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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
PORTLAND'S APPLE DAY FEAST TAKES 2,000,000 FROM Northwest Loyalty Shown by Cookery, Eating Contests and Hotel Menus, All Residents of Coast States Participating More or Less in Celebration Washington Towns Strong - 4 S4 PORTLAND disposed of more than 2,000.000 apples last Tuesday In its celebiation of Apnle dav. and. In the opinion of the fruit distributors. started a movement which will be of marvelous importance in stimulating the movement of the apple market in Ihe Northwest. Never in the history of the city was there such unanimity in the celebration of the day by the people, nor was the whole field ever before covered with euch thorouKhnes as under the com mittee which the Commercial Club ap pointed this year to conduct the Apple day mbvement. In the public schools alone mors than SO.000 apples were Riven away to the pupils in the, and speakers at each school grave addresses upon the Importance of the apple industry in the Northwest. Meanwhile 10.0&0 apples were being Eiven out In various charitable Insti tutions Of Portland under the auspices of the Order of Muts, who turned out In force to help alongr the movement. In the afternoon the muts held an ap ple-eating; contest at Sixth and Alder, in which about 2000 apples, "core and all," went down the throats of a couple of hundred newsboys. This was the especial amusement feature of the day nd thousands of people gathered to witness it. The O.-W. R. N. held a contest in pple cookery at the Teon buildinir. in which 115 entries displayed something over 1000 different apple dishes. This exhibit will be taken on the road by the O.-W. R. & N. and similar con tests will be held throughout the Northwest in the principal cities to stimulate the interest of the public in i uses oi the apple. Hotels and dmins-cars all Joined in the work. Apples were featured in very Imaginable form on their menus DELAYED SINGERS NOW HERE AND OPERA SEASON WELL UNDER WAY Enthusiasts at Recital by Rudolph Gantz, Fascinated, Fail to Hear Lecture on "Jewels of the Madonna." Events Inevitably Overlap "Pygmalion," by Bernard Shaw, Is Big Story of Revenge of Chinese. BY EMIL.IE FRANCES HAVER. NEW YORK, Oct. 24 (Special.) the concert season may be de clared duly open when events al ready crowd themselves upon each other. Rudolph Ganz, the eminent Swiss pianist, had the distinction of opening Carnegie Hall Sunday sif ternoon in the first piano re cital given. Mr. Ganz was received vo ciferously as he is a great favorite and ho seemed to bring a relief from the tension under which the people have teen and now are living. While Mr. Ganz was playing Mr. Hubbard was entertaining a large au dience with his lecture recital on Wolf- Kerrari's "Jewels of the Madonna" at the Century Opera-House. but those who planned attending both affairs were caught by the fascination of the pianist and remained. Mr. Ganz has gained tremendously on the emotional side since last he was heard in this country, due perhaps to the terrible experience he had recently in the service of his country. He included two of his own compositions which were as well received. In the evening the first large con cert was given at the Hippodrome, upon which occasion the Spanish vio linist Quirogo made his first appear ance in America assisted by Mme. Jeanne Jomelli, the Dutch soprano and an orchestra under the direction of Na than Franko. At the eame time the Sunday night concert at the Century was in course of progress, which seems to indicate that at no time can a concert be given early enough that it will not conflict with something else. Gustav Bergman, the young delayed tenor of the Century Opera Company, arrived this week after a series of thrilling experiences, the last of which was occasioned by the cable he received 54 y t SS, 1 it 55 and thousands of fresh apples vere given away to their customers. At the time Portland was celebrat ing Apple day in this far-reaching manner a similar observnnce was tak ing place In every part ofth North west. Seattle, Tacoma. Spokane and a dozen other cities organized similar movements and millions of apples were moved in Oregon and Washington. The fruit errowers have' taken nd- rantage of the increased interest that 1 has been aroused by the Apple day movement and expect "to be able to handle their crop with more success this season than was expected a few weeks agd. when the miirket ' almost was stagnant owing to the trade con ditions abroad. Apple Day Inspires Boy to Write Fairy Story. Collin Ruthrrlaln. lO, at felencoe School. Han Kanrlfnl Origin of Ffalt and Celebration of IHacover? of 1'roducL THE celebration of Apple day in spired Collis Sutherlin, a 10-year-old lad in the fourth grade in the Olen coe School, to a startlingly imaginative fable of the origin of the apple. "May I write a fairy story about Apple day?" he asked his teacher. Upon receiving her consent he went to work, and elaborated the following story, which was read as a part of the programme at the Glencoe School yes terday: "Once upon a time there lived in France a well-known man. One day he said 'I will go and invent something that I will get money for.' So he said: "I will go to see the witch.' So then he