The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 01, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Image 51

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Pages 1 to 6
NO. 41.
A TOUCH of reel-Ufa at the Heilig
this week and then next week
a play we've waited for long
and patiently. The Arnold Bennet-Ed-ward
Knoblauch play, "Milestones,"
opens November 8 for a three days'
stay and is sure to prove one of the
big drawing: cards of the season. Fol
lowing it, on November 15, comes one
of the laughing successes in comedies,
"A Pair of Sixes," which will stay for
one week. Tonight the Heilig pre
sents for its opening an exhibition of
Rex Beach's "The Spoilers" In motion
pictures, with "William Farnum playing
the leading role. Seven afternoons and
evenings the engagement continues.
Grace George invariably has good
comedies because her husband, Will
iam Brady, is in the theatrical busi
ness and he can pick and choose the
best and brightest for his clever wife
"Which is leading up to the announce
ment that one of her really brilliant
comedies, "A Woman's Way," has been
chosen for this week's Baker bill, with
Irene Oshier in Miss George's role of
the wife, who turns the tables neatly
on the husband who would neglect her.
Robert -Gleckler will be the fancy
straying husband, and Cora Belle Bon
nie will have an important role. The
engagement opens today and continues
for one week. Following "A Woman's
W ay" is Rose Stahl s 4 big comedy
"Maggie Pepper," after which comes
"Fine Feathers."
. This afternoon at the Heilig the
Portland bymphony Orchestra will
give a concert.
Vaudeville holds its lure this week
In promising announcements. After
November 22 there will be the Or
pheum's attractions to record herein.
Now we have Pantages and the Mar
cus Loew Empress. At Pantages "The
Colonial Minstrel Maids," a bevy of
beauteous belles, who sing, top the
bill, and at the Marcus Loew Empress
Thomas J. Ryan, familiarly known as
Tommie Ryan, veteran Irish character
comedian, headlines in "Mag Hagger
ty's Father." with a capable supporting
cast. At the Lyric "My Wife's Hus
band" will be the musical comedy of
fering for the week,
Selig Production Will Be at Heilig
Theater This Week.
The Selig Polyscope Company, in pic
turing the virile and undying romance
of Rex Beach's "The Spoilers," which
will be the attraction at the Heilig
Theater, Broadway at Taylor, all this
week, has made a new historical rev
elation, showing once again that fic
tion has a higher aim than fact In its
large appeal to Interest, In a new pic
torial triumph both to Imprison and re
lease human interest. Charles Dickens
wrote remarkable character creations
In great variety, and in the telling of
his stories frequently revealed abuses
and conditions that inspired drastic re
forms; so this vivid page of yesterday
from the fearless pen of Rex Beach
showed the trails of graft and greed
and pointed out their glaring cruelties
and' illegalities so trenchantly that it
"started something" something that
arrested the spoliation of Alaska.
With his usual perspicuity, William
N. Selig, the head of the Selig Poly
scope Company, observed a trinity of
values in this romance for potential
picturing, absorbing in heart interest,
and freighted with big, practical issues
of life and vital documents of days,
scenes and events. The clear, terse
style, the tensity of purpose, the core!
ation of dramatic Incidents and the big
sympathies that permeate "The Spoil
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ers, makes it peculiarly adapted lor
This romance of the gold fields of
the Northwest, if strong in sentiment,
is steeped in fierce primitive fashions
inspired by Insidious evils that invest
the closing coils of a great conspiracy
for robbing honest toil of its golden
fruits, and it has braved privations with
death ever imminent, day by day or
through the long night of the midnight
sun. It has the better and the brighter
things in contrasting figure to the
rugged miners, is sweet and refresh
ing as well as reliant and imperious
womanhood, to give it Interest in un
usual ways.
Two Baker Companies to Be Seen In
Grace George's 'Success.
The Baker Theater Players, Includ
ing the members of the organization
that played in "Mother" and the one
that played in "Bought and Paid For"
the past week, will present Grace
Georee's srreat success, "A Woman's
Way." at the Baker, beginning today.
This makes one of the strongest and
most complete stock organizations
Portland has ever had, and "A Wom
an's Way" will prove to be one of the
most pleasing offerings of the entire
season, containing an unusual number
of strong acting roles, highly interest
ing plot, rich stage settings and a
world of clever comedy.
It especially appeals to the women.
For the Announcement of the
Advertised This Season
and deals with a situation that is un
fortunately far too common an occur
rence in married life today. It is the
old story of a young wife whose hus
band is neglecting her and finding
pleasure in the company of others.
