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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
OBSERVATIONS .sae.iWK BT C. H. WILUAMS. N EED for a domestic relations court In Multnomah County is pro nounced, but as yet this want has not . been supplied. In lieu of a sympathetic tribunal where fractured families can be sometimes mended, or, at least, rendered painless surgery, as far as may be, divorce cases are sand wiched in between real estate tangles, suits for damages of all kinds, murder cases, trials of burglars, forgers and common thieves. Divorces merely form a part of the grist that comes to the legal mill. They outnumber by far any other class of cases that comes before the courts. Necessarily, they are given short shrift and ground through with expedition. By their persistent repetition they have long lost their novelty or interest to the Judges and court officials. In a majority of the cases, decrees are en tered in default of the accused partner to answer the charges made. ' Instead of all divorces going to one Judge, they are handed around- impar tially among the six departments of Circuit Court. One who sues .for a legal separation never knows which one will decide the merits of his case. There is no certain day for divorces to be decided; they are handled every day In the week that the courts are open. Some days decrees are given In large numbers; on other days there are but few. It is all a result of a casual system whereby Judges grant divorces whenever they have time. The number of divorces is constantly growing. Some say this is the gravest American problem. All agree It is a serious problem. How to improve con ditions so as to lessen the number .of divorces Is a solution that many are seeking. So far, nobody has advanced the particular bright idea desired. Men are blamed mostly for the di vorces granted every week in Multno mah County. Their faults are usually greater than those of women. Judges who hear the divorce trials say they are the . chief offenders. Women, however, are far from perfect, as the divorce records will show. Judge W. N. Gatens, who has given a lot of time to the study of domestic problems in his work as head of the Juvenile Court and also as a student of the domestic tragedies that are daily enacted in his department of Circuit Court, favors the interlocutory decree. This is in effect In sorrte states, notably New York. It is a temporary separa tion, not an absolute divorce. Tet New York State probably has its full share of marital unrest, if one is to believe the reports. It is thought, however, this sort of divorce would Improve conditions here. "Passing fancy instead of affection leads so many people into marriage .that the glamor soon wears off and' divorce follows," says Judge Gatens. Lacking a remedy for the present condition, divorces keep growing in number. They are ever on the Increase. If they multiply much faster a special court will be imperative. Whoever planned the arrangement f the Courthouse had a sardonic sense of humor, for marriage licenses are is sued and. divorce suits filed, at different wickets at the selfsame counter. Be-, tween these two points It is a matter of a dozen steps and to span it takes the length of a breadth of a half dozen ticks of a watch. But the real distance between these two points is not to be measured. Those wickets are as far apart as the poles and Interstellar space, which they say cannot be defined, has noth ing on this fatal Journey, which is really no more than a hop, skip and a Jump. But divorcees will tell you that In comparison with this fatal Jonrney the walk over the Bridge of Sighs was a pleasant Jaunt in the country on a bright October morning. The time required to make the dis tance from marriage license to divorce window varies with- the luck or mis adventure of those taking the. trip. Most of us, happily, escape it alto gether, but there are countless couples who do not. For some interminable years wind their weary way between; others make it In a month. But In any case it is a long, long way to go. The honeymoon trail starts at one wicket. It Is pleasant enough then. But the path gets rougher and rockier, they say. as it goes on. It often winds among the mountain peaks and over windswept, barren rocks. Divorced , persons say it too frequently leads to the brink of a precipice where the big Jump must be made. Viewed from another angle the de parture from the marriage license win dow may be said to be like nothing so much as th launching of a ship, wbare flags are flyink" and everyone is gay. By the same token the arrival at the divorce suit wicket may be likened to the towing Into some sheltering port of a broken and shattered derelict, while all concerned are intent only on salvage. What storms and perils In between! Divorcees tell the courts every day that the voyage has been a succession of misfortunes and mishaps and that they met repeated matrimonial squalls. The shipwrecked sailor who is washed ashore on a spar through the crawling canyons of the sea may know something of rough weather, but these patrons of the divorce courts will tell v. i'ou that ona such Is like a bahy rocked itrANCY' .ASSIGNED AS CAUSE totStdia,?,5!