got his horse and started off. He soon came to a large cave and there were two big bears guarding it. But he knew how to talk bear talk, bo he said from Mr. Aborn while trying to get a sailing from Holland. Bergman is an absolute necessity for the production of Wolf-Ferrari's "Jewels of the Ma donna" and the impresario who had been nervously awaiting the arrival of his Swedish tenor cabled desperately: "Must open 'Jewels' October 20." This wa all well enough for Berg man, but it aroused the suspicions of a detective, who .struggled long before he was willing to believe the situa tion as it was. Bergman showed him his contracts and it is a pity he did nop have his book of press notices be cause no one ever had a more glowing set of criticisms than he on the sub ject of the "Jewels" and these would have been doubly convincing. The con tracts set him free, however, and he will open according to the schedule with 'Jewels of the Madonna." Lois Ewell and Helen Stanley will alternate in the role of Malliela and Miss Stanley will sing most of the Butterfly performance of the week. This young artist has made a sensa tional success with the Century Opera Company, first as Violetta and then as Madame Butterfly. The company, as has been stated, will open in Chicago, November 23. leaving the entire field in opera to the Metropolitan Opera Company, which will, according to the statements of all who are already in America, open exactly on time, Novem ber IS. Alfred Hertz and Madam'me Alda ar rived last week. Scotti arrived the week before, and Amato came this week. Others In America are I?e Segurola and William J. Guard, the Well known and popular press representative. Madame Alda stated that she was compelled to make an entirely new set of gowns as her whole outfit Was tied Up in Paris. She spent four weeks in Lido, just outside of Venice, and says that the sounds of cannonading and bombard TIIE SUNDAY OKEGOXIA?, PORTLAND. OCTOBER 25. 1914. 7.1: v f v rv , - ' any X A FEW OF THE Stt.OOO SCHOOL, CHILDREV WITH THE APPLBS OITEN A LOAD. S HiEWSBOTfS' APPLE-BATING CONTEST, "COltE AND ALL." 4 PLEAS A XT APPLE HATING STl'ST. a few wordB and went in the cave. There he found the witch making the magic powder of life. "He said: I have wished all my life to invent something.' The witch said: 'How would you like to invent a fruit?' 'Oh! that is just the thing,' said the man.- Then the witch said, 'Take this powder of life, throw it on the ground. Then take this box; it has some magic seeds in it; take six out. throw the ment in the Adriatic Sea was so ter rific as to shake the windows of her room as though the fighting had been just outside. Frank La Forge arrived with Madame Alda, but the young Russian 'cellist of her company was taken pris oner of war in Leipsig and Mr. Gatti- Casazza is using every effort to have him released. In this connection it may be said that the Metropolitan is fortunate in having bad at this mo ment an impresario who had the in fluence of Mr. Gatti-Casazza with all the Ambassadors and governments. It seemed almost impossible that he should have secured the release of Al bert Relss, who was taken as a war prisoner in Paris, but he did accomplish this and if he is equally successful with Dinh Gilly, who is held in Bo hemia, there will' be practically none missing from the operatic ranks ex cept Rudolph Berger, who has gone to join his array in Austria, and Madame Rappold, his bride of one year, has gone with him in the service of the Red Cross. Mr. Guard reports that the novelties announced will be given beginning with "Madame Sans Gene," by Giorda no. Geraldine Farrar will sing- the title role and Amato will appear as Napoleon. In view of the ,great suc cess of "Boris Godounow," by Mous sorgsky at the Metropolitan, it has been decided to give Borodin's ."Prince Igor," which, as in the ease f ' the Moussorgsky opera, was begun "oy the one composer and finished by Rimsky K6rsakoff. In all probability ' there will be more revivals of old works than otherwise as they are easier to get under the present conditions and there is no doubt that several of the operas will be revived for the purpose of giving an especially notable season to Scotti, who is entering his 25th year on the stage. T-fce great baritone is not at. - I x i. , vJ rest away. Then plant them where you have thrown, the powder of life, dig the ground nice and smooth, then water them. Then go to sleep for two days and three nights, get up and look out of the window and see what you see. Eat one and see how it tastes.'