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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23. 1914. laid for 10. and the boa. 2ss was as 1 K ? ? J. .j i ' I; 'I i J I" I I - jt I is- " i - 'A .-.7 X- 7 s-: (Continued From Pace 3.) family, arrived Tuesday from the Phil. Ipplnos. Major Field relieved Major Clayton, of the Medical Corps. He has elected for hla quarters those vacated by Major Castner. Lieutenant and Mrs. Richardson on 'Wednesday evening entertained at din ner, oovers being laid for nine. An Informal hop for officers and . ladle was held In the post assembly hall Friday evening with music by an orchestra from the Twenty-first In lantry band. Captain Eda-ar A. Fry, of the Twenty-first Infantry, Is on a week's leave i? absance, going on a hunting trip in Oregon. Captain King, of the Medical Corps, tins removed Into the quarters vacated liy Major Clayton, near the Columbia The Musical Afternoon Club of the post will resume meetings next Friday at the home of Mrs. Page, wife of Cap tain J. H. Page, Jr. ' Miss Fanny Bell, sister of General Bell, who was visiting him for a few weeks, returned to her home in Wash ington, X. C, Tuesday. General Bell has been absent during the week on a trip of inspection through the Northwest. He went from here to Seattle. Mrs. Tiffany, wife of Captain George 6. Tiffany, entertained at a luncheon Thursday afternoon. Lieutenant Glass entertained a num ber of friends at a "hop supper" Friday evening. , EVEXTS OF THE WEEK. On Monday evening, October 19, 40 Of the friends and members of the Conquerors, the organized adult Bible class of the Millard-Avenue Presby 'terlan Church school, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Gilbert for the regular monthly class meet ing, and a halloween party. The rooms were artistically decorated for the occasion by Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Cecil Small. At the gate the quests were met by huge jack-o-lanterns. On the front porch and In the hall were shocks of cornfodder with an abundance of yellow pumpkins scattered about. On the right hand stood farmer lllram Corntassel In rural carb, while on the left, togged in her best, was his faithful wife Miranda. The faces of these characters were the production of the artistic touch of Mrs. Gilbert's brush. At the door, visitors were received by a ghost and on the stair landing was a fellow-ghost to whom all were Introduced. The elec tric lights of the chandeliers were dis guised as black cats, thus giving a dim light with a ghoBtly effect to the rooms. In the corner above a rural fireplace eat two big owls. In another corner was an old crone stirring in an old Iron kettle, from which with large spoon, she fished the fortunes of the guests. The evening was passed In games and contests suitable to such an oc casion. In the Blue Beard chamber was viewed, hanging by their long nair. the heads cl lour charming young iauie8. Big red apples, steaming coffee and home-made pumpkin pies were served for refreshments and at a late hour the guests adjourned pronouncing Mrs. Gilbert a most delightful hostess and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert many nappy returns ot ine season. The woman's auxiliary to Scout Young Camp, United Spanish War Vet erans, entertained the members of the original auxiliary to Company H Tues day night. A most interesting programme was rendered, Mrs. Auterson opening with a piano selection, followed by a vocal solo, beautifully rendered, by Mrs. Hazel Curr Bell, accompanied by Miss Foster. Mrs. Ella veBsey gave a hu morous reading, followed by a vocal boIo by Mrs. Eva Davidson with Mrs. A. Bryant at the piano. Mrs. Susie Heed Nicholson sang, accompanied by Ma dame Klza von Tette. Mrs. W. M. Cop lan. offered President Wilson's favorite poem, "Opportunity." A finished piece of work in monologue was given by Miss Carol Mitchell and as an encore she recited a piece In Italian dialect. An unexpected guest was Mrs. Roy Keal. who graciously gave a piano se lection and as an encore gave "La Paloma." -. Tea and cakes were served exquisite ly at the card tables, the members hav ing lent their best china and silver for the occasion. The refreshment committee consisted of Mrs. Margaret Becker, Mrs. Minnie Woelm and . Mrs. Eva Davidson. Among the guests were: Mrs. Diana McDonnell, Mrs. R. O. Scott, Mrs. D. Fletcher, Mrs. June McMlllen Ordway, Mrs. J. D. Kinnon. Mrs. W. Dnstin. Mrs. Jay J. Upton, Mrs. A. Bryant, Mrs. Hazel Curr Bell, Madame Elza Von Tette, Miss Carol Mitchell, Miss Foster, Mrs. Roy KesL The