-!!-th One would think that after the bat- trrf wi-o,.!.- , .u. c.wm m uivurca tezTrv aholdthbVnteI1K ? ."WlnS 1 t nT, , 1 ' '.tra" as it may seem, in most cases quiet and w a " their charm and all too often they again venture out into the open where is either doping out the ball game or ated and long-drawn-out that it is the marital typhoons blow. the strategy of the European armies. good. Verbosity and repetition charac- Hurricanes and monsoons sweep down Cruel and inhuman treatment Is an terizo them all In divorce-court lan on the unsuspecting sailor and almost allegation in divorce cases that cov- guage. a man never swears at his wife, blow his ship out of water at times, ers a multitude of sins. This may he invariably ""curses and swears " ac and any honest tar will tell you thrill- mean anything from failure to remem- cording to the complaint filed by his ing stories of heavy weather, but when Der a wife's birthday to actually beat- aggrieved partner. He never. It ap it comes to being thrown on beam ends. ins her wit-h a club. Desertion is, of pears, strikes her only, but "strikes and having timbers shivered, sails, masts course- a common and successful plea, beats" her, although it would seem that and running gear carried away and all the other adventure stuff, the average divorce decree winner can spin a yarn that shows the sailor to be a mere child towing a toy sailboat in a pond compared to the thrash and pitch and toss of the good ship Marriage on the Domestic Ocean, the stormiest in the world. One would think there should be a trustworthy chart for this voyage, that amateur sailors would be prepared with compass, patent log, rafts, boats and life preservers and that they would be so well equipped for the jour ney that they would know Just what to do when ominous clouds appeared on the horizon or sudden storms sprang up. One would suppose that a course that has been found to be so full of perils would be linked .with signs of danger, beacon lights and signal fires. Light houses should mark the shoals and shallows and warning bells the danger ous reefs. But there seems to be no navigation side for the newly-married that essay to thread the dangerous currents that run across their path. For all the mil lions who have gone before and met dire disaster, the newlyweds know no more, apparently, about the ten thou sand perils they must pass than the first married pair. Every little while they run full on an uncharted rock and their frail craft is broken and sent be neath the waves. If these unhappy mariners had kept a sharp lookout, if they had shortened sail or battened down the hatches, or done any of the other things that pru dent sailors do when in strange waters or stormy weather, they might have arrived safely and cheated the divorce courts. But the answer is they didn't. When a skyscraper rears Its steel skeleton against the sky, engineers compute to the fraction of a pound the stress and strain on each red-hot rivet that is hammered into the structure. When a bridge is thrown across a river experts figure out to a nicety the bur den put upon each beam and bolt and every possible Jolt and Jar is provided for. But where is the man, or woman, either, who will give a blueprint to the hopeful pair at the" marriage license wicket that will Indicate the points of weakness and strength, the things to be done and the things to be left un done? The 8-year-old child whose toes won't "Opach the pedals doing the re quired hour's piano practice, may know something about discords and how to make them, but if you ask any gradu ate of Multnomah County's divorce courts as he or she emerges, diploma In hand, they will tell you more of lack of harmony than you ever thought ex isted. There is a complete education be tween these two sinister wickets In the County Clerk's office at the Court house. At the marriage license win dow applicants are as children play ing with ABC blocks; but by the time they have reached the other they are able to do higher logarithms. At the marriage license window the novitiate pays a fee of J3. When his divorce is thrust through the corre- sponding wicket at the other end of the counter a fee of J10 is required as an evidence of good faith that must be followed up by various costs that make the bill anywhere from $50 upward. There Is some agitation by thought- f ul minds looking toward the printing of a divorce coupon on each marriage license that may be torn off later if desired. This measure may be pro posed by initiative. It will undoubted ly be carried unanimously. Circuit Court Judges marry couples and