The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 08, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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bining bridge parties with their teas In
order tos make It more interesting, but
it proves an exceptionally grood time
to pass ihe aiternoon sewing Christ
mas gifts in company with congenial
friends and at the same time helping
the war sufferer's. Among those who
will entertain this week are Mrs. John
Withycombe, Mrs. Carl Denton, Mrs
Frederick Crowther, Mrs. Walter Goss,
Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas
Kerr, Mrs. Richard - Wilder, Misses
Winifred and Laura Miller, Mrs. Charles
T. Whitney, Mrs. Frank Dooly. Mrs.
Francis Seely, Mrs. Joseph H. McCul
lom. Miss Mabel Ransom. Mrs. John K.
Morris, Mrs. F. L. Stinson and Mrs.
William Gadsby. Among the larger
teas given last week were those pre
sided over by Mrs. Morris H. White
house, Mrs. Gay Lombard and Mrs. J. J.
Panton. all of whom entertained be
tween 25 and 35 guests
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I matrons are eagerly awaiting a day I
fn, h wot. ... Church, both of whom have been life- when their - friends have not already I
sf-j: fvV&xn 7t7if JStmgc Sin of &3'tiAfer- J'Toremcc A&ict eS 3-Aes
ss-oc eT ssi er swccc j trr- sir c-cr errors a:
Mrs. William Morton entertained the
Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club last
week,- and the Walking Club was en
tertained at luncheon by George S.
Whiteside, after a long walk In the
country. .
Interesting letters from Mr. and Mrs.
Arno Dosch to the former's parents.
Colonel and Mrs. H. E. Dosch. in this
city, tell of their experiences in France.
They are hoi'se guests of Princess
Poniatowskl, Mrs. Dosch's aunt, in her
chateau In the village of Ainse, who has
opened a hospital close to her home.
Her husband and sons are In the fight
ing line, and the Dosches plan to re
main with her until after the holidays.
Evidently they are In the midst of the
war zone, as the roar and boom of the
cannons tnd guni can be heard all
around them, while the wounded sol
diers are steadily ,eing brought into
the hospital.
Mrs. Max Houser and small son, John,
left on Wednesday for New York, where
they will be. joined by Miss Bertha I
Houser, sister of Miss Houser, who will
arrive in New York Wednesday from
Europe. The party will remain In the
East until Christmas, when they will
return to Portland. Miss . Houser will
pass several months in this city.
w m m
Complimenting Mrs. R. C. Washburn, I
of Minneapolis, Minn., . who is the
ouse guest of her mother, Mrs. Henry
E. Jones. Mrs. Jones was bostesB for
harming informal . tea Wednesday,
asking only Mrs. Washburn's old and
ntimate friends.- The tea table, at
tractively decked, was presided over byl
Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer, Mrs. Arthur M.I
Mears, .Mrs. John Effinger, of Hono
lulu, and Mrs. William D. Wheelwright. I
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hill, of Redlands,
Cal., are the house guests of Mrs.
Thomas G. Hailey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell will re-
urn tomorrow from a week-end trip!
n Victoria,
A brilliant affair of the latter part
of the week was the reception given I
by the members of the Portland Art!
Association yesterday afternoon to
honor Miss Helen Putnam and Mr. and I
Mrs. Sidney Bell, recent acquisitions I
of the society.
Mrs. Isam White and her companion.
Miss Edith Nanz, who have recently!
returned from a long tour of the Eu
ropean countries, left this morning for I
Seaside to be house guests of Mrs.
Marcus Fleischner for several days.)
Mrs. Fleischner left for the beach 1
Thursday morning, and will remain
about a fortnight.
The Reed College Drama Club will
give & presentation of Galsworthy's
"Pigeon" Saturday evening, November
14, in the Lincoln High School audito
rium. The following will serve as
patronesses: Hiss Eleanor Rowland,
dean of women. Reed College; Mrs.
Mm Jr
of Style
Our late arrivals in stunning black
Coats outclass any previous showing.