- "The man went home and obeyed the rules, then he looked out of the win- dow. What do you think he saw? saw a. crowd of people arouild He his making such an advance into age, since he was but 23 when he made hiB first' great success. "Falstaff," with Scotti in the title role, will no doubt be one of the most important productions of the season, and if the cast Is so that It can be done it is hoped that "Don Giovanni" will find its way into the repertory of this season. "Carmen," with Misa Farrar In the title role, Caruso as Don Jose, Mademoiselle Borl as Micaela, and Ama to as the toreador, will be given under the direction of Toscanini, and it is ex pected) that there will be lavish per-1-formances of Wagnerian opera. The musical events o take place in October include the opening of the Kew Tork Symphony series of concerts un der Walter Damrosch October 23-25 at Aeqjian Hall, when Zimbalist wfll be the iirst soloist with the organization. The opening concert of the same or chestra In Brooklyn will be October 24, with the same aoloiet. v The Philharmonic Society will begin its New Tork concerts October 29, and the Boston Symphony opened in its own city this week and will come to New York November 5-7 with the Brooklyn Institute concert between these -two dates. Maud Powell will give her re cital in Aeolian Hall Tuesday evening, October 27. Relnald Werrenrath will sing October 29 and Caroline Hudson Alexander is announced for recital Oc tober 29. Alma Gluck will give her Carnegie Hall recital October SI, and the early days of Novembe'r are crowded to the utmost capacity. The Kneisel Quartet will open its season November 18, Tina Lerner will give her first piano recital November t and then she will leave for a long tour which will take her as far as the Pa cific Coast. Miss Lerner has the dis tinction of being engaged for two dif ferent concerts of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra under Henry Had ley that of December 4 and Decem ber 11. Harold Bauer's Aeolian Hall recital is set for November 7, Mme. Gadski's for November J.1. and Carl Friedberg's for November 2 at Ocmegie He.ll. The Boston Theater Opera C.-n.rhy. as the opera company under directiou of Mr. Bevani has been named, has made a. great success in Boston, from where the original Boston Opera Com pany under the direction of Henry liua- : - . - f i i.1 i i THEM. Z .4 FEW APPLES M AK R A LESS THR1LLI.1G BIT E4CALLY house. Then he saw a big tree. It held many round, red things on it. He re membered to take one. So he went and did so. He found they were very good. He sold them in boxes and became rich. He soon had different names for the different apples. "It was Octooer JO, the day he woke up and ever since -that October 24 waa called Apple day and- ever since it has borne its fruit." sell has been withdrawn. Miriam Ar dini. an American girl whose experi ence in the Italian opera house has served her well, has been acclaimed highly artistic and skilled. She has been trained entirely in America, but for the coaching she did in the preparation for her roles In Italy: She is a pupil of William S. Brady. The orchestra, ballet and chorus have been taken over from the Boston Opera Company; - It Is said in Boston that news has arrived there of the death of the great baritone, Vanni Marcoux, who went to the front with the French army. It Is denied by the Metropolitan, Opera Com pany that Leon Rothrier 4s killed, but there is some Question as to whether he will be with the company as he is now fighting for France. In the theatrical world "Mr. Wu," with Walker Whltesides In the title role, and "Pygmalion," the great drama by Bernard Shaw, with Mrs. Patrick Campbell in the leading role, have made important additions to the successful works already on the boards of which Leo Dltritchsteln has orro of the most attractive,. Although the last named play has only been on for a'week, it is difficult to obtain seats. "Mr. Wu" is a startling play full of color and of real subject matter. It had A sensationally successful run tn Germany where it was a rage so late as June of this year. It deals with the Chinese reveiTge in a man who bas had European education and training of thought. Wu LI Chang is a mandarin of tremendous power among bis people ana tnis power is pur inio execuuon in revenge upon Basil Gregory, who loves and betrays the young daughter of the Chinese nobleman. The company is ad mirable and the work of Mr. White side is -on a par with the finest things he has ever done. The new Shaw play has been dis cussed much by those of the literary world. It is the story of the professor of philology who has theory that it a child of the slums ean be taught a language correctly -it can be raised to the high estate of mankind. He tries this on Eliza Doollttle, a flower girl from Tot tenham road. Who naturally responds as GaXatea responded to Pygmalion. In acquiring culture she naturally enough falls in love with the Professor, who returns the compliment. , It is a superb l f i) 3E s4ii piece of work as a drama and as a piece of staging. Mrs. Campbell is a delight throughout and she has excel lent support in Philip Merrivale as leading man and a highly competent cast. MINING OF TOWN .SEEN St. . Louis Man Tells of Work at Breslaa to Guard Against Attack. . LONDON. Oct. 22 William Parker, of St. Louis, who arrived from Rou- mania last night, told of the interest- ng things he had witnessed on his Journey. He said: "When we reached Breslau the min ing of the town's approaches was in operation. Workmen were digging trenches about three miles outside Breslau and buryinpr horrible looking bombs one inch in diameter, row after row. as far as I could see, They seemed to fear a Russian attack. - "I was allowed the privilege of look ing over their Zeppelins at Breslau, for use against the Russians. There seemed to be 50 of them in tents with doors wide open. Operators, officers, men and equipment were all aboard, ready to start at a moment's notice. I also saw some 50 aeroplanes