In-and-Out Club gave its first hard times dance of the season at Lin nea Hall, last Friday evening, at which more than BO couples graced the floor at one time. Hard tack and punch formed the only refershments. A partial list of those present fol lows: Misses Jeannette Crosfield, Mabel Mascot, Rae Levin, Eva Levin, Hazel Waggener, Verna Carnathan, Jerry Fleming, Carrie Mathlson, . Vera Kelly, Irene Wiley, Alma Wiley, Hazel Peters, Miss White, Miss Wyckoff, Alice Green. Miss Casey, Miss Willis, MIbs Brown, Eva Boscovitch, Flora- belle Parrott, Bertha Van Dermeier, Abble Cornwall, Nydyne Baker, Hazel Swanson, Pauline Anderson and Jo seph Lillard, Clarence' S. Stephenson, Elwood Gallien, Ben Lerner. Albert Butterfield, Lee Waldron, Peter Bar- bare, Joseph Clestlne, Bernard Metzger, William K. Smyth. Volt! Jones. Cam eron Belland, Eugene Belland, George Butterfield, Leonard Hurst, Duncan IrvMn, Arthur Sholin, Stanley Hazlett, Ernest Hazlett, Mike Harris, Clyde LawBOn, Mickie Strahan, Roy Carna than, Christie Johnson, Harlow John son, Harry Divelbiss, Plnkerton Day, Frank Rosenthal, Fred Boynton, Mel O Shea, Alice Green, Carl Cummins and Earl R. Goodwin. One of the most successful and elabo rate dancing parties of the season was held by the Chanticleers on Tuesday evening. October 20, at Christensen's Hall. The hall was prettily decorated in palms and ferns and many elaborate gowns were worn. The music rendered by McElroy's orchestra wan received with marked appreciation. The com mittee in charge were Miss Myrtle Meyer, Miss Georgia Forney, Mrs. Min nie Meyer Elvers, Mrs. Abble Forney, Burt and Miss Blanche Park. The patronesses attending were Mrs. E. Parks, Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. T. M. Forney. The club is making preparations for their next party to be given the latter part of November. Mr. and Mrs. If. R. Hewitson enter tained a number of friends Wednesday at a musicale and literary evening for the benefit of the British Red Cross fund work. , , The rooms were decorated with caj tus, dahlias, poinsettias and small American and British flags. The musical and literary numbers were well rendered. .Light refreshments were served dur ing the evening. At the close all pres ent joined in singing "God Save the King," "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "Auld Lang Syne." A substantial amount was added to the fund, which will be turned over to the Clan Macleay Order. A reception was given the Inmates of Patton Home October 13 by George Wright W. R. C. No. 2. assisted by George Wright Post No. 1 and friends. Many passed a pleasant evening, being entertained with the following pro gramme: Song by the Veteran Quar tet. W. Morse, Dr. J. E. Hall, A. W. Mills and Professor Parvln; duet. Miss Nellie Munger and Miss Johnson; reci tation, Mrs. Cora Donnay; song, Vet eran Quartet; piano solo. Professor Wheeler; recitation, W. D. Palmer, and violin solo. Miss Alice Plymale; accom--panlst. Miss G. H. Fleming: "fiddle," W. Morse. Mrs. B. A. Beach presided at a pretty luncheon on Thursday at her home, 335 East Forty-fourth street. Covers were WASHINGTON COUNTY COUPLE CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING. - $ 1 A charming affair of recent date was the wedding anniversary of Judge and Mrs. C. K. Kindt, of Washington County. They celebrated their silver wedding Friday evening at their residence at ICinton. The house was at tractively decked with a profusion of chrysanthemums, cactus dahlias and Autumnal foliage. An excellent musical programme was furnished by the ICinton orchestra, and Mrs. O. B. Gates, of Hillsboro, Bang a group of well chosen 'selections. Miss WUma Waggener, of Albany, contributed to the affair with two piano selections. - An elaborate dinner was served to a few relatives earlier In the evening, and later a reception was held, refreshments being served. About SO guests were present and many handsome gifts of silver, china and flowers were re ceived by the couple. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Waggener, of Newport; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Waggener, of Agate Beach; Miss Wilma Waggener. of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates, Hillsboro; Misses Tennessee and .Lucy Weatherred, of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Sholes, Cornelius; Profes sor C C Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. L. C Hinman, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davies, Miss Rosaline Davies, Miss Alice Cutting, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Van Kleek, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Snider, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Amicker, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snier. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snider. Mr. and Mrs. George Luther. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Leeby. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kelson, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hesse. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heaton, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grabhorn, and family and C F. Hesse. Judge Kindt mala a short address. sisted in receivingby. Miss MelbaJWeb a lci . xit;u auu yenuw uuitiiaa worts i;um- bined with autumnal foliage and made pleasing foil for the gowns of the guests. A feature of the affair was the singing by Miss Nora Knoll. The sruests were: Miss Knoll. Mrs. H. A. Webster. Mrs. H. Hartsell, Mrs. E. Jacobsen. Mrs. W. Powell, Mrs. J. Dav idson, Mrs. Louts - Montgomery, Mrs. Harold Tracy, Miss A. Wright, Miss Melba Webster and the hostess. The Evergreen S00 Club was enter tained delightfully at the home of Mrs. A.- Hagner, in Piedmont. An interesting game was played, high scores being made by Mrs. H. Schroeder and Mrs. Frederick Lind. The game was fol lowed by a social chat and delicious re freshments. Those present were, Mrs. H. Schroe der. Mrs. T. Calouri, Mrs. F. Lind. Mrs. Holts. Mrs. Redner. Mrs. R. Marsch. Mrs. F. Jennings, Mrs. F. Buck, Mrs. W. M. Rice. Mrs. G. Morris. Mrs. M. Wen zel. Mrs.- Groce. Mrs. V. Darling, Mas ter Wells Darling and the hostess. A charming affair including dancing and cards was given by Ludwlg X Pokorney Tuesday evening at his apart ments in the Wheeldon. Later in the evening a delicious supper was served, the guests being: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Korn, Mr. and Mrs. F.- W. Farrington, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGulley, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Cullinan, Mrs. Frances E. Parker, Misses Bessie A. Catena, Flo Syms, Rosa Eblen, Jeanne Farrier, Mary Gabel, Mr. and Mrs. James Fergu son, Victor Morrison. D. Shelor, L. D. Hunter; R. Dimmick. R. F. West, J. B. Farrlor, M. P. Barret and C. C. Mulick. t The Old People's Home was the scen of m. delierlitful muicmle compli menting Mrs. M. Bell Lett. Wednes day afternoon. The affair was planned as a surprise, and was arranged by Mrs. Satire ilecham and a few of her musical friends. It was a decided suc cess, and those who so kindly con tributed to the pleasure of - the after noon promised to repeat the affair shortly. " ' The Lady Maccabees of Portland Hive, No. 7, surprised Mrs. Ren J. Clark, of 326 East Forty-ninth street, Friday afternoon, with a miscellaneous shower. Those present were Mrs. Florence Chambers, Mrs. Jean Murdoch, Mrs. Alice Stetson, Mrs. Lulu Belfer, Mrs. Charlotte Gasnell. Mrs. Cora Camber,- Airs. Mattie Negelspach, Mrs. Voight, Mrs. Lizzie Fuegy and Mrs. Harriet Flannigan. . COMDTG EVENTS. The young women of St. Lawrence Church will entertain with "A NIsht In Jappyland" Wednesday night, Novem ber 4, at 8:15 o'clock in Assembly Hall at Third and Sherman streets. Japan ese costumes and decorations will characterize the performance, which will consist of a cantata by 10 young women of St. Lawrence Sodality, and a fan drill by 20 small girls of St. Law rence Academy. i Miss Adel Barnickel, young soprano. will sing. The solo will be accompanied by Miss Agnes Senn. On the following evening a costume dancing party will be given In Assembly Hall. Refreshments will be served Wednes day evening. The committee having charge of the entertainment for the two evenings is composed-of the Misses: Mary Stanton, Adel Barnickel, Lillian Bullen, Agnes Tillman, Edna Schanen, Elizabeth Cole, Evelyn Tillman, Ella Maloney, Helen Hendricks, Lena Goheen, Grace Twitch ell. Kittle Maiavey and Cora Fleming. Martha Washington Social Club will give the first of a series of afternoon card parties on Thursday. October 29. at 2 o'clock in Washington Masonic building, East Eighth and Burnside streets, to which all Eastern Star mem bers and their friends are cordially invited. Tho series will comprise five or six parties, to ' be given at convenient times throughout the season and will be unde the direction of competent committees appointed for each occa sion. Attractive prizes will be given for high scores and refreshments served. It is designed to make these parties among the principle social fea tures of Eastern Star