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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAS", PORTLAND, OCTOBER SiS. 1914. ACTRESS WHO ENTERED NEW YORK WITHOUT BLARE OF PRESS AGENTING IS GREAT FAVORITE Ruth Chatterton, Heroine of "Daddy Long Legs," Wins Success on Her Own Merits "Phantom Rivals, Play Built on Dream, Is Produced by Belasco "Evidence," an Old-raehioned Drama, Has Elements That May Kesp It Alan Dale, Critic, Resigns. Modart Corsets Modart Corsets I i f pn Y"J2t 1 ", - , . Vva ' : ' h I-; J 11 111: v J. .r- --k -v - -x sf Zs y' sss v. : " i ! iimiimi si m i A Rare Shopping Day in the Art Section On the Sixth Floor Tomorrow We bought these foreign samples at oui onm price, and are offering them at a proportionate low ering of price. There are about 900 separate pieces and such pieces that are desirable for favors, for gifts, and for personal use. Decorated Dinnerware Vases Candlesticks Glasswara Pottery Samples Worth to $1.50, Special 75c Hand-decorated vases, brush and comb trays, whip cream bowls with plates,- covered rose jars, dessert plates, mustard pots with spoons, seven piece footed nut sets. Samples Worth to $1.25, Special 48c Sugar and cream sets, spoon trays, oval and round fern dishes. Wedge-, wood design candle sticks complete with shades, baskets and vases, blue bird decorations, 1 1 -inch French china wall placques. assorted fruit patterns, hand decorated wall placques made in Belgium, marine and seashore scenes, sugar sifters. Samples Worth to 75c, Special 25c Tea strainers with stands, whip cream ladles, footed powder boxes, hair receiver, hat pin holders, manicure trays, teapot tiles. Samples Worth to 30c, Special 10c Decorated tea cups and saucers, full size, salt and pepper shakers, indi vidual salted almond dishes, decorated flower vases, bread and butter and tea plates, floral and pink border designs. stxtk Floor Pictorial Review, Winter Fashion Sheet; December Patterns and Style Sheet, now on malm. . Second Floor J ' - f : . ; j J f f f ' ' N BY LLOTD F. LONERGAN. EW YORK, Oct. 24. (Special.) Since Miss Ruth Chatterton opened at th Gaiety Theater in "Daddy Long Legs" there has not been a vacant seat in the house. This dainty little play charms the children as well aa the grown-ups. Miss Chatterton is winning" success on her own merits she doesn't require any "stunts" to draw attention. She has not been im ported, has never figured in a divorce ecandal and hasn't even bought a bale of cotton. Henry Miller brought her into New York last year in "The Rain bow" and since thai time she has be come a fixture on Broadway. Laura Hope Crews, another ex-leading woman of Henry Miller's, opened in Belasco's production of "Phantom Rivals." The play is of German im portation, by Molnar. It was adapted by Leo DItrichtstein, who also plays the leading role. - The etory is a dream of a romantic woman who has a jealous husband. The person of whom the husband is jealous is played by Mr. Ditrichstein. who is always excellent in everything he does. Miss Crews plays the wife and gives a wonderful performance. The rest of the company consisted of such well-known people as Malcolm "Williams. Lee Miller. Jane Bedouin, Frank Westerton and others. Play la Old-Faahiuned. "Evidence" opened at the Lvric The ter on Monday night. it was written by J. &. L. du Richer MacPherson. We have never heard of the authors, before, but from seeing the performance one would Imagine the play must have been written at least 50 years ago. It opens with a prologue, in an old-fashioned inn on a stormy n:ght. The stormy winds blowing and the gulls screaming were all done off stage The story of the play is not ' bad had !t been brought farther away from the old-fashioned melodrama. The beautiful woman, Wunborne, a true and loving wife, Is compromised by a trick of the villain, who loves her; she is divorced by her husband, who' will not listen to her vows of Innocence, as he has heard the damning evidence against her. After the divorce the husband becomes a woman hater and cares for nothing but a baby boy. For seven years H attempts to mend the break with his wife fail, but he still loves her . Finally he diimvcr. k. that his dearest friend wishes to marry her. The wife goes to revisit her husband's home in his absence to see her boy. The husband returns unex pectedly and finds her with her boy. She pleads with him in vain to let her stay. He is Just about to turn her out once more, when his dearest friend en ters with a dying confession from the villain, with proof of the wife's Inno cence. Husband Wins Applause. The husband was played by C. Au brey Smith and he got the applause tf the audience. Master Reggie Shef field was natural and not at all self conscious in the part of the child. Per haps if "Evidence" goes farther up or down town it will make more of a suc cess. -' "Moneymakers" at the Booth Theater is another Kline play of the American millionaire. It was received enthu siastically and its producers, Selwyn' & Co., hope it to be another success like "The Lion and the Mouse." The Etory, if not' a probable one. is a novelty. - A multi-millionaire decides his for tune was not gotten honestly and he wants to give it back to the people who have been brought to misery and want by his methods. His wife and children object to giving up their life of luxury and try to prove