The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 01, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 45

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Managing Editor .Main 7170. A B05
:ity ISdltor Main 7070, A 05
Sunday lidltor ....Main 7070. A 0O93
Adveitlsine Department. . Main 7070, A 6n03
ity Circulation Main 7070, A tto03
Composing-room . . Main 7070, A 60i"i
Trintlng-room Main 7070, A B05
Superintendent Building. .Main 707O, A C0U5
HEII.ia THEATER (Broadway, at Taylor)
symphony Orchestra tnla arternoon at J
o'clock;- "The Spoilers" in films from 5
to Jl P. M. ; afternoon at 8:15 and to
night at 8:15.
BAKER (Broadway and Sixth, between Al
" rier and Mnrrimn) Rakfr Players in "A
Woman's Way." This afternoon at 2:13
and tonight at 8:13.
X.TRTO (Fourth and Stark) Musical com
edy, "My Wife's Husband." This after
noon at and tonight at 7:30 and 8:10.
I A XT AGES (Broadway and Alder) Con
tinuous performance 2:30 to 11 P. M.
MARCUS LOEff EMPRESS (Broadway and
lamhlll) Continuous from 1:30 to 11.- -MoTlng-Flrture
NATIONAL, Park and Stark.
PEOPLES West Park and Aider
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
OT,OBE Eleventh and Washington.
W.W STAR Park and Washington.
OAKS RINK Roller skating. Special at
Judok Naked as Defendant. Judge
Joseph II. Jones, head of Department 2
of the District Court, was named as one
of the defendants in a suit filed yester.
flay by Otto Stulke and K. H. Griffin.
The other defendants are George I
TV'illey, clerk of the District Court, and
TL L. Whitcomb. The action filed is i
the nature of a petition, in the Circuit
Court in which a writ of review is
asked in order that Judsre Jones may
be required to certify to proceedings in
a recent case before him. so that the
same may be reviewed by the Circuit
Court, v In the action referred to the
petitioners sued for the recovery of ?71
from the defendant, Whitcomb, and It
is recited that the court erred in chare
ins; costs of the action to the plaintiffs,
who were awarded $63.12 by a Judg
ment 01 juage j ones.
Tax Opinion Hendersd. District At
torney Kvans submitted an opinion
yesterday to the County Commissioners
rln reply to a recent request as to
whether or not to assess the Congres
sional lands held by the Oregon Ai
California Railroad Company in this
county for the 1914 tax collection. He
advises that the county proceed to col
lect the usual taxes, believinn the As
sessor will be justified in this action
and may tiisregard the decision of the
Kederal Court in July of last year to
the effect that these lands in question
revert to the Government.
Relibp Fund Meeting Set. A public
meeting of all interested in the British
National Red Cross Fund and Prince
of Wales Funa will be held in the
Knights of Pythias Hall, Eleventh and
Alder streets, Friday evening, Novem
ber 6. at 8:16 o'clock. The president.
of the executive committee, W. J.
Burns will be in the chair and will
make a report on the progress of the
fund. A first-class musical programme
has been arranged and addresses will
be made by "W. D. Wheelwright and
Robert Livingstone.
High Mass to Bra Said. Rev. Father
Gregory, pastor of the Sacred Heart
Parish, Center and Bast Kleventh
streets, will have been a priest for 20
years Wednesday and the event will
be observed with solemn high mass by
himself at this church at 8:30 Al M.
He made his profession at Mount Angel
College. Several years later he was
placed in charge of the Sacred Heart
Parish, then Just formed on Milwaukle
road, and later he moved the church
to Benedictine Heights, where several
new structures were erected.
Dr. John H. Boyd to Speak. "Dr.
Eehrle and his Principles of Education"
will be the subject of an address to be
delivered Friday evening at 8 o'clock
by Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church. The ad
dress is to be gfcven in the auditorium
of the Ainsworth school, Portland
Heights, under the auspices of the Par
ent-Teacher Association of that dis
trict. A brief discussion will follow
the address. The public is cordially
What is this Ministerial Association
that arrogates to itself the assumed
authority of dictating to its church
members how they shall vote oh the
prohibition amendment? Hadn't thev
better confine their- efforts to teaching
morality, nonesty and temperance in
all things, leaving to each Individual
the choice to act as conscience and
interest may dictate, especially in
secular affairs? Paid Adv.. Women's
.Liberal League.