circles during the coming months. Cotillion Hall will be the scene of the largest ball ever given In Portland, Friday night, November E. This af fair will be given by the employes of the Wells-Fargo Company Express and will be their fifth annual ball. Noth ing Is being spared to make this the most original and novel party of the coming season. Invitations have been issued and. may be secured from the following committee: iH. S. Hughes, M. Jaaraan, Em 11 Harr, C. McCartney, Ross Cornell, C. Clayton, C. W. Lillie, S. Henery, H. E. Harrison. Patronesses, Mrs. E. A. Muncey, Mrs. F. B. Fisher, Mrs. George Armstrdhg, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. E. W. Graham. The San Grael Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian Church is planning a novel entertainment for the evening of October 27. The decora tions and amusements will lend to the general atmosphere of weird expecta tion, and it is hinted that some of the spirits who walk abroad on All Hal low'snight are being persuaded to mingle with their earthly devotees for this one occasion. All young people who believe in ghosts are welcome, and those who do not are urged to come and have their skepticisms dissipated on Tuesday evening at the church house, 454 Alder street. The coming dance of the Arcadians promises to be one of the season's mobt enjoyable affairs. All arrange ments for the evening's music and specialties have been made and a full attendance of the Arcadian subscrlp tion club members is expected. The affair will be held at Christensen's Hall; Twelfth and Yamhill streets. Thursday evening, November 12. Six dances will be held this season by the Arcadians at Intervals of about a month. The membership of the club is restricted to 100, which has been nearly reached. The Myrtle Rose Club announces Its Halloween party Wednesday, October 2S. at Cotillion HalL The hall will be decorated In spooky style and six living spooks will greet the members at the door. Committee: Eugene W. Beeland, Leonard Baylls, William S. Rhoades, Cameron Belland, J. T. Mor gan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Belland. Patronesses: Mrs. N. A. Mathiot, Mrs. Oriental Rug SALE 392 Morrison Street LARGE COLJ,BCTIOS OV CHOICE ORIENTAL RUGS TO BE SOLD RE GARDLESS OP COST. ENTIRE STOCK MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. NEVER. BEFORE II AVE TOt BEEN OFFERED SUCH FINE RUGS AT SO EXTREMELY . LOW PRICES. We Must Raise Money N. V. SIM0NIAN SOS Morrison St., Cor, Tnfh, OppojUt '3Q ttlhs SlffCSt in tihie caur at tike Tl aiiinnisiesiaiims ten dollars to fiiFty Smts $19.50 uapwardls Third Fl ,oojt AH Alterations Fr BEN ELLHNG ' MOIRRISON AT FOURTH A Shop for Gentlewomen Williams, Mrs. F. E. Clark, Mrs. George Williams. Hoosier humor and hospitality will reign at the social and business meet ing to be held by the Indiana Society Monday night at the Centra". Library. Following the brief business session the meeting will be devoted to a pro gramme of music and readings. Among others on the programme, will be Miss Emma Sleek, Miss Anna Meister and Mr. Hale. The society also will begin preparations for the big November fes tivity. Preparations are how being made for the annual Military Ball to be given by Company "B," Third Infantry, Ore gon National Guard, on Thursday even ing, November 19, at the Armory. Those having the arrangement in hand pre dict that the affair will be the most splendid the Armory has seen in many years, surpassing even the annual ball given by tke same organization last Winter. .... ( The popular Biloxies announce their second party of the season, to be given the first Tuesday evening in November at Christensen's HalL Several new and entertaining features have been ar ranged by the committee Chauncey L." Mullen, Leo J. A. PeronI, Jack W. Leary and Ed J. Elvers. Patronesses for the evening will be Mrs. W. A. Elvers, Mrs. Ellen Meyer, Mrs. R. L, Aldrlch and Mrs. M. E. Mullen. . . L'Amltie Dancing Club will give the second of its dancing parties in Vin cent Hall, Tuesday night. The clnb haa a membership of 60 couples, all of .whom except two were present at the last party. Patronesses for the affair are Mrs. F. G. Coleman. Mrs. J. E. Maxon. Mrs. H. L. Lambert, Mrs. E. H. Langdon, Mrs. Q. C. Jaggar, Mrs. F. E. Ford, Mrs. Cecilo Greene. ... Ladies'- Auxiliary, No. 2, of Ancient Order of Hibernians, has completed arrangements for its "five-hundred" party and dance to be given Tuesday evening, October 27, at the new A. O. H. clubhouse on Russell street ' The committee Is composed of Misses Jennie