that he Is insane. . His young and beautiful second wife, who married him for his money and cares neither for him nor, his children, is in love with a former sweetheart. Wife's Loyalty Winning;. He decides to make restitution. A big railroad deal . is afoot. Innocent people will be made to suffer. He calls off the negotiations. His two sons, who cannot understand his sud den change of heart, consult with the railroad promoters and together they decide that father has gone mad. Alienists are called in. and as is the custom with gentlemen of that pro fession they reach their conclusions quickly The aged millionaire muet be restrained. The conspiracy is progressing when the young wife takes notice. Instead of siding with the millionaire's chil. dren and their friends, she proceeds to gather evidence against them and places it in the hands of the District Attorney. The conspirators, in a panic, sue for peace, and proceedings on both sides are dropped. A beautiful touch is the unexpected loyalty of the yonng wife, who Anally casts oft her former admirer and dis covers that she la really In love with her husband. It is a question which one of the American millionaires Emmet Corrigan is supposed to be, but everyone likes him in the role and his performance is convincing and dignified in every way. Alexandra Carlisle, ' the celebrated English actress, is the young wife. She gives a capital Interpretation of the part. The reBt of the cast is ex tremely well balanced. There are 17 characters in all. Alan Dale Reslans. Alan Dale resigned from the New Yorka American, where he has been dramatic critic for over 20 years. It was simply a question of money, say the powers that be on the paper. Mr. Dale received the following letter, and being dissatisfied, - immediately re signed: "Mr. Alan Dale Dear Sir: We would prefer to have with you a space in preference to a salary arrangement, and suggest a compensation ef 25 a critique. In order that this may not interfere with any of your Immediate plans, the change need not go into effect before November 1. Yours very truly, S. 8. CARVALHO. "General Manager.' So Alan went. ITALY'S ARMY A MILLION Has That Many ft ego la r Troops and e, 000,000 Reservists. Italy's total army war strength is roughly estimated at 3,220,000 men, but of these about 2,000,000 comprise what is known as the territorial militia, which is practically untrained. There are 12 army corps, each district exceot Rome hs.ving two Infantry divisions. Rome has three. Recently the corps on the Austrian frontier have been greatly strengthened, and the others, since the beginning of hostilities in Europe, have been mobilising to tJeir full war strength. The organization of Italy's perma nent army includes 96 regiments of line Infantry, 12 regiments of Bersaglierl and eight Alpine regiments. In all I9 battalions. There are 29 regiments of cavalry and 36 of field artillery. The army also has a regiment of mountain artillery, 10 regiments of coast artil lery, two fortress artillery and six regiments of engineers. A large bat talion of aviators has been organised in the last few days for use in war. The general staff of the Italian army and the Ministry of War, though sepa rate, are both directly under the Kins;. He has as his advisory body the Su preme Defense Commission and the army counsel. This system was intro duced in 1910 with the new organiza tion of the army of General Sprlngardl. who was then Minister of War. Under this method of organization Italy can count on approximately 1.020,000 trained men. Until mobiliza tion was ordered these were divided about as follows: With the-colors, 250, 000 officers and men; on unlimited fur lough, 450,000 men, and in the mobile militia 320,000 men. It was said after the Italo-Turklsh war for the occupation of Tripoli and Cyrenalca that the efficiency of the Italian army had been greatly im paired. Sensational charges were made about the alleged inefficiency of the military forces. At that time General Porro refused to accept the post of Minister of War unless Increases In military expenditures be authorized, and Lieu tenant-General Grandl as sumed command. The Italian army originally grew out of the old Pled monteste army with which the unifica tion of Italy was accomplished. That army after many hard-fought battles with Austria united the whole penin sula under Victor Emanuel IL - Italy also has a fairly large navy. It comprises about 19 battleships, 10 armored cruisers. 13 protected cruis ers, 77 torpedo boats, about SO torpedo boat destroyers and about 20 subma rines. Incidentally. Italy was the first Mediterranean power to begin the con struction of battleships of the dread nought type. Unmoral ana Immoral. (August Lippincott's.) Are you unmoral or immoral? Do not answer too quickly, for if you are only unmoral, we may be able to overlook it. Unmoral stands to immoral in much the same relation as unregenerate stands to degenerate. If you commit some act of which the arbiters of eth ics disapprove, the category that you go In all depends on whether the arbiters have previously brought the ethical constitution and by-laws to your no tice. If they have already told you that a certain thou-shait-not exists, then you are immoral if you disobey It. If, "however, you are still in an un taught state of sheer savagery, then you are merely unmoral, and. Instead of being the victim of execration and contumely,, you are .entitled to all the emoluments and perquisites of any other savage. Ignorance of the civil or criminal laws 'excuses no one. but ig norance of the moral law does count tor a little these discriminative days. '0'ed Wins, of Haverhill, Mass., has one meerschaum pipe for 48 years. RIBBONS 8-Inch Moire and 8-Inch Chiffon Taffita OUR REGULAR PRICE 50c Monday 34c Presenting to the women of Portland tomorrow, beautiful moire and plain chiffon taffeta ribbon, 8 inches in width. This ribbon is now in greatest de mand for the new basque gir dles, sashes, millinery and for fancy work. It is the best grade of ribbon for these particular purposes. The price must im press you -as being lower than you have ever seen it before. 