The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 08, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 29

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M iscellaneous.
If It's
Over 1,000,000 BARGAINS, including
and everybody.
Babbitt, Rope, etc.
In sizes to 24 inches.
all kinds and sizes
for all purposes pipe can possibly
be uaed and
Our Prices Will Astonish.
For Railroad, Contractors, etc.
Our Stock. Is Complete.
If you want anything in
or will want any,
at ridiculously low prices.
COME NOW while our stock
1 Is Complete.
A complete assortment of
and all other fixtures as well as
of all kinds and sizes.
To save space and time
From a NAIL to a LO CO MOTIVE .
40-ton Derrick Irons
10-ton Road Roller
Locomotive Crane
.$ 28.50
. 750.00
. 750.00
The House of a Million Bargains.
240-244 Front Bt cor. Main.
FOR SALE CHEAP, stern-wheel steamer
Olympian; carries 400 passengers, fully
equipped and ready for service; 158 feet
long, 2ti feet beam; compound tandem 1500
H. P. engines; oil burner. For particulars
apply to Moncrieffe Cameron, Proctor in
Admiralty, 324 Central bldg. Main load
and Queen Anne 1463, Seattle, Wash.
Raincoats, overcoats, watches, phono
graphs, typewriters, cameras, musical in
struments, etc Stein Loan Co.. Id years
in business.
26 N. 6th St., Near Burnside.
SEWING MACHINES Singer, $7; Bartlett,
$'-'2.50; White, $17; Wheeler & Wilson, $15;
New Home, $27.50 ; Queen. $12.50 ; Do
mestic. $17; New Queen, $11; Household,
$0; Free, $27.50; snaps and guaranteed.
Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d St.,
near Taylor. Main 0431. 11
Sold on very easy payments; rented one
week $1. one mo. (3, 2 mo. $5. Repaired
by experts. We call for and deliver.
Mar. 721. S82 Morrison St. A 6110.
SEWING machines of all makes, new and
second-hand; bargains; $5 up with a writ
ten guarantee to sew perfect; machines
rented and rent applied on purchase price.
Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma
chine Emporium, 190 3d, near Taylor.
FOR sale cheaD 1 bamboo book case. 1 two-
VUJ5STai80linJlIt01,A Siw" aimn
1 tame, 1 make and break and 1 jump
spark gas engine coils. Phone Tabor 4807,
or call 121 Freemont St., cor. 62d.
HEATING stovs and ranges left in stor
age, also dining table and chairs, bed
springs, mattresses and folding bed and
various other articles for sale. Call at
VanHorn Transfer Co., 42 1st at.
Alternating and direct current motors,
guaranteed in every respect. All makes.
40 Second Bt. We sell or rent.
HEATING stoves and ranges left In storage.
also dining table and chairs, bed sprlnes, 1
articles for sale. Call at VanHorn- Trans
fer Co.. 42 1st st.
sold, rented, repaired.
Over fiO motors on hand.
B. E. DAVIS & CO.,
103 E. Water St. East 3146, B 2236.
STERLING sllcer, 1G0 account McCaskey,
100 account National, electric coffee mill,
hand mill. Dayton cheese-cutter; no rea
sonable offer refused. Call Monday, 93
" lt st.
Derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets.
concrete mixers, pumps, etc.
46 Second st. We sell or rent.
Second-hand Swensen stumn Duller.
fully equipped. 214 Front st. Call Marshall
1-A Graflex camera, fitted with Zeiss kodak
Anastigmat lens with carrying case, cost
SS8: will sell $00. easy terms. Phone
j Marshall 3071, A-2286.
SECOND-HAND SAFES and office furniture
at less than half price. Kiiham Station
ery a rriuting 00., iitn ana uek sts.
CIGAR store fixtures for sale. For infor
mation call at cixar store. 535 Burnslde
street or phone Main 30U2.
DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made
In Oregon; per gallon. $1.65. Portland
Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 10O.
ROSE beads, all sizes, loose or strung, 2c
each and up. Take 16th-st. car. 427 21st
st. North, cor. Vaughn.
HAVE for sale 10 colonial electric wall fix
tures; are very artistic. Phone Marshall
14. A 5086.
LARGE, handsome, solid mahogany rocker. I
tapestry covered; cost $00; sell less than
nair. aii Main oaa.
LONG golden wis, suitable for stage, very
cheap : perfection oil stove, almost new.
.t'none- aiain
SAFES All sizes at cost: safes re cat red.
Mosler Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank
bldg. Main 7670.
FOR SALE or trade; several hundred dozen
spectacles, eye glasses and gogles. H 384,
Highest price paid for second-hand ,
registers. 24a Washington st.
I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam-
eras and lenses. in. ad st.
ONE S-H. P. gasoline marine engine. $50:
one 10-H. P. gasoline engine, $40. X 380,
' A MACHINE for stamping all kinds of
checks. Call mornings for inspection at
blv SooKane ave. faellwood 333.
SIX oak dining chairs, portable gas lamp
(figure of boy), green rug and Burbank
potatoes, off. in. union. j aui 3.
PERFECT 1 karat diamond, fine color.
lor sale or trade zor Ford auto. S 387,
WA RDROBE trunk, brand new. cost $75.
price $'-0; large suitcase, brand new. cost
$28, price $i". Piione woodiawn 400.
HOUSEBOAT One of the finest on the
' river ; elegantly furnished. No. 2, Oregon
xacnt jiud. 4
MOTORBOAT Speed lq, milea, cheap. No.
2, uregon x aeni jiud.
SET fine mink furs, cheap; practically new.
jan i-v orn si.
FOR SALE A large roll-top denk and re
volvlng chair, cheap, ynons Main 2005.
for$4. MalntiY3, a 44i. 244 Stark st.
WOOD burner. Pipe ana Doard, all new
cheap. 5o0,i 3 th ave. r. tt. Mt. Scott car.
WILL sell or rent xlo logging engine, two-
drum, nearly new. Claussen. 40 2d at.
Ryder Ptg. Co., S.W. cor. 3d and Marriaon.
SAFES New and
101 First st.
second-hand; bargains.
WHITE metal manicure table aud chairs;
a bargain. ;ni 11th st.
THREE handsome new stage or ballroom
gowns. ;i0-4". l0 Nebraska.
USE Bassetfs Native Herbs for rheumatism.
60 tablets for 25c. All druggists.
FOR RENT Donkey engine suitable for
grubbing. 630 E. 20th st. N.
FOR SALE 2 -room houseboat, furnished ;
must be sold at once. 1668 Macadam.
F"OR SALE Heavy 14x16 tent with full-size
fly, cheap. .103 I3tn sc., room o.
TENT house lftx22. "bargain. Hawthorne
car to 67th, one block south.
BI'CKEYE Incunator cheap,,
lars call Columbia
For particu-
WANTED Indian arrow points and mortars.
eu s. mm n st. in. rnone iviein uo.
WANTED looO rolls of paper to hang at
iv cents a roil. iaoor .'iei.
BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk
dept MimiiM or a lbb3. Barde.
waxt second-hand viflibl tvriAwritPr
Phone East 40S5.
SMALL assayer's crucible complete, cheap
and in good condition. R 387. Oregonian.
WANTED Canoes. Peterborough preferred.
C WW. oregonian.
able. AC 33,
bicycle, must
be reason -
AND you will get highest cash prices, no
matter what you have. Call Main 2O80.