Mooney. Anna Donovan, Kath erlne Madlgan, Ella Sullivan, Ann Sherlock and Mary Lawler. Putnam, the new teacher at the Art Museum, will tell of the work at the Francis Parker School, in Chicago. The meeting will be an open session and a general Invitation has been ex tended. . t The Order of Eastern Star Club will give their opening dancing party. In the Masonic Temple, Monday night, October 26. The committee will be Terry Beck. Mathilda Mathlesen, Edith Bern, Alma Harvey, W. W. Work, Esther, Maegley, Dr. Hen ton, Mr. Eld rldge and Mark Hetrick, chairman. . The Hibernian Social Club recently has been organized, and during the Winter and Spring months will give a series of informal dancing and card parties in the Hibernian HalL 840 Rus sell street, the first of which will be given during the early part of Novem ber, the date being announced later. ... The Alblons will hold their second dancing party Friday evening, October 80, at the new Hibernian HalL 334 Rus sell street. Special preparations have been made in the way of refreshments, decorations and music and the coming event promises to be as delightful an affair as their opening dance. ... The Lico Club, formed by members of the Llpman, Wolfe A Co. Welfare Association, has arranged to give a series of dancing parties during the Winter. The first party will be a Hal loween affair, given in the Welfare Hall, October 29. Friends are cor dially invited. ... George Wright Women's Relief Corps No. 2 Sewing Society will meet Oc tober 28 In the W. R. C. Hall in the Courthouse. A large attendance is ex pected, as It is the last meeting of the society before the bazaar, which will be held November 11, ... The Kewple Klub announces that It will give a special Halloween dance Tuesday night, October 27. Tho com mittee consists of Charles H. Bennett, Joseph Roberts, William H. Chapln. L. E. Thoroughman and Mrs. Alice V. Durbin. ... The Social Club of Camelia Chapter wilt give an informal dancing party at the Masonic Temple tomorrow evening. Secure Your Hall owe en Decorations THIS WEEK Our Supply of Favors, Unique Napkins and Tablecloths IS COMPLETE The school- beautifying committee Orphia Temple, No. 18, Pythian Bls- will meet Thursday, October 29, In ters, will give a card party Thursday room H. Central Library. Miss Helen evening. October 29, at Knights of TC nr? Buy Now at Manu r UFSfacturers' Cost After 26 years of growth and progress, Sflvcrfield'a, Port land's leading manufacturing wholesale and retail farriers, are confronted fry a condition that "calls for immediate dta - posal of their entire stock. Forced to Vacate Now Selling Out Everything and Positively Retiring ' From Business -An Example- of the Marvelous Price Reductions Special-to 325 Stole or Muff These muffs and stoles are made from a very wide variety of the most wanted and fashionable furs. A limited space does not allow a detailed descrip- - mm tion. but every woman who can " 1 "Ti S should come to the store at once 4' if ti and see what a wonderful offering M this la, Your choice, while they J(J See them on display in our windows today Special Prices) on Made-to-Order Garments Catalogue . or Price List on Request FIXTURES FOS SALE 286 Morrison, Between 4th and 5th Sts. " Engraved Holiday Cards and Announcements Order Now Second Floor (Bill's THE J. K. GILL CO. Third and Alder Boole - Sellers, Stationers) aad Complete Office Outfitters. Halloween events given by The Metropolitan Dancing Club Thursday, October 29, and Saturday, October 31. NEW A. 0. H. HALL, 340 Rnsaell St- Detima Williams and L'aioa Aveanes. Women of Woodcraft Hall, .Tenth and Taylor. Features "Will Be Souvenirs, Pennants, Arrow; Dances, Prise Waltzes, Etc Dancing From g to II P. H. Ladies, 25c; Men, GOc Teaek Darnel n. Yra Are Invited. C. J. Rupert. Floor M smagrer. Correct Dancing Can Be Attained Only by Indi vidual Instruction. ONE STEP, HESITATION, LTTLH FADO, CASTLE'S HALF AND HALF, MAXIIE, FOX TROT. Private Class (Two or Four Persons) Special Rates. LA SERRINTA Jt FREEMAN, ' Studio 51S Ellers Bids;. Important to Ladies I have a number of model tailor made Suits, made up in the latest designs and will sell them at cost. They are worth your inspection. , S. ARONSON 425 Alder St., Main 6210. SAVE MONEY Will save you one-third on all suits made to your order. Beauti ful line of woolens to select from. SALL & PRESSMAN LADIES' TAILORS. 171 Eleventh, half block S. Morrison. Miss Edith Gregory Portrait Fainter and Teacher of Art. Five years under noted Berlin and Paris masters. Studio, 818 Hancock St. East 6510.