also divorce them. They take on something of the divinity, for they both give and take away. These mag istrates are cheered every little while by seeing before them warring couples, eager for divorce and alimony, who, only a short time before, in the same rooms, were joined together "for bet- ter. for worse, for richer, for poorer until death," etc etc Somewhat the same feeling Is ex- perienced as comes to a physician when his patient dies, aitnouga to. Doth cases responsibility Is assigned to Providence ur auiuo ouvu ficuuj. Divorce court proceedings are not at all Interesting to those who carry them on and. like the man about to be hanged who Kipling tells about, per- sons divorced must be struck by the bored appearance of all who turn the "".tX "It 1tW' The Judge on the bench, although he doe. not sit on a bench at all but la a comfortable swivel chair, usually reads THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAM), OCTOBER 2.7, 1914. ON THE. GRIND OF PORTLANDS DIVORCE MILL riUL i rMUrAn COUNTY V m0rnIn5 Pttper WhiIe tn tn.ony is being given. More often, he is not in court at all. but reads th trn-i-iit .i- - ' mu testimony, or some or It, after T!.C,irt reporter ha fr the 3U,al ?:!;. The bailiff yawns through the pro- -""'"s- "cu cases nave long ago lost their novelty for him. and th ere iTL - &ess- z2aZsr ire2 4 Pyf7tfW ;v? i- BT ROBERT H. MOULTOJJ EX BASSLER, a youngster of, 6. living at Darlen, Wis., has prob ably the strangest driving team R in tire world a team of eight snapping turtles, weighing about 30 pounds each and from 60 to 75 years old. Rex has tamed these creatures, which naturally are savage, and they draw him In his express wagon like ponies driven by other children, although they are not likely to shatter any speed records. The youngster learned that turtles could be tamed while watching his father. Max Bassler, catching turtles for the New Tork and Philadelphia markets. He found that thv wata nn preciative of kindly treatment and for bits of food, and soon was able to make the turtles follow him about while they were being held for shipment to the East. Persuading his father to give him some of the largest, he finally grouped them for a driving team, and they seem to enjoy the sport as much as he likes to ride behind them, The turtles In Rex's team are now so old that their back. nr. n with moss. . The two largest are both males and can even stand on their backs and let them walk off with him. The team Is kept In line by means of a wire harness. Holes were drilled in the hacks of the leaders' shells and In the front part of those following, and all then wired together. The enterprise which led to the fash- toning of Rex' team, that of catching snapping turtles for the market, is, by the way, a very profitable one. In which J. S. and Max Bassler claim to be pl- oneers. For three or four years now they have been engaged In hunting turtles and readily dispose of all they can catch at from 6 to 12 cents a pound. The turtles are used to make sons. which In the first-class restaurants of ma .cast sens ax or more a plate. The season for catching the turtles begins about September 15 and lasts 10 or 12 weeks, an average catch for this period being four or five tons. The best field for the work, the Basslers have found to be in Southern Wisconsin an1 Minnesota, and Northern Iowa and Illinois. Along ,th small .treams in these section, th. .napper. are abun- dant, although it takes aa expert to lo- OF MOST'CASES tJ.. -. 8 -n, - -"iftll i- i- - ' ' f . -t,- 7 -ots fT-rt i i 1 stf -- - '- -TV- . 1 The eternal triangle fi eurpa In mfinv caae HninVamu..i. t S . rdu " miegea. over ana over again. Many a literary gem is hidden away ia these tiresome and tedious divorce complaints. Every once and again the curious winding of a legal phrase and . . . curious winding of a legal phrase and VI cate them In the deep mud beds where they go In the FaU to spend the Wln- ter. The Bassler use a slender teel rod about six feet long, with a hook at one end. Wading along the streams, they "probe" every likely looking " place where turtle signs are found. When a turtle is struck, the end of the steel rod Is hooked Into its back and It ia then pulled out As they are caught by on. man. another washes them and p$ them in bass. A ood hole, will Is feotra. nP mi A B Iff v OF MARSTA!, either one would be sufficient. Should he injure her health by any act what ever, either by striking .her or caus ing her,worry, he is always accused of having made her "sick, ill and sore." Finally comes the fateful "findings of fact and conclusions of law." which is a routine statement of why and where fore the person who sues is entitled to a divorce or contrawlse, and In the profuse verbiage that seems to char acterize all court orders, motions and documents whatever. It is set forth: "This cause coming on regularly for hearing, etc, etc.." for a long