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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
TWO NEW VESSELS TO SWELL PORTLAND'S PASSENGER TRAFFIC Inauguration by Great Northern Pacific Steamship Company of Coastwise Service Will Add to Travel From This Port Last Boat Now Launched at Philadelphia. lslf sffifa 't" ' r "fi - M? Co SVs--r.. T. vc, PORTLAND'S share of coastwise passenger traffic will be augment ed greatly when the Great North ern Pacific Steamship Company puts In operation Its two splendid new boats, the second of which was launched only a week ago In Philadelphia. It is ex pected that the line, which will oper ate between Flavel, Or., and San Fran cisco, will begin Its schedule about March 15, 1915. Thla-will be in time to get much of the treat exposition tourist travel. The Northern Pacific, which left the ways only last week, is a sister ship to the Great Northern, that was launched July 10. The two vessels are said to be the finest specimens of ocean-going express steamers ever .built in the United States. Their construction is of the finest order and it is Bald that their speed will be unsurpassed by any mer cantile steamers afloat, with the pos sible exception of the Mauretania and Lusitania. The launching of this ship was at tended by the head officials in the com pany. Many Officials Attend. L. C. Gilman, of Portland." who is the president of the newly organized STUDENTS PUN SHOW O. A. C. TO MAKES MOHnCCCLTURAI, DISPLAYS SOVESBER 7. Mauser Chosen and Committee Chair men Named to Prepare for Blc j Edncatlonst Exhibits. OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COL IlEGE. Corvallis. Oct. 24. (Special.) The division of horticulture of the Ore- Kon Agricultural College will hold a Horticultural Show. November 7, which will be one of the most elaborate edu cational exhibits ever undertaken by the department. Committees of stu dents are hard at work under the guidance of the members of the faculty, and plans are rounding rapidly Into shape. Wayne W. Coe. of Stanfield. Or., has been appointed general manager of the show, and has as his assistants, the following chairmen of committees: F. L. Moe, of Hood River, exhibition cards and printing; W. W. Craln. of Biggs. Cal., attendance; J. M. Jessup, of Cooks, Wash, awards; B. B, Cohen, of Portland, byproducts; A. B. Cole, of Pasadena, Cal., floriculture and land scape gardening; W. E. Whitehouse, of Komerville, Mass., pomology; Harry Pearcy. of Portland, vegetables; J. R. Masneii, of Amity, Research: O. B. Hayes, of Pasadena. Cal., publicity: "J. W. Chambers, of Newberg, finance; T. L. Lamereaux. of San Francisco, Cal., judging: J. L. Forbis. of Dllley, entry. The pomology exhibit will include a collection of fruits from all parts of the country, including many sub-tropical varieties entered by California students. The floricultural exhibit will be elab orate. One feature will be a collection of chrysanthemums. The vegetable di vision has arranged with many well known truck men and market garden ers to exhibit their products here, and In addition to these the products of the college greenhouse will be displayed. Professor C. L Lewis, chief of the di vision of horticulture. Is enthusiastic over the. prospects for a successful show, and believes that the exhibit will be of much value to the students who take part In the preparation of it. as well as to all who attend as spectators. iroressor v. K. uardner, of the po mology section; Professor A. G. B. yh iA I -V t-''W V' 9 1 R iv If- j Great Northern Pacific Steamship Com pany and also of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad, was among those present at the cermonies. Others were Cal E. Stone, traffic manager. San Francisco; A. M. Cleland general passenger agent, St. Paul; W. A. Mershon, general agent of the passenger department. New York; P. W. Pummell. district passenger agent. Philadelphia; John S. Donal, general Boquet, of the vegetable division; Pro fessor A. L. Peck, of the division of floriculture, and Professor E. J. Krau, of the division of research, are other faculty men who are taking an active part in the preparations for the show. KENNETH F. M'RAE