TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVE3IBEK 1, 1914. y S f 9 AT J- 2?2t . ' "V V V-" "aw (Continued From Pas 3.) prize for the player holding highest score of the afternoon was awarded to Mrs. Lyddon Veysey. In addition to this prize, corsage boquets were given to the one holding high score at each table. The rooms were decked prettily with huge clusters of pink chrysanthemums, carnations and fern ery. In the dilng-room, where the punchbowl was placed, an artistic ef fect was obtained by ' the use . of Autumnal foliage. For the first time in the history of the Irvington Club tiny tots held full Bway in the evening. They had a jolly Halloween party Friday night, and, with the natural unrestrained gaiety of childhood, the little otjes entered into the spirit of revelry that was a rare treat for the adults to see. The club was decked in truly gala at tire, black cats. Jack O'Lanterns and crafty witches lending a festive air to the handsome interior of the club. One hundred and seventy-six children in grotesque costumes and masks were in, the grand march, which was led Dv two three-year-old tots, Harriet Hot mann and Max Metcham. The commit' tee was assisted in the formation of the dances by Miss Beth Ludlam and Miss West in costume, who also ar ranged game and fancy dance figures. The committee of arrangement was Mrs. A. H. Cousins, Mrs. Lewis Mead, Mrs. J. R. Burke, Mrs. E. L. Pettis, Mrs. Marion versteeg. Cards have been issued for a recep tion to be given Thursday afternoon, . November 5, by Mrs. Russell Clark for Miss Alma Knke, whose wedding to .Dr. George Hoffman takes place No vember 25. Miss Edith Clerin's engagement to Edward Qlenn Smyth was announced Wednesday by the bride-elect's mother, ;Mrs. Q. p. Clerin, at a charming re ception. The Clerin residence was filled . during the calling hours with prettily :. gowned matrons and maids, the at . tractive floral decoration of the rooms making a pleasing foil for the gowns or ine guests, a color scneme or yel low was developed in the drawing- room with ' huge clusters of chrysan themums apd in the dining-room dahlias were used with artistic effect. The tea table, prettily decked, was presided over by Mrs. W. Y. Masters and Mrs. Robert A. Lamberson. They ing shoes and clothing for children of the poor. . Patronesses for the affair are: Mesdames McKlnley Mitchell, W. B. Hare, Martin Wagner. F. P. Waring, J. W. Toft, Frank Menefee, B. F. Wea ver, C. L. Boss, J. C. Costello, H. C. Ten ny, C. J. Wheeler, William Fiebig, C. F. Jones. A. M. Webster, Kobert Clark. Alva Lee Stephens, William Gadsby, J. C. Hare. C. S. Huntington. C. W. Hay- hurst, W. W. McCredie, D. G. TomasinI, E. R.-Pittlekau, Mrs. William N. Gatens, Mrs. Donald M. Spencer and Mrs. John Manning. - On Friday evening, November 13, the regular semi-annual interschool hop will be given at Masonic Temple. The ballroom will be elaborately decorated-, and the committee is working hard to make the affair a big success. The committee includes Misses Luc He Dud ly,; Gladys Dunne, Dorothy Eve Flood, Marion Hoben, Ruth Walters, Phebe Gage, and Baltis Allen, William Lewis, Donald Keys, A. Townsend Kurtz, Ju lius Berkey, Robert Hamaker and Carl Logan. Patronesses for the event will be Mrs. Dom J. Zan, Mrs. David M. Dunne, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Baltis Allen, Mrs. Dudley and Mrs. G. E. Hamaker. Miss Agnes Torgler has issued in vitations for a dancing party to be given at her home Friday evening. NEWS FROM THE ARJIY POST Mrs. Bell, wife of Brigadier-General George Bell, Jr., entertained at lunch eon Wednesday at 1 o'clock. The table was centered with pink carnations and the color scheme of pink was carried out attractively. Those enjoying Mrs. Bell's hospitality were: Mrs. F. W. Leadbetter, of Portland; Mrs. James Ossewaarde, Mrs. John H. Page, Jr., Mrs. Fred W. Bugbee, Mrs. Edgar A. Fry. Mrs. John H. Page, Sr., Mrs. Wil son Chase, Mrs. J. C. Grady, Mrs. Rutherfurd S. Hartz, Mrs. James B. Woolnough and Mrs. Samuel V. Ham. - During the week Mrs. Ossewaarde, wife of Chaplain James Ossewaarde, gave a series of dinners and lunch eons. At dinner Tuesday evening the guests were Lieutenant and Mrs. Wool nough. Lieutenant and Mrs. Hartz, Lieutenant and Mrs. William H. Gill, Captain Carroll F. Armistead and Cap tain Edmund S. Sayer, Jr. , Chaplain and Mrs. Ossewaarde had as were assisted by the Misses Margurite I their dinner guests Wednesday evening Deering, Genevieve Caughey, Elizabeth I Major and Mrs. Peter C. Field, Major McGaw and Marlon Grebel. I ana Mrs. wiison unase, uaptain ana The hostess was assisted about the Mrs. C. T. King. Miss Tiernan and. Lieu rooms by Mrs. Frank Swanton. Mrs. tenant Paul W. Newgarden. Herbert Tavlor Scott. Miss Louis Bord and Miss Ae-nes Beach. Little Miss I Mrs. Ossewaarde at luncheon Thurs Mary. Clerin and Annette Byford re- ay entertained Mrs. John H. Page, Sr., ceived the cards at the door and the Mrs. John H. Page, Jr., Mrs. Fry, Mrs prospective bridegroom's mother, Mrs. 1 James M. Hobson, Jr., Mrs. Bernard Sidney Smyth, received with the host- I Lentz, Mrs. L C. Bennett. Mrs. George ess and her daughter. I s- Tiffany, Mrs. Bugbee and Mrs. George Miss Clerin is a charming and O0DU- I "-. lar girl, a member of Delta Gamma Sorority and attended the University I At luncheon Saturday Mrs. Osse- of California. Her fiance is the son I waarde s guests were Mrs. Ham, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smyth, a grad- I Grady, Mrs. Robert L. Weeks, Mrs. uate of the University of California Herbert C. Gibner, Mrs. Allen Parker, and a Beta Theta Pi man. He Is a Mrs. Raymond t. ingalls. Mrs. Morore mining engineer, engaged in quarries I and Mrs. Davis. In Southern California, Miss Tiernan. of West Virginia, is Miss Geraldine Whittaker, whose I visiting her sister, Mrs. King, wife of wedding to Burton Charles Haines I Captain C. T. King. takes place in December, was the guest of honor at an elaborate bridge 1 The Twenty-first Infantry, under luncheon given by Mrs. Levi M. LMey I command of Colonel George S. Young, and Mrs. Edward K.ener at ine nome with his staff, have been under inspec of the latter recently. covers were tlon during the past week. The In laid for 26. spector-General, Colonel . David C. In the drawing-room mountain laurel I Shanks, of San Francisco, arrived Tues and red tulle were used profusely, I day night. - On Wednesday the regi while in- the dining-room and den ment took a hike, returning to the post red carnations and ferns formed beau- at night, leaving early Thursday for tiful center pieces and corners. Red the Government target range near hearts and flying cupids were in evi- Proebstel. returning to Vancouver Bar- denca. Clusters of red rosebuds ana racks .Friday night. They were in maidenhair ferns adorned the tables. I spected at the range by. Colonel Shanks : A cupid perched on the mantle held and General. Bell,- being put through the chair occupied by the honor guest i various military maneuvers and anils. with rln r fA tll- I Card honors were awarded to Mrs. lieutenant atewart. or tne Twenty- Khirw barker and Mrs. George W. nrst iniantry, has been ordered to Alca ii,.., . traz Island for station, where he will m nlnh - -Rnhlnsnn Kccomnanlad assist captain Ln&ries n. nowiano, oi bv Mrs. Percy Allen on the violin and j the same regiment, who has been there Mr. Whittaker at the ulano. sang several months. Lieutenant Stewart is several pleasing numbers, after -which report by November 18, trie Driae-eiect was snowereu witn a. complete ' aluminum and . electric era 1;: 4 I the Seventh Brigade, with headquar ters in this post. While the troops were away on the trip for inspection Company F, Engi neers, did guard duty in the post. Cap. tain Richord C. Moore was in com mand. " " I Major Adrian S. Fleming, Adjutant of the Seventh Brigade, accompanied General Bell to the target sange at Proebstel Thursday. The Musical Club met for the first time this season Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John H. Page, Jr. The afternoon . was taken up with American Composers," and Mrs. Chase rea a delightfully interesting paper on this topic. Nearly all contributed to the entertainment, of the afternoon. The membership of the club starts this sea son with1 Mrs. Wilson Chase, Mrs. Ber. nard Lentz. Mrs. John H. Page. Jr.. Mrs. James Ossewaarde, Mrs. James M. Hob- son, jr., Mrs. Fred W. Bugbee, Mrs. Edsar A. Fry, Mrs. Woolnough, Mrs. Tiffany, Mrs. Ingalls, Mrs. Hartz and Mrs. Ralph R. Glass. Meetings are to be held regularly during the Winter, once in two weeks. der, Mrs. Ruth Peebles and Miss Marlon BlakeBley, of San Francisco. i . . The Vernon Christian Church at East Nineteenth and Wygant streets was where Amanuel Sears and Highland Mary Sears celebrated their .golden wedding recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sears were married on October 13, 1864, at Bedford, Ind., while Mr. Sears was at home on a furlough during service in the Civil War as a special assistant body guard to President Lincoln. Mr, and Mrs. Sears spent their honeymoon period in Washington. D. C, Rev. J. A. Melton, pastor of the Ver non Christian Church, and members had decorated the church with a large arch trimmed with Autumn leaves and floral decorations. The church choir rendered special music, after which Miss Genevieve Cochran played a wed ding march and ; the couple marched into the church escorted by the matron nf honor. Mrs. J. A. Melton, ana J. Horton. and the little flower girls, Misses Pauline Sears and tana .Mor rison. Under the archway at the altar the pastor met the party, and in a fitting and unique ceremony reunited tne coupie to go on auw-uoi uv iniirriAv together. Mr and Mrs. Sears spent the greater portion of their lives at Fayetteville, Ind.. where two children were born to hnm Arli and William A. Sears. The daughter died several years ago. The son, William A. sears, ana lamnj - residents of Portland. There were present about 250 friends and relatives. Gordon Grange Post, No. 43, pre ,. 1 ., 1 , , 1 Am blem pin. The ladies of the Relief Corps of Gordon Granger fost, io. pre sented Mrs. Sears with a goiaen ciocv the church was a table loaded with presents from the huroVi members, friends ana relatives, in.r Vi a rerpmonv - refreshments were served by the ladies of the church Comblete reversion to the rural Hal nwona r taveral vears ago was car ried out in the dance by the Maxixlans TTi-iiiav nlirht at Cotillion Hall. Dec orations emphasized the general scheme nrhiia th hall was cleverly womea into nn Rns-lish farm scene. A gnostiy r- ceDtion committee welcomed the guests nni h members of the orchestra. roosorl o.B farm hands, revivea an oi the old favorites and scattered a few of the Jatest song hits by way oi con trast. . . Th club colors, orange ana purpie, were worKea into mo ociuiu" nhm In an- effective way. laer. drawn from a barrel, and served in tin runs. old-iasnionea canny uu . taffy pull" were some or tne ieaiure. Th. members of tne .committee in kitchen - outfit. Those present -were George W. Akers, Percy Allen, George Anderson. Alevander M. . Clark, t:. c. Colt. B. C. Damall, Walter P. Dickey, J. Harvey Fanner, Fred Glenn, Frank ltn T. Griffith, Edward Keller, Otto Kettenbach. Levi M. -Lacy, F. J. Leon Lieutenant Schneider, Lieutenant Snow and Lieutenant Riley, who have Mesdames I )een on a B-day leave of absence to returned Saturday, after a - pleasant trip. The weather is colder on the At lantic Coast than here, where the frost has not visited this Fall. Lieutenant-Colonel Shanks, Inspec- COUPLE CELEBRATE THEIR ANNIVERSARY. ard. W. G. Lloyd. Robert Menefee, J. I i.,.n.n.,.i t..h v'.h wowara Miner, ivi. woe, or t.mcin- ,g his stay ln tne po8t was a guest oI J, i. ' ; "; ,"' I General. George Bell, who has command George Waggoner. R. M. C. Whittaker ; and the Misses Agnes Hickman, Bess I PORTLAND Lloyd. Geraldine Whittaker. This week s calendar included an interesting assemblage Thursday after " noon at the hame of Mrs. S. H. How ard and Mrs. G. A. Burton. 324 Tenth street, when friends of their girlhood days gathered for an old time chat. The rooms were attractive with ear ; nations and cactus dahlias, while the dining table was especially adorned V with Halloween features. Covers were laid for 17. Mrs. . F. J. McGettigan sang popular elections from the light operas and several classics. The guests were: Mrs. M. Goulet, Mr. D. P. Bradley, Mrs. S. V. Fuller, , Mrs. L. H. Poujade, Mrs. M. A. Flynn. Mrs. F. Goulet, Mrs. J. Keiter, Mrs. 8. ; L. Taylor. Mrs. A. W. Cauthorn, Mrs, ; T. G. Coleman, Mrs. J. S. Stott, Mrs. J. . R. Glendenning, Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mrs. . K. L. Brown, Mrs. Oscar Olsen, Mrs. H. Madernach, Mrs. Richard Mason. Mrs. George Settletneier, Mrs. Harvey Bux ton. Mrs. A. P. Smith, Mrs. M. Murphy, Mrs. Henry Koester, of Gervais: Miss EVENTS OF THE WEEK. ' A large assemblage of merrymakers gathered at Vincent Hall on Tuesday evening to attend the L'Amitie Club's dance. The patronesses for the event were Mrs. E. G. Coleman, Mrs. J. E. Maxon, Mrs. -H. L. Lambert, Mrs. E. H. Langdon, Mrs. G. C. Jaggar. Mrs. F. E. Ford and Mrs. Ceclle Greene. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Banks. Mrs. Coleman, Adolph Unna, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Green, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jagger, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lam bert. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Langdon. Mr. and Mrs. J. - E. Maxon. Ralph Nichols, Mr. ana Mrs. J. JJ. Gough. Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Gough, Mr., and Mrs. A. C. Pool, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bruentng, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Tennent, Mr. and Mrs, V. N. Drake, Mrs. I. A. Crosby. Jack Rose. Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rldgway. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cason, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cason, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mann. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Penrose, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Mr. anl Mrs. L. G. Feyen. S. D. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Sprague, Mr. and B. M. Satterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Erstel, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Brice. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Still, Mr. anl Mrs. Harry M. Bissel, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chamber lain, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MoAlllster, Mrs. L. Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Levis, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. G P, Blasell, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nesbit, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Edlnger, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Gerlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Landlett, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ritter, Dr, George Matchett, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stalgsr and H. J. Flynn and Miss Flynn, of Seattle W. Helfrich, of Astoria, and W. J. Kro Grift. Josenh Chanlinsr. Jack O'Brien. charge of the programme were: Misses uoyj Vermillion, Jack Barry, Ken Mabel Mascot, Margaret Harvey. Irene netn Morrison, Hoyt Brown, Lee Wal Mosher, Edith Miller, Eleanor Hawkins, dron, carl Ceasar, Benny Kisky Julius Hazel Gallagher, Manna weiaennoiu Berkey. Vern Everett. Edwin Crosby, and Alice Burke and Paul R. Dicken- Frank Cox. Howard McKay. Frederick son, George E. Love, Elmer A. Han- Hltzhousen. Allen Cutler, Clarke Pelk- sen, Charles Bauer, waiter m. uickbu- ngton, Carl Logan. Nellls Hamlin, John son, Dick Mulin, William H. Gwaltney piatt, Baltis Allen, Harlan Llttlejohns. and Carl Taylor. The patronesses were: willard Soden. Emily Rupert, Patrick Mrs. F. A. Dickenson, Mrs. unester a. Rielly, Pauline Hlents, Hasel Wymoore, Derrance. Mrs. H. P. Love and Mrs. C I Eva Boskawtch, Marie Winn, Lou W. Bauer. I Walker, Marlon Shade, Frances Soden, The club will give a "European war I Gladys Morgan. Ella Wlggington, dance" on November 20. I Pauline Chittenton. Vera Barber, Ruth Woodcock. Floraelle . Parrot. Chrlstin Thn Halloween dance and social giv- Parrot. Lucile Selvers, Peggy Shugert, en by the Colorado Society Wednesday Josephine Ritter, Lillian Bowen and night proved to be one oi tne mosti (jonstance west. enjoyable affairs given in tne ieaera GOLDEN WEDDING Amid a host of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin celebrated Esther Mitchell, Miss Jeanette Mitchell 1 their golden wedding anniversary last Sundav at. their home. 226 Shnrni&n and Matthleu Howard. . I street. . Bern in Russia In 1848. Mr. Martin married when but 18. Two chil- " ' " ' " I dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Martin lived in Rus- naaea oar mrw. n, r. ugnaunai, as i . , until 1906. when, following a terrlbla massari-n nf" th Jawk thcv ami chairman, a committee or social work- grated to this country and have resided In Portland einoe. rs. society ana ciuDwomen oi ron- i Mr. Martin continues the teaching of Hebrew, which he has followed iana win ito a. nrg wra pr -i lor the last o years, to eomiort tnem In their old age, Mr. and Mrs. Mar HoteV Benson Wednesday afternoon, I tin have their son and -his wife and grandchildren the Misses Bertha, Anna. vao pxfsjQ-cua iu 119 ubtuiwi w vtuvuaa- 1 adi Lozer ana. .L&Via M Midwinter Owing to Mild Weather and Backward Season We Have Decided to Unload! Wonderful Sale of New Fall Coats and Suits Every Garment Reduced From 35c to 60c on the Dollar! 600 Suits to Choose From at These Special Bargain Prices $15 Suits, $9.95 $20.00 SUITS . .1512.45 $25.00 SUITS . .$14.45 $30.00 SUITS . .$19.50 $35.00 SUITS . .$22.45 $40.00 SUITS . . $24.45 13000 Coats to Choose From at These Special Bargain Prices $6 Coats at $3.98 $ 7.50 COATS .$ 4.95 $10.00 COATS .$ 6.45 $15.00 COATS .$ 9.85 $20.00 COATS .$12.45 $25.00 COATS .$14.45 300 Skirts to Choose From at These Special Bargain Prices $3 Skirts at$1.98 $ 5.00 SKIRTS ..$2.98 $ 6.00 SKIRTS . .$3.45 $ 7.50 SKIRTS . .$3.95 $ 9.00 SKIRTS . .$4.85 $12.00 SKIRTS $. .6.85 Odd and End Waists, some slightly soiled, at 49c, 69c, 98c All High-Neck Waists at ONE-HALF PRICE y Every Fine, Up-to-the -Minute 1 r jL Sample Coat or Suit Above lL 2 $45.00 to $85.00 Half-Price IdL Cor. Sixth and Alder Opposite Orgonian tlon of state clubs. Those present wr; Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Ramsey, Dr. and Mrs. Sard Wlest, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hazen. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Arnett, Mr. and Mrs. IT. capeii, Mr. ana Mrs. w E. Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. C. w will lama Mr. and Mrs. Orthles, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark. Dr. and Mrs. Sturte vtnt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tarbell, Mr. and Mrs, D. T. Sappln. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. Mrs. C. Hayenes, Mrs. Col- pltts, Mrs. B. Cochran, Mrs. I. Koyce. Mrs. M. S. Hobklrk, Mrs. E. Edsrerton, Mrs. M. E, Bturtevant, Mrs. W. Breckel, Mrs. H. B. Manchester, Mrs. N. lireen ough. Mrs. E3. A. Davis. Irs. F Q. Haskell, Mrs. F. K. McCarthy. Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Ban. Mrs. Cummlngs. Mrs. D. I. Pepin, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs. S. Tavlor. Mrs. E. Sarson. Mrs. M. Wy- vllle: Misses Hazel Ra.mey, Gladys Ap. plegate. Jean Sturtevant, Dorothy wy vllle, Freda Breckel. May Purdue, Col- pitts, Gertrude Haskell. Jennie Kapp, McKarland, Norton, Grossmayer, Sind linjr. Trieber: Messrs. Blddle, Mont- crief. Hale Davis, Clyde Davis, John Bon, Breckel,' Koller, Wonner, Pray, Roberts. Cronyn. Redman. Balrd. Don- ner, Ramsay. Sappon, Scharberc Hom er, Brookings and i-iolliver. A Halloween -party of more than or dinary interest was given by the San Grael Christian Endeavor Society at the First Presbyterian Church house, 454 Alder street, on Tuesday evening. Ghosts lurked in the corridors and half-veiled figures beckoned the adven turous into mysterious bypaths whence "many retreated in . unseemly hMte. telling tales of clammy hands outstretched to Impede their intrepid advance, of swishing garments and unearthly sounds and floating faces with fiery eyes.- An animated tomb stone wandered restlessly about. Witches plied their black arts and generated mysterious potions in their huge cauldron It was an hour of witchery, which presently melted into a thoroughly mundane and 20th-century joy-hour for .150 young people who frolicked through the regulation Halloween stunts. The evening ended with a general vote that the San Grael So. ciety had achieved a Halloween party of . unrivaled novelty and satisfying interest for the large crowd of young people who were its guests. A delightful, affair of the week was a dancing party given by Misses Nadine Baker, Gladys Hollingsworth. Llda Lotel, A. Townsend. Otto Boyer and C, Manning on Wednesday evening. The affair was chaperoned by the mothers of the young hostesses, and the guests Included: Oliver Moore. -Raymond Deiahunt, Paul Cudllpp. Harold. Hart, Ernest Magius, Dee Munson, David The Idle Hour Bridge Club met Thursday evening at the E. W. Ring residence. 874 East Taylor street, when a pleasant evening was passed by those present playing auction bridge: card honors falling to Miss Charlotte Reed and E. W. Ring. After cards re freshments were served by the hostess. Those who enjoyed the hostess' hospi tality were: Metta D. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ring, the Misses Alta Ring. Charlotte Reed, Margaret J. Conrad and W. W. Work, E. V. Hllllus. W. Quigley and E. Beamer. The next meeting of the Club will be held November 5 at the Baker Apartment, Lucretia Court. One of the prettiest dancing parties of the season was given last Thursday night by the Waukoma Club, in Chrls tensen's Hall. Three selections were rendered by the club's quartet, the first being a pretty greeting, which the singers had icomposed. Mrs. J. Mc Donald, who drew No. IS, won the prize, consisting of a basket of flow- The ladles of the Midway Embroid- THE return of the social season finds The Portland Hotel, as ever, ready to serve you. i Among other innovations is the new parlor-ballroom, with its polished inlaid floor; you'll be pleased with its beauty and air of coziness. Engagements may now be made at modest rates for afternoon or evening dancing parties. The Portland is splendidly equipped for the serv ing of wedding breakfasts, banquets, dinners and for catering for occasional functions. A service courteous, in an environment of absolute refinement; a tariff as moderate as that charged bf establishments situated lest for tunately than the Portland". Occupying an entire block in the best section of the city. Entrances from all streets. The management courteously invites your patronage and solicits inquiries regarding special entertainment. Music Every Evening by Our Own Orchestra. THE PORTLAND HOTEL G. J. Kaufmann, Manager. -tr(- IT'S WONDERFUL TO SEE ALL THE BEAU TIFUL STYLES IN CLOTHES AT CHERRY'S "Certainly the war hasn't had any effect on their getting the new things Clara; you know I d planned to tnakt over that serge dress of mine for Fall and I was looking around to see whai the styles are. "I dropped into CHERRY'S: you know I've bought most of my clothes there for years, while in California, on account of the GENEROUS CREDIT PLAN; well, by the time they had showed me two or three dresses, I dropped the Idea of making over mmi old things and bought one of th basque effects on the spot. "To tell you the truth. Clara, I can buy new garments at CHERRY'S foi really less than I can hire a dressmak er and worry and fret at home on my own sewing. And the coats and suits and dresses they're showing now are simply beautiful. . "I know you've been talkinr about a new coats take it from me, you'll do well to buy it at CHERRY'S for they make such awfully easy TERMS and mark their goods so reasonably that everybody ought to be a patron of theirs. Why, you know where CHERRY'S location is at 889-391 Wash ington street, Pittock Block. Adv. To Get Rid of Wrinkles and Bad Complexion It la mor. Important now than during- the period of profuse pernplratlon, to kep th pores clean. All cosmetics clog- the pores. In eool weather this Interferes greatly with the elimination of weste material. Injuring instead of aiding the complexion. Ordinary mereollaea wax serves all the pur poses of creams, powders and rouges, giving far better results. It actually peel off an offensive skin, at the same time unclogglng the pores. Minute particles of scarf skin come off day by day, causing not the least pain or discomfort. Gradually the healthy, younger skin beneath peeps out. and In leas than a fortnight you have a lovelier com plexion than you ever dreamed of acquiring. Mercollxed wax, obtainable at any drugstore, la spread on nightly like cold cream and washed off mornings. One ounce usually suffices. For removing wrinkles, without stopping the pores with pasty stuff, here's a never failing formula: 1 os. powdered saxollta. dis solved In H pint of witch hasel. Bathe th. face In this dally for awhile: every lln will vanish completely. Even tha first application gives surprising resulta. Av. LADIES Business I Good I am making suits for the best people ln Portland. Order yours now and enjoy satisfaction. J. K. STERN. LADIES' TAILOR, 447 Alder Strwt. f