Instead of following the usual way,
this wife, having a fertile brain and
more or less executive ability and tact,
goes about righting the matter in a
manner all her own.
Among other things, she proceeds to
take up" the woman in the case and
invites her to a dinner party where the
husband is shocked by several little
Incidents he never before dreamed of.
Then she induces an old admirer of
hers to help her out and by carrying
on an adroit flirtation with him finally
awakens her husband to the fact that
his acts are about to wreck his home
and the experiments ultimately arouse
him to action and complete reform.
The story is told in a most delightful
manner, and holds the interest to the
end. Irene Oshier will play the role
created, by Grace George and played
with great success by her for several
seasons, and Cora Belle Bonnie, Mary
Edgett Baker, Florence Roberts, Helen
Travers, Robert Gleckler in the lead
ing man's role, and all the other mem
bers will be seen to excellent advan
tage. The usual bargain performances
will be given tomorrow night and
Wednesday matinee and a matinee
Saturday. Election returns will be
read Tuesday night between the acts.
Veteran Irish Comedian Is Hit of
"Mag Haggerty's I'ather."
"Tommie" Ryan, the veteran Irish
character comedian, known to two gen
erations as one of the funniest men on
the stage, is the headline feature of
the bill that opens at Marcus Loew's
Empress Monday afternoon. "Tommie"
has a style of comedy that is all his
own, and his character impersonations
are always bright spots in vaudeville.
His vehicle this season is a clever
little sketch "Mag Haggerty's Father,"
in which he is supported by a capable
cast. The role of Haggerty gives Ryan
a fine scope for his talents, being that
of an Irish hod-carrier who stumbles
into a fortune and attempts to adapt
himself to the standards set up' by his
socially ambitious daughter. The ac
tion is lively, and the skit c laugh
maker rail through.
Another old favorite who will appear
on the bill will be Harry Thomson,
originator of Bowery types on the
stage, who has few equals in quick
changes and character Impersonations,
His act includes the impersonation of
half a dozen varied characters, who
weave a . clever plot in night police
court life. There is a liberal allowance
of comedy and bright lines in the little
skit, in which Thomson is at his best.
A team of song writing comedians,
with something new in the way of en
tertainlng nonsense, are Lelghton and
Robinson, and grace and beauty will
be Added to. the bUl by. Lucy, and Ethel
Baker, who have a dashing song and
dance act. Grace De Wlntres, a girl
ventriloquist, with a dummy that im
personates Harry Lauder and other
celebrities, is another attraction,- and
The Cycling . McNutts" will have
'something new on wheels" to offer.
with a generous admixture of comedy.
A selection, of photoplays will complete
the bill.
Pantages Theater Promises Good
Amusement for This Week.
With music and drama as the pre
dominating attractions on the pro
gramme at Pantages for the week
commencing with the matinee tomor-
row, the coming bill promises good
The Colonial Musical Maids, eleven
in all, will be featured in an elab
orate act. Each girl has been selected
not only for her ability as a musician
but for beauty and personality.
Classical and popular selections will
be offered by these stars. The act is
handsomely mounted.
Wlllard Mack's powerful one-act
drama of the Canadian -woods, "Be
Game," is another featured act which
will be presented in Pdrtland for the
first time by Isabel) Fletcher Charles
Ayres and company. .
For the first time on any stage Peter
Vanaudenhaeye. a Belgian refugee,
will make his appearance in the most
sensational whistling act, in vaude
ville. Manager Johnson found this re
markable character in a country town
last week .where he was employed at
manual labor, and on hearing him
whistle by chance he immediately
booked him. The new star will ap
pear in Belgian peasant costume and
his' offering will be a refreshing
Leon and the Adeline sisters have a
cyclonic juggling act that teems with
thrills and laughs. Elwood and Snow
are ventriloquists and mimics whose
work is new and pleasing, while Hugo
Lutgens as the young Swedish minister
preaching his first sermon is a riot
of laughter. The Mutual Weekly will
show the latest war news by motion
"Continuous performances will be In
order today at Pantages, the curtain
rising at 2:30 for the first show. Teddy
MeNamara and the Pollard Kiddies in
"The Guide of Monte Carlo," a musical
hit, top the bill which closes tonight.
"My Wife's Husband" Will Be Pro-
: duced AH This Week.