IS DEAD Veteran of British Army Passes at Savannah, Mo. Kenneth Farquhar McRae, a well known stockman of Dayville, Grant County, Oregon, died In Savannah, Mo., October 16. Mr. McRae was born In Scotland of Highland parents. j-ie was educated In the parish NEW EQUIPMENT ADDED TO THE Y. IT 1 i 7 - 4. if & L"sTi'"V it-'1 ELECTRICAL EJiGIXEEHIXG STIDEXTS AT WORK. The course In electrical engineering at the T. M. C. A. has been re-' organized, according to a statement by R. C French, educational work secretary of the association, yesterday. Much new apparatus has been added to the equipment. "We have added several, new features to our course." said Mr. French. "Our aim is to give our students the experience required for the management of a high-grade electrical plant." The course Is under the management of Nathan D. Blair, of Schen ectady, N. Y. F. K. Freeman, a practioal electrician from Utah, as sists in the laboratory work. , THE SUNDAY OT?EGOXIA2s PORTLAND, OCTOBER 2., 1914. 4 agent of the freight department, Phila. delphla; Captain C. C. Lacey, superin tendent of engineers, Philadelphia, and W. P. Clough, chairman of board of directors. New York. A sensational incident marked the launching of the boat. As it left the ways, the Northern Pacific careened. splashing water over guests upon her, and almost precipitating 25 women Into the water. It narrowly escaped capsizing. The vessel was tilted to one side when It started down' the ways and because of her narrow beam found difficulty in righting herself Quickly when she struck the water. Mrs. G. F. Baker. Jr wife of "Vice President Baker, of the First National Bank of New York, was sponsor for the great ship. With a smashing blow she sent the champagne flying over the vessel's prow, and In a moment the speediest merchant craft ever built by the Cramp Company was on its journey down the ways. Sea Sickness to Be Reduced. The new ship will have accommoda tions for 450 first-class passengers; 103 second-class and 200 third-class pas sengers. and will carry a crew of 200 men. . Among other features of the equip ment will be several anti-seasick de vices, both physical and psychological, to add to the comfort of travel. The dining salon will be constructed so as to keep from view any. gli'mpse of the sea. It will be finished luxuriously, as also will be the lounging rooms. The Northern Pacific 1b 524 feet in length and has a 62-foot beam. The total height of the vessel Is 60 feet, ft will be equipped with three screw pro pollers, driven by Parsons turbines. The hull is of steel with a double bottom constructed on the cellular principle. The vessel will have a carrying ca pacity of 21S0 tons of freight, and will have five decks. school at Strathconan and at Iveness Academy. He served in the British army in the household cavalry, the first life guards. He received an honorable discharge from the army through Arthur Balfour, later England's premier. Shortly after this he came to Amer lea, where his cousin. Dr. Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie, lived. He became In terested in the stockraising Industry and became a wool producer on large scale. In November, 1897, be married Lillian Egan, of Hublin, Ireland, who survives him. The Chilean Government has built chain of seven wireless stations along its coast ana will put them at the dls posal of the commercial' world. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY AT M. O. A. v x iit;a '1 WOMEN EHLIST IN REPUBUGMI CAUSE More Than 1000 Take Active Part in Campaign as State Election Draws Near. NAMES SHOW INTEREST Party Committees Have Many la Responsible Places to Assist In IMrectlon of Work Judges and Clerks Included. Appreciative of their newly-given right to vote, the women of Portland are taking: a keen and active interest in the forthcoming; election. This is true particularly of Kepublican women. The Republican county committee contalna the names of scores of women. The state committee has organized an advisory committee composed entirely of women and similar committees are to be formed in every county of Ore gon. The Republican women election offi cials have formed a club of their own