell, jtewis & Staver Co., distributors of the Mitchell automobiles for. the Northwest, received their first shipment of 1916 models Fri day. A new four and the Mitchell Baby Six made up the first allotment. The light four is a duplicate of the famous little car which made the 7500 reliability run through the Eastern and Middle States. It is rated at 30 horsepower and hs 118-inch wheel base. The standard equipment includes J4x4 tires and sells for tl2S0 f, o. b. Racine. The Baby Pi is similar to-the light six of last year, and, with refinements of lines and equipments, presents the same high-class-' appearance. It has a 85 horsepower motor, with l?8-lneh wheelbase. S6x tires, and sells for 1585 at Racine. Both models are lighted electrically and started and have "one-man tops." A new windshield Is another favorable point. f ' ssssss.ssee.sssesssssssss,ssss.sss.s sss.s.ees ,.. J .. . DODGE AGENCY SETTLED COVEV MOTOR COMPANY TO HAX, DLE NEW LINE WITH CADILLAC. Small Uetrolt Machine Shop Has Be come Largest Manufacture' of Automobile Parts la Werld. It has been announced at last that Dodge Bros.' new car, about which there has been so much secrecy and interest,, is to be handled in this terri tory by the Covey Motor Car Company. "The fact that we have been willing to take this line, in connection with the Cadillac, without knowing anything more than that Dodge Bros, were to make automobiles, might seem exceed ingly foolish to anyone not fully ac quaintied with the situation," ays Mr. Covey, of the Covey Motor Car Com. pany, "but when you know the facts anyone readily can realize why we, as well as more than 12,000 other dealers. were not only willing but anxious to get it. "Every dealer knows that a large part of his success Is based en his abil ity to seleot lines to sell which already are leaders In their" class or are des tined to become so. In selecting the ' Dodge Bros." car we certainly feel that , we have made a connection of which., we have a right to be exceedingly proud. "This extraordinary confidence is T based on what Dodge Bros, have ac- ; compllshed already. From a small ma chine shop in Detroit at .the beginning: , of the automobile industry, they have become the largest manufacturers of , automobile parts in the world, having,, manufactured the vital parts for mora, than 500,000 motorcars. They have fa . oilities, capital and experience second' to none, and the new car they are to. manufacture must become the largest , seller in the world in its class." Intimate Journalism Revealed. John Facklam went to Salina, Mori-" day, and returned with a fine new Studebaker. It is a three-passenger 1915 model roadster, complete with ' electrio equipment. All John need, now is a wife and she shouldn't be hard to find.. Enterprise (Kan.) Push.; Paint - Expert Promoted. r ., William Rauschenberger, paint and.; varninh expert of the Studebaker autor mobile plants in Detroit, has been as signed charge of similar operations 11., the corporation's South Bend works aa well. HERCULES TIRES. uLtJL flurry The Tire That Stole the Skid ' Non-51rid Until Worn Out From the Automobile. Sea Island Fiber n edg,' placed at acute angles with road, interwoven with high-.v grade rubber, prevent! eutsj--, punctures, skidding and in-" sures 5000 miles. F.H. SHERMAN, Gen. Agt5 335 Burnsid. Nr. Broadway fbone Main