TIIE SUNDAY OltEGONIAN, PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 1, 1914. of the finest performances of her ca reer. After the great soul-battle she abandons the stag-e for the man she loves, while the real cost of her decis ion is plainly written on her expres sive face. "Behind the Scenes." is a story of stage life without exaggeration, not dressed in the garments of Imagina tion, but true and sincere in tne de piction of the miserable failure and the thrilling successes of a theatrical career, and the eventual triumph of The H o m e o f Bi g Features Today Monday Tuesday The SHUBERTS true love. Miss Pickford Is supported by a capable cast, including such famous players as James KlrKweod. , uweii Sherman, Ida Waterman and Russell P.assett. This production, produced In five reels, will be the bill at the Peo ple's Theater throughout the week, be ginning today. XATIOVAIS BILI CHAXGE3 , .. AT THE" p mmm. M I I BliffiiMiti 11 B XV I X B I 1JI A I I fl W S 1 IKII V US AY 1 iilV I Ii D-y I r in linn ii V1- J ' s Z, - X. ill- ,.w,.. V.5 o'4m-.- f f ? yc ford, will be at the People's Theater this week. The inimitable Mary's latest. charac terization is that of the winsome lit tle actress, in "Behind the Scenes." by Margaret Mayo, the a'uthor of "Baby Mine." Not since "In the Bishop's Carriage" has this little star appeared in the role of an actress. "Behind the Scenes" is an absorbing and pathetic contrast between the drama of life and "the glamor of the stage. It is human throughout, de picting the struggle and sorrows of a little soubrette striving for theatrical ucess. and her great sacrifice for love Just when fame is within .reach. The humorous elements and serious episodes of the drama are fully inter preted by Miss Pickford, and. punc tuated with her original mannerisms. When the stress of the play reaches its crisis, when the little actress, after years of struggle with poverty, I forced to choose between love and fame, she reaches unusual dramatic heights, and gives, all together, one "Home, Sweet Home" Will Kun at Xew Theater Three Days. The change of bill today at high noon at the new National Theater is destined to attract a record-breaking attendance, providing It does here what it has done everywhere it has been shown. Louis rteeves Harrison saw the initial presentation of "The Strand" In New York City, .and comments In his review as follows:. "From the moment that the biogra phy startswith the raising of a win dow upon the domestic life of Payne and his mother to the pathetic end of this part of the play, the vast audience of 'The Strand' sat spellbound. The dramaturgic skill of the director, en abling him to utilize the nistrionic skill of the actors, brought out an en thralling performance, the honors go- Tng.to Harry Walthall as Payne and Lillian lilsh as his sweetneart, witn some dainty tauches by Dorothy Gish "The allegory is a spiritual phrase r.t tra t heautv. and a fitting termina tion to what will undoubtedly be an enduring work. The spirit of the whole play, as well as its theme and treat ment, is so Imaginative and artistic, while appealing to the purest sensi bilities that "poetic drama"' seems -to designate the production. This is meant in high praise. Drama of noble pur pose that is poetic in spirit and artis tic in presentation tends to make life lovely and wonderful, to give It that stimulus which leads to progress. 'Home Sweet Home" is an enchantment of the screen. "Home Sweet Home" will run at the National for three days. Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday. . FAVORITE TO BE AT STAR Mary Fuller in "The W'ttch Girl" Is Feature This Week. The Star Theater is to present Mary Fuller in a quaint mountain story. "The Witch, Girl." Is it brains, personality or talent that makes Mary Fuller, the star In the two-reel Victor drama, "The Witch Girl"? Some say that a combination of all three qualities, plus good plays. Is responsible for her wonderful popu larity. This woodland love fantasy will." be shown at the' Star Theater Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Miss Fuller is an unusual heroine In "The Witch Girl." She is a wild elflne sprite, roaming the woods without re gard to propriety; innocent, but with a code of morals like deep - implanted steel. The thrilling 14th chapter of the "Trey o' Hearts," depicting the narrow escaDes of Rose, Alan and Barcus, In addition to Judith and Seneca Trine, will be next to the last two-reel In stallment of that serial. The Animated Present TOM Eminent English Character -Actor, in a Five-Act Visualization of ie My dwinU steryof r cm! ?? I BY MARY ANNE SMITH.' NNOUNCEMENT of the Incorpora tion of the Flamingo Film Cor poration has been made and the new company will start producing at once with' a large cast of stars." The first productions of the new company will be the scenarios winning prizes in the Morning Telegraph and Chartered Theaters Corporation contest which closed October IS. Elaine Sterne's "Without Hope," a three-reel comedy, will be the first release. This pic ture play was winner of the second prize. - - The new company will release its productions through Sawyer, Inc. That the releases will be comedies only is the announcement made by Fred Mace, who will direct the. pro ductions. The company has taken ever all the scripts obtained in the contest and will release them in one, two and three reels. Officers and directors elected last week are: President. Frederick, TJp liam Adams; vice-president and- gen eral manager, H. A. Hallett; treasurer, V. H. 'Tinker; secretary. A. H. Saw yer; directors. Gilbert Elliott, Charles K. Fay, A. H. Sawyer. F. H. Tinker, II. A. Hallett i and Frederick Upham Adams. The company starts on its pictures supported by the following players: TOn-rg-uerTte Loveridge ("Lovey"), whose work in leads for Selig, Essanay, Eiograph, Apollo and Thanhauser com panies is known throughout the country. Catherine proctor, one of Belasco's stars in "The Easiest Way," "The Gov ernor's Lady" and "The Concert," will make her first appearance in pictures. Mary Charlejson, the well-known Vitagraph comedienne, comes to Fla mingo with a long list of successes recorded, and is unquestionably ranking favorite with the public. Gertrude Barrett, whose intelligent work as the leading ingenue in "Sweet Clover, "rue uon and the Mouse "Prince Chap" and "Such a Little CJueen" fixes her standing as an actress of unusual capacity. . Caroline Rankin, formerly of Pathe, Eelig and Crystal companies. William Mandeville, one of the best ;novn Biograph players and a Broad way favorite in "Florodora" and other big productions. David Andrada of "Madame Sherry' fame and more recently with the Than hauser Company. Johnny Doyle, who played three con ecutive years at Drury Lane Theater, London, was the low comedian with Fred Karno and later was seen in his original part, the Kid. with Billy Keeves in "A Night in an English Mu elc Hall." - Harry Kendall, formerly of the Ken call Company, of Dondon, and iden tified with Frohman and Vitagraph productions. THEATRE a reel playhouse Park Stark West Park General admUnton lOc. Tioace aeats -5c. Per formance begin. at noon daily and runs continuously until 11 P. M. DICKFAS' STORY IS IX FIIM "lhc Mystery or Ulwin Drooa a Columbia Stars Tom Terrls. Tom Terrls, eminent portrayer Dickens' characters, who gave such splendid performance in "The Chimes, will be offered at the Columbia fo the next three days, beginning today, by the bhuberts in "The Mystery of Ed win Drood." He is .seen in the role of