221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main $072.
Our buyer calls promptly.
247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3595.
221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tocla
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072.
Our buyer calls promptly.
WANTED Good second-hand adding ma
chine; must be In good order and a rea
sonable price; will pay cash. Henry L.
Bents, Aurora, Or.
WANTED Use of horse, light work, for
Winter, for care and keep. Sanitary barn,
good feed. Phone Tabor 4601 between 6
and 8 P." M.
WANTED Second-hand vibrator; state
price; must be reasonable; Arnold pre
ferred : give telephone number. C 307,
WANTED, immediately, second-hand adjust
ible dress form ; must be reasonable.
808 13th st., room 0.
Furniture, pay best prices. Owl Furniture
Co., 231 1st st. Phone Main 4027. ,
DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur
niture before you call the Bell Auction
House. 194 2d st. Marshall 4783.
TINTING room and clean woodwork, $2 up;
painting, papering, all work first class.
Phone Main 2990.
ALL kinds of advertising matter prepared
on snort notice; terms moderate. H tt),
WILL pay cash for bargain in first-class
library table; also elect rio library lamp.
M 394, Oregonian.
WOULD like to rent a miniature or baby
grand piano; must be In good condition.
B 387, Oregonian.
WILL -aay cash for second-hand sewing ma.
chines any make, any condition.
G 304,
Don't give it away. Get our figures first.
standard Fur to., lea 1st. Main ita.
WANTED Fox terrier pup. male; give age.
price and where may be seen. W 392, Ore
Tabor 3386.
and other furniture.
FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for
any Kind or furniture. main boi.
WANTED To rent 16-guage shotgun for J
weeks, ben wood 3 bo.
WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at
your price, pnone e.ast in.
For your furniture. Phone Sell wood 1682.
WANTED Three National cash registers at
once; will pay spot casti. Main ouo.
WANTED Good gas sjtove.
Phone Tabor 5483.
DIAMOND WANTED, ft to 1 k. ; must be
bargain. AC 382, Oregonian.
WA NTED Second-hand baby carriage. AB
33, Oregonian
CASH paid for . hair combings. Sanitary
joeauty manors, uu ueiium biug.
WANTED 2 second-hand bowling alleys.
Oregon Alleys, oat Broadway.
WANTED Gibson mandolin; must be cheap
ior casn. au yi, oregonian.
WANTED for cash. 1 or 2
s. H. brick. Banschbach, 1020
Yeon bldg.
WANraD Expert merchandise men to con-
duct special sales ; must have experience
good proposition: men who can write signs
preferred. Call Marshall 4487 between 2
and p. so., today.
DISTRICT AGENTS who know how to han
dle and organize a force of lady agents
to sen our iamous "Jtmttop petticoats;
this is a real opportunity to make five to
ten thousand a year; don't answer unless
you can show us, epeiiman &. co., iJT b.
WANTED An active, reliable man to rep- !
resent a ban rranciaco manuiacturer 01
men's overshirts and pants in Oregon and
Washington on a liberal commission basis.
Must be familiar with the line. Answer.
giving past experience and references. Box
A v iio, oregonian.
MAN of good character in each town to
distribute free goods as advertising, ex
perience unnecessary, references required,
15 a week to start. Address Hudson.
King & Co., Inc.. 16 So. Clinton, Chicago.
LOCAL firm can use one more live, ener- 1
getlo young man, solicit orders for food 1
product: steady work, good pay; refer
ences; give phone number. T 307, Orego
LET us tell you, FREE, of 24 ways to make 1
money, it may be beginning of financial
independence. Address w. Gray, 1030 3d
st.. j?an Diego, cai.
TWO Al auto drivers and mechanics, must
nave tecnnicai xnowieage timing, etc. au
to school graduates preferred. B 381, Ore
. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy
guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus
tlers make money. Washington Nursery
t o., xoppenian. wasn.
EVERYWHERE Good pay to men willing
to uistriDUte circulars, samples, tack
signs, etc. No canvassing. Continental
Register, Chicago.
$5 TO $10
day easily made. Co-operate I
with us; no capital or experience necea- I
box 11 1 reaa. cat.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper, nermanent nosltlon.
saiarv to commence sou: give iuii aetans.
age, education, experience and references
in application, a a&u, uregonian.
WANTED Experienced solicitor, accustomed
to do business with ladies; salary, com
mission to business getter. T 87$, Orego
$2n00 ANNUALLY, co-operate -with me even-
ings, nome; everyimng lurnisnea. uoni
worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown,
Omaha, Neb.
NOTICE, automobile owners; we can at all
tlmes supply you with competent chauf
feurs, mec names. Employment Dept., Mar.
4000. pacific Auto Schools, 2-6-268 11th.
CANVASSERS Investigate thia money-male.
ing proposition, vjuicvc sales, good proiits.
1S23 Northwestern Bank bldg. Call bet.
4 and 6 P. M.
EXPERIENCED house-to-house salesman:
go cenLs prone eaca sate, a. ass, ure
YOUNG man, pleasant work, money each
day. Hood, 1038 Chamber of Commerce,
Sunday, 2 to z f. M.
WANTED Man to kalsomine number of
rooms; we furnish material; take pay In
room rent, uau Main uos arter iu a. RL.
EXPERIENCED, energetic advertising man.
iirst-ciass proposition ior tne right man.
Address Sr. o. dox lai.
WANTED Younsr man now emoloved. to
Keep dooks evenings ana act as secretary
ior smaii corporation, ah. bub, oregonian.
WANTED Gardener. German preferred, to
lane cnarce on a new piace, piant trees,
shrubs, etc. Call room 210 Board of Trade.
MEN to clear land near Lents by contract;
j. acres: ngnt. Aicuoy, zisa iast Stark;
Aitameaa car; can bun day;
WANTED 500 men to wear one-buck shirts:
every shirt in the house a dollar. 1 Buck
Shirt Kouae, o.3 w ashington.
WANT man to clear land; must have cash
to guarantee equipment. Call COO Burn-
WANTED Solicitors for collection agency to
pay j.uc a 0111. can oo Jkiorgan bldg.
EXPERIENCED special edition advertising
euiiciiors, religious journal; experienced
oniy. zv t o 10c n r.xcnange.
WANTED Boy with one to two vear
penence at tne tinning trade. Apply at
1 .oD oanuy uivu.
MAKE J10 to $13 a week after lunner:
local acquaintance helpful to you. Phone
iarsnan ijid ior particulars.
FIRST-CLASS candy-maker; none but first-
class neea apply, impress candy Co., 406
K. Morrison.
WANTED Rpllsble man to take charge of
a restaumTiL anu Battery; must nave some
cash. Main r.H.
I COLLECTOR, salary and commission, young
man residing wilh parents. 370, Ore-
PHOTO coupon; new ticket for live ones.
Cutbertn biuqio. ueaum oiag.
vUlvi pnoto agents, new snap offer, extra
commission. Moore studio, fcJIkr bldg.
fori PHOTO agents, something new: extra com-
ADDRESS and phone five detectives; atate
experience. jhqx oi'i. city.
WANTED man to sell A-l pies house to
house, on commission. .. su, oregonian.
WANTED Good coatmsker; no other need
apply. 1H wiuiams ave wood-awn liui.