Those of Pomoire are especially hand
some, while the broadcloth, velvet
trimmed, and the new fur fabric, Hin
du Lynx, make up a display to delight
all lovers of beautiful apparel. Sev
eral charming models displayed in to
day's windows. You will enjoy seeing
"Particular" Women
are fast making this their hat ' shop and no
wonder. Just one glimpse into our Millinery de
partment would convince you, too, that our styles
are the most exclusive, our prices the lowest
in the city. Large black velvet Hats, trimmed
in fur or delicately blended Winter roses, for
dress wear, and smaller, more tailored styles for
general use, all are here in womderful assortments.
u t
if" '
The richest furs the world affords, combined and
arranged in charming effects. The fur of your choice
any price you want to pay.
Credit Your Privilege
Outfitting p3P
405 Washington Street at Tenth
We Give American Travel Scrip
William Trufant Foster Mrs. Kelley arrlvai of a son. born Thursday.
Rees. Mrs. Robert L. Sabin, Mrs. R. W,
Wilbur, Mrs. A. P. McKlsley. Mrs. J. C
At the last meeting of the Council of
Boyer presided at a charming luncheon
Wednesday, bridge rounding out the
afternoon. Covers were laid for eight,
and card honors fell -Xo Mrs. Charles
Jenning. and Mrs. Harry Blair, of San
Mrs. R. E. Menefee also entertained
with a luncheon Friday in honor of
Mrs. Lamping, her guests numbering
elerht. After luncheon thev ntaved
" " fVLjjr.V J , 4 ii s- M- Blumauer, Miss niracn, kits, bridge. Mrs. Lamping entertained re
I r. .7 j TV A " Qui Simon and Mrs. Marcus liieiscnner. cently
0.1 n incd.j.e. w.o (The dates wlllbe announced later,
was the theme of the subject dls-l
Mrs. E. L. E. White. Miss Lambert
and Miss Grace Lambert returned last
week from an eight-months' tour of
Europe. They visited relatives In the
Elliott King, Mrs. Jonah B. Wise, Miss Jewish women it was voted to give a
Henrietta Eliot, Miss Mary Frances series of teas for the benefit of the
Isom and MigV Swigert. . Neighborhood House. The teas will be
- V. Aiffarnrtt m alrnnn Mid al-
Monday afternoon marked a notable e dy four prominent members of the
event n the history or the Monday councu havo offered to give them. Mrs.
cussed by Mrs. G. J. Frankel, president
of the club; Mrs. Russell Door, chair
man of the afternoon; M. Christensen
and Miss Georgia Wey. A charming
feature of the affair was i the nterpre- East, The party was touring around
the war zone at the outbreak and
tative solos danced by attractive little
"1idP'?.fcK.?i"'iL0 o"C!.S,!.VT,elr reached England with difficulty.
proiessionai uss Georgia w ey ana Mrs. Isam White, who has passed the
ODert Aronn gave an exmomon or ,Mt ar ,n Europe traveling, returned
to Portland recently, on account or tne
hostilities In the European countries.
She is being delightfully welcomed by
her numerous friends, and was guest
of honor at a charming dinner party
presided over by Mrs. S. Llpman
the Pavlowa Gavotte, and were round
ly applauded. Miss Katherine Ensey,
who was to have contributed to the
programme with vocal selections, was
unable to be present on account of ill
a i.r H.ninv mrt u.ui h o-ivor, I Wednesday evening. Mrs. White en
hir Tnrtini momhero r,c tho Knr.R tertained a group of friends Thursday
Alpha Theta at the Hotel Benson on a dinner at the Hotel Benson, where
Friday night. The guests will be re
ceived by members of the local chap
ter Mrs. George Norris Woodley. Mrs.
Luther F. Steele, Mrs. W. H. McVay
and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. The affair 1
creating a great deal of interest in
fraternity circles,
i OCIETY has Deen so filled with
the spirit of charity and a keen
sympathy for the war suf
ferers that they have had absolutely
no time for other social diversions.