and te dious distance, the recital finally reaches the point where: "The court having proceeded with frequently yield 200 pounds of turtles. When .hipping to market the turtle, are packed In barrels, with small hole, for ventilation, one above another. Snapping turtles' derive their name from their habit of snapping at any thing within reach when their anger is aroused. They have a bull-dog grip, and even after the head has been sev ered from the body for an hour or more, the Jaw. will open and close te naciously upon a pleca of wood thrust ate th. mouth. y 58fPECK IN the trial of the case and having heard the testimony of the witnesses and based on said testimony makes and files the following as Its findings of fact and conclusions of law. etc, etc." One would think that now, having waded through a page or two of type writing, the kernel of the nut was about to be reached, but not yet. Many vital facts are now recited, that so and 80 r married, for Instance, that they have lived In Multnomah County quite some time for another, and so on and on. Finally the real gist of the mat ter comes out. as if the author of the decree had at last given up hope of hiding It any longer, and It Is. usually, about aa follows: "That the plaintiff Is entitled to a decree of this court forever annulling and dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for a de cree of this court giving the plaintiff the care, custody and control of the minor children of plaintiff and defend ant, to-wlt. Cliude, Perclval. Hortense and Guy, and for a decree and Judg ment against the defendant for ali mony, amounting to the sum of $45 per month, for the support and mainten ance of plaintiff and the said minor children of plaintiff and defendant and for her costs and disbursements here in." Follows the signature of any one of the six Circuit Court Judges, and the divorce is accomplished. Judge Gatens is a polished and af fable Jurist who. If you ask him what makes men leave home, why beautiful girls rob cash registers or any one of the other thousand foolish questions, will return a civil answer. So I asked him to beat the marriage game. Judge Gatens has some realy serious views on the subject. He blames men most ly. He said: "Divorces are too often caused by incompatablllty based on the fact that neither party has much regard for the feelings of the other. They do not consider each other's rights. Husbands and wives should confide fully and be honest with each other. "Husbands go out nights without re gard to the feelings of their wives and without inquiring as to their arrange ments. Husbands squander money on their own pleasures that Is needed for the home. ' If the wives would do the same these same husbands would raise the roof. "On the other hand, no woman should get married unless she knows some thing about cooking. The happiest homes are those where children are found. Every home should have them. One of the greatest curses and most frequent causes for divorce Is club life I mean men's clubs. "Divorce is too easily obtained and is on the Increase. If It were more difficult to obtain people would be more careful whom they married. Mar riage Is the most solemn obligation one can enter Into and It should not be undertaken lightly. Many homes are unhappy because the husbands do not WORK DIGGING TRENCHES THE advancing line may have suf fered great losses, or the ammuni tion may be running low. At all events, it finds itself unable to gain ground to the front. To retreat would be fatal. It must remain where it Is some of the men find natural cover, but many must provide artificial protection from the enemy's rifle fire. The men are lying down as flat as they can. To . arise, even to a kneeling position, jmeans death or a disabling wound. The necessity for cover under these cir cumstances caused men to devise the lying-down trench, sometimes called the skirmishers' trench. It gives cover from rifle fire to a man lying down, but Is absolutely no protection from shrapnel bullets. The height of the parapet should not exceed one. foot. The trench Itself is about 2 feet wide and about six feet long. It can be constructed by one man in soft ground, using the portable Intrenching tools, In about 20 minutes. Under fire, aa outlined In the fore GERMAN AUTO STRENGTH IN Germany military motor trucks, complete with trailer, to the number of 1150 were under subsidy on April 1 this year. In addition, the empire had 14,700 commercial cars, capable of be ing converted Into military vehicles. The order of mobilization placed at the disposal of the German general staff approximately 15,000 delivery cars, not counting the trailers. In addition, the German army comprised .at the begin ning of .this year the following "spe cial" " vehicles: Fifty completely .equipped motor kitchens. 100 motor ambulances. 