John Jasper, and his portrayal of thi perplexing character is said to be work of art. In the picture production . he has worked out his own. solution to this great mystery-story which Dickens Fellow Citizens'. WHO HAS NOT ' V SEEN AND LOVED IN failed to finish before -his death, and it. is quite different from any other so lution which has ever been ' offered. There are some tremendously exciting and spectacular scenes in the offering, and a number of them 'border on" the gruesome, . but the' of fering as a. whole is . something which will please every body. . Edwin Drood and Rose Bud are be trothed by their parents, although they have only a platonic friendship for each- other. - Johrf Jasper, a young uncle of Drood and leader of the choir, is desperately in love with Rosa, and so intense is his passion that It drives him to the opium habit. Neville' Landless also is in love with the girl and his feelings ,of jealousy and enmity toward Drood are at times inflamed secretly by Jasper. , Follow ing a row and the sudden disappear ance of Drood, Jasper causes suspicion I T -pri-CKm my trra'PTi TNT guilty of the murder of the missing PEACEFUL SONG SINCE man.. Neville is arrested, a search lslTTMnR AT. TWO ST ult, and shortly Neville's sister dls-1 1 " rum-vj mu xin.j. appears as mysteriously as Drood. I IMMORTAL SONG OF a mysterious stranger dv tne name tttit ttsnttt -n-n nunrme and takes rooms near Jasper and com- "HOME. SWEET HOME"? mences secret Inquiries. A peculiar I vnTT Trwnw fv frtTTTjesT ' woman in black, the keeper of the w " J"T " ' " opium den which Jasper frequented in THAT IT HAS London, also shadows the latter.' It i VTe!TTAT,TZ'P.Ti ITT A pletion of the book, is stopped by the SIX-PART PHOTO PLAY. death of Dickens. EVER SINCE I FIRST in rom Terns version or tne mys- I . nT1 Tm tittti tery. Drood is never murdered by Jas- I ui j.x J. vxi per. Jasper thinks that when he leaves BEEN ANXIOUS TO SEE Drood unconscious after assaulting TT TtTnTKmrTKm. him. that he will return and comolete "-.-'" the work by covering the body with TODAY AT NOON AND lye, Dut t nanus to that elusive char- I r'O'hTTT'NTTriTTQT V TTMTTT ofA. n.t.).r Ti.nnJt 4- K1 I vvi, ww w.u v cape and in remorse, Jasper finishes his 11 P. M., WE ARE ALL unworthy existence. GOIG TO HAVE A COTTXTEKTEITICRS AT MAJESTIC! CHANCE TO SEE IT. A PORTLAND ER WHO HAS Tieket-of-Leavo Slan" ... Thrilling SEEN IT IN NEW YORK I t A C . Ulll 1 I II TT A -VT TBIOTT Tl . " I to a hit a crT)BTrnf Thrilli-n- situations, are numerous in -"V" the clever story of counterfeiters told THE KIND THAT HOLDS n the "Ticket-of -Leave- Man." opening vnn SPTT.T.BnTTWTi TUfiW n lue AitijeaLit; xiLtsa.t.er luuttl. I .- The nim is a special Biograph fea- Diiuuiiiuiu xJ iinu ture dealing with the plots of a gang I "RT! ATTTTTTTT. "MTITTXTT! ATflTi I tl V ftTTTOTIII LI mBTI A mUlT L Al still more clever detective. Involved aoxaxi iaijaiuix.ui in- the plot is a young Londoner who AND CHARMING IN EVERY innocently assists in tne circulation or V'Q'DT'f-'T at T V TV the- fake currency, is convicted and UilAJ-Li, LbrLUlALL 1JH sentenced and, after 'the expiration of I THE RARE QUALITY OF THE pan ui ms term ana a series or tnriii- p-rrnTrirTJ ATTTV a wn wwrW ing climaxes, is Instrumental in brinK- rtLV lUUUAJftLX . - AJNU WiLEIM ing the gang to book. - I YOU SEE TWO BROTHERS OF Anita Stewart and Earle Williams t TTiTurmrn tt a t-o tti i ttti cavci Star in "Mirlst Wnl.nJ Kho,low a UIHHH BAlxwai, 111. A1, charming idyl in which a danehte'r of JIN THE GREAT DRAMATIC tne forest captivates a son of the city. ACT IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING today in a two-part romantic comedy. THE CLIMAX, AND OBSERVE "The Girl and the Stowaway." A daring THE POWER OF THE rescue irom a eat n at sea is one of the J (JREAT SONG IN THE interest in the romance about which the CLOSING SCENE, YOU story is woven. WILL FULLY REALIZE THE one or Bunny's" last clays with I rm.T. MP A xrTTjn , . : m ; . . . . . .,,, I 1 III, III liaAIAim ijiv. 