to work in the Interests of the Repub lican ticket and to familiarize them selves with election procedure. lOOO EnlMted in Campaign. Move man 1000 Portland women thus are. actively enlisted in the cause of the party. The following- lists in ciuae the names or some or the active workers: Mrs. James Gleaaon. Vrs. Xf T. "Hamilton Mri. Emma R, Keasy, Mrs. Ionia Hancock, wr. uoi wnp nt. Airs. H.. J . Ma tnleson, Emma Hanson, Mrs. Lizzie J. Beattle, Mrs. M. K. Gentry. Mrs. Marv Kftseberz. Mrs. Anna xsinie. Mrs. ciora Hlpiana, Mrs. Anna -ncwnnii. jm ra. iizzie KODens. .Mrs. a. La. Went. Mrs. C. M. Roe, Ivie Davis. Mrs. K. (iless. Cora Richmond, Maude Rcott, Mrs. j Hattie Newman, Anna B. Gregory,- Mrs. G. I L. Thornton, Anno. M. Ptansberry, Emma C. Miller. Bertha V. Williams Bella Hofa- trand. Miss Ltzsle Hlbbs, Miss Nelle Rhoen- oerir. Mrs. Mina u. Leign, Mrs. X. C. Hoyt, Mr. Lottie Huckbody, Mrs. M. G. Galvin, Ada E. Williams, Mrs. Anne Anderson, Mrs. L. A, Gorman Katharine Cavanaugh, Mary Cavintuph. Georgia Reynolds, Mrs, Mine tsechtoid. Mir. Anna Trout. Pearl Jackson. Mrs. M. Miller, FTIeda Hay ward. Mrs. Nora XLciiinnis, Mrs. Laura M. Fredrikson, Mrs. Margaret Crldgre, Hattie E. Al!frn, Alma J. Bmlth. ITattle F. Ambrose. Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Linn I Rounds. Mrs. Mary B. Hamilton. Mrs. Anna Stark. Mrs. Hattie Hunt, Jennie Sweetland, Mrs. H. R. Lawry, Mrs. H. A. Duncan, Mrs. Adelia Thbrne, Mrs. Josephine Bennett, Mrs. Isabella Havde. urs. a. ft, Kian.n, Mrs. tiezie Miller. Kettle Mason, Lula Scott, Mrs. M. C. George. Mrs. D. f. ThoraDson. Mrs. Frederick Eeaert. Mrs. Wallace McCamant, Mrs. Gay Lombard, Mrs. C. W. Fulton. Mrs. J. D. Soencer. Mrs. W, T. Woodward, Mrs. W. B. Glafke. Mrs. Henry D. Corbett. Mrs. Edmund C. GlUner, Mrs. H. H, Nortaup, Mrs. w. w. i'otton, Mrs. Fred Olson, Mrs. Walter H. Evans, Mrs. J. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Clarence Gilbert, Mrs. B. R. Harrington. Mrs. H. W. Hogue, Mrs. aubi H. joy, Mrs. George i'. Leni, Mrs. C. K. MeArthur. Mrs. R. K. Moody. Mrs. Chester G. Murphy. Mrs. M. I Pipe, Mrs. faunne Alderman, Mrs. tuefteii ewau, Mrs. Milton W. Smith. Mrs. A. B. Slauson, Mrs. R. W. Wilbur. Mrs. George L. Baker, Mrs. A. L. Mills. Mrs. M. Kdmonston, Mrs. L. L. Elliott, Mrs. J. u. Emerson. Mrs J. J. Farrell. Mrs. Solomon Hlrfch, Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. A. E, P.ockey. Mrs. W. S. Dunl way, Mrs. S. J-I. Blumauer, Mrs. Loo Fried, Mrs. uavia yi . uunne, Airs. i-t. w. naymonn, Mrs, R. W. Hoyt, Mrs. Max S. Hfrsch. Mrs. Fred H. Strom?. Mrs. J. G. Mack. Mrs. Ches ter DolDh. Mrs. Arthur C. Emmons. Mrs. W. D. Fenton. Mrs. R. A. Frame. Mrs. Rod nv nilsan. Mrs. oeorae W. Hflien. Mn O. P. m. Jamison. Mrs. James B. Kerr. Mrs. J. F. Mazers. Mrs. La A. McNary. Mrs. Frank Motter. Mrs. Conrad Olson, Mrs. Ben Kles- land, Mrs. j. Thorburn rom, Mrs. jonn j. Bhillock. Mrs. Seneca Smith. Mrs. B. L. Thompson, Mrs. Carl B. Win tier, Mrs. George ri. u urn am, m rs. w . a. xjurnam. jars. j. Ellers. Mrs. W. G. Eliot. Jr.. Mrs. Ida Erd- man. Mrs. H. M. FTaterley. Mrs. A. F Fer- rara, Mrs. W. L Finley, Mrs. H. M. French, Mrs. C. V. Gantenbeln, Mrs. H. W. Garland, Mrs. Emma Gillespie, Mrs. J, O: Goltra, Mrs. H. W. Goode, Mrs. F. W. Gowdy, Mra D. S. Steams, Mrs. Thomas Gulnean, Mrs. Herbert Bradlev. Mrs. W. C. Bristol. Mrs. D. C. Burns, Mrs. Dan McAllen. Dr. Mae cardwdl. Mrs. w. A. Cauihorn. Mrs. Ben iamln L Cohen. Mrs. Julius Cohen. Mrs. John A. Collier, Mrs. C. Cornelius, Mrs. E. e. Couraen. Mrs. W. C. D railway. Mrs. C. K. Dav Mrs. Matthew P. Deady. Mrs. John Ditchburn. Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Mrs. Rig Slchel. Mrs. Leo Seliins, Mrs. iz. B. i-iper, Mrs. H". B. Miller, Mrs. Andrew C. Smith, Mrs. H. W. Scott, Mrs. Leslie Scott, Mrs. H. I Plttock, Mrs. A. G. Rushlight, Mrs. J. P. Fin lav. Mrs. W. E. Flnzer. Mrs. H. W. Fries. Mrs. E. O. Gardner, Mrs. Charles Gauld. Mrs. A. W. Goddard, Mrs. George dnnA. "Mm. F. 15. flowdv. Mrs. William M Gregory. Mrs. D. H. Stearns, Mrs. Fred G.i.lttta Mrs. A. H. Brannan. Mrs. Cleve land Rockwell, Mrs. W. A. Wise, Mrs. A. M. Cannon. Mrs. W. A. Carter. Mrs. jonn R roffev. Mrs. tv Soils Cohen. Mrs. Francis Olarno, Mrs. Edw. Cooklngham, Mrs. phllo Holbrook. Mrs. Norrls R, Cox, Mrs. F. H. Dammaaoh. Mrs. Edw. M. Deady. M Afininh Deknm. Mrs. Marlon F. DolDh. Mrs. J. G. Gould, Mr. Ben Selling. Mrs. Thomas tcott Brooke, Mrs. x w. leaooetier, airs fiiti R Miller. Mrs. Ralnh R. Dunl way, Mrs. J. H. Rcott, Mrs. Ambrose tecott. Mrs. U. F- Moraen, jars. w. weizger, Magsle Alder son. - Mrs. Corbett Assumes Duties. Mrs. J. J. Jennings, Mrs. Elliot R. Cor bett. Mrs. W. T. Foster. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs. G. H. Hall. Mrs. P. J. Han lev. Mrs. Chester V. Hare, Mrs. E. A. Hawkes. Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Mrs. Ada Hertsche, Mrs. Leon Hirscht Mrs. Max Hlrpn. VTr Lee Hoffman. Mrs. W. B. Hoi den. Mrs. J, D. Honey man. Mrs. William TTnnavman. Mrs. S. J. Hy and. Mrs. W1I Hum uvinnH "VT r J P. Irvine. Mrs. O. P Jamlmn. Mrs. Ed Mendenhall. Mrs. J. .H. Upton, Mrs. George S. Acheson, Mrs. George Ainsiie, Airs. j. ti. a men, miss juua Alien, Mm .T T-r Albert. Mrs. H. R. Templeton, Mrs. John Bain, Mrs. Ray Barkhurst, Mrs. H. B. Miller, Mrs. F. O. McCown, Mrs. A. E. Borthwlck, Mrs. jonn Fimn, Airs. j. wanir w.tinn Mrs. T-T. C. Hair. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins. Mrs. Vincent Cook. Mrs.. P. L. Willis, Mrs. C. V. Cooper, Mrs, E Haber sham. Mrs. H. M. Haller. Mrs. J. O. Han- thorn. Mrs. J. C. Hare, Mrs. J. W. Hawkins, vr. rzAnrire W. Hazen. Mrs. Felix lilrscn Mrs. Leo Hlrsch, Mrs. A. E. Hod gen, Mrs. R. R. Hoge, Mrs, David T. Honeyman, Mra Thnmm TV Honevman. Mrs, Walter B. Hon. eyman, Mrs. George M. Hyland, Mrs, C. -L. Tdleman. Mrs. John M. Mann, Mrs. Henry Toanlmr Jr.. Mrs. Wllllas S. Moore, ALr John T. Whalley, Dr. Anna C. Ackley, Mrs r-ivri n Aitchison. Miss Bertha Allen. Mrs. K. p. Armstrong, airs. . x. ajw, Mabel N. Bacon, Mrs. A. Barber, Mrs. Laura B. Miller, Mrs. Virginia Hill, Mrs. Cora B. Duniway. Mrs. William Borthwlck. Mrs. Dr. Brown Tynan. Mrs. S. J. Height, Mrs. G. K. Hamaker, Mrs. Harriet Hendee, Mrs. A-nna w -i-a II vn C- W. H odso n. M rs. Fred A. Jacobs. Mra. William B. Jolly, Mrs. Henry E. Jones, Mrs. J. J. jvaaucnv, mr. uiia a. Keating. Mrs. J. D. Kenworthy, Mrs. F. A. u-n.Ttn Xrm 9 W. Kinc. Mrs. R J. Kirk wood. "Mrs. Mary B. Knowles. Mrs. M. E, Te. Mrs. S. B. Linthicum. Mrs, B. E. Llppln. rott. Mrs. Robert Livingstone, Mrs. P. D T nmhirrt Mrs. S. Donald Mackav. Mra. F M.frs Miss J. McCord. Mrs. D. E. Powers, Mrs. A. B. Davis, Mrs. B. Fallows, Mrs Sarah Kerr, Miss Pauline Alderman, Mrs ' Carl Kelty. Mrs. S. E, Gilbert, Mrs. Thii vtirhAn. Jr.. Mrs. J. Montgomery, Mrs E. P. Geary. Mrs. R, S. Farrell, Mrs. Nathan Harris, Mrs. W. E. Potter, Mrs. Luther D-v-ott, Mrs. Charles W. Schnabel, Mrs. C U. Gantenbeln; Mrs. George 11. Mimes. Mrs. H. P. Hoff Mrs. J. H.-Johnson Mrs. Abner Jones, Mrs. U, E. Josephi, Mrs. iscnK Kamm. Mrs. A. L. Keenan. Mrs. W. M. Kllltngsworth, Mrs. J. C. Elliott Kin, Mrs. E. W. King, Mrs. M. 1. Kline, Mrs. E. J Labbe, Mrs. George P. Lent Mrs, I. N". Llpman, Mrs. H. R. Llttlefleld, Mrs. B. M. Lombard, Mrs. Frank Zena Long, Mrs. K. A. J. McKenzte. Mrs. H. L. Palmer, Mrs. A. L. Barbur. Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Mrs. J. B. Schnabel, Mrs. H. W. Scott, Mrs. Edith Alderman, Miss Pearl Cooke, Mrs. L. R. Fields, Jr., Mrs. Thomas McCusker, Mrs. S. B. Huston, Mrs. Waiter BurreU. Mrs. E A. Beals. Mm. Mary Gullette, Mrs A. McRobert. Mrs. F. H. White Mrs. L. Ther kelsen. Mrs. Judge Cleland, Mrs. C. B. Moores. Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, ,Mrs. R, R. Routledge, Mrs. Paul Kelty, Mrs. F. B. Young, Mrs. Dan Malarkey, Mrs. R. V. Jones, Mrs. T. Morris Dunne, Mra H. D. Ramsdell. Mrs. D- C. Lewis. Mrs. John Logan, Mrs. A H. Tanner, Mrs. Addison Llnoley, Mrs. Bodman, Mrs. John Kennan. Mrs. B. W. Ewell. Miss Jean slauson. Dr. Victoria Hamp ton, Dr. Mary Thompson. Miss Nina Johnson, Mrs. F. S. Dunning, Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway. Miss Laura S. Dunne, Mrs. R W. Ewell. Mrs. E. M. Holway. Mis.