All youna- men seeking employment in !
commercial, clerical or technical lines are
cordially invited to consult the employ
ment secretary.
Record. 1912:
Calls for men from, employers. 2855
Positions filled 1
Employment memberships $5 per annum.
guarantees members will secure mpio
ment or refund of fee. Includes two-
months full and 10 months social priv
Issued by employment secretary only.
Second fl oor, Y. M. C. A. bldg.
AT ONCE Physician for lumber company,
SI 25 : : commissary Mgr.. $75: foremen,
sawyers, filers, $100; engineers, firemen,
; untermen, $3.00; dox iactory iore
man (ton salary), rip sawyers, blockset-
ters, -ed germ en. 12.50-; man to oversee!
-wea vine-room In cotton factory: rapid
loadermao, S3. 50: office Mgr., traveling
salesmen. together with several other
high-class openings;-If you are a sawmill
mechanic, mechanical or clerical Aaares
this office. Mack's. Little Rock, Ar.
GENERAL agents, first-class salesmen, two
new $05 articles, big commissions paid in
full on frntftnr. of orders: eeneral
agent required to give bond or make
small cash deposit, must have previous
exrierlencfi hand line- salesmen: one sales
man earned $180 ; another $125, another
$225 last week; only flrst-claBs, responsible
salesmen with successful record need ap
ply. Experience, references must be given
xirst letter. J. c Hawkins, mewton, iqw.
DON'T look for work; there is a big demand
for competent automobile drivers, repair
men, stationary and tractor engineers, by
our new system of teaching you can be
come an expert in a short time. We give
you a free trial. Call or write for "Truth
About "-the Automobile Business."
266-208 11th st.. Portland, Or.
AUTOMOBILE Instruction by reliable auto
repair company lor men who wisn to learn
this business RIGHT, including MACHINE
6HOP WORK; men who have attended
Automobile schools without obtaining re
sults should grasp this opportunity; inves
tigate our proposition. BOO uawtnorne ave.
tisear union).
A LARGE department store In the city re
quires tne services or a tnorougn experi
enced window dresser; must have had ex
perience in department store work and
able to furnish the beet references; give
full particulars in first letter. D 388,
WANTED Experienced life Insurance sales
man for Massachusetts company ; special
line of work; prospects furnished; ac-
aualntance not necessary but must be ex
perienced man; straight commission basis.
liberal contract. 714 Spalding bldg., pe-
tween 9 and 10 A. M.
MAN and wife for farm near city; man to
work outside and paid for actual time;
wife to cook for few men at fixed price
per meal; good unfurnished house, sup
plied: nermanent place for permanent peo
ple; references required. Address R 382,
NEED branch managers for my worldwide
mail order business: operate from own
home,, spare time; no canvassing or ped
dling: experience unnecessary: you should
make S50 weekly. Butler, 167 Factories,
Toieao, O.
A PACIFIC COAST corporation with best
indorsements wants state- agents. Oregon.
idano: large immediate casn returns ior
high-class men; temporary investment re-
quired. Address, riving phone, giving par-
ticulars at interview
only. M 3S1 Ore-
LOCAL manufacturer of a line of high-
grade patented specialties wants represen-
itive ior eastern Washington and one
for Utah; must be responsible and & sales
man, call bunaay 1 to ft f. ja. ; during
week 8 to 9:30 A. M. 724 Cham of Com.
WANTED A live-wire advertisement solici
tor, one acquainted with the ' Portland
trade preferred; magazine work; excellent
contract; big commissions. Inquire 305
Lumber Exchange, 12 to 4 P. M., today.
Monday or Tuesday.
I WANTED A good, steady young man or
boy for general outdoor work in private
country place, near Portland ; must be
able to milk and take care of cow; state
wages; references. W 304, Oregonian.
USE spare time to build up mall order
business or own; neip you start ior snare
in nronts: 27 opportunities. particulars
free. Dept. B-12, Opportunities Exchange.
WANTED Experienced working shift boss
tor gold mine wno uncerstanas tne opera
tion and repairs or mine pumps, air com
pressors hoist and machinery. . Address
AV 150, Oregonian.
CO-OPERATE with us: big money: no cap
ital or experience necessary; s to siu
dailv easilv made, particulars free, uamo-
bell supply Co., Dept. tf. 10 w Didg., salt
Lake City, utan.
AN enterprising man may add considera-
bly to his income by acting as press cor
respondent: an or part time; any locality.
Send for particulars. Associated News
paper Service, Vancouver, Canada.
WANTED Unorganized American workers
to help an organization lor our own pro
tection: if you have any ideas, call Sun
day at 88th and Wasco sts., white house.
Mt. Hood car.
WHOLESALE house; have opening for ca
pable- and experienced credit man familiar
with adjustments; give references, experi
ence and salary expected. is fso, ore-
Have ono 5-room house left that painter I
can rent and pay 6 months rent In work;
must have reierence. t-mitn-wagoner co..
Stock Exchange.
MAKE MONEY WITH US; amount depends
UDon time devoted: no canvassing: ambi
tious local man wanted. Address Ostran
der. Dept. 271, 12 West 31st sC, New York.
$80 MONTHLY and expenses, travel, Qis-
inDUia sampte. iko uruere, or upyoiui
agents; permanent. Jap American Co.
WANT hustler to work in my shop; steady
work, good pay; must have $500 to loan
or take interest; best opportunity In town.
Call 500 Burnside.
WANTED Man with some insurance ex
perience, call Monday. 340 Morgan bldg.
SOLICITOR for good paying proposition;
per cent. Call 310 McKay bldg.
Help Wanted Agents.
AGENTS Men or women. 100 per cent profit
selling our line ; something new ; every
nouse a sale; out-or-town territories go
inir fast: write tor vours todav. Touthftl
Rrrlftntific Laboratories. GUI Koarriwav hlrl w.
NEW Invention, scrubs, takes up water; no
cloths, no wringing of any kind; water
pours cut; easy sales, big profit; exclu
sive territory, .fir rung mis. co.. Dept. D,
cnicago, 111.
GREATEST offer ever made; eleven-piece
toilet article set and $1 carving set. All
cost ouc; sens ior i; zu sales a day easy.
Write today. Pierce Chemical Company,
Station c, Chicago.
I FREE sample; nosplash water strainers sell
themselves: no' talking; experience un
necessary; dally profits $5 upwards; send I
. mailing cost;. -tt. seed r liter co..
isew iorn.
WE show you how to double your Income:
write lor special agents proposition; mer
chants Duy on stent, sample sent: laree.
exclusive territories. Nager, 253 Broadway.
isew lorx.
AGENTS Make $40 to $o0 daily selling
beautiful Russian fur sets: price xb.dO. re
tails $S0; $1 must accompany order, which
will be sent C. o. d., subject examination. 1
Manufacturing Furrier. 10 West 22d, N. Y. ;
HERE is one live agent's seller of years;
needed in every nome, office and factory;
sells on sight; sure repeater; 100 per cent
profit; send for free particulars. Frank
Lawrence Co., dept. 15, Salem, Or.
WE pay $3tl a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound:
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
1 . parsons. &an-
SOMETHING N EW, sells on sight to every 1
automobilist, biggest profit fastest seller,
write for particulars. Mutual Supply,
1407 E. fi5th, Chicago.
AGENTS wanted in every town outside of
Portland to handle a rast-seiilng household
specialty. Write for free particulars. Bur-ton-Nichol
Co.. Portland, Or.