Practically all of every afternoon has
been devoted to attending several of
the chain of teas for the British Red
Cross Society, and the great desire to
help alleviate the sufferings of those
left destitute In defense of their coun
try has plunged. Portland society into
the deepest philanthropy and economy.
Everyone is busy and apparently is
having a good time, but always it is
for the benefit of the needy.
Many prominent matrons have di
verged from the chain of teas and have
substituted bridge parties to relieve
the monotony. ' -
Preparations soon will be under way
for Thanksgiving, which will be fol
lowed by the Yuletide season, always
a time for mirth. This year it un
doubtedly will be tempered with the
remembrance of those who cannot
have even a little celebration, Jout who
are suffering privations and sorrows.
However, the younger continent will
be gay, entertaining for the girls and
boys who will pass their school vaca
tions in town.
The dinner dance at the University
ujuq rnaay nignt was a brilliant af
fair, and the continuance of these de
lightful functions is assured.
Mrs. Samuel C. Kerr and her little
daughter Isobel returned early last
week from a visit of five weeks at the
Misses Etta and May F. Failing re
turned Tuesday evening to their home
after an absence of nearly a year and
a half. They were touring abroad,, and
at the outbreak of the vyar were in
Germany. They sailed for the United
States In company with Mr. and Mrs.
Winslow B. Ayer September 16. Since
their arrival in this country they have
oeen visiting eastern cities.
v Colonel and Mrs. Henry Cabell, who
went to New York to meet the Misses
Failing upon their arrival from abroad.
Walker Willis and Philip Schuyler
Kamm left last night for San Francis
co, from whence they will go to San
Bernardino, Cal.. to marry the Misses
Maud Marie and Louise Eliza Roberts,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Rob
erts. The wedding will be a brilliant
event, on the evening of November 14
in Glenwood-Mlssion Inn chapel, and
it will be solemnised by Right Rev,
Joseph H. Johnson, D. D., T.T. D., bishop
of the diocese of Los Angeles, assisted
by Rev. Dr. Rotten, rector of All-Saints
Church, both of whom have been life
long friends of the Roberts family.
There will be 20 prominent young so.
ciety belles and beaux in the bridal
party, 10 bridesmaids and 10 ushers.
Many of the ushers will be Portland
men and the bridesmaids will come
from different parts of the United
States. For several days preceding the
wedding, the Roberts family will en
tertain the entire bridal party as house
guests, and they will participate in
many of the social compliments ar
ranged for the brides-elect. The social
calendar of the attractive prospective
brides Is filled, prominent matrons vie-
ing with each other to do homage to
the charming young girls. One of the
largest affairs given in their honor was
the tea for which their aunt Mrs. John
W. Davis, of Redlands, was hostess last
week, and she plans to give a large
dance at the Country Club within a few
Mrs. Charles T. Kamm, mother of the
bridegrooms-to-be. and their sister.
Mrs. James A. McKinnon, will leave to
morrow for the South to attend the
Mr. and Mrs. William Hurd Lines
and Mrs. Lines' mother, Mrs. Warren
f Houghton, have taken apartments at
the Hotel Multnomah for six months.
during which time they have leased
their home In Madison street. .
Mrs. Lansing Stout was hostess for
delightful bridge party Friday for
the benefit of the British Red Cross
Society. Guests were asked for three
tables of the game, and attractive
prizes were awarded.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lang, of Seattle,
are passing a few days with Mr. Lang's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lang. They
were honored at a few small informal
Captain and Mrs. Gordon Voorhies
presided at a charming informal din
ner party Wednesday evening, their
guests including Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Farrell
and Roderick L. Macleay.