"My Wife's Husband," a new novelty
show full of complicated situations
that will bring tears of laughter to
most persons, a show that has catchy
song numbers, pretty dances, dazzling
wardrobe, and pretty girls will be the
attraction at the Lyric Theater all
this week commencing with today's
matinee: Claud Kelly promises that
the show this week would be the best
laughing, musical show of the season
to date.
The play is given in three scenes.
the first showing the Lyric Company
at rehearsal. The stage is entirely
bare, and shows how a real rehearsal
is held. There is a plot and a counter
Sol Carter and Claud Kelly will have
complete new line of comedy, and
the company will be seen to better ad
vantage than at any other previous
There will be many extra features
presented during the week. Monday
night will be "Isch-ga-Bibble." Tues
day night returns of the election will
be read as fast as they are received
and as an extra feature amateurs will
have an opportunity to show their
ability. Wednesday night. Country
Store will be held and something ex
traordinary will be given as the cap
ital present. What it is the manage
ment refuses to divulge. Friday night.
as usual, the chorus girls will hold a
There will be a matinee every After
noon and a continuous periormance
every evening, commencing at 7:30
Sunday matinee. "Maggie Pepper" fol
lowed "The Chorus Lady" in Rose
Stahl's list of successes and was writ
ten by Charles Klein, author of "The
Lion and the Mouse." "The Third De
gree" and others famous on the Ameri
can stage.
It is the story of life in a big de
partment store and revels in interest
ing characters and atmosphere. The
central character is, of course, the girl.
.Maggie. The senior member of the
tirm dies and his son, Joe Holbrook,
comes from Europe to take charge. Ha
soon finds that Miss Pepper knows all
about every detail of the vast enter
prise, and takes a great interest in her,
thereby antagonizing his prospective
A mysterious theft brings matters to
such & climax that Maggie leaves. But
she is sought out by Holbrook. who
now discovers that instead of the beau
tiful daughter of John Hargen. he
really loves his former employe. While
in her apartments he is shot by her
worthless brother-in-law, and later,
when the police come onto the scene,
he announces his engagement to her.
There are many genuinely thrilling
situations and an unusually large cast.
i all of which contribute to the remark
able interest and success of the play.
Remarkable Farce to Be at Heilig
Four Days.
That successful farce, "A Pair of
Sixes," now playing to capacity houses
at the Longacre Theater in New York,
the Cort Theater in Chicago, Wynd
ham's New Theater in London and at
Her Majesty's Theater in Melbourne,
Australia, will be presented by H. H.
Frazee at the Heilig Theater, at Broad
way and Taylor streets, November 15,
16. 17 and 18.
The story is about two partners, one
the inventor of a digestive pill, and the
other the man who came in at the
right time to exploit it. They disagree
so enthusiastically that finally their
lawyer suggests, as they are utterly
unreasonable in legal subjects, he
shall deal them two hands of poker,
the winner to become the master of
the business and the other partner
his butler for one year. Nettletou,
one of the partners, wins with a mis
erable pair of sixes, and forthwith T.
Boggs John, the other partner, be
comes his butler for a twelvemonth.
The efforts of John, to make his part
ner repent of the bargain leads to the
fun that keeps acts 2 and 3 running
along In almost uninterrupted fun un
til finally, with the aid of John's fi
ancee, the successful partner, grown
jealous from the fact that his butler
is permitted to hang around the house
all day while he is slaving at the of
fice, is glad to throw out his partner
butler, or to do anything else that will
bring him peace and quiet once again.
- - l '". &-
News Gossip of Plays and
and Players
Edited by Leone Cass ISaer.
Celebrated Play, Which Charmed
New York Long, Billed for Heilig.
One of the most popular plays ever
transported from British soil is "Mile
stones," the three-act comedy by Arn
old Bennett and Edward Knoblauch.
which ran for a year in New York
City. "Milestones" is to be the attrac
tion at the Heilig Theater, at Broad
way and Taylor street, for seven nights.
beginning next Sunday. November 8,
with a bargain Wednesday matinee and
a special Saturday matinee.
An unusual story is told in the play,
one that lasts over three generations
and the youth of the first act is the
grandfather of the last.