there. "From Breslau we had a slow but not uncomfortable trip to Berlin. Signs everywhere say 'American spoken here.' The bill of fare no longer roads 'Eng lish ' roast beef.' but 'Ameriekaniseher roast beef.' It's all American now, not English." BAN ON ROOSTERS IS PLEA Sew York Oensis Shows 100,0-0 0 Chickens Inside City Limits. NEW YORK, Oct. 19. The peaceful lumber of residents of New York will not be disturbed at dawn by the crow ing of cocks after November 1. if the new regulations approved yesterday by ihe Sanitary Superintendents of the Department of Health are adopted. First of all, the proposed regulations will prohibit persons from raising chickens in their back yard where there is another residenee or public in stitution within 75 feet of the poultry enclosure, and, furthermore, residents ef the greater city are not going to be allowed to keep roosters. Already hundreds of persons who are engaged in raising poultry, whether for pastime or profit, have sent Drotests to the .Health Commli sioner, and some of them have equalled. If not surpassed, the denunciations of many of the dog owners reluctant to yield to the new muzzling ordinance adopted on the recommendation of Commissioner Goldwater. The chicken problem In this city al ready has engaged more than its share of the attention of the health authori ties according to Deputy Health Com missioner Emerson. He pointed out yesterday that 7000 out of 21.000 in spection visits by the. sanitary inspect ors last year were made to find out if premises were suitable for keeping chickens. Dr. Emerson said that the presence FOR UPSET STOMACH, , GAS. HEARTBURNPAPE'S DIAPEPSIN Time It! In Five Minutes Your Sick, Sour Stomach Feels Fine. " Sour, sick, upset stomach. Indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments Into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel ick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin It makes stomach distress go in five minutes. if your stomach is in a revolt if you can't get It regulated, please, for - your sake, try MARKET in Movement to Aid Frrit. 4 .11 T J of fowl, particularly in the tenement -districts of Manhattan, had become a. nuisance. Tenants, giving the excuse that some member of the family was a tuberculosis victim, have been per mitted to keep a few chickens for their sick. Returning to some of these places ' the- agents of the Sanitary Division would find that the chickens ' had been cooped up on the fire escapes where small poultry farms were being conducted at a considerable profit. The new regulations will require that all chickens be confined in coops, and that the coops -and runways be thoroughly washed and renovated each ' rear. During the past year 8600 permits were issued to persons in the greater city to raise chickens. The number of chickens represented by these permits Is something like 200.0(10. In Manhattan only 100 permits were Issued, and there were probably no more than 1500 chickens In this borough. FRENCH PROTEST DECREE Moratorium Extension to German and Prussian Opposed by Public PARIS. Oct. 22. The moratorium as to payment of rents has been extended. to everyone until the end of October, but a section of the French public has adressed a letter to the civil authori ties begging. that this decree should not be allowed to refer to German and" Aus trian householders. Otherwise, they state, people of these nations esta-bllshed or residing in France will return after the war is over to take up their business again as usual, whereas proprietors ought to be allowed a poasble opportunity for getting rid of these undesirable ' ten ants by having the power to demand full payment of alt rents due The Sniitlis. Still liead. (Philadelphia Press. The clan of Johnsons, we are duly informed by the news dispatches, con tinues to be the most numerous In Chi cago, a recorded in the annual di rectory Just published.. They maintain their supremacy over the Smiths by the latest computation the excess is 1904. The Smiths there still number 8526, but the Johnsons overtop them with 9S20. Chicago thus becomes the world's headquarters of Johnsons, so far as the notable English-speaking communities of the world are concerned. They are tenth In prevalence in England and Wales, in numbers not worth noting in Scotland or Ireland, sixth .in New York City, fifth in Boston, and also fifth in Philadelphia. In fact, of these great communities only Chicago boasts a nu merical excess of Johnsons. The supremacy of Smiths Is still, however, above dispute. There are more Smiths In England and Wales, in. Scotland, in New York, In Boston and in Philadelphia, than there are of any other family. In short, the English speaking world continues to be largely populated and. as all the records make clear, unquestionably adorned by the infinitely many descendants of the original Smith. Pape's Diapcpsin. Its so needless to have a bad stymach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress at without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales- an nually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape s Diapepsin from any drug stort. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic It is a scientific. . harmless stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. Adv. INDIGESTION