200 cartons enter this sale. In pink, blue, maize, cham pagne, white, scarlet, cardinal. Alice, royal, Co pen, navy, black and other colors. First Floor Gloves A $1.50 Grade High-Grade Cape 1 -Clasp Style Monday $1.27 The representative of this particular make of gloves was in Portland yesterday. He saw our preparations for this sale and asked us : "What will you do to replace these gloves when they are sold? We will not be able to supply them, for it's impossible to get the skins and name a price less than you are re tailing them for in this sale.'' Nevertheless, tomorrow we offer 2000 pairs of women's high-grade cape gloves, fine selected stock, ' 1 -clasp pique sewn, spear back. ' In black and two shades of tan. First Floor Another Millinery Coup too Tm Smart Distinctive Modish Selling at $9.00-$ 10.00 $4.95 Even in these troublesome times, Paris sends out style notes. Fashion still occupies the minds of Parisians. Latest advices from the leading milliners - Rcbeaux, Louison and Georgette, in dorse the sailor, the tricome, the close-fitting tarban. Through an advantageous purchase we secured 100 trimmed hats which make v their first appearance tomorrow, Mon day morning, in our Millinery Salon. In every instance the untrimmed shapes are worth more than we ask for these trimmed hats. The shapes themselves are made of silk Lyons velvet, in black and colors. As rve unpacked each box, nen ideas tvere shown in smart effects, in feathers, floivers, furs and ribbon. second Floor GreatGownSale A Purchase of 2000 Garments GOWNS OF CREPE GOWNS OF MUSUN GOWNS OF FLANNELETTE GOWNS OF NAINSOOK EVEN GOWNS FOR THE CHILDREN At Sale Prices $1.00 and $1.25 Gowns, Special 79c $1.50 and $1.75 Gowns, Special. $1.19 $2.50 and $2.75 Gowns, Special. .$1.95 75c Children's Gowns, Special : . 55c Good fortune and careful planning have combined to make this sale the large offering in variety and economy that it is. We secured as many gowns of the Upman, Wolfe & Co. stand ard as this manufacturer had to offer. Then we took another large quantity from our regular" stocks. Both quantities taken together give the sale its large quantity and standard quality at the deepest savings. Crepe, muslin, flannelette and nainsook gowns in all sizes, in every imaginable style, in white, in colors, in stripes, in low neck. V and yoke styles, some in pajama styles and high neck. In short worthy nightgowns in every style, of every descrip tion, including those for children. Fourth Floor. Glove Silk Vests and Bloomers $3.50, $3.00, $2.25 and $2.00 $1.39 A New Low Record Price Such a sale of glove silk un derwear has never been of fered before. Clove silk vests in white, pink and sk), shown in band top style, and many with fancy embroidered fronts. Sizes 34 to 42. Bloomers, shown in green, gray, tango, bronze and mahog any, all made from heavy glove silk, and reinforced for wear. Sizes small and medium. First Floor Black Silk Hosiery 3 Pairs for $3.35 SINGLE PAIR $1.25 Heavy weight, pure silk thread stockings with extra double lisle heel,-sole and toe, and extra lisle top. They are attractively tipped, heel- and toe, and narrow purple stripe on double top. All fancy boxed. First Floor Toilet Sale Sold in Combination Only 75c Pinaud's Lilac Vegetale 50c Pinaud's Tivoli Face Powder Combination Price 89c $1.00 ounce Violet Perfume 50c ounce Violet Sachet Combination Price 98c 75c Pinaud's eau de Quinine 10c package Sanderma Shampoo Combination Price 69c 20c Williams Shaving Cream 25c Squibb's Talcum Powder Combination Price 25c $1.00 Hair Brush 50c Dressing Comb Combination Price 98c 50c Sternan's Alcohol Stove with cooker "15c can extra solid Filler Combination Price 49c Drug Section, Firtt Floor. 3-Day Gray Hair Sale The Hair Goods Section will feature for three days gray hair goods. Hie following specials will give those women who require switches and ' transformations in gray an opportunity to procure them at deep reductions from the regular prices, for three days. Switches are made on three sep arate stems, of fine quality perma nently wavy hair. $2.95 1 8-inch switches ...$1.45 $4.45 20-inch switches $1.95 $5.95 22-inch switches $2.45 $7.95 24-inch switches . . .$2.95 Transformations $1 .35 Second Floor TOWELS of Pure Linen Stamped for Working REGULAR PRICE 50c 25c We imported these towels in the Spring for Fall selling. The prices now would force us to retail these at 50c While they last we shall sell them special at 25c. They are made of pure linen in two sizes, 15x27 and 1 8x34 inches, stamped in eyelet and cross-stitch patterns. Fifth Floor.