REAL money getter; experienced canvassers,
investigate; even beginners succeed; big
opportunity for crew managers. Call 308
-East Morrison st.
AGENTS make 50 per cent profit; sell every
mechanic on Bigot; new invention, ex
clusive territory. Write Dahl Co., 61
East 42d., New York.
NEW fibre home broom, costs same as good!
broom, outlasts four. Sold only by agents
guaranteed. Hllker Mop Co., 1320. Oraod
ave.. Chicago.
vrw necktie proposition, holidays. $30 to
s.iO week, nfw until unnstmas: ourrii
free to Nov. 20. Write quick. Wilson Mfg.
Co., B-471", Lancaster, Ohio.
AGENTS make big money, become sales
1 ar. for our goods; fast office seller: fine
profits. Particulars, sample free. One Dip
Pen Co., 7iti oany ttecora. aitimore. Aid.
KEROSENE-GAS burners, cook stoves or
ranees: stop use or wood or coal: patented
1514: money-maker for agents. Vapor Gas
Burner Co., oesit ty, commous. o.
AGENTS We have a new, quick seller. The
Rapid Foiisning ciotn. send tor sample
and particulars. Pacific Sales Company.
BOX r-prtianq, kjt.
5'-K9 PROF-IT ; gold and silver sign letters
for store ana on ice winnows; any one
ran nut on: write today, free sample.
Metallic letter
1 Co., 437 N. Clerk, Chicago.
AGENTS learn about profits made supply
ing uerfumes to famili... Address LeXfler
Co, indian-,poli- lad
Help Wanted -Agents
TURN your efforts into cash while building
up . business of your own. Men ana
wonnen everywhere to take orders. Never
before has any agent had opportunity like
this to coin money; brand new article;
Winter best season ; no experience neces
sary with our out-of-ordinary plan to make
.sales easy; we deliver; you carry no stock;
we collect; everything to help our sales
men ; over 1O0 per cent commission; S5u
to $100 weekly for you; exclusive terri
tory ; now Is your chance grab it. Write
at once for more Information. Swlss-Amer-lcan
Co.. 134-A Times bldg., Chicago.
MAKE $21 NEXT SATURDAY; brand new
proposition, natented last January; amaz-
incr invention, compressed air washing
machine, weishs but two pounds, excels
work of high-priced machines, customers
excited, agents coining money, a sale at
everv house, nrlca nnlv ft 1.50 200& nroflt:
cleans tub of clothes In 3 minutes, works
nice magic, a: nugnea mane s:i iirst o.
hours; no charge for territory, business
supplies the capital; Investigate; write
now. Wendell Co., 481 Oak St.. .ueipgic, o.
MAN as exclusive agent; we manufacture
six styles seir-wringlng mops, an pur
poses. Including absolutely new combina
tion schubbing brushmop that is self
wringing; every woman wants this proven
success ; new, inexperienced men mat
$9 day. One man made $120 second week.
No investment. Send for catalogue, exclu
sive territory proposition that will make
you Independent. Hllker Mop Co., 132iA
Grand ave., Chicago, 111.
REPRESENTATIVE Exclusive territory,
new invention sruaranteed bv reputable cor
poration, saving 2a per cent to gasouno
users or money ret una en; automouuv,
motorboat, stationary engine owners buy
at first offering. Territory going quick-
Gas Saver Sales Company. 1 1 U0
Broadway, New York.
MAKE $30 to 960 weekly selling our new
800-candlepower gasoline lantern. Also
table and hart Kins, lamoa for homes, stores.
nans, enure nes; no wick, no cnimney.
Costs lc per night. Exclusive territory.
We loan you s am Die. Sunshine Safety
Lamp Co., 724 Factory bldg., Kansas
City, Mo.
MAKE $100 to S3O0 month easy selling our
new triplicate saucenan. cooking dirier-
ent foods, one burner; saves gas; 400
specialties, all whirlwind sellers; write
quick for territory and large catalogue.
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Dlv. 3050,
Lemont, in.
WE start you in business, furnishing every-
imng; men ana women, u io uu woen.
ly operating our "New System Specialty
Candy, factories' home or small room
anywhere: no canvassing. Opportunity
lifetime; booklet free. Kagsdaie Co., dox
fc. East Orange, N. J.
AGENTS WANTED Either sex, for the best
selling oook. puDiisnea; one agent -ou
36 the first day; another 138 the first 5
days. Write for terms and Tree outiit.
Address J. Grenler, P. O. Box 8930, Ogden,
HOLIDAY neckwear; biggest, best, most
proritabie line; send ior oeautixui sampie
outfit, containing cards, six handsome
samole ties, that sell 25o to 87c each. Pre
paid $1. Write free catalogue. Crane-Wat
son Co., Equitable bldg., Boston, Mass.
OXO-OAS. latest invention for lighting and
heating homes, stores, churches, etc; ouvb
cheaner to install and onerate than any
other method : exclusive sales rights
given. Gloria Light Company, 1267 wash
ington boulevard, Chicago, 111.
AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest
seller yet; every user pen, and ink buys
on sight; ZOO to 600 per cent prorit; one
agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32
in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X44, La
CTosse, wis.
FASTEST seller right now is our book,
"Europe at War." Agents say it is biggest
money maker of past 10 years: s:art
profitable work. Send free sample outfit.
j. s. z.iegier to., wnoieaaie dook uept.
AGENTS wanted everywhere In Wash, and
ure. v apunzcr ior vuios ouu wii'
boats; saves much gasoline; prevents
backfire: more power. .rrice 3. avery
ownor wants one. Good commission. Write
at once. H. R. Willis, Everett, Wash.
PORTRAIT agents, send la jour originals
no advance in prices: gooa portraits
?rompt shipments; plenty of convex glass,
ndependent Portrait & Frame Company,
820-31 so. state street, Chicago.
AGENTS Sell guaranteed hosiery; 70 pe
cent profit; make $10 dally; orders re-
neat rejtulariy : nest agent seller in ex
Intence. International Mills, West Phila
delphia, fa.
THREE good men wanted to sell $6 article
advertised in national magazines; quick
seller, good commission. can between
and 4 P. M. Monday, 738 Chamber of
EVERYBODY can make money working for
us; will not interrere with your regular
occupation ; only cost to you Is a 2c stamp
tor a reply.- Address Aiyers, auii a st
Tacoraa, wasn.
YOU can secure b Iks: est line Christmas ape
ciaities by sending lc post-card uiv. D4i,
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemon t. Hi
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SIX men, Nov. 15, to represent us; Western
cities, towns, iou to aou . moniniy; w
nav Thursday, no samples, no selling, col
lectin: simply determination to work.
Such full instructions furnished that sue
cess is assured. Write, secure splendid In
come. L. V. Browne, Sec'y, 870 Schwlnd
bid g.. Dayton, c.
To sell stock in organization that Is
aweenlnr the country: territory alread
opened up; indorsed by Farmers Union
and Grange of Washington; sanctioned by
blue skv law of Oregon. Do not apply un
less you are a live wire. 1118 Spalding
WE want aggressive regular and side lln
salesmen to sell our popular -priced lin
of water-colored calendars; season starts
January 1: we are manufacturers, not
lubbers: you can earn $10 to $20 daily
also imported advertising novelties. Em
pire Art Co., Chicago.