-. E. G. Sheldon, Mrs. George B. Thomas. .Miss Emma Wold. Mrs. Paul WessingT, Mrs. Mary T. Cooks. Mrs. Beaton Klllin, Mrs. AUSTRALIA HURRIES BUILDING AND EXHIBITS AT SAN FRANCISCO FAIR Beautiful Structure Eises 100 Feet Above Approach and Harmonizes Idea of Separate States With That of Entire Commonwealth Shrubbery to Be Native Product, Transplanted Under Another Sky. '-I X it- , mty I'" 4 at AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. Construe- , tion is now being- rushed upon the beautiful Australian pavilion at the Panama-Pacific International Expo sition. The photographic reproduction of the architect's perspective of the building; reveals that it will be a beau tiful and striking- edifice. The architect, Georgro J. Oakeshoot, has conveyed tke Idea of separate tates harmoniously united and Kiving; support to a central fabric which is the common irlory of all. The building will rise elegantly from Phil Metschan, Mrs. D. Abbott, Mrs. Charles 1 Berg. Mrs. R usse 1 1 H . B rom. M rs. Charles Arata, Mrs. M. O. Moore, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Arthur Langguth. Mrs. W. . Dunne. M rs. Gus C. Mosler. Mrs. M. Mc Faull, Mrs Juel B. Crosier, Mrs. O. E. Slttorx, Mrs. Lucy A. Mallory, Mrs. A. B. Davis, Mrs. A. G. Dayton, Mrs. Elizabeth Graham, M rs. i. k. JacoDBon, Mrs. W. K. jacKson, Mra. Emma I. Holmes, Mrs. Daisy Wells, Mitts Ida Simmons. Miss Nina Strain, sirs. Charles Banfleld, Mrs. Charles Chick. Bex Chosen on Board. Judees and clerks are: Mrs. Helen Hubbard, Mrs. Penelope Walls, Mrs. M. 1. Hall, Mra Mabel Green,- Ellen Mills, Madeline Manciet, Mrs. W. E. Jack son, Hazel Stockton, Louise Freeman, Maude J nap man, iteraie KoDiuion, i,eone A.aoai, Mrs. c K. art en, iaorenc c. i anion, auh etta E. Boyd. Elizab. Hahu. Mrs. C. Clark, Adeline Clarkfc yV Elizabeth White, Airs. &teriing mrice, .m m. hing, Anna iv Fletcher. J one t nine 13 e vore Johnson. Anna Davis, May Eva Johnson, Mrs. August Mo Robert, Alice Brightman, Mrs. Florence Stev ens, Mrs. B. E. Greene, Mrs. John Holmes, .Mrs. iaa Haines. .Mrs. .iiza,oetn romeroy, vMrs. T. Caroline Wek. Lydia J. Mills, Mrs. Clara Wiinon. Mvrtie ij ncnam. Jeanne m.ui- tiert, z-yipna narper, Mrs. a. a. Mergens, Mrs. Mamie MoUUn. Catherine waiters. Mrs, C. Senningson, Mrs. C. W. ' Logan, Emma west. Mrs. Mary partrmge. sarah verr. Mrs. James Fink, Myrtle Wheaton, Miss Anna Bryan. Miss C. Maion. Mrs. Maoeiie ooraon. miss m. v. Aaams, Mrs. uert w iison, uri. Helen Tuiley. Mrs. A. M. Reckard. Pauline S. Taimage, Emma FitXReralu, Cora FredericK. Mrs. u. ti. ifrencn. F lorence warriner. jen- nle Whiteford, Anna Bauman, Cordelia M. Ljy.-a.rni k. Mrs. May nutcnin. Mrs. i. w. Meyers, Eliza. Corcoran. Miss Vesa Olson, Miss L. E. Hay, Miss Florence E. Nichols, Laura M. Leary, Miss Margaret Koonta. Mrs. Llizabeth Lddy, Mrs. barah J. wagner, i Amelia Baum, Louise Y. McDonald, Miss Laura Fox, Mrs. C. F. Benedict, Mrs. Susie Freeman, Miss Charlotte Reed, Miss Flor ence Nudelman. Mrs. George B. Thomas. Mrs. M. J. Wilson, Mrs. G. b . Bootbe, Mrs. Lloyd Irvine. Mrs. M. H. Johe. Mrs. Alice T. Bird, Mrs. Cora Puffer, Mra Mary Rus sel, Mrs. Lillian Jones Buchelmer, Mrs. George Newman, Mrs. Jessie Hall, Mrs. Eva M. Gassett, Alice B. Johnson, Miss c. m. Barnum, Eliza G. Rahara, Miss Myra Helm. Mrs. Sarah E. Walker, MIbs Marie Wal ters, Mrs. Earnestlne Strandhorg. Miss Mar garet Horner, Mrs. Grace V. Gordon, Mrs. Nellie F. Cardiff. Mrs. Vlda Smith, Marie Irvine. Mrs. Charles Rafleld. Mrs. A. Patter son, "Mrs. Grace Crosby, Ida A. Martin, Miss fethei OKeefe. tannic Jffi. Run:. Mrs. jfean Sauls, Mrs. Sarah Welch, Mrs. Georgia Bar rett, Mrs. Margaret Becker, Mrs. Emmelyn Lamberson. Bessie. Rlstlg. Bernlce Hyde, Clneta Nun an, Mrs. J. B. Kerr, Mrs. S. Luebcke, Miss Helen Mateson, Mrs. Julia M. Potter, Mrs. Marie E. Hobklrk. Miss Lulu Williams, Mrs. E. A. Srmmonds, Marie Hanguez, Mrs. J. D. Stites, Mrs, Lulu Watson, Women of Prominence an List. Mrs. Hilma Carlson, Jennie Gray, Alice W. Alexander, Mrs. Belle Lytle, Mrs. E. T. Stretcher, Mrs. Louise Nute, Mrs. Nellie Banneman, Mrs. J: H. Marbel. Mrs. Mar garet Hart. Bessie F. Col well, Barbara Or- endorff, busie s. McUrew, Barbara Mc Grath, Grace E. Fairbanks, Mary Klineman, Nellie S. Starr, Mrs. Nellie Parrot. Mrs. Mary E. Town, Mary J. Myer, Mrs. F. Drager, Miss