T. X. Du Chateau Dead. Theop: lie
X. Du Chateau, 69, died at the home of
his, daughter. Mrs. P. R. Mahoney, 102
Kast Nineteenth street North. He is
"survived by his widow, Mrs. Josephine
Du Chateau, and children, Mrs. P. A.
Lambert, V. D. Du Chateau, of Port
land; Mrs. C. E. Davis, of Butte; Mrs,
P. R. Mahoney and Mrs. Warren E
Hale, of Auburn, Wash., and Mrs. W. R,
Jvrueger, of this city.
Willis M. Whitdjo Is Buried. The
funeral services of Willis M. Whiting.
who died at 743 East 59th street, were
conducted yesterday afternoon at the
Portland Crematorium.. He was 3S
years of age and a member of Mystic
Lodge No. 60, -A. F. & A. M., of Hamp
ton, Maine. The funeral services were
conducted by the Mount Tabor Lodge
Missionart Lectures Tonight. Rev.
-nanes tutneriora, lor seven years
a missionary among the Telgus, in
South India, will lecture tonight in
the Sellwood Baptist Church. He will
use 100 pictures of Hindu life. Mr.
Rutherford passed seven years in In
dia and will return to India in about
a year. 1
"China and the Present - World
Crisis," a lecture by Dr. Kenneth Scott
Latourette, of Reed College, at 7:45
this evening, at the Church of Our
Father. Broadway and Yamhill. Morn
ing, at 11, first of the "War Sermons
Second Series." The public respectfully
invitea. aqv.
Exhibition op a Wonderful, Master
piece. The most exquisite art obiec
ever brought to the Pacific Coast. Carl
Thomtay's $48,000 painting, "The Man
01 Borrows, is now on display at
cowers .furniture Company, Third and
Yamhill streets. Admission without
charge. Adv.
Washed and Picked Coal, guaranteed
as represented by us, J3, per ton les
ireig-nt, man nigner priced coals on
the market; give it a test; $6.50 per
ton. Mendota Fuel Co., both phones.
Bob Adams, manager. Adv.
For Rent. West Side, fine six-room
corner flat, fireplace, furnace with hot
water coil and every convenience. 721
Kearney, corner 22d; rent reasonable.
Call East 4496. mornings and evening.
Wasn't that a spectacle to make, the
angels weep to see fanatics handing
school children Prohl cards as they
were leaving school? Pald Adv., by
Women's Liberal League.
ilRS. Hinsdale, formerly with the T.
W. C. A., can now be found at 502 Em
press building. All business branches
are carefully taught and given per
sonal attention. Adv.
Single Tax Talk ' Scheduled. .Tnhn
55. White, of Chicago, will address the
Oregon Single Tax Association at the
regular meeting Thursday noon at
wocre a restaurant
department of industry means just
cuvcmmciju v n non c;i partisan'
plutocrats hate. Adv.
The Right Man in the right place
. nonser, epu oilcan, for County
Withycombe's Friends call 402 Swet-
Jana Diag., toaay. Between 2 and 5PM
Paid Adv.
Woobter sills everything. 488 Wash
ington st, Adv.
Juhior Guild Elects.. A. junior guild
has been added to the organizations
of the St. John's Episcopal Church of
Sellwood. The initial meeting was held
Wednesday and the following officers
were elected: President, Camilla Can
field; vice-president, Junietta Krogstad;
recording secretary, Dorothy Ballheim;
corresponding secretary, Helen Krog
stad; treasurer. Marguerite Matthie;
chaplain, Ruth Capell; membersHip com
mittee, Emma Capell, Llla Pllea Fallis;
social, Jennie Capell; Alameda Col well;
Olis Deeth, Helen Fanning, Frances
Cumming; Mrs. John D. Rice is director
or the work of the guild.
Mass Meeting Set -or Tonight. The
Endeavor Society of the Sunnyside
Congregational Church, corner East
Taylor and Thirty-second street, has
completed arrangements for a mass
meeting of young people's societies of
Sunnyside and Mount Tabor this even
ing at 6:30 o'clock. The subject will
be "A Saloonless Nation." The regular
evening preaching service at 7:45
o'clock will be a continuation on the
general theme of prohibition, when
Governor West will speak on "Prohibi
tion and True Citiaenship."
Red Cross Societt Meets. An in
formal meeting of the German Red
Cross Society was held at the home of
Mrs. Nathan Harris Friday night. Plans
for the 4azaar to be held in the Turn
Verein in December were discussed.
t has been decided to sell all dolls of
American make only and to have them
dressed in American style instead of
German as has heretofore been the
Professor Torret to Speak. Tonight
before the Portland Rationalist So-
iety, H. B. Torrey will deliver a lec
ture on "Instinct and the Rational
Life." Professor Torrey is In charge
the" biology department of Reed
College and in his lecture will draw
upon some of the most recent develop
ments of biological observation. The
ecture takes place in room A, Central
ibrary, at 8 o'clock.
Local Option Vote Near. Although
state-wide prohibition is an issue at
he coming election, three precincts in
Multnomah County will vote on local
option. These are Precincts 283, 284
and 310. The first two comprise the
district of Kenton, where saloons are
now in operation. The last precinct
includes Troutdale, where saloons are
now licensed.
Alleged Assaulter Arraigned.
Oscar Anderson, held in the County Jail
on a charge of assault with a dangerous
weapon upon Peter Geise. a fellow
sailor on the British ship Queen Eliza
beth, moored at Linnton, was bound
over to await examination by the grand
Jury when brought before Judge Day
ton in District Court for arraignment
Temperance Talk Todat. W. H. Sel-
leck, secretary cf the temperance forces
of the Methodist conference, will
speak at the Portland Y. M. C. A. this
afternoon at 3:15 o'clock on "Why Ore
gon Dry." After the meeting in the
auditorium a fellowship supper willte
Tax Measures to Be Discussed. At
the noon luncheon of the East Side
Business Men's Club tomorrow at the
Hotel Edwards the tax measures will
be discussed. It will be an open forum
for candidates and others to express
themselves on the measures.
Y. M. C. A. Boys Plan Fun. An en
tertainment for the benefit of the
boys department of the Y. M. C. A.
is being planned by the Y. M. C. A.
Athletic Bible Club. The programme
will consist of songs, recitations and
dramatic readings.
Fire Insurance Agents. American
company, with over ten million assets,
large surplus, unexcelled record, San
Francisco, offers connection with spe
cial inducements for commensurate
volume of new business. G 358, Ore
gonian. Adv.
Are the preachers of the so-called
Evangelical Churches trying to effect a
union o( church and state? If not why
their great activity in this Prohibition
movement and the recent "recall."
Paid Adv., by Women's Liberal League.
Society of Friends Invited. All men
who have been or are now members
of the Society of Frlende are invited
to a "fellowship supper" to be held, in
the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A.
Wednesday, November 4, at 7 o'clock
MiLLiB Brouillettb Whitten Berwick.
dramatic reader, pupil of Emerson Col
lege of Oratory, Boston. Readings
furnished for drawing-room, club or
church. Private pupils. Phone East
3773. Adv.
To All Church Members. Don't be
led by your preachers to vote for that
vicious, impracticable and robbing
scheme, the prohibition amendment.
Paid Adv.. by Women's Liberal League.
Sam Saddler to Speak. Sam Saddler.
former organizer of the Socialist party
01 wasningion, will speak in Arlon
Hall tonight, on "The Socialist Party.
TTRen, Independent candidate for
Governor, will speak noon hour, tomor
row. Sixth and Yamhill. Adv.
The Right Man in the right plac
R. C. Bonser, Republican, for County
surveyor. aov.
Prohibition Partt principles insure
toe permanent deieat or uncivil in
terests. Adv.
School of Music. French lessons.
private lessons; classes. 217 Tilford
Dldg. Adv.
Norman Bros., tailors, new establish
ment in. w. JNatl. Bank bldg. Adv.
This Calamity Howl of the "wets'" is
the plea of savage kings. Adv,
Christmas Handkerchiefs at 'Mrs.
John Cran s, 39a 12th. Adv.
Dr. Ella K. Dearborn, 800 Union Ave.
Mortn. Telephone C 1108.
Dr. W. A. Wish will be at his office
an week. Adv.
Yeomen, Thursday night; 128 Eleventh.
Best Chiropodist,
311 Globe bldg.
Men and Women
who apply the same business judgment in spending
money as In earning it, are the men and women who
are. buying diamond:!. .
TO THOSE who do not know the extent and quality
of our diamond stock we ask the pleasure of your
stones mounted in original and exclusive
designs will appeal to those who know
and demand the best.
KVKRY DIAMOND is backed by our ab
solute guarantee. A Guarantee Backed by
a reputation of years' standing for True
Value 4lvtng.
THK! Think rood and hard before
spending dollars elsewhere that -you can
save by coming here. .
orn special moo iiiAMONn rino is
YOlAt DIAMONDS RESET in the very latest set
tings at a very small cost.
Jaeger Bros,
S MORRISON ST, Between Third and Fourth.
The busy office man can-
phone the smallest order with
the assurance that it will have
the same careful attention that - 4
would be given the largest order given
in person.
For Quick Service, Low
Price and Prompt De
livery Call Main 8500
Everything Your
Office Needs
The J. K. Gill Co., Third
and Alder. Booksellers,
Stationers and Complete
Office Outfitters.
la d
mm ft i i 4 .v v j
ix I 1111
Reed College Notes
THE Reed College vesper services
this afternoon at 4 o'clock will be
conducted by Arthur Kvans Wood. There
will be special music consisting of
"Prelude in B flat minor" (J. S. Bach):
contralto solo, "Litany for All Souls'
Day" (Schubert), by Miss Clara Wuest.
President Burton, of Smith College,
will be the speaker at the- Reed Col
lege assembly in the college chapel
on Monday. November 2, at 11 o'clock.
The subject for Monday's lecture on
natural science. Reed College extension
course No? 12 will be "How Geographic
Conditions AffeC Organisms." Dr. Wil
li am oiprMorgaiiwlll?lvethe aii-
dress at 3 T. M. in the biological lecture-room
of the college.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindress, sympathy and floral
offerings during our bereavement and
loss of wife and mother.
Mir. Malarkey Declares for Xon-Par
tlsan Judiciary Bill.
PORTLAND, Oct. 31. (To the Edi
tor.j as a lawyer of over 20 years'
practice in- this state, who has had
much work in the courtroom, I ask a
little space in The Oregonian for a few
words in indorsement of the non-partisan
judiciary bill," to be voted on next
The principle of the bill, that judges
should be chosen without regard to
their political affiliations and that can
didates for judicial positions should
not be the candidates of any particular
party, is highly proper.
Most of the objections urged to the
pending bill are largely technical in
that they do not go to the substance,
but only to the form. Let us establish
the principle by the adoption of the
bill. We can improve on the details
later, if advisable.
Given to every detail of the makine
insures for you perfect satisfaction in a
made-to-measure suit or overcoat &t
an economical price, with the follow
ing terms $10 down and balanco i;
a month. Unique Tailoring ComDanv.
309 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth.
Adv, ( x
Steel Filing Cabinets
1 ...S,,. jpg
Hermlston Builds Sidewalk.
HERMISTON, Or.. Oct. 31. (Special.)
a ne i-iiy ui xierimsion Is Deing li
proved by the construction of 100 feet
of concrete sidewalk on Main street.
Kidneys weak? Pain in the back? Try
uu-Koia raDiets. zoc tne box at -all
drugstores. Adv.
iveeps your feet dry. webfnnt r.n
shoe dressing, the great waterproof. All
Occupy a minimum of floor
. space, will outwear wood and
are no higher in price. Each .
drawer works smoothly and
affords a maximum of . filing
space. They cover letter and
legal case filing, book, card
and document filing.
Complete Office Outfitters.
107 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark.
Perkins Hotel
Sunday Special
Full Course.
11 till 8:30.
Jean Lazaroff Schley, our
competent chef, says:
"1 will please them."
Midday Meal
Continuous service G A. M.
till 8:U0 P. JI.
Prices very moderate.
Keep Your Desk
advises a successful business man.
'It s just as easy and 100 per cent
more efficient to keep your papers
in a jjsket."
We have wire, willow, wooden and
metal baskets for every office pur
pose, and all other useful articles for
your1 desk; stationery racks, desk
files, blotter pads, inkstands, clips,
pins, pens, pencils, fountain pens,
calendars, diaries, memo, pads, etc.
Safes, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Tables,
Unairs and ' Everything for
the Office."
Commercial Stationers,
Office Outfitters,
Printers, Engravers and
Architects and Engineers' Instruments
anu ouppues.
Architects, Contractors and Builders
With a view to facilitate matters and
to eliminate unnecessary red tape and
delay in the buiiriin Hnur,n,Ln
I this city, and especially with a view to
S """s l w Duuaing inspector more
discretion in the approval of building
plans, etc., when to follow the code
does not coincide with common sense
and the improvement of various other
detects in the procedure in said de
partment, which said delay and de
fective procedure are retarding the
progress of the city and turnt'ig awav
prospective investors, the Builders' and
Investors League desires to collect all
information possible from architects
roiiirtw, uuiiaer,s and others who
have suffered by the useless technicalities-
of the building department.
Kindly address
Book telling how easy It lm to
cure LIQUOR, DRL'C and TO
BACCO habits. Sern. ssmled
and unmarked. Mention hih
you are interested In. WHITE CROSS IN
BTJTUIlt, 71 Cavl. St. fottlaad, fij.
From "Printer's Ink," issue July 2, 1914.
"The United States Circuit Court of Appeals at Cin
cinnati ruled that the CAFFEINE content in the product
(amounting to about one and one-fifth grains per glass)
could not properly be classed as an 'added ingredient,
6ince the product tvithout caffeine would not be COCA
How Many People Know This?
The manufacturers claim that "Coca Cola relieves
fatigue" and refreshes. So does a glass of light wine or
. - beer. All constitutions and tastes are not alike. All peo
ple take to one form or another of refreshments.
The Desire for Comforts, Luxuries, Sweets,
Refreshing and Exhilarating Beverages
is an inborn principle, and the foundation of t'ivili.ation;
whenever you attempt to legislate it away in its mild
forms, worse conditions will arise, and simultaneously you
kill initiative, genius, statesmanship, love for freedom,
and bring into existence drug habits, economic slavery,
polygamy,1 etc., as in China and Turkey.
' is,! 0
tory lie
Two Timely Questions
DO YOU WANT our good state to lay the
foundation on which our Nation is to follow in
the footsteps of China or Turkey by adopting
DO YOU WANT our good state to adopt pro
hibition and make the same costly experiment
that has already
Vermont had it 53 years Abolished it
New Hampshire had it 48 years t . .Abolished it
Massachusetts had it 22 years Abolished it
Michigan had it 22 years Abolished it
Connecticut had it 18 years Abolished it
Rhode Island had it 48 years. .... .Abolished it
South Dakota had it 6 years Abolished it
Nebraska had it 3 years. Abolished it
Alabama had it 3 years Abolished it
Illinois had it 2 years .Abolished it
New York Annulled it
Iowa . . . . , Annulled it
Ohio Annulled it
Indiana ". . Annulled it
Wisconsin Vetoed it
(Tacoma Tribune.)
H. B. La Monte, secretary of the Anti-Prohibition Association, issued the
' . following statement Saturday :
"The Prohibitionists admit that it costs them $200,000 to send out their
'flying: squadron' of high-salaried speakers.
"This 'flying squadron,' composed of speakers from 'wet' states, will be in
Washington the last days of October n an effort to make Washington 'dry,'
"The Prohibitionists make much fuss about money spent to keep Wash
ington in the prosperity column.
"Would it be amiss to ask from whence comes the money to finance the
Prohibition campaign, which includes such vast and extravagant sums as th
$200,000 paid for this junketing tour of high-salaried speakers t
"I can give the people some enlightenment on this matter.
"Rockefeller, the Standard Oil monopolist, is a con
tributor; Asa Candler, manufacturer of Coca Cola, which
sells best in prohibition territory, is a contributor; John
A. Patton, lethodist deacon and manufacturer of 'Wine
of Cardui' (20 per cent alcohol and largely sold in pro
hibition territory and indorsed by prohibitionists), is a
contributor, while it is likely that the manufacturers of
other .'dopes' are also interested.
"If the people cbuld know of the -motives which prompt many to make
contributions to the Prohibition cause there would be less hysteria in Pro-
hibition campaigns."
We believe in our product and in the good
judgment of Oregon voters on Nov. 3.
Bee Our Educational Exhibit at the Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show at the Armory
Olympia Brewing Co.
VOTF Against Initiative Measure No. 333 X No
(Paid Advertisement.)