SPECIALTY salesmen or merchants pre-
f erred, sell retail firms unexcelled high
class specialty; permanent connection
our men earning $100 week regularly
d lend id onoortunity: commission cuntrac
paid weekly; state experience. Champio
Register Co., Cleveland, O.
i SALESMAN, experienced any line, to sell
sonerai trade, racuio territory: unex
celled specialty proposition, commission
contract- 35 weekly for expenses. Con
tinental Jewelry , Co., 03-45 Continental
bids:.. Cleveland, unio.
1 H.i(iH.-tir(.AlJfci expenencea salesman as an
irici niuuuKKr lur bit in id j uu utKioai
money-making specialty ever offered
retail trade; write at once. National
Magnetic Sign Co., Reserve bldg Clev
land. Ohio.
TWO-.hicrh-grade specialty salesmen or ca
pable ex-mercnants; vacancy xsovemDer
IS: staple line, liberal weekly advances.
protected territory, old estaoiisnea nouse
S. E. Kline, 08-45 Crafts bldg., Cleve
land. Ohio.
EPERIENCED capable ' salesman. travel
for old-established house with line th;
sells to nracticallv all classes mere nan
high commissions, weekly advance to right
man. XJ. . arrows, jjeiroit, jxxivu,
MANUFACTURER requires general 'agent
for patented demand or centuries: s-mir
ute demonstration convinces; a financial 1
Independence to acceptable parties. Samuel
C OBoorn, Masonic 1 em pie. cmcago.
SALESMEN Aluminum utensils and spe
cialties; hardware and department store
trade connections preferred; prices that
get business: exclusive territory to $3000
men. Aluminum Products Co.. Lemont, 111.
WANTED Progressive salesman, capable of
managing sales department of new Ore
gon industry; must take working Inter
est In company. For particulars see Win.
C. McClure. 414 Falling bldg.
WANTED Two first-class salesman for
Portland and vicinity, for a new proposi
tion just out; you can make good money
on this. Call 208 Lumber Exchange bidg,
Monday from 10 A. M. to 12.
TRAVELING SALESMEN; best side line
yet; pays expenses; pocket sales outfit;
easy seller; prompt commissions. South
ern iKovelty Co., van jesuren, cmcago,
SALESMAN making small towns, selling
premium punch deals, can earn $30-uu
commission weekly; best dals on market.
Washington Sales Co., 28 W. Washington,
SALESMEN Five to $20 per day. present
Ing free most startling and useful article
ever offered with a magazine; permanent
position. National Magazine, 39 West 21st
st., JNew 1 ora.
CAPABLE specialty man, Oregon; staple
line, new exceptions terms; vacancy now;
attractive commission-contract; $35 week
ly for expenses. Miles r . ttixier io., zao-o,
Carlin bldg., Cleveland. O.
TRAVELING salesman to sell manufactur-
r' line Sorlnir dress goods, novelties, d!
rect to country retailers; excellent side
line, liberal commission. The Lake wood
Mills, box 414. Philadelphia, Pa.
1 'K F!T 5 salesmen to sell stock In a small
town manufacturing concern. Call 826
Northwestern Bank bldg. Monday, 8:30
A. M.
LIVE salesman can earn $200 per month
learning specialty llrw; rapid advancement;
young man preferred; give phone. K 302,
SALESMEN to sell our check protector; It
sells to every person who writes check ;
circulars, information iree; sample 20c
Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg.. Toledo, O.
SALESMEN to call on physicians; estab
lished trade; expenses ana . commission;
also one for outside city, ft o. uox a-i,
Ph lladelphla.
SALESMEN cler $14 on each order for our
punchboard deais. Aaaress uenrena uroi.
4S47 Adams St., Chicago.
SALESMEN, lower Columbia harbor prop
erty. R. L. Yoke. 1116 Northwestern
Bin bldu
Help Wan ted Salesmen.
HIGH -CLASS man of integrity who is pos
sessed of or who can develop ability as a
salesman may. after November 15, niake
profitable and permanent connection with
one of the largest institutions of the
Northwest; headquarters, Portland; state
experience in salesmanship and present or
former connection: all replies will be con
sidered in strict business confidence: will
arrange for personal interview if your re
ply indicates possibility of your being the
man wanted. Address G 3S5, Oregonian.
SALESMEN We desire the services of re
liable and ambitious men, with selling ex
perience, to cover choice territory, begin
ning January 1, 1916, with our new line
of art and business calendars, advertising
fans, pencils and specialties In leather,
celluloid, cloth and metal. It "is line with
merit and worthy of the best efforts of the
most capable salesmen. Address The Shaw
Advertising Company, Kansas city, jmo.
FOR permanent connection worth $5000 to
X7000 annually to producers who are win
In to work 10 months in year; line is
strongly advertised best trade papers, is
soia to aa classes ox retail u;--r-i
towns and RmnllAP fit! AH. old-established
highly-rated firm; do not answer this ad
unless willing to furnish references and
small bond. Dept. A O, 4U1 nesner uu.
FOR vear lftla beo-lnnlne Jan. 1. we want
aggressive salesman lor Oregon to give
our line full time and attention. It era
braces everything, in calendar and nov
elty advertising line; nand-paantea as
luxe and all eradi of domestic calen
dars; also cloth and leather goods; lib
eral terms; state business experience in
first letter. Address sales mgr. United
States Calendar Co., Cincinnati.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our 'fine line of
advertising calendars, leather goods, nov
elties; over 1000 different pieces of leather
goods, memorandum books and diaries,
as well as best line of calendars and spe
cialties. We have reputation of being.
most progressive house in advertising spe
cialty field. Elwood Myers Co., Springfield,
maxoo, Mich., wants capable, energetic
salesman this section; big complete line
calendars, fans, felt signs, pennants,
lathpr ironda am live uo-to-the-mlnute
novelties; line ahead; a good opportunity
for right man; begin Jan. 1; exclusive
and protected territory assigned. Write
salesmanager for particulars to a ay.
SALESMEN WANTED Experienced, for
specialty lines : premium propositions; as
sortments and open stock ; enamelware,
aluminum and sMassware: 25 per cenl
commission, payable weekly; high-class
propositions; full or side line. Reply with
references, import China dc uiaas -a
St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN wanted for Western Washing
ton and Oregon. Retail advertising: prop
osition. Syndicate Window Service, 133tf
w. van Buren St., cmcago, 111.
WANTED Good reliable girl who under
stands reneral housework and plain cook
lnsr: nermanent nosition to right party
only two in family; references required
Call 747 E. Burnside st-. IO A.M. to 4 P.M.
HE LIABLE WOMAN in each town to die
tribute fraa sooda as advertising, expert
tnrit unnMARiarr. references reauired. $13
a week to start. Address Hudson, King &
Co., Inc., 16 South Clinton st., cmcago.
AN enterprising woman may add consldera
bly to her income by acting as press cor
respondent; all or part time; any locality.
ben a ior particulars. AMuwaicu a
paper Service, Vancouver, Canada.
LADIES A fascinating home business; tint
ing postcards, pictures, etc., spare time
$12 weekly; no canvassing; samples 10c
particulars free. Artint, B 803, ISO Man
htn. St., New lork.
WANTED Good woman, willing assist
housework and care of children, lu return
good home, small salary. Corner Mississippi
and Dekum aves. Aiangoia.
WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends,
neighbors and reneral wearer; v per cent
profit: $10 dally; experience unnecessary.
International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa.
YniTTcn crli-l t - hfin with care of chlldre
and to assist in nouse work; must bdbhk
some English; suburban home, close in.
Phone Main 4440 or n oit.u -
2.00 DAY paid lady each town to distribute
iree circulars ior cuuun 1 1 i
in tubes: nermanent nosltlon. F. E. Bar
Co., Chicago. "
wiN'TF.n Vminv w run a n heloer to dress
maker, must have experience in an kidqb
of sewlmr. state age and experience. AK
305, Oregonian.
KTFA'OfiRAPHER. befflnner. newspaper of
lice: moderate salary ; opportunity ior
advancement. The New Freedom. 21
Stock Exchange bldg.
WANTED Clever woman to fill hlgh-cla
position; permanent, honesty most impoi
ant. 6'25 Chamber 01 commerce oiag., o
4 P. M. Monday.
WANTED Partner to bach; excellent room,
lavatory and bath, electric lights and gas;
must be clean, decent sort; student. Y 3 S3,
GIRL for aeneral housework, $25; must be
neat and good coqa, reierencw, x
land Heights car, get off Hawthorne Ter
race, boa Terrace arive. aiarnnai:
c 1 a wvir. v ,vnm,i ailvnnred : women
travel, appoint agents ir guntcuuoic
JOOQ navora in tuuea. aciikuid
Corao bldg., Chicago.
LADIES can make $10 to $15 weekly, copy
ing. addressing and mailing samples, par
ticulars for stamp. REX CO., 2o0 Glen
wood ave., Buffalo, N. Y".
BRIGHT, energetic, mature woman, one
with some experience as a nurse prefer
red, for permanent, position. A 383, Ore
gonian. AMERICAN lady about 3ft years take part
in chicken ranch and board one man.
blocks tar line; no money wanted. W 38i,
WANTED 15 lady solicitors for city work;
permanent position; sometning new. ae
Mr. Moore before noon Monday. 501
Broadway bldg.
WANTED- Experienced cook for small fam
ily. Must have references. Apply imme
diately, 235 Cornell Road at head of Mar
shall. A BACHELOR wants housekeeper aged 28
to B5 out of town. Call from 10 A. M. to
2 P. M., Sunday, Hotel Royal, room 301,
Fourth and Salmon sts.
EXPERIENCED fitter on women's wear in
city of over 10,000 within 75 miles of
Portland; state where last employed and
wages received. AV 153. Oregonian.
CANVASSERS Investigate this money-making
proposition. Quick sales, good profits.
1323 Northwestern Bank bldg. Call bet.
4 and 6 P. M.
WANTED Girl fond of children to do some
housework for good home and small wages.
Mrs. Allen, 5W2 Salmon at.
WANT trimmer to handle millinery in cor
set, dressmaking and beauty parlors. Call
M onday 1371 Hawthorne.
WANTED Exn. lady solicitor; liberal sal
ary, commission to right party. Room 35,
Washington Didg., m u w asnington.
SCHOOLGIRL to room and board in ex
change for light aervices. Call Tabor
WANTED Flrst-clasa bookkeeper; atate ex
perience, salary expected, ana reierence. a
385, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER for small family; no ob
jection to one child. cai( sunaay vs ,.
8th North.
ACCURATE, rapid stenographer wanted ;
state references, experience ana sat ary.
897, Oregonian.
WANTED- Girls to enter training scliopl
for nurses, soutn Bend oeuerai -tiospuai.
South Bend, Wash.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
f;ood wages to right party, call in morn
ngs. 874 Northrup.
WANTED A middle-aged woman with
home, for 2 hours work aaiiy in toaging
house. Call Main 7168 after 10 A. M.
WANTED Young lady for partner for
vaudeville circuit; experience noi
sary. Phone Main Mr. Murray.
WANTED General housework with city
references. Apply Monday morning. 808
Mellnda ave.
WANTED Girls to learn Maurlne system
of beautv culture: we helo finance you
in business. 514 Ablngton bldg.
Washington bldg., 2704 Washington, room
35, near 4tn. r none main ooao or , o-o.
tv a nt k n Refined, capable woman for re
snonsible nosltlon. Viavi Company, 4.
Pittock block. H5 Washington.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 De
kum DlUg. BBUUaxy r
WANTED Small lady. with cultivated
mezzo voice, for vaudeville. AC 394, Ore
for general housework. A
3742. 660
Ravensview Drive.
ICE. TRAINING CLASS. 4Q& Dekum bldg,
3 GIRLS, employed, to prepare for Frisco
Fair : irreat chance. K asa. oregonian.
WANTED A woman as cook and
general housework. Apply at 210
to do
. 2oth
WANTED Ladles to demonstrate residential
work; s ana up- w-j m'" "'"b-
YOUNG GIRL to assist with light house
work. D 880, Oregonian.
BODY lroner; must be f irstt-class. Apply
poit Exchange Ldy.. ancouver. wasn
NEAT appearing lady experienced as bakery
clerk, state experience. - o,
GOOD home and small ralary to elderly
lady. Call Main 74:T after 3 f. av
WAIST help. Call Sunday, 1 to 2, 148 13th.
ANT good business woman to take resi
dence agency for Colonial Dames. Beau
tiiier. Massage Cream. Rouge, made from
California almonds and citrus fruits. Dem
onstration at Land Shaw. O it 80, Ore
gonian. 1
WANTED An elderly woman who would
assist with general housework on ranch
for good, permanent home; treated as one
of family; small wages Spring and Sum
mer months. Address Box 36, R. R. 1,
Hood River, Or.
UMCiPAL Bureau ror Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and gins, in
terviews confidential.
Wear it, show to friends, take orders,
earn $5 to $15 dally, exclusive territory
to hustlers, write today. pel man &. Co.,
Dept. 61-D, 237 S. Market, Chicago.
OFFICE WOMAN and stenographer; per
manent position if satisfactory; knowledge
shorthand unnecessary. Give age, salary,
references, phone, full particulars by let
ter. AB 36. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to help with house, work
and go to school, in exchange for board,
room and clothes. Address V. E. Q'Neil,
1300 Hawthorne ave., city.
WANTED Good all-around actors and
actresses for repertoire; good advance
agent: salary $20 per week; no money ad
vanxred. George Lowe. Grass Valley. Or.
MAN and wife wanted to attend furnace and
do cleaning of halls for rent of furnished
apt. ; middle-aged people preferred ; reier
ence required. J 367. Oregonian.
WANTED Couple to share pleasant fur-
msnea modern oungaiow; large yard.
xrutt trees, close to car; carpenter or
painter could pay part in rent. E. 5005.
ROOMS and $10 per month for attending
iurnace ana cleaning nans. 1 urana ave.
MAN New system of teaching the auto
mobile business at home with automobile
and Instructor ; quicker and more thor
ough than the repair shop. Write for
314-315 Stock Exchange Bldg.,
Portland. Oregon.
A Dractical. broirredaiv business train.
ing school that helps young people get a
stu.rt in life; the personal nelp, thorough
instruction and cue encouragement re
ceived from our teachers. Prof. Carlton.