G. L. Selgner, Mrs. E. R. Bu chan. Micts A. M. Frieden thai-' May DenzeL Mary C. Abry, Mrs. Elsie Day, Lucille Send ers, Mrs. Marie Frlcker, Hattie ii. Morse, Mrs. N. C. Moor, Mrs. Mary Thronson. Mrs. E. Stephan, Mrs. M. J. DeVaney. Gladvs Bretherton, Mra. M. J. Kingston. Alice Kalk- ofen, Mattle Palmer, Halley M. McGlasson. Mrs. Florence L. Crane, Hattie M. Down ing. Mrs. G. H. Jernlgan, Mary Edith Flke. Mrs. F. T. Boire. Mrs. A, M. Crura. Nina B. Johnson, Mrs. W. S. Wilton. Bertha Zeveley, Mrs. Nettle Roley, Mamie Vv alker, Mrs. Mamie Cox, Mrs. Fannie Dustan. Mrs L. L. Frost, Mrs. Anna Tucker, Louisa M. Turner, Catherine Boughman, Berdia L. Austin, Mrs. A. E. Lacey, Emma M: Mer chant. Mrs. Mary vv iison, Mrs. W. Green, Helen GUbreath, Josephine Go Id en berg-, Mrs. noy cowan. Airs. Jennie n. tan, .veirn u. Shively, Ciara C. Cox. Mrs. Dollie Richard son, Mrs. Olive Richards, Mrs. A. M. Fisher, Mrs. Martha Groener. Sara E. Porter. Mrs. Nellie C. Olsen. Mrs. Nell Dubois, Edith M. Hilton, Miss Agnes Aic.eai, Mrs. Manna uranat. Mrs. u, Davis, Mrs. A. E. Weddle, Mrs. S. E. Windle, Mrs. Theodore Hbekoct. Miss Iena A. heeler. May homo, Mrs. .. G. Sheldon. Mri Sophie Harr. Mrs. Bess W&lson, Hattie Grimm. Josie M. Berens. Mrs. Amelia Feeb ler, Zoa N. Brown, Rebecah Trimble, Flora A. Dranar. Mrs. Leona a. ueeson. mma s. Jackson, joeephirfe Johnson, Mrs. Aldo B. Pierce, fcimma 1 tsoya, Mrs. vv. j. Hoi man. Rebecah E. Monteith. Mrs. C. C. Head ley, Mrs. Mary Each, Clara P. Hall, Luella Berkeley, Ada M. Hanley. Caroline Amun- sen, Annie T. Woodruff. Helen Moore, Mrs. Mary Deppert. Mrs. tiaiioy b. Alien. loni Shryack, Mrs. S. C. Grattan, Mrs. Grace Farewell, Dr. Eva S. Walker. Mrs. Anna V. Pape, Gertrude W. Pommel I. Mrs. Dora Robertson. Mrs. L. D. Knight. Mrs. Alice Armstrong;, Bianch is. Quine, Bertha W. Atchison. Mrs. Marie Knispel, Mrs. J. C. Murray. Maude Hellendorn, Margaret L Lawson, Mrs. Burr Wagner, Anna O. Hen dershott, Mrs. Bell Mitchell, Mrs. Katherin Scoot. Eina Pauen, Mrs. w. u. ienney, Mrs. Bonlte Christine. Mrs. . Mabel McHIgglngs, Stella H. Bennett, Mrs. R. T. Robinson, Anna C. Whitney, Emily Kellogg, Mrs. A. H. Lea, Mabel A. Kline, Mrs. Lucy Shade, Mrs. C. L. Francis, Mrs. Edith Norvili, Mildred D. Groves. Eliza A. Griffith. Mabel C. Dateon,- Annie W. Lapnln. Miss Anna Bashaw, L. Irvine. Mra Grace Silver stein, Mrs. E. K. Hill, Mra. Jane A. Bow, Ursula Meisten Lizzie M. Ross, Lucy A Eaton, Mrs. Orla T. Stlmpson. Gertrude Gil man, Ellen C. Warren. Mm Hattie E. Legg, Miss Maude Lownsdale. Mrs. Alice V. Mauts, Mrs. A. R. Bullier. Mrs. M. Be'.ie Richmond, Sappho Finn, Lillian York. Effie L. Abbott, Margaret Curtis, Mrs. Rubv Hartford, Verna Wagner. Miss Cora Walker, Mrs. Carrie Butler. Mrs. Beatrice Hill, Miss Verdle Mon roe, Mrs. Alice Borthwlck. Rhoda McCarty, Mrs. F. M. Moore, Anna A. Strand, Lulu Mills. Mrs. W. R. Cummins, Mrs. E. D. Toucey, Mrs. A M. Call. Mrs. fi. E. Eggers, Myrtle Frost, Mrs Neva Durst. Edith L. Ciouse, Edith Foley, Laura Taylor, Mrs, B. M. Haner, Mrs. F L. Myers. Florence Rogers, Mrs. Jessie E. Ball, Rose C. Foust, Gertrude Regula. Mrs. Mattle Krouse, Mrs. Kulla C. Dunning, Mrs. Adele Koon, Eliza Hurford. Mrs. Suan L. Evans. Mrs. A. Rlttnover, Mrs. Rattle Bowers, Cora Beatty, Hsrriet Sher wood, Ruth B- Shaw, Mrs. Annie L. Warren, Mrs. Annie .Wlllits. Miss Mary L. Suttle. Mrs. E. L. Kollenbarn. Mrs. C. A. GorrelL Mrs. Maude Fenn, Mrs. Lola Rockwell, Mrs. Anne O. Iee, Hope Lockley, Mra Laura D. Msdsrla. Mrs. li. G. Lewis. Mrs. MerUe C i , i AUSTRALIAN B UI LD I G, PAXAMA FAIR a site 23 feet by 186 feet, the struc ture Itself having dimensions of 180 I feet bv 127 feet and the tower rising to a height of 100 feet above the level of the main approach. Throughout the building1 the ornamentation will be symbolical of Australia, ad the outside shrubbery will be the golden wattle and other growths Indigenous to the Island continent. The ground floor will hold the main exhibit pavilion, an exhibit annex, lec ture halL reception room, offices for the various Australian states and a Lewis. Mrs. Edith Dsnnlwn, Kathleen E. Buehier, Mrs. irena Ansiey, jara. x-cm Pearce. Worn est Active la County Work. Countv committee women are: Mrs. Lou Wagner, Mary O'Connor, Ruth Gilbert, Ro- wena Allen, Margaret McAsklu, Mrs. v. - Richardson. Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson, Mra S. J. Halght, Emma Baum, Mrs. Mary Part ridge, Anna Tierney, Mrs, M J. Honor. Mra. Louise Long, Daisy McDonald, Ida Tss- welL Olive Wellbrook, Mrs. Rose xancner. Mrs. W. R. Sawyer, Mrs. C M. McKay, Mra N. Boody, Mrs. F. Austin, Mrs. Alvord. Mrs. Cassle Brown, Mrs. A J. Langguth, Mrs. J. M. Jones. Mrs. K. Rlckert. Mrs. M. H. Post. Mrs. L. C. Lloyd. Mrs. George B. Thomas. Mrs. Walter E, Jackson, Mrs. A. T. Wads worth, Mrs. E. Freeland, Mary. Wilcox, Ma mie A. Zimmerman, Mra Grace Hall, Mrs. GrmnA Mnn. flu Sadie Dibble. Miss Helen Frommer, Mrs. Dollie Marquardt, Norma L. Green, Catherine Barbur, Mra. Edna Scott, Mra Edith Gell. Mrs. Catherine Keiser. Agnes A Its tock. Miss Rose Fouts, Mrs. Fred J. Brady, Mrs. S. S. Prler. Mrs. Ida M. Hard man. Mrs. E. J. Gilbert. Mrs. W. G Hayes, Edna Doyle, Jessie M. Hoge, Mrs. C. V. Smock, Miss Allle Worden, Mra Ralnh Acklev. Mrs. W. H H. Dufur. Mrs. C. A. Ward, Mrs. I. Brown, Grace L. Bronn. Mra E. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. A. L. Harvey. Mrs. A. E Borthwlck, Mrs H P Lee. Mrs. B. M. Henby. Mrs. Arthur Hed lev. Mrs. Charles Weston. Miss Maud E Aeer. Miss Oertrude F. Faber. Mlfta Lillian Appleman, Mrs. Tilda Johnson, M rs. L, E. Sullivan, Mrs. Minnie McCaslln, Mrs. S. E. Eggers, Mr. Katherlne McCord, Mrs. J. T. McAlister, Mrs. J. F. Keller, Mrs. J. L. Day. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Earl Scott. Mrs. Wil liams, Alice r. Nugent. Mrs. O. M. matt. Mrs. L. G. Jamison, Mrs. Clara Roberts, Mrs. G. Ballslaer. Mrs. A. F. Haack. Mrs. Guises, Mrs. Groesbeck. Mrs. L; Wilkenson, Mrs. E. Nichols, Mrs. W. Cowey, Mrs. Thom as D. Condon. Miss McKlnley, Mrs. Paul Bliss, Florence Taylor, Mrs. Verna C. Champs, Edna Berke, Mrs. W. L. Rhoads, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. C. M. Brown, Mrs. Jonas, Mrs. Elisa Stone, Mra Richard Teg art, Mrs. O. F. Laird. Mrs. R. R. Nlckell, Mrs. W. S. Bennett, Mrs. a W. Blair. Mrs. Deeredlll, Mrs. George J. Cameron, Mrs. Francis Capell, Airs. j. m.. nammersiy, Airs. James . Walsh. Mrs. O. A. Neal. Mrs. C. R, Hotch- klas, Mrs. F. R. Peterson, Mrs. Dan R. Pow ers, Mra j. jr. MCAiuster, Mrs. (jreea r. av ans, Mrs. L. K. Weeks. CORNERSTONE TO BE LAID Ceremonies at Fulton Parle School to Be Held Tomorrow. The ceremony- of laying the corner stone of the Fulton Parle Schoolhouse will take place Monday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. The ceremony will consist of speeches by Lyman Latourette. L. R. Alderman, City Superintendent of Schools, and members of the School Board and songs and recitations by the pupils of the school. . As this Is looked upon as a big; event In Fulton Park a large attendance of the residents is expected. PIONEER OREGOMAN CROSSED PLAINS IN AS5U. Mrs. Mary Hsrdmaia. Mrs. Mary Hardman, who died near Lebanon. Linn County. Oc tober S, at the age of 91 years, was one of the most respected of Oregon pioneer women, having resided in this state since cross ing the plains In I860. Mrs. Hardman was born at Ox ford. Butler County. Ohio. July 10, 1823. In 1835 she moved, with her parents, to South Bend Ind. She was married to Samuel Hardman September 8, 1842, and on October , 1848, left Indiana to cross the plains to Oregon. T h y arrived In Linn County September 24, 1850, and on De cember 21 took up land grants. She is survived by five children: Mrs. I. J. Long, of Albany; W. R. Hardman. of Lebanon: J. C. Hard man, of Albany, and H. C. Hard man and P. F. Hardman, of Portland. - I; . , .. - o . V: v : r. ;;V , .,...,J 5 fl1 1 N I room for use by the public. The second floor is to contain apartments ror the use of the respective commissioners and the staff. Mr. Cakes is one of the staff archi tects of the commonwealth government and comes from Sydney, New South Wales, where he has a reputation In the profession for originality, combined with a fine sense of the symmetrical. Australia appropriated $400,000 for its participation In the exposition, and most of the exhibits have been assem bled for shipment to San Francisco. COLLEGE SENDS EXHIBIT CARLOAD OF MATERIAL. SHIPPED TO LAn SHOW FROM CORVALLIS. Grafting, Planting, Orchnrdlng, I, sects, and Birds That Do Good to Be Among Demonstrations. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis. Oct. 24. (Special.) That the exhibits of the Oregon Agricultural College will form an interesting part of the Land Products Show to be held in Portland October 25 to November 14, is Indicated by the elaborate prepara tions wjilch have been made here this week. A carload of material has been shipped from Corvallis, and when the show opens its doors everything will be In its place to make the Oregon Agricultural College exhibit one of the most attractive. The departments of horticulture, plant pathology and entomology have combined in preparing a display of exceptional interest. The various methods of budding and grafting of fault trees, used commercially in the Northwest, will be a feature. The grafts and buds In the various stages of development will be shown. In ad dition to this, the horticultural de partment will show - model plans illustrating the three -methods of laying out an orchard, the Quincunx, hexa gonal and rectangular. A second set of plans will give the appearance of the orchard after having been properly thinned. The plant pathology section will have & number of panels showing some of the diseases of Importance to orchardists, as well as the life histories of the fungi and. bacterial organisms causing the diseases. The entomological exhibit will comprise spray charts, plates showing the life hltory of insects, and the effect which Injurious Insects have upon twigs and leaves. An interesting feature will be a col lection of all birds which have been found to have been a friend of the farmer by destroying Insects which are Injurious in their nature. The dairy department will show a model group of dairy buildings, in cluding all modern features. The agronomy department will have a demonstration, showing two farms in miniature. One of these farms will be "good" farm, arranged correctly and kept up in good style; the other will be a "bad" farm, inefficiently ar ranged, and run down. The bacteriology exhibit will Include a demonstration of soil inoculation work, and the use of legumes for the storage of nitrogen In the soil. The department of poultry husbandry has prepared an exhibition emphasiz ing the production and marketing of eggs. The candling of eggs will be demonstrated, and the proper methods of preparing eggs for market will be explained. In addition an assortment of containers for marketing purposes. and a model of the style of colony house which Is recommended by the station will be shown. The use of the parcel post by the chicken man is expected to be of interest and value. Twelve students from the horticul ture department will be sent to Port land to take part in fruit judging contests. A large number of other Oregon Agricultural College students will make the trip to Portland to see the Land Products Show. The Oregon Agricultural College ex hibit will be under ' the direction of the extension division of the college. AGED PIONEER CELEBRATES Mrs. Kebeoca Morris, of Albany. Picks Hops on 7 2d Birthday. ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.) The feat of picking four and a half boxes of hops on her 72d birthday was accomplished by Mrs. Rebecca Morris, of this city, on September 4. In a hop yard near Independence. Picking four and a half boxes of hops in one day Is an average day's work for anyone, working steadily and rapidly, but Mrs. Morris, despite the fact that she has lived more than the allotted three score years and ten, equaled the records oof her younger companions. Mrs. Morris was boom in Missouri in 1842 and when three years old crossed the plains to Oregon with her parents. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Crabtree, who were among the first settlers In Linn County, locating near Scio in 1845. , An Admission. (Washington Star.) "Blipgins isn't quite as egotistical as he used to'be." "What makes you think so?" "I heard him admit yesterday that 4 nobody, la Quite perfect." .4