'up. jj-l m i c uuiupauiea is ja me 0111 In "Bunny Backslides," a comedy of the SUNDY MONDAY TUESDAY A charming "Woodland Love Fantasv, "THE WITCH GIRL" Victor Two-Reel Drama With MARY FULLER the Ever-Popular Star. Thirteenth Chapter of "TREY O' HEARTS" Entitled "JAWS OF DEATH" Further Absorbing Events in This Famous Serial Thriller. . "WHEN BESS GOT IN WRONG," the comical tale of a flirt, who learns a lesson. ANIMATED WEEKLY Featuring "World's Series Pic tures and Latest Events From the "War Zone. ' COMING WEDNESDAY DAVID HIGGINS In His Original Role in Ihe Famous Racing Play, "HIS LAST DOLLAR." Charles Dickens' Unfinished Mystery Story. A Production of Exceptional Merit. Come and See How Mr. Terris Solves the Riddle. ADMISSION Balcony, 10 CENTS Lower Floor, 20 CENTS . Box Seaits, 35 CENTS, Which May Be Reserved Weekly, featuring pictures of the world's series baseball contests, will be an addition- to the bill. The pro gramme closes with a one-reel Nestor comedy. "When Bess Got In V rons. wherein the girl is a flirt. The film teems with refined comedy. Old Grandview School Home Sold. GRANDVIEW, Wash.. Oct. 31. (Spe cial) One of the city's landmarks, the. building; in which the district's first' school was conducted, has been sold by the Tum-a-Iium Lumber Company to a rancher to be used as a cattle shed. The buoldini; was built originally for mill purposes, but as a satisfactory arrangement could not be made with thi Government for the use of power irf the irrigation canal, the project was abandoned. IVVV. '""X1"" ""'--'tmviils.' I's I SUNSET Portland's Best Motion Picture Playhouse Offers a Blended Programme of Unsurpassed Quality usual Bunny order, but this time in volving love ana eugenics. It is a laugh from the start. MAK.Y PICKF01U AT PEOPIS HOME, SWEET HOME.' " I HAVE DECIDED TO RUN I MY SHOWS CONTINUOUSLY EVERY DAY PROM NOON i UNTIL 11 P. M. Your Great Little Star to Be Seen in "Be- . hind the Scenes." "Behind the Scenes," a pretty drama of theatrical life, played by Mary- Pick- THE GOLDEN GOOSE A two-part Feature Drama, star ring dainty 5-year-old Thelnia Salter. THE DEMON OF THE RAILS Showing Spectacular Train Wreck A Railroad Melodrama Those Inimitable Laugh Com pellers MABEL NORMAND AND CHARLES CHAPLIN, In a Double-Distilled Farce A MAN OF NERVE Hilariously Keystonlan The Tramp Quartet In several New and Catchy Songs Encored to the finish at every . performance The Mutual Weekly Latest released Motion Picture Ne-vys, Battlefront Scenes, etc. False Pride A single-reel drama of unusual merit. 3-DAYS ONLY-3 IggATYuEMsgAYAY lOc ALWAYS - lOc - SUNSET THEATER AVe try to make thene "nds" mean momrtblnc to you. Read them and are time looklne for "something; better.'' Home of the Favorite Players 1 THEATER 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY Miss Alice J oyce IN "THE GIRL AND THE STOWAWAY." Miss A nita Stewart IN "MIDST WOODLAND SHADOWS" Vitagraph Drama. JOHN BUNNY IN "BUNNY BACKSLIDES." The Ticket-of-Leave Man A special two-part Biograph Drama. THE MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA, Featuring special music to the pictures. Coming Wednesday England's Menace, or the Downfall of a Na- tion Averted. lOc ADMISSION lOc TOEOPL ii THEATER Portraying famous motion pictures. TODAY AND ALL WEEK Home of the Paramount Pictures The Famous Players Present 1ARY PICKFORD America's Greatest Motion Picture Actress m "BEHIND T ; SCENES" Margaret Mayo's Stirring and Pathetic Drama of Theatrical Life. A Five-Part Drama of Unusual Merit lOc ADMISSION lOc