Mr. Robt. Taylor and Miss Cotton, secure
most gratixymg results tor our students.
central ouiiding, 10th and Alder.
cALhtiMLN. experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay ; write, large list openings
oiierins: opportunities earn xiuu to Sow
month while you learn. Addrews nearest
office, Dept. 311, National Salesmen's
1. raining Association. Chicago, New York,
xansaa t;ity, ban i-ranciaco.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on uu-
to-oate cars; eiectrio, civil engineering.
surveying ; methods most practical; room
and board while learning : oosltlon 1
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
tree. Xvatioual bchool of lingineeriQ.
2110 W. 7 th st., Los Angeles, Cal.
WE TEACH practically, with actual ma-
cninery in operation, electrical, gas ana
steam engineering, machine shop wok
and automobile repairing. Send for new
catalogue. Seattle Engineering ibchooi, IOO
to liu west rcoy st., beat tie.
and women to learn the barber trade In
b weeks; positions guaranteeu ; tools free;
paid wuile loai mua : scaio and face mas-
fcagd a specialty; modern method teaching
useu; tuition 1 euueea. .Madison st.
railway mail, other branches, are Kood :
prepare "exams" U. S. Civil Sertlce Secre-tary-Examiuur;
booklet 11-35 free; write
toaay. Patterson civil service School,
Rocuester, N. Y.
UUlibK BARBh.R COLLEGE wants men
and women to learn the trade in a weeks.
clean work, percentage paid while learn
ing, tools free ; scalp and tace massage a
specialty; send ior irce catalogue. 4a
STEADY employment, good wages, many
openings, tew luoutusr learning, eaar. prof
itable work, position guaranteed, watch
making, eugraviug. optical school. 210
commonwealth, bide lu and Ankeny,
EVERVBODY cn make money working ior
us; will not interiere with your regular
occupation; ouiy cost to you is a 2c sLaanp
101- u. repiy. Aaureia aiyers, x)i 1 A. st..
xacoma, wasn.
DO YOU ant another - 12 daily? No ex
perience, constant spare time work, knit
ting hosiery, machines furnished, contract,
v,e take product. Helping Hand Stores
t inc. j, cmcago.
MEN Ma-rkct your service at the best pos
sible price: secure the position you de
sire; makes no difference what your oc
cupation now may be. Particulars free.
Field Novelty Co., Fort Worth, Texas.
1 WILL start you earning $4 dally at home
in spare time with Hoovers cneck pro
tectors and embossers; no capital; tree
iiiustrateu saeeu b.. nowry, uept. 400,
-os Angeies, i:ai.
MEN, women over 18 wanted, $03 to $150
.month, U. S. Government life Jobs; com
mon education. Write immediately for list
positions open to you. Franklin Institute.
Jjept. o itocnester, n. .
V ILL give lessons in painting on velvet.
satin ; also water colors and oils for
Christmas gifts. Luia Kxemer, Carlson
nidg.. lo id st., rooms 10 and 17.
MEN wanted to prepare for firemen, brake-)
men. siou-sizu: positions obtained free:
send age, postage. Railway Association,
cam oregonian.
LADIES make shields at home. $10 per 100;
no canvassinK reauired: send stamned.
addressed envelope full particulars. Eureka
co., dept. hub, Kaiamatoo, Mich.
WRITE moving picture plavs, $50 each; con
stant uemana; an or spare time; corre
spondence course not required; details free.
Atlas I'ud. Co., :, Cincinnati, Ohio.
WRITE moving picture plays, $0 each ; con-
staut demand; all or spare time; corre
spondence course not required; details
free. Atlag Pub. Co., 42, Cincinnati, Ohio.
BE a detective, earn $00 to $100 weekly;
travel all over world. Write Deni. 11
United States Detective Adjusting Agency,
itauway j.xcnange, &i, l.ouis, mo.
WOMEN for Government clerkships; big
pay ; Portland examinations soon ; sample
questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept.
im-a, -ttoonester, jn. y.
RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car
riers' exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
State be hoots, M c Kay bldg., c ity.
GOVERNMENT positions pay $65 to $150 a I
momn: :oo appointments montniy; list
of positions obtainable free. AV 77, Ore
NAMES, addresses by mall order houses ;
big pay ; home work ; information for
stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
MATHEMATICS; experienced teacher would
like a lew students for private instruction.
X 3al, Oregonian.
INSTRUCTION Improve your education
private lessons in nglisn; $? per month;
LADIES, have your gray hair restored to
natural color by expert; reasonable.
R tf!4. Oregonian.
W ATCH1l. cleaned, 1 oc ; mainspring. Toe ;
work guaranteed. -10 commonwealth bldg,
oth and Aukeuy.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools
teach civil service, also 2o0 other couraus.
Free catalog ue. 2va McKay bid g.
$0 DAiLV making show curds for us. ex
perience unnecessary, complete sao course
rree. humane, tsox lito. uayton, Ohio.
4ol Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 42oo.
20y 14TH ST. M. MbUtf. Hi-VF. lisoTROO'N.
Mrs. Hinsdale's Business School. 02 Em
press bldg. Personal instructions, positions.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
STEADY married Eastern man with good
education, must have work at once; ex :
perienced in accounting and supervising.
out win accept any clerical vort. o tai.
YOl-NG married man, capable and experl
enced. stenographer and bookkeeper, de
sires permanent position ; excellent char
acter and ability: reierence. u t&, ore
YOUNG man. 22, desires clerical position
with chance for advancement, high school
education and 3 years experience in Dana
best of references. S Sfel, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED In accountancy, stenog
raphy, collect ions, business; as secretary,
treasurer, executive; part or full time;
reasonable. C S99, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED specialty salesman with
auto desires position in or out of city; sal
ary or commtssionj A-l references and
bond. Now employed. P 3W1, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER. 2S, desires permanent posl-
tion ; good penman ; good at figures: in
years experience; references. D 3Mi, Ore
gonian. TYPEWRITING Will call for work; manu
script s corrected and revised. 1 377, Ore
gonian. or phone East 2170.
YOUNG man wishes position as night clerk
in small hotel in or out of town. W 38;;,
BOOKKEEPING or auditing, any place, any
time. East 814.
A-l bookkeeper neds . work : i. ttal ab
stainer ; salary $u0. Woodlawu 40i. .
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EFFICIENT and reliable man, successful
business builder, with valuable experience
as amanuensis, secretary, salesman and so
licitor and best references, desires a field,
for his services in any honorable employ
ment ; will make good anywhere; modest
compensation. E i77, Oregonian
THOROUGHLY competent, experienced fur
niture, carpet, drapery, buyer and sales
man, employed 7 years In Portland; can
furnish references and recommends; would
consider out-of-town position. AE Siti.
POSITION wanted by bookkeeper with
broad experience along mercantile lines;
can invest $5oo with services; high-class
reterences; preier town In Willamette Vai
ley. AP 354. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, age 43, wants
position in or out of city. Capable, trust
worthy man. willing to work. ' Best of
references. Phone Marshall 21 a 2, or P. O.
Box 1109.
WANTED A position either temporary or
permanent by an experienced bookkeeper,
accountant aud cashier; highest references
as to ability aud character. Address J 3b2,
AMBITIOUS and sooer young man, 23 years,
oulck aud accurate worker with complete
knowledge of bookkeeping in all Its forms,
11 ms noun spare time every atternoon;
local references. P. O. Box Ji6.
EVENING or a few hours work each day
wanted by correspondent, stenographer
and bookkeeper; experienced and compe-
YoCNG Swede, 3 years in grocery business.
tan 31 a r. aoai.
M i see 11a neoue.
JOB and ad man. with some linotype experi
ence, wants position in good couutry chop;
nustier ana able to do tne oet class
of job work; all-around man. who can
make good anywhere, state wages. M.
Bohmer, t&5 Flanders, Portland, or.
: s
MAN who has worked around wholesale
nouses wants work or any kind. would
like janitor work in apartment-house.
Marshail 5107 or A 151T.
WANTED Man with wife and two little
girls to support would like an easy job
with good pay; prefer to have pay in ad
vance. H 221 Oregonian.
A GOOD carpenter, pipefitter, plumber, paint
er, cement worker, wants work of any
kind, in or out of town ; best references.
Address D 30S. Oregonian.
UPHOLSTERING and all kinds of furni
ture reDairine and refinishlng done at
hard-times prices, at bJ East llth au 0.
All work guaranteeu.
WANTED Young man, 24, with academic
degree from large eastern college, aico
two years law, wants position with reiia.
ble firm. K 3S5, Oregonian.
BARTENDER Sober, steady, married man.
would like position ; not afraid to do my
own porter work. M. C. Menlo, Mllwaukie,
Or. R. F. D. 1, Box 254 A.
POSITION by a married man, any kind of
work: experienced in estimating lumber.
sash and doors; city references. AD 3i-.
YOUNG Hollander, who. speaks English,
wants work of any kind; able to take
care of steamboilers aud furnace,
WANTED A position by a competent ma-
cninist, stationary engineer or sunt doss.
Address Machinist. 2o0 Monroe St., or tele
phone voodlawn l0e.
MAN who Is experienced gardener wants
work. Would like position as assistant
janitor or will do du.y labor. Main 717.
A lull.
6-ROOM bouse in exchange for work, brick.
cement or common labor; will keep noue ,
in repair and pay cash rent after May 1.
v 3M, oregonian.
ACTIVE, middle-aged, long mercantile ex
perience, janitor, night watchman, sec on a.
cook, wants position. $00. au si, ore
gonian EXPERIENCED man and wife want posi
tion ; apartment or rooming-house; can
manage. R 38t. Oregonian.
GOOD all round man wants farm work or
any kind work in or out of city. 040 11..
frlat H. E., Lents. Or.
EXPERIENCED, reliable hotel man wants
position; train runner, clerk or janitor. ii
3S8. Oregonian.
YOUNG couple wish position in hotel or
lodging-house ; man 1-1 years experience ou
boiler and pipe-fitting. 004 Dekum ave.
YOUNG Hollander, who speaks English,
wants work of any kind as janitor, awn-
washer or kitchen helper. J 38t, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position
on private party; no bad habits. A ai,
MAN and wife want work, restaurant, farm.
anything; wages no oDjecu a auj, ore
gonian. JAPANESE, 30 years of age. wants po
sition as iamny cook, city or country.
3rt. Oregonian.
OFFER any work prefer wages; elevator.
R. R. o IT ice. assistant tailor, vll &emng.
Main 33W2.
YOU NO man would work mornings, even
ings or Saturday morning tor room ana
board or either. T 3t.", Oregonian.
BAKER All-round man wants job, city or
country. Wm, Trout, 33b Ciay u main
CHAUFFEUR wants position: will leave
city; references. Bast 31, room u, eveii
ings and Sunday.
HAVE had plenty of experience in most any
kind of llgnt mec name 4,1 wora. .x um,
RUSTLING, first-class merchandise sales
man; best reterences. sen wood .v.v. jluo.
Eust 38th South.
DEMONSTRATOR for San Francisco, San,
Diego fairs. What have you to otreri ii
375. Oregonian.
STRONG and willing man who is experi
enced farmer, desires work 01 any ainu.
Main 717, A 1517.
PAINTER, all-round hand, married, wants
work; - per uay; gooa reterences. o u,
MAN COOK, institute, hotel, river or steam
ship; temperate: can go at once, jnogeis,
St. Charles Hotel, city.
I HIGH school boy wants work before or after
school hours for room and board. 993 E.
I WORK by first-class carpenter experienced.
In hardwood nnisn ana caDiuci woi. Ad
dress 7 32 S 84th ave. S. E.
THOROUGHLY experienced man and wife
tor farm. v ant permanent, pi nee wagt
no object. Main 4224 or A 1517.
GARDENER and caretaker wishes .situa
tion in private iamny; nest 01 reterences.
Add ress Gardener, 251 1 irthr.-t.
TWO thoroughly experienced sheep and cat
tlemen wisn position, xeiuoiitv srt.,
eral delivery.
YOUNG man attending law school evenings
wishes position during uay wnern urn
make expenses. J 884, Oregonian.
ENGLISHMAN, middle-aged, good appear
ance and manners, wants worn, jis gooa
houseman, etc. Main 717, A 1517.
SALESMAN making the valley towns wants
sideline ; woma aiso uro vo ai -valine.
AV 141, Oregonian. -
I YOUNG married man wants work on farm
or wishes to rent smaii rancn. o ay, vre
gonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants position; 5 years' ex
perience ss salesman ana aenver: wages no
object. Frank Miller. East POOS.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position of
any kind; can give nest oi rets, a '.'i,
PRINTER. competent, sober and indus
trious, want permanent situation on coun
try weekly. AD 38 6, Oregonian.
COOK, first-class, all-around, colored, best
of references; hotel or boarding-nouee.
city or country. 2a N. th st.
WATCHMAKER, young man, steady and re
liable, needs work; good rererences; capa
b le of waiting on trade. L Jtl. Oregonian.
MAN experienced in sash and door factory
work, rounary worK. out win uo niiu.
Main 3421 or A 1517. -
JAPANESE, competent cook, wants position.
in private family. A loot, aiain mot.
COOK, all-around man, references, steady
sober, no smoker. AD 3S7, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants day or contract work,
repairing or reshlngllng. East 4S01.
- I TINTING, $l.AO and $2.00 per room; neatly
done. Sell wood
Marshall 4545.
PAPERTXG. painting, tinting, lowest prices.
234 10th st. Phone Main 171.1.
AMBITIOUS young man. aged 18. must have)
work at once. k oregonian.
WANTED Job clearing land by day or
contract. G. Kern. lsajE. Burnside.
STUDENT wants pla to work for board
will work all day Sat. Main 307S.
CHAUFFEUR wants work, any line, private,
or delivery; references. O 370, oregonian.
YOl'NG mail, good milker, wants work oa
dairy. 2tJ0S Monroe tt., Corvallis, Or.
YOl'NG Japanese boy v. ants position a 4
school boy or any kind. 405 N. Davis st.
BY young man, 25, good address ; selling:
preferred. L 3SI. Oregonian. -
MARRIED farmer wants work, --with fur
nished house or room. Y ;i7, Oregonian.
TWO woodcutters want Job cutting wood,
M ::SH. Oregonian. :
HANDY man would attend furnace for
pleasant room. J 3S. Oregonian.
MAN wants work painting, tinting, clean
ing, repairing; day or hour. Main 4774.
BUTLER. English, wnnts sitimtTon. first
class; reterences. Phone Tabor 1761.