An affair anticipated with pleasure!
by the younger contingent is the dancing-
party for which Miss Elise Simon
will be hostess Tuesday evening at the
Hotel Benson. She has asked about
150 young people. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan D. Simon, will act aa
Interest in the Red Cross Society teas
continues unabated, in fact, many
matrons are eagerly awaiting a day
when their - friends have not already
planned one. The hostesses are com-
with an elaborate and delight
ful tea at the Nortonia Hotel, where
she is domiciled. Many other small
and charming dinners, luncheons and
teas are being given to compliment the
Mrs. Frank 'Lawrence Nau and
charming- little daughter, Hermine,
who have been visiting relatives and
friends In the East for three months,
returned to their home In this city last
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
(Ruth Steiwer) are being showered
with congratulations upon the arrival
of a baby girl, born Tuesday.
Mrs. Carl G. Llebe will leave tomor
row for a six weeks' visit with friends
in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Robert Berger has as her house
guest Miss Bernice Le Noir. daughter
of Colonel B. O. Le Noir. of the United
States Army Signal Service. Miss Lt;
Noir Is a charming and interesting girl
and has traveled extensively. She will
be Mrs. Berger's guest until after the
One of the most elaborate and bril
liant social affairs of the season was
the Masonic ball on Friday night at
their hall. Clusters of seasonable
blossoms In a riot of pleasing color
enhanced the attractiveness of the
gowns of the women. The wives of
the past masters received the guests.
C. Latouretta They were: Mrs. Walter J. Holman.
she is domiciled.
A great many informal affairs are
being planned to compliment this
charming matron.
- n
The annual ball of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will be given
on November 25 at the Irvlngton Club-
Mrs. John Klosterman and Miss house. The chairman or tne arrange-
K-omnu Kinii.nnin win lanva on Tnea. I ment committee is Mrs. A. ijieDiscn,
Aa-mr fnn Vnlr whr. thev -will I and she will be assisted by Mrs. V.
pass-the Winter. I ouv., viiB
m m m i mrs. r - juuliu, mra. j .
Mr. and Mrs. Folger Johnson (Edith Mrs. P. L. Thompson.
l nese annual nances are ciauui
and notable affairs, and the members
of the organization and their friends
turn out in large numbers to enjoy
I the true Southern hospitality of the
m m w
Great Interest is being manifested
In the coming semi-annual inter-
school hop on Friday night at the
Masonic Temple. - The committee is
making every effort to have a success
ful affair. One event which every one
will take great pleasure in will be
the singing of Pinkerton Day. The
ballroom is to be elaborately dec
The patronesses are: jtlesdames Dom
Zan, Baltis Allen, David M. Dunne,
Dudley Balin, Mrs, Walters and Mrs,
G. E. Hamaker.
The committee which has been se
lected from the younger set is: The
Misses Lucile Dudley, Gladys Dunne,
Dorothy Cooper, Ruth Walters, Phoebe
Gage, Marlon Hoben and live riooa,
and Baltis Allen, William Lewis, Julius
Berkey. Carl Logan, Domald Keys, A.
Townsend Kurtz and Robert Hamaker.
Complimenting Mrs. L. F. Lamping,
a popular Seattle matron, who is pass
ing a few weeks In tnis city, Mrs, w. n
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i Bushnell, Photo'
and Engraved
Third Floor, Morgan Bldg.
, Third' Floor, Washington Bldg.
Great Hotel
and Its Service
To uphold with a fine sense of re
sponsibility the best traditions of a
quarter century of perfect service, is
the aim of this hotel.
You will find here every comfort and con
venience of modern city life ; added to that, the
genial atmosphere of a refined home life the
genuine hospitality that takes a joy in good
When diniiig out, you'll enjoy to the full the
excellent menus provided by our dining-room
and grill-room ; the tariff is as moderate as .that
of any first-class dining place.
Orchestra Every Evening
The Portland Hotel
. G. J. Kaufmann, Manager
S all & Pressman
Any Suit in House to Your Order
ONLY $35.00
This Week Only. Satisfaction Guaran
171 Eleventh, V4 Block So. Morrison.
In Pearl, Black and Aluminum
Plain or with Handle
At your Jeweler's or Optician's
SO Maiden Lank.