Venerable truths and a whole host of
philosophy and moral facts that carry
their message effectively yet never de
scend to the tiresome level of preach
ment, lurk in the charming picture or
to be more correct three charming
pictures, which their distinguished au
thors have pictured. Characters drawn
with rare fidelity and acted with grace
and distinction by a splendid cast of
players tell of the world's old story of
the march of progress against the ob
stacles of tradition and its resultant
prejudice, concealed as it is by a filmy
web of the romances of three periods,
some happy, others unfulfilled or
blighted in their early bloom. The re
sult is a picture combining heart In
terest, intellectual stimulus, gentle, wit
and pathos, the whole illumined by the
brilliant, elusive lines of the authors.
The story carried through the three
generations which detail the romances
of the Rhei-.d and Sibley families is al
ready familiar to most readers. This
graceful, serial story is carried along
solely by character development, done
in a fashion that might convey many a
valuable lesson to some of our aspiring
playwrights. A repetition of story and
action which might easily be made
wholly tiresome, is made not only en
tertaining, but wholly plausible.
W7 SmsjWc.
.... .
Rose Stahl's S.uecess to Be at Baker
Next Week.
At last we are to have Rose Stahl's
greatest success. "Maggie Pepper," in
stock, and the Baker Players will ap
pear in it for the week beginning next
LOUISE KENT is a member of the
Poll Stock In Washington, D. C.
Carl Brickett is the leading man.
Adele Blood, who wants us all to
know that her hair is all her own,
which really is something in these days
of transformations, puffs and frills, has
had a dozen poses taken a la Seven
Eutherland Sisters, with her golden
tresses flowing down her back, across
her shoulders and wound around her
neck and in one pose she peers witch
like through its thickness. A half
dozen of these various poses of the
blonde Adele are adorning as many
publications this week. One of them
is the front cover of the Dramatic Mir
ror, and there are five grand ones on
the front page of Variety, one in the
New York Telegraph, one in Stage Pic
tures and one in Footlite Fotoes, each
a display of hair.
Speaking of Adele Blood and her re
cent divorce mess, in which she was
named as co-respondent in one case.
and was divorcing Kdwardes Davis in
her own case, someone asked another
someone how on earth Miss Blood could
win. And the other someone said:
"Well. 'Blood will tell.' "
Going right on about Adele Blood.
She is appearing at the Garrlck Thea
ter, in New York, in a three-act drama
called "Milady's Boudoir," written by
J. C. Drum.
The latest notable to enter vauJeville
is James Douglas Moore Gray, son of
Sir Charles Gray, of London, who has
been an attraction in the tango world
as "Lord Gray." He confesses being an
engineer by profession, a benedict by
accident, separated from his bride by
mutual contest and ostracized from his
family because of the publicity that ac
crued. The bride was Miss Annabel
Dade, step-daughter of Charles A. Hen
derson, a New York stockbroker. The
marriage was the result of a bet. and
the bet was declared off a few weeks
ago. His allowance having been cut
off by his family owing to his marital
relations, he realized the necessity of
going to work. As a civil engineer he
couldn't obtain it. so he dropped the
"civil" end of his profession and thinks
he can engineer a vaudeville act. He
will have as his partner Miss Marjorio
Wilson. The off-shoots of the tango
craze will be the feature of the per
formance. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw says she has no
intentions of retiring from the stage.
It is her only bread-and-butter-with-an-occasional-dab-of-jelly-on-lt
and she intends to stay with it until
Harry Thaw's folks offer her some
thing more lucrative. Just at present
she and her dancing partner, Jafck
Clifford, who taught her all she knows
about dancing, are presenting "origin
al steps" at the Jardin de Danse in
New York City. Their newest ones
are the "slow drag," "in der nacht,"
"roull roull" and a new one-step.
The war has been blamed for a great
many things, but It has been almost a
blessing to the ingenious press repre
sentative who is ever ready to grasp a
new idea. After losing their stars in
Europe and finding them again, they
have contrived to get further publicity
by an exhausting series of schemes.
Via the veracious publicity promoter
we have just learned that Adeline
Genee is on a farewell tour of five
weeks in this country and that she has
undertaken the tour to earn money to.
give to the $5,000,000 Queen Mary fund
for the widows and orphans of British
soldiers killed in action. She is quoted
as pledging herself to.glve every penny
she earns, less the expenses, to the
An innocent additional paragraph
casually mentions the fact that Mile.
Genee will be at the Colonial in' New
York next week and the Palace the
week following and also that her com
pany comprises a brilliant ballet and
several accomplished solo dancers.
Leo Ditrichstein probably will .not
come to the Const this season, inasmuch
as his play, "The Phantom Rival." has
taken such a hold on his metropolitan
public at the outset of its presentation.
, This is its I lfth. X-eek, g