500 .motor-driven cannon and four powerful - tractors, which have been especially useful in drawing the new 42-centimeter siege guns of the artillery. About 200 armored cars, fitted with Maxim guns ; 15 searchlight cars and a number of aeroplane repair wagon, make up the remainder. The government ha. commandeered the majority of all the pleasure cars In the empire, amounting to probably 60.000 vehicles, for use by officer, at the front and for communication do their full duty by their children, but leave their care all to the mother. "There should. In my opinion. be some requirement whereby evidence must be shown that persons about to marry iave known each other for a certain required- length of time. This would lessen divorce. I believe we should adopt the Interlocutory decree. This means a separation for a required period of time, during which neither party to the divorce may marry. It impossible to reconcile the divorced persons, an absolute decree may be given later. Much trouble is caused by the fact that men mistake a passing fancy for love and they do not find out their mistake until after they have married. . Divorce follows. "In the whole wide world there ia nothing more pathetic than a childless wife; and nothing sweeter than a baby's kiss; but the most disgusting and unnatural thing in this world to me Is the Indifferent and negligent mother. "The woman who has been so blf ssed, the woman whom God has given into her keeping an innocent and helpless child, depending upon her for the love and training which will, at last, bring It safely to womanhood, or manhood, who neglects her duty as a mother and allows herself to drift into sin and Immorality, is not worthy to be called a woman, much less a mother. For we all know that motherhood develops the highest and best qualities within the woman. But do not think I am placing all the blame and responsibility upon the woman, who tod often becomes the victim of wrongdoing through an un fortunate alliance with a man unfitted for the marriage state. There are two sides to every question every civilized man should have progressed far enough beyond the animal to realize that he. too, has some home responsibility. "A man who, from his own selfish motives, deprives his wife (who has maternal instincts and love) of mother hood, has. In my opinion, forfeited his right to the respect of his fellow men. "The happiest homes are the homes with children in them; where the fathers, as well as the mothers, live and work for their children; where the hus bands, as well as the wives, are true to the marriage vowa "The man who has his health and strength and who is the possessor of a faithful wife, a good mother to his children, has need of no other bless ings. "My experience has shown me that in the majority of cases back of the broken home, the unfaithful wife and the delinquent child, the cause lies with the drunken, inconstant and Indiffer ent husbands and fathera "The home Is the only foundation upon which we can safely build our future contentment and happiness wine, women, the pleasures of the 'Gay White Way' all these things will fade In time, and never can and never will take the place of home." going, the man being compelled to re main In the prone position, he can mask himself from view in from 10 to 15 minutes and complete the trench In 40 to 5 minutes. In this position, and In view of a small number of portable Intrenching tools carried by the company, the man would be obliged to use bis knife bayonet to loosen the earth and the cover of his meat can to shovel It In front of him. One of the methods of working sug gested by the textbooks Is to dig a trench 18 inches wide as far back as the knees; roll into it and dig 12 Inches wide alongside of it and down to the feet; then roll into the second cut and extend the first one back to the feet. This trench was seldom used in the Manchurian war. The best tkat can be said for it is that men can ob tain slight cover under a hot fire, with a minimum of casualties, because it involves less digging, .and they are partially protected from the very be ginning of the work Scientific Ameri can. In the rear of the army. Whole regi ments are reported to have been shift ed under cover of night by means of big fleets of motorcars to points 60 and 100 miles distant. In addition, there are with the army more than 10.000 cyclists and motorcyclists. The shortage of gasoline, which has been- the subject of much comment in the American press during the past week. Is of little importance, as U the military vehicles can be run with equal facility on benzol and denatured alcohol, both of which fuels are avail able in considerable quantity In Ger many. Scientific American. His Birtbslone. (Judge.) "Did Julius give you a stone-set ring for your birthday?" "Tea. Isn't it a beauty? Blue white." "But you were born in March. The diamond 4s the birthstone for April." "That's right: but as long as I know